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Danielle Canlubo


Instructions: 1. Open 01 Video 1 and 01 Video 2 in the eLMS. Watch attentively and take down some
notes. 2. Respond to the following questions based on the videos you’ve watched. You may use this file
or create another one. Once done, upload your output in the eLMS under the same section and module.

The Importance of Diversity in the Workplace

A. Based on Video 1, discuss one (1) importance of workplace diversity.

- One of the most crucial diversity initiatives we use in our society, particularly in organizations, is
to promote innovation. To do this, we need to understand how to interact with people and take
into account their individual peculiarities. As long as they don't do anything to harm the
environment or the wider world, welcoming those who belong in the LGBT community in our
society is not against the law. This generation needs to understand that, regardless of their
personality or religion, we should embrace them and give them the chance to demonstrate
their abilities. We shouldn't pass judgment too early because we never know when someone
might be able to solve a particular problem.
B. In your perspective, is it possible for a sound collaboration to occur from a diverse set of
- I concur with my opinion. Because collaboration allows team members to come together on a
common platform and work towards the accomplishment of a common goal by thinking,
brainstorming, and offering different perspectives to provide solutions, it gives everyone on the
team an equal opportunity to participate and communicate their ideas.

Cross-Cultural Communications

C. Based on Video 2, how does cross-cultural communications address workplace conflicts and
diversity barriers?
- Because it shapes how people think and act, having distinct cultures, languages, beliefs, and
religions from other countries or places can occasionally generate conflict for individuals who
lack knowledge of them. These elements may operate as obstacles when people of various
cultures converse. It is challenging since different cultures have distinct mindsets and use
different languages, signs, and symbols. The transmission of culture occurs from generation to
generation. The culture you were raised in has an impact on how you communicate. The inverse
is also accurate. The way that we communicate greatly influences culture.
D. Why is it beneficial to have cross-cultural communication in the tourism and hospitality workplace?
- Because you will encounter many people with other cultures and languages when working in
restaurants, hotels, and airlines. By doing so, communication is improved, and skills are
developed. Additionally, by having a varied consumer base, businesses are able to outperform

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