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Mercado, Hans B.

March 7, 2023

Educational Psychology Dr. Pinugu

1. As a dutiful Filipino citizen concerned with the state of the country, I support the

reinstatement of the ROTC program for college level students. But only under the condition that

the purpose of the ROTC program be well understood by both the citizens and the government,

and that its implementation is far stricter than its previous iteration. To begin, the primary

concern I have for the ROTC program, and perhaps the biggest reason I would stand against it, is

that the purpose or desired outcome for the program is vague and idealistic. The proposed

narrative provided by the Vice President, Sara Duterte, was that it would assist in developing a

sense of nationalism and patriotism among Filipino youth. In reality, culture and economic status

of the country impacts patriotism more than military service according to a study by in Nincic &

Ramos (2012). The real benefit of military service would be to life-long discipline, commitment,

and camaraderie (Ertola Navajas et al., 2022). If the ROTC program will be reinstated, it is in my

hopes that they do so for the right reasons, which is the defense of the country. Secondly, the

previous implementation of the ROTC program was riddled with corruption, with the purpose of

its denouncement being that a whistle blower was killed trying to unveil the corruption. I can and

will support the ROTC reinstatement under the promise that implementation will be strict, and

that no person is exempt without proper medical reason.

2. The ROTC is a double-edged sword for students. To start with the benefits, the ROTC

program will instill a sense of discipline to students. By training military drills, formations, and

attitude, students will gain the same fortitude and mentality as soldiers. These aspects will carry

on in their lives and be assets to their character. On the other hand, an implementation of the

ROTC program will disrupt the current schedule and study habits of students. Having to attend

training may interrupt studies, drain students of their personal time, and interrupt livelihoods for

working students. Furthermore, the physical fatigue induced by the training may not be tolerated

by some, particularly those with frail bodies..

3. If I were to be given a chance to speak with the honored Vice President, I would advise her to

not recklessly implement the ROTC program without conducting a detailed analysis and plan.

After all, the ROTC program won’t just affect the lives of students, it’ll also affect the

Department of Education’s budget as a substantial investment is required for facilities to be used

in training. So, over all, I would tell the Vice President to be certain of the intention, the process,

and the desired outcome for the program.

4. Despite being in favor, I do have a suggestions for the ROTC program. First of all, I disagree

that it should be viewed as being showmanship of Filipino patriotism. ROTC as a program of the

government is a serious necessity to the defense of the country. By no means is it a showmanship

of patriotism. If I were to provide suggestions, it would be that to focus more on the mental
aspect of being reservists. Although the physical training is of utmost importance, framing the

right mentality for students is even more so. If they understand the necessity of serving, then they

will serve dutifully, and without fail. If they understand that they are struggling so that the people

they love can be safe, then they will serve dutifully.

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