Sample Detailed Lesson Plan

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QUARTER: Second Quarter

THEME: Valuing my Family
SUB-THEME: How Others See Me
PRIMARY SELECTION: The Mats by Francisco Arcellana
PARALLEL SELECTION: Weaving in the Philippines/ Making Travelogue
DATE: September 3, 2014
LESSON: “The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz
CONTENT STANDARD: This lesson makes you realize that family members, whatever their
attitude may be, they can still form the core of our personhood so you must appreciate more your
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: This helps the learners ponder on the theme of the text in the
performance of varied group tasks.
DOMAIN LITERACY: Reading Comprehension
LEARNING COMPETENCY: RC1b: Use information presented in a reading or viewing
selection to infer, to evaluate and to express critical ideas
LEVEL: Knowledge/ Understanding

I. Objectives
At the end of the period, 75% of the students are expected to:
1. draw out conclusions from the material viewed;
2. unlock the meaning of words through context clues;
3. interpret picture cues in determining the sequence of events in the story;
4. demonstrate understanding of the theme of the text in the performance of varied
group tasks; and
5. extract information from the text discussed to demonstrate the comprehension of the

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: “The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz
References: Learning Package in English for Grade 7 (Second Quarter) pp. 2-5
Materials/ Resources: Laptop, LCD projector, speakers, PowerPoint presentation and
video clip
Valuing: Maintaining harmonious relationship with family members

III. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

1. Prayer
Students, please stand and let’s start this day right
by seeking the guidance of our Almighty Father.
-In the Name of the Father, the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Our Father in Heaven, Holy be
Your name, Your Kingdom come,
Your will be done on earth as it is
in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against
us. Do not bring us to the test but
deliver us from evil. Amen.
2. Greetings
Good afternoon class! -Good afternoon Sir!

It seems that you have an overflowing enthusiasm

within you this afternoon. With that, I know that you are
very interested to be fed with knowledge today. Am I
right, class? -Yes, Sir!

3. Checking of Attendance
I also assure you that today’s learning experience
will be great and will be enjoyed by everyone in the class.
By the way, do we have any absentees for this day? -None, Sir.

4. Checking of Assignment
Last meeting, I gave you an assignment. Right? -Yes, Sir.

So, what was the task I gave you? -Sir, as our assignment, we were
tasked to read the story entitled
“The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz.
Were you able to do your assignment?
-Yes, Sir!
It’s nice to hear that!

5. Review
Now, to refresh your mind, I will call two students -Two students will make a review
from this class who will do a short review of your of their previous discussion.
previous meeting.

A. Activity


At this point, I’m requesting everyone to focus

your eyes first on the video that will be projected on the
screen. Then, what I want you to do is to analyze the video -Yes, Sir.
because at the end of this, I will ask you a question that
will require you to make a conclusion or judgment about
something that is related to the content of the video. Am I

(Students will watch the video that

the teacher played.)

B. Analysis
Class, were you able to get the concept presented -Yes, Sir.
in the video?
If that’s so, what is the video all about? -The video shows the effects of
making pranks to others.

Based on the video, what is the positive effect of -Prank can be a source of
making pranks? entertainment to the person who is
doing the prank and to the persons
who are able to see the prank.

On the other hand, what is its negative effect? -A prank can be a cause of conflict
and can harm a person who is the
victim of the prank.

Reflecting on your classmates’ answers, make a -Students’ answers may vary.

conclusion or decide whether it is alright to make pranks
on other persons or not. Who wants to answer?

Relating on the conclusions you made, today we

are going to know how a single prank completely ruined
or destroyed the relationship of two siblings. That is
through the story entitled “The Centipede” by Rony V.

But before that, let us first unlock the unfamiliar

words used in the selection for us to completely
understand the story.

Unlocking of Difficulties:


-Adapted from the game show: “Who Wants to be a


In each item, an unfamiliar word that is used in the

selection is underlined. Using context clues, choose the
word from the box that is synonymous to the underlined
word. A student from this class will be called to answer. If
you are sure with your answer, you will press the button
that will consequently reveal if your answer is correct. Are
you ready class?
-Yes, Sir.

1. Still angry with her parents, Lillian tramped as she is

walking toward the kitchen.
-walked heavily
walked heavily walked lamely

walked slowly

2. When my teacher called me, I ambled toward him so I

can hear his instructions.
crawled walked -walked


3. Their house was badly mangled because of the strong

fixed damaged

scratched -damaged

4. With apprehension, she failed to speak continuously in

her report.

nervousness excitement
5. The mayor denounced the kidnapping of the 8-year old
girl, and vowed that he would do everything in his power
to get the girl back.
appreciated expressed disapproval

expressed inattention -expressed disapproval

C. Abstraction

At this juncture, through picture-cued storytelling,

let us unfold the story “The Centipede” by Rony V. Diaz.
In some questions that I will ask you, you will be aided by
the set of pictures that I will present to you. You are going
to analyze the pictures shown to construct a sentence that
will be the answer to the questions I asked you.

Who are the main characters in the story and how -Delia and Eddie are the main
they are related with each other? characters in the story. They are

Delia was eight years old when Eddie was born. At

the same time when Eddie was born, their mother died. As
Eddie grows up, what did he notice in Delia’s treatment -Eddie felt that his sister did not
toward him? treat him nicely.

What are the events that show Delia’s cruel

treatment on Eddie’s pets?
+ asked Berto + to

-Delia asked Berto to kill the

monkey of Eddie.

+ + the of = ?

The next pets of Eddie are the pigeons. What did

Delia complain about the pigeons?

+complained that the+ -Delia complained that the pigeons

smell bad.

+ + =?

After that, Eddie had butterflies as his pets. But

what did Delia do to Eddie’s butterflies?

+ +the

-Delia burned the butterflies in a

trash can.
in a + =?

Why did Eddie never fight Delia back despite of

her cruelty over his pets?

It is because + has a +

-It is because Delia has a weak

+ =?
A dog named Biryuk was the last pet of Eddie.
What cruelty did Delia do in Eddie’s dog?

+ beats the +

-Delia beats the dog with a stick.

with a =?

When Eddie saw Berto one day, what did Berto

give to him?

-Berto gave a centipede to Eddie.

+ gave a + to+ =?

When Eddie went home, he saw Delia sitting as she

was embroidering. What prank did Eddie do using the

+ + the + -Eddie threw the centipede on the

lap of Delia

+ on the of =?

What happened to Delia after seeing the centipede

on her lap?

-Delia collapsed to her chair and

suffered from heart attack.

+ collapsed to her

+ and suffered from + =?

-Their relationship is completely

Based on what happened on the last part of the destroyed because of the incident.
story, what was the result of Eddie’s prank on Delia?

If you have a sister who has a weak heart like -No, because doing jokes or
Delia, will you fight back or do jokes on her just to fighting her can harm her. Instead, I
revenge for her bad treatment against you? must understand her condition to
the best that I can be.

D. Application


The theme that can be reflected through the story

“The Centipede” is about maintaining harmonious
relationship with siblings. Based on this, each group will -The students will go to their
be performing varied task that will show the theme of the respective group and will perform
text. The students will perform the activity in 7 minutes. the group activity.
The following are the tasks that will be given to
each group:
Group 1: Think and Sing
Group 2: Poster Making
Group 3: Poem Writing

Group performance will be graded based on the

following criteria:
5 points: Relevance to the theme
3 points: Creativity
2 points: Presentation
10 points

IV. Evaluation
Read each question carefully. Write the letter of the
best answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. How old was Delia when Eddie was born and when her -C
mother died?
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 5
2. What was the name of the dog which Eddie found when
he was hunting pigeons? -B
a. Kabang c. Baldo
b. Biryuk d. Kiko
3. Why should Delia NOT be surprised in any
a. because she has a lung disease
b. because she has a weak kidney -C
c. because she has a weak heart
d. because she has brain malfunction
4. What did Eddie throw on Delia’s lap that made her
collapse? -D
a. spider c. snake
b. scorpion d. centipede

5. How did Eddie react upon seeing his sister moaned in -D

pain because of his prank?
a. He felt joy and excitement.
b. He felt energetic and very happy.
c. He felt proud on his prank.
d. He felt pity and guilt on what he did.

V. Assignment

Task 1:
Think of a story from your childhood when you played a prank on a sibling, friend or
parent. If you are still in good terms with that person, interview him or her so that you can get a
more complete view of that episode. Complete the statement that follows the grid:

I played a prank on… Because… The result was… I learned that…

Task 2:
Read the story “The Mats” by Francisco Arcellana and answer the comprehension
questions following it.

Reference: Learning Package in English (Grade 7)

Pages: 6-12

Prepared by:

BSSED 411/English

Prepared for:


Cooperating Teacher



Head Teacher I

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