Soal Intensif Uspbk Bahasa Inggris

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Deepavali – litterary means the festival of lights – is a festival celebrated by Hindus.

Special prayers are offered in the festivals and the Hindus enjoy the big feasts. The festival
commemorates the triumph of Lord Krishna fought against a demon called Naragasura. In
other words, the festival celebrates the victory of good against evil.
Deepavali always occurs either in October or November and the preparation is
conducted a month before. The Hindus go shopping and make various sweets and hot dishes.
They also beautify their houses with colourful lights. Twinkling lights in Serangoon also add
the joy of the festival.
Every Hindus will wake up early on the Deepavali and have an oil bath. Then, they wear
new clothes and offer prayers for God. After that, they have a big feast with friends at home.
The sweets and dishes they have prepared are also sent to other friends and relatives.
The government also works together with the Indian community in decorating the
Serangon Road as an effort to make the festival merrier. To make the festival more festive,
community centres organise trade fairs and cultural shows. People of all races enjoy a variety
performances of Indian dances, plays and songs.

1. What is Deepavali?
A. The Hindus’ festival
B. The Hindus’ big feast
C. The Hindu mythology
D. The Hindus’ victory
2. The text tells us that ....
A. The Hindus start preparations in a week
B. Hindus celebrate the festival to face the evil
C. Every Deepavali comes in October or November
D. The Hindus decorate their homes with colourless light
3. “They also beautify their houses ....”. (paragraph 2).
What does “they” refer to?
A. Friends
B. Hindu family
C. The Hindus
D. Government
The management would like to notify the members that the Catherine Fitness Center is
not responsible for any items left in the lockers. If you lose anything from the locker, we
regret that we will not be able to assist you in any way. Therefore, it is important that you
ensure yourself that your locker is kept locked while you are using our facilities. For security
reasons, we do not keep a record of members’ locker combination codes, so it is vital that you
remember the combination you choose. We will give you the combination when you show us
your membership card.
4. Where will this announcement be probably posted?
A. In an office
B. In a fitting room
C. In a restroom
D. In a changing room
5. What do the members need to open their lockers?
A. A membership card
B. A series of number
C. A security lock
D. A key
6. Why do you think this notice was posted?
A. The Catherine Fitness Center has bought new lockers
B. The Catherine Fitness Center changed its management
C. The Catherine Fitness Center has suffered thefts recently
D. The Catherine Fitness Center has just moved to a new location

Alicia Pearson
7921 21st St. W. Seattle, WA
E; Alicia,

July 21, 2018

Ms. Cassandra Wood

Editor in Chief
Seattle Times 1000 Denny Way Seattle, Washington 98109

Dear Ms. Wood ,

I am writing to apply for a summer work-experience position at a Seattle Times. I
read the Times as often as possible for its high-quality, original reporting and given my
enthusiasm, diligence, and editorial experience, I would provide a fresh perspective to the
My time with publications such as the Husky Herald has given me valuable
experience in print media. Having worked at the Herald as a copy editor, staff writer, section
editor, managing editor, and now editor-in-chief, I have exposed myself to a variety of
responsibilities and challenges. I understand the pressures of writing and editing under
deadline, I can give and receive orders, I can write and edit articles in different tones, styles,
and genres, and I can work with and lead a group. Most important I have learned that I enjoy
working in a creative journalistic environment, in both an editing and a writing capacity. The
two inform each other and, since I enjoy and practice both, I feel in a capable position to
pursue them equally.
I know I would both learn from and contribute to the Seattle Times as an intern. I
would relish the opportunity to work for you this summer. Enclosed is a copy of my resume
for your review. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Alicia Pearson

7. Who receives this letter ?

A. Cassandra Wood
B. Alicia Pearson
C. Seattle Time
D. Husky Herald
8. What is Ms. Wood ?
A. Copy editor
B. Editor in chief
C. Staff writer
D. Managing editor

9. “….I feel in a capable position to pursue them equally.” ( paragraph 2 ) the synonym
of the word “capable” is ...
A. competent
B. inept
C. relish
D. receive
Text for 10 – 12
Subject : office assistant – Silva
Email Message :
Dear Ms. Thompson,

I am interested in applying for the office assistant position that was listed on
career builder.
I have experience in scheduling appointments, communications with clients,
and I am familiar with a variety of phone systems. My communications skills are excellent,
and I have been trained on a variety of software programs and systems .
I believe that would be an asset to your office. This position would provide me
with the ideal opportunity to assist at your organization and to expand my administrative
My schedule is flexible, and I would be available to work at your convenient. I
hope to schedule an interview at a mutually convenient time. I look forward to speaking with
Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely ,

Silva Carpenter
123 Blessing Street
L.A. America 11112
Email :
Cell: 555-124-1245

10. What is the email about ?

A. Applying for a job
B. Offering service
C. Scheduling appointments
D. Reservation
11. Where does Silva know the job vacancy from ?
A. Career builder
B. Newspaper
C. Advertisement
D. A friend
12. What has Silva been trained on ?
A. Software programs
B. Administrative
C. Phone systems
D. Communications
Dear Jane
It’s a great pleasure to receive a letter from you. I’m sorry I haven’t written for a long
time, I was busy with preparation for exams.
You know, I can’t say that I have some definite duties but I try to help my parents as
much as possible. As for me, I hate doing the dishes but unfortunately do it from time to time.
However, I like to clean my room, it makes me feel cheerful. I’m sure that we should help
parents. They support us whatever we start doing and helping is the least we can do for them.
What a great news! I adore kittens they’re so cute. What is the name of your new-born
pets, have you already decided it? Is it a girl or a boy? Who presented you with such a
wonderful gift?
Now I should go. Look forward to your reply.



13. “As for me, I hate doing the dishes but unfortunately do it from time to time”. The
word “ it” refer to..
A. doing the dishes
B. writing a letter
C. helping parents
D. preparation for exam
14. The sentence “Look forward to your reply” mean that natalie wait for jane’s .…
A. cat
B. answer
C. arrival
D. assesement
15. What will probably be mentioned in the upcoming Jane’s letter to Natalie?
A. Type of examinations
B. Parent’s name
C. Kitten’s namae
D. Recommended pet shop in the city in which Jane live

Last week was a great day for us, Kencana Senior High School students. We celebrated
the 12th anniversary of the school. It was really a grand event.
This year event was very special. Our Minister of Education attended the event, as our
guest of honour. The invited guest included Members of Parliament, top businessman and
The event started af five with the singing of the National Anthem. The Head Teacher the
gave a speech about the highlights and achievements of the school during the year. Then the
guest-of-honour gave a short speech. This was followed by the opening ceremony. The
minister of Education hit a gong three times.
The concert was the highlight of the day. There were songs, dances, short sketches put
by pupils of the school. The guest were also entertained by an exhibition put up by the
various classes and the societies. This exhibition was a unique one. It was in no way
commercial. It was all the work of the student. The celebrations ended at seven in the
evening. The guest had a reception in the school canteen. It was a memorable day for the
teacher and the pupils.
16. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform a newsworthy event in Kencana Seior High School
B. To persuade the student to come to the event
C. To inform the coming of the minister of education
D. To retell the past event in Kencana Senior High School
17. When does the school hold the event?
A. Once a week
B. Once a year
C. Once a month
D. When it is instructed by the Minister of Education
18. “ It was in no way commercial“ (Paragraph 4)
What does the word ‘it” refer to?
A. The event
B. The opening ceremony
C. The anniversary
D. The exhibition
Questions 19-21 refer to the following procedure

Sugar 300 gr
Cashew 100 gr
Peanut 100 gr
Butter 2 tanle spoons
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Ginger juice 1 teaspoon

1. Prepare the pan, cover with slightly butter, set aside.
2. Bake the cashew and peanut, chop roughly.
3. Heat the sugar and butter until the color changes to gold.
4. Put the chopped cashew and peanut into the melted sugar, add lemon and ginger juice,
mix well.
5. Pour the nougat into the pan evenly, leave it half frozen.
6. Cut the nougat free design. Leave them frozen. (serves 20 pieces)
19. The text above is about …
A. How to make free design
B. How to bake a cake
C. How to make nougat
D. How to bake nougat
20. What should you do before chopping the cashew and the peanut?
A. Bake them
B. Mix them
C. Cover the pan with butter
D. Heat the sugar and the butter
21. When can we serve the product?
A. After it is frozen
B. After it is done
C. When it is half frozen
D. When it is designed
Questions 22-24 refer to the following dialogue
Dany : I’m going to have a birthday party, but I have not decided yet where I should hold it.
Do you have any suggestion?
Shinta : What about your parents? Haven’t they chosen the venue?
Dany : No, It’s up to me.
Shinta : Um ... Why don’t you celebrate your birthday at an orphanage?
You can share your happiness with orphans.
Dany : That’s a good idea. I’ll do it. Thanks.
Shinta : You’re welcome

22. What does Shinta suggest?

A. Dany celebrate his birthday at home
B. Dany hold his birthday at an orphanage
C. Dany share his happiness with his friends
D. Dany ask his parents about his birthday party
23. From the dialog we know that . . .
A. Shinta is going to have a birthday party
B. Dany declines Shinta’s suggestion
C. Dany agress with Shinta’s idea
D. Dany’s parents have decided the venue for the birtday party
24. Shinta asks, “What about your parents? Haven’t they chosen the venue?”
What is the similar meaning of the word “venue”?
A. Feast
B. Fee
C. Time
D. Site

Lia : Eva, have you heard that “Black Pink” concert will be held in Indonesia?
Eva : Really? I haven’t heard about that.
Lia : Yes, really. I’m going to save some money from now to buy the ticket.
Eva : I will do it as well. So, we can watch the concert together.
Lia : Yeah. That’s great!

25. What is the text mainly about?

A. The fans
B. The money
C. The ticket
D. The concert

26. Who is going to save money to buy the ticket?

A. Both Lia and Eva
B. Lia
C. Eva
D. Ticket seller
27. “I’m going to save some money from now to buy the ticket”.
The word “save” has the same meaning with?
A. ask
B. bring
C. have
D. collect

Egga : Dwi, how about cycling this weekend?

Dwi : I’m sorry I can’t, my bicycle is broken
Egga : . . .
28. Why don’t you get it repaired
A.Can I help you?
B. I will buy it for you
C. I’m sorry to hear that
D. You can help me?
29. Hani : What do you think of the last night’s concert?
Winda : I thought it was very interesting.
Hani : I enjoyed it too, but …
A. In my view that was extraordinary
B. In my opinion it was a bit boring
C. It seemed better than the previous
D. It seemed enjoyable and fun
30. Sabita : I get tired easily. Do you know how to stay fit and fresh?
Farida : …, you will feel healthier.
A. If you exercise regularly
B. If you exercised regularly
C. If you will exercise regularly
D. If you were exercising regularly
31. Dina : Do parents know that their children ... vaccination next week?
Andi : They do. They already got the notification.
A. are going to
B. will give
C. will be given
D. are going to be
32. Mrs. Foxx : What a mess! This room needs ... up.
Andina: You are right. We must do it quickly before the company arrives.
A. cleaning
B. to clean
C. cleans
D. cleaned
33. Patrick : You look so pale, what’s wrong with you?
Smith : Well, I couldn’t sleep last night. Our neighbors in the apartment .... us were
really noisy.
A. up
B. on
C. underneath
D. above
34. Yudika : “This task has been finished. What’s next?”
Andrea : “… so that they all know about the tasks.”
A. We would continue the other program.
B. We can go home and take a rest now.
C. We are going to present the entire task in front of the participants.
D. We never ask the participants to do to the next task.
35. Tika       :  Your assistant manager resigned yesterday, didn’t she?
Hendra  :  Yes.  . . . . . She never told anyone about her plan.
A. That was a quite surprise.
B. That seems a good idea.
C. She will resign someday.
D. I knew she would out.
36. Tomi : Don’t go to Nia’s house this week. She is going abroad with her parents.
Ana : What did Tomi tell you?
Ayu : He told me …….. to Nia’s house this week. Nia was going abroad.
A. not to go
B. to go
C. don’t go
D. don’t to go
37. Ruri : I will go to Malang for a holiday.
Sally : That’s good for you.
Bony : What did Ruri tell you?
Sally : ……
A. I said that I would go to Malang for holiday
B. She asked me to go to Malang for holiday.
C. She said that she will go to Malang for holiday.
D. She told me that she would go to Malang for holiday
38. My friend asked me, “Can I find you a hotel ?” means :
A. My friend said that I could help him find a hotel
B. My friend asked me if I could help me find a hotel.
C. My friend wondered me if my friend could help me find a hotel
D. My friend said that I could help him find a hotel
39. Arrange the following sentences into a good order.
1. It makes Indonesia rich in custom houses
2. Indonesia has many ethnic groups
3. Every province has its own custom houses
4. There are so many custom houses
5. West Kalimantan has Bentang
6. For example, central Java has Joglo.
7. Central Sulawesi has Toraja and there are still many others.
A. 2, 4, 6, 5, 7, 3, 1
B. 2, 4, 3, 1, 6, 5, 7
C. 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 1, 7
D. 2, 4, 7, 5, 6, 3, 1
40. The best arrangement of the sentences to make a good paragraph is ...
1. We stayed at Dirgahayu Hotel which is not far from Malioboro.
2. On Wednesday, my students and I went to Yogyakarta.
3. On Friday morning, we went to Yogyakarta keraton
4. On Thursday, we visited the temples in Prambanan
5. Then we continued our journey to Borobudur.
6. In the evening, we left for Malang by wisata bus.
7. We arrived there at 4 p.m. At we heard an announcement that Borobudur gate
was closed.
A. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 6
B. 1 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 3 – 7
C. 2 – 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7
D. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7

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