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The seven components of the tourism and hospitality industry

• The travel industry, sometimes known as the tourist industry, focuses on providing
services to customers who have travelled for a brief period of time away from their
typical domicile. The idea of people traveling to other regions, whether locally or
globally, for pleasure, social, or business purposes is connected to the tourism sector,
often known as the travel industry.

• Stakeholders - An individual person, such a traveller or a cab driver, might be a

stakeholder in the tourism industry. They could be a family or a group of people like a
student club. They might be a business or organization.

• Traveling to places where the vegetation, fauna, and cultural legacy are the main
draws is referred to as environmental tourism. Programs that lessen and improve the
negative effects of traditional tourism on the environment are included in responsible
ecotourism. Depending on the activity, the hotel industry provides a number of
environmental factors that could significantly affect the environment.

• One of the earliest contributions to the research literature on the hospitality system
was made by Livingstone and Chang. Process and system is a group of interrelated,
interdependent, and interacting three basic elements: tourists, geographical elements
(traveller generating region, tourist destination region, and transit route region), and
tourism industry.

• Organizational function - The Philippine Travel Agencies Association (PTAA), the

Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines (CHRAP), the Tourism Educators
of Schools, etc. are the National Professional Tourism Organizations that operate in
the Philippines. In a hotel's organizational chart, there are five departments that are
listed: rooms, food and beverage, human resources, marketing, and accounting.

• Governance is a practice of government that is measurable, that is intended to

successfully direct the tourism sectors at the various levels of government through
modes of coordination, collaboration, and/or cooperation that are effective,
transparent, and accountable, that serve to achieve goals of.

• Tourist Sector - The tourism industry is divided into eight different sectors, including
accommodations, adventure tourism and recreation, events and conferences,
attractions, food and drink, tourism services, transportation, and travel commerce.

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