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Presented By:

Marketing Prial Sharma

Management Kinshu Butta

Presentation Mohit

Submitted To:
Abhay Jain
Real Magic
Dr. John Pemberton
1892 , Atlanta, Georgia, US
In 1892 an American businessman ASA GRIGGS CANDLER
purchased the coca cola formula and brand, forming the Coca-
Cola Company in Atlanta,Georgia, USA.
Currently it is an American MNC with James Quincey as the
Its offerings are sold in more than 200 countries.
Marketing has been the main reason behind Coca-Cola’s
Segmentation, Targeting
and Positioning
The marketing mix is described as a collection of marketing
techniques that a company uses to achieve its marketing
objectives in a target market.
It traditionally focuses on:-
Meet the competitive pricing

Coca-Cola has diversified its products vastly over time.

The following are some of Coca-most Cola’s well-known brands:
Coca-Cola- It is the world’s most popular and highest-selling soft drink, as well as one of the
most recognisable brands.
Sprite- Is another popular soft drink with a lemon-lime flavour that was first produced in
Fanta- Is Coca-second-oldest Cola’s brand, having been created in 1940. It comes in a
signature orange flavour.

Diet Coke- In several markets, Diet Coke is referred to as Coca Cola

Light. A calorie- and sugar-free soft drink. It was first introduced in
Coca-Cola Zero: Introduced in 2005, this sugar-free beverage
became a million-dollar brand in 2007
Coca Cola follows a meet the competitive pricing strategy in its
marketing mix. The beverage market is considered an oligopoly, with a
small number of sellers and a large number of purchasers. And Coca-Cola
and Pepsi are their two most powerful brands. Hence, Coke products are
priced similarly to Pepsi products in the same segments.
Consumers in developing nations like India are price sensitive.
Coca-Cola, which has been in business for more than 130 years and
operates in more than 200 countries throughout the world, has thus
amassed a massive distribution network. Their place strategy is
highlighted by their extensive distribution network.
Its products can be found in practically every retail shop and
supermarket. Coca-Cola products are sold at 2.5 million stores in India.
Their products are also distributed in a variety of hotels and restaurants
around the world.
Coca-Cola is the gold standard in terms of advertising and
branding. Coca Cola’s promotion strategy focuses on aggressive
marketing through ad campaigns using media channels such as
television, online commercials, print media, sponsorships, and so
on. Coca-Cola sponsors important events such as American Idol,
BET Network, NASCAR, NBA, NCAA, Olympic Games, FIFA World
Cup, among others.
Coca-Cola also airs commercials on television in a variety of
national languages around the world. Coca-Cola started the
“Taste the Feeling” campaign in India in March 2016, intending
to remind people of the joy and happiness that Coke delivers to
their life.
With that last of the 4Ps strategy, our marketing
mix comes to an end. Coca Cola is clearly an
extremely successful company that has nailed its
product offerings in terms of quality and variety
both. Their pricing is affordable and caters
perfectly to their audience and industry. Their
geographical reach as we saw is commendable,
thanks to the many decades of experience under
their belt. With its continued promotions and
signature branding, the company is sure to enjoy
its distinguished position in the market.
Thank You
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