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Solar Powered Water Pump for Wells, Ponds and Springs of

Sitio Butao, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan

A Project Study Presented to

The Faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Department

Pangasinan State University

Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Project Study 1




Project Study 1 Instructor

January 2023

Chapter 1

Water is a vital resource for all living things, and it is essential for human survival. It is

used for drinking, washing, cooking, and growing crops. In addition, water is a key component of

many industrial processes and is used to generate electricity. Climate change is affecting water

resources around the world, leading to more frequent and severe droughts and flooding. These

extreme weather events can disrupt the supply of water and make it harder for people to access

clean water.

Water shortages in farms in the Philippines are a major concern for both farmers and the

government. The country's agriculture sector is heavily reliant on irrigation, and a lack of access

to water can lead to significant crop losses. One of the main causes of water shortages in the

Philippines is the increasing demand for water due to population growth and urbanization. As

more people move to urban areas, there is greater demand for water for domestic and industrial

use, which can lead to a reduction in the amount of water available for irrigation. Climate change

is also contributing to water shortages in the Philippines. The country is experiencing more

frequent and severe droughts, which can result in reduced water levels in rivers and reservoirs,

making it difficult for farmers to access the water they need to irrigate their crops.

The government is working on a number of initiatives to address water shortages in the

Philippines. These include investing in infrastructure to increase the efficiency of irrigation

systems and promote the use of drought-resistant crops. The government is also promoting the

use of rainwater harvesting and water-saving technologies to help farmers conserve water.

However, there is still much work to be done to address the issue of water shortages in the

Philippines. It is important that the government continues to invest in initiatives to improve water

access and management, and that farmers adopt sustainable practices to ensure that the country's

water resources are used efficiently.

Solar-powered water pumps can be a very useful tool for farmers who do not have access

to electricity, as they allow farmers to irrigate their crops and provide water for their livestock

without having to rely on a power grid. Solar pumps are particularly well-suited for small-scale

irrigation in developing countries, where the cost of running power lines to remote farming areas

can be prohibitive. They are also a more environmentally friendly option, as they do not generate

greenhouse gas emissions like fossil fuel-powered pumps do. In addition, solar pumps are

relatively low maintenance and can last for many years with proper care.


There has been a significant amount of research on solar powered water pumps in recent years,

with studies focusing on a range of topics, including the effectiveness and efficiency of these

systems, the challenges to their adoption, and the ways in which they can be used to improve

access to clean water in off-grid or remote areas.

Related Readings

Water is a critical resource for agriculture. It is used to irrigate crops, provide drinking

water for livestock, and maintain the health of soil. The amount of water needed for agriculture

can vary depending on the type of crop and the climate in which it is grown. In arid regions,

irrigation is often necessary to ensure a sufficient water supply for crops. However, over-

irrigation can lead to waterlogged soil and can deplete groundwater resources. In areas where

water is scarce, farmers may need to use drought-resistant crops or implement other water

conservation measures. Water is an essential component of agricultural productivity and is crucial

to food security. Twenty percent of all farmed area is used for irrigation agriculture, which

generates forty percent of all food produced globally. The productivity of irrigated agriculture is

often at least twice that of rainfed agriculture per unit of land, allowing for greater crop

diversification and output intensification.

Competition for water resources is anticipated to increase as a result of population

expansion, urbanization, and climate change, with an emphasis on agriculture. By 2050, the

world's population is projected to reach over 10 billion, and whether they live in cities or the

countryside, they will all require food and fiber to meet their fundamental needs. By 2050, it is

predicted that agricultural production will need to increase by roughly 70% due to these factors,

as well as the rise in calorie and complex food intake that comes along with economic growth in

the developing countries. (World Bank., 2017).

Related Literature

Water Pump

A water pump is a device that raises water pressure so that it can be moved from one

place to another. In order to supply water for municipal, industrial, agricultural, and domestic

needs, modern water pumps are employed all over the world. In sewage treatment plants,

wastewater is also moved using water pumps.

Solar Energy

Solar radiation is the light that the sun emits, commonly referred to as electromagnetic

radiation. The amount of solar radiation that reaches any given area on the Earth's surface

fluctuates, even though every location receives some sunshine during the course of a year. This

radiation is captured by solar technology, which transforms it into useful energy.

Related Studies

Application of Solar Energy to.Smal1 Scale Industries," Solar Energy 1

The application of solar energy to the raising of water for irrigation and domestic

purposes, to cooking and to power generation are discussed briefly; and the concentration of

sugar cane juice and palm juice are examined in some detail. Results are tabulated for
experiments on the evaporation of cane and palm juices conducted in the Laboratory and in the

open fields, using solar concentrators with Y in. square plane mirrors, designed by Gardner. Field

experiments showed an efficiency of 30 percent, but it should be possible to reach 50 percent.

The capital cost of the unit can be recovered in fuel savings within three seasons. (Mathur, K. N;

and M. L. Khanna)

Conversion of Solar to Mechanical Energy

A water pump, developed in Italy, is operated with a standard Rankine vapor cycle heat

engine using sulfur dioxide as the working medium. Sulfur dioxide is vaporized in the flatplate

collector and this vapor is used to drive the engine. The power so developed may be used to

generate electricity or to pump water. This Somor 2.5 horsepower solar engine system is

manufactured by the Societa Motori Recuperi of Lecco, Italy. (A. M. Zarem and D. D. Erway,

eds., New York, McGraw-Hill)

Solar/Stirling Power Plant Applications to Urban Water Pumping

The Desert Water Agency, in association with Aeronutronic Ford; has develope'd a

Solar/Stirl ing Engine Deep Well Water Pumping Project for generdl water pumping in the water

service industries including irrigation and wastewater. The project .involves col letting 1 ight

energy with tracking mirrors, concentrating light energy to heat energy in a cavity receiver,

transmitting the heat energy through a eutectic heat pipe and heat storage system to a Stirling

('external heat) ' Engine, converting the' heat to mechanical energy, and driving a deep well pump

through a right-angle gear 'drive. The electrical pumping units currently installed in the Agency's

we1 ls, which will be replaced by the solar system, lift water from 250 to 400 feet below ground

and raise it to as much as 100 feet to 200 feet above ground. Average pumping heads

approximate 500 feet. Preliminary information indicates that urban pumping requirements for the

ten million or so people in Southern California alone require between one-half and one billion

kilowatt hours of electrical energy. Perhaps 25% of the plants could be converted to solar energy
with the remaining 75% continuing on conventional el ectrical systems because of non-solar 1

imitations. (Null, E.R.)


This study aims to design and fabricate a pumping system that uses energy from the sun

to pump water from a well or other water source. This machine is has its ability to pump water for

irrigation, livestock, or domestic use. The water flow rate and total head lift (vertical height) the

pump can achieve will depend on the pump's design and solar panels' power. Solar-powered

water pumps do not require a connection to the electricity grid, making them well suited for

remote and off-grid locations.

Farmers often face a water crisis due to a lack of access to clean and reliable water

sources. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including drought, over-extraction of

groundwater, and poor water management. The lack of water can lead to crop failure, loss of

income, and food insecurity. In many parts of the world, farmers are also facing increasing

competition for water resources from urbanization, industry, and energy production. Climate

change is also exacerbating the water crisis for farmers, as changing precipitation patterns and

rising temperatures can lead to more frequent and severe droughts.

In addition to the physical water scarcity, there is also a problem of economic water

scarcity which refers to the inability to afford the cost of water to meet basic needs. This is a

problem that affects many farmers around the world, as they often lack the resources to invest in

irrigation systems or other water-saving technologies.

Considering the aforementioned factors, this research aims to solve those problems by

creating a solar powered water pump.


The aim of this study is to develop a sustainable and cost-effective way to pump water for

irrigation, drinking, and other uses in areas without access to electricity or where electricity is

expensive. By using solar energy, these pumps can operate independently of the power grid and

reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Additionally, solar-powered water pumps can also be used in

remote and rural areas where grid-tied electrical power is not available. Overall, the goal is to

improve access to clean water and increase agricultural productivity. The study is proposed to be

conducted in Sitio Butao, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan. A solar-powered water pump can

contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of providing water for

irrigation, drinking, or other uses. It eliminates the need for a traditional electrical power source,

reducing the carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels. Additionally, it can provide a cost-

effective and reliable water source for remote or off-grid areas where access to electricity is


Phase 1: Identification of major Phase 2: Design and planning

components, mechanisms and

Step 5. Conduct a material selection
programs. on each of the components necessary

Step 1. Review related studies on solar for fabrication of the machine.

powered water pump. Step 6. Establish the final design of

Step 2. Identify major components of the the solar powered water pump.


Step 3. Identify the different mechanisms,

operations and programs needed on the

Phase 3: Fabrication

Step 7. Buy and gather the necessary

Step 4. Review the recommendations of
materials, tools and equipment
the previous researchers regarding the
needed in the fabrication
solar powered water pump.

Step 8. Fabricate other components

needed before the whole assembly of

the machine

Step 9. Assemble the solar powered

Phase 4: Testing and commissioning
water pump.

Step 10. Operate the solar powered water pump.

Step 11. Assess the capability of the solar

powered water pump.


Solar powered water pumps can be more efficient than pumps powered by fossil fuels, as

they do not have any moving parts that can wear out over time. This can result in lower

maintenance costs and a longer lifespan for the pump.

 Irrigation: Solar-powered water pumps can improve irrigation efficiency by pumping

water directly to crops, increasing crop yields and helping farmers to better cope with

water scarcity.

 Cost-effectiveness: Solar-powered water pumps can significantly reduce water costs for

farmers, as they do not require electricity or fuel costs.

 Livelihoods: Access to water is essential for agriculture and improving livelihoods of

farmers. Solar-powered water pumps can help to increase agricultural productivity,

improve food security and reduce poverty.

 Climate change adaptation: Solar-powered water pumps can help farmers to adapt to the

effects of climate change, such as more frequent droughts, by providing a reliable and

sustainable source of water.

 Remote areas: Solar-powered water pumps are well suited for remote and off-grid

locations, providing communities in these areas with access to water.

Overall, the main objective of a solar-powered water pump is to provide a reliable and cost-

effective means of pumping water using a renewable energy source.


This study analyses the ability and performance of the proposed solar powered water

pump by testing the following hypothesis:

H 0: After testing and evaluation of the solar powered water pump, the machine is not capable of

pumping water from deep wells and shallow wells or any other water source.

H 1: After testing and evaluation of the solar powered water pump, the machine is capable of

pumping water from deep wells and shallow wells or any other water source.


The study of solar-powered water pumps can have significant practical and theoretical

implications. On a practical level, research on solar-powered water pumps can inform the

development and deployment of these technologies in a variety of settings, including farms,

homes, and public water systems. This research can help to identify the most effective and

efficient designs, materials, and operating conditions for solar-powered water pumps, which can

improve their performance and reduce their costs.

Solar-powered water pumps can have a significant impact on livelihoods and agriculture in

various ways:

 Improved crop yields: Solar pumps can be used for irrigation, which can lead to increased

crop yields and improved food security.

 Livestock health: Solar pumps can be used to provide water for livestock, which can

improve their health and productivity.

 Increased income: Improved crop yields and livestock health can lead to increased

income for farmers and rural communities.

 Community development: Solar pumps can help to improve access to water in rural

communities, which can lead to improved health, education, and overall quality of life.

 Resilience: The use of solar pumps can increase the resilience of agricultural systems to

climate change and natural disasters as they do not rely on a power grid.


The study is focused on the design and fabrication of solar powered water pump as well

as the design and engineering of the pump system should be studied to ensure that it is efficient,

reliable, and cost-effective. This includes the selection of appropriate components, such as solar

panels, pumps, and controllers. The process of installing and maintaining the pump system should

be studied to ensure that it is easy to use and can be maintained by local communities. The impact

of solar-powered water pumps on the environment should be studied also. The study is intended

to be used in Sitio Butao, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan. This machine is a device that uses

energy from the sun to pump water from a source, such as a well or a lake, to a point of use, such

as an irrigation system or a cattle trough. It works by using special panels called solar panels to

collect the energy from the sun and convert it into electricity. This electricity is then used to

power a pump that moves the water. The system also includes a battery that stores the electricity

for use at night or on cloudy days. The water is then distributed through pipes to where it is

needed. This way, the solar-powered water pump provides water in an environmentally friendly

and cost-efficient way, especially in remote or off-grid areas where electricity is not readily


Solar-powered water pumps, while environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the

long run, have several limitations that must be considered. One major limitation is their

dependence on weather conditions, as they rely on sunlight to generate power and may not work
well in areas with low sunlight or during periods of extended cloud cover. Furthermore, some

water sources, like deep wells or distant rivers, may require more power than a solar-powered

water pump can provide. Cost of the system and regular maintenance also need to be taken into



1. Solar panels: These convert sunlight into electrical energy that is used to power the pump.

2. Charge controller: This regulates the flow of electricity from the solar panels to the

battery, preventing overcharging and undercharging.

3. Battery: This stores the electricity generated by the solar panels, which is then used to

power the pump when sunlight is not available.

4. Water pump: This is the actual pump that moves water from the source to the destination.

5. Motor: The motor is the component of the pump that converts the electrical energy stored

in the battery into mechanical energy that is used to move the water.

6. Inverter (optional): If the pump uses alternating current (AC), an inverter is required to

convert the direct current (DC) from the battery into AC.

7. Mounting hardware: This is used to securely mount the solar panels and other

components in place.

8. Irrigating: Irrigation is the process of applying water to the crops artificially to fulfil their

water requirements. Nutrients may also be provided to the crops through irrigation.

9. Dry Season: Peak time for travel to the Philippines, especially from December to

March, with April and May hotter than earlier in the season.
10. Renewable Energy: An energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a

higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are such sources that are

constantly being replenished.




This chapter presents the detailed procedure of the design and fabrication of the remote controlled

beach cleaning machine. The methodology of this study is presented in four (4) phases. This

section describes the step-by-step process to achieve the purpose of this study, the design and

fabrication of the solar powered water pump. The proposed solar powered water pump is

designed, assembled and simulated using the Solidworks application.

Phase 1: Identification of major components, mechanisms and programs.

The identification of the major components, mechanisms and programs are done by

reviewing the readings and studies gathered online. A thorough review was done on the gathered

data such as books, journals and related research studies. Major components, mechanisms and

programs are then determined based on the data gathered and its applicability to the machine.

Step 1. Review related studies on solar powered water pump.

This is the first step of the first phase where previous researches are gathered and analyse

to further understand the study and recognize possible improvements.

Step 2. Identify major components of the machine

In this step, the main components of the machine are identified based on the collected

data in related studies and literature

Step 3. Identify the different mechanisms, operations and programs needed on the machine.

In this step, the mechanisms, operations and programs needed on the machine are

identified based on their applicability on the selected major components of the machine.

Step 4. Review the recommendations of the previous researchers regarding the solar powered

water pump.

Recommendations of the previous researchers are taken into consideration to fill in the

gaps that are identified formerly.

Phase 2: Design and planning

Step 5. Conduct a material selection on each of the components necessary for fabrication of the


Based on the conceptualized design, materials of the different components of the machine

are then selected with their appropriate design calculations. These helps the researcher in

determining the proper dimensions of the machine safely and technically. Moreover, selection of

various accessories needed for the machine are also included in this step.

Step 6. Establish the final design of the solar powered water pump.

In this step, the design was finalized considering the required mechanisms and programs

needed for the proper operation of the remote controlled beach cleaning machine. The final

proposed design of the machine was created in the Solidworks application to have a better

analysis and visualization of the machine.

Phase 3: Fabrication

Step 7. Buy and gather the necessary materials, tools and equipment needed in the fabrication

The first step of the fabrication process is obtaining the necessary materials, tools and

equipment required for the construction of the remote controlled beach cleaning machine.
Step 8. Fabricate other components needed before the whole assembly of the machine

The second step is individually fabricate the other components required before the whole

assembly of the remote controlled beach cleaning machine.

Step 9. Assemble the solar powered water pump.

The last step in the fabrication process is the assembling process of the major components

of the proposed remote controlled beach cleaning machine. The assembling process is done step

by step to fabricate the machine properly.

Phase 4: Testing and commissioning

Step 10. Operate the solar powered water pump.

In order to provide validity of the machine, an actual operation of the machine was

conducted to verify that it is working properly. Personally operating the machines helps the

researchers to identify possible gaps in the project that needs to be addressed. Also an will be

given, instructional manual provides a better understanding on the various mechanisms and

operations of the machine by presenting a step by step procedure on how to operate the machine


Step 11. Assess the capability of the solar powered water pump.

The system is tested to ensure that it is functioning properly and meets the design


The investigation was conducted using an experimental method. This is being done to

evaluate the efficacy of the research methodology used in the design and construction of the solar

powered water pump.


The research was conducted in Sitio Butao, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan. The

major components, assembly and simulation of the machine are all created in a Solidworks. The

proposed location for the testing and validation of the machine is in the community of Sitio

Butao, Guiset Sur, San Manuel, Pangasinan.


All of the data presently gathered are taken from books, journals and previous researches

available in the internet. The studies and literature are of this research are all collected in the

internet in order to have a better scope of the project. The Researcher will also collect data about

the machine performance. By using a stopwatch to record the time it takes the machine to fill the

200liters drum.


The data gathering instruments that are used is in evaluating the capability of the Solar

powered water pump is used to collect and record data. A stopwatch will be used to check the

time it takes the machine to fill a 200 liters drum to check the amount of water produced

per unit of time.

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