Dichotomous Keys PDF

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Common Name Scientific Name

1. Beaver Castor canadensis

2. American Robin
Turdus migratorius
3. Leopard Frog
Rana pipiens
4. Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus

5. Moose
Alces alces
6. Raccoon
Procyon tator
7. Mallard Duck
Anas platyrhynchos
8. Bison
Bison bison
9. Lynx
Lynx lynx
10. Jack Rabbit
Lepus townsendii
11. Grizzly Bear
Ursus arctos
12. Hummingbird
Archilochus colubris
13. Sheep
Ovis aries
14. Garter Snake
Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis
15. Little Brown Bat
Myotis lucifugus
16. Polar Bear
Ursus maritimus
17. Harbor Seal
Phoco vitulina
18. Giraffe
Giraffa camelopardalis
19. Zebra
Equis burchelli
20. Koala
Phascolarctos cinereus
21. Kangaroo
Macropus rufus
Animal Dichotomous Key
1. a. Flying (go to 2)
b. Not flying (go to 6)
2. a. Feathered (go to 3)
b. Not feathered Myotis lucifugus
3. a. Web footed, water living Anas platyrhynchos
b. Not web footed, not water living (go to 4)
4. a. Hovering flight, very small Archilochus colubris
b. Not hovering flight (go to 5)
5. a. Beak and claws for tearing meat Bubo virginianus
b. Short beak, feet for perching in trees Turdus migratorius
6. a. Harry or furred (mammal) (go to 8)
b. Not furred (not a mammal) (go to 7)
7. a. Legs present Rana pipiens
b. Legs absent Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis
8. a. Aquatic mammal (water living) Phoco vitulina
b. Terrestrial mammal (land living) (go to 9)
9. a. Hopping or jumping locomotion (go to 10)
b. Not hopping/jumping locomotion (go to 11)
10. a. Large with tail used for balance Macropus rufus
b. Small with cotton tail Lepus townsendii
11. a. Large, flat leathery tail Castor canadensis
b. Tail not leather and flat (go to 12)
12. a. Hoofed, vegetation eating (go to 13)
b. Not hoofed, carnivore or omnivore (go to 17)
13. a. Spotted or striped coat (go to 14)
b. No spots or stripes (go to 15)
14. a. Spotted coat, long neck Giraffa camelopardalis
b. Striped black and white, horse-like Equis burchelli
15. a. Can be found on farms Ovis aries
b. Usually found only in the wild (go to 16)
16. a. Has large antlers Alces alces
b. Has curved horns Bison bison
17. a. Ringed tail Procyon tator
b. Tail not ringed (go to 18)
18. a. Cat-like Lynx lynx
b. Not cat-like (go to 19)
19. a. Often found in trees Phascolarctos cinereus
b. Not found in trees (go to 20)
20. a. White coat, northern dwelling Ursus maritimus
b. Brown coat, southern dwelling Ursus arctos

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