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The Book of Amos

Submitted to:
Sir Cavin Vaiphei

In partial fulfillment for the requirement of the course

Prophetic Movement

Submitted by:
B Lalremthang
M.Div. III, Roll no. 18


Evangelical College of Theology

Churachandpur, Manipur

Amos was a simple shepherd from Tekoa, who was commissioned by the Lord to pronounce
severe judgement on the surrounding nations and certain cities which encircled God's chosen

For the first time I have started reading the book of Amos on date 23rd Sept. And finished
reading on 25th Sept, 2021. After reading the whole book chapter 1: 3-5 struck my heart. It’s
about the judgement on Israel’s Neighbours Damascus.

3 This is what the Lord says:

“For three sins of Damascus, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath. Because she threshed
Gilead with sledges having iron teeth,

4 I will send fire upon the house of Hazel that will consume the fortresses of Ben-Hadad.

5 I will bring break down the gate of Damascus; I will destroy the king who is in the valley of
Aven and the one who holds the sceptre in Beth Eden.

The people of Aram will go into exile to Kira,” says the LORD.

For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment: This
phrase will introduce God’s announcement of judgment against each nation and state/cities. It
didn’t mean that Damascus only committed three sins, and then God thought of a fourth sin; it
simply has the idea of “sin upon sin upon sin.” Because they have threshed Gilead with
implements of iron: The region of Gilead belonged to Israel, and God promised to judge
Damascus and the Syrians for coming against the land of God’s people, and coming with such
complete destruction that it would be as if a deep pow had been run through the land.

From the above verses and the explanation that I have bring out those three verses really touch
me. We also clearly know about the judgement of God to Israel neighbours Damascus. Here in
verse 3 we can see that God’s punishment/judgement will be upon three sins of Damascus even
for four God will not turn back His wrath because of the Gilead sledges having iron teeth. In
verse 4 we see that God will not excuse Damascus and God judgement will be upon them with
no mercy, Here we can also see God character to those who are bad in the eyes of Him. Even in
verse 4 we can see the same punishment will happen unto them without any chance. So,
therefore seeing our today context as a believer of Christ we are not border about our life and we
spend as we like, if it is like this the same thing will happen in future if we are not repent from
our sins. Mercy will not be happen to us when the judgement day come and it is our duty to
know where we are before it was too late to except from the judgment, Because prophet Amos
also clearly mention what is happening to Damascus. Even we see chapter 1 and 2 verses 2 the
following we see the judgement of God will be upon those eight nation no matter they are who
so ever we also show God wrath will be upon to them, But when we compare with our present
life we can see the unfailing love of God to each and every one of us with uncountable blessing,
Even though we have sins against Him His love never fail to us.

Second Reading, 26 September till date 5 of October.

After reading the whole chapter one of the verses that really touch my mind is 8. 11. It is written
like this “The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign  Lord, “when I will send a famine
through the land not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of
the Lord.

But Israel was not exempt from God's judgement, for they had followed after other gods and
become a faithless and adulterous nation. For many chapters, Amos warned that inevitable
judgement and oppression would fall on God's chosen people, accusing the nation of
disobedience, legal injustice, religious hypocrisy, boastful complacency, and luxurious
indulgences. Basically even in 8.11 He ponder about the same judgement will be upon to those
who disobeyed Him.

Here God spoke through His Prophet Amos, what will be happening in future when His day is
coming, when Jesus come on this earth we will see the sign accordingly, those sign will be
famine of food and a thirst of water to the people but that will be a famine of hearing the word of
the Lord. When we see our today’s life our situation is not really different from what the Lord
said to the nation in the book of Amos. Still there is the possibility to repent from our sin because
with His grace He make a way for us. If we can use the opportunity wisely with the help of God,
that means we will be free from this judgement, but if we are the one who show the boldness to
God then our punishment will be same with the eight nations.
Third reading, 7th of October till 9th October.

Against a backdrop of divine judgment (Amos 1:2) the Hebrew prophet Amos gives a message
of hope in Amos 9:11-15.
After reading through, at last we could see in the last chapter and last five verses about Judgment
is coming, but beyond that Day of Judgment is a day of blessing for Israel. Amos begins with the
phrase, “In that day,” and in verse 13 says, “The days are coming.” These are words used by the
prophets in reference to the coming of the Messianic age. “In those days” points to the events
leading up to and including the dawning of the new age when the Messiah would come and bring
victory and deliverance. So the days are coming, Amos says, when the Lord is going to restore
the kingdom. We also see the restoration of Israel’s by God, we also could see the love of God
comparing to the beginning part. Finally, verse 15 pictures the kingdom with eternal
security. The Lord would plant these people and they would never be uprooted. God’s
forgiveness to Israel is pictured as permanent and that blessings would continually flow
from God. The restoration of covenant blessings is offered as an unconditional promise.
Notice that they would be planted on their land and never uprooted reflects a fulfilment
of the land promise given to Abraham by the Lord.

Therefore, here in verses 15 it really touch my mind because as we see the beginning part
we see the punishment of God but at last we see the love of God to His nations, we are
also receiving the love of God like the nations. God had given restoration to Israel with
many forth blessing, we can also see the promises of God to Israel and said “I will
plant Israel in their own land,  never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,”
with the beautiful and excited word, God will bring up them. Likewise, our God bless us with
many forth blessing, His mercy was upon us we the gentiles, and this is what prophet Amos has
spoken about to the people even to the people in our day to day life.

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