Chapter 3 Section 1 Discovering Cells Pgs. 80-85

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Chapter 3 Section 1

Discovering Cells pgs. 80-85

I. An Overview of Cells
• All organisms made of cells
• Basic unit of structure and function in living
• A. Cells and Structure
• Structure – how it’s put together
• B. Cells and Function
• Function – what the organism does
(getting oxygen, growing, getting rid of
C. Size of cells
• Measured in
micrometers (1
millionth of a meter)
• Red blood cell = 7
micrometers long
II. First Observations of Cells
• 1590 – invention
of microscope

This made it
possible for
people to discover
and learn about
A. Robert Hooke
• Built his own
• 1663 – observed
slices of cork
– Empty spaces
looked like rooms
– Named them “cells”
B. Anton van Leeuwenhoek
• Built microscopes
• Looked at lake water,
scrapings from teeth, and
rain water
• Saw tiny moving
• Named them animalcules
– means “little animals”
• They were really protists
III. Development of the Cell
• A. Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow
• 1838 – Schleiden – all plants made of cells
• 1839 – Schwann – all animals, living
things made of cells
• 1855 – Virchow – all cells come from cells
B. What the Cell Theory Says
• All living things are made of cells.
• Cells are the basic units of structure and
function in living things.
• All cells are produced from other cells.
IV. Unicellular
and Multicellular
• Unicellular – made of
one cell (bacteria)
• Multicellular – made
of many cells
– Cells group to form
– Tissues group to form
– Organs group to form
an organ system

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