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Yodium Micronutrient

penting yang Terlupakan

Adhi Pribadi
Divisi kedokteran Fetomatermal Departemen Obstetri & Ginekologi
RS dr.Hasan Sadikin/FK Unpad
Introduction 2.Human cannot make elements of
iodine in his body must obtain it from
1. Iodine is the second type of micro
outside the body (naturally) through
mineral element after Iron that is
the absorption of iodine contained in
considered important for human health
food and beverages.

3. Iodium is a monovalent anion. Its state in

the mammalian body is only as a thyroid

Why is Iodine Need increasing?
1. TSH
2. ⍺ HCG

↑Hormone 3. Estrogen↑ ↓ catabolism TBG

↑ TBG ↑Thyroid free production
4. ↑ Glomerular Filtration
Thyroid Hormone Production Phase
Phase I (0-12 Weeks) Phase II (12 Weeks-delivery) Phase III (Neonatus)

+ - + + +
Brain stem development Neuronal differentiation Growth Acceleration
Neurogenesis Axonal growth
Cerebral migration Dendritic ontogeni
Neurogenesis cerebelar
Critical Phase
Phase I (0-12 Weeks)


+ - T3,T4,Io ↓ T3,T4,Io ↓

Brain stem development • Severe iodine deficiency during gestation typically results in cretinism,
characterized by severe mental retardation accompanied by other neurologic or
Neurogenesis physical defects.
Cerebral migration • Cretinism is divided into two subtypes according to clinical manifestations
(neurologic and myxomatous cretinism, which may reflect the different timing of
intrauterine insult to the developing fetal nervous system and whether the iodine
deficiency continues into the postnatal period.
• Both types can be prevented by adequate maternal iodine intake before and
during pregnancy.
Effects of Iodine
Prenatal Diagnostics
1. Supplements

2. Anti Iodine !!!

Anti Iodine

Chlorate Nitrate


Seafood: salmon, assorted shellfish.

Dairy products: cow's milk, yogurt,
Supplements cheese.
Other food sources: chicken eggs,
beef, chicken meat, various legumes.
Lactation Period
• Thyroid hormone production and renal iodine clearance return to the
prepregnancy state.
• Iodine is excreted into breast milk at a concentration 20 to 50 times
greater than that in plasma.
• It is recommended to continue high iodine intake to ensure sufficient
iodine in breast milk to build reserves in the newborn’s thyroid gland.
Lactation Period
• The iodine requirement during lactation is 225 to 350 μg/day.
• Breast milk containing 100 to 200 μg/L of iodine appears to provide
adequate iodine to meet Institute of Medicine recommendations for
• The amount of iodine excreted into breast milk depends on maternal
iodine intake.
Take Home Messages
• Adequate iodine intake during pregnancy is critical for normal fetal
• The daily iodine requirement for nonpregnant adults is 150 μg, and
for pregnant women it is 220 to 250 μg.
• Pregnant and lactating women should take a daily iodine supplement
to ensure adequate iodine intake.
• Assessing the risk of iodine deficiency from clinical signs and from the
history is key to diagnosing iodine deficiency.
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