Batch 2018 - Impact of Drafting Technology Curriculum To The Employability of The Drafting Technology Graduates

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Batch 2018: Impact of Drafting Technology Curriculum to the Employability of the

Drafting Technology Graduates

An Undergraduate Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of the
Department of Technology Teacher Education
College of Education
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology
Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education
Major in Drafting Technology

Gabisay, Queennie Mae C.

Togores, Joanni Clarizz C.

January 2023


“Batch 2018: Impact of Drafting Technology Curriculum to the Employability of

the Drafting Technology Graduates” was conducted by the researchers Gabisay,
Queenie Mae C. and Togores, Joanni Clarizz C. ; Bachelor of Technical Vocational
Teacher Education Major in Drafting Technology, January 2023, College of Education,
Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology. Thesis Adviser: Prof. Micheal
Art Napoles.”

This study aims to determine the employability of the graduates of DTTE from the
year 2018. Descriptive Research design was utilized in this study using an online
interview to which twenty-three (23) respondents out of twenty-eight (28) alumni
responded to the survey. A descriptive survey research was employed to track and
ascertain the employment status and work history of the graduates from the Department
of Technology Teacher Education majoring in Drafting Technology. In this study, both
online interviews and questionnaires were used. A non-probability sampling was used in
this study. Researchers and faculty members used this strategy to select people who
were easily accessible and who could be reached both online and offline. The
department's alumni database assisted in locating graduates whose contact information
had not changed. Research showed that the Drafting Technology Curriculum had an
impact in their workplace in the teaching profession and industry. The majority of the
participants felt accomplished and happy. They concurred that knowledge and technical
features were included skills despite the fact that the program's material is very
adequate. appointing knowledgeable teachers, upgrading physical spaces, educational
resources, and updating the programs may deliver greater results and generate more
specialists in technology.


We would like to acknowledge all graduates, tutors, employers and vocational

institutions who participated in this study and made it a success. In particular, we would
like to acknowledge the magnificent input of the following:

To Prof. Micheal Art Napoles Ph.D., our thesis adviser, for his unending support,
teachings, knowledge and advice that helped us so much to finish and achieved
success in this study. His guidance gave us insights and ideas on how to analyze,
evaluate and support data necessary in our study.

We would like to acknowledge the member of the panel, Asst. Prof. Jan Vincent
H. Leuterio and Assoc. Prof. John Alan LeePh.D., who shared their knowledge, abilities
and expertise for their suggestions and comments to help improve the study.

To our respondents who willingly provided all the necessary information needed in the
questionnaires, we are thankful for all their considerable time and effort.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our respective
families who supported us financially, emotionally and spiritually inspiring us to finish
this study.

Above all, we are grateful and thankful to the Almighty God for without His
blessings and grace, this study would not be made possible.




It is with our deepest and warmest gratitude to dedicate this thesis to our loving parents

who have continuously supported us from the beginning until the

accomplishment of this study and has always been

a constant source of support and encouragement.

To our friends who never leave our side

during the ups and downs of life

and above all, to our God Almighty

for his immeasurable love,

wisdom and guidance,

to thee we owe

this paper.



Table of Contents


ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ……………………………………………………….. ii

DEDICATION …………………………………………………………………….




Introduction ……………………………………………………………… 1

Review Related Literature and studies ……………………………… 4

Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………… 15

Objectives of the Study ………………………………………………..


Significance of the Study ………………………………………………


Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………



Research Design ………………………………………………………… 21

Research Locale/Environment ……………………………………….. 21

Research Respondents ………………………………………………… 21

Sampling Procedure ……………………………………………………. 22

Research Instrument …………………………………………………… 22

Research Procedure ………………………………………………….. 22

Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………… 23

Data Analysis …………………………………………………………… 23


Ethical Consideration ………………………………………………… 24

Results and Discussion ……………………………………………… 26

Table 2.1.1 ……………………………………………………… 27

Table 2.1.2 ……………………………………………………… 27

Table 2.1.3 ……………………………………………………… 28

Table 2.1.4 ……………………………………………………… 28

Table 2.1.5 ……………………………………………………… 29

Table 2.1.6 ……………………………………………………… 30

Table 2.1.7 ……………………………………………………… 30

Table 2.1.8 ……………………………………………………… 31

Table 2.1.9 ……………………………………………………… 32

Findings ……………………………………………………………….. 33

2.2 Introduction …………………………………………………...


2.2.1 Participants ……………………………………………….. 34

2.2.2 Staying at their current Jobs ………………………………


2.2.3 Difficulties …………………………………………………. 37

2.2.4 Skills Development ………………………………………. 39

2.2.5 Improvements …………………………………………….. 41

2.2.6 Employment Post-Graduation …………………………… 43

Discussions ……………………………………………………………. 47


Summary Findings & Discussion ………………………………….. 50


Conclusion …………………………………………………………….. 51

Recommendations …………………………………………………… 53

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………… 54

LIST OF GRADUATES (BATCH 2018) …………………………………… 57


Appendix I ……………………………………………………………. 59

Appendix II …………………………………………………………… 61

Appendix III ………………………………………………………….. 64

Appendix IV …………………………………………………………. 108

Appendix V ………………………………………………………….. 110

Appendix VI …………………………………………………………. 111




Background of the Study

In the last two decades, technology has undergone tremendous transformation,

and the AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) sector is no exception.

Technology advancements undoubtedly make certain things simpler, but these

significant changes come with some growing pains. But with time, we frequently realize

that the effort put into altering is ultimately worthwhile. A prime illustration of this is the

development of technical drawing in the engineering sector throughout time.

Technical drawings used to be produced "on the board" using pencil or pen and

ink on paper, mylar, or vellum. By the time things started to change, many of us had

been making drawings in this fashion for a decade or more, doing line work,

annotations, callouts, and measurements "by hand".

Computer-aided drafting and design (CADD) had become widely used in the

bigger businesses by the middle of the 1980s. For the majority of drafters, the

adjustment was not simple. There was no internet, no IT department, and not much

training offered. Drafters changed careers to become engineering technicians, CADD

managers, and computer technicians. The prevalence of this software and the

technicians and engineers who use it have given rise to a brand-new field of study

called quality control. CADD has enabled a whole new level of quality control by

speeding up and being more accurate, and it has fast become essential to a project's

success. Quality control is increasingly helping to keep our projects on schedule,

construction costs low, and clients coming back (Blogger, 2021).

Systems of education and training are essential in ensuring that all people have

the chance to continuously improve their abilities from the perspective of lifelong

learning, allowing them to adjust to the quickly changing demands and conditions of the

labor market. The configuration of education and training systems, employment policies,

and investment decisions are made by labor market and training policy makers.

At present, there is a larger pool of tertiary graduates; however, many do not

have the relevant skills needed for successful integration into the labor market. These

students put a strain on publicly-funded institutions of higher learning and many

countries with limited resources have larger student bodies, without compromising the

quality of their educational offerings (The World Bank, 2017).

Hence, the concern about graduate unemployment is growing daily and at an

accelerated rate in the Philippines, yet the strength of students’ enrolment and graduate

output of the institutions of higher learning are growing rapidly. This has been a big

problem concerning our society. Thus, the reform in the higher education system must

necessarily provide skilled graduates with suitable value additions in order to meet the

demands of the growing economy.

A tracer study or graduate survey is a kind of survey (in written, oral form, online)

of graduates from education institutions, which takes place sometime after graduation or

the end of the schooling. The subjects of a tracer study can be manifold, but common

topics include questions on study progress, the transition to work , work entrance, job

career, use of learned competencies, current occupations and bonds to the education

institution. European Quality Assurance, (2017) as cited by Del Mar et al, (2018).

Tracer studies are frequently becoming a well-known procedure all over the

world. As a result of the necessity to carefully assess how graduates view their

experiences they underwent during their degree study and their transfer to the labor

market, tracer studies entail the identification and follow-up of graduates from higher

education institutions (HEIs) globally. The priority should be to learn from and improve

upon graduates' nuanced experiences if universities are to improve their teaching and

training of graduates.

The use of tracer studies is to provide and maintain curriculum relevance for

professional development that Harald Schomburg and his colleagues have conducted at

the Centre for Higher Education and Work, University if Kassel, Germany, they have

done considerable research on conducting tracer survey, constructing effective tracer

study questionnaires and their statistical analysis (Essays, UK 2013).

Students of MSU-IIT generally come from a large geographical base and it is

expected that students go back to their respective provinces after graduation seeking

job opportunities there, however, there is no way of knowing whether it is really

occurring. This study therefore attempts to survey and trace the graduates of the

Bachelor of Science Technology Teacher Education (BSTTE) Major in Drafting

Technology Department of Technology Teacher Education (DTTE).

A tracer study is deemed necessary to track down current employment status of the

graduates of the said program. Also, employment for teachers is highly competitive with

a number of schools providing education graduates and the limited number of

employment opportunities within their location. (NEDA 2010) as cited by Del Mar et al,


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes the review of literature and studies which supports and

helps the conceptualization and development of the current study. It is either published

or unpublished in local,national or international publications.

Drafting Technology Curriculum

The drafting curriculum has changed significantly with the advent of computer-

aided drawing (CAD), but it still plays the same fundamental function at the collegiate

level. Engineering, manufacturing, and construction-related industrial technology areas

all share at least one fundamental subject that is based on drafting. The significance of

this position really appears to increase as CAD systems get stronger every day.

Engineers, architects, and other industrial technology designers will collaborate

closely with the drafters who graduate from community and technical institutions

(Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010). This implies that courses in drafting graphics and

blueprint reading will be included in engineering-based college curricula, enabling

engineers to read and comprehend drawings that are utilized in the workplace.

Additionally, it makes it possible for the engineer to collaborate with the drafter and

clearly convey what is required of the drafter. Most often, designers


Engineers and architects, for example, will communicate a design with the drafter

and then approve the drafter's finished drawing.

The Tracer Study

Tracer Study is one of the most beneficial ways to find out the current status of the

graduates after graduation from college and used in most organizations especially in

schools to keep track of graduates addresses, workplaces and positions held. Through

this study, institutions will be able to evaluate the quality of education that was given to

their graduates by knowing the graduates’ placements and function in society in

general, and their respective workplaces in particular. It is a survey of graduates from

education institutions, which takes place after graduation or the end of the training. The

subjects of a tracer study progress, the transition to work, work entrance, job career,

use of learned competencies, current occupations are in connection to the educational


According to Obando and Shisanya (2013), graduate tracer studies are models

of empirical studies that can appropriately provide valuable information for evaluating

the results of the education and training of a specific institution of higher education. It

can collect essential information concerning the employment profile of graduates, their

undergraduate experience, the first and current jobs of graduates, and the relevance of

the curriculum.

It can collect essential information concerning the employment profile of

graduates, their undergraduate experience, the first and current jobs of graduates, and

the relevance of their educational background and skills required in their job. Graduate

tracer collects data on the relevance of curriculum graduates’ level of satisfaction at


In addition, (2017) stressed that a tracer study helps researchers

identify effective and ineffective components in educational and vocational programs.

Results of tracer studies could be quantitative by which data would be easily analyzed.

A tracer study in the field of education includes data from former students of learning

institutions or vocational programs.

Tracer studies have been conducted by educational institutions for decades, like

what was done by Harald Schomburg and his colleagues at the Centre for Higher

Education and Work, University of Kassel, Germany, where considerable researches

were conducted, another one was the CHEERS (Career after Higher Education- a

European Research Study) which investigated the links between higher education and

graduate employment in Europe (Schomburg, 2003).

In addition to Schomburg study in 2016, many countries are experiencing

growing demand for tracer studies due to the requirements of accreditation and quality

management. Educational institutions are often forced by law to implement regular

tracer studies and there is demand from donor agencies for empirical evidence about

the relevance of the education/ training of the sponsor.

Quality of Graduates

Throughout higher education there has been a lot of talk about graduate

qualities- sometimes referred to as graduate attributes. Graduate qualities are usually

defined as the non-discipline specific skills or attributes that graduates will merge with

following their degree (Frawley, 2017). Graduate attributes are the qualities, skills and

understandings a university community agrees its students should develop during their

time with the institution. These attributes include, but go beyond, the disciplinary

expertise or technical knowledge that has traditionally formed the core of most

university courses. They are qualities that also prepare graduates as agents for social

good in an unknown future. ( Bowden, 2000)

Bowden and Marton (1998) argued that the curriculum for any university needs to

be developed around the idea that students are being prepared for a future that is

largely unknown. According to Hart (1998) graduate capabilities describe both know-

how and knowledge-of and extend to personal qualities or aptitudes and meta-cognitive

functions which describe the combination and integration of multiple abilities. Abas-

Mastura, Imam and Osman argued that “Higher education institutions should

demonstrate a greater commitment to develop the generalized expertise that graduates

can transfer to whatever working environment they find themselves in after graduation”

(p.151). In other words, they are expected to have developed not only subject specific

skills but also employability skills to make them both specialists and generalists.

LET Performance

Teacher education is one of the many courses that require licensure examination

for practice. Specifically, the Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) have exerted efforts

to ensure that their graduates will surely perform well in the Licensure Examination for

Teachers (LET) given by the Philippine Regulations Commission (PRC) twice a year for

prospective teachers. This examination is the answer to the governments’ requirement

to teacher education graduates which is stipulated in Republic Act No. 7835 otherwise

known as the Philippine Teachers’ Professionalization Act of 1994 clearly requires that

no teacher shall practice teaching profession without having obtained a teaching license

from the PRC. Laganao (2015).

Banez (2002) found out in her study that the CTE LET takers overall mean rating

in their LET performance in general education, professional and major subjects were

“Below Passing Mark”. This is because those who did not pass and garnered low scores

have pulled down the general average of all LET passers. This further implied that those

students who garnered higher senior high school average, UNP CAT score, and

average grade in general education, professional and major subjects and attended

more in LET review are those who garnered higher LET results.

Alaga and Pacheco (2014) affirmed one of the pressing concerns of the College

of Education of the Rizal Technological University is the batting or passing percentage

of its graduates in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Findings revealed

when the LET performance is correlated with the three components of the academic

subjects, there existed a moderate correlation with general education and only a slight

correlation between professional education and specialization.

Relevance of the Curriculum

Curriculum is a praxis - a dynamic interplay of theoretical concepts and

professional work within a critically reflective mindset. It is the set of learning

environments to which learners have access; of learning activities which learners

experience; and of learning outcomes which achieve, all within the immediate context of

an individual teacher’s (or curriculum practitioner’s) and an institution’s

mission/policy/vision (including its organizational arrangements) as well as the boarder

contexts of community and society. Macpherson (1996).

Another definition of curriculum development is defined as planned, a purposeful,

progressive, and systematic process to create positive improvements in the educational

system. Every time there are changes or developments happening around the world,

the school curricula are affected. There is a need to update them to address the

society’s needs. Alvior (2014).

With the similar stand, Jadhav M. and Patankar P. (2013) cited that a curriculum

offers teachers the ideas and strategies for assessing a student progress.A student

must meet certain academic requirements in order to go to the next level. Without the

guidance of curriculum, teachers cannot be certain that they have supplied the

necessary knowledge or the opportunity for student success at the next level., whether

that level involves a high school, college or career.


In order for curriculum development to be effective and schools to be successful,

teachers must be involved in the development process. An effective curriculum should

reflect the philosophy, goals, objectives, learning experiences, instructional resources,

and assessment that comprise a specific educational program. It can be subject specific

or a generalized overview of expectation. It must be a usable tool to assist

teachers in the development of individualized strategies and methods and materials

necessary for them to be successful Alsubaie (2016).

Competencies Learned

Competency -based learning begins by identifying specific competencies or

skills, and enables learners to develop mastery of each competency or skill at their

own pace, usually working with a mentor. Learners can develop just the competencies

for skills they need( for which increasingly they may receive a ‘badge’ or some form of

validated recognition), or can combine a whole set of competencies into a full

qualification, such as a certificate, diploma or increasingly a full degree. Bates (2017)

Teaching competency is a set of knowledge, skills, attitude, personality

configuration and the like of a teacher that facilitate social, emotional, and physical

growth in students. These competencies are needed by teachers for the act of

instructing in an educational institution and are closely tied to the nature of the

classroom. The following section gives literature on competencies required for effective

teaching as identified by different researchers. Baker (2002)


McClure (2018) emphasizes that teachers should develop the skills,

competencies, and points of view needed by professionals by becoming active

participants in a learner-centered environment. The teachers and students in that

environment form a community of practice where they learn from one another through

project- or work- related interpersonal communications, interactions with the

environment, and utilization of the tools representative of the group’s work. As time

goes on, active involvement in the community of practice enhances content learning

and helps participants to move from novice toward expert status.


The term employability is used to mean a set of achievements that comprise

skills, understanding and personal attributes that make an individual more likely to

secure and be successful in their chosen occupation, which benefit themselves, the

workforce, the community, and the economy (Yorke and Knight, 2004).

The literature on employability is vast, generally portraying the concept as easily

understood yet intricate in nature (Hartshorn & Sear, 2005), with little consensus on its

true meaning.

Another definition of employability is the capability of working on jobs and the

competencies in fulfilling the designated tasks in their fields of study. For individuals,

employability depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities they possess, the way they

use assets and presents them to employers, and context (e.g. personal circumstances

and labor market environment) within which they seek work (Wentling, 2006)

Employability is a two-sided equation, and many individuals need various forms

of support to overcome the physical and mental barriers to learning and personal

development (i.e. updating their assets). It is not just about vocational and academic

skills, but individuals need relevant and usable labor market information to help them

make informed decisions about the labor market options available to them (Wentling,


On the other hand, Bowden (2000) emphasized that employability should

not just be concerned with preparing graduates to be successful in the labor market but

also about preparing them to contribute to society as responsible citizens, Employability

is a set of graduate attributes; the qualities, skills and competencies to prepare the

graduates, skills and competencies to prepare the graduates to higher level of functional


Moreover, employability is not just about students making deposits in a bank of

skills Morley (2001). Knight (2001) and Yorke (2001) considered the concept of

employability to be a combination of personal qualities, skills of various kinds and

subject understanding but also an “alumni survey” to provide information and serve as a

basis for future planning activities.

With similar position, Menteri Pengajian Tinggi (2006) cited that Graduate Tracer

Study has proven to be an effective method in getting accurate and quick inputs for the

purpose of ensuring the human capital produced by higher education institutions are at

all times relevant and be able to meet the ever-changing demand of job market.

With such qualities sought after by employers, applicants who work not only for

money but in order to contribute to the organization could be considered as self-

actualized but practical life seekers, the reason why people work, they work for money

to pay for necessities such as food, clothing and housing. They also work to satisfy their

needs for social contact, esteem and self-realization (Kimbrell and Vineyard, 1999).

These are graduates from school whose records could be traced appropriately.

Experience, Skills and Training

In portraying graduates with experiences, skills and training, a common finding in

the literature was the importance of previous work experience for the success of the

new graduates (Rateau and Kaufman, 2009). Employers highlight the importance of

previous work experience as a means for the students to mature and gain life

experience that only work can provide (Sleap and Reed, 2006).

Such integration of experiential learning methods and work-related programs had

significant impact on the development of competencies resulting in a more,, work ready’’

and a,, more balanced graduate” (Coll and Zegwaard, 2006. p.30) where students to

which Harvey (2005) agreed that experiences in working with industries while pursuing

further studies could make up a more competent worker.

Parallel to the above contention, Fallows and Weller (2000) cited the worker’s

ability to contribute quickly to the success of the organization as a primary need of

employers. With previous work experience, graduates adjusted to their first job more

easily and expressed a better understanding of different organizational cultures (Fallows

& Weller).

However, according to Cappelli (2009), a feature of work reorganization in the

last twenty years has been the democratization of insecurity of work where redundancy

is no longer restricted to semi-skilled and unskilled workers, but opportunities in the

industries, to which Peiperl, et al (2000) agreed that competition at work could be

healthy for workers to be highly motivated to work harder to be recognized to be

recognized and paid accordingly.

The foregoing literature and studies had shed light on the current research undertaking

for they cited instances where graduate tracers were utilized and served as monitoring

of graduates' employability.

Conceptual Framework

The employability of the Graduates can be connected with the following factors

such as professional license obtained, classification of Employment, Duration of First

Job, Competencies Learned in College and Relevance of the Curriculum to the first job.

These are important variables to consider as most of the new graduates have

aimed to be employed and successful in the real world after college as often measured

in terms of one’s current position or employment. In similar light, the following are

merely personal characteristics of the graduates, but of which has been identified by

previous literature as factors that would influence the attractiveness of the graduates as


Objective of the Study

This study aimed to determine the employability of the graduates of Bachelor of

Science Technology Teacher Education major in Drafting Technology year 2018, which

combined factual and subjective data from graduates, can provide highly valuable

information on the matching of talents. Tracer studies enable the measurement of

aspects of horizontal matching (relevance of field of study for the tasks performed in the

job) and vertical matching (suitable position considering the level of formal qualification),

in addition to obtaining to improve the study plan.

Specifically, it sought to attain the following objectives:

a. To describe the profile of DTTE Alumni Batch 2018

b. To identify their professional license obtained


c. To determine the employment history or work experience of the graduates

d. To determine the relevance of their undergraduate degree with regard s to their


e. To determine the usefulness of the competencies they learned from college up to

their present job.

f. To solicit the suggestions/comments for improving the curriculum offering of the



Results of the study would benefit the following group or individuals:

To the Student.The results of the study will guide the students taking Bachelor of

Technical Vocational Teacher Education major in Drafting Technology course in

preparation for future employment.

To the Teachers. The findings of this study will lead the factors in maintaining

excellence in teaching to continually produce quality graduates.

To the Department. The results of this study might be a good input to the department

for the improvement of the curriculum as to what courses are to be included and

excluded in the existing curriculum offered.


To the Administrators. The results of this study may provide guidance to the school

administrators on how to improve the employability of their graduates through the

recommendations from the alumni.

To the Future Researchers. This study may help the future researchers as a reference

for further studies.

Definition of Terms

To facilitate better understanding of this study, the researchers tried to give the

definitions of some terms used herein. For further classification and convenience of the

reader, the words are defined as follows:

Competencies. Are particular qualities that a company’s recruiters have decided are

desirable for employees to possess. ( 2017). In this study, it refers to the

useful competencies learned by the respondents in college.

Curriculum. The aggregate of courses of study given in a school, college or university,

etc. ( 2017). As used in this study, it refers to the courses being offered

by the college to respondents.


Employability. A person's capability of gaining initial employment, maintaining

employment, and obtaining new employment if required. In simple terms, employability

is about being capable of doing or keeping fulfilling work. ( 2017).

As used in this study, it refers to the respondents capability of getting a job inclined to

their profession and the employment status.

Employment Status. The status of a worker in a company on the basis of the contract

of work or duration of work done. A worker may be a full-time employee, part-time

employee, or an employee on a casual basis. ( In this study, it refers to

the state of the respondents in terms of employment whether they are employed,

underemployed or employed.

Graduate. A person who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of

study. (Dictionary.com2017). Used in this study, it refers to one in whom an academic

degree has been conferred or a student who successfully completed level of education.

LET (Licensure Examination for Teachers). Is a test of the overall knowledge and

proficiency of prospective teachers to provide a reliable structure, in which the practice

of prospective teachers can be measured and proven, and it gives access to continuing

growth and development.


Occupation. Refers to the type of work done during the time-reference period by the

person employed (or the type of work done previously, if the person is unemployed),

irrespective of the industry or the status in employment in which the person should be

classified.( 2001)

Performance. The manner in which the efficiency with which something reacts or fulfills

its intended purpose. (, 2017). As used in this study, it refers to the

performance of the respondents in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).

Skills. The expertise or talent needed in order to do a job or task. Job skills allow you to

do a particular job and life skills help you through everyday tasks. (,

2017) In this study, it refers to the learning, ability or proficiencies of a graduate

achieved in college that can be a tool to be employed in their respective target or

working place.

Tracer Study. Refers to the investigations in which a sample of individuals are studied

at a given time, and then located and studied again at one or more successive stages in

their lives. The essential feature of such studies is that characteristics of the same

subjects are observed at two or more points in time. ( In this study, it

refers to the tool of data base for the graduates.




This chapter presents the methods and procedures used in the study to include

research design, instruments used for data gathering, procedures and treatment of


Research Design

Descriptive survey research was used in this study where a survey was

conducted to trace and determine the employment status and job experience of the

graduates from the Department of Technology Teacher Education major in Drafting

Technology. Online interviews and surveys were employed in this study. Description

provides detailed background information, tells about an event(s), and relates how

persons experience that event. Descriptive qualitative research is insightful and relevant

and also has its place in knowledge development (Strauss & Wijngaert, 2007).

Research Locale/Environment

The study was conducted in the Philippines. The respondents were interviewed

virtually via video call using Google Meet or/and Messenger platforms. The researchers

also contacted and gathered respondents who were residing outside the country during

the time of this study. These respondents were interviewed via video chat. The

researchers chose this research locale and the mode of conducting the study because it

gave favorable leverage to gather the necessary data about the impacts of the Drafting

Technology Curriculum.

Research Respondents/Participants

The respondents of the study are twenty-three (23) individuals who graduated in

the academic year 2017-2018 under the Bachelor of Secondary Teacher Education

major in Drafting Technology (BSTTE-DT) program of College of Education, MSU-IIT.

The Chairperson of the Department of Technology Teacher Education (DTTE) provided

the official list of BSTTE-DT graduates of 2018 which is an essential data in conducting

the study.

Sampling Procedure

A non-probability sampling was used in this study. In this technique, researchers

and the faculty chose those who were conveniently available and who could be reached

either online or offline. The alumni directory of the department helped in contacting the

graduates who have not change their contact information

Research Instruments

This study used a questionnaire patterned from the Commision on Higher

Education graduates tracer study questionnaire, which is slightly modified for the

purpose of the study. The items on the questionnaire were modified into an online

survey using Google meet interview, google form and through messenger video call.

The first part of the questionnaire is about the Profile of the graduates, the

second part is the Professional License of the graduates, the third part is the

Employability of the graduates, the fourth part is the Relevance of the Curriculum to the

First Job of the graduates, the fifth part is the Graduates Competencies Learned in

college, and the sixth part is the Suggestion/Comments for the improvement of the

curriculum offered by the Department.

Research Procedure

Qualitative research design was used in this study where a survey was

conducted to trace and determine the employability of the graduates from the

Department of Technology Teacher Education major in Drafting Technology. The

methodology employed can affect the qualitative research design; participant

observations, in-depth interviews (in person or virtually), and focus groups are a few

examples of approaches that may be taken into account. The numerous qualitative

approaches differ from one another, yet they also have much in common. One of the

most often used sampling techniques in qualitative research, snowball sampling is

based on the principles of networking and recommendation. The researchers usually

start with a small number of initial contacts (seeds), who fit the research criteria and are

invited to become participants within the research. The agreeable participants are then

asked to recommend other contacts who fit the research criteria and who potentially

might also be willing participants, who then in turn recommend other potential

participants, and so on (Parker, C., Scott, S., & Geddes, A. 2019). The Researchers

contacted the respondents via searching their names on social media platforms in which

the College Dean provided the list of names together with their current addresses. After

the respondents were verified through their response to our message they were then

asked politely to participate in our study and later were told to ask to suggest and invite

other respondents which are qualified to participate in the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the consent of the thesis adviser, a letter was hand-carried to the college

dean asking for a list of names and addresses of respondents, then noted by the thesis

adviser and the chairperson of the department.

Right after respondents’ names and addresses were gathered, a questionnaire

based on Commission on Higher Education graduate tracer study was prepared.

After the approval, the respondents were contacted via Facebook and were done

around Iligan City. Data gathered were tallied, analyzed and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment/Data Analysis

The analyzed data was primarily from the transcriptions of the interviews. This

section begins by examining the traditional status accorded qualitative data before

moving to consider how narrative analysis challenges this. It then explores what is

meant by narrative analysis and discusses some of the reasons why social researchers

might choose this method to collect and analyze qualitative data (Gilbert, 2008).

The researcher completed all the interviews and transcription before analyzing

the data to avoid imposing meaning from one interview onto the next interview

(Seidman, 2006). The researcher began the data analysis process by creating a profile

for each participant to present participants in context (Seidman, 2006). The data to be

analyzed were from stories told by the participants, which included 6,381 words of

transcribed interviews. Additional data came from the researcher’s reflexive journals

and notes.

The current study also allows new themes to emerge inductively. After the

transcripts were examined for the presence or absence of the predetermined themes,

the researcher used iterative processes, which included re-reading the transcripts, re-

listening to the audio, and reexamining the researchers’ notes and journals, to

determine potential themes (Gilbert, 2008).

Ethical Considerations

The study's ethical difficulties were handled by the researchers in the following

order. The researchers made sure that the participants read and signed the informed

consent form, which acknowledged that their participation was entirely voluntary. During

the course of the investigation, the researchers also ensured that no one or any

organization was injured. They also did not specify particular responses that could lead

to the respondents' identification by presenting the results in a generic manner rather


than stating specific responses that could lead to their identification. Finally, throughout

the study, especially during data collection, the researchers honored the respondents'

decision to withdraw their consent even if they had already signed the informed consent



This chapter will draw upon the main themes and present the findings which

arose out of the interview process and subsequent data analysis. First and foremost, a

brief profile of each of the participants is presented. This study aimed to determine the

employability of the graduates of Bachelor of Science in Technology Teachers

Education major in Drafting Technology year 2018. This is to determine the profile of the

respondents, their professional license obtained, employment history or work

experience of the graduates, relevance of their undergraduate degree with regards to

their work, usefulness of the competencies they learned from college up to their present

job, and suggestions/comments for improving the curriculum offering of the department.

There were 23 out of 28 Drafting Technology graduates from batch 2018 being

interviewed. 8 participants were being interviewed through video conferencing, 4

participants gathered their information through google forms, and 11 participants from

their families or friends using snowball sampling.

As a result, most of the participants took the Licensure Examination for Teachers

(LET); and Technical Education and Skills Development (TESDA) for Technical

Drafting. They were employed and self-employed in their current work. Some of the

participants were employed in accordance with the drafting technology, and some were

not. There are participants that proceed in the teaching profession, and some

participants work in industry. They stayed because of the salary or because they

needed to be employed in order to sustain the needs of their family.

2.1 These results were used by snowball sampling.

2.1.1. Examination Passed

Examination Passed f Total Percentage

PRC & TESDA 10 91%

TESDA 1 1%

CSE 0 0%

No taken exams 0 0%

Total 11 100%

There were 11 respondents who took the exams in total; 10 (91%) of them took

the PRC and TESDA simultaneously, while only 1 (9%) did the TESDA only.

2.1.2 Work Status

Work Status f Total Percentage

Employed 10 91%

Self-Employed 1 9%

Not employed 0 0%

Total 11 100%

A total of 11 where 10 respondents were employed and 1 respondent was self-

employed. 91% were employed and 9% were self-employed with a total of 100%.

2.1.3 Types of Organizations

Type of Organization f Total Percentage

Private 5 46%

Public 4 36%

NGO 1 9%

Non-Profit 1 9%

Total 11 100%

There are a total of 11 respondents in this kind of organization. Five were in the

private sector, four in the public sector, one in an NGO, and one in a non-profit. A total

of 100% is made up of 46% private, 36% public, 9% nonprofit, and 9% non-

governmental organizations.

2.1.4 Status of Employment

Status of Employment f Total Percentage

Permanent 4 36%

Casual/Contractual/Job hire 7 64%

Temporary 0 0%

Apprentice 0 0%

Other 0 0%

Total 11 100%

There are 11 (100%) respondents overall when it comes to the employment

status. 7 (64%) are casual/contractual/job hires, 4 (36%) are permanent, and the

remaining 0% are.

2.1.5 Nature of Work


Nature of Work f Total Percentage

Related 6 55%

Somewhat Related 2 18%

Not Related 3 27%

Total 11 100%

In the nature of work, there are 11 (100%) total respondents. 6 (55%) are related,

2 (18%) are somewhat related, and 3 (27%) are not related.

2.1.6 Current Work

Current Work f Total Percentage

Teaching 5 42%

Clerical 4 33%

CAD Operator 2 17%

Drafting Supervisor 0 0%

Graphic Designer 1 8%

Mechanical Draftsman 0 0%

Product Designer 0 0%

Total 12 100%

In their current work, there were 11 respondents in which 1 respondent has 2

works. 5 (42%) were teaching, 4 (33%) were clerical, 2 (17%) were CAD operators, and

1 (8%) was a graphic designer.

2.1.7 Location of Work

Location of Work f Total Percentage

Iligan 8 73%

Non-Iligan 3 27%

Abroad 0 0%

Total 11 100%

In the location of work, 8 (73%) were located in Iligan and 3 (27%) were non-

Iligan with a total of 11 (100%) respondents.

2.1.8 How much is their monthly income?

Monthly Income f Total Percentage

Below P5,000 6 55%

P6,000-P10,000 0 0%

P11,000-P15,000 0 0%

P16,000-P20,000 0 0%

P21,000-P25,000 0 0%

P26,000-P30,000 3 27%

P31,000-P35,000 0 0%

P36,000-P40,000 0 0%

P41,000-P50,000 0 0%

Other 2 18%

Total 11 100%

In their monthly income, 6 (55%) respondents received below P5,000, 3 (27%)

respondents received P26,000-P30,000, and 2 (18%) other respondents were not


2.1.9 How did the respondents find their first job?

How did you find your f Total Percentage

first job?

Response to 1 9%

Recommended by 6 55%

Information from friends 3 27%

Family Business 0 0%

As walk-in applicant 0 0%

Arranged by school job 0 0%

placement officer

Other 1 9%

Total 11 100%

In finding their jobs, they have different ways in which 1 (9%) respondents

responded to advertisements, 6 (55%) were recommended by someone, 3 (27%) were

from information from friends, and 1 (9%) was not identified on how they found their

first job.


2.2 Introduction

The researchers interviewed graduates of the Drafting Technology program to

gather information for this study, and they are now evaluating the data to determine the

nature of the research challenge. The researchers conducted interviews with Drafting

Technology graduates through video call, google form, from their families and friends, to

give their information. There are 12 participants who were interviewed. 8 participants

were interviewed through video call and 4 participants were using google forms.

2.2.1 Participants

➢ Participant one is a teacher at NOHS (Negros Oriental High School) in

Dumaguete City. After graduation, he took the LET board exam without taking

any review because of expenses, and luckily, he passed the exam. Then, despite

his lack of experience, he accepted a position with DepEd.

➢ Participant two has an online job. After he graduated, he had a hard time looking

for a job. So he took commissions because he was an artist. That is what he did

for a living while he was struggling to find a job. He had many clients around the

world, like authors, creators, etc.


➢ Participant three is a teacher in primary and toddler education. After she

graduated, she took the LET board exam, and after that, she got a job in the city,

not as a teacher but as a draftsman.

➢ Participant four is a house volunteer. She worked as a human resource specialist

at Tita Fannies for two years after graduation before returning home to volunteer.

It is an out-of-school youth and adult program where she was teaching.

➢ Participant five is a faculty member and an assistant lecturer at the Department

of Technology Teacher Education. After he graduated, he worked as a draftsman

in the NGCP for 3 years and then applied to the teaching profession at MSU-IIT.

➢ Participant six is a junior high school teacher handling grades 7–10 teaching ICT

subjects at Zamboanga. She applied for the ranking in DepEd after she

graduated.But unfortunately, she never got in. So she stayed at home for almost

a year.

➢ Participant seven is a draftsman at NGCP Right of Way and negotiates with the

plot or house owners. After he graduated, he took the LET board exam, but

unfortunately, he failed. So, he applied at City Hall for nine months before he got

another job.

➢ Participant eight is a draftsman at an engineering and architectural firm. After she

graduated, she reviewed for the LET board exam. She passed. She even

renewed her license, but she never teaches. She preferred the drafting side.

➢ Participant nine is a virtual assistant. After she graduated, she was hired as a

VA, but currently working as an online tutor


➢ Participant ten is working at Municipal planning and development (LGU) as a

Draftsman. After he graduated, he was offered before graduation.

➢ Participant eleven is from a substitute teacher to locally paid teacher in our

municipality. After graduation, she did not find a job. She started her job after her

teacher I application in DepEd for the second time around as a substitute teacher

to a locally paid teacher in her municipality in Tudela.

➢ Participant twelve is a draftsman in a private construction company.

The rest of the participants were being interviewed/surveyed through their


2.2.2 Staying in their current job

All of the participants have the same reason which is the money. One participant

described how he struggled on earning money during the pandemic.

“Honestly speaking, it’s the money. During 2020 kay pandemic man na siya,

gamay kaayo ug kwarta akong parents ana but thankfully, naa pa koy naipon sa

akoang sub nga job. Due to that, kailangan nako mucontinue ani kay atleast

dako kog sweldo para makabayad sa mga gastuon. So, money jud ang

nakacontribute sa ako”

(Participant 1)

One participant described how he managed to pay the bills from his earnings

even though his profession does not inline to the Drafting Technology Curriculum.

“I needed the money. I need to help pay the bills like sa internet. Now is

commission-based na akong work because nalayoff pa ko sa previous na work

because of political things. So now, layo jud siya sa akong profession. When you

stay here, need ang money jud. So karon, nagtry napud ko ug another 5 jobs,

plenty of online jobs pang daytime ug nighttime.”

(Participant 2)

Two participants described that they need to gain experience in order to apply in

the Department of Education.

“Para makagain ko ug experience points.”

(Participant 4)

“Money and experience also because I am planning to apply in the DepED. So,

need man nila ug experience. Kinahanglan nako magkaexperience atleast 4

years after ana, okay na.”

(Participant 6)

People work to make money. They need money to buy food, for rent, to pay bills,

and to sustain the needs of the family. People can live normally without job satisfaction,

but they cannot survive without the money.

People also stayed in their current job to gain more experience.

2.2.3 Difficulties

Two of the participants described how they struggled in teaching different

subjects from the Drafting Technology Curriculum.


“In my job, it’s very difficult because kung TLE ka, ilabay ka bisag asa. Kung TLE

ka, dili pasabot kung unsa imong course or bahalag as a teacher in general. Dili

ka pasabot TLE. Currently, I am teaching ESP about values. Gatudlo ko ana,

gatudlo kog Carpentry which is wala koy background sa ICT kay Draftsman.

Karon kay gatudlo ko ug Gardening sa Grade 8 ug front office services kay

general man gud ang Grade 8 ug 7. So, mao ranay difficulties nako especially

since wala nakay nako napractice akoang Drafting Technology. Focus nako sa

TLE. Akoang jud problem kay ang ICT which is needed jud kaayo siyag

technology since my school is not that dako jud siya nga school but dili man siya

dato wala man kaayo computers na pwede nako maaccess sa mga bata nako

dili kay nako makuan ug one by one ug mga cp, mga system units but thankfully

magbuhat rakog simulation na mao ray substitute sa ilang lesson. Mao rapud

akong mga difficulty.”

(Participant 1)

“Akong current mga difficulties in terms of skills kay maningkamot jud ka.. Ang

akong gipangtudlo karon is kanang naay photography, videography, animation,

photoshop. Katong animation kay naa man to sa atong drafting. Mutouch ta

gamay sa animation. So, matudlo ra nako gamay pero sa katong sa uban is wala

to. So dapat magexplore ka sa imong self like you need to watch youtube

tutorials before iklase nimo sa imong studyante. Magtuon lang jud ka. Interms sa

pagdeliver sa imong lessons, we are in a private school pero kulang ug

computers and wala pajud mi internet because dugay ang installation. Usahay

mawal-an ka ug gana sa imong pagteach because ang imong gusto murag dili

nimo mahatag because of the lack of equipments. Mangita nalang ug way

unsaon pagcatch up. Mangita ug strategies para madeliver gihapon nimo pero

dili japon inana ka lalom kay lack of materials.”

(Participant 6)

The participants are struggling with how they are going to cope with the subjects

that were not taught in their undergraduate subjects in drafting technology. It not only

focuses on drafting technology but also covers the general subject of TLE. They also

encounter the lack of technologies and how they are going to demonstrate the topic,

which is related to ICT.

Other participants encountered such problems in their work and how they are

going to overcome it.

2.2.4 Skills Development

4 participants developed and gained skills from drafting technology curriculum.

The participants also described how they cope with the knowledge and skills required

for their job.

“Yes. There were skills like especially in my Grade 8 since general man siya.

Akong nabal-an is naay technical drafting sa Fourth Quarter nila which is better.

Naapply jud nako siya. Sauna, naa man nay drafting technology ang school

namo but natangtang na siya kay gamay ra gusto musulod like 2 students dayon

mawala ra dayon siya. But, some skills maapply jud nako siya especially naa

man gud magbuhat ug mga rooms for example, front office services namo by

January, akong topic is Alphabet of Lines which is part na siya sa Drafting.


Atleast, naa najud koy expertise ana mga front view, side view, top view mga

inana nga lesson atleast mateach nako na siya. Naa gihapon koy maapply-apply


(Participant 1)

“I graduated in the Old Curriculum of the BSTTE Drafting Technology. What I’ve

learned in my undergrad is applied both sa teaching and industry. Sa industry,

like I said earlier that maapply nako siya for my CAD operation and cost

estimation. And also, here.. I am currently teaching animation in Drafting

Technology. In my undergrad, I learned also 2d animation. Nagamit jud nako

siya karon sa akoang work.”

(Participant 5)

“Yes. Nakaapply siya sa akoa. Dako jud siya nga application kay syempre

gasukod mi sa mga balay. Gamit kaayo ang CAD. Gamit pud ang sa

measurements sa balay, sa pag estimate labi na kanang naa man siguro ta..

Nakaagi man siguro ta sa Estimation. So, magamit jud siya as a professional


(Participant 7)

“Oo kay sa Drafting, natun-an tanan basics and not-so-basics nga mga

intermediate level. Kung wala, magyoutube tutorial ra pero mas nindot na

kanang inyong giklasehan. Naa pay teacher mga inana. So, nakahelp jud siya sa

akoa kay nisulod man ko sa industry na kabalo nako magCAD, SketchUp, ang

pagrender, Photoshop, mga inana tungod sa Drafting nga course.”


(Participant 8)

One participant also applied his skills in his previous job. It became easy for him

to introduce the computer-aided application.

“Zero contribution in my current job. But in my previous job, easy na sa akoa ang

AutoCAD and most of the task, I can take it easily without a struggle. They

introduced Computer Aided application.”

(Participant 2)

Some participants' current jobs do not require them to draft technology


2.2.5 Improvements

Participants improved their skills by gaining experience on the job. Drafting

technology is not only the focus, but also the entire topic in the teaching profession.

Some of the participants need to find a strategy for how they engage with the students.

“I did improve because at least I gained experience. So, from a teacher’s perspective,

I’ve gained enough strategies on how to teach my students. I gained different methods

on how to make them be more eager to learn. Nangita jud ko ug way na *inaudible*

especially ang mga bata karon kay dali ra mabored. So, nangita ko ug technique like

games, mga activities na ma-enganyo sila kay sa una, during pajud sa college days, sa

akoa rajud huna’huna kay paper-pencil task. Karon kay nachallenge najud ko na

maghuna’huna nako ug mga activities everyday para lang maenganyo kay dili jud lalim

same ra imong itudlo. Mabored sila.”

(Participant 1)

“In terms of my professional development, makaingon jud kog I grow because

they said that teaching is non-stop. Once you are particularly taking your as step,

always teaching. Never stop jud na siya. You always keeps on learning. So by then,

however, although nateacher nako but then, there are some experiences na wala pa

pud ko kabalo because of some of the students is much better sila nga kabalo.. For

example, updated application, updated na mga technology which is wala nakoy time

muexplore. Ilang introduce nila sa akoa at the same time, makalearn pud ko inana nga

unsaon paggamit.”

(Participant 5)

In the industry, participants deal with different fields that improve their skills and

knowledge about drafting technology. How they applied in their current job which is

related to Drafting Technology Curriculum.

“Nakaimprove siya kay syempre different houses man among gimeasure. So,

makakita ka ug lain-lain design then maapply to nimo sa imohang kuan if naa

kay sideline. Naapply nako and then nakamold sa akoang skills labi na sa

pagCAD kay CAD man gud usually among ginagamit kay sayon man gud ang

magCAD when it comes sa design, mas mawiden ang imohang knowledge kay

different houses and different designs pud sailang balay na makita nimo sa ilaha

na unsa ilang mga materials na ilang gipanggamit.”

(Participant 7)

“Nag-Master’s ko sa Civil, sa USTP. Then as of now, naa mi ginaprepare na

about schooling japon para atleast continue japon akong professional or career


(Participant 8)

On the other hand, some participants described how dealing with other people

improved their skills and knowledge.

2.2.6 Employment Post-Graduation

Participants described how they equipped the Drafting Technology curriculum

with the skills necessary to get employed and the difficulties that they encountered

when applying for a job after graduation.

Some participants described how the Drafting Technology Curriculum made an

impact on their teaching profession. It does not only focus on the drafting skills but also

it shoulders all the fields of TLE or the Technology and Livelihood Education. Currently,

the participants are teaching ICT or Information and Communication Technology.

“But sadly to say, ang Drafting Technology dili kay siya as in common sa mga

public schools diri sa amoa compared sa lain like Carpentry, Masonry, etc. But

sa ngalan nga TLE, dali ra nuon ko nakuha tungod lang ana.”


“My degree which is Drafting Technology, dili kay siya kuan sa teaching. More on

sa engineering ni siya or architect. But, pwede man siya makuan through sa

specific schools ra siya ba dili jud siya as in general na needed jud siya sa tanan

schools but some schools offered technical drafting mao ni nakaapan sa akoang

course which is TLE because although daghan siya dili tanan schools muoccupy

ug that type or that particular TLE mostly ICT, carpentry, masonry, but seldom ra

kaayo ang mga drafting technology na students which mao jud ni makakuan nila

nakareason ug pangita jud ug apply kung asa jud siya padulong.”

(Participant 1)

“Yes. Ang giteach sa Drafting Technology kay very essential jud kaayo kay kung

whatever field that you tried to pursue either if like sa industry ka or sa teaching

pero like focus ra kaayo sa drafting. Nagtackle unta ug more side sa TLE karon

like dili kaayo magstruggle when it comes to applying for the TLE job sa DepEd.

But in industry, so far everything you need to learn, you need to learn is

ginaprovide na sa course na gitake nato.”

(Participant 2)

“I believe kanang slight’slight kay kinahanglan man jud ka makagraduate.

Kanang kuan sa drafting, ICT teacher man ko involve man ang pag-use sa

computer. So, sa drafting diba mag-use man ta ug computer pero dili man kaayo

align sa imong gitudlo ron nga subject pero atleast ba ana nga paagi.”

(Participant 6)

“If didto ka mag-apply sa Senior High like TLE subject mga drafting-drafting na

mga schools, easy siya. But if sa DepEd dili ka makabuot pud, murag easy but

lisod pud.”

(Participant 3)

One participant described how the Drafting Technology Curriculum alone is not

necessary to be taught in the school, especially in the Department of Education. When

taking up the teaching profession, one should be flexible in every field, specifically when

teaching TLE.

“Basta naa man gud ka sa DepEd, dili necessary na ang katong gigraduate-tan,

mao gyud na ang gitudlo. Dapat kung teacher ka, flexible jud ka ana. Dayon, ang

drafting man gud kay kung mutake ka ug board exam, dili drafting imong take-

kan kundi TLE. Dayon, ang kanang uban subject sa TLE, wala ninyo natun-an sa

inyong drafting.”

(Participant 4)

One participant also described herself as not interested in AutoCAD. Instead, the

participant took an English course, where she applied.

“First, dili ko interested sa AutoCAD. Second, nianhi ko diri to work but ang ilang

natrabaho so ako nalang gipadayon and then, nagtake pud kog mga courses

connected sa English than sa drafting kay mas magamit man nako karon.”

(Participant 3)

The participants described where their current job is in line with the Drafting

Technology Curriculum, how they equipped their skills, and whether it is easy to find a

job or they are still having difficulties after graduation.

“In my opinion, I think that I am fully equipped because sa akoang undergrad is

inlined of what I am teaching now and also of what I am taking currently.”

“Whatever is it to happened. For example, if I am not into teaching, I am very

much more confident makakita ug job because my skills where I graduated as

Drafting Technology student very demanding. In demand jud kaayo siya nga

program which is daghan kaayog company nga naninahanglan ug draftsman,

kabalo mucomputer, kabalo ug AutoCAD, ana siya.”

(Participant 5)

“Kung muingon kag easy, dili jud siya easy kay syempre kay mostly sa gipangita

sa mga employers, naa kay experience. Naa kay mapakita sa ilaha nga mga

diploma or higher nga mga kuan labi na sa mga NCII. So, ganahan pud sila ug

mga actual nga nakabuhat jud ka ana. So, lisod jud siya magpangita.

Maningkamot sah jud ka didto sa.. Mangaykay jud ka sa pinakaubos nga trabaho

na imong makita. So, maggain ka ug experience ayha musulod sa trabaho na

imong gusto. Sa trabaho na ganahan ka sa kana nga sweldo.”

(Participant 7)

“One of my first job, CAD operator japon. Nakahelp jud siya kay pagsulod nako,

kabalo naman ko. So, dili na kayko kailangan nila tudloan or somehow akong

confidence level kay dili kaayo low. Makawork rapud ko ug tarong tungod kana.

Naequip jud ko sa Drafting course.”


“Sa akoa, oo. Even if kung sa teacher, okay rapud kay ang Drafting under raman

pud siya sa TLE and kung magteacher kay.. Either teacher or drafting, okay

raman kay para sa employment nimo.”

(Participant 8)



The main objectives of this research study were to examine the impact of

Drafting Technology Curriculum to the employability of the graduates of Bachelor of

Science in Technology Teachers Education major in Drafting Technology year 2018.

This part will provide an interpretation of the findings obtained; it will illustrate why the

findings are relevant to the research and relate the findings to other research carried

out. The findings of this study are based on the interpretation and analysis of data

obtained through the process of semi-structured interviews of eight participants who

graduated from the Drafting Technology Curriculum.

Understanding the finding in relation to the research question

The findings of this research emerged as a main theme across all twenty-three

(23) interviews. All participants have their different impacts of the Drafting Technology

Curriculum. Some participants described that when applying to the Department of

Education, it is necessary to be flexible when it comes to the teaching profession. It is

not just the drafting technology that can be taught in school but the whole field of TLE,

including ICT. The participants also described that the Drafting technology curriculum

can also help in industry with the help of other fields such as in CAD operations,

Estimation, and even in the teaching profession.

The aim of the research is to determine the impact of the Drafting Technology

Curriculum to the employability of the Drafting Technology graduates batch 2018. The

research questions were examined through a qualitative approach in the form of semi-

structured interviews. The use of semi-structured interviews allowed for more in-depth

insight into the personal experiences of employability allowing the advantages and

disadvantages to be discussed in an open and candid manner, which made the

interpretation and analysis of the findings more meaningful. A review of the literature

was presented corresponding to the research topic on the impacts of the Drafting

Technology Curriculum. Finally, an interpretation of the findings obtained was provided,

along with why the findings were relevant to the research with comparisons to other

research carried out to date.

In the Philippines, a Drafting Technician makes an average salary of PHP

333,479 per year and PHP 160 per hour. A Drafting Technician can expect to make

between PHP 236,770 and PHP 403,510 on average. The greatest level of schooling

for a Drafting Technician is often a Bachelor's Degree. This examination of

compensation is based on salary survey data gathered from anonymous employees

and employers in the Philippines (Research Institute, 2023).

The task of creating well-built blueprints from initial sketches, concepts, and

requirements falls to technical drafters. These experts design the blueprints required to

finish a range of tasks using both manual and computer-based technologies.

Mechanical drafters, architects, civil drafters, and electronics drafters are a few potential

technical drafting careers. There are important facts about a career in drafting. In a

working environment, working primarily on computers in the workplace, with sporadic

collaboration with architects and engineers. Their specializations are services in

manufacturing, architecture, engineering, and construction. Their key skills are

creativity, attention to detail, interpersonal skills, technical ability, numeracy, and time

management ( -, n.d.)

The findings of this research are relevant to the wider study of the impacts of the

Drafting Technology Curriculum to the employability of the Drafting Technology

graduates. The importance of society to understand the impacts to the employability of

the individual. This study highlighted that the impact of the Drafting Technology

Curriculum was felt by all, but its impact was noticeably different between participants,

with both negative and positive outcomes.




This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the results of the study.

Summary Findings and Discussion

This study sought to bring forth a description of the experiences relating to the

instructional design process in the creation and maintenance of the Drafting Technology

Curriculum under the study through the eyes of the Drafting Technology Graduates

Batch 2018. A qualitative design methodology was utilized in this study in order for the

researchers to properly describe these experiences. Qualitative research methodology

is considered to be suitable when the researcher or the investigator either investigates a

new field of study or intends to ascertain and theorize prominent issues (Strauss &

Wijngaert, 2007). . Interviews were conducted as the primary method of data collection

and were considered the most appropriate method to describe the lived experiences of

the drafting technology graduates.


The participants were chosen to be part of non-probability sampling which

involves the interviews through virtual meeting and google form, allowing the

researchers to focus on participants that will provide the most relative information to the


The participants' detailed and detailed accounts of their experiences allowed the

researcher to explain the phenomena of the study of drafting technology. The


By categorizing the units of data, the transcribed interview data was arranged. These

details made it possible to present and describe the experiences in an ordered way,

which addressed the initial study topic.


The study sought to review and evaluate the impact of the Drafting Technology

Curriculum to the employability of the Drafting Technology graduates batch 2018

yielded result that the graduates of the program were accessible using a unique sample

provided valuable information related to the quality training offered to them during their

in the program. The sample consisted of graduates who passed the Licensure Exam for

Teachers (LET), TESDA NCII holder, Civil Service Examination (CSC), and residing

near Iligan City. Many of them are presently employed in the private and public sector,

pursuing in the teaching profession, pursuing their job which is not related to their post

graduation, and happy workers in their company. Some of them applied their skills and

knowledge to their work which is being taught during their undergraduate. The

competencies of the Drafting Technology has been applied by the graduates to their

work. Their recommendations have impacts in improving the Drafting Technology

Curriculum in which it can be applied in different fields such as in the teaching

profession where not only technical drafting should be focused in the undergraduate

subjects but also in the fields of Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE). These are

thus seen as traits of graduates who are keen to tell their alma mater about their

successes in their separate workplaces through a tracer study.

The utilized special sample of the Drafting Technology Curriculum gave useful

information, but it's possible that the most important information is still missing and may

be represented by other program graduates with different sets of demographic traits, so

it's also necessary to track down other groups of graduates and expand on the data that

the current tracer research first produced.

Through the major, professional, core, and general education courses, as well as

through abilities in communication, human relations, and problem solving, the

established competences were extremely important and relevant to the job.

The human resources were determined to be competent and sufficient, despite

the fact that the physical facilities and equipment were insufficient to allow each student

to perform activities in CAD. Thus, the University should improve the physical facilities

and equipment to increase the performance of the students in performing their activities

in CAD.

The majority of participants reported being content with their pay, their ability to

collaborate with others, their job stability, and the prestige of their present field. They

believed that they are privileged and honored to be graduates of the University. The

Drafting Technology Curriculum was successful in giving graduates the necessary


preparation for the workforce and establishing in them a love of their profession and

alma mater, enabling the university to fulfill its mission, goals, and objectives.

The tracer study presents the first proof that strengths of the software that might

be further developed by modernizing it to adapt to the quickly evolving fields of labor,

science, and technology, by offering cutting-edge facilities and equipment, educational

materials, and by employing highly competitive teachers in the field of drafting

technology with a variety of skills.


Based on the study's results and conclusions, the researchers issued the

following recommendations: First, add the findings from the current study to the

university-wide tracer study that uses a different set of demographic data. Second,

maintain the program's high level of workplace applicability and suitability. Third, the

Drafting Technology curriculum should concentrate more on the research/problem-

solving, human relations, and communication skills that are needed in the business. In

particular, examine and enhance the Drafting Technology curriculum. By allowing more

time for communication, the research/problem solution may be completed on time. Last

but not least, enhance the teacher and student access to physical facilities, equipment,

and instructional materials.

This study only traces the job history of the graduating class of Drafting

Technology in 2018 and to assess the program's suitability and application, as well as

the breadth and depth of the skills acquired there. In order to supplement the

information provided by the results of the current tracer, the researchers expanded the

tracer study to include evaluation of the physical facilities and human resource services.

Furthermore, the curriculum has to be reviewed often to ensure that it is in line with

business standards.


Online Resources

Administrator, W. (n.d.). Drafting Technology. Drafting Technology. Retrieved January

18, 2023, from

Alaga W., Pacheco S. (2014) Academic Predictors of the Licensure Examination for
Teachers Performance of RTU’s Teacher Education Graduates. Date Retrieved: August
5, 2022

Alcantara, Nida V. Cruz, Leonardo T., Thelma L. Ramirez (2014). TRACER STUDY OF
RTU GRADUATES: AN ANALYSIS. Date Retrieved: August 5, 2022 from

Alsubaie (2016). Curriculum Development: Teacher Involvement in Curriculum

Development: Date Retrieved: November 17, 2022 from


DEVELOPMENT. Date Retrieved: November 17, 2022 rom

Antiojo L. (2017) Performance of Education Graduates in the Licensure Examination for

Teachers (LET) Date Retrieved: November 17, 2022 from

OF A COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDY. Date Retrieved: November 17, 2022 from

Banez, S. E. S (2002) Analysis of the UNP-CTE graduates performance in the

Licensure Examination for Teachers. Date Retrieved: November 17, 2022 from

Bates W. (20170 TEACHING IN A DIGITAL AGE. Date Retrieved November 17, 2022

Blogger, G. (2021, September 8). Five decades of technical drawing advances: how did
it impact engineering? Mead & Hunt. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from

Coll R. Zegwaard K (2006). Perceptions of desirable graduate competencies for science

and technology new graduates. Date Retrieved November 17, 2022 from

Estartes I. (2018). 4 Reasons Why Social Media in the Philippines is still Huge. Date
Retrieved July, 9, 2022 from


VOCATIONAL TRAINING. Date retrieved: July 9, 2022 from




International Labor Organization: Employer tracer study and perception of public

vocational training center (BLK) graduates from

Lagano E. (2017) In focus: College of Education Graduates Licensure Examination for

Teachers (LET) Performance. Date Retrieved: July 9, 2022 from

Matchperson I. (1996). Teaching Curriculum studies in teacher education programs as a

basis for teachers to engage in transformative curriculum practice. Date retrieved: July
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McClure(2018) Developing specific skills, competencies and point of view needed by

professional in the field most closely related to this course Date Retrieved: August 6,
2022 from
closely-related-to-this-cou rse/

Parker, Scott, & Geddes. (2019). Snowball Sampling - Research Repository. Snowball
Sampling - Research Repository. Retrieved January 20, 2023, from

Professor MantzYorke (2004). Employability in Higher Education: What it is- What is

not’, Higher Education Academy/ESECT from

Ramirez et. al (2014). A TRACER STUDY OF 2011-2015 GRADUATES FROM THE


Research Institute, E. E. (2023, January 27). Drafting Technician Salary in Philippines.

Drafting Technician Salary in Philippines.

Sarkari , Amin; Khalid, Ibrahim; Waheed: A tracer study of technical vocational

education and training institute graduates in Khartoum State form

Strauss, A., & Wijngaert, L. D. (2007, November 19). Basics of Qualitative Research. In
J. Corbin (Ed.), Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory.

U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010, November 10).

Occupational outlook handbook, 2010-11 edition: Drafters. Retrieved from

List of Graduates
(Drafting Technology)
Batch 2018

Name Address Course and Year

Major Graduated

Abayon, Mary Rose B. Mahayahay, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Abing, Betchy Rose L. Hinaplanon, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Adil, John JR. G. Tubod, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Allamado, Vanessa Mae S. Tibanga, Iligan City BSTTE-DT Dec 2018

Avelina, Kristy R. Tipanoy, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Bantilan, Kriezel Mae S. Santiago, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Cabugatan, Jalal A. Salvador, Lanao Del Norte BSTTE- DT May 2018

Caco, Hasmina H. Bubong, Lanao Del Sur BSTTE-DT Dec 2018

Cañete, Joelan L. Tomas Cabili, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Caramba, Marjorie Ann O. Tudela, Misamis Occidental BSTTE- DT May 2018


Cuasito, Jenifer O. Kapatagan, Lanao Del BSTTE- DT May 2018


Cullamat, Sheena P. Ditucalan, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Dimasar, Farhana I. Hinaplanon, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Flores, Ella Suzanne E. Tangub City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Herco, Mirasol N. Tomas Cabili, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Jarilla, Annette C. Polanco, Zamboanga Del BSTTE- DT May 2018


Labor, Stella S. Tambacan, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Layag, April Grace D. Ubaldo Laya, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Lim, Raul Winston R. Linamon, Lanao Del Norte BSTTE- DT May 2018

Luardo, Novelyn A. Aurora, Zamboanga del BSTTE- DT May 2018


Mamhot, Remmwell Lou R. Kumalarang, Zamboanga BSTTE-DT Dec 2018

del Sur

Sabac, Alynor Marie G. Luinab, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Sanchez, George D. Hinaplanon, Iligan City BSIED-DT May 2018

Sumile, Meryl Ketth T. Iligan City BSTTE-DT Dec 2018

Toledo, Kent Stephen T. Tangub City, Mis. Occ. BSTTE-DT Dec 2018

Torro, Adelfa L. Sapang Dalaga, Misamis BSTTE- DT May 2018


Umbac, Sancelo Marco Tubod, Iligan City BSTTE- DT May 2018

Anton A.

Sabaduquia, Ker John E. Ubaldo Laya, Iligan City




Personal Data
Name : Gabisay, Queennie Mae C.
Birthdate : December 20, 1999
Birthplace: : Iligan City
Home Address : Brgy. San Roque Iligan City
Age : 23
Sex : Female
Religion : Born Again Christian
Civil Status : Single
Father : Criscenciano Gabisay
Mother : Rosita C. Gabisay

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Iligan City Central School, Iligan City

Secondary : Iligan Medical Center College, Iligan City

College : Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology

Course : Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teachers Education


Major : Drafting Technology

Personal Data
Name : Togores, Joanni Clarizz C.
Birthdate : December 13, 2000
Birthplace: : Iligan City
Home Address : Brgy. Pala-o Iligan City
Age : 22
Sex : Female
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Father : Orlando B. Togores
Mother : Emily C. Togores

Educational Attainment

Elementary : Dona Juana Actub Lluch Memorial Central School, Iligan


Secondary : Iligan Medical Center College, Iligan City

College : Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology

Course : Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teachers Education

Major : Drafting Technology



Mindanao State University 

Iligan Institute of Technology College of Education
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
Major in Drafting Technology

Name of the respondent/participant:________________________________



Job: ___________________


After you graduate, did you find a job?

Is it inlined in the teaching profession or in industry?

1. What makes you stay in your current job?


2. What are the difficulties you encountered?

3. Did you ever gain skills from the Drafting Technology Curriculum that apply to

your profession today? How does it apply to your current job?

4. Did you grow & improve your professional skills from where you applied/work?


5. Do you believe that your current degree (Drafting Technology Curriculum) is

equipping you with the skills necessary to get employment post-graduation?


6. Do you think that your current degree (Drafting Technology Curriculum) will make

it easy for you to get a job post-graduation? Why?


● What is your suggestion to improve the Drafting Technology Curriculum?




Name: __________________________ Nature of work:

Examination Passed: [ ] Related [ ] Not Related Course

[ ] PRC [ ] TESDA [ ] Somewhat Related

[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams Current Work:

[ ] Other ____________ [ ] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

Work Status: [ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] Employed [ ] Self-Employed [ ] CAD Operator

[ ] Not Employed [ ] Drafting Supervisor

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] Graphic Designer

Type of Organization: [ ] Other ______________

[ ] Private [ ] NGO Location of Work (If Employed):

[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit [ ] Iligan [ ] Abroad

Status of employment [ ] Non-Iligan

[ ] Permanent Monthly Income:

[ ] Casual/Contractual/Job hire [ ] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000

[ ] Temporary [ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-

[ ] Apprentice
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
[ ] Other _____________ P40,000

[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000- [ ] Information from friends

[ ] Family business
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] As walk-in applicant
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Arranged by school job placement
How did you find your first job? officer

[ ] Response to Advertisement [ ] Other _____________

[ ] Recommended by someone



Name: Sancelo Marco Anton A. Umbac

Sex: Male

Address: Tubod, Iligan City (currently living at Dumaguete)

Job: Teacher 1 at NOHS (Negros Oriental High School) in Dumaguete

After graduation, he took the LET board exam without taking any review because of

“gasto” and luckily, he passed the exam. And then, he took the ranking in DepEd even

without experience.

The purpose of ranking is to apply as a substitute teacher.

“Teaching profession jud ni akong gisudlan. I was offered by my uncle in the industry

but nagfocus ra ko sa teaching kay sayon ra siya compared sa drafting but sadly, wala

nasulod jud sa drafting technology but ICT na nuon ko. Naa rajud kos ICT. Nagsugod

jud kos Carpentry pero wala ko kabalo unsay Carpentry. Hangtod karon, na ICT ra ko.”

“Yes. Grabe jud ka pressure. Especially since (dili man sa paghambog pero Magna man

gud ko), nakita nako akong mga classmates na naningkamot na sila. Kita na sila ug

trabaho. Grabe jud ka pressure. Dayon makakita ko nila nakakita na sila ug trabaho,

nakasulod na sila sa inani inana dayon ako wala pa. Lisod kaayo na sa imong self.

Thankfully, nakasulod ko. Nagsub’sub ra ko. Dayon, blessing na sa ako na nakakuha

ug sub for one year na kontrata. Then, katong ikaduha nako nga 3 month. Tungod ato,

nakasulod na dayon ko nakaadapt na dayon ko. Dili man unta ko dawaton but kailangan

man sila ug ICT then top 1 man ko sa ranking. That is why, nakasulod ra ko. Either luck

nani siya or faith najud siya.

1. “Honestly speaking, it’s the money. During 2020 kay pandemic man na siya,

gamay kaayo ug kwarta akong parents ana but thankfully, naa pa koy naipon sa

akoang sub nga job. Due to that, kailangan nako mucontinue ani kay atleast

dako kog sweldo para makabayad sa mga gastuon. So, money jud ang

nakacontribute sa ako”

2. In my job, it’s very difficult because kung TLE ka, ilabay ka bisag asa. Kung TLE

ka, dili pasabot kung unsa imong course or bahalag as a teacher in general. Dili

ka pasabot TLE. Currently, I am teaching ESP about values. Gatudlo ko ana,

gatudlo kog Carpentry which is wala koy background sa ICT kay Draftsman.

Karon kay gatudlo ko ug Gardening sa Grade 8 ug front office services kay

general man gud ang Grade 8 ug 7. So, mao ranay difficulties nako especially

since wala nakay nako napractice akoang Drafting Technology. Focus nako sa

TLE. Akoang jud problem kay ang ICT which is needed jud kaayo siyag

technology since my school is not that dako jud siya nga school but dili man siya

dato wala man kaayo computers na pwede nako maaccess sa mga bata nako dili

kay nako makuan ug one by one ug mga cp, mga system units but thankfully

magbuhat rakog simulation na mao ray substitute sa ilang lesson. Mao rapud

akong mga difficulty.

3. Yes. There were skills like especially in my Grade 8 since general man siya.

Akong nabal-an is naay technical drafting sa Fourth Quarter nila which is better.

Naapply jud nako siya. Sauna, naa man nay drafting technology ang school

namo but natangtang na siya kay gamay ra gusto musulod like 2 students dayon

mawala ra dayon siya. But, some skills maapply jud nako siya especially naa

man gud magbuhat ug mga rooms for example, front office services namo by

January, akong topic is Alphabet of Lines which is part na siya sa Drafting.

Atleast, naa najud koy expertise ana mga front view, side view, top view mga

inana nga lesson atleast mateach nako na siya. Naa gihapon koy maapply-apply


4. I did improve because atleast I gained experience. So, from a teacher’s

perspective, I’ve gained enough strategies on how to teach my students. I gained

different methods on how to make them be more eager to learn. Nangita jud ko

ug way na *inaudible* especially ang mga bata karon kay dali ra mabored. So,

nangita ko ug technique like games, mga activities na ma-enganyo sila kay sa

una, during pajud sa college days, sa akoa rajud huna’huna kay paper-pencil

task. Karon kay nachallenge najud ko na maghuna’huna nako ug mga activities

everyday para lang maenganyo kay dili jud lalim same ra imong itudlo. Mabored


5. The lack of technology since in the Philippines, dili jud kay ta as in

technologically advanced. Dili tanan sa computer lab naa jud makaaccess, mga

parts especially sa akong ICT. Lisod jud kaayo ko mutudlo ug mga.. for example,

installing Windows 10 or installing Windows 7 mga inana kay ang computers, isa

raman Windows 10 and dili ko pataka-taka ug ‘okay, uninstall nato ang Windows

10. Mag usab ta ug install kay basin palang maguba. Dili kayko kakuan so,

akong gitry para maovercome na siya is through simulation. Gabuhat nalang ko

ug simulation na akong gibilaran na mao ni inyong tuplokon para kung mag-

install mo siya para makaexperience sila ug mga different kinds of that.

6. Although not in my part, because ICT honestly speaking, nagkuan rako ug

technical drafting daghan kaayo gaingon mga maestra na “eehh” dili kaayo sila

kuan. But, sa ngalan nga nakadala nako is TLE. One of the principals in another

school, giadvice ra ko as substitute kay nakakita nila na TLE nalang. That is why,

gisulod ko ug kuan. But sadly to say, ang Drafting Technology dili kay siya as in

common sa mga public schools diri sa amoa compared sa lain like Carpentry,

Masonry, etc. But sa ngalan nga TLE, dali ra nuon ko nakuha tungod lang ana.

And although dili siya sa teaching profession ang Drafting Technology maayo

siya best nako kay abroad, kanang pag-apply sa mga engineering, architecture,

kana sila maoy dira ka maka *inaudible* sa drafting para sa akoa.

7. Depende. Kay like I’ve said, my degree which is Drafting Technology, dili kay

siya kuan sa teaching. More on sa engineering ni siya or architect. But, pwede

man siya makuan through sa specific schools ra siya ba dili jud siya as in general

na needed jud siya sa tanan schools but some schools offered technical drafting

mao ni nakaapan sa akoang course which is TLE because although daghan siya

dili tanan schools muoccupy ug that type or that particular TLE mostly ICT,

carpentry, masonry, but seldom ra kaayo ang mga drafting technology na

students which mao jud ni makakuan nila nakareason ug pangita jud ug apply

kung asa jud siya padulong.


It should be more.. Although.. Based on my experience in Drafting Technology,

when you say drafting technology, it is already perfect. Naa najud siya. Gitudlo najud

siya unsay drafting from drawing to kuan but in the essence of I think it should be more

or naa tay other subjects pud like akoa lang nabantayan is kami drafting technology,

focus rajud mis drafting. Katong IT students, naa silay tanan ilaha which is TLE, naa

silay drafting pud murag nakacontribute sila sa tanan ba. So, naa silay mga kuan for

example, naa man kay experience sa cookery, masonry, na makaingon jud ang other

DT, IT, ug TLE kanang tulo. Kanang duha, naa jud na silay experiences from other but

ang DT, focuses rajud siya sa Drafting Technology. So mas better jud siya if naa pud

experience bahalag gamay experiences from other para atleast kung mag-apply is dili

kay maglisod ang pag-apply. Ikaw mag-apply ka ana nga course. Nya ignon man ka

nga “TLE man ka dong ba? Although walay drafting diri pero kabalo ba ka ug carpentry.

Naa ba kay experience ana.” Atleast, makatubag ka nga “okay. Pwede rako ani kay

nakasulay ko ana sa college” dayon pagtudlo nimo, kabalo na dayon ka. So, that is my

advice na kailangan jud naa tay lain TLE. Although wala ko kabalo… Sa among time,

diritso raman mi drawing. Katong dili kabalo mudrawing, mapugos jud ug drawing. Mao

na among first year na naexperience. Drawing na dayon diritso. Wala jud mi anang

masonry, bahalag cookery, tahi-tahi, wala. Okay ra siya atleast naay introduction. Kay

wala ko karemember na naa mi introduction sa masonry ug plumbing. Diritso rajud kog

drawing, namalit nami ug T-square, pencil. Diritso rajud mi ana.



Name: Kent Stephen T. Toledo

Sex: Male

Address: Tangub City

Job: Online Job

After graduation, it was hard jud sa beginning so ang akong solution ato. On my part is,

nagtake nalang ko mga commission because I am an artist. So, mao to siyay nagbuhi

nako ato nga time like nagstruggle jud kog nangita ug job. At that time, daghan pud ko

ug clients actually like from around the globe or worldwide like mga authors, creators,

etc. Daghan nagpacommission nako so, nakasave up ko and then, with that money,

nakabuy ko ug akoang desktop and nakahelp pud ko ug pay sa bills ginagmay.

Right now, I have an online job. Bag-o lang mi nalayoff sa previous work. So right now,

nag-online job nalang sah ko but no it’s not inclined jud sa akoang gitake nga course

even malayo jud siya

1. I needed the money. I need to help pay the bills like sa internet. Now is

commission-based na akong work because nalayoff pa ko sa previous na work

because of political things. So now, layo jud siya sa akong profession. When you

stay here, need ang money jud. So karon, nagtry napud ko ug another 5 jobs,

plenty of online jobs pang daytime ug nighttime.

2. Maintroduce ka sa new application because sa katong previous job kay sa

industry man to siya dili sa teaching profession. I worked as a Draftsman before.

Most of the things, familiar nako sa mga applications that was actually easy for

me but naintroduce dayon ko mga bag-ong applications and then like, surprise

rajud siya sa akoa because wala ko kaapil ug seminar ato and then, murag

gipersuade na magstart ug work ani, you should learn this. So, akong struggle

ato is learning na walay seminar, nagwatch lang ko ug videos. But, fast learner

man ko. Dali ra kayko nakalearn ug application and then, sa among office, akoy

ginahatagan ug mga tasks because they trusted me enough kay nakalearn

raman pud ko by myself. Staying awake at work.


3. Zero contribution in my current job. But in my previous job, easy na sa akoa ang

AutoCAD and most of the task, I can take it easily without a struggle. They

introduced Computer Aided application.

4. Maybe a little kay naintroduce man ko sa bag-ong application atleast I know how

to do that. Something I can brag like I applied for a job that actually needs it.

Atleast I know this, I know that. Mao to siya akong nalearn na skills during my

previous job.

5. Mild problems. Siguro *inaudible* sa mga datas na giprovide sa city nga kanang

mga magcompute mi ug dalan. Magmake ug road sa barangay and then, naa

silay data iprovide and then sometimes, the data is lacking. We had to.. Lisod

pud pabalikon namo to mga people na “Can you do a survey again for that?” So,

mao to we tried to find a solution to that without having to the survey again like

from the beginning.

6. Yes. Ang giteach sa Drafting Technology kay very essential jud kaayo kay kung

whatever field that you tried to pursue either if like sa industry ka or sa teaching

pero like focus ra kaayo sa drafting. Nagtackle unta ug more side sa TLE karon

like dili kaayo magstruggle when it comes to applying for the TLE job sa DepEd.

But in industry, so far everything you need to learn, you need to learn is

ginaprovide na sa course na gitake nato.

7. Sa DepEd, you need to have experience. But in industry, I wouldn’t say that it’s

easy because naa japon completion. Some companies need like need ug

experience. You just have to work hard for it.



During sa board exam namo, nagstruggle jud mi sa TLE, sa major namo nga part

sa exam because of lack of pagteach sa other branches of TLE because focus jud

kaayo sa atong course sa Drafting. There’s a good side to that is like mahasa jud ang

imong skills sa drafting but sa downside, you have little experience with like masonry,

cooking, etc. like even I don’t know kung unsa ang branches sa TLE because like little

experience to that. So, during the exam, gamay ra kaayo nigawas sa drafting questions

then daghan kaayog other branches. So, that was the struggle jud. Maybe to improve it

is, dili lang siguro introduction lang sa other branches but maybe dive a little deeper to

those branches.


Name: Ella Suzanne E. Flores

Sex: Female

Address: Tangub City (currently living in Vietnam)

Job: Teacher (primary and toddlers)

After graduation, she took LET board exam

Applied as a Draftsman in Vietnam for months and then applied as a teacher for primary

and toddlers

After graduation, nagtake ko ug board exam and then after that, nakakita ug trabaho sa

city but dili teaching but as a draftsman.

Current situation is teaching

1. Practically, money because we all need money to live.

2. Dili mi ana kamaayo sa mga.. Like sa AutoCAD mga inana. So, naglisod jud ko

kay Draftsman man ko didto sa city namo. Luckily, ang akong officemate kay

akong tita ra and then my father is also an Engineer. So, naa ra koy maduolan if

nagkalisod but most of the time, ang akong problema is how to really impress my

co-workers kay Engineers man sila tanan nya ako kay drafting ra tapos dili pajud

ganahan ug mga AutoCAD.

3. Very slight. Because as of now, I’m also the art teacher sa among school. So,

siguro ang among naapply kay drawing nga part. But kanang mga AutoCAD,

zero jud siya.

4. No.

5. Sa akong profession karon sa pagsugod nako diri, nagkaproblema lang jud ko on

how to manage the kids kay ang akong mga studyante diri is mga toddlers and

then imagine, 1yr old. Unsaon man nimo sila ipapuyo jud like maminaw sa

imoha. So, dira ko niabot pa ko sa point na nihilak jud ko kay ang bata dili

munaog sa lamesa like sigeg patong’patong, sigeg dagan’dagan. Murag dira ko

nagkalisod sa management sa mga bata.


6. Yes. Because I was working as a Draftsman before. So, needed pud siya like

ang drafting technology mao pud ang rason nganong nakasulod ko ato sa City

Engineer’s office kay pagbasa na naa koy mga subjects connected to

engineering pud.

7. If didto ka mag-apply sa Senior High like TLE subject mga drafting-drafting na

mga schools, easy siya. But if sa DepEd dili ka makabuot pud, murag easy but

lisod pud.


Personally, pwede man unta siya isagol sa TLE kay Drafting alone man gud,

murag lisod kaayo kay nakaexperience man gud mi sa pagtake palang namo sa LET

nga ang amoang gitake-kan is whole TLE jud nga subject not Drafting only. Wala mi

natudloan sa uban TLE nga mga subject. But ofcourse, dili man namo na pwede

ipatanggal or put it into trash ang drafting diritso kay nasugdan na sauna pa naa nana.

Siguro, mas maghatag pa sila ug much deeper teaching about other subjects like TLE,

like ang whole jud iteach dili lang basta’basta introduction lang.

Additional answer:

First, dili ko interested sa AutoCAD. Second, nianhi ko diri to work but ang ilang

man gud mas gipangita is English Teacher and mao pud akoang unang natrabaho so

ako nalang gipadayon and then, nagtake pud kog mga courses connected sa English

than sa drafting kay mas magamit man nako karon.


Name: Novelyn A. Luardo

Sex: Female

Address: Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

Job: Teacher

After graduation, NagHR sa Tita Fannies for 2 years ayha ko nagstay sa balay and then


Sa karon, teaching.

House volunteer ko. So, tanan na mga learning strand.

1. Para makagain ko ug experience points.

2. Sa karon, sa pagbyahe kay layo man ko naasign sa Tipanoy nya dili ko kabalo

mudrive ug motor. Kinahanglan magkuyog mi sa akong kauban kay aron

makasakay ko sa iyaha.

3. Wala kaayo nagamit sa karon kay volunteer man ko ron nya house biya akong

givolunteer. So, more on life skills and then ang mga learning strand kay general


4. Yes. Nakahalubilo naman ko ug mga teachers tapos kabalo nako muatubang sa

higher rank sa akoa. So, aside sa natrabahoan nako sauna so dili kay mga

students ang akong naatubang. Apil na karon ang higher rank. Makaadto nami

sa division office.

5. More on out-of-school youth and adult. So dagko na akong mga studyante naa

koy 35yrs old, 52 yrs old, mga parents na wala nakatiwas ug skwela. Ang akong

problema kay kinahanglan nako nga mustay sa akong klase kay basta in-ana

parents na, daghan na kaayo giatiman. Mangita jud ko ug ways unsaon nako sila

na magbilin sa akong klase kay boringan man sila “Ma’am, naa pa koy

atimanon”, “Ma’am, dili ko kaadto sa klase.” so ikaw jud dapat mangita ug

pamaagi kung unsaon nimo na mustay sila sa imong klase for one school year.

6. Dili siya necessary kay tungod.. Paggraduate man gud, for me, teaching dayon

imong makuan. Dili jud siya necessary na katong mga skills na akong na learn sa

drafting maoy akong gigamit. More on diskarte jud siya sa kinabuhi.

7. As Drafting Tech graduate, dili kaayo. Pero as Education graduate, magamit jud.


Magfocus sila sa skills nga pwede magamit after graduation. Depende sa imoha

kung mag industry ba or teaching. Pero kung sa teaching, kay nagamit jud to tanan.

Pero kung Drafting, dili ko makaingon kay dili man gud ko sa industry dayon maglisod

jud ko ana. Dili ko maayo sa AutoCAD. Akong masuggest, dapat ang teachers kay

dapat master najud sila ana kay nakaexperience man gud ko sauna nga ningpass lan

ko ug pucho’pucho dayon okay ra diay to. Ana siya. So dapat ang mga teachers nga

gihire sa ana nga subject dapat kanang kabalo jud sila sa ilang gitudlo.

Additional answer:

Basta naa man gud ka sa DepEd, dili necessary na ang katong gigraduate-tan,

mao gyud na ang gitudlo. Dapat kung teacher ka, flexible jud ka ana. Dayon, ang

drafting man gud kay kung mutake ka ug board exam, dili drafting imong take-kan kundi

TLE. Dayon, ang kanang uban subject sa TLE, wala ninyo natun-an sa inyong drafting.


Name: John G. Adil Jr.

Sex: Male

Address: Tubod, Iligan City

Job: Faculty at Department of Technology Teacher Education

After graduation, he applied as Draftsman in NGCP for 3 years and then applied in

Teaching Profession at MSU-IIT


One month after my graduation, I found a job so that is, the company name is the

NGCP. My nature of work is right of way assistant which is more closer to draftsman.

So, we used AutoCAD. The skills that we learned from the undergrad is naapply namo

na ana nga work. So, Nag-AutoCAD mi at the same time, estimation. Ang estimates kay

nagamit namo sa work pud ana nga company.

In my current job, I am currently a faculty in our department (DTTE). So, my focus is

teaching and I also do an administrative job in our college. So, much more in teaching .

1. Currently, I am a not permanent in our department because my status is same as

Sir Glay. I am an assistant lecturer. So, we have subject there that we teach. But,

anytime jud mi mawala if there is something more much compatible or much

higher than our educational attainment. Pwede jud mi mailisan. But then, what

made me stay in my current job is number 1, the salary and next is, the thinking

of the department where someday, observe as.. If dugay na among service dira

sa atoang department. As permanent nana siya.

2. I have less time in the family because I spent lot of time sa school because I

have duty from Monday until Sunday. So, wala jud koy break kay pagkasaturday

is my class. Monday to Friday is my administrative work sa college. Then

Sunday, naa pud koy NSTP. So then, maski sa inana ka hectics sa schedule at

the same time, nagskwela man pud ko ug Master’s. So, I think inana na mga

challenges na although , hectic kaayo ang time but still, manageable siya. Kung

kabalo lang ta ug time management.


3. I graduated in the Old Curriculum of the BSTTE Drafting Technology. What I’ve

learned in my undergrad is applied both sa teaching and industry. Sa industry,

like I said earlier that maapply nako siya for my CAD operation and cost

estimation. And also, here.. I am currently teaching animation in Drafting

Technology. In my undergrad, I learned also 2d animation. Nagamit jud nako siya

karon sa akoang work.

4. In terms of my professional development, makaingon jud kog I grow because

they said that teaching is non-stop. Once you are particularly taking your as step,

always teaching. Never stop jud na siya. You always keeps on learning. So by

then, however, although nateacher nako but then, there are some experiences

na wala pa pud ko kabalo because of some of the students is much better sila

nga kabalo.. For example, updated application, updated na mga technology

which is wala nakoy time muexplore. Ilang introduce nila sa akoa at the same

time, makalearn pud ko inana nga unsaon paggamit.

5. In my opinion, I think that I am fully equipped because sa akoang undergrad is

inlined of what I am teaching now and also of what I am taking currently. So, I am

taking Master’s Degree in Education. It focuses in Information, Communication,

and Technology. So, it is aligned with my undergraduate.

6. Whatever is it to happened. For example, if I am not into teaching, I am very

much more confident makakita ug job because my skills where I graduated as

Drafting Technology student very demanding. In demand jud kaayo siya nga

program which is daghan kaayog company nga naninahanglan ug draftsman,

kabalo mucomputer, kabalo ug AutoCAD, ana siya. So, di ka maguol kung


mugraduate kag Drafting Tehcnology because once you are bringing the name of

the school and also imong program na imong nahuman, which is, ang trabaho

maoy muduol sa imoha dili ikaw ang mangita ug trabaho. Mao na siya in my own

experiences. Much more kung naa kay mga compiled na mga portfolio, for

example naa kay mga portfolios from your work as a student while gasideline

pud ka imo na ginacompile. Once imo na mapresent sa mga client nimo, mas

mudaghan pa imong network ug connections.


In my experience, I graduated as Drafting Technology. In our board exam, tinuod

jud na ilang gipangsulti nila, wala jud nila ginateach ng mga like dressmaking, cooking,

wala jud na siya even mga introduction, wala jud na siya. Much more sa inyohang

generation ninyo ron na swerte kaayo mo kay why not. Swerte kay mo kay naa nay

common competencies in Industrial Arts, common competencies in Home Economics,

which is ang Drafting naa nana siyay chance, naa siyay capabilities na mutake. Kabalo

na siya what is behind maski basic lang kay mao man siya mugawas sa board exam. In

our time, wala man siya. Pero, siguro kung what is need to be improved is that mga TVL

skills, mga TVET skills kay dapat ifocus jud na which is atong curriculum is inline dapat

always to what is TVET. So, what is the aim of the TESDA kay didto man ta nagabase

sa Basic Common Competencies. It should be TESDA aligned and support siya sa mga

students pud nga which is kung magtake sila ug TESDA puhon, dili na sila matingala.

Dili na sila mabag-ohan na “ay, inani diay ang mga competencies sa TESDA”. “Maygani

nalearn namo ni sa amoang Drafting Technology during our undergrad.”



Name: Adelfa L. Torro

Sex: Female

Address: Sapang Dalaga, Misamis Occidental (currently living at Zamboanga del


Job: Junior Highschool Teacher handling Grade 7 to 10 (ICT subject) at Zamboanga


Nag-apply ko didto sa DepEd but then, naapil ko sa rank then wala man japon. So,

nagpuyo ko like almost a year sa balay.

Teaching profession because based sa akong assessment sa akong self, dili ko pro

interms of using AutoCAD and mga other applications. Nakita nako akong self na diri

jud ko sa teaching.

1. Money and experience also because I am planning to apply in the DepED. So,

need man nila ug experience. Kinahanglan nako magkaexperience atleast 4

years after ana, okay na.

2. Akong current mga difficulties in terms of skills kay maningkamot jud ka.. Ang

akong gipangtudlo karon is kanang naay photography, videography, animation,

photoshop. Katong animation kay naa man to sa atong drafting. Mutouch ta

gamay sa animation. So, matudlo ra nako gamay pero sa katong sa uban is wala

to. So dapat magexplore ka sa imong self like you need to watch youtube

tutorials before iklase nimo sa imong studyante. Magtuon lang jud ka. Interms sa

pagdeliver sa imong lessons, we are in a private school pero kulang ug

computers and wala pajud mi internet because dugay ang installation. Usahay

mawal-an ka ug gana sa imong pagteach because ang imong gusto murag dili

nimo mahatag because of the lack of equipments. Mangita nalang ug way

unsaon pagcatch up. Mangita ug strategies para madeliver gihapon nimo pero

dili japon inana ka lalom kay lack of materials.


3. I believe so. Because we learned sa experience jud kay lahi rajud diay kanang

magskwela dili ra kaayo gamay ra pero pag experience na, naa naman gud

tanan didto ang application dayon you will learn also from your superior kung

unsay maayo mga strategy on how to teach kay mas dako man sila ug

experience sa imoha so, didto makabrainstorm ka kung unsay mga maayo nga

strategy kung unsaon paghandle sa studyante.

4. Lack of materials. In terms of handling students.. I was handling Grade 7-10

(adviser sa Grade7). During my first year sa trabaho, Grade 8 then Grade 10.

And now, Grade 7. And lahi rajud kay murag bitaw mga elementary. So, mga

lingas but then, kailangan taas ka ug patience and daghan ka ug time

management kay usually, basta bag-ohan man ka daghan man ipabuhat sa imo..

Mao ni imong buhaton. Pag batan-on ka, daghan kaayog mangutana like “maayo

kayka ani kay computer kuan biya ka” ana mura bitaw mga inana. Kanang mga

elder nga teacher nimo mga kauban na magkuan sa imoha nga ikaw buhat ani

kay kuan.. So, daghan kaayo mga responsibilities.

5. I believe kanang slight’slight kay kinahanglan man jud ka makagraduate. Kanang

kuan sa drafting, ICT teacher man ko involve man ang pag-use sa computer. So,

sa drafting diba mag-use man ta ug computer pero dili man kaayo align sa imong

gitudlo ron nga subject pero atleast ba ana nga paagi

6. Kailangan man jud na. Pero right now, makaingon ka ba na magreflect ka sa

imong self na kung lahi bitaw imong gitudlo, kinahanglan man jud ka maglearn

ug bag-o. So that’s why, kana bitaw magkuha jud ko ug master’s kay naa man

didto.. Naa man pud kay bag-ong skills na malearn na feel nako mao siyay in

need siya para karon sa present sa pagtudlo. Ang drafting nako na mga…

nakalimot na ko. Sa karon, wala jud. Gamay rajud. Animation rajud akong



Dapat dili lang magfocus sa Drafting alone kay in terms sa pag LET ninyo, broad

kaayo ang TLE. So, dili lang sila nagafocus sa Drafting kay naa gali one question ato

during the LET exam ato na niingon na pila daw kuno ka cups ang gamiton kung

maguba ang kilohan sa flour.. Pila daw ka cups nya wala man mi maski gamay lang jud

nga background sa mga baking then, naa pajud to cosmetology. Daghan jud kaayo. So,

dapat pud mutouch jud sa inana na mga area kay during sa LET, kung wala kay

background ana, ikaw nalang maningkamot na “Ay maglearn ko ani”. So dapat

undergrad palang, magprepare najud na mga inana nga area na kinahanglan ifocus



Name: Ker John E. Sabaduquia

Sex: Male

Address: Ubaldo Laya, Iligan City

Job: Sa NGCP right of way (nagnegotiate sa plot owners or house owners)

Siguro nilabay mga months or almost a year ayha ko nakakita ug job.

Dili kay for experience raman pud to. After graduation, take ug kuan.. Walay review

dayon wala sad nagwork. Bagsak man. So, sulod sa ug City Hall. Mao to, for 9months.

1. Financial. Lisod pud mubiya sa trabaho nya labi na malak-angan ug isa ka bulan.

Lisod kaayo ibuhi sa pamilya kay syempre naa namay kinahanglanon. So,


2. Wala man kaayo kay normal raman sa trabaho na kasab-an ka. Siguro sa mga

house owners medyo gahi ug ulo kung papahawaon sa ilang mga balay kay

syempre kung maagian sila sa NGCP, baryan man gud na ilang mga balay so

kami, i-estimate namo ilang balay, sukdon, dayon among i-estimate, maghatag

ug papers sa ilaha dayon ipresent namo to ang kuan sa ilang balay. So, nagkuan

pud mis tag-iya na pirmahan to siya na among gibuhat nga papers para sa ilaha.

So diha siguro sa pagpapahawa sa ilaha kay naa man jud mga tagbalay na

syempre lisod pud pahawaon sa balay na ilaha.

3. Yes. Nakaapply siya sa akoa. Dako jud siya nga application kay syempre

gasukod mi sa mga balay. Gamit kaayo ang CAD. Gamit pud ang sa

measurements sa balay, sa pag estimate labi na kanang naa man siguro ta..

Nakaagi man siguro ta sa Estimation. So, magamit jud siya as a professional


4. Nakaimprove siya kay syempre different houses man among gimeasure. So,

makakita ka ug lain-lain design then maapply to nimo sa imohang kuan if naa kay

sideline. Naapply nako and then nakamold sa akoang skills labi na sa pagCAD

kay CAD man gud usually among ginagamit kay sayon man gud ang magCAD

when it comes sa design, mas mawiden ang imohang knowledge kay different

houses and different designs pud sailang balay na makita nimo sa ilaha na unsa

ilang mga materials na ilang gipanggamit.

5. Nagamit ra siya nako pero siguro kanang sa wala nagtarong ug skwela, kanang

gabinuang sa una. So, mabalik to nimo siya. Makaingon ka nag “sayanga wala

nako gitun-an. Tun-an nako balik bi. Maapply man nimo siya. Dako siya nga

application sa akong current job.

6. Kung muingon kag easy, dili jud siya easy kay syempre kay mostly sa gipangita

sa mga employers, naa kay experience. Naa kay mapakita sa ilaha nga mga

diploma or higher nga mga kuan labi na sa mga NCII. So, ganahan pud sila ug

mga actual nga nakabuhat jud ka ana. So, lisod jud siya magpangita.

Maningkamot sah jud ka didto sa.. Mangaykay jud ka sa pinakaubos nga trabaho

na imong makita. So, maggain ka ug experience ayha musulod sa trabaho na

imong gusto. Sa trabaho na ganahan ka sa kana nga sweldo.


When it comes sa board exam, lisod jud kaayo kay ang walay background sa

mostly sa TLE. Broad kaayo sa exam and mura kag tangatanga didto. Muanswer ka sa

question na wala nimo gitun-an for 4 years. Dapat mangandam jud daan and sa work

pud kung maestro ka sa TLE, mura kag mubalik ug tuon sa TLE nga kanang sa nails,

table setting, mga inana. Mao na siyay disadvantage sa drafting.


Name: Mirasol N. Herco

Sex: Female

Address: Tomas Cabili, Iligan City

Job: Draftsman at Engineering and Architectural Firm

After graduation, nagreview ko para sa LET then exam. Narenew nako akoang license

pero never jud ko nakateach. Mas prefer nako ang sa Drafting nga side. Right now, I’m

connected to Architectural firm. Nagwork ko karon sa Engineering and Architectural

Firm as CAD operator and multitasking man sa firm. So, daghan jud siya nga positions

or tasks na akoang ginabuhat not just CAD operator but managing construction

projects. Now, safety officer kay mas kuan kos construction.

1. Tungod kay malingaw man gud ko kay aside sa drawing’drawing and design,

magdesign sa balay, magrender, kanang interior and exterior. Nindot man gud

siya. Sauna paman gyud ko ganahan ug mga drawing’drawing. One of the

reason nganong nagDrafting ko dira sa IIT kay dili man kaafford ug Architecture

sa gawas like sa Lyceum or somewhere unya IIT pagyud. So, IIT gyud ko

nisulod. Gipili jud nako ang Drafting kay mao may related tapos dili paman ko

sure sa Civil kay pag Civil, math. So, Drafting kay drawing’drawing raman.

2. Currently, sa paghandle sa mga tao kay lahi’lahi man gud klase mga tao pareha

raman pud sa teaching lahi’lahi pud klase mga bata. So, same rapud sa akoa,

makahandle pud kog mga inana nga trabahante nga lahi’lahi pud nga klase. So,

kailangan jud nimo sila i-deal ug tarong. Pareha rapud sa uban, pareha pud as a

teacher kay kailangan pud nimo i-deal ang different kinds sa students.

3. Oo kay sa Drafting, natun-an tanan basics and not-so-basics nga mga

intermediate level. Kung wala, magyoutube tutorial ra pero mas nindot na kanang

inyong giklasehan. Naa pay teacher mga inana. So, nakahelp jud siya sa akoa

kay nisulod man ko sa industry na kabalo nako magCAD, SketchUp, ang

pagrender, Photoshop, mga inana tungod sa Drafting nga course.

4. Nag-Master’s ko sa Civil, sa USTP. Then as of now, naa mi ginaprepare na

about schooling japon para atleast continue japon akong professional or career


5. One of my first job, CAD operator japon. Nakahelp jud siya kay pagsulod nako,

kabalo naman ko. So, dili na kayko kailangan nila tudloan or somehow akong

confidence level kay dili kaayo low. Makawork rapud ko ug tarong tungod kana.

Naequip jud ko sa Drafting course.

6. Sa akoa, oo. Even if kung sa teacher, okay rapud kay ang Drafting under raman

pud siya sa TLE and kung magteacher kay.. Either teacher or drafting, okay

raman kay para sa employment nimo


Kanang research developments labi na karon kay daghan na ug trends,

technology or software. Kanang update siguro nga software ginagamit kay daghan man

mas nice mga softwares.


Name: April Layag

Address: La Ville, Baraas, Iligan City


Sex: Female

Job: Virtual Assistant

After graduation, I was hired as a VA, but I am currently working as an online tutor.

She is a Virtual Assistant

1. I like this job since it gives me flexible hours and a reasonable salary.

2. Since my job is based online, my difficulties only relate to power interruptions,

connection problems, and sometimes handling some difficult students.

3. It’s very far from drafting, and obviously, I don’t use the tools used in drafting

when teaching. But when it comes to teaching students, which is also included in

the course, it helped me a lot.

4. I am not that confident to say yes, but the course equipped me with these ideas

on how to handle students. And my current job has also helped me polish my

skills in teaching by giving me the necessary experience.

5. Yes, it really helped me a lot.

6. Yes, it will help you, but you also need to have determination. Life after

graduation is not easy.


I can’t think of any suggestions since my college days, when learning drafting

was a bit hectic but enjoyable. Also, having professors like the ones I had greatly helped

to polish my skills, and they also made the course fun.


Name: Raul Winston R. Lim

Address: Purok 1-A, Poblacion, Linamon, Lanao del Norte


Sex: Male

Job: Municipal planning and development Office (LGU)

After graduation, I was offered a job before graduation

1. Growth (new skillset and different profession), promotion, and environment

2. Totally different field from my degree. I was learning my job while working at the

same time.

3. Flexibility and spatial skills (including my experience in CAD and SKP). My job is

about planning the development of the community. These skills or maybe traits,

helped me adapt to my job.

4. Yes, besides technical skills, my communication skills is what I think I’ve been

trying to improve in my job, because the nature of my job involves a lot of

speaking, small group and small crowd.

5. Yes, besides that it is in demand, soft skills is really vital in working, for technical

skills gets you in the job, soft skills makes you stay and level up. It may not be

emphasized in college but, I have learned a lot of it during classes form

professors and lecturers.

6. No, the job itself is in demand, but you still got a lot to do and it may be simple,

bit it surely isn’t easy.


Emphasis of the National Building Code of the Philippines (ensure that

developers conform to the implementation of modern technical knowledge on


construction, building design, occupancy, maintenance, and use).


Name: Marjorie Ann O. Caramba

Address: Tudela, Misamis Occidental


Sex: Female

Job: Substitute teacher to locally paid teacher in our municipality

After graduation, I did not find a job. I started my job after my teacher I application in

DepEd for the second time around as a substitute teacher to a locally paid teacher in

our municipality in Tudela.

1. I choose to stay in my current job for the salary and monthly bonuses.

2. Lack of facilities in my workplace.

3. No, as of the moment Wala jud naku nagamit akong na learned na skills sa

drafting kay wala sad ko gateach ug drafting sa akong TLE na subject gumikan

sa kakulangon sa drafting tools sa school ug mismo among mga studyante

maglisod ug provide ug kaugalingon nila na basic drafting tools labi na kay bukid

ko naassign na school.

4. Yes

5. Yes, for those graduates na hasa kaau sa drafting.

6. Yes, it is easier to find a job in the industry. No, if sa deped ka mag apply

because of the ranking process na super duper yaya unya ug Wala kay backer





Name: George Sanchez


Address: Purok 6-A, Isabel Ramiro Street, Hinaplanon, Iligan City

Sex: Male

Job: Draftsman

After graduation, he applied as a Draftsman in a private construction company which is

in line in industry.

1. “I am happy with my job as an Architectural Designer and I have a decent pay.”

2. “Handling multiple projects in a short amount of time.”

3. “I did. I had learned the basics in AutoCAD and other 3D modeling software

which are essential to my current work.”

4. “My skills improved a lot in the workplace. Colleagues with advanced

professional skills provided an ample amount of help.”

5. “I believe they do because they would teach us all the basic skills that we need

for us to be employed, which we then enhance and improve.”

6. “The curriculum teaches us a variation of skillset which we can use as an

advantage to get jobs post-graduation, either through teaching or working as a

Draftsman, etc.”



Name: Vanessa Mae S. Allamado [ ] PRC [✓] TESDA

[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams

Examination Passed:
[✓] Other NCII (Technical Drafting)

Work Status: [ ] Non-Iligan

[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed Monthly Income:

[ ] Not Employed [ ] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-

Type of Organization:
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
[✓] Private [ ] NGO P40,000

[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit [ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-

Status of employment
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] Permanent
[ ] Other _____________
[✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire
How did you find your first job?
[ ] Temporary
[ ] Response to Advertisement
[ ] Apprentice
[✓] Recommended by someone
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Information from friends
Nature of work:
[ ] Family business
[ ] Related [✓] Not Related Course
[ ] As walk-in applicant
[ ] Somewhat Related
[ ] Arranged by school job placement
Current Work: officer
[ ] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman [ ] Other ____________________
[✓] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] CAD Operator

[ ] Drafting Supervisor

[ ] Graphic Designer

[ ] Other ______________ Name: Mary Rose B. Abayon

Location of Work (If Employed): Examination Passed:
[✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad

[✓] PRC [✓] TESDA (NCII [ ] Other ______________

Technical Drafting)
Location of Work (If Employed):
[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams
[✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad
[ ] Other ____________
[ ] Non-Iligan
Work Status:
Monthly Income:
[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed
[ ] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000
[ ] Not Employed
[ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-
[ ] Other _____________ P35,000

Type of Organization: [ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-

[✓] Private [ ] NGO
[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit P50,000

Status of employment [ ] P21,000-P25,000

[ ] Permanent [ ] Other _____________

[✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire How did you find your first job?

[ ] Temporary [ ] Response to Advertisement

[ ] Apprentice [ ] Recommended by someone

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] Information from friends

Nature of work: [ ] Family business

[ ] Related [ ] Not Related Course [ ] As walk-in applicant

[✓] Somewhat Related [ ] Arranged by school job placement

Current Work:
[ ] Other ____________________
[ ] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[✓] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[✓] CAD Operator

[ ] Drafting Supervisor

[ ] Graphic Designer

[ ] CAD Operator

Name: Kristy R. Avelina [ ] Drafting Supervisor

Examination Passed: [ ] Graphic Designer

[✓] PRC [✓] TESDA (NCII [ ] Other ______________

Technical Drafting)
Location of Work (If Employed):
[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams
[✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad
[ ] Other ____________
[ ] Non-Iligan
Work Status:
Monthly Income:
[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed
[✓] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000
[ ] Not Employed
[ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-
[ ] Other _____________ P35,000

Type of Organization: [ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-

[ ] Private [ ] NGO
[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
[✓] Public [ ] Non-Profit P50,000

Status of employment [ ] P21,000-P25,000

[✓] Permanent [ ] Other _____________

[ ] Casual/Contractual/Job hire How did you find your first job?

[ ] Temporary [ ] Response to Advertisement

[ ] Apprentice [✓] Recommended by someone

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] Information from friends

Nature of work: [ ] Family business

[✓] Related [ ] Not Related Course [ ] As walk-in applicant

[ ] Somewhat Related [ ] Arranged by school job placement

Current Work:
[ ] Other ____________________
[✓] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer


[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] CAD Operator

Name: Kriezyl Mae S. Bantilan [ ] Drafting Supervisor

Examination Passed: [ ] Graphic Designer

[✓] PRC [✓] TESDA (NCII [ ] Other ______________

Technical Drafting)
Location of Work (If Employed):
[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams
[✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad
[ ] Other ____________
[ ] Non-Iligan
Work Status:
Monthly Income:
[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed
[✓] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000
[ ] Not Employed
[ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-
[ ] Other _____________ P35,000

Type of Organization: [ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-

[ ] Private [ ] NGO
[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
[✓] Public [ ] Non-Profit P50,000

Status of employment [ ] P21,000-P25,000

[ ] Permanent [ ] Other _____________

[✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire How did you find your first job?

[ ] Temporary [ ] Response to Advertisement

[ ] Apprentice [✓] Recommended by someone

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] Information from friends

Nature of work: [ ] Family business

[✓] Related [ ] Not Related Course [ ] As walk-in applicant

[ ] Somewhat Related [ ] Arranged by school job placement

Current Work:
[ ] Other ____________________
[✓] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

Current Work:

[ ] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[✓] CAD Operator

Name: Jalal A. Cabugatan [ ] Drafting Supervisor

Examination Passed: [✓] Graphic Designer

[✓] PRC [✓] TESDA (NCII [ ] Other ______________

Technical Drafting)
Location of Work (If Employed):
[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams
[ ] Iligan [ ] Abroad
[ ] Other ____________
[✓] Non-Iligan
Work Status:
Monthly Income:
[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed
[ ] Below P5,000 [✓] P26,000-
[ ] Not Employed P30,000

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-

Type of Organization:
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
[✓] Private [ ] NGO P40,000
[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit [ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
Status of employment
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] Permanent
[ ] Other _____________
[✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire
How did you find your first job?
[ ] Temporary
[ ] Response to Advertisement
[ ] Apprentice
[ ] Recommended by someone
[ ] Other _____________
[✓] Information from friends
Nature of work:
[ ] Family business
[ ] Related [ ] Not Related Course
[ ] As walk-in applicant
[✓] Somewhat Related

[ ] Arranged by school job placement [✓] Related [ ] Not Related Course

[ ] Somewhat Related
[ ] Other ____________________
Current Work:

[✓] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] CAD Operator
Name: Joelan L. Cañete
[ ] Drafting Supervisor
Examination Passed:
[ ] Graphic Designer
Technical Drafting) [ ] Other ______________

[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams Location of Work (If Employed):

[ ] Other ____________ [✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad

Work Status: [ ] Non-Iligan

[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed Monthly Income:

[ ] Not Employed [ ] Below P5,000 [✓] P26,000-

[ ] Other _____________
[ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-
Type of Organization: P35,000

[ ] Private [ ] NGO [ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-

[✓] Public [ ] Non-Profit
[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
Status of employment P50,000
[✓] Permanent [ ] P21,000-P25,000

[ ] Casual/Contractual/Job hire [ ] Other _____________

[ ] Temporary How did you find your first job?

[ ] Apprentice [ ] Response to Advertisement

[ ] Other _____________ [✓] Recommended by someone

Nature of work: [ ] Information from friends


[ ] Family business [ ] Other _____________

[ ] As walk-in applicant Nature of work:

[ ] Arranged by school job placement [✓] Related [ ] Not Related Course

[ ] Somewhat Related
[ ] Other ____________________
Current Work:

[✓] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] CAD Operator
Name: Farhana I. Dimasar
[ ] Drafting Supervisor
Examination Passed:
[ ] Graphic Designer
Technical Drafting) [ ] Other ______________

[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams Location of Work (If Employed):

[ ] Other ____________ [✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad

Work Status: [ ] Non-Iligan

[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed Monthly Income:

[ ] Not Employed [✓] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-

Type of Organization:
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
[ ] Private [ ] NGO P40,000

[✓] Public [ ] Non-Profit [ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-

Status of employment
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[✓] Permanent
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Casual/Contractual/Job hire
How did you find your first job?
[ ] Temporary
[ ] Response to Advertisement
[ ] Apprentice

[✓] Recommended by someone [✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire

[ ] Information from friends [ ] Temporary

[ ] Family business [ ] Apprentice

[ ] As walk-in applicant [ ] Other _____________

[ ] Arranged by school job placement Nature of work:

[ ] Related [✓] Not Related Course
[ ] Other ____________________
[ ] Somewhat Related

Current Work:

[ ] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[✓] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] CAD Operator
Name: Stella S. Labor
[ ] Drafting Supervisor
Examination Passed:
[ ] Graphic Designer
Technical Drafting) [ ] Other ______________

[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams Location of Work (If Employed):

[ ] Other ____________ [ ] Iligan [ ] Abroad

Work Status: [✓] Non-Iligan

[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed Monthly Income:

[ ] Not Employed [✓] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-

Type of Organization:
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
[✓] Private [ ] NGO P40,000
[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit [ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
Status of employment
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] Permanent

[ ] Other _____________ Status of employment

How did you find your first job? [ ] Permanent

[ ] Response to Advertisement [✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire

[ ] Recommended by someone [ ] Temporary

[✓] Information from friends [ ] Apprentice

[ ] Family business [ ] Other _____________

[ ] As walk-in applicant Nature of work:

[ ] Arranged by school job placement [✓] Related [ ] Not Related Course

[ ] Somewhat Related
[ ] Other ____________________
Current Work:

[✓] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

[ ] CAD Operator
Name: Alynor Marie G. Sabac
[ ] Drafting Supervisor
Examination Passed:
[ ] Graphic Designer
Technical Drafting) [ ] Other ______________

[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams Location of Work (If Employed):

[ ] Other ____________ [✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad

Work Status: [ ] Non-Iligan

[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed Monthly Income:

[ ] Not Employed [✓] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000

[ ] Other _____________ [ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-

Type of Organization:
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
[✓] Private [ ] NGO P40,000
[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit

[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000- [ ] Other _____________

Type of Organization:
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] Private [ ] NGO
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Public [✓] Non-Profit
How did you find your first job?
Status of employment
[ ] Response to Advertisement
[ ] Permanent
[✓] Recommended by someone
[✓] Casual/Contractual/Job hire
[ ] Information from friends
[ ] Temporary
[ ] Family business
[ ] Apprentice
[ ] As walk-in applicant
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Arranged by school job placement
officer Nature of work:

[ ] Other ____________________ [✓] Related [ ] Not Related Course

[ ] Somewhat Related

Current Work:

[✓] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[ ] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

Name: Sheena P. Cullamat [ ] CAD Operator

Examination Passed: [ ] Drafting Supervisor

[✓] PRC [✓] TESDA (NCII [ ] Graphic Designer

Technical Drafting)
[ ] Other ______________
[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams
Location of Work (If Employed):
[ ] Other ____________
[✓] Iligan [ ] Abroad
Work Status:
[ ] Non-Iligan
[ ] Employed [✓] Self-Employed
Monthly Income:
[ ] Not Employed
[✓] Below P5,000 [ ] P26,000-P30,000

[ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000- Work Status:

[✓] Employed [ ] Self-Employed
[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000-
P40,000 [ ] Not Employed

[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000- [ ] Other _____________

Type of Organization:
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] Private [✓] NGO
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Public [ ] Non-Profit
How did you find your first job?
Status of employment
[✓] Response to Advertisement
[✓] Permanent
[ ] Recommended by someone
[ ] Casual/Contractual/Job hire
[ ] Information from friends
[ ] Temporary
[ ] Family business
[ ] Apprentice
[ ] As walk-in applicant
[ ] Other _____________
[ ] Arranged by school job placement
officer Nature of work:

[ ] Other ____________________ [ ] Related [✓] Not Related Course

[ ] Somewhat Related

Current Work:

[ ] Teaching [ ] Mechanical Draftsman

[✓] Clerical [ ] Product Designer

Name: Jenifer O. Cuasito [ ] CAD Operator

Examination Passed: [ ] Drafting Supervisor

[✓] PRC [✓] TESDA (NCII [ ] Graphic Designer

Technical Drafting)
[ ] Other ______________
[ ] CSE [ ] No taken exams
Location of Work (If Employed):
[ ] Other ____________
[ ] Iligan [ ] Abroad

[✓] Non-Iligan [ ] Other _____________

Monthly Income: How did you find your first job?

[ ] Below P5,000 [✓] P26,000- [ ] Response to Advertisement

[ ] Recommended by someone
[ ] P6,000-P10,000 [ ] P31,000-
P35,000 [✓] Information from friends

[ ] P11,000-P15,000 [ ] P36,000- [ ] Family business

[ ] As walk-in applicant
[ ] P16,000-P20,000 [ ] P40,000-
P50,000 [ ] Arranged by school job placement
[ ] P21,000-P25,000
[ ] Other ____________________



Mindanao State University 

Iligan Institute of Technology College of Education
Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
Major in Drafting Technology



We are the 4th year BTVTED-Drafting Technology students of Mindanao State

University-Iligan Institute of Technology. Presently, we are conducting a study entitled
“Batch 2018: Impact of Drafting Technology Curriculum to the employability of the
Drafting Technology graduates''.

In this regard, we are asking for your precious time and effort to answer all the
questions for the interview that are important and helpful for the completion of the study.

Rest assured that all data gathered from you will be kept in the highest level of
confidentiality. Your positive responses in this request will be a valuable contribution for
the success of the study and will be highly appreciated. Your participation is voluntary
and you may withdraw from the questionnaire at any time or decline to answer any
questions that make you uncomfortable. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Respectfully Yours,

Queennie Mae C. Gabisay

Joanni Clarizz C. Togores

Approved by:

Dr. Michael Art Napoles

Thesis Adviser


Participant Consent Letter

The purpose of this research study is to determine the impact of the Drafting
Technology Curriculum to the employability of the Drafting Technology graduates. I
understand that the research is being carried out in part to fulfill the requirements for the
degree of the Bachelor of Technical Vocational Teacher Education Major in Drafting

I ____________________ agree to be interviewed and take part in this study about my

employability. I understand that my participation is on a voluntary basis and I am free to
withdraw from the study at any time. I also understand that all the information I provide
will be confidential and my name will be anonymous throughout. I agree to have the
interview recorded.

Signed: __________________
Date: __________________

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