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A Thesis

Presented to the Faculty

Department of Industrial Technology

Mindanao State University - Maigo School of Arts and Trades

Maigo, Lanao del Norte

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

In Bachelor of Industrial Technology

Baldicantos, Ian

Baligasa, Ruth child

Caylan, Marianne

Mongcupa, Rimar

Sancha, Jeffrey

September 2022
Chapter I


Background and Rationale of the Study

According to Parker (2019), The world's capacity to deal with the rapidly

expanding production of disposable plastic products has made plastic pollution one of

the most pressing environmental issues. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET or PETE),

which is a polyester plastic, is one of the most broadly dominant materials of our

modern economy. PET bottles have consistently increased in production and use

worldwide for beverage packaging due to their superior transparency, light weight, gas

and water barrier properties, impact strength, UV resistance, and unbreakability

(Benyathiar et al., 2022). The vast majority 79 percent is accumulating in landfills or

sloughing off in the natural environment as litter. At some point, much of it ends up in

the oceans, the final sink (Parker, 2019).

Plastic Bottles is one of the problems in the modern world that humans cannot

really get rid of: A lot of effort was put in trying to reduce the use of plastic bottles such

as Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. However, there are still a lot of people who lack

understanding in proper disposal that could result in environmental damage (Peter,

2013). Hence, the lack of end-of-life consideration, and the high cost of recycling, have

turned plastic into the victim of its own success and that's created a global

environmental crisis (Blasio, 2021).

According to Parker (2019), only 14% of all plastic packaging is collected for

recycling after use, and vast quantities escape into the environment. This not only

results in a loss of PHP 4.6 billion to PHP 7 trillion per year to the global economy.
The reasons behind the low percentage of plastic recycling are manifold. We

often simply throw away all plastics into the recycling bin, however, due to the material

properties of plastics, not all can be recycled ( Patoski, 2019).

In other countries they make a lot of effort in reducing plastic waste. The

nationwide deposit system for metal cans and PET bottles was established in 1984 by

Returpack. The "reverse vending machines" allow Swedes to deposit their used glass,

plastic, or cans in exchange for coupons. . Returpack, the organization in charge of the

system, processed an astounding 2.05 billion bottles and cans in 2017. Sweden's

overall recycling rate may still be greatly increased despite having a high recycling rate

of 84.8% for bottles and cans because so much of its waste gets burned. (Wam, 2021).

One of the better systems for recycling plastic bottles is found in Norway and was

created by a company called Infinitum. The scheme included an additional cost to every

plastic bottle a customer bought, a cost that might be recovered if the bottle was

recycled later, promoting the practice and giving recycling a value. With the help of the

program, Norway has been able to recycle an astounding 97 percent of all its plastic

bottles, with less than 1% ending up in the environment.. (Cassella, 2019)

However , According to the World Bank research, "Market Study for the

Philippines: Plastics Circularity Opportunities and Barriers," the Philippines "grapples

with unsustainable plastic production/consumption and insufficient waste management

infrastructure." The Philippines produces a remarkable 2.7 million tons of plastic

garbage annually, of which 20% is thought to wind up in the ocean. Only 28% of

important plastic polymers were recycled in the Philippines in 2019. When recyclable

plastic items are discarded rather than recycled into useful resources, the Philippines
loses upwards of PHP 52 million annually, or 78% of the material value of the primary

plastic resins (Vera, 2021).

The truth is that we can't possibly handle the amount of plastic in our environment

or the amount that is still being generated. One approach to recycle used plastic bottles

is to create innovative products. As a result, the researchers came up with an idea using

the findings that indicates a product in innovating and evaluating alternative blocks

made of plastic bottles with sand and gravel in the liquefy process.

One of the most popular flexible surface treatment alternatives for outside

pavement applications is the pathway or paver block. Typically, these blocks come in

the form of rectangular bricks. (Kavita, 2022). At the start of the Industrial Revolution

and the growth in factory construction in England, block production dramatically

expanded. Blocks were increasingly favored to stone as a building material for reasons

of speed and price, especially in locations where the stone was freely available

(Mclellan, 2022).

However, the disadvantages of the blocks that are being used today are since

bricks absorb water easily, therefore, it causes fluorescence when not exposed to air

(Jamal, 2017). The longevity of pathway blocks will vary greatly depending on the type,

although they typically have a lifespan of 50 to 100 years and are anticipated to be

slower and more expensive. (McGarry & Madsen, 2018). The greatest concrete block

should be constructed with high-quality building components because there are

numerous concrete block factories. (Priya,2016) The materials kept can be shielded

from various climatic conditions by concrete blocks. It makes sense that engineers
continue to use it for the construction of Material Bins. Construction businesses choose

to empty this because it helps to keep the materials apart from one another.

Concrete blocks have been utilized in a variety of building projects, including floor

blocks, paving blocks, and partition wall blocks, among others. (Yan, 1996). The

capacity of concrete blocks to be molded into various shapes, thicknesses, densities,

and strengths for various civil engineering purposes is their most distinctive

attribute(Scholz and Grabowiecki, 2007). For partition wall blocks, significant practical

qualities for structures are reduced weight, improved sound and heat insulation. The

wall blocks' compressive strength must be at least 7 MPa if they are to be intended as

load-bearing members. (Neville, 1995). Concrete paving blocks must have a minimum

splitting tensile strength of greater than 3.6 MPa because they are more likely to crack

under traffic loading (fail in bending) than other varieties of concrete blocks. They are

also expected to be better able to withstand acid, abrasion, weathering, and frost than

other varieties of concrete blocks (Ghafoori and Mathis, 1998).

They use these Eco-brick to store material for long-term – like rock, aggregate,

etc. ( Janvi, 2020 ). Also, this handcrafted building block has evolved into an

affordable/accessible building material for community initiatives in areas where informal

waste sites and trash are widespread issues and industrial recycling may not yet be

available. Latin American, African, and South Asian nations are a few examples of

areas with documented Eco-brick building initiatives. (Heisse & Arias, 2011; Kuhn,

2015; Taaffe et al., 2014).

Hence, It can take over 400 years for plastic water bottles to biodegrade (Kablo,

The goal of this study is to innovate an alternative block that can utilize the

problem of plastic bottles and develop a product that would last long than a regular

pathway block. Thus the researchers come up with an innovation in making an

alternative block for pathways using liquefy plastic bottles with sand and gravel.

Problem Statement

Based on the works cited in the literature reviews, there is a need to recycle plastic

bottles for creative innovative Eco-blocks that can adapt and flexibly facilitate to meet

the needs of consumers.This even addresses the cognitive study of recycling and offers

an innovative hollow-block design. Hence, using liquefied plastic bottles mixed with

sand and gravel as a replacement for traditional pathway blocks.

The researcher's desire for an inventive block, which is now oversupplied and

expensive, is another aspect that drove them to develop this product and give

consumers, the construction workers and within the residents of Maigo, Lanao del Norte

itself a radical way from the natural eco- block so they could ease and reduce costs to

levels they could afford with.

Research Objectives

This study aims to innovate an alternative block using Plastic bottles with Sand

and Gravel that will be used in Pathways. Particularly, it seeks to achieve the following

research objectives:

1. To assess the acceptability of the study in terms of :

a. Strength

b. Sustainability

c. Durability

d. Eco - friendly

e. Cost - efficient

2. To rate the level of success of alternative blocks.

3. To determine the significant difference between an alternative block made

of liquefied plastic bottle with sand and gravel in comparison to the traditional block.

Research Questions

This study sought to measure the level of acceptability of the proposed

Reprocess Liquefied Plastic Bottles with Sand and Gravel as an Alternative Blocks for

Pathways Specially. It answers the following questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of the study in terms of:

a. Strength

b. Sustainability

c. Durability

d. Eco - friendly
e. Cost - efficient

1. What is the level of success of the alternative block?

2. What is the significant difference between an alternative block made of liquefied

plastic bottle with sand and gravel in comparison to the traditional block?

Developmental Framework

This study is focusing on developing a radical innovation of alternative blocks for

pathways that are based on the process that includes research, development and

innovation, generally known as RDI Model. The RDI Framework aims at facilitating

research, development and innovation (“RDI”) activities, which, would not take place in

the absence of public backing due to market failings. In this regard, the RDI Framework

enables Member States to grant the appropriate incentives to businesses and the

research community in order for them to carry out these significant activities and

investments in this field, subject to specific requirements.

The conditions under which state support for R&D&I activities may be viewed as

compatible with the internal market are set forth in the RDI Framework. It applies to all

technologies, industries, and sectors as proof that the guidelines did not accurately

foresee in advance which research routes would result in new solutions for innovative

production, process, and service.

As part of the State aid Fitness Assessment, the Commission evaluated the

present RDI Framework. The review showed that the RDI Framework's present

provisions are generally effective and serve as a useful tool for promoting R&D and

innovation initiatives both at the national and European levels.

According to the RDI, the new rules on R&D&I provide a flexible set of measures

that Member States can employ to customize their support for R&D&I in accordance

with their own national preferences, requirements, and specialties. A set of

recommendations are made to Member States based on economic analysis in order to

help them grant aid, help them direct more aid to R&D&I than is currently the case, and

help them better allocate their finances to initiatives that are, overall, in the common

interest. The framework gives small and medium-sized businesses, who are most

impacted by market failures, a lot of consideration. But, it also provides numerous

opportunities for major businesses to obtain support when necessary and

appropriate(Kleiner &Hach., 2007).

The new framework offers greater clarification on the issue of whether State help

is used in R&D&I projects. Clarification was needed under the previous paradigm,

particularly for public-private partnerships, academic institutions, and innovation

intermediaries. To ensure that research organizations can conduct both non-economic

and economic operations, subject to adhering to clear and simple norms, special efforts

are now undertaken to be more transparent and secure legal certainty for them.(Kleiner

&Hach., 2007) In this study, the implementation phase is used for testing the designed

alternative blocks for pathways.

Significance of the Study

The following stakeholders, especially those who will employ the creative

alternative blocks in pathways, are anticipated to benefit from this study:


The study will help the residents of Purok 4, Maigo Lanao del Norte choose

alternative blocks for pathways at a very low cost. Thus,they are regarded as the

study's main subjects when it comes to alternative blocks. This will encourage people

to buy the goods with confidence and satisfaction and help to cut down on plastic



This study will help the school in terms of credentials as reference for

continuation to the next researcher. Also, this will help the school as accreditation

requirements in producing reprocessed liquefied plastic bottles with sand and gravel as

an alternative block for pathways.

Department of Industrial Technology

This innovation would help the department in terms of accreditation requirements

producing reprocessed liquefied plastic bottles with sand and gravel as an alternative

block for pathways through its feature of evaluating the innovative product.

LGU Maigo

This study may encourage the municipality to participate in purchasing the

alternative blocks as pathways for commercialization.

Future Researchers

This would provide them even another perspective on the significance of

properly storing the innovative building blocks in this innovation. They could use the

results of this study to benchmark for other innovations, do further expansion, and

strengthen the features of this innovation through further research.

Scope and Limitation

The goal of this study aims to innovate hollow-blocks using plastic bottles

through processing and liquefying them with a combination of sand and gravel to create

alternative blocks for pathways in the Municipality of Maigo, Purok 4, Labuay, Lanao del

Norte, that may be utilized in their projects.

Definition of Terms

Plastic Bottles

Plastic bottles are made out of plastic that are transparent, flexible, and water

resistant. It can be used to store pretty much liquids, from juices, to chemicals and to

acids (Sangar, 2013).

In this study, this refers to the material that will be utilized to create the

alternative block which will be in a process of liquefying.


Liquefy or Liquefaction is the process of converting a substance from its solid or

gas phase into its liquid phase (Helmenstine, 2020).

In this study, this refers to the method that will be used in making the plastic

bottles in its liquid phase.


To put a material that has been used through another process to change it so

that it can be used again (Clark, 2019).

In this study, Reprocessed is caused to undergo special or additional processing

before reuse. We used this word to describe the plastic bottle that turned into its new


Alternative blocks

Those which can be used economically by replacing the conventional building

materials (Henry, 2017).

In this study, Alternative blocks are the result of the proposed product that we

are innovating with the use of melted plastics, sand, and gravel.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

According to Elcomblus, 2020, a good research aims to advance and apply

existing knowledge. A literature review is important because it aids in avoiding issues

that others have encountered and reduces the repetition of studies. It comprises a

process of finding, locating, categorizing, and analyzing material regarding a study

topic. It would be useless to begin a study without first comprehending the work of other

researchers. An effective literature review would also provide the best research designs

and how to quantify the important research variables. To determine how thoroughly the

results will be discussed, evaluated, and interpreted, a thorough literature review should

be undertaken before the study is carried out.

The RRL (review of related literature) is a summary of previous works that have

been published and relate in some way to the topic of a person's research, thesis, or

dissertation. Also, by looking through the richness of published research, researchers

can use an RRL to uncover potentially superior ideas. Anyone can use this information

to assess the benefits and drawbacks of a particular research project.(Ki, 2021).

A explanation of the reasons behind the obligation to conduct a review of related

literature will help to clarify this important portion of the research paper. (Regoniel,


 Examine information that has already been published on a certain subject or

research issue. Consequently, in order to create a literature review, you must be a

legitimate authority on the area of study. The findings and recommendations will be

shared with the general public and academics in related sectors. (Elsevier, 2020).
A literature review in the social sciences often includes summary and synthesis,

often within specific conceptual categories, and has an organizational framework. A

literature review, however, could only be a list of the most significant sources. An

summary of the sources you used to research a certain issue is provided in a literature

review, which also demonstrates to your audience how your work fits into a larger body

of knowledge. A synthesis is a restructuring, or rearranging, of the material in a way that

informs how you are preparing to examine a research problem. A summary is a recap of

the important content of the source (Sage, 2018).

In the review of significant publications, a synopsis of the literature on the

researcher's chosen field of study will be offered. The overview will help the researcher

decide on the current state of research on the specific topic he wants to investigate,

what has previously been completed by previous researchers with related interests, and

what still remains to be done. The researcher would like to close the "knowledge gaps"

(Regoniel, 2012).

Rey, 2020 states that it tends to help in the definition and identification of a

research problem Assists in establishing the necessity of a problem's study. It avoids

pointless study duplication and might provide the study's theoretical underpinnings. It

aids in the formulation and improvement of research instruments and teaches the

researcher how to conceive a research topic, accurately identify and operationalize

study variables, and analyze results. (Rey, 2020).

The goal of literature or research studies is getting a better understanding of the

literature and discussions surrounding a particular subject or area of study. It can also
give you information in the form of a written report and help you advance your field

expertise. (Ki, 2021).

The availability of utilizing plastic bottles as an innovative product

Plastic bottles are made from PET, a petroleum byproduct, and are transported

in containers made of this material. The challenge of recycling plastic bottles is more

than you would think. The great majority of the large quantities of plastic bottles

consumed worldwide are not recycled because only specified types of plastic bottles

can be recycled by specific towns. Either they decompose in landfills, emitting

dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere, or they end up as litter on our streets. Even

when broken into tiny pieces, they take longer to decompose than a person would, and

can be discovered on sidewalks, in parks, front yards, and rivers (Zion, 2012).

Finding methods to reuse, reduce, and recycle plastic bottles has taken a lot of

work. Since we are essentially repurposing waste and old, useless items to create

similar new products, recycling is good for the environment. Recycling offers a solution

to this problem because it cuts down on the amount of trash dumped into the

environment and frees up some space. (Rinkesh, 2016).

The ecosystem gains from the transformation of something old into something

new in a variety of ways. Natural resources and materials are not wasted. During the

manufacturing process, energy is conserved. Less rubbish is being dumped in landfills.

Understanding the process is the major obstacle to recycling. Knowing where and what

to recycle is required. Each city has its own recycling laws and procedures(Student

Conservation Association, 2019).

Recycling seems to offer a solution to simultaneously reduce the quantity of

garbage dumped in landfills and conserve natural resources, which makes it appealing.

When environmental worries increased in the late 1980s, recycling came to be seen as

one of the best ways to save the environment. Governments, corporations, and the

general public all made significant attempts to recycle. The recycling rate increased

from 16% in 1990 to about 20% in 2000. Recyclable materials are created through the

recycling process. Reusing a product involves using it once more as opposed to

recycling. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), In the United

States, recycling accounts for roughly 30% of the country's solid trash, which is waste

that is typically collected by home and commercial garbage-collection systems.

Approximately 15% of waste is burned, while about 55% ends up in landfills (Shaw,


Nevertheless, a recent study found that just 9% of the plastic generated globally

is actually recycled. In many cases, recycling is simply another name for a time-

consuming and expensive detour that a plastic bottle takes on its way to a landfill,

where it will spend hundreds of years slowly disintegrating (Pytel, 2019).

Recycling experts are getting more and more worried that we are not recycling

enough and that maybe plastic is too hard to recycle. Only few types of plastic are

worthwhile for recycling, which adds to the difficulty of the situation. Such polymers

need to be mixed with other materials including virgin plastics in order to be functional

(Tyler, 2021).

Innovation of the Alternative Block

The Latin term innovate, which meaning to renew, is where the word "innovation"

originates. One of the most important factors affecting a company's long-term

competitiveness is innovation. In essence, the word still means what it did at first. A

domain, a product, or a service is refreshed and brought up to date through the process

of innovation by utilizing new procedures, implementing novel approaches, or putting

forth effective concepts to provide new value. The verb "innovate" means to enhance or

replace anything, such as a procedure, a good, or a service (Meyer, 2022).

Innovation can be defined as the use of novel concepts to produce a new good,

method, or service. It is not just the invention of novel concepts that is important. It

literally involves "bringing it to market," putting it into practice, and putting it to use in a

way that produces new products, services, or programs that improve quality or add

value. Reorganizing management and changing technologies may be involved.

Innovation can also be demonstrated by using cutting-edge technology and original

thought to produce new value and significantly alter social norms (Amitabh Shukla,


A unique idea is the foundation of creativity. It might be a plan for a better good

or service, a strategy for a new business model, or an improved system for managing

your operations. It need not be brand-new; it may have already been used by another

business and can be used for any element of your firm. Innovation requires the creation

of value (BDC, 2020).

Innovation strengthens society's capacity for action and offers answers to these

kinds of societal problems, which helps society grow. Its responsibility is to use new

technologies to effectively and sustainably address societal concerns. These new

innovations in technologies, goods, and services not only meet a social need but also

improve capabilities and make better use of resources. These kinds of societal issues

are actively being addressed by the governmental, private, and nonprofit sectors

(Kylliäinen, 2019).

This study will be focusing on radical innovation. Radical innovation New Market,

New Technology Even though this is the stereotypical manner that most people view

innovation, it is nevertheless the most uncommon type. The development of

technologies, services, and business strategies that create completely new markets is

referred to as radical innovation. (Talin, 2021).

With radical innovation, the existing process or system is eliminated and is

replaced with something entirely new. Radical innovation reconfigures the elements and

their relationships to create a novel solution (Pratt, 2005).

Radical innovations can lead to significant later technological improvement and

exhibit novelty and "architectural" innovation, or rearranging how design components

are combined in a system. As a result, radical innovations usually serve as the

foundation for new technical systems, industries, or domains. They are also perceived

to entail significant conceptual discoveries that may be the result of brilliance or luck.

The more common incremental advancements are perceived as only being minor

improvements to existing technologies (Kasmire et al., 2012)

Reprocessed Liquefied Plastic Bottles with Sand and Gravel as an

Alternative Block for Pathways

According to Jackson 2019, despite the fact that there is already a record amount

of trash in the water, plastic manufacture is continuing apace. Plastics are made up of
over 99% chemicals derived from oil and gas extraction, which significantly contributes

to climate change. The majority of plastic bottles sold in stores are made of PET, or

polyethylene terephthalate. Our modern economy is dominated by plastics because

they are inexpensive, lightweight, and adaptable. Over the following two decades, their

production is anticipated to double (Macarthur , 2015).

PET is the most recycled plastic in the world and is 100% recyclable. Every year,

the United States recovers more than 1.5 billion pounds of discarded PET bottles and

containers for recycling. The triangular "chasing arrows" code's #1, which is typically

molded into the bottom or side of the container, makes it simple to recognize PET.

There are no other plastics with the #1 code. PET can be chemically broken down to its

component components to create fresh PET resin, or it can be thoroughly washed and

remelted. PET is a packaging material that uses extremely little energy. Although having

natural gas and crude oil as its primary raw materials, it has a much better sustainability

record than glass, aluminum, and other common container materials (PET Resin

Association, 2015).

According to the organization Earth Bench, “bottle bricks” are “plastic bottles

stuffed full of inorganic landfill trash (plastic bags, wrappers, etc.) until they become

compressed like bricks.” Once compressed, these bottles full of inorganic matter take

on the appearance of bricks. And they act like bricks, too, in that they are durable and

can be used for building various structures.

The term "bottle bricking" describes the technique of creating bottle bricks and

using them as construction materials to create benches, homes, buildings, or other

constructions. Well, bottle bricking is somewhat environmentally friendly because it is a

recycling option. Sand is occasionally used in bottle bricking technology, notably in

Nigeria, where plastic bottles are filled with compacted sand and then squeezed.

According to Yahaya Ahmed of Nigeria's Development Association for Renewable

Energies, a bottle-brick home is one-third less expensive than a concrete and brick

home (Osmanski, 2020).

The linear "take, make, use, dispose" method is contrasted by the circular

economy. It makes an effort to optimize the value of resources while they are being

used, prolong their useful lives, and recover and regenerate products at the end of their

useful lives. A good illustration of the innovation necessary to develop a circular

economy is the creation and use of plastic sand bricks and blocks. The usage of plastic

sand blocks or bricks instead of commonly used concrete blocks and bricks may also

help reduce the amount of cement consumed and the carbon dioxide emissions that go

along with it. The manufacturing of cement generates between 8 and 10% of all global

CO2 emissions, making it one of the businesses with the greatest CO2 emissions. This

paper presents recent developments in the use of plastic and sand mixtures in

construction. Precast bricks, partition walls, roof tiles, canal linings, and paving bricks

are just a few of the numerous civil engineering uses for plastic sand bricks. These

applications stand out for their assistance in disposing of non-degradable plastic waste

that accumulates all over the world. The use of plastic in building materials supports

environmental progress and is consistent with sustainable development.(Al-Sinan &

Bubshait, 2022).

Many research have investigated recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). The

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) produced aggregates for

new Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements using recycled concrete pavements.

This is due to the fact that recycling old pavement to make new pavement conserves

natural resources, has a minimal negative impact on landfill space, costs less to dispose

of, and may result in lower project costs overall. The exceptional grade of aggregate in

their 16 existing pavements, however, is the main justification for recycling (Bolden,


Dr. Rajagopalan Vasudevan invented plastic roads for the first time in India in

2001. He found that recycled polymer plastic works well as a binder because it is

adaptable and surprisingly resilient. The road has not deteriorated despite being

subjected to floods, monsoons, heat waves, and heavy traffic. Nearly too good to be

true, as they say. According to some scientists, there might be long-term harmful

effects, like plastic fragments degrading and entering the soil and waterways. According

to preliminary studies, this results in concrete that is strong and waterproof and that

absorbs 30% less water than substitutes. The study, according to project director Dr.

Riyadh Al-Ameri, reveals that recycled plastic might aid concrete in resisting corrosion,

which is significant.

As an alternative to traditional bricks, authors suggested the use of construction

and demolition waste and plastic bottles. Compressed recycled aggregates (RA) with

water contents of 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10% were utilized to fill the old plastic bottles. The

compressive strength of bottles containing crushed RA with a size of less than 425 m

was higher (15.25 N/mm2) than that of bottles containing RA with a size of between 425

and 4.75 m (9.84 N/mm2) and 5% water content. The compressive strength at 5% water

content was comparable to fly ash brick (12 N/mm2) and traditional red clay brick (17
N/mm2) (Lalzarliana Paihte et al. 2019).According to another source, cement mortar

might be used as a binding agent to create construction units from plastic bottles (PET)

filled with either dry sand, soaked sand, or air. Low heat conductivity was a

characteristic of the final solid masonry walls. As compared to bottle blocks filled with

saturated sand, which had a compressive strength of 609 kN/m2 and a bulk unit weight

of 19.59 kN/m3, and bottle blocks filled with air, which had a compressive strength of

670 kN/m2 and a bulk unit weight of 11.02 kN/m3, bottle blocks packed with dry sand

had a compressive strength of 623 kN/m2 and a bulk unit weight of 17. Although the

gross strength of these air-filled plastic bottle blocks (670 kN/m2) was considerably

lower than that of conventional blocks (3670 kN/m2), they might still be effective as

bearing walls for a single roof slab or as partition walls. In terms of thermal insulation,

air-filled bottles outperformed traditional construction blocks, which may serve as a

thermal insulator (Mansour and Ali 2015). Another researcher created eco-bricks by

placing used plastic bags inside 500 mL PET bottles. The eco-weight brick's after

packaging cannot be less than 220 g. They compared the compression, soundproofing,

and light transmission of these bricks to those of conventional bricks. These eco-bricks

had a high sound reduction index and a resistance of 2.96 MPa after withstanding a

maximum compression force of 40.1kN. The Poisson's ratio had a value in the 0.27 to

0.35 range (Taaffe et al. 2014). Concrete blocks were also produced using plastic water

bottle waste. The typical hollow concrete blocks with dimensions of 200 mm x 200 mm x

400 mm (bought from the market) and the concrete blocks of the same size implanted

with plastic bottles were compared for this purpose. After 28 days, the plastic bottle

block had a weight of 24.85 kg and a compressive strength of 10.03 MPa compared to
the conventional hollow blocks' average weight of 20.08 kg and 6.38 MPa. The results

show that recycling plastic bottles into concrete block masonry not only helps to find a

new use for plastic trash, but also enhances the weight and strength properties of the

masonry (Safinia and Alkalbani 2016). Mokhtar et al. used plastic bottles as a wall

structure for greenhouses to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere (Lamba et al.,



The properties of building materials are used to divide them into distinct groups.

The properties of building materials are dictated by their primary applications (Vicky,


The ability of a material to withstand stresses brought on by loads—most

commonly compression, tension, bending, and impact—is referred to as strength.

Materials like stones and concrete have strong compressive strength but poor tensile,

bending, and impact strength, which emphasizes the importance of investigating

numerous strength (Vicky, 2021).

 The main factor that goes into determining a material's strength is the

relationship between the external loads that are placed on it and the subsequent

deformation or alteration in the material's dimensions. It is crucial to take these

parameters into account when constructing structures and machines so that the

material used will have sufficient strength to withstand applied loads or forces and

maintain its original shape. A material's strength is determined by its capacity to bear an

applied load without failing or deforming plastically (Properties, 2020).


Using recyclable and renewable resources while reducing energy use and trash

creation are all aspects of sustainable construction. Reducing the method's negative

effects on the environment is its main objective. The practice of sustainable construction

continues long after the building project is over; the building's design should have little

effect on the environment over its lifetime. It implies that the building's design should

include components and materials that continuously affect how the structure affects the

environment. They can include solar panels, energy-efficient roof hatches on the

rooftop, suitable insulation to avoid heat loss, reducing energy use from the grid, which

is primarily derived from fossil fuels, and using durable building materials (Jackson,


Sustainable building and development involves considering the whole life cycle of

buildings that are designed to minimize all adverse impacts on the built and natural

environment through sustainable building design and material selection (Ding, 2014).


Every products have varied requirements for durability, so the topic of durability

is frequently one that is intriguing to debate. One of the most important criteria to take

into account while using building materials is durability. Buildings must be at least as

durable as their intended working lives, and during this time, the system's required

maintenance procedures must be followed. Structures made of concrete blocks have a

lengthy history of construction and can last for more than 50 years (Coulson, 2007).

When faced with the obstacles of typical operation over the course of its design

lifetime, durability is defined as a material's capacity to remain usable in the surrounding

environment for the useful life without damage or unexpected repair. Good repairability

and renderability, along with maintenance, are prerequisites for product durability. Any

lasting product needs to be flexible enough to accommodate new scientific,

technological, and design advancements. This requires customers to be prepared to

forego owning the "very latest" iteration of a product (Sabhadiya, 2022).

Eco – friendly

The construction industry has recently taken on an ecological focus that attempts

to employ natural resources. These components may come from both plant and animal

sources. Such semi-finished building items are typically lightweight, environmentally

friendly, and frequently built of recycled materials. These eco-building models frequently

don't need energy inputs to produce them. It aids in the creation of energy-saving

investments that adhere to the most recent technical standards (Nowotna et al., 2019).

Building a structure that is resource-efficient, environmentally friendly, or neither

harms nor benefits the environment is called ecological construction. This style of

construction, also referred to as green building, is efficient in its use of local and

renewable resources, the energy needed to produce it, and the energy generated when

a structure is occupied. Due to the understanding that structures frequently negatively

affect our environment and natural resources, eco-friendly construction has emerged

(SustainableBuild, 2006).

Cost efficient

Cost efficiency is the act of saving money by changing a product or process to

work in a better way. This is done to improve the organization’s bottom line by

decreasing procurement costs and improving efficiencies across the board. The ability
to decrease costs and increase the bottom line by making processes more efficient is

key to the value that procurement offers organizations (Miller, 2021).

A life-cycle perspective is necessary to fully evaluate and compare all of a

project's expenses and benefits over the course of its economic life. If a building design

has a reduced whole life cost, or total cost of ownership, and produces benefits

comparable to those of alternative designs, it is said to be cost-effective (Cost effective

Committee, 2020).

Conceptual Framework
The figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The RDI framework

which stands for Research, Development and Innovation. This framework will determine

the five factors for the level of acceptability. These factors are ; Strength, Sustainability,

Durability, Eco-Friendly and Cost – Efficient. Moreover, a systematic variable will be

included in the questionnaire to help determine the follow-up questions and the

respondents' feedback.

Research. As the world's capacity to deal with the fast rising output of disposable

plastic goods becomes overwhelmed, plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most

urgent environmental challenges ( Parker, 2019). ). Recycling remains crucial in the fight

against the plastic menace. Although most people are aware that recycling is good for

the environment, they usually are unsure about what should go in the recycling bin

(Huun, 2022). Often, it comes down to unpredictability and inconvenience. They don't

know what can be recycled or how to recycle it, for example (Morgan, 2021). Hence,

the researchers come up with an idea of innovating by the use of recycling to propose a

product that can be an alternative block for pathways made of plastic bottles with sand

and gravel in the liquefy process.

Nowadays, concrete blocks are widely used (Desai, 2020). Due to their speed

and affordability, blocks were replacing stone as a preferred building material, especially
in areas where the stone was widely available (Mclellan, 2022) . Building a house out of

concrete blocks is substantially more expensive (Singh, 2022).

Based on the study's challenges and the existing situation, the researchers can

now decide how and on which gaps to concentrate in order to cope with the production

of the invention.

Development. Small and medium-sized firms are given a lot of consideration in

the framework because they are most affected by market failures. Nonetheless, it also

offers a variety of chances for significant businesses to get assistance when necessary

and appropriate (Kleiner &Hach., 2007). Last but not least, the revised framework offers

further clarification . In this study, the implementation phase is used to develop the

innovation of alternative blocks for pathways as shown in Figure 1.

Innovation. Enhancing the production or operational process is what innovation

includes. Improved equipment or working methods are regularly used. Innovation may

result from research and development. Yet innovation can also be a "eureka" or

"brainwave" moment when someone has a brilliant idea to improve working practices.

(Pettinger, 2008).



This study examined the acceptability of the Innovative Eco-Block among the

consumers and construction workers within the residents of Maigo, Lanao del Norte.

The chapter covered the methodology for achieving this objective. The research

environment, sampling process, data-gathering instrument, validity and reliability of the

research instruments, scoring rules, data-gathering process, and statistical data

treatment are all covered in this chapter.

Research Design

Based on the RDI model, this study used a development research design.

Through invention and innovation, R&D aims to advance existing and new goods,

develop existing and new business processes, and build existing and new core

capabilities (Matheson and Matheson, 1998). The terms "research" and "development"

are frequently used interchangeably, but they actually refer to quite different

processes(Annacchino, 2006). The researcher used Mixed-method research design. In

this study, the survey results are reviewed based on the respondents acceptability

through its Strength, Sustainability, Durability, Eco-friendly and Cost efficient. The

researchers used a survey questionnaire to get quantitative information about the

respondents' acceptance of the product. The qualitative data also included written

feedback and recommendations from participants depending on how they used the

The use of RDI Model

Research. Research is the careful consideration of study regarding a particular

concern or problem using scientific methods. Research is a methodical inquiry to

describe, explain, forecast, and manage the observed phenomenon, according to

American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie. Deductive approaches establish the veracity

of an observed event, whereas inductive methods investigate an observed event.

Deductive techniques are more frequently connected with quantitative analysis,

whereas inductive strategies are associated with qualitative research.

The first step, which is called research involves inquiring something that could be

address the common problem of Labuay, Maigo Lanao del norte by innovating a new

eco-blocks and might become the replacement of common blocks in construction works,

and it would address the common problem of standard hollow blocks by its durability,

sustainability and strength. There are some areas in barangay Labuay, Lanao del Norte

that need to be fixed because they weren't fully concreted but the problem is they need

to spend a lot of money to it because the cost of standard hollow blocks are more higher

than the researchers eco-blocks innovation. Through this eco-blocks, the researchers

might solve the common problem of the residence and all the construction expertise

about the blocks that they want to use and to help the residence to lessen the cost

efficient of normal hollow block by using our alternative eco-block.

To avoid having the same innovation, the researchers are reviewing a related

studies about plastic bottles made of hollow block to also gain knowledge from previous

studies. The research will visit the location to conduct a preliminary survey to learn more
about the preferences of the respondents and may start designing the innovation based

on the results.

There are two main purposes: Exploratory: As the name implies, exploratory

investigations are carried out by researchers to investigate a set of questions. The

solutions and analyses might not provide a resolution to the alleged issue. It is being

done to address brand-new, unexplored problem areas. The exploratory process used

by the researchers establishes the groundwork for more thorough data gathering and

analysis. Descriptive: It concentrates on gathering data in order to increase knowledge

about current concerns. In descriptive research, the behavior of a sample population is


Development. Development is a process that creates growth, progress, positive

change or the addition of physical, economic, environmental, social and demographic

components. The goal of development is to raise the standard of living for the populace

while protecting the environment's resources and creating or expanding employment

opportunities locally and regionally. Development comprises a quality change aspect

and the setting up of conditions for the continuance of that change, and is observable

and beneficial, though not always right away (Sid Israel 2022). The researchers develop

an idea that possibly solve the problem of the residence of Labuay Maigo Lanao DEL

Norte in using blocks without

This strategy served as the foundation for the UN Development Program's

(UNDP) 1990 HDI (Human Development Index), which was created to quantify

development. In the area of gender, Martha Nussbaum created the abilities approach

and placed a strong emphasis on the empowerment of women as a vehicle for

development. Professionals like Jeffrey Sachs and Paul Collier, on the other hand,

concentrated on the factors that hinder or repress progress in particular nations,

causing them to remain for decades in extreme poverty. Civil wars, a lack of natural

resources, and poverty itself are some of the different poverty traps. The ability to relate

to political, economic, and social realities in a nation allows for the advancement of

development. The promotion of sustainable development, which prioritizes growth and

development while taking into account the requirements of the environment and future

generations of global citizens, is one of Jeffrey Sacks' key themes in his writing (Sid

Israel 2022).

1. The design of the Eco-block The Eco-block is a processed alternative

block for pathways. It measures 4” by 5” and 2” thickness. It has grooves

texture in the surface to prevent slippery. The Eco-block is made from a

processed in liquefying plastic bottles with a mixture of sand and gravel.

Figure 2.1 - 2.3 shows a different views of the Eco-block.

Figure 1. The Perspective view of Eco-blo

Figure 2. The Front view of Eco-block

Figure 3. The Front View of Eco-block when it’s installed.

2. The Development Timeline of the Project. The development timeline

is shown using a Gantt chart is illustrated in Table 1.

Table 1. Gantt chart of the Innovating and Evaluating Alternative Pathway Blocks made

of Plastic Bottles with Sand and Gravel.

3. Budget/Costing. Financial resources are considered in this

study. As shown in Table 2. an amount was used to Process the

Alternative Eco-Block and with a comparison of the cost used in making a

traditional hollow block that was shown in Table 3.

Table 2. Processed cost in developing the Alternative Eco-Block (per 60 blocks)

Table 3. Processed cost in making a traditional hollow block (per 60 blocks)

4. Fabrication Process. Plastic Bottles are made of polyethylene

terephthalate (PET). It is often referred to as LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) or

HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene). Polypropylene resin is a usually opaque, low-

density polymer with excellent thermoforming and injection molding characteristics

(Thomas, 2018). In the fabrication process, the researcher used a recycled plastic

bottles that is mostly found in trash cans or in a junk shop. Before making the actual

eco-block, the wood pieces will be cut into 4” x 5” with 2” thickness that will serve as a

modler for the eco-block. After cutting, it will be assembled by a masonry nail. Set aside

the modler and start a fire for the liquefying process. The 80 plastic bottles will then be

put in the pot with a medium high heat and wait for it to be melted. Once melted, put

slowly the 1 ratio of sand and 1 ratio of gravel into the pot. Mix them well and prepare

the modler. Slowly put it into the modler and wait until it cools and hardens. Once its

cool and hardens, remove the modler.

Innovation. Innovation is frequently used to describe something novel, like an

invention, or the process of creating and introducing novel products. An innovation in

the tech industry is typically a new product, but it can also be a new process or even a

new way of thinking. At the Foundation, we are discovering that innovation can take

many different forms and manifest itself in a variety of ways through our BOLT and

Research programs (gunda 2022). Innovation can be defined as a creative, effective

approach to a persistent human issue. An invention, according to Tidd and Bessant

(2013, pp. 18–20), is a fresh concept or method of accomplishing something, but the

creation of an invention does not ensure its commercial viability. The creators of new

innovations are sometimes overlooked, and instead we credit the businessperson who

turned the concept into a profitable venture. The researchers developed eco-blocks as

an innovative alternative to traditional building blocks in order to address the

fundamental difficulty in construction works.

Research Location

The town was originally part of Kolambugan before it was declared a municipality

of its own; it was created a few years after the neighboring town of Bacolod was

separated from Kolambugan. Executive Order No. 331 of 1959 created Maigo. A simple

town where Muslims and Christians are living in harmony. The location of this study is

located at Purok-4 Labuay Maigo Lanao Del Norte. Labuay is a barangay in the

municipality of Maigo, in the province of Lanao del Norte. Its population as

determined by the 2020 Census was 3,041. This represented 13.03% of the total

population of Maigo. Moreover, the research location is chosen because the researcher

is presently studying and housing in Mindanao State University - Maigo School of Arts

and Trade formerly as MSAT.

Research Population

The study’s target audience includes those who work in the construction

industry, as well as residents of Purok 4, Labu-ay, Maigo, Lanao del Norte who are

acquainted with construction tasks and those who have expertise in construction

including the use of blocks to construct home and paths. Since the researchers want to

create an innovation of the conventional Eco-block, consumers who use the standard

hollow block can compare and contrast their experiences, making them the most

suitable group of people to be the respondents of this study.

Sampling technique , Sample procedure & Sample Size

Using a purposive sampling technique, the respondents for this study were

chosen. Because of the nature of the research design, aims, and objectives, and the
potential effectiveness when just a small number of persons may serve as primary data

sources, deliberate sampling techniques were used in this study ( Dudovskiy, 2022 ). It

makes it possible to maximize the potential of a small population of interest and to

produce valuable research findings (Formplus Blog,2021). As a result, the researcher

will use this sample type in this investigation.



Letter to the Dean

Mindanao State University Maigo School of Arts and Trades

Purok- 4, Labuay, Maigo , Lanao del Norte


December 18, 2022


Dean of Instruction


Dear Ma’am,

Greetings of Peace!


RIMAR MONGCUPA and JEFFREY SANCHA , a third year students of this campus

under the program of Bachelor of Industrial Major in Drafting Technology, we are

conducting a study entitled “Innovating and Evaluating Alternative Blocks For

Pathways made of Plastic Bottles with Sand and Gravel in Liquefy Process”. It is a

flexible and modernized eco-blocks that can be used as an alternative to the traditional

hollow blocks.
You will be given enough time to test the product, and afterwards, you will be

given a questionnaire to evaluate the product. Also , we would like to solicit your

comments , suggestions and recommendations about the product.

Thank you and God bless.







Letter for the Respondents

Mindanao State of University Maigo School of Arts and Trade

Purok- 4 , Labuay, Maigo Lanao del Norte

Dear Students/faculties:

Good day! We are the researchers of MSU MSAT. We would like to ask for your

consent, permission, and time to be one of the research respondents for the

development research entitled, “Innovating and Evaluating Alternative Blocks For

Pathways made of Plastic Bottles with Sand and Gravel in Liquefy Process”. It is a

flexible and modernized eco - block that can be used as an alternative to the traditional

hollow blocks.

You will be given enough time to test the product, and afterwards, you will be

given a questionnaire to evaluate the product . Also , we would like to solicit your

comments , suggestions , and recommendations about the products.

Thank you, and God Bless. IAN B. BALDICANTOS






Validating research instruments to measure the level of acceptability based on

Strength , Sustainability , Durability , Eco - friendly and Cost - efficient.


Name (Optional): ___________________________ID Number :_____________

Program major: ____________________________Year Level:______________

Sex : ____ Age : ____

Profession :

● Students

● Faculty Member

1. Instruction. Put a check and rate honestly based on what you have experience in

testing the innovated Alternative blocks for Pathways made of Plastic Bottles with Sand

and Gravel in Liquefy using following scales:

4 - Extremely Satisfied ( ES ) 3 - Very Satisfied ( VS )

2 - Slightly Satisfied ( SS ) 1- Not at all satisfied

STRENGTH Retain Revise Reject

1. The eco-blocks are strong enough to be use in


2. The eco-blocks are not prone in slip accident

3. The eco-blocks are be able to hold in rain or shine


4. The eco-blocks will not be flat too easily in any kinds

of vehicles.

5. The eco-blocks are performed well than the

traditional hollow blocks.

SUSTAINABILITY Retain Revise Reject

1. Is eco-blocks good for a substitute product as a

construction material

2. Does eco-blocks provide construction workers and

user’s with it in affordable, high-quality blocks, equal
and without distinction between the rich and the poor

3. Does eco-block are the solution that helps address

pollution especially plastic bottles

4. Are Eco-block measuring improvements in people`s

ability to save money on the materials used

5. Do renovated Eco-blocks perform any more

effectively than traditional blocks

DURABILITY Retain Revise Reject

1. Does eco-blocks last long for

2. Does eco- block is stronger than a traditional

hollow blocks

3. Is eco block durable enough and will never


4. Does the eco block have a fire resistance

5. Is eco block able to reduce road accidents

ECO-FRIENDLY Retain Revise Reject

1. Does eco block help reduce the Plastic


2. It provides low-risk of environmental


3. Does eco-blocks can help save the


4. Does eco-block could achieve sustainability

5. The eco-blocks can be effectively reusable

COST-EFFICIENT Retain Revise Reject

1. Does the price of the product match the value of

the eco-block

2. Is the eco - block cost less than a traditional

hollow block

3. Does the price of an eco-block provide you with

any benefits

4. Does the target end-user have access to the

eco-block at a reasonable price

5. Do the eco-blocks` elements are readily

available anywhere

Comments, if any :





Thank you for your cooperation!

Preliminary Survey Questionnaire

Name: Gender:


Direction: Read the questions carefully and answer it honestly by putting check on the

box provided.

1. What comes first in your mind when you hear Eco-block?

● Surprised

● Not Surprised

● Nothing

2. Would you like to give this innovation a try?

● Yes

● No

3. What do you think of innovative blocks mixture made of plastic bottles with sand &

gravel is sustainable to use nowadays?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No
4. What do you prefer to use for the type of blocks?

● Solid blocks

● Plastic blocks

● Hollow concrete blocks

5. What color of the eco-block do you like?

● Maroon

● Black

● Gray

6.What texture of the eco-blocks do you prefer?

● Shiny

● With Groove

7. Do you think this innovation is good as an alternative block for pathways?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No

8. Do you think the Eco-block will be an effective alternative block for the pathways?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No
9. Do you think this will be a solution in reducing the plastic bottle waste?

● Yes

● No

10. Do you experience any kind of accident in a traditional hollow block like slipping?

● Yes

● No

11. What do you want in charging the cost of this device?

● High

● Medium

● Low

● Very Low

12. Would you prefer to install the Eco-block in your household or in your pathways?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No

13. Do you think that the Eco-block will last long?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No

● Never
14. Do you already used any kind of innovation in your household?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No

15.Do you think this innovation good for pathways?

● Yes

● Maybe

● No

● Never

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