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1. What do you predict according to quantum theory to observe on the telescope?

Because… (Explain how do the (3) spectral lines occur using an example).

Single spectrum line in the absence of magnetic field.

A group of spectral lines in present of magnetic field.

For example, when an electron moves from 2p to 1s, one spectral line appears because each of
ml for p is equal in energy, so the difference between any one of them with s is a constant and
equal amount for all of them. So it makes no difference if the electron is in ml=1, ml=0 or ml=-1
when absence of magnetic field. But if the magnetic field present so there will be work apply in
the electron and the work depend on the amount of ml finally the enrage in the subshells on
longer equal.

W=ml  B


ml Ef
1 Ei+ ml  B
0 Ei
-1 Ei- ml  B
so the difference between any one of them with s is not equal amount for all of them.

2. In the absence of a constant magnetic field there is only wavelength associated with the
transition from n=3d to n=2p. Complete the figure below in the case that a magnetic field B is
applied. How will the spectral lines split and what will be the possible transitions? Hint: Follow
the polarization rules.

7 possible transitions (2l+1)d+(2l)p=(2*2+1)+(2*1)=7

ml =2
ml =0
ml =-1
ml =-2

ml =1
ml =0
ml =-1

3. In which case do the (3) spectral lines reduce to (2) in the presence of a constant
magnetic field?

When the telescope is parallel to the apply magnetic field.

4. What is meant by the anomalous Zeeman effect?

439200026 ‫ليلى النصرهللا‬


it is the phenomenon that explains the splitting of a spectral line into four or more components
in a magnetic field when viewed in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field.1

5. What values do you predict to get for e/m?

1.759*10^11 C/kg
6. Which factors you suggest should be controlled in order to make sure that your
results are accurate and reliable?
• The magnetic field.

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439200026 ‫ليلى النصرهللا‬

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