A Sense of Community

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A SENSE OF COMMUNITY pinas city re represented with the

logo of the bamboo organ
McMillan and Chavis
2. INFLUENCE – feeling that they are
- Called this phenomenon the ‘’ sense of
influencing the community having influence
over its members. To sustain this factor the
- Described one sentence ‘’ sense of
community must have a regular meeting with
community is a feeling that the
the majority of residents and involving them
members have belonging
in planning and implement

ROLE OF TANOD 3. Integration and Fulfillment of Needs –

- Peace and order becoming of member of community, that
member gets he/she hoped to get by joining.

THE 4 FACTORS OF  The community must strive

COMMUNITY to attain/sustain something
which is sense of belonging
1. MEMBERSHIP – feeling of belonging or of a
 Community people need to
feel ‘’reward’’ in some ways
for their active participation
5 FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES to continue to reside and
contribute to their
1. BOUNDARIES – requirement are
usually proof of residents and
payment 4. Shared emotional – all communities being
2. (ES) EMOTIONAL SAFETY – made up of people, have their unique story.
building boundaries and Members will have a history of experiences
including the right people, we together while they are in a community
create trust and a feeling of
safety, we also have brgy. Tanod
3. (ASBI) A Sense of Belonging and - A community of people who are
Identification – members feel experiencing the same situation tend
that they are welcome, fit in. to connect with each other and pursue
4. (PC) Personal Community – a common goal and action.
members contribution and - Manifesting of collective ownership of
sacrifices to the community a situation – a situation that generally
enhance their sense of has an effect on them.
5. (ACSS) A Common Symbol
System – for Catholics, our parish ACTIONS
symbol of symbol is the image as 1. (CC) Common context – people live in
the Immaculate Conception. Las a similar setting and or locality

2. (CE) Common experience – people resources, materials, and non-

encounter a comparable experience, materials, physical and spiritual
individually or collectively are mapped out and consolidated.
3. (CUI)Common understanding of an It s=is the phase where ‘’what is
issue – people have more or less the lacking’’ and ‘’what is available’’
same view on the issue at hand 4. (OE) On education – this is the
4. (CA) Common analysis – people went skills ‘development or human
through a process of analyzing the resource phase enhancement
issue and may have a similar take on phase. Members of the
the issue community are provided with the
5. (An/A//A//C) An action that is necessary knowledge and
acceptable to the community – people orientation
discuss and agree on what action and - It is to be noted, that the process of
agree on what action to take and who researching the level of a community
will take the lead an advocacy together is not an easy
The ingredients identified above are
# Community dynamics is something
what we call ‘’ must do’s ‘’ in
agents of community change have to
planning a community action.
contend with and must learn to be
4 general phases of community friend
organization process, which were
cited by address (1988) To facilitate a process of appreciating
community dynamics, community 6
1. (IIA/D)Issue identification,
change agents must be aware of the
analysis, and dissemination –
relevant community information,
consolidated, analyzed, defined,
1. Know the community issue its
processes and disseminated. It is
history and root, how its growth,
in this phase where ‘’ real needs’’
where is it now?
are determined from ‘’ felt needs’’
2. Analyze the issue – identify the
debates, dialogues, and sharing of
issue and look at it from various lenses
thoughts undertaken
3. Identify and get to know the
2. (OM/C)On mobilization of
relevant community systems – what
community – this phase is the
are the systems that may facilitate or
step of getting people, meet
hinder the success of an action?
together, discuss community
4. Identify ad get to know the players-
problems, plan a community,
who are involved in the issue?
formulate implementing
5. Identify community power actors –
who are the influential people? What
3. (OO) On organization – this is
is their interest on the issue?
the ‘’bolt in’’ phase where all the

6. Trace connections – map out

linkages of the stakeholders


- Youth is defined as the critical period
in a person’s development from the
onset of adolescence to the peak of
mature.(15-30 year old) the youth
from psychosocial perspective, define - The state recognizes the vital role of
youth as within the adolescence and the youth in nation-building and shall
early adulthood phase protect their physical, moral, spiritual,
- This is also the stage when he/she intellectual, and social well-being.
clings to a peer of group. In the early - The youth are the vital resource of the
adulthood stage, the youth has already community
formed herself/himself to form close - They are considered as community
relationships change assets
- The youth are mostly concerned with - Youth are essential assets of the
issues related issues related sexual risk community because of creativity and
behaviour and drugs. Can cause resourcefulness.
dysfunctional family and society. - Youth is necessary to provide them
Among the other issues of the youth with the essential support for
are education, quality of education, knowledge enhancement capacity
increasing of O.S.Y. (out of school building
youth) and lack of education
opportunities, low educational 8 ROLE OF YOUTH IN OUR
attainment, and high incidence of SOCIETY
1. Give Priority to your Education
2. Don’t be lazy. Work hard, dream
big, and achieve those dream
3. Take care of your parents
4. Accept all genders in the society
5. Don’t Make Fun of Vulnerables (in
need of special care)

6. Give importance to your ethics than

money. (Behaviour)
7. Respect everyone in the society
8. Don’t waste time



1) Human rights are rights inherent to

all human beings, whatever our
nationality, place of residence, sex,
national or ethnic or any status.
We are equally entitled to our human
rights without discrimination

Ball human rights are indivisible

(unable to be separated or divided),
some human rights are the following,
right to life, equality, before the law,
and freedom of expression, rights of

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