Lea Mock Board 1

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1. Who is the second in command in the PNP.


2. What is the equivalent rank of the chief of the directorial staff of the PNP in the AFP?
A. Colonel
B. Brigadier general
C. Major general
D. Lieutenant general
E. General

3. Patrolman bangyay was promoted to police sergeant on November 13, 2000. Assuming that he
was promoted to police staff sergeant on time and considering the mandatory time-in-grade,
when can he be qualified to be promoted to police master sergeant. ON OR AFTER NOVEMBER
13, 2023

4. Which of the following is not one of the minimum requirements for PNP applicants?
A. None of these
B. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral
C. Must be at least 1.62 meters in height for male and 1.57 meters for female
D. Must weight not more or less than five kg (5kg) from the standard weight corresponding
to his her height, age, and sex

5. What is the principle of police organization which requires that levels of authority shall be kept
to minimum. SPAN OF CONTROL

6. All but one are the advantages of a Line type police organization
A. None of these
B. The simplicity of the structure
C. Promotion of division of work to specific police units with one officer in charge having
complete control which makes him responsible or accountable for the results
D. Quick decision can be made because of the direct lines authority, and because these
direct lines, each member in the chain of command knows to whom he is accountable and who
is accountable for him

7. All are national offices in the PNP organization, except-

A. 10 staff directorates
B. Inspector general
C. Operational units
D. Administrative support units
E. None of these

8. The municipality of grandia has a total of 32 police officers. The number of police officers in that
municipality is based on 1:750 average police-to-population ratio. What is the approximate
population of the municipality. 24, 000
9. Under the provisions of RA 6975, who among the following is qualified for enlistment in the

10. In the preceding item, what is the training completed by PCol Pang-et for his Police Brigadier
General promotion? B AND C

11. The following are some of the factors to determine the most qualified and most capable
candidates to be promoted, except. NONE OF THESE

12. The actual police strength by cities and municipalities shall depend on the, except. CAPABILITY

13. Which of the following statement concerning the promotion policy of the PNP is incorrect. NO

14. Mr. Manny Pacquiao. A namesake of the Filipino boxing hero, was born in 1985. He took 12
years to finish his BS Criminology because of poverty. If his application in the PNP will be denied,
which would be the possible cause of rejection. HE IS PAST THE AGE QUALIFICATION

15. the directorate for personnel and records management has the following divisions, except

16. Who conducts periodic announced, scheduled as well as unannounced, unscheduled or “spot”
inspector of all PNP units, offices, commands and stations to determine defects and
irregularities, effect corrections and recommend to the Chief, PNP and all concerned, the
appropriate measures and action on the deficiencies and irregularities noted?
A. Inspector general’s office
C. Internal affairs office
E. All of these

17. The one having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily or permanently, over offices of
lower rank is called. SUPERIOR OFFICER

18. The fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as a designated desk or
office or an intersection or cross walk from traffic duty is called –
A. Route
B. Beat
C. Post
D. Sector
E. area
19. What is reffered to as the functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization.

20. What is the basic police mission?

A. To protect life and properties
B. To enforce the law
C. To serve the community by enforcing laws of the land
D. To preserve order by enforcing rules of conduct or laws
E. All of these

21. Few years before the lord jesus Christ, augustus formed the “Vigiles” of rome, a group of over
2,000 men, armed with staves and short swords, whose duty was to. KEEP THE PEACE AND

22. This law introduced the system of watch and ward, a watch was stationed between sunset and
sunrise at each gate of a walled town. It revived the hue and cry. STATUTE OF WINSCHESTER

23. The first watchmen in America were called. RATTLEWATCH

24. Regular license to exercise profession…..REGULAR LICENSE TO OPERATE

25. What is the process of assigning information or material, one of the four security categories
after determination has been made that the information requires the security protection as
provided. CLASSIFY

26. What is the act of emphasizing the importace and roleof security in achieving the company goals
and objectives by securing employee cooperation and support. SECURITY PROMOTION

27. What is the act of changing the assigned classification from classified information or matter?
A. None of these
B. Upgrading
C. Reclassifying
D. Declassify
E. Compartmentation

28. What is the badge or coded pass issued to an employee which gives him authorization to enter
at specific areas in the establishment. SINGLE PASS SYSTEM

29. What is the English term used to denote a lock picker. PETERMAN

30. The weakest link in the security chain of an organization refers to. PERSONNEL
31. Which among the following is a not a factor to be considered in background investigation?
a. Loyalty
b. revenge
c. Integrity
d. Moral
e. Ethics

32. What is the basic mission of the guard force?…..PROTECT ALL THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE LIMITS

33. A planned and organized determination of facts concerning specific loss or damage of assets due
to threats, hazards or unsecured conditions is called. SECURITY INVESTIGATION

34. Compartmentation or decentralization of risk to limit the impact of the potential loss refers

35. A mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or electronic device designed to prevent entry into a buding,
room, container or hiding. This refers to LOCKS

36. The exclusive right to patent protection expires after 17 YEARS

37. A type of protective alarm wherein the currency activation devices are placed in the teller’s cash
drawer and connected to the alarm system using a wire connector. This is
A. Foot rail activator
B. Foot button
C. Bill traps
D. Knee or thigh button

38. Information concerning document, cryptographic devices, developed projects and materials
following the categories of Top Secret, Secret, Confidential and Restricted. This refers to
a. Classified matter
b. Asset
c. Classified information
d. Proprietary information

39. A type of security hazard which can be in the form of rumor mongering, propaganda,
undermining morale, and injecting defeatist attitudes, and other emotional approaches. This
refers to SUBVERSION

40. A type of inspection which is usually preceded by an announcement and the unit under
inspection prepares for events, including some extra housekeeping activities that would not
otherwise happen at that point in time. This is called FORMAL INSPECTION
41. A typeof inspection which is on-going and never ending activity. This is called CONTINOUS

42. A type of lock that can be opened by pressing a series of numbered buttons in the proper

43. What metallic container is used for the safekeeping of documents or small items in an office or
installation. SAFE

44. What is the process of inspecting or examining with careful thoroughness. POSITIVE VETTING
45. Writing a memorandum refers to the process of-
a. Classification
b. Disposition
c. Creation
d. Retention

46. A complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings and encompasses the
use of all the major senses to register and recognized its operational significance is called…

47. The actual and factual reporting of one’s observation of the reported sensory experience is

48. Casing assist the intelligence officer instill confidence by

A. Being able to speak knowingly about the area of operation
B. Insuring security measure for the opeartives
C. Both a and b
D. None of these

49. When several men are assigned to a “group” tail, each man maintains
a. Contact with the subject
b. Reason to be there
c. Same conveyance
d. Losing the subject
e. All of these

50. A cover that is general in nature and permanently adopted to explain the presence in any given
area is called
a. Cover for action
b. Cover for status
c. Natural cover
d. Artificial cover
e. Official cover
51. Cover which may either be civilian or military must meet the following requiremts except.

52. Miss Valerie Tumtumba witnessed a certain crime and that she immediately reported the same
to the police force. What type of informants she is?..NONE OF THESE

53. This refers to all organs of every security system whose task is to prevent intelligence activity in
a given area. This is
a. Friendly forces
b. Escapees and evacuees
c. Active opposition
d. Odex
e. None of these

54. Which of the following is not a method of tailing. OPERATIVE METHOD

55. It is an item of intelligence or information of the characteristics of the area of operation and the
enemy which the commander feels he needs before he can reasonably arrive at a decision. This
is …PWET

56. The kind of intelligence which is geared to destroy any plans and possible attacks of the enemy

57. This refers to the controlled group of people who work through the direction of the agent
handler. This is called
a. Information net
b. Intelligence assets
c. Informant net
d. Intelligence community
e. Information broker

58. In the intelligence jargo, if the surveillant does not know the whereabouts of his subject, thi is
termes as NONE OF THESE

59. The organization of raw data and information into usable form and group this to related items is
called -
a. Recording
b. Management
c. Evaluation
d. Deduction
e. Collection
60. What is the reduction of information into writing or some other form of graphical
representation and arranging this into related items?
a. Interpretation
b. Recording
c. Collection
d. Analysis
e. Integration

61. What is the classifications of an agent who actually leads other agent who actually leadsother
agent in the area of operatio. PRINCIPAL AGENT

62. What is the classification of an agent who is actually the doer of the intelligence operation in the
area of operation?
a. Infiltration
b. Recruitment
c. Penetration
d. Spotting
e. All of these

63. This refers to a person who gives information to the police in consideration of money, price or
reward. INFORMER

64. The accomplice or associate of the subject used to avoid or allude the surveillance is called.

65. A person who conducts surveillance which includes but not limited to observation is called

66. It is the reconnaissance or surveillance of a building place or area to determine its suitability for
intelligence use or its vulnerability in operations. NONE OF THESE

67. A device in the conduct of elicitation which implies the process of setting people to start talking
is called APPROACH

68. A broad design, method and plan to attain a stated goal or objectives refers to STRATEGY

69. Incremental planning….ADVOCACY PLANNING

70. What principles states that the responsibility for actions cannot be greater than that implied by
the authority delegated nor should it be less. PRINCIPLES OF PARITY AND RESPONSIBILITY

71. A model in planning which relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis of the
planning process refers to…INCREMENTAL
72. A reason for strategic planning wherein organizational divisions require their own strategies but
these strategies must complement one another and support the department’s strategies.
a. Vision
b. Long-range thinking
c. Congruence
d. Strateggic focus
e. None of thes

73. What doctrine includes the principles and rules governing the planning, organization and
direction and employment of the PNP forces in the accomplishmet of basic security operationala

74. What is the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken chain of scale of
units from top to bottom describing explicity the flow of authority. SCALAR PRINCIPLE

75. A reason for strategic planning which in turn guides those choices that determines the natures
and direction of the organization is STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK

76. A form of selecting preferred alternatives wherein its purpose is that the alternative chosen
should maximize the ratio of benefit to cost.
a. Cost effective analysis
b. Cost-performance analysis
c. All of these
d. Cost benefit analysis
e. Efficiency

77. What type of approach to planning consider problems as too difficult when they grouped
together and easier to solve when they are taken one at a time and broken down into gradual
adjustments overtime? ..INCREMENTAL PLANNING

78. What police doctrine provides guidance for specialized activities of the PNP in the broad field of
interest such as personnel, intelligence, operations, logistics, planning and others…FUNCTIONAL

79. A principle which states that subordinate should be under the control of only one superior.
a. Delegation of authority
b. Chain of command
c. Span f control
d. Unity of command

80. A product of prudence or wisdom in the management of human affairs. POLICY

81. Establishment of a goal that does not address a specific problem makes sense. FALSE
82. The Rules of Engagement of the PNP is an example of -
a. fundamental doctrine
b. functional doctrine
c. Operational doctrine
d. All of the above

83. Which is the basic police mission that was the same in ancient societies as it is today in
sophisticated urban communities?
a. Apprehension of criminal offenders
b. Detection and investigation of crimes
c. Preserving order by enforcing laws
d. Secure personal and public properties
e. C and D

84. What was the ancient system of apprehending criminal practiced during the Anglo-Saxon period
whereby a complaint goes to the middle of the community and shout for help calling all male
residents to assemble and go after an offender? HUE AND CRY

85. Installing street lights, assigning house numbers and conceiving street signs were significant
ideas for better patrolling. These were contributed by the FRENCH

86. Which theory of patrol state that police visibility increases the opportunity to apprehend
criminals by soothing them and letting them believe that their crimes will not be detected?
a. Low profile theory
b. High visibility
c. Theory of police omnipresence
d. Team policing
e. None of these

87. In checking occupants of residential buildings, business establishments, and dark alleys, the best
method to use is the……RANDOM FOOT PATROL
88. If foot patrol method requires a large number of personnel, then this serves as an advantage in
the management of police organization. This statement is
a. True
b. False
c. Categorical
d. Absolutely false
e. None of these
89. Among the various patrol methods, which method provides the maximum mobility and stealth
to individual patrol officers. BICYCLE PATROL

90. One significant modern feature of state-of-the-art patrol cars today is the vehicle-mounted TV.
91. Compared to human’s ability to smell, a dog is capable of recognizing an odor
a. 10 thousand times
b. 10 million times
c. 10 billion times
d. 100, 000 times
92. • In terms of human resource and equipment, which patrol method is more economical?
a. Automobile patrol
b. Bicycle patrol
c. Helicopter patrol
d. Foot patrol
e. A and B
93. The patrol method that can provide the patrol officers with greater safety and physical security
and more available equipment while maintaining average contact to the public is –
a. Bike patrol
b. Horse patrol
c. Helicopter patrol
d. Automobile patrol
e. B and C
94. All but one has the rank of Police Lieutenant General –
a. Deputy for administration
b. Deputy for operation
c. Chief, directorial staff
d. NCRPO director
e. None of these
95. Are there how many Regional directors under the PNP set-up as stipulated by RA 6975?
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
e. 14
96. Which of the following is considered as the backbone of police operations?
a. Both B and C
b. Police patrol
c. Police communications
d. Police planning
e. Police intelligence
97. The ABC’s of police radio communications stands for: A for Accuracy; B for Brevity; and C for –
a. Courtesy
b. Clarity
c. Comprehension
d. All of these
e. Continuity
98. Police offices normally assign codes for relayed information. Code 2 stands for -
a. Urgent
b. Emergeny
c. Routine call
d. None of these
e. Ditress call
99. Among the following, who is an ex-officio member of the NAPOLCOM?
a. Secretary of DILG
b. C/PNP
c. Regular commissioner from the private sector
d. The woman commissioner
e. None of these
100. Any PNP member who shall be dismissed under a waiver program, once he possesses
already the minimum qualifications, shall
a. Be eligible to re-apply for appointment to the PNP
b. Not eligible to re-apply for appointment to the PNP
c. Be eligible for re-appointment but has to undergo again the police basic training course
d. Not be eligible for-reappointment, however, he or she may apply in other government
e. None of these

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