ISB Leadership Program - Fifth Edition - 2021

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In order to make yourself an outstanding candidate to the employers, students have to

clearly define their career paths and well prepared with relevant knowledge and skills.
ISB Leadership Program is developed to support ISB BBUS Talent students in career
orientation and preparation. Its goal is that every student graduating from ISB is
qualified and ready for job application in multinational organizations.

Specifically, in an addition to the specialized knowledge relevant to the position, the

ability to work effectively in multinational environment requires a number of key soft
skills. These skills are highly sought after by employers as they involve dealing with
people in such a way as to motivate, enthuse and build respect. Furthermore, an
outstanding candidate will have to acquire and demonstrate a variety of other skills such
as social, communication, and professionalism.

Firstly, employers expect their staff to be able to know how to interact in a social
environment. In other words, employees have to acquire excellent teamwork skills to
cooperate well with other members along the way and accomplish a goal or task.
Secondly, potential employees need to be effective when communicating with other
members. It is undeniable that outstanding employees know how to deliver a clear
vision and messages. In addition, they are usually very good at public speaking, equally
skilled at getting their points across in a formal presentation, board meeting, or in an
informal meeting. Lastly, promising employees will need to be professional in their
work and technical skills. Being professional encompasses time-management,
organizational skills, and strategic thinking skills. In other words, employees also need
to be very organized on a personal level, and be able to manage themselves and their
time, so that they can focus on doing what needs to be done.

At ISB, we aim to facilitate and equip our students with both technical skills (specialized
knowledge) and soft skills so that they can utilize them both inside and outside the
classrooms. There are a variety of facilitations offered that allow students to understand
what they learned and apply them directly. Moreover, all students are trained to become
leaders of themselves with clear career objectives, and employability skills to be ready
for the real business world.

Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1

Level 1: Finding Your Direction ................................................................................ 4

 Objectives ............................................................................................................ 4
 What are the requirements of level 1? ................................................................. 5
 How to achieve this level? ................................................................................... 5

Level 2: Discovering Your Potentials ...................................................................... 11

 Objectives .......................................................................................................... 11
 What are the requirements of level 2? ............................................................... 12
 How to achieve this level? ................................................................................. 12

Level 3: Showing Your Talents ................................................................................ 19

 Objectives .......................................................................................................... 19
 What are the requirements of level 3? ............................................................... 20
 How to achieve this level? ................................................................................. 20

Additional step: Preparing for Your Career ........................................................... 26

 Objectives .......................................................................................................... 26
 Where can you find a job? ................................................................................. 27
 Keep in touch with ISB ..................................................................................... 28

Assessment policy ....................................................................................................... 30

Appendix 1................................................................................................................... 34

Appendix 2................................................................................................................... 36

Appendix 3................................................................................................................... 37

Appendix 4................................................................................................................... 38


ISB Leadership Program aims to support ISB BBus Talent students in career orientation
and preparation with a clear goal that every student graduating from ISB is qualified
and ready for job application in multinational organizations. To do that, the graduates
need to understand the expectations of their future employers and persuade them with
full competencies.

There is a diverse range of technical skills and soft skills sought by the employers.
Technical skills determine the employee’s abilities in terms of academic knowledge,
expertise and practical exposure to pursue their careers. They can be general and/or
specific for a position. For example, with careers in Marketing industry, required
technical skills should be the understandings on marketing mix, consumer behaviour,
marketing research methods, etc... On the other hand, finance careers require abilities
in reading and interpreting financial statements, budgeting, analysing portfolio
investments, etc... Furthermore, in all business areas, soft skills are crucial in creating
added value to the organizations. Therefore, the employers emphasize the need for
graduates to enhance their soft skills such as communication skills, interpersonal skills,
teamwork, leadership skills, and organizational skills, etc...

Technical skills can be acquired through academic activities in university and soft skills
can be gained from extra-curricular and social activities. Those listed skills will be
illustrated to the employers through CV and interviews. Therefore, it is crucial to gain
practical experience to demonstrate your skills to the recruiters.

ISB Leadership Program is a guide for you to utilize your time at university to hone
necessary knowledge, skills and initial experience for future career. Furthermore, the
program also prepares you with employability skills for successful job application. ISB
believes in individual potentials and strives to illuminate latent leadership talents.
Therefore, ISB Leadership Program provides you a safe-to-fail environment to

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implement and enhance your competencies. By completing ISB Leadership Program,
you will enhance your competitiveness in the future job market.

Objectives Soft Skills

Technical Employability
Skills Skills

Figure 1: Key things need to be well prepared

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Graduation

Finding Discovering Showing

your direction your potentials your talents

07/2022 07/2023 07/2024

Figure 2: 3 levels of ISB Leadership Program and tentative timeline

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1. Read the instruction and explanation thoroughly

2. Download additional templates on E-learning
3. Follow the information about activities in ISB and UEH
4. Do not forget to record your achievements
5. Complete the required criteria in each level
6. Have a clear plan and manage your time wisely
7. If you have any concerns, please contact your class supervisor
8. If you have any special cases, please contact us at

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 Find your interesting jobs

 Develop fundamental knowledge
 Activate your soft skills with simple tasks
 First preparation to impress your future employers

Establishing a strong foundation for your journey is very important for a freshman.
Therefore, the first thing you need is to identify the jobs you find interesting to do. Then
you can figure out their key characteristics and requirements. In doing so, you find your
initial direction to start going.

Furthermore, this is also the good time to start defining yourself and building your
fundamental knowledge in business and enhancing basic soft skills and employability

“Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.”


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1. Career Objectives

 Completing a career report

 Participating in at least 2 Career Orientation seminars

2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills

 Cumulative GPA of the first 2 trimesters ≥ 7.0

 Not violating any ISB and UEH policies and rules

 Participating in at least 2 extra-curricular activities

 Participating in at least 2 soft-skill seminars

 Building your personal brand

 Preparing CV

3. Submission


1. Identify your career objectives

 Which are the jobs you find interesting to do?

Which are the jobs you find interesting to do? How are they? These questions are
probably out of freshmen’s concern. Is it too early for freshmen to think about them?
In fact, it has been a bit late while first-year students should rather think about them
before being a student. The sooner you are clear about your favourable jobs, the
more time you have for well-preparing. But do not worry, you can start finding them
right now. Thus, the first thing you are required to do is thinking about which jobs
you personally find interesting to do. Then, you need to do more research on main
characteristics and requirements of those jobs. From that, you can determine the gap
between your abilities and job requirements as well as be clearer about your targeted

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You are required to compose a career report that comprehensively describes at
least 2 jobs you find interesting to do. The report should include from 1000 to 1500


 You may need to search for some information about the jobs from several
sources such as academic papers, newspapers or company websites. If this
is the case, you should ensure that the information is come from reliable
sources and provide appropriate citations and a reference list. Your report
must be in the APA format.

 Your report will be checked for plagiarism by Therefore,

plagiarism with more than 20% will lead to grade deduction or a grade zero
(0) for the report.

 Career Orientation seminar participation

Career orientation seminars aim to provide a general picture about future careers
that students may choose. The first-year students are recommended to join career
orientation seminars such as Marketing Introduction, Finance and Accounting
Introduction, HR Introduction, etc… Participating in these seminars is helpful for
freshmen in initially recognizing what kinds of jobs they are interested in.

Career orientation seminars organized by ISB have the code “COSEM-L1” attached
to the tittles. Thus, you should check the seminars’ titles when receiving the
announcements. Besides, students can participate in any other equivalent seminars
organized by UEH or other organizations. If this is the case, students have to enclose
the seminars’ contents or brief descriptions.

You need evidences to prove your participation in the seminars. Note that your
attendance in the seminars organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading
system, whereas the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system.
You may also participate in the seminars organized by other universities /
organizations / institutions. Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other
appropriate types of evidence must be attached in the submission.
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2. Improve your technical skills and soft skills

 Develop fundamental knowledge

One of the most important criteria to choose the right candidate is how your
knowledge or technical skills match the requirements of the job. However, as a first-
year student, you may not have adequate knowledge about business and its
functions. Therefore, you should start with building fundamental knowledge about
business specializations through the academic courses in ISB Training Program.

Although your knowledge can be shown in several ways, GPA is of the most
appropriate. Thus, you need to provide an evidence showing your cumulative GPA
of the first 2 trimesters of ISB Training Program. Note that you can find your
cumulative GPA in and a screenshot can be used as the evidence.

 Activate your soft skills with simple tasks

Soft skills are what the employers always require from potential candidates. Those
skills can be gained from many extra-curricular activities. Different experiences will
provide you with different soft skills. Therefore, you are required to involve yourself
in various activities and different roles to develop your soft skills.

Firstly, you are required to completely comply university policies and rules that are
stated in student handbook and/or online Additionally, there are
some rules in the campus that students have to follow. For examples, wearing
appropriate clothes (e.g. no shorts or mini-skirt), not eating in the classrooms, not
skipping class more than 30%, not littering, joining class meetings, etc… If students
are officially reported (in documents) violating policies or rules, the criterion is not
achieved. It is not necessary for you to provide an evidence for this because ISB
keep all the reports of students’ violations.

Secondly, first year of university is the time for you to show your adaptability skills
and social skills. How you adapt with new university environment, how you get
along with new friends, how you make yourself become a part of a new organization.
Participation in extra-curricular activities and soft-skill seminars are incredibly
helpful for improving these skills.
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 You may be become volunteers in social activities such as: Green Summer
Volunteering (Mua He Xanh), Spring Volunteering (Xuan Tinh Nguyen), or
other volunteering activities organized by your class. You can also join voluntary
activities outside university to serve the community.

 Soft-skill seminars organized by ISB have the code “SOSEM” attached to the
tittles. Thus, you should check the seminars’ titles when receiving the
announcements. Besides, students can participate in any other equivalent
seminars organized by UEH or other organizations.

 Note that participation means you join the event as a participant or audience.

 You need evidences to prove your participations. Note that your attendance in
the seminars organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading system,
whereas the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system. You
may also participate in the seminars organized by other universities /
organizations / institutions. Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other
appropriate types of evidence must be attached in the submission.

Thirdly, personal brand is increasingly important nowadays, especially for

businessmen. Knowing clearly who you are, what your strengths and weaknesses
are or which value and how you can contribute to the development of your company
can help you stand out from the crowd. Building personal brand successfully creates
the unique you who are confidently in your value that impresses the employers
positively. Thus, you are required to compose a short essay, at least 500 words,
introducing yourself in terms of your personal characteristics (educational
background / experience / strengths & weaknesses / personalities / hobbies / ethical
beliefs, etc.) and plan to be the better version of you.


 Your report will be checked for plagiarism by Therefore,

plagiarism with more than 20% will lead to grade deduction or a grade zero
(0) for the report.

 Your report must be submitted in the APA format.

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Lastly, CV and/or interviewing skills are critical for fresh graduates to increase their
chance of being recruited. CV is an overview of your experiences and
qualifications. Therefore, it shows the employers what competencies you can offer
to them. For a freshman, writing CV is the best way to assess the gap between their
current abilities and the dream job requirements. Thus, in this level, you are required
to write an attractive CV to leave a good impression on employer. Moreover, in
order to gain professional interview experience, you have opportunities to have
individual meetings with your class supervisor and/or industry partners. The
interview is probably a simulation of a real job interview with the purpose of
discussing your career goals, demonstrating your communication skill, evaluating
the gap between your current abilities with the job requirements. Then, you will
receive the advice on which aspects you should improve.

Note: For level 1, you may participate in two individual interviews with class
supervisor. You will be announced to book an interview with your class supervisor
and prepare the following checklist before coming to the interview.

 The first interview, tentatively conducted by January 2022, is for knowing and
facilitating student’s initial learning process in university. Participation in the
first interview is compulsory for all students.

 The second interview is tentatively conducted by August 2022 that is mainly for
providing professional interview experience. This also aims to improve student’s
learning performance in ISB. Participation in the second interview is optional
and, thus, you can decide to participate in or not.

3. Submission

Once all the requirements are completed, PDF version of the final report for level 1 is
required to be submitted via the e-learning system before the deadline. In order to make
the final report well-organized and completed, you can use the Submission package 1

Note that all the instructions in the package formatted in green serve as additional
guidelines so that you should replace them with appropriate information.

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Additional information
In this level, additional achievement is considered for:
 Becoming a club member
 Becoming a class leader / executive club member
 Being a supporter in school events/seminars
 Participating in company tour
 Having English certificate (IELTS 6.5 or equivalent)
 Being awarded by ISB / UEH or other organizations
 Having a part-time job
 Serving the community

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 Determine your specialization and future career

 Build knowledge required for your career
 Acquire advanced soft skills through challenging tasks
 Persuade your future employers with well-designed CV and professional cover

After the first year, you may now acquire fundamental business knowledge. It is time
to take one step forward to determine your most suitable specialization in business.
From that, you can find yourself a direction to develop your technical skills.

Furthermore, second year is the best time to hone more advanced soft skills through
higher responsibilities in extra-curricular activities. Those are very important for fresh
graduates in order to be successful in the workplace. Particularly, if you have limited
on-the-job experience, contribution to extra-curricular activities will provide you with
practical experience and real stories to convince your future employers.

“Technical skills may get you the job, but soft skills can make you or break you as a manager.”


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1. Career Objectives
 Completing a report on career fields

 Participating in at least 2 Specialization Career Orientation seminars

2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills

 Cumulative GPA of the previous 5 trimesters ≥ 7.0

 Participating in at least 1 relevant academic contest or business project


 Being a supporter / executive member / organizer in school events/seminars

 Joining at least 3 soft skill seminars or cultural exchange seminars/events

 Building your personal brand

 Updating CV & preparing cover letter

3. Submission


1. Identify your career objectives

 How do you understand about the career fields in business industry? And, which
is the specialization being well fitted to you?

After more than one year in business study, it is time for you to review the interesting
jobs you have already identified in level 1. Besides, you should be clearer about your
dream companies. As you should bear in mind about the business specialization that
you want to pursue in your career journey, there can be some adjustments to the list
of the interesting jobs. The sooner you identify what you need, the more time you
have to put the piece in place. Therefore, you are required to determine your
specialization early so that you will have more time to develop relevant technical

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For doing this, you are required to compose a report on career fields to describe at
least 3 fields you find suitable to your characteristics. They may include human
resource management, marketing, finance, accounting, auditing, consumer services,
etc. Each of them has its own requirements. For instance, a person working in
management and/or marketing needs to be open-minded, flexible and sociable,
whereas an accountant or auditor must be strictly disciplined and numerically
sensitive. Thus, the more clearly and accurately you know the characteristics of
career fields, the more easily you can choose your specialization and your
professional in future. Therefore, you are required to compose a report on at least 3
career fields. The report should include from 1000 to 1500 words specifically
describing key characteristics of them. In this report, based on your attributes, you
also need to self-evaluate and, eventually, specify the most appropriate career field.


 You may need to search for some information about the career fields from
several sources such as academic papers, newspapers or company websites.
If this is the case, you should ensure that the information is come from
reliable sources and provide appropriate citations and a reference list. Your
report must be submitted in the APA format.

 Your report will be checked for plagiarism by Therefore,

plagiarism with more than 20% will lead to grade deduction or a grade zero
(0) for the report.

 Specialization Career Orientation seminar participation

Specialization Career Orientation seminars are more specific to the career fields
and/or job positions in business. By joining those seminars, you will have clearer
ideas about several specializations in business and their required knowledge and
skills. Some examples about seminars for second-year students include Marketing
Across Culture, Customer Insight, Big Data for Marketing Specialization, Financial
Investment, CPA Australia Bus, and Banker Show, etc…for Financial
specialization. Therefore, Specialization Career Orientation seminars may be

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extremely helpful for you to select your specialization in ISB training program that
is best suited.

Specialization Career Orientation seminars organized by ISB have the code

“COSEM-L2” attached to the tittles. Thus, you should check the seminars’ titles
when receiving the announcements. Besides, students can participate in any other
equivalent seminars organized by UEH or other organizations. If this is the case,
students have to enclose the seminars’ contents or brief descriptions.

You need evidences to prove your participation in the seminars. Note that your
attendance in the seminars organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading
system, whereas the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system.
You may also participate in the seminars organized by other universities /
organizations / institutions. Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other
appropriate types of evidence must be attached in the submission.

2. Improve your technical skills and soft skills

 Absorb specialized knowledge

After understanding more thoroughly about the career fields and/or job positions in
each field, you can identify a specialization for your career. So, it is time to
concentrate on developing specialized knowledge in ISB Training Program that can
enhance your ability to work in the chosen field. Typically, academic performance
is the first thing that your future employers will look at; therefore, it is important to
maintain it at a good GPA. For this criterion, you can find your cumulative GPA in and take a screenshot to prove your cumulative GPA of the
previous 5 trimesters of ISB Training Program.

On the other hand, you should define a list of related knowledge and make a plan on
how to acquire them gradually. There are several ways for you to gain more
specialized knowledge. Among them, participating in an academic contest or
business project competition can be beneficial. UEH500, Young Researcher,
StartupZone and CEO are some examples of academic contest organized by
ISB/UEH. For doing this, you may need to review the related academic literature

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intensively and/or practically engage in the business environment, etc. This is an
opportunity for you to refine your specialized knowledge and apply your technical
skills to semi-practical project. Note that your attendance in the contest or
competition organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading system, whereas
the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system. You may also
participate in the contests organized by other universities/organizations/ institutions.
Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other appropriate types of evidence must
be attached in the submission.

 Acquire advanced soft skills with more challenging tasks

It is always important for students to take part in various extra-curricular activities

not only to be active and sociable but also to gain various soft skills. With that in
mind, you are always encouraged to take the next step on improving, for example,
your communication, organizational, and time management skills by challenging
yourself with more responsibilities. Additionally, becoming a leader or an executive
member in an organization / club / team will help you develop leadership skills that
will be valuable in all areas of life.

Firstly, you are required to become a supporter / executive member / organizer in

school events/seminars, instead of a participant. When you are in one of these
positions, you take more responsibilities because your contribution shall exert a
profound impact on the success of the events/seminars. It is obviously that you need
more soft skills and, even, combine those skills in order to successfully complete
the duties of a supporter / executive member / organizer. For example, you may take
the responsibility to be an MC for an event or a seminar in ISB or UEH or other
institutions. You can also enhance soft skills by running a team to get sponsorship
for a competition or raising fund for charity events.

Secondly, you are encouraged to join soft-skill seminars to advance your soft skills
such as designing skills, communication skills, and event organizing skills, etc…
Alternatively, participating in cultural exchange seminars/events is also
recommended. These activities include welcoming a group of foreign students,

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joining seminars of foreign guest speakers, and joining introduction seminars of a
program from foreign universities.


 Supporters are the persons in organizing team who contribute to the events /
seminars such as a MC, a photographer, a receptionist, etc.

 Executive members include the president, vice-presidents, treasurers and

others based on the structure of the club.

 Organizers are members of the team organizing the events / seminars.

 Soft-skill seminars organized by ISB have the code “SOSEM” attached to the
tittles. Thus, you should check the seminars’ titles when receiving the
announcements. Besides, students can participate in any other equivalent
seminars organized by UEH or other organizations.

 You need evidences to prove your participations. Note that your attendance
in the seminars organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading system,
whereas the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system.
You may also participate in the seminars organized by other universities /
organizations / institutions. Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other
appropriate types of evidence must be attached in the submission.

Thirdly, it is the time for you to be clearer about yourself that makes your personal
brand stronger. You are required to compose a short essay, at least 500 words,
describing how different you currently are, compared to the first day of your student
life in terms of competencies and personal characteristics. Besides, this essay also
identifies the value you can currently contribute to the organization you may belong
to. In addition, a designed plan to improve yourself is also required.


 Your report will be checked for plagiarism by Therefore,

plagiarism with more than 20% will lead to grade deduction or a grade zero
(0) for the report.

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 Your report must be submitted in the APA format.

Lastly, do not let your CV look outdated and short of experiences and skills. No
employers want to hire staff with only a degree and unrelated skills. Therefore,
updating the CV by adding your knowledge, soft skills and experiences you have
gain is necessary. For doing this, you need to be very selective and critical to show
the employers what they look for on one page of CV. Thus, finding a creative way
to attractively display your CV is recommended. Besides, cover letter is of the most
effective means for job candidates to leave a good impression on employers. Thus,
you are required to prepare a professional cover letter that will be sent to the
employers. For this task, you can select a specific job position you find most
interesting for composing this cover letter. In addition, participating in individual
interviews with your class supervisor and/or industry partners has always been
advantageous. The individual interview of level 2 is tentatively conducted by
August 2023 that is mainly for providing professional interview experience. This
also aims to improve student’s learning performance in ISB.

3. Submission

Once all the requirements are completed, PDF version of the final report for level 2 is
required to be submitted via the e-learning system before the deadline. In order to make
the final report well-organized and completed, you can use the Submission package 2

Note that all the instructions in the package formatted in green serve as additional
guidelines so that you should replace them with appropriate information.

Additional information
In this level, additional achievement is considered for:
 Participating in extra-curricular activities
 Becoming a club member / a class leader / executive club member (not apply
for existing club members / class leaders / executive club members)
 Participating in company tour
 Having English certificate (IELTS 7.0 or equivalent)

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 Being awarded by ISB/UEH or other organizations
 Having a part-time job
 Serving the community
In contrast, any university policies and rules violations may cause a deduction.

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 Draw your career path

 Widen the knowledge and experience required for your career
 Sharpen your soft skills to increase your chance of success
 Sell yourself to future employers.

You have acquired sufficient experiences and soft skills in the last two years.
Additionally, your career plan is expected to be clearly confirmed. Now knowledge
related to your selected fields should be the focus. Besides your study in class, you have
to challenge yourself in a bigger environment, involve yourself in more academic
competitions inside and outside the university to sharpen the knowledge and soft skills.
Furthermore, it is also the time for you to focus on your specialization and prepare for
an internship of ISB training program. Finally, if you want to make yourself an
outstanding student, this is a good time for you to contribute your ideas and time for the
development of ISB.

“It is nice to have valid competition; it pushes you to do better.”


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1. Career Objectives
 Completing a report on an ideal position in the most interesting career field

 Participating in at least 2 company tours

 Participating in at least 1 career fair

2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills

 Cumulative GPA of the previous eight trimesters ≥ 7.0

 Participating in at least 1 relevant academic contest or business project


 Being a supporter / executive member / organizer in school events/seminars

 Joining at least 2 soft skill seminars or cultural exchange seminars/events

 Building your personal brand

 Finalized CV and cover letter

3. Submission


1. Identify your career objectives

 Which is your ideal job? Which company you love to work most?

Your specialization should be confirmed by now. It is time to focus on developing

your knowledge and experience that support your career in the selected
specialization. Especially, you need to identify clearly which position in which
company is your ideal job. Further, you should also develop your network with
people in the industry to gain advices from them for your job preparation. Looking
for a role model in the field will create motivation and suggest some ideas to develop
your career journey. Therefore, you are required to compose a report on an ideal
position in a specific company. In addition, you also need to connect to an industry
expert who inspires you and interview him/her or desk research to tell the stories

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about his/her career path. The report should include from 1500 to 2000 words
specifically discussing on these two topics.


 You may need to search for some information about the position, the company
and the expert from several sources such as academic papers, newspapers or
company websites. If this is the case, you should ensure that the information
is come from reliable sources and provide appropriate citations and a
reference list. Your report must be submitted in the APA format.

 Your report will be checked for plagiarism by Therefore,

plagiarism with more than 20% will lead to grade deduction or a grade zero
(0) for the report.

 Company tour participation

Participating in company tour is one of the most interesting activities, especially to

students. By joining company tour, you will see practically how business is operated
in real-life. For example, you may have an opportunity to visit the manufacturing
sites of Vinamilk that produce the bottle milk you drink daily. You may also learn
about Shopee's culture and working environment as well as job opportunities for
future careers. This activity provides the participants practical experience on what
and how businesses are currently run nowadays.

You need evidences to prove your participation in the company tours. While the lists
of participants join in company tours is recorded by ISB activity grading system,
you can check and a screenshot picture can be attached in the submission.

 Career fair participation

In addition to company tour, career fair is also meaningful to students. You have
your CV filled with full skills and experience. A professional cover letter has been
also ready. You have also participated in the mock interview with your class
supervisor / industry partner from which you gain initial experience on job
interview. However, does your attractive CV work in the evaluation of the

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employer? What you have experienced in mock job interview are similar or different
to a real-life job interview? You have an opportunity to check by participating in
career fair. Thus, this level of ISB Leadership Program requires you to join at least
one career fair organized by ISB, UEH or any other universities/institutions.

You need evidences to prove your participation in the career fairs. Therefore,
pictures or certificates or other appropriate types of evidence must be attached in the

2. Improve your technical skills and soft skills

 Widen your specialized knowledge

Now you are clear about your ideal job and your dream company. So, widening your
specialized knowledge should be focused intensively in the third year at university.
You now determined the first job of your career after graduation. Therefore, you
shall invest more effort in the knowledge and competencies required for that job.
One of the most meaningful figures showing your knowledge is GPA. For this
criterion, you can find your cumulative GPA in and take a
screenshot to prove your cumulative GPA of the previous 8 trimesters of ISB
Training Program.

On the other hand, you should participate in an academic contest or business project
competition that can help to widen your specialized knowledge. You can join in
UEH500, Young Researcher, StartupZone or CEO or many others and keep
updating your specialized knowledge. Note that your attendance in the contest or
competition organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading system, whereas
the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system. You may also
participate in the contests organized by other universities / organizations /
institutions. Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other appropriate types of
evidence must be attached in the submission.

 Utilize advanced soft skills in completing challenging tasks successfully

As a third-year student, your time at the university is almost over. If you still have
not gained enough relevant soft skills to impress your future employers, this year

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may be the last chance. Furthermore, your contributions to the university and society
also show your attributes which are highly appreciated by the employers. Hopefully,
you are currently more comfortable in taking the challenging tasks such as an MC
of an event or seminar. So, you are encouraged to keep taking the responsibilities in
which you utilize and improve your soft skills, for example, communication,
organizational, and time management skills. Additionally, being a good a leader or
executive member in an organization / club / team will contribute significantly to
your development. All these advantages benefit you in all areas of life.

Firstly, you are required to keep being a supporter / executive member / organizer
in school events/seminars, instead of a participant. For example, you may take the
responsibility to be an MC for an event or a seminar in ISB or UEH or other
institutions. You can also enhance soft skills by running a team to get sponsorship
for a competition or raising fund for charity events. When you are in one of these
positions, you take more responsibilities because your contribution shall exert a
profound impact on the success of the events/seminars. You need advanced soft
skills and utilize them in order to successfully complete the duties of a supporter /
executive member / organizer.

Secondly, you are encouraged to keep joining soft-skill seminars to upgrade your
soft skills such as designing skills, communication skills, and event organizing
skills, etc… Alternatively, participating in cultural exchange seminars/events is
also recommended. These activities include welcoming a group of foreign students,
joining seminars of foreign guest speakers, and joining introduction seminars of a
program from foreign universities.


 Supporters are the persons in organizing team who take contribute to the
events / seminars such as a MC, a photographer, a receptionist, etc.

 Executive members include the president, vice-Presidents, treasurers and

others based on the structure of the club.

 Organizers are members of the team organizing the events / seminars.

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 Soft-skill seminars organized by ISB have the code “SOSEM” attached to the
tittles. Thus, you should check the seminars’ titles when receiving the
announcements. Besides, students can participate in any other equivalent
seminars organized by UEH or other organizations.

 You need evidences to prove your participations. Note that your attendance
in the seminars organized by ISB are recorded in ISB activity grading system,
whereas the ones organized by UEH are recorded in UEH grading system.
You may also participate in the seminars organized by other universities /
organizations / institutions. Thus, screenshot pictures or certificates or other
appropriate types of evidence must be attached in the submission.

Thirdly, you now understand the advantages of being unique positively. Your
personal brand is of the keys to make you well recognized and impressed in the
community. You are currently clear about your ideal job and ideal company for the
next stage of your life after graduation. In other words, you are willing to contribute
to the development of the dream job in such company by utilizing your
competencies. Thus, which are your core values that are significantly advantageous
to the employers should be identified. In addition, you should also plan to utilize
your core values to develop the job and the company. An essay having at least 500
words is required for discussing these two issues.


 Your report will be checked for plagiarism by Therefore,

plagiarism with more than 20% will lead to grade deduction or a grade zero
(0) for the report.

 Your report must be submitted in the APA format.

Lastly, it is time to polish your CV that is fully updated with knowledge, skills and
experiences Besides, the cover letter should be also prepared professionally in
terms of both contents and designs. While you are clear about the ideal job, the
cover letter can be adjusted accordingly. The finalized CV and cover letter are
tentatively evaluated by HR experts who may give you suggestions to refine them.

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In addition, participating in individual interviews with your Class Supervisor and/or
industry partners has always been advantageous. The individual interview of level
3 is tentatively conducted by August 2024 that is mainly for providing professional
interview experience.

3. Submission

Once all the requirements are completed, PDF version of the final report for level 3 is
required to be submitted via the e-learning system before the deadline. In order to make
the final report well-organized and completed, you can you can use the Submission
package 3 (MS.Word).

Note that all the instructions in the package formatted in green serve as additional
guidelines so that you should replace them with appropriate information.

Additional information
In this level, additional achievement is considered for:
 Participating in extra-curricular activities
 Becoming a club member/a class leader/executive club member (not apply for
existing club members/class leaders/executive club members)
 Having English certificate (IELTS 7.5 or equivalent)
 Being awarded by ISB/UEH or other organizations
 Having a part-time job
 Participating in business/research project organized by ISB/UEH or other
 Serving the community
In contrast, any university policies and rules violations may cause a deduction.

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 Choose the right job

 Apply for a job
 Measure the success
 Share lessons learned

The final step of this program is applying for your dream jobs and implement all the
skills you learned from university. This is a non-graded level, but the information
included in this level will support you to find a job. Moreover, we are required to
measure your success in job application and eager to have your sharing about your very
first experience at the workplace. Therefore, do not forget to keep in touch with the

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”


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1. From a website

 ISB Website

“Career” function on ISB website ( is a wonderful source for career

searching. That page will be constantly updated with part-time jobs, full-time jobs,
and internships offered by companies. Therefore, you can follow ISB website to
access more special career opportunities for fourth-year students and fresh

 Some other job-searching websites

You can also look for job opportunities on other career websites. Below are some
websites for your reference:

 Company websites

Official recruitment information can also be found on company websites. Therefore,

do not forget to follow your favorite company websites for job opportunities.

2. From career fairs

 UEH Career Fairs (organized yearly - usually in June)

 CPA Australia Career Fairs (usually in September and October)
 Career fairs of other universities and/or institutions

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3. By keeping in touch with Alumni

 Alumni relationship is a potential source for career opportunities. There are

many activities for you to develop your network with alumni such as joining ISB
Prom or supporting alumni activities.
 Moreover, you can subscribe the ISB Alumni Facebook page and website to keep
yourself updated with Alumni news and events.


1. Sharing your lessons learned

Your experience about job application is very helpful to measure the success of this
program as well as to share with younger students. Therefore, do not forget to keep
in touch with ISB to contribute with your valuable lessons.

2. Joining alumni community

Register as a member of ISB Alumni to keep yourself updated with ISB news. That
is a wonderful channel to connect with your university friends and other alumni.
There are also many activities for ISB alumni posted there including seminars,
reunion parties, coffee talks, and other benefits. Additionally, for those who are
looking for ISB talent pool, ISB Alumni website and Facebook page will be a
convenient channel to share jobs or find a job.

3. ISB Master programs

If you want to develop your career with higher education, ISB also provide some
Master programs that can meet your requirements at different levels. Note that you
should contact directly ISB for the updated information about ISB master programs.

 Master of Business Administration WSU-MBA

This program requires no work experience. Western Sydney MBA program is

designed by Western Sydney University based on the standards of Australian

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education and training system. With modern unit choices and materials, industry-
based projects, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the realities of
modern business.

 Master of Business Administration ISB – MBA

Master of Business Administration ISB-MBA is an ideal program for current and

future managers and leaders of Vietnam’s economy. After completing the
program, students will receive the Master’s degree granted by University of
Economics HCMC.

Note: For more updated information about master program organized by ISB, you
should contact the recruitment team directly.

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1. Level assessment

Each level in ISB Leadership Program consists of 3 main requirements including

Career objectives, Technical skills and soft skills, and Submission. Depending on the
focus of each level, the weighting for each part will be different.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1. Career Objectives 30% 30% 40%
2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills 60% 60% 50%
3. Submission 10% 10% 10%

The weightings of criteria in each level are detailed as following:

 Level 1: Finding your direction

Requirements Weighting

1. Career Objectives 30%

 Completing a career report 20%

 Participating in at least 2 Career Orientation seminars 10%

2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills 60%

 Cumulative GPA of the first 2 trimesters ≥ 7.0 15%

 Not violating any ISB and UEH policies and rules 5%

 Participating in at least 2 extra-curricular activities 10%

 Participating in at least 2 soft-skill seminars 10%

 Building your personal brand 15%

 Preparing CV 5%

3. Submission 10%

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 Level 2: Discovering your potentials

Requirements Weighting

1. Career Objectives 30%

 Completing a report on career fields 20%

 Participating in at least 2 Specialization Career Orientation seminars 10%

2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills 60%

 Cumulative GPA of the previous 5 trimesters ≥ 7.0 15%

 Participating in at least 1 relevant academic contest or business
project competition
 Being a supporter / executive member / organizer in school
events/seminars 5%

 Joining at least 3 soft skill seminars or cultural exchange

 Building your personal brand 15%

 Updating CV & preparing cover letter 5%

3. Submission 10%

 Level 3: Showing your talents

Requirements Weighting

1. Career Objectives 40%

 Completing a report on an ideal position in the most interested career


 Participating in at least 2 company tour 10%

 Participating in at least 1 career fair 10%

2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills 50%

 Cumulative GPA of the previous eight trimesters ≥ 7.0 15%

 Participating in at least 1 relevant academic contest or business

project competition

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2. Technical Skills and Soft Skills (continued) 50%

 Being a supporter / executive member / organizer in school


 Joining at least 2 soft skill seminars or cultural exchange


 Building your personal brand 15%

 Finalized CV and cover letter 5%

3. Submission 10%

Note: You get 0.5 point for each additional achievement, whereas you get -1 for
each deduction
2. Final assessment

Year Assessments Weighting

1 Level 1: Finding Your Direction 30%

2 Level 2: Discovering Your Potentials 30%

3 Level 3: Showing Your Talents 40%

Your final grade of ISB Leadership Program is calculated based on the results of each
level with the above weightings. The final grade is initially in ratio scale (10.0 points)
that is, then, converted into nominal scale. Specifically, the converting rules are as

Ratio scale x<4 4≤x<5 5≤x<6 6≤x<7 7≤x<8 8≤x<9 9≤x

Nominal scale Poor Fair Average Good Very good Excellent Outstanding

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 Punishment and Reward

If your final grade is either Fair or Poor, you are considered as “failed” in ISB
Leadership Program. Therefore, you need to spend more time on gaining knowledge
and/or skills. Note that ISB Leadership Program is one of the requirements for finishing
BBUS program, Fair or Poor in the final grade causes the delay of your graduation.

In contrast, you finish ISB Leadership Program successfully when your final grade is
ranked as Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent or Outstanding. Especially, if you are
in Excellent or Outstanding, you are well recognized as high-performing students in
ISB Leadership Program.

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Appendix 1:



UEH - ISB @ueh.isb

Ban Phong trào Đoàn Viện -
ISB Event Team
Ban Học tập Đoàn Viện –
ISB Academic team
L.O.M Club @ISBMusicClub
ICAF - ISB‘s Club Of
Auditing & Finance
ISB Basketball Club @ISBBasketballClub
Toastmasters Club
ISB Gavel Club @isbgavelclub
Ban Học tập - Nghiên cứu
khoa học - Quan hệ quốc tế
OF YOUTH Ban Phong trào – Tình
UNION nguyện UEH
Ban Tình nguyện - Hỗ trợ
sinh viên UEH
CLB tiếng Anh – Apple
English Club - UEH
CLB tiếng Anh – Bell UEH @bellueh
UEH Dynamic UEH @dynamicueh
CLB Bất động sản REC @CLBBatDongSanRECUEH
ACADEMIC CLB Nghiên Cứu Kinh Tế
CLB Kỹ Năng Tư Duy -
CLB Lý luận trẻ UEH @llt.ueh
CLB Kế Toán - Kiểm Toán

P a g e 34 | 42
CLB Nhân Sự Khởi Nghiệp -
CLB Thương Mại @ic.ueh

CLB Kinh Doanh Quốc Tế IBC

ACADEMIC Nhóm Sinh Viên Nghiên Cứu
Nhóm Sinh Viên Nghiên Cứu
Nhóm MARGROUP @margroup.ueh
(Lĩnh vực: Công tác Đoàn - Hội)
(Lĩnh vực: Tình nguyện, công @congtacxahoi
tác xã hội)
UEH (Lĩnh vực: Sức khỏe, tâm sinh @chuyentonho
(Lĩnh vực: Võ thuật)
(Lĩnh vực: Văn nghệ)
(Lĩnh vực: Văn nghệ)
(Lĩnh vực: Văn nghệ)
(Lĩnh vực: Nhạc cụ)
(Lĩnh vực: Thông tin, truyền
vực: Truyền thông)
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Appendix 2:



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Appendix 3:


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Appendix 4:


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