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Department of Medical Education

Abu Umara Medical & Dental College is proud to announce the establishment of its new mentoring program,
which has been created to help and guide students to achieve their full potential. At Abu Umara Medical &
Dental College, we understand that the journey to becoming a healthcare professional can be challenging, and
we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to receive support and guidance along the way.

Our new mentoring program has been designed to provide students with access to experienced mentors who
can offer guidance, advice, and support throughout their educational journey. Our mentors are highly trained
and experienced healthcare professionals who have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities
that students face, and who are committed to helping them reach their full potential.

The mentoring program at Abu Umara Medical & Dental College is available to all students, regardless of their
academic standing or professional goals. We believe that every student can benefit from having a mentor, and
we are committed to providing the highest level of support to help our students succeed.

We are excited to launch this new program and look forward to seeing the positive impact that it will have on
our students. We believe that our mentoring program will be an important resource for our students, helping
them to navigate the challenges of their academic and professional journeys and achieve success.

First-year MBBS students have been assigned mentors (see list below), with venues allocated for monthly
mentoring sessions. After each session, mentors will submit a report to Dr. Syed Hussain Raza Zaidi, co-chair of
the Mentoring committee. Session timings will be notified through the timetable.

Name Department alloted Venues
Prof. Mohsin Ali Cheema Physiology A Vice Principal Office
Prof. Kaukab Sultana Biochemistry B Biochemistry HOD Office
Prof. Tahrim Ansar Anatomy C Anatomy HOD Office
Prof. Nasir Iqbal Pathology D Pathology HOD Office
Prof. Nadia Anatomy E Histology Lab
Dr. Rida Ajmal Physiology F Physiology Lab
Dr. Muhammad Mohsin Riaz Nephrology G LH 201
Dr. Adeela Ashraf Gyne / Obs H LH 202
Dr. Muhammad Hannan Jamil y I LH 301
Dr. Samar Arfeen Cardiology J LH 302
Prof. Najam ul Hasnain Otolaryngology K Anatomy Museum
Dr. Sadaf Fasih Dermatology L Anatomy Dissection Hall
Department of Medical Education

Mentoring is a process in which an experienced and knowledgeable individual, known as the mentor, provides
guidance, advice, and support to a less experienced person, known as the mentee. Mentoring is typically a one-
on-one relationship where the mentor shares their knowledge, skills, and experiences with the mentee to help
them grow and develop in their personal or professional life.

Mentoring is a valuable tool for personal and professional development, as it provides an opportunity for the
mentee to learn from the mentor's experiences and gain insight into their own career path. It can also help the
mentee develop new skills, expand their network, and gain confidence in their abilities.

Mentor-Mentee contract:

A mentor-mentee contract is a formal agreement between a mentor and a mentee that outlines the
expectations, goals, and responsibilities of both parties in the mentoring relationship. The purpose of the
contract is to establish a clear understanding of what the mentor and mentee hope to achieve through the
mentoring relationship and to establish a framework for communication and accountability.

The contents of a mentor-mentee contract may vary depending on the nature of the mentoring relationship and
the specific needs and goals of the parties involved. However, some common elements that may be included in
a mentor-mentee contract are:

1. Goals: The contract should clearly outline the goals of the mentoring relationship. This could include
specific objectives for the mentee's personal or professional development, such as acquiring new skills or
advancing their career.

2. Expectations: The contract should establish clear expectations for both the mentor and the mentee. This
could include expectations around communication, availability, and frequency of meetings.

3. Roles and responsibilities: The contract should define the specific roles and responsibilities of the
mentor and the mentee. This could include responsibilities related to goal setting, planning, and progress

4. Timeline: The contract should establish a timeline for the mentoring relationship, including a start date,
end date, and any key milestones along the way.

5. Confidentiality: The contract should address confidentiality and any other privacy concerns related to
the mentoring relationship.

By creating a mentor-mentee contract, the parties involved can establish a clear understanding of the
expectations and responsibilities of the relationship, which can help ensure the success of the mentoring
Department of Medical Education

Mentoring can be a highly rewarding experience for both the mentor and mentee. However, it's important to
keep in mind some key "do's" and "don'ts" to make sure that the mentoring relationship is successful. Here are
some of the most important do's and don'ts for mentors:


1. Establish a clear set of goals and expectations for the mentoring relationship and communicate them to
the mentee.

2. Create a comfortable and supportive environment for the mentee to ask questions, seek feedback, and
share their concerns.

3. Listen actively to the mentee, and provide constructive feedback and advice based on your own
experience and knowledge.

4. Be flexible and open to adjusting the mentoring relationship as needed to meet the mentee's changing
needs and goals.

5. Share your own experiences and challenges with the mentee and be open about your own mistakes and

6. Encourage the mentee to take ownership of their own development and support them in setting and
achieving their goals.

7. Be patient and understanding with the mentee and respect their individual learning style and pace.


1. Don't try to do everything for the mentee - instead, focus on coaching and guiding them to develop their
own skills and abilities.

2. Don't be overly critical or negative with feedback, as this can discourage the mentee and damage the

3. Don't violate the mentee's confidentiality and respect their privacy and boundaries.

4. Don't be rigid or inflexible in your approach to mentoring and

be willing to adapt your style to the mentee's needs and preferences.

5. Don't let your own biases or preferences influence your mentoring approach - instead, focus on the
mentee's unique strengths and development areas.

By keeping these do's and don'ts in mind, mentors can create a positive and productive mentoring relationship
that supports the mentee's growth and development.

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