04 Activity 1 (Explanation)

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Artwork: “Discrimination”

Description: The drawing emphasizes the hate, bias and neglect that people go through because of their
history, background, race, etc. The black disfigured person at the center symbolizes the discriminated
one. Meanwhile, the colored figured persons surrounding the discriminated one symbolize the persons
who get more attention because they possess characteristics that people on the society consider as
desirable and appropriate. These characteristics are shown as different vibrant colors that each one
possesses. The facial expressions show the positive emotion and that they get towards that attention,
but it also sometimes defines their uncaring treatment towards those considered as “no worth”.

Harmony and Variety – the artwork is neither monotonous nor redundant because there is moderation
between similarity and difference just as how the figures are similar, but their difference is also shown
with the colors presented which is not too much and not too less.

Balance – the balance presented in the image is “radial” which is emphasized by the diagonal lines
drawn on the background. “Discrimination” is an act therefore it is a “movement”.

Dominance – the element at the center is the one that shows particularity according to the uniqueness
and difference of its figure compared to the others (wavy detail and disfiguration), the way it positioned
in the picture (at the center), and its size (smaller compared to the others), and its color (black and not
vibrant compared to the others).

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