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Unit 7 Customs and behavior

What problems can you find in transportation in Piura?

some common transportation problems can be:

Traffic congestion: During peak hours

Piura has a limited public transportation system, which can be inadequate to meet the needs
of its growing population.

as an engineer, I believe that Some roads in Piura may be in poor condition, which can cause
problems for vehicles and make it difficult for people to get around the city.

Air pollution can have negative effects on public health.

as an engineer, I believe that the lack of pedestrian infrastructure may lack sidewalks and
pedestrian crossings in some areas of Piura, making it difficult for people to walk or bike safely.

Some drivers in Piura may engage in unsafe driving practices, such as speeding, tailgating, or
driving under the influence of alcohol, which can increase the risk of accidents.

What rules and customs do people follow in our country?

People in Piura, Peru, are expected to follow certain rules and customs related to
transportation, including:

Following traffic laws: Drivers in Piura are expected to follow the same traffic laws as in the
rest of the country, such as stopping at red lights and yielding to pedestrians.

Using seat belts: It is mandatory to use seat belts while driving or riding in a vehicle.

Respecting pedestrian rights: Drivers are expected to give pedestrians the right of way and
slow down when they are crossing the road.

Observing speed limits: Drivers must obey posted speed limits to ensure the safety of all road

Avoiding reckless driving: Reckless driving, such as speeding, tailgating, or driving under the
influence, is not tolerated in Piura and can result in fines or other penalties.

These are some of the common rules and customs related to transportation that people in
Piura are expected to follow.


Don’t be absent from the classes.

Be participative all the time.

Pay attention.

Do the homework on time.

Stop at the red light

Don’t sit in a special chair on the bus.

Walk on pedestrian lines.

Respect the speed limit.

Don’t cross when it’s on the red light.

Don’t use your mobile when you are driving.

REWARD: to give a person something because he or she has done something well

give in to: to finally agree with someone

SPOIT: let the children have something the want.

encourage: To suggest in a positive way and try to persuade your children.

Good morning, miss. Excuse me, I'm not very well. I have had severe pain in my stomach

7a A cruel to be kind
think of four traditional rules of behavior that parents have given to children. Then
discuss which are still good rules, and which you think are old-fashioned or no longer
"Never talk back to adults" is another old-fashioned rule that is no longer appropriate. Children
should be encouraged to express themselves respectfully and to voice their opinions, even if
they disagree with adults. It is important to teach children how to communicate their thoughts
and feelings in a constructive and respectful manner.

"Saying please and thank you" is a rule that is still relevant today. It is a basic social norm that
promotes gratitude and kindness. Teaching children to say "please" and "thank you" can help
them develop better social skills and become more likable individuals.

below are expressions commonly said by adults either to or about children.

Complete them in your own words.

"If you don't finish your dinner, you won't have enough energy for the day and you won't grow
up healthy and strong."

"Children only appreciate how difficult it is to be a parent when they become parents
themselves and face the same challenges."

"If you do well in your exams, you will be proud of yourself and it will open up many
opportunities for your future."

"It's fine for children to live at home until they are financially stable and ready to live on their
own, but they should also be encouraged to become independent and self-sufficient."
7b A matter of taste
1. What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten? Why did you eat it? What did it
taste like?
"The strangest thing I've ever eaten was probably cuy, which is roasted guinea pig. It's
a traditional dish in the Andes region of Peru and is considered a delicacy. I tried it
because I was curious about the culture and wanted to experience the local cuisine.
The taste was a bit gamey but also had a slightly nutty flavor. It was an interesting
2. What kind of food forms their traditional diet?
The traditional diet of the Alaska Natives consisted mainly of meat and fat from
hunting and fishing sources such as seal, walrus, reindeer, frozen fish, and whale skin
and blubber.
What is surprising about their diet?
What is surprising about their diet is that despite being just meat and fat, it provided
the necessary nutrients and vitamins for the Alaska Natives. According to an expert in
nutrition, there is no such thing as essential foods, only essential nutrients, and these
nutrients can be obtained through different food sources. Despite the high amount of
fat in their diet, it was a healthier kind of fat, not the saturated fats that cause health
problems in the West. In fact, heart conditions among people on a traditional Alaska
Native diet used to be about half the number in the wider population of North
Grammar usually, used to, would, be used to, and get used to


usually + simple present

1 We usually eat fruit to get more vitamin C.
used to+ base form of the verb
2 Heart conditions among Alaska Natives used to be about half the
number in the wider population of North America.
3. They didn't use to have a so-called balanced diet.
would+base form of the verb
4 They would cook the meat in seal oil.. be used to + noun or -ing
5 On the whole, we are used to eating a range of foods.
get used to+noun or -ing
6 We have gotten used to eating certain foods in order to get each

5 Look at the sentences in the grammar box. Match the phrases in bold
(1-6) with the descriptions below (a-e).
a. a repeated past action, habit, or situation that no longer happens (two

b. a repeated action or habit (not a state or situation) in the past

c. a habit or action that happens regularly or is generally true
d. something that seems or seemed normal (not strange or difficult)
e. a new thing that people adapt to or that becomes normal

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