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Purposive Communication • Transformation of pre-verbal into

symbolic forms
• Purposive Communication is about
• Verbal Formulation
writing, speaking, and presenting to
different audiences and for various


• Is a process of exchanging ideas

between two or more persons.
• The act or process of using words,
sounds, signs, or behaviors to express
or exchange information or to express
your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to GIVE THE SIX BASIC ELEMENTS OF
someone else COMMUNICATION
• A process by which information is
exchanged between individuals SENDER/RECEIVER
through a common system of • PERSONS
symbols, signs, or behavior.
Communication is:
• Reciprocal because we cannot
separate CHANNEL

• communicators into sender and • MEDIUM/ TOOL

receiver. FEEDBACK
• Process because it keeps on “evolving • REACTION/RESPONSE
and changing”.
• involves creating and sharing of

Process of Communication SETTING




• Non-verbal communication is a form

of sharing insights and ideas,
information, experiences etc. without
the use of words.
• Most of the time verbal
Wendel Johnson Model of Communication communication is supported by non-
verbal communication to better
• EVENT /SOURCE portray the meanings a speaker would
• SENSORY STIMULATION like to share.
• Pre- verbal Neurophysiological State
Types of Non- Verbal Communication 4. Attractiveness- can get positive
response than those who are perceived
1. Body Movements / Body Kinetics
not to be attractive. Physical attributes of
They come in the following categories: a person may mean something to the
people around her.
a. EMBLEMS – these are body
movements which have direct 5.Body Adornment- involves form of
translation into words. Ex. Thumbs up clothing, make up, jewelry and hairstyle
Ex. An applicant who is dressed
b. Illustrators- these are used to accent, appropriately might likewise be hired than
emphasize, or reinforce words. Ex. those who are not.
Pointing fingers when giving direction.
6. Space and Distance/ Proxemics- It
c. Regulators- these are signs showing concerns the way a person uses the space
control at the back-and-forth natures around him as well as the distance where
of speaking and listening. Ex head he stands. It may be explained through
nods, hand gestures, shifts in posture the following:
during interaction.
a. Intimate distance
d. Display of feelings- a person’s face, or
body movements may convey how b. Personal distance
intense his emotions is. Ex. Tight hug
c. Social distance
signify an intimate relationship.
d. Public distance
e. Adaptors- these are non- verbal ways
used in adapting to the 7. Touch- the kind of touch used in
communication situation. Ex. A communication reflects meaning about
woman visited a friend’s house and the relationship between the sender and
when she was there, she started the receiver. The more intense the
picking up scattered things on the relationship, the more frequent and more
floor. She implied that her friend intimate the touch
could hardly clean her house.
8. There are two kinds of people based
2. Paralanguage- refers to the ways of on time; punctual and late
saying something. It includes the
Purposive Communication
characteristics as:
• It is a three-unit course that
• Rate – speed of speaking
develops students’
• Pitch – highness/lowness of tone communicative competence and
enhances their cultural and
• Volume- loudness
intercultural awareness through
• Quality- pleasing / unpleasing sound multimodal tasks that provide
them opportunities for
3. Body Types- can also communicate a communicating effectively and
appropriately to multicultural
a. Ectomorphs (thin people) audiences in a local or global
b. Endomorphs (fat people) • It equips students with tools for
c. Mesomorphs (athletic people) critical evaluation of a variety of
texts and focuses on the power of
language and the impact of • CONTEXTUAL- Setting (like time,
images to emphasize the place, topic, occasion, manner, and
importance of conveying purpose) affects communication
messages responsibly. • Developmental or Progressive-
Achieving communicative
competence is not a one-time
• A process of sharing and conveying learning experience.
messages or information from one • PROCESS- Communication takes place
person to another within and across in several stages.
channels, contexts, media, and • ETHICAL- A communication event is
cultures (McCornack, 2014) governed by rules, morals, values, and
beliefs agreed upon by the society.
• Influenced by media and technology
• SCHEMATA DRIVEN- Schema pertains
to an individual’s background Verbal Communication
knowledge. Transmitted messages
• consists of symbols such as letters,
become understandable or
words, and other marks that you need
meaningful because of your old
to subject to language or grammar
receiver’s main role is to interpret the Non-verbal Communication
• Does not guarantee direct or • Culture bound; some are universally
automatic link between two minds- known Consists of actions, tone or
Knowledge only become meaningful way of speaking, appearance etc.
when you initiate to communicate DIFFERENT NONVERBAL LANGUAGE
them to others. SYMBOLS
Active (Engages both the speaker and • Body Movements- Also called as
the listener) Powerful and Forceful kinetics. Includes gestures, facial
(Elicits different meanings and expression, posture, eye movement
reactions) • Paralanguage- Extra sounds that go
• SYMBOLIC- Signs, marks, letters, with your spoken words (pitch,
words, sentences, images; all of which volume, duration, intonation, quality)
contain messages. Nonverbal • Time/Chronemics- Chronemics is the
communication represents symbolic term that refers to your act of
communication as well. studying the impact or effect of time
• Always results into something- It on your behavior.
refers to two or more persons • Distance/Proxemics- A space or
participating in any communicative distance symbolizes or represents
act. The first, expresses or sends a your thoughts or feelings about your
message; the second, responds or world.
reacts to the message. • Physical Appearance and Object
• IRREVERSIBLE Language- Meanings in this kind of
non-verbal language, are symbolized
or represented by dressing styles,
body types, body appearance like size 2. Contribution to tourism
or shape, architectural designs or
3. Cultural planning- involves broad
structures, art objects graphic
community engagement
materials, lightning effects…
• An attitude and way of behaving in
• CULTURE was derived from a Latin
which you are aware of and
word “colere”, which means to
acknowledge cultural differences; it’s
tend to the earth and grow, or
crucial for such global goals as world
cultivation and nurture
peace and economic growth a well as
(Zimmermann, 2017)
for effective interpersonal
• It encompasses religion, food,
communication (Franklin & Mizell,
clothes, language, marriage,
music, beliefs, behavior,
etiquette, and a million other GENDER SENSITIVITY
things (De Rossi, 2017)
1. Gender Assignment- gender from
Cultural Globalization birth (biological classification)

• Involves the formation of shared 2. Gender Role- defined by society and

norms and knowledge with which its view on what a male or female
people associate their individual and should be
collective cultural identities
3. Gender Identity- how a person
• Globalization brings increasing
identifies and sees himself/herself
interconnectedness among different
populations and cultures. 4. Gender Attribution- how a
society/culture identifies a person
based on that society’s view of gender
role without knowing the person’s
1. Intrinsic benefits- culture brings identification
people together (leisure,
entertainment, information, shared
Cultural Appreciation
2. Improved learning and valuable
skills-education and lifelong learning • Cultural appreciation is when
elements of a culture are used while
3. Better health and well-being-
honoring the source they came from.
creativity and cultural engagement
It is important to take note that
improve mental and physical health
appreciation involves respect and
4. Vibrant Communities- social value.
solidarity, cohesion, social inclusion,
Cultural Appropriation
community empowerment, civic
pride, tolerance • Cultural appropriation is taking
ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF CULTURE intellectual property, traditional
knowledge, cultural expressions, or
1. Contribution to job creation- from artifacts from someone else’s culture
industrial to ‘creative’ economy without permission. This can include
unauthorized use of another culture’s Language Registers
dance, dress, music, language,
1. Static Register/Frozen Register
folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine,
religious symbols, etc. • style of communications that
rarely or never changes and does
not require feedbacks

Language Varieties 2. Formal Register

1. Pidgin
• language used in formal settings
- a new language which develops in and usually follows a commonly
situations where speakers of accepted format
different languages need to
communicate but don’t share a 3. Consultative Register
common language. The
vocabulary of pidgin comes • a professional discourse which is
mainly from one particular formal, and the users are
language called the ‘lexifier’. accompanied by societal
2. Creole
4. Casual Register
- a pidgin that has become a native
language of a community • informal language used by peers
- has taken most of its vocabulary and friends (slang, vulgarities,
from the lexifier, but has its own colloquialisms)
unique grammatical rules
- not restricted 5. Intimate Register

3. Regional Dialect • used in ‘private’ communication

and is reserved for close family
- not a distinct language but a members or intimate people
variety of a language spoken in
particular area of a country. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES

What is culture?
4. Minority Dialect
• Culture influences many parts of
- a variety of language used by people’s lives including:
minority ethnic group which they - Food
use as a marker of identity, - Clothes
usually alongside a standard - Opinions
variety. - Identity and etc.

▪ More so, according to Tyler (1870)

5. Indigenized Variety culture… is that complex whole which
includes knowledge, belief, art,
• spoken mainly as second morals, law, custom, and many other
languages in ex-colonies with capabilities and habits acquired by
Multilingual populations. man as a member of society.
▪ Lastly, culture is the collective meet them and is based on a set of
programming of the mind which cues that differentiate to culture.
distinguishes the members of one
group or category of people from
another. (Hofstede, 1994)
• APPROPRIATION- it is defined as the
act of taking something for one’s own
• Cultural Sensitivity begins with a use without the creator’s or owner’s
recognition that there are permission.
differences between cultures. • APPRECIATION- it is the recognition
• Cultural sensitivity is more than and enjoyment of the good qualities
an awareness that there are of someone or something.
differences in culture in order to
Cultural Appreciation
interact effectively either through
verbal and non-verbal • is when elements of a culture are
communication. used while honoring their sources.
Sensitivity to culture- is a set of skills allows • This incorporates respect and value.
you to understand about people whose • It does not destroy the significance of
cultural background is not the same as yours. one’s culture and practices.

Are you culturally sensitive? Cultural Appropriation

• A culturally competent person views • It is the act of taking intellectual

all people as unique individuals and property, traditional knowledge,
realizes that their experiences, beliefs, cultural expressions, or artifacts from
and language affects their someone else’s culture without
perceptions. permission.
• People who don’t recognize • This is an insensible act of a dominant
differences between cultures fall on group towards the minority as they
stereotyping and discriminating adopt their cultural elements.
minority groups. CULTURE IS NOT A COSTUME.
SENSITIVITY to GENDER Steps in avoiding cultural appropriation
Aspects of Gender: • RESEARCH THE CULTURE- It is a must
• Assignment - This is the gender from that one is able to have knowledge
birth, either being male and female, it and understanding about the culture.
is also the gender prescribed by the • AVOID THE SACRED- Whether it is
society. God, gods, spirits, symbols or
• Role – This is the set of behaviors, anything else, it is not to be made fun
mannerisms, and other traits that of
society use to express as part of the • DON’T STEREOTYPE- Often, people
gender assigned. have biased views on certain cultures
• Identity – This is what we think the which are often negative and
gender should be in any given time. incorrect.
• Attribution – This is the gender • PROMOTE DIVERSITY- Having people
assigned to people when we first with the knowledge of different
cultures is a way of avoiding many • On the other hand, in Sweden, this
potential pitfalls. word means Pee.
time, understand and engage with the
culture you are adopting from. • In English this word is usually
• Cultural awareness- therefore is associated within a process of
needed in order to create cross- preserving or saving something from
cultural understanding and decomposition.
acceptance. • In France however, préservatif
vulgarly means condom.
terminologies Lol
FART • As an Internet slang it usually is an
acronym that means “Laughing Out
• In English this word is a verb that
means “to expel intestinal gas from
the anus.” • In Dutch however, this word actually
means Fun.
• However, in Denmark, Norway, and
Sweden, this word usually means SLUT
• In English this word is associated with
GIFT a promiscuous woman.
• In English this word usually denotes a • On the other hand, in Sweden this
positive and pleasant meaning, such word means End.
as an act of endowment, present, The Levels of Culture & their Interaction
donation, bestowal and others. (Minor adaptation of Schein 1984: 4)
• In Germany however, this word
means poison.


• In English this word as a verb means

to defecate, while as a noun it means
• Whereas in Romania, this word
pertains to a type of fish.


• In English, this word as a noun means

an ill-mannered annoying child.
• However, in countries such as Russia,
Poland, Ukraine, Croatia, and Serbia,
this word means brother.


• In English this word as a noun means

“a gentle touch or contact,” and “a
caress with the lips.”

1. Engage with other’s cultures by asking I. Introduction

- introduce general
2. Be open! Don’t get into the habit of
information: title, author,
thinking your way is the only way of
presenter (for a talk or
doing something.
documentary), director (if it is
3. Think about what you can learn from a movie)
them no matter how unusual it is. give an overview of the
material but give emphasis on
4. Invite someone to share his/her the main topic or issue you
culture with you. want to discuss
5. Overcome Stereotypes. write a thesis statement

What is a Reaction Paper? II. Body (Your reaction to the work)

• A reaction paper is an analysis and an
evaluation of a material presented. - What is the problem or issue
being addressed?
• It is more than just a summary of the
- What is the central claim,
argument, or point?
May take the following forms: - What are the strengths and
1. Comparing the work to other related
- What are the possible
2. Coming up with ways to improve the - How does the material
work relate to another text or talk
or documentary?
3. Concur with the work or argue against
III. Conclusion (restatement of the
Consider the following: thesis)

1. Are the ideas clear and suitable? IV. References

2. How was it similar or different from
other material? Which did you enjoy
more? What makes it enjoyable?

3. What are the facts that are included

in the material?

4. Did you like the material? Why? Why


5. What is its purpose?

6. Is it valuable? Is it entertaining? Is it
accurate? Is it informative?

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