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Fill in the blanks

1. Omana and her friend Radha had planned to go on a trip to ____________.

2. Omana was going to her _____________ house in Kerala.
3. _________ did not go because she fell down from her bicycle and ___________ her leg.
4. Omana wrote all her journey in a _________.
5. The train was coming from _____________ in ________.
6. Gandhidham and Ahmedabad are in ___________ state.
7. ___________________ checks the train tickets to see that the passengers take their correct seats or not.
8. Honey bees lives in ___________.

What is R T E? What does it mean?


Name the bees which live in Bee Hive.


Draw one egg laying animal with feathers on its.

Name one extinct animal. ____________________

Draw vallam where is it found?

Name the animals that move in a herd.


Who am I
I look like a motor cycle in front and bullock cart at the back side name me? __________
I have cares like a leaf. ____________________________
Draw Honeybee and label the parts.
Identify the painting. Where is it found? What is it made of?


Why do you think the egret is sitting on the buffalo?

Why should we have uniform in school?
What is a herd? Give examples.
Name an egg laying animals (oviparous) with feathers on its body.
Name an egg laying animals with scales its body.
Name the animals which are viviparous (giving birth to young ones).
Why do Honey bees buzz around always?
Who are Bishnois? Whose teachings do they follow?
Write the difference between Cement bridge and Bamboo bridge.

Write the types of Honey bees.

Identify the picture. What is this? Where else it used?
Write the uses of Honey.
Draw a flower and label the parts.
Write few lines about Kabaddi.

Identify the 3 women in this picture. Write few lines about them.

Identify the picture. Write few lines about her.
What do you understand by the following terms:
Reservation chart
Ticket collector
When the train crossed a river, it made a different sound, why?
Why did sometimes it become dark in the train?
Why was there smokes and noise at the level crossing?
Where did Sunil’s family get down?
Find out in which states these languages are spoken?
Language Where it is spoken (State)
Malayalam _____________________
Konkani _____________________
Marathi _____________________
Gujarati _____________________
Kannada _____________________
Match the follwing:
Madgaon Mother’s elder sister
Rattling sound Goa
Tunnels Ammumma
Valiyamma Bridge on a river
Mother’s mother Mountain
Name the different kinds of transport in which Omana travelled after she got down from the train?

From which station did the train start?

How many minutes did the train stop at the Ahmedabad station?

On which day of the journey did the train reach?

How many hours did the train take to reach Kottayam from Kozhikode?

What id the distance that the train travelled over the whole route?

How many kilometers did Omana travel by train?

What all did Omana see as she stood railing of the ferry?

Circle the names of all the station in the table that are mentioned in Omana’s Diary?
Gandhidham Udupi Ahmedabad Kozhikode Vadodara
Trichur Surat Ernakulam town Valsad Kottayam
Bhiwandi road Madagaon

Classify the following vehicles into their right columns:

Car, Train, Aeroplane, Boat, Jet, Ferry, Lorry, Ship, Helicopter, Steamer, Bus
Means of Air transport Means of water transport Means of land transport

How will Nimmi spend her day now?

What new work will her mother do now?
What will change in Nimmi’s family after the arrival of new baby?
Why was there great joy and excitement in Tsering’s family?
What will change in Tsering’s family after his father’s transfer?
Why was there great joy and excitement in Nazli’s family?
What will change in Nazli’s family after the new brick comes home?
Write different names of Kabaddi.

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