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Reflection paper: Human Person

Throughout the whole video it discussed about what is a human person from different perspectives. It
started on how different people define what is a human being. From Aristotles' definition of human
being is a "Rational Being" that he/she learn, reason out, and apply the knowledge that he she acquired.
Also from other meaning that a human being has a physical emotional, spiritual, and intellectual
attributes and we are forge from a supreme being with a divine purpose. Moreover, those different
views about human being has their own purposes on how they define what really a human being is.
Thus, explaining some of our attributes as a human person.

In addition, every person on this planet has their own unique characteristics as it was explained by Eddie
Barbor. For example a twin have a similar physical attributes but they still have a difference regarding of
the similarities. To sum up, defining a human person is a tough job to do because we are a complex
being. Rather than having a single purpose we are created to become rational. We've created more
terms and systems to achieve our goal and to create our own personality from developing our different
capabilities, expanding our capacity, and some of our attributes.

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