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时态一共分为四种:简单式(simple tense)、进行式(progressive tense)、完成式(perfect

tense)、完成进行式(perfect progressive tense)。每种时态又各分为三种时间状态:过去
(past)、现在(present)、未来(future),所以一共会有 12 种。

过去简单式(past simple tense)

过去进行式(past progressive tense)
过去完成式(past perfect tense)
过去完成进行式(past perfect progressive tense)

现在简单式(present simple tense)

现在进行式(present progressive tense)
现在完成式(present perfect tense)
现在完成进行式(present perfect progressive tense)

未来简单式(future simple tense)

未来进行式(future progressive tense)
未来完成式(future perfect tense)
未来完成进行式(future perfect progressive tense)

过去简单式(past simple tense) 
【S + V-ed】
   Ex:I played tennis yesterday. (我昨天打网球) 
        I ate lunch. (我吃过中餐了) 
        It rained this morning. (今天早上有下雨) 
        I loved you (我过去是爱你的) =>但现在不爱了
        He was a good man. (他过去是个好人) =>现在可能变坏了或是死了
   Ex:I went to school by bike when I was a child. (我小时候都是骑车去上学的) 
        He took a walk every morning when he lived in the country. 

过去进行式(past progressive tense) 

【S + was/were + V-ing】
   Ex:I was playing tennis when you called. (你打给我的时候我正在打网球) 
        Jerry was taking a shower when his girfriend came. 
        (Jerry 的女友去找他的时候,他正在洗澡) 
        When I saw her in the pub, It was playing this song. 
        (我在 pub 看到她时正播着这首歌)

过去完成式(past perfect tense) 

【S + had + pp】
●过去完成式是不能单独用的。我们用的时候,必须有另一个事件。也就是说,假如我们有两件事 A 和 
   B,两件事都发生在过去,但 A 发生在 B 以前,A 应该用过去完成式,B 则用过去式。
   Ex:He had studied Chinese before he came to Taiwan. (他来台湾以前,曾学过中文) 
        It had already snowed before Monday. (周一以前,已经下过雪了)
        He had worked before he dicided to go to college. (他念大学以前,曾经工作过) 
   Ex:I had hoped to learn French. (我曾希望学习法文)

过去完成进行式(past perfect progressive tense) 

【S + had been + V-ing】
   Ex:He had been studying before he went to class. (在他来到班上前,已经很认真读书了) 
        I had been seeing your mother before I was 14 years old. 
        I had been sleeping before you called me. (我在你打电话给我之前已经睡觉了)

现在简单式(present simple tense) 

【S + V】
   Ex:I hear the music. (我听到音乐) 
        I am thirsty. (我很渴) 
   Ex:I play tennis. (我打网球) =>表示我有打网球的习惯
        It rains often here. (这里常下雨) 
   Ex:Three points define a plane. (三点决定一个平面) 
        John loves July. (约翰爱茱莉) 
        The sun sets in the west. (太阳从西边落下)

现在进行式(present progressive tense) 

【S + V-ing】
   Ex:I am eating lunch. (我正在吃中餐) 
        I am playing tennis. (我正在打网球) 
        It is raining. (现在正在下雨) 
        John is loving July. (X) => love 是一种状态,不是一种动作,所以要用现在式
   Ex:I am leaving here tomorrow. (我将在明天离开) 
        He is going to Hong Kong next week. (他将在下个礼拜去香港)

现在完成式(present perfect tense) 

【S + have + pp】
常和 since、for、already、never、ever 等字连用。
●表示发生在过去,而一直延续到现在的动作或状态,这种句子后面常有 since 或 for。
   Ex:I have studied English since elementary school.
        (我从小学开始学英文) =>现在还在学
        I have played tennis since the second year in graduated school.
   Ex:I have finished my work. (我已经做完我的工作了)
        I have arranged my room. (我已经整理完房间了)
   Ex:I have been America. (我曾到过美国)
        I have seen President Lee. (我曾见过李总统)
        I have worked in the nursing home. (我曾在养老院工作过)
        Jassica has never watched baseball game. (Jassica 从未看过棒球比赛)
   Ex:We have already had three typhoons so far this year. (今年我国已经有三个台风了) 
        He has already published two papers this year. (他今年已经发表了两篇论文了) 
        It has already rained half month. (已经下了半个月的雨了)

现在完成进行式(present perfect progressive tense) 

【S + have been + V-ing】
   Ex:I have been living here since I was a child. (我从小就一直住在这里) 
        I have been working here since I graduated from college. 
        He has been acting like a fool lately . (他最近一直在做傻事)

未来简单式(future simple tense) 

【S + will/shall + V】【S + be going to + V】
   Ex:I will go home tomorrow. 
        I am going to go home tomorrow. (我明天将要回家) 
        She will marry next year. 
        She is going to marry next year. (他明年要结婚了) 
        I shall be twenty years old next month. (我下个月就要 20 岁了) 
●表示本人的意志时,助动词皆用 will 
   Ex:No matter what you say, I will go with you. (不管你说什么我都将跟随你) 
        He will join our team. (他将加入我们的队伍)
未来进行式(future progressive tense) 
【S + will/shall + be + V-ing】
   Ex:What will you be doing this time tomorrow? (你明天的这个时候会做什么?) 
        We shall be building a new library next month. (我们下个月将正在盖一栋新的图书馆) 
   Ex:When will you be seeing John? (你什么时候会见到 John) 
   Ex:If you don't work hard, you will not be passing the exam. (若你不努力,你将没办法通过考试)

未来完成式(future perfect tense) 

【S + will/shall + have + pp】
●表示在未来某时刻前已完成的动作或经验,常与 by 引导表示未来时间的时间副词片语连用
   Ex:I shall have graduated by 2000.我将在 2000 年毕业
        I will have left army on April 24th (我将在四月 24 号退伍) 
   Ex: He will have worked here for three years by next month. (到下个月他就在这里工作三年了) 
   Ex:Mary will have received my letter now. (Mary 现在应该收到我的信了)

未来完成进行式(future perfect progressive tense) 

【S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing】
   Ex:I will have been waiting 3 hours when the train arrives. 
        (当火车到达时我将已等了 3 个小时了)



A gerund is a verb ending in –ing and functions as a noun. (Gerund (动名词)是以-ing 结尾

的 verb ,作名词使用。) 

A gerund and its related words form a gerund phrase. (Gerund 及其有关字构成 gerund

phrase (动名词片语)。)

动名词片语是名词片语(noun phrase )。这一点很重要,因为 noun phrase 的功能等于

noun ,noun 可以作主词和受词。若你有 gerund phrase 可作 subject 和 object 的概念,便能

Sports are often referred to in gerund form. (体育活动常用动名词说。)

留意:以-ing 结尾的,除了 gerund (动名词),还有 present participle (现在分词)。动
名词和现在分词合称-ing form。 

Take a look of the following examples:

 Swimming is one of my favorite activities in summer. (Gerund as a subject )(游泳是
  He is good at driving . (Gerund as an object )(渠手车好/他精于驾驶。
 Winning the Miss Hong Kong Pageant title is very honorable indeed. (Gerund phrase as
subject )(赢得香港小组名衔很光荣。)
 I like reading newspapers online . (Gerund phrase as an object. )(我爱在网上读
 Tackling a project one step at a time overcomes procrastination only for those who don't
tend to procrastinate anyway. (Gerund phrase as a subject. )(每一次逐一步解决问
 John likes getting a migraine headache(偏头痛) because he can leave work early
enough to watch a Monday-night special television program. (Gerund phrase as an
object. )(John 因为有偏头痛,可以回家看星期一的特备电视节目,他反而喜
 He intends to win the sales award by turning in duplicate orders . (Gerund phrase as an
object of the preposition by)(他想用交上重覆订单的方法来夺取销售奖。)
 His suggestion is writing off the doubtful debt . (Gerund phrase as subject
complement )(他的建议是将呆帐撇帐。)
注意:We noticed John watching the girl . (watching the girl 不是 gerund phrase 而是
participial phrase ,重点在 John 。)若用 gerund phrase ,上句要写作 We noticed John's
watching the girl (重点在 watching the girl ). John's watching the girl 的结构等于 John's
attitude 的结构。

连接词(conjunctions  )是连接语言单位(language units)的单词。在以下各

例,连接词=bold ;被连接的语言单位=blue。

  连接单词(Join one word with another)

l    sang and danced 

l    a rough but happy journey 

l    either the boss or his secretary 

连接片语(Join one phrase with another)

ready to go and eager to start 

连接子句(Join one clause with another)

I haven't seen him since he left this morning . 

(注意:由 since 连接的 I haven't seen him 和 he left this morning 都叫对等子句

(coordinate clause),意指可以分别写成独立句。) 




And, if, or


As if, as well as, in order that, as soon as


Not only…but also, both…and…, either…or


连接词分为对等连接词(coordinating conjunctions)和从属连接词(subordinate

对等连接词(coordinating conjunctions)可以连接单词、片语和子句。例子见上文

从属连接词(subordinate conjunctions)连接两个不对等的子句,一个叫主要子句
(main clause),一个叫从属子句(subordinate clause),从属子句必须「从属」
对等连接词(coordinating conjunctions)

And, but, so, yet, still, either, or, neither, nor, than, either…or, neither…nor, not only…
but also, as well as

从属连接词(subordinate conjunctions)

用作引起名词从属子句的连接词(nominal conjunctions)


Whoever, whatever, who, whom, which, that, when, where, how, what, why, whether

用作引起形容词从属子句的连接词(adjectival conjunctions)


Who, whom, whose, which, that, when, where

用作引起副词从属子句的连接词副词 (adverbial conjunctions)


After, as, although, because, before, if, since, though, until, when, whenever, while,




l    When they did it was a mystery.

l    What matters most is good health.

l   It is true that the company has some difficulties on funding-related issues .

That depended on whether or not they wanted to .

Jolin wondered what made her boyfriend do it .


The question was when he did it .


The old man who lives in that flat is my uncle.

Many migrant worker(外省劳工)come to Shenzhen, where job are available .


She told me after her father left .

Although he was ill , he worked hard.

She is good at whatever she does


 不少从属连接词(如 who, whom, whose)也是关系代名词(relative

pronouns )。究竟 who, whom, whose 等是什么?它们代替名词,所以是 relative
pronoun 。它们将形容词子句(relative clause )连接到主要子句(main
clause ),所以是连接词,它们有双重身份,正如大学生也可以是补习老师。
 不少从属连接词也有其他词性,例如 whatever 在 She is good at whatever she
does 里是连接词。在 Whateverhappened I must be calm and quiet 里是代名词。
在 For whatever reason, time heals. (因为什么原因都好,时间可以冲淡一
切。)里,whatever 是 adjective 。在 For whatever weather, we shall start at 9
o'clock ,whatever 也是 adjective 。

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