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No Activity Details To be updated by

79 Updated Risk Register Vikash
80 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Vikash
81 ISMS Objectives Vikash
82 Access Control Metric Vikash
11 ISMS Objectives Saurabh K
12 Access Control Metric (ACM) for Sahrepoint Saurabh K
13 BGV Records / Tracker Saurabh K
Employee Tracker with BGV details(Greyt HR with Exit and
14 Current, Resigned Emp details) Saurabh K
15 Training Attendnace Records Saurabh K
16 Training Schedules Saurabh K
17 NDA Documents signed from employees Saurabh K
any communication mails towards ISMS, from HR Dept. like
18 ISMS Awareness training Saurabh K
19 Clearance checklist Saurabh K
Other Exit Documents like Non competence letters / Agreement
20 letters. Saurabh K
21 Compliance Tracker related to HR Saurabh K
22 Information Asset Management Tracker (For HR Dept. Only) Saurabh K
65 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Saurabh K
10 Risk Register Rohit Verma
4 Access Control Metric (Infra) Rajan
6 Incident Record Rajan
8 Asset Management Tracker (Laptops) Rajan
9 Continual Imporvement Tracker Rajan
51 Updated Risk Register along with High/Med VA&PT findings Rajan
52 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Rajan
53 BCM & BIA Records for Testing Rajan
54 Contact with Special Interest Groups Rajan
55 ISMS Objectives Rajan
56 Access Control Metric for both IT dept. and Org Level Rajan
Information Security Incident Records (if tracked for separately
57 for IT) Rajan
58 Change management Tracker (if tracked for separately for IT) Rajan
Asset Register (IT Hardware and Software infra including Cloud
59 infrastructure) Rajan
60 Infrastructure Patch update Status Rajan
61 Antivirus Software management console and Update status Rajan
62 Agreement with AWS Rajan
63 Adharance to Password Management Rajan
64 Clock Synchronization, Screen Lockout Rajan
69 Screen Lockout Rajan
70 Backup and Resote Records Rajan
3 Risk Register Pravin
2 Risk Register Saurabh T
5 Access Control Metric (Application) Saurabh T
7 Incident Record Saurabh T
1 Risk Register Saurabh K
32 REGUS Building agreement copies Saurabh K
33 Agreement with REGUS regarding Utility services offered Saurabh K
Inforamtion Asset Register for Non IT (including Asset Owner and
34 Asset Custodian) Saurabh K
A walk through of the office premises showing the required
35 security controls (Virtual Live / Recorded) Saurabh K
Fire extinguishers and Sprinklers list along with Maintenance
36 Expiry details Saurabh K
37 Printer & Shredder Saurabh K
CCTV cameras and access to Recordings with Recordings
38 retention for how many days / months ? Saurabh K
39 Access controlled entries to Reception and Working areas Saurabh K
Floor map with Fire Exit/Fire Extingushers/Spriklers/Assembly
40 point mnetioned Saurabh K
41 Emergency exit Saurabh K
Fire Drill reprot along with NOC from Fire and Safety department
42 for Building Saurabh K
Insulation of cables (No cables are exposed both Network /
43 Electrical) Saurabh K
44 Desk and system screens Saurabh K

45 Power backup (UPS and DG details with power Backup details) Saurabh K
46 Compliance Tracker Saurabh K
47 Access Control Metric (for Building door access) Saurabh K
48 BGV records for House Keeping and Maintenance team Saurabh K
49 Material IN/OUT register Saurabh K
Visitor Entry Records Book with what type of visitor informations
50 are captured in the register Saurabh K
66 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Saurabh K
68 ISMS Objectives Saurabh K
23 ISMS Objectives Saurabh K
24 Access Control Metric (ACM) Saurabh K
25 BCM & BIA Records (Vendors and suppliers list) Saurabh K
26 NDA / Agreements signed with Vednors / Suppliers Saurabh K
27 Vendor Assessment Saurabh K
28 MSA Tracker Saurabh K
29 Risk Register Saurabh K
Information Asset Management Tracker (Related to
30 Procurement) Saurabh K
31 Vendor List Vikash
67 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Vikash
83 Applicable Compliance docuemnts and tracker Vikash
71 Updated Risk Register – Add any new risks are identified Arshi
72 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Arshi
73 BCM & BIA Records if identified for PE dept. Arshi
74 ISMS Objectives – defined ISMS objectives for your department Arshi
Access Control Metric – define and track Access Control for PE
75 dept Arshi
Incident Record (if tracked for separately for PE dept.)
76 Communicate all incident to IRT team Arshi
Change Management Tracker (if tracked for separately for
Consulting) – All changes are discussed in CAB / CCB and changes
77 are implemented Arshi
78 If Agreement Copies Signed with Customers Arshi
79 Updated Risk Register Vikash / Pravin
80 Risk Treatment planning & completion status Vikash / Pravin
81 ISMS Objectives Pravin
82 Access Control Metric Pravin
21 Compliance Tracker Vikash & Saurabh K
31 Vendor List Vikash & Saurabh K
26 NDA / Agreements signed with Vednors / Suppliers Vikash & Saurabh K
Department Status
Finance To be updated
Finance To be updated
Finance To be updated
Finance To be updated
HR To be updated
HR To be updated
HR To be updated

HR To be updated
HR To be updated
HR To be updated
HR To be updated

HR To be updated
HR To be updated

HR To be updated
HR To be updated
HR To be updated
ISMS To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated

IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated

IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
IT &DBA To be updated
Sales & Marketing To be updated
Managed Services To be updated
Managed Services To be updated
Managed Services To be updated
Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated

Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated
Operations To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated

Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Procurement To be updated
Product Engineering To be updated
Product Engineering To be updated
Product Engineering To be updated
Product Engineering To be updated

Product Engineering To be updated

Product Engineering To be updated

Product Engineering To be updated

Product Engineering To be updated
legal To be updated
legal To be updated
legal To be updated
legal To be updated
Legal To be updated
Finance To be updated
Legal To be updated
Control Category Activity Details
organization and its context setting including needs and
IMS Context setting expectation of stakeholders

Risk Assessment and

Treatment Planning
(RARTP) Identify new risks (Iformation Security & Privacy Risks)
Work on planned Risk Treatments & update risk register
completion status
Identify new IMS objectives (KPI's) Org. Level
Identify new IMS objectives (KPI's) Department Level
Update statement of applicability (SOA) status Yes/No
Statement of with justification for inclusion / exclusion along with
Applicability (SOA) version update

IMS Competence
Matrix Update IMS competency matirx
IMS awareness
session Conduct IMS awareness session - org. wide
Conduct IMS awareness session - new joiners at
Induction program
Post IMS awareness training, conduct assessment

IMS Objectives,
measurement and Identification of new IMS objectives and planning to
analysis achieve them
Update Measurement and Metrics of identified IMS

IMS Documentation Manage DCR's (Document change requests)

Creation and update of IMS documents
IMS documents review
Control of documented information and update MLD
Internal Audit Internal Audit planning & communication to auditees
Conduct / Face Internal Audit
Internal audit report preparation and present to the IMS
steering committee
Followup and closure of internal audit findings
External Audit External Audit planning & communication to auditees
Conduct / Face external Audit
External audit report preparation and present to the IMS
steering committee
Followup and closure of external audit findings
review(MR) / IMS Palnning and schedule of Management Review
Steering Committee Meeting/IMS Steering Committee
IMS MR/IMS steering committee repeort/presentation
Conduct MR/IMS Steering Committee
Preparation of MOM (Minutes of Meeting) with listing
action items
Follow-up on closure of Action items

Continual Identify Continual Improvement points at department

Improvement (CI) level
Contact with
authorities Contact with authorities tracker update

Contact with special

interest groups
Contact with special interest groups tracker update

Human resource
security (HR) BGV Records repository update
Employee Tracker with BGV details
NDA Documents signed from employees
Employee onbarding checklist and communications
Employee exit checklist and communications
Other Exit Documents like Non competence letters /
Agreement letters.
Information Asset Inventory tracker creation and update
Information Asset along with Asset owner, Asset Custodian, Asset Location
management and Asset Status including Asset Return

Create and update Access Control Metric (ACM) for Apps

(internal & External) and Data folder including cloud
storage (Google Drive, One dirve, Sharepoiunt, Google
Access control One, Droop Box, MS Teams, other Cloud storage)
Review and acknowledge of Access Control Metric

Password Ensure PasswordPolicy is umplemented across all Apps

management system and systems
Physical and
environmental Building agreement copies and Approval to use building
security utilities along with SLA's
Agreement with Building landlord regarding Utility
services offered
A walk through of all the three office premises showing
the required security controls (Virtual Live / Recorded)

Fire extinguishers and Sprinklers list along with

Maintenance Expiry details
Printer placement and security features & avability of
paper shredder
CCTV cameras and access to Recordings with Recordings
retention for how many days / months ?

Access controlled entries to Reception and Working areas

Floor map with Fire Exit/Fire
Extingushers/Spriklers/Assembly point mnetioned
Emergency exit
Fire Drill reprot along with NOC from Fire and Safety
department for Building
Insulation of cables (No cables are exposed both Network
/ Electrical)
Desk and system screens
Power backup (UPS and DG details with power Backup
Material IN/OUT registers
Visitor Entry Records Book with what type of visitor
informations/PII are captured in the register
Information Security and Privacy signages

Change management Change Request forms

CAB Tracker
management Capacity and Avability tracker

Information backup Backup restore requests form

Backup resotre test reports
Events Logs and
monitoring List of Event logs monitoring
All Critical logs retention location and retention
Provide demo to the Internal / External Auditor

Clock synchronisation of endpoint computers, CCTV, Fire

Clock synchronisation Alaram System and door access control systems, etc.,
management VAPT records
VAPT findings closure and reassessment report
Updation of VAPT points in Risk Register and IMS steering
committee presentation
Infrastructure Patch update Status
Antivirus Software management console and Update

Restrictions on
software installation Restrictions on software installation
Blocking endpoints USB, Storage, communiction ports
Segregation in
networks Approved Network Diagram
System acquisition,
development and
maintenance Secure Coding Checklists for existing and new projects
Information Security adoption for new projects at
beginning for the project planning
Addressing information security/Privacy requirements
Supplier relationships within supplier agreements (NDA, MSA's)

NDA / Agreements signed with Vednors / Suppliers copies

Confidentiality or
nondisclosure Agreements with Vendors for Information and
agreements communication technology service providers
Monitoring and review of supplier services records
Vendor List
Information security /
privacy incident
management Information Security Incident Records
Reporting of Information security / privacy incidents

Incident Tracker with RCA and Corrective actions defined

Learnings from information security incidents (Pareto
business continuity
management BIA and BCP Tracker
Hard copies emergency contact details and Procedure
BCP test reprots
Compliance Compliance Tracker

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