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Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review related literature about affecting the junior high school

students on choosing their preferred tracks before proceeding to senior high school. With the use

of these literature studies, students on junior high school will examine what factors and variables

were considered on the preference of the junior high school students on choosing their tracks.

Parental influence

According to (Limpiado , 2019, as cited in Filayson, 2009), both immigrants and native-

born Filipinos place a high value on the judgment of their families. Students who are coping do

so by listening to their parents. Additionally, they must deal with the pressure to help their family

out financially once they have finished their studies. Studies from different Asian nations

demonstrate the influence of parents on their children's decision-making when it comes to their

choice of courses. One of the most important variables influencing Filipino students' job

decisions is respect for family.

According to Hashima H.M., Embong A.M. (2015), Parents are always believed to play a key

part in guiding and influencing the prudent career decisions that their children make, which

inevitably influence their future career choice. From another perspective, parents are also

considered as influential, which says that they have the power to affect their child's future.

Numerous studies have strongly supported and confirmed the influence of parents on their child's

desire and success in education.

According to (Dang, Tran 2020), The family's cultural and social settings have a

significant impact on how adolescents consider and select occupations. Parents' educational

attainment and their level of involvement in their children's job decisions are positively

correlated. Accordingly, parents' influence over their children's career choices increases with

their level of education. The career plan for a family's children also becomes more definite the

higher the income is, particularly the plan for jobs needing more education and advanced

abilities. Parents offer their children several forms of support for their job choices. Additionally,

parental encouragement and career counseling encourage children to follow their professional

goals and lessen the stress that comes with choosing a career. As a result, the majority of kids

from higher-income homes frequently decide to abide by their parents' career plans and

recommendations. In a similar vein, it was noted that children from agricultural and non-

agricultural families had different employment requirements. illustrated how conversations with

children about job choice are influenced by their parents' sentiments regarding a profession and

its professional organization. For daughters rather than sons, the choice of a university major is

more influenced by the father's profession.

According to Khoo, Ban, Neng, Hooi and Joan (2015) showed that college students and

non-college students who were involved in this study agreed that parents are the most influential

or important person when choosing their choice of college or university and course of study

because parents perceive as their main source of finance and normally seek advice from them

due to the perception that parents have the relevant information or experience with regards to

higher education, and hence, parents are viewed as a credible source of advice.

According to ( Moneva 2019, as cited in Ban, et al, 2015), that both college and non-

college students who participated in the study agreed that parents are the most important or
influential person when choosing their course of study and college or university because parents

view them as their primary source of finance and typically seek advice from them because they

believe they have the necessary knowledge or experience with regard to higher education, and

therefore parents are viewed as a credible source. It also revealed that family members have the

highest contributions in influencing students to the profession of medical supports to them.

(Ibrahim 2017)


According to Fatima Abrahams as cited in Ahmed, K. A., Sharif, N., et al (2015) studies

conducted in different nations and cultures can result in different relationships between the

variables chosen for the study. For instance, in Kenya, personality types and subject interests are

factors that have a significant impact on students' career decisions. However, a study of a similar

nature conducted in South Africa, where demographics and culture are completely different,

revealed that financial factors have an impact on students' career decisions. 

According to Edward and Quinter's (2012) research, a person's propensity towards a

certain topic or subject, preference for a particular work, and compatibility between his

personality and chosen professions are major factors that influence career path. It is clear that

personality and career interest in a certain field are related. According to a study done on Irish

Institution of Technology (IOT) students, personality variations also exist in terms of students'

profession preferences. The Greater Education Authority (HEA) provided evidence that this is

due to making the wrong first career choices. Statistics showed that there is a three times higher

ratio of dropouts of adolescents from courses/subjects than from universities. Another important

element that Clement H (2014) looked into is the personality mismatch with a course or career.

Personality plays a vital influence in the decision-making process when choosing a vocation
because it directly affects motivation, productivity, and fulfillment. The most hazardous reason

for unhappiness and what ultimately leads to stress and career failure can be a lack of fit.

According to Rebecca J. et al. (2016), 399 students in Kenya found a link between

personality types and profession choice. The majority of students were happy with the courses

they chose before enrolling in college, which suggests that choosing a good job will increase

students' contentment with and success in their academic programs and future employment. On

the other hand, it showed that their topic selections did not correspond with their future career

choices when students changed their course section. As a result, it develops the likelihood of the

status of the association between personality types and profession choice among Kenyan

undergraduate students.


According to (Sugano and Mamolo, 2021), one of the indicators of students' success is

academic performance. It has to do with how successfully a student satisfies the conditions set by

the school. However, academic accomplishment is not the main measure of professional success

or the only factor determining it. There are non-academic factors too. Parents, legislators,

authorities, and educators are all focused on students' importance as career competitions become

more intense, especially for graduating students, performing well in their studies (UNESCO,

2010). Especially when applying to colleges and selecting professional options, the aptitude,

interest, and skills should be taken into consideration. The Department of Labor and

Employment (DOLE) claims that the government needs to address the issue of job mismatch in

order to decrease unemployment and prevent the local "brain drain" (Tan & Balasico, 2018).

Current trends reveal that many college graduates struggle to find jobs that are suitable for the

courses they completed. It has led to shortages of qualified human resources, unemployment, and
an excess of college graduates working in white-collar occupations. The fact that basic education

typically overlooks learning competencies and skills strengthens this predicament. If it is

evaluated, it is done so using traditional evaluation techniques and educational performance

standards, which do not adequately take into consideration all of a student's talents and abilities.

According to (Mamolo, 2019), A crucial component of the teaching learning process is

assessment. It is a procedure for gathering data or proof of a student's advancement and

accomplishment through time to enhance teaching and learning . Some evaluation processes are

intended to evaluate students' academic achievements across schools, states, the country, and the

world. Assessments can help identify the strengths and weaknesses of both students and teachers.

Students' aptitude and academic achievement can be evaluated as part of the teaching-learning

process. The National Career Assessment Exam (NCAE) is one of the tools the Department of

Education uses to evaluate students' aptitude for such a purpose. It evaluates the students'

interests in particular occupations as potential careers. It began in 2016 with the goal of assisting

seniors in high school in choosing the best job. A scannable response sheet is used in a paper-

and-pencil test and is processed electronically. By evaluating the students' ability and potential

for a four-year college degree program, a vocational-technical course, or a career in

entrepreneurship, the exam functions as a career direction scheme. It is hoped that, having

clearly identified the professions they are most suitable for, students can plan a study plan that

will equip them with the knowledge and training necessary for those professions. NCAE is a

course required of all secondary school students in grades 10 regardless of whether they attend a

public or private school. It plans to give pupils a high-quality education and ensure that they are

well-equipped for the workforce or higher or tertiary education. This study intends to give

comprehensive data on the examinations of the NCAE and the academic performance of students
in Grade 10. It attempts to define and analyze students' academic achievement, aptitude, and

vocational interest or preference on the National Career Assessment Exam.

According to the study conducted by (Devino et.,al 2016), the study investigates the

factors affecting the choices of the students under K-12 on which they would take for senior

highschool. This mainly focused on Parental, influence, interest, aptitude and opportunity. A

total of 173 respondents were chosen through statistical random selection. The 8 sections from

grade 10 has been focused on this study. The research used the statistical information to see if

dependent variables relating to Parental influence, peer influence, evironmental and aptitude. A

poll was made by the scientist to accumulate information and breakdown the data and will

appropriate it to every segment in the grade 10 understudies. A questionnaire was developed

consisting four sections: parental influence, aptitude, interest and environmental factors. The

results of their study showed that their decision could be influenced by their parents, aptitude,

interest and enviromental factors.

According to the study conducted by Japitan (2015) on affecting students on choosing

their preffered tracks using descriptive method as a design to determine the factors that affects

the senior high school track preferences of the grade 9 students. This descriptive research would

use quantitative methods to assess the feedback from the respondents. Research respondents in

this study are all grade 9 students from the total population of 190 students to garnered an

87.89% using a survey rating questionnaire. Family, job opportunity, personality and interest

were the factors influenced the student’s choice on his/her track.

Theoretical framework

This study is based on the theory of Super’s career development by Donald super

which focuses on the development of the people.They place a strong focus on a life-

span perspective on career choice and adaptation. The working life is typically divided

into stages, and these ideas attempt to describe the normal occupational behaviors at

each stage. When Super started developing his theoretical ideas in the 1950s, career

counseling was heavily influenced by trait-and-factor theory and differential psychology.

It was widely believed that choosing an occupation and succeeding in it depended

greatly on one's abilities and interests. As a result, career counseling was generally

viewed as a procedure that assisted people in matching their skills and other

characteristics with those needed by accessible occupations. By using the matching

model, career counselors helped their clients select the "correct" profession that is, one

that is well matched or consistent with a person's skills, interests, and personality

Conceptual framework

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