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LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender.

LGBT is a form of sex

deviation more than adultery and ambulance. This research is the whole community
recorded in the Long Padang City Dukcapil. This research is a cross-sectional study
with an analytical approach. population is carried out purposively, with a sample
amount104 people. Results of 104 respondents, 63 respondents (60,6%) ada pada
negative categories, and 41 respondents (39,4%) ada pada categories of positive
dihadap to theadas of Lesbians, Gays, Baseball, and Transgender (LGBT). The result
shows the difference of positive attitudes (pro) and negative (contra) of the city of
Padang Long is up toadap the objection of the LGBT group is not so significant. The
negative attitude on the religious basis looks pada statement “The LGBTity is
contrary to the religious teachings and great sins” with the respondent score
respondent strongly agreed as 56.7% and agreed as much as 32.7% and “I will bring
LGBT friends to repent” with the respondent score respondent strongly agreed as 49%
and agreed as 45.2%. In addition to religious reasons, the negative attitude of the
respondent is adap LGBT also indicated pada statements “The LGBT Rights is the
human rights that is worth respecting” with respondents answered greatly does not
agree as much as 49% and does not agree as much as 39.4%. Unfortunately, there is
still respondents who agree to the previous statement of 77%, expressed strongly
agree and 3,8% stated agree. This increasingly warned that there are still stigmas
attached to pada LGBT. Based on the statement of respondents about “Media needs to
expose positive news about the LGBTs” respondents responded to not agree as much
as 30,8% and strongly does not agree as much as 18.3%, strongly agree as much as
17,3% and agree as 33.7%. Pada in fact, the objection of the LGBT group still causes
pros and cons in the population.

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