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Binary Decision Diagrams

Applied to Fault Tree Analysis

Fausto Pedro García Márquez

Universidad de
Castilla-La Mancha
ETSII de Ciudad Real, Spain
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 1
y Objetives
y Remote Condition Monitoring
y Point Machines
y Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
y Rankings
y Diagram Decision Binary (BDD)
y Conversion from FTA to BDD
y Conclusions
y Future Works

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 2
y To increase the Reliability, Availability,
Maintainability and Safety (RAMS) of
the points mechanisms.
y To develop a Predictive Maintenance
(PM) for Remote Condition Monitoring
y To Apply Fault Tree Analysis to RCM
y To Employ BDD for representing the
Boolean equation for the FTA top event

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 3
Remote Condition Monitoring (I)
y RCM applies advanced electronics,
sensors and transducers, and
communications technology.
y Using intelligent monitoring systems, it
is possible to predict problems and
enable quick recovery.
y Railway infrastructure components
generally require RCM, since their
changes tend to be slow and not easily
detected using conventional forms of
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 4
Remote Condition Monitoring (I)

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 5
Point Machine (I)
y Definition: The point is the mechanism
which allows trains to change tracks
and access sidings.
y Points can also be used to implement
flank protection for a train route
allocated to another train.
y The point can only be either in the
normal or reverse position.
y Test data for a British type HW point
machine was analysed in this project.

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18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 6
Point Machine (II)

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 7
Point Machine (III)

Organización de la Producción, ETSII CR 8

HW Drive

Drive Esternal to
Drive Esternal to Machine
Machine Motor
Motor Drive Internal
Drive Internal to
to Machine
P. 50 %
P. 50 % P.
P. 5
5%% P. 5 %
P. 5 %

Worn No
No Clearance
Clearance between
Worn Drive
Drive Machine
Lug Machine Loose
Loose Stretcher
Stretcher &
& Rail
Rail Kicking
Teeth Broken
Broken Worn
Worn Crown
Crown Broken/Worn
Lug Bolt
Bolt P.
P. P. 5
5%% P.
P. 1
Crown Wheet
Wheet Wheet
Wheet Bearing Teeth Gear
Bearing Teeth Gear Box
P. 1
1%% R.
R. R. 15-60
15-60 min
min R.
R. 0-5
0-5 min
P. 1
1%% P. 1 %
P. 1 % P.
P. 1
R. 15-60 min
15-60 min min
R. 60-480
60-480 min
min R.
R. 60-480
60-480 min
min R.
R. 60-480
60-480 min

Nuts Run
Loose Drive
Drive Shoe
Shoe Loose
Loose Drive
Drive Basket
Basket Back
Back on
on Drive
P. 10
10 %
% P.
P. 10
10 %
% P.
P. 10
10 %
R. 15-60
15-60 min
min R.
R. 15-60
15-60 min
min R.
R. 5-15
5-15 min.

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK
Fault Tree Analysis
y Is a technique useful for quantifying
risks associated with potentially
hazardous systems.
y Is a graphical representation of logical
relations between events (usually
failure or fault events).
y Complex systems analysis may produce
thousands of combinations of events
(minimal cutsets) that can cause the
system failure
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 10
Fault Tree Analysis
y Birnbaum. ∂Q
I Birn
∂q i

⎛ qi ⎞ ⎛ ∂Q ⎞ ⎛ qi ⎞ Birn
y Criticality measured I Crit
= ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⋅ I i
⎝ Q ⎠ ⎝ ∂qi ⎠ ⎝ Q ⎠

y Structural I iStructural = Q(1i , 12 ) − Q (0i , 12 )

P ( E1i ∪ E2i ∪ E3i ... Eni )
y Vesely-Fussell I i

y Xie et al. (2000). consider that the

importance of the basic element is based on
the AND gates that there are between any
element and the top element
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 11
Fault Tree Analysis
y The Weith method, or Minato
heuristic, provides weights to the roots
of the tree.
y The weights are rising from down to top.
y The unit weight is assigned to the terminal
vertex and the weight of the ancestor will be
the sum of the weight of its descendants
y The Depth First Search (DFS) method
goes from top to down of the tree and
each sub-tree on the left.
y It is a non-recursive implementation, all
freshly expanded nodes are added as Last
Input Last Output method.
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 12
Diagram Binary Decision

y It provides a new alternative to the

traditional cut-set based approach for
FTA that leads to determine the output
value of the function by examining the
values of the inputs.
y A BDD is a directed acyclic graph (V,N),
with vertex set V and index set N.

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 13
Conversion from FTA to BDD
y Let A be a vertex set as A = A(A1, …, An). If A1,
…, Am are the A descendant vertices, then:
y index(A(A1, …, An)) = min(index(Gi)), where
y Let x1, …, xm be Boolean variables, then the
following expressions can be obtained:
y If R(x1, …, xm) = S(x1, …, xm)∪T(x1, …, xm),
using “binary OR template”, then BDD of R(x1,
…, xm) is denoted as:
◦ R = ite(S, 1, ite(T, 1, 0)) = ite (S, 1, T), where ”ite”
means If-Then-Else.
y If R(x1, …, xm) = S(x1, …, xm)∩T(x1, …, xm),
employing “binary AND template”, then BDD of
R(x1, …, xm) is obtained as:
◦ R = ite(S, 1, ite(S, 1, 0)) = ite(S, 1, T).
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 14
y Get-rid-of formula

y Expansion formula

y Absorption formula

y Changed-order formula

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 15

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 16
I iHeur

Success Ranking for the example

shows in previous slide
Fussell- AND Structural
Success Vesely criterion method

A 0.99099 (1) 0.999899 (1) 0 (1) 11/16 (1)

B 0.00999 (2) 0.009998 (2) 1 (2) 5/16 (2)

C 0.00989 (3) 0.009899 (3) 1 (2) 3/16 (3)

D 0.00009 (4) 0.000098 (4) 2 (3) 1/16 (4)

E 0.00009 (4) 0.000098 (4) 2 (3) 1/16 (4)

Case Study
y Top: Point Mechanism
y G1: Drive Machine.
y G2: Machine
y G3: Drive Internal to Machine.
y G4: Transmission
y G5: Transmission Mechanism
y A: Motor
y B: Circuit Controller
y C: Crank Wear
y D: Drive External to Machine.
y E: Others

Organización de la Producción, ETSII CR 18

Top-Down, Structura AND
Success DFS Level Weights
Left-Right l Gates

A (4) (4) 3 (4) 2 (4)
B (1) (2) 3,2 (2) 1,1 (1)
C (2) (3) 3,4 (3) 2,2 (3)
D (3) (1) 2 (1) 1 (2)
E (5) (5) 4 (5) 3 (5)

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 19
qA qB qC qD qE Q
0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,000001
0,002 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,000001 A
0,001 0,002 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,000002 B
0,001 0,001 0,002 0,001 0,001 0,000001 C
0,001 0,001 0,001 0,002 0,001 0,000002 D
0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,002 0,000001 E
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 20
BDDs Q = q D q B + q D (1 − q B ) qC q A q E

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 21
y FTA has been considered for RCM.
y RCM has been applied to Point Machines.
y In order to achieve maximum
improvement in system reliability using
y AND criterion, Structural Heuristic, Weigh, Top-
Down Left-Right, Fussell-Vesley, Depth First
Search and Birnbaum
y The Binary Diagram Decision (BDD)
approach has been employed in order to
determine the output value of the Boolean
function of the FTA by examining the
values of the inputs.

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 22
Future works
y Extensions of the theoretical model
y Application of these approaches to
other case studies.
y Application to other signals.
y Economic analysis.

The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 23
Binary Decision Diagrams
Applied to Fault Tree Analysis
Fausto Pedro García Márquez
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Thank you!!
The 4th IET International Conference on Railway Condition Monitoring: RCM 2008
18 - 20 June 2008, Derby Conference Centre, Derby, UK 24

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