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1, Write a paragraph to discuss some ways to

reduce stress.
From adults to teens to children, everyone has
stress in everyday life. Adults have the stress of a
job, stress caring for families, and stress paying
bills. Teenagers often have a harder time dealing
with stresses because they are at an age when it
seems not appropriate, or not cool, to ask adults
for help, emotions and hormones are out of
control, and sometimes they just don't understand
stress causes it. There are many ways to combat
stress, but the more exercise you sweat, the more
benefits you can get. You can exercise reduces the
amount of cortisol (the stress hormone in your
body) and the more you sweat, the more
endorphins increase, helping your body and mind
relax. You can take time to read, a recent study
has shown that reading in pleasure is one of the
best ways to reduce stress. In fact, just reading for
6 minutes reduces stress levels by 68%. For the
best results, sit quietly and read your favorite
2, write a paragraph to discuss the importance of
arts in our modern life.
Art plays a vital role in our life. It surrounds us in all
aspects and in various forms. In other words, the
imaginative reflection of reality is art. Life is joyful
with the presence of art. It holds a significant place
in our lives.It provides us with the knowledge about
our surroundings. It is so powerful that it can make
us smile or cry, love or hate, be glad or be worried.
Sometimes art can be the only way around through
which a heroic deed can be inspired or a difficult
situation can be supported. We know that Art does
not fulfill some our basic needs but Art through
painting or photography, we preserve them for the
future and remember those days which we had spent
beautiful moments with our family or friends. When
we look at painting, photograph on the walls, feel
happy. Arts have several forms such as performing
or visual arts, visual arts consist of drawing,
painting, architecture and photography, on the other
hand performing arts consist of opera, music, dance,
theatre, circus etc.

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