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Kesly Sabalburo


Discuss the following

1. Art is universal because it is popular.

Art is universal not because it is popular –it is universal because it can be used in
different situations by all people (no matter what their gender, culture, or age is). It can also
communicate across language barriers. In a practical sense, it can represent a certain culture
while this culture is also perceived by other cultures.

The universality of art can be seen for instance: when Juan Luna created the
Spolarium. Even though we have different cultures and language with other people, the
artwork can be perceived and can be understood by any audience. This means that art also
presents cultures, emotions, thoughts, and ideas without the use of verbal language.

Another example is when Claude Debussy performed and orchestrated Claire de

Lune. Even though he is not speaking or telling his emotions, all people (no matter what
their race, gender, or age is), they will be able to feel the emotions of Debussy when
performing the song –and this is what makes art universal.

2. Who is considered as an artist? What does it mean to be an artist?

Anyone can be an artist –as long as they will be able to create or produce a work or
any form of art. In order to be called an artist, you must be able to create something using
your creativity and imagination. This is highly agreed by Joseph Beuys when he said that
“Everyone is an artist” –or at least we are all capable of being an artist as long as we use our
skills and experience in creating something.

The concept of being an artist is about being able to create something for a certain
purpose –this is where the differences among artists can be pointed out. Everyone have
their own unique styles in their art and they all have their own purpose of creating the art.
Most artists create art for entertainment and making something beautiful, and by making
their imagination to be put into a beautiful creation. While, there are also some artists who
create art because they want it to serve as an inspiration to others, as a revolution, as a
form of education, or for a functional purpose.

The universality of art lies within the meaning of being an artist and that is to unify
the minds and the thoughts of people with varied, unique, and distinct characteristics. This
is what makes art a powerful tool to influence the world.

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