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Unit 1: The Global Tapestry

1.1 Development in East Asia from 1200 to 1450
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.A Describe the Song State Structure

Empires and states in Afro-Eurasia and the
Americas They divided oversight of that state into
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and six departments: personnel, finance,
diversity in the 13th rights, army, justice, and Public Works
century. This included the Song Dynasty of and overseeing all of these departments
China, which utilized was the censor who made sure that no
traditional methods of Confucianism and an one in these bureaucratic departments
imperial was abusing their power/not following the
bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule. rules.

KC - 3.1.III.D.i Describe Confucianism during the Song

Chinese cultural traditions continued, and Dynasty.
they influenced
neighboring regions. According to Confucian everything was
- Filial piety in E.A. fundamentally hierarchical. Everyone has
- Influence of Neo-Confucianism and their different place in society and it only
Buddhism in E.A. works if everyone in their place behaves
- Confucian traditions of both respect and rightly. The people had to be subject to
expected deference their rulers women had to be subject to
from women their husbands children had to be
subject to their fathers.

Describe the Civil Service Examination


A test that you had to pass in order to

work in the Imperial bureaucracy
Major part was Confucianism

Describe Chinese merchants' role during this


Chinese merchants participated heavily

in the robust system of long-distance
trade across afro-eurasia. Which led to a
more commercialized chinese society
Describe the increase in iron production
during this time.

During the 11th century China's iron

industry was producing 32,000 suits of
armor and 16 million iron arrowheads
annually and rivaled Europe's iron
production in the 1800.

How did money change during the Song


Because Chinese Commerce was

expanding rapidly during this time it also
transformed the role of money as the
economy grew there was not enough
precious metal for the minting of coins
to keep up with the demand and this led
to the introduction of paper money which
soon became the normal currency.

1.1 Development in East Asia from 1200 to 1450 - Part 2

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.A Explain the impact of gunpowder in China.

Empires and states in Afro-Eurasia and the
Americas The immediate application of gunpowder
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and was not in a military context the first
diversity in the 13th application was fireworks and pyrotechnic
century. This included the Song Dynasty of displays for the imperial court but
China, which utilized eventually saw military leaders got wise
traditional methods of Confucianism and an and found out a way to us it in a
imperial militaristic way
bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule.
How was Japan influenced by China? Give
KC - 3.1.III.D.i examples.
Chinese cultural traditions continued, and
they influenced Japan’s architecture was heavily
neighboring regions. influenced by China. For example, the
- Filial piety in E.A. architecture in Japan's capital city Heian
- Influence of Neo-Confucianism and was very similar to the architecture in
Buddhism in E.A. China's capital city Chang’an.
- Confucian traditions of both respect and
expected deference Explain the influence of Buddhism in China.
from women Include Mahayana and Theravada.

Buddhism came from India and spread

through trade/cultural diffusion. Mahayana
Buddhism was among the most
significant forms of Buddhism. Buddhism
in its original form was strictly atheistic
but the Mahayana form of it had
transformed into a religion consisting of
many deities veneration of relics and
multiple heavens and hells and as
merchants from Vietnam carried this new
form of Buddhism into China I found many
willing converts.

Explain, with details, what made China a

wealthy country.

Huge population, plus their strong

agricultural base, plus their innovations
and manufacturing made Song China the
wealthiest Empire of their time.

Explain, with details, what unified China.

Common language, plus Confucian ideals,

plus a culture with deep roots made
China the most unified nation of their
1.2. Developments In Dar al-Islam from 1200 to 1450
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.iii What is Dar Al-Islam? ​Everywhere Islam is

Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and the core
beliefs and practices of these Explain the background of the Abbasid
religions continued to shape societies in Caliphate.
Africa and Asia.
It was big,powerful and united by the
KC - 3.2.I Arabic language and Islamic tradition. The
As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new Islamic state was fractured and breaking
Islamic political entities down but the religion itself was still vital
emerged, most of which were dominated by and spreading all across afro-eurasia.
Turkic peoples. These
states demonstrated continuity, innovation, How political Islam encountered other
and diversity. cultures and how they
- Seljuk Empire responded:
- Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt
- Delhi Sultanates India​ - Muslims who also happen to be
Turkish invaded India. Established a muslim
KC - 3.1.III.A political state in india called the delhi
Muslim rule continued to expand to many sultanate in 1206. Had a rough time
parts of Afro-Eurasia due to converting to Islam because of the
military expansion, and Islam subsequently differenced with hiduims which was deeply
expanded through the rooted in India
activities of merchants, missionaries, and
Sufis. • Comparison of Islam and Hinduism.

KC - 3.2.II.A.i Islam is monotheistic and believe that

Muslim states and empires encouraged only one god exists while Hinduism is
significant intellectual polytheistic. A key tenant of Islam is the
innovations and transfers. absolute prohibition against representing
- House of Wisdom in Abbasid Baghdad Allah in any form - Hindus generated
- Scholarly and cultural transfers in Muslim endless statues of their gods. Muhammad
and Christian Spain taught the social equality of all muslims,
but hinduism separated society into a
rigid caste system whose hierarchical
levels were impenetrable by those of
different castes.

• ​Sufis-​ a group of Muslim missionaries

known that embraced a form of Islam that
emphasized more emotional and ecstatic
experience and as such it became a more
popular form of Islam. More tolerant of
Hindu Gods and religious festivals.
• Who converted?
Disillusioned Buddhists or those who
belong to the lowest caste

1.2. Developments In Dar al-Islam from 1200 to 1450 - Part 2

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.iii - West Africa

Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and the core • How spread?​ In West Africa Islam
beliefs and practices of these spread not by military conquest but by the
religions continued to shape societies in commercial enterprises of travelling
Africa and Asia. merchants (Peacefully)

KC - 3.2.I • Who converted to Islam? ​Primarily

As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new conversions occurred in the great urban
Islamic political entities centers of West Africa like Ghana and Mali
emerged, most of which were dominated by in Songhai. Islam spread to the highest
Turkic peoples. These levels of
states demonstrated continuity, innovation, government
and diversity.
- Seljuk Empire What economic, cultural, and innovative
- Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt technology did the Muslims
- Delhi Sultanates bring to new cultures?

KC - 3.1.III.A - ​Economic: M​ uslims influenced by the

Muslim rule continued to expand to many teaching of Muhammad thought highly of
parts of Afro-Eurasia due to merchants and commercial activity and
military expansion, and Islam subsequently were some of the most dominant players
expanded through the in the afro-eurasian trade network. Economic
activities of merchants, missionaries, and innovations such as new forms of banking
Sufis. and the granting of credit and the writing up of
business contracts.
KC - 3.2.II.A.i
Muslim states and empires encouraged - ​Technological​: Made improvements on
significant intellectual Rockets (figured out how to launch rockets at
innovations and transfers. ships with much greater accuracy). Muslims
- House of Wisdom in Abbasid Baghdad also advanced the Chinese technology of
- Scholarly and cultural transfers in Muslim papermaking.
and Christian Spain
- ​Cultural​: Muslims translated the great
works of Greek philosophy and natural
science into Arabic. They translated medical
texts, scientific texts and philosophical texts.
They preserved and innovated these ideas. In
830 the Abbasid caliph al Mamoon
established the House of Wisdom in Baghdad
which became an academic center for
learning and research and translation for the
next few centuries.

1.3 Developments in South and Southeast Asia from 1200 to 1450
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.iv Describe State Building In South Asia - India

Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism, and their
core beliefs and Newly converted Muslims left the Delhi
practices, continued to shape societies in Sultanate to see if they could spread Islam
South and Southeast to Southern India they were surrounded
Asia. by the Hindu faith once again and they
converted back to Hinduism instead of
KC - 3.2.I.B.i extending Muslim rule to southern India
State formation and development they went ahead and set up a new Hindu
demonstrated continuity, kingdom called the Vijayanagara Empire
innovation, and diversity, including the new in 1336.
Hindu and Buddhist
states that emerged in South and Southeast Hindu Religious Beliefs
- Srivijaya Empire - Samsara​: The Hindu conception of the
great repeating circle of life and death, a
person is born, lives, dies and then is
reincarnated start all over again.

- ​Atman​: The soul, the Divine Principle that is

resident within each person.

- ​Moksha​: The ultimate goal, the ​escape

from that cycle of death/rebirth

- ​Brahman​: The divine being that undergirds

all of reality

- ​Karma​: the sum total of a person's life

and actions. Good = close to Moksha.

Bhakti Movement​: The bhakti’s were Hindu

believers that emphasize the emotional
side of devotion moreover they emphasize
devotion to one God within the pantheon
of Hindu gods. Similar to Sufi’s

Caste System​: was a hierarchical structure

of society that divided people into five groups

Intellectual Influence​: Indians shared

significant intellectual capital with
people from the Middle East. Arabs built on
advances in astronomy begun by Indians and
the Arabs translated Indian work on algebra
and geometry and spread them all throughout
DAR al-islam

Describe State Building in Southeast Asia

Religiously these lands were filled with
Hindus and Buddhists and they had the
merchants to thank for bringing such
faiths to bear upon the population of this
region was perfectly situated to rule over
sea based trade routes.

- ​Majapahit Empire - ​ Located on the

island of Java and largely sustained its
power and wealth by controlling sea
routes they were Buddhists.

- ​Khmer Empire-​ Land based, this Empire

flourished because of their complex irrigation
and drainage systems going to and from the
Mekong River this kind of technology led to
huge agricultural progress and therefore
significant prosperity and these folks
were Hindus but they later converted to
Buddhism. There were also some Muslims
because they were greatly involved in trade.

1.4 State Building in the Americas
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.D.i State Building in Americas

In the Americas, as in Afro-Eurasia, state North America
systems demonstrated - Mississippian Culture (Cahokia)​- Mounds
continuity, innovation, and diversity, and The Cahokia had a rigid class system
expanded in scope and somewhat like the Hindu caste system.They
reach. had a ruler called the great son and under the
- Mexica great Sun were the priests and the nobles
- Inca and under the priests and the nobles were
the farmers, hunters, merchants, and artisans
Settlement was abandoned in 1450 even
though society flourished

Southwest America
- Chaco and Mesa Verde Civilizations
Arid/treeles = no wood, so they built homes
and towns in the side of cliffs out of bricks
and other materials. By 1300 the climate got
drier and both groups went extinct

Central America
- Aztecs (Mexica)​ City capital Tenochtitlan-
Mexico city, had many ziggurats and bustling
market places. Cities and villages were built
in the water and on dry land. Towers built of
masonry. Conquered much of Mesoamerica.

• ​Tribute System​- Administered by a local

a government, a tribute was a payment that
conquered peoples had to pay to the Empire
for their privilege of remaining conquered and
the tributes collected could money or land or
military service or goods and service.

1.5 State Building in Africa ​

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.D.ii State Building In Africa

In Africa, as in Eurasia and the Americas, By 1000 most of the sub-saharan
state systems Africans adopted agriculture but they
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and did not form centralized governments.
diversity and Rather they organize themselves into kin
expanded in scope and reach. based network.
- Great Zimbabwe In general where governments existed
- Ethiopia they were not centralized ruling over large
- Hausa kingdoms portions of land instead they were almost
always small communities organized by
kinship ties and culturally the men were
usually found doing the jobs that required
skilled labor like blacksmithing and the
women oversaw the farming and the
domestic duties at home. Griot is an oral
literature guy.

Kin Based Networks ​- Led by a chief and

then the groups of villages that were
geographically clustered were connected
into loose Federation's and the Chiefs
from those regional Federation's formed
councils to solve the region's problems

Hausa Kingdom- ​1000 the house

of ethnic group formed seven states
which were connected by kinship ties
even so the states had no central
authority but each state specialized. trade
routes brought Muslims into West Africa and
by 1300 the Hausa Kingdom was largely

1.6 Developments in Europe from 1200 to 1450
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.v What happened when Rome fell?

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the core The Empire itself continued for another
beliefs and practices thousand years under the auspices in the
of these religions continued to shape east (The Byzantine Empire)
societies in Europe.
Describe Europe between 476 and 1,000:
KC - 3.2.I.B.ii Europe was fractured and divided
Europe was politically fragmented and culturally and politically into little tribal
characterized by kingdoms that were constantly at war with
decentralized monarchies, feudalism, and the one another for dominance (Feudalism)
manorial system.
- Feudalism​: a system of mutual obligations
KC - 3.3.III.C that exists between the classes. King gave
Europe was largely an agricultural society lords land in exchange for their service/tribute
dependent on free Lords contracted knights to protect their land,
and coerced labor, including serfdom. and sometimes go to war. Peasants worked
the land of the Lords in exchange for
providing the Lord with the produce of the
land. Serf/peasants were not free. Tied to

Dark Ages​ - Describe: During this time in

Europe trade declined, people's standard of
living declined, and intellectual life declined

High Middle Ages​ - Describe: The

rise of more powerful monarchs so Kings
were able to consolidate more land and
more power during this time and that
means that power shifted away from the
feudal lords to the Kings. The kings
established huge bureaucracies that were
able to carry out their will and they
conscripted many standing armies who had
to answer to them = power.
However, by the 13th century power began to
shift back towards the noble classes yet
again due to the signing of the Magna Carta
in 1215 and the formation of the English
Parliament in 1265

Magna Carta:​ a document largely pushed

through by the noble class that officially
guaranteed rights to the nobles, like the right
to a jury trial and the right to all free citizens
to own and inherit property.

1.6 Developments in Europe from 1200 to 1450 - Part 2

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.1.III.D.v Roman Catholic Church and its Importance

Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and the core During This Time
beliefs and practices
of these religions continued to shape During this time that he Catholic Church
societies in Europe. established the first universities in Europe
and therefore most of the philosophers
KC - 3.2.I.B.ii and the thinkers and the educators were
Europe was politically fragmented and religious men in those days and artists
characterized by too were beholden to the church. Much of
decentralized monarchies, feudalism, and the the art they produced during this time was
manorial system. heavy with Christian themes and they did
this to provide visual education to the
KC - 3.3.III.C illiterate peasant.
Europe was largely an agricultural society
dependent on free Crusades​: Starting in the 12th century the
and coerced labor, including serfdom. Pope and the bishops urge Christians to take
up their swords and reclaim Jerusalem
from the infidel Muslims and if they did
they would get indulgences.

Economic and Social Change

Marco Polo went on an expedition to China
and shared his findings with the rest of
Europe. This opened Europeans' imagination
to the exotic culture and wealth of the Far
East and this led to innovations in
mapmaking and cartography so it would be
easier to get to China.

New economic class started to rise

during this time the middle class/Bourgeoisie.
(shopkeepers and merchants and small

Little Ice Age​ - During this time for a few

years temperatures gradually fell, leading to a
sharp decrease in agricultural productivity,
which led to a declining population and which
led to less trade and which led to poor
economic conditions.

Renaissance- ​The rebirth of ancient Greek

and Roman art, culture, and literature.

1.7 Comparison in the Period from 1200 to 1450
Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.B.i State Building

State formation and development
demonstrated continuity, - Compare Song Dynasty in China and the
innovation, and diversity, including the new Abbasid Caliphate
Hindu and Buddhist The Song dynasty was going through a
states that emerged in South and Southeast golden age(increase in technological
Asia. innovation and increase in population).
- Srivijaya Empire Cultural progress such as Confucianism
and the revival and expansion of the
KC - 3.2.I utilization of the Civil Service exam to
As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new government work became more of a
Islamic political meritocracy. China was flourishing but
entities emerged, most of which were Abbasid Caliphate was fractured by
dominated by Turkic invaders and falling apart. Slave stated
peoples. These states demonstrated and taken over by Muslims. The Song
continuity, innovation, and Dynasty is flourishing during this period
diversity. socially, politically, and economically
- Seljuk Empire while the Abbasid Caliphate on the other
- Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt side of Asia is dying politically socially
- Delhi Sultanates and economically

KC - 3.2.I.A - Compare Vijayanagara Empire and the

Empires and states in Afro-Eurasia and the Chola Kingdom​ Both of these kingdoms
Americas built their states and expanded their
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and influence by means of trade
diversity in the 13th
century. This included the Song Dynasty of
China, which utilized
traditional methods of Confucianism and an - Compre Mali Empire and Ghana
imperial Mali compared to Ghana which preceded
bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule. built their state by centralizing power to a
much greater extent than Ghana the result
of this is that they had a tremendous
amount of wealth as exemplified by their
ruler Mansa Musa.

- Compare Aztec Empire and Incan Empire

Aztecs built a huge empire by ruling
remotely and they built that state by
means of what's called a tribute system
enforced through the military. The Incans
use what's called the Mita system that just
means that they compelled their citizens
into mandatory public service.

- Compare Europeans
Utilized feudalism, a rigid class structure.
During this time, feudal lords lost lots of
their power to the rise of more powerful
centralized monarch.

1.7 Comparison in the Period from 1200 to 1450 - Part 2

Key Concept Questions From the Video

KC - 3.2.I.B.i Religion and its Role in State Building

State formation and development - ​Islam​ was able to create a system of shared
demonstrated continuity, beliefs and language which was able to unite
innovation, and diversity, including the new the regions throughout afro-eurasia.
Hindu and Buddhist
states that emerged in South and Southeast - Confucianism- ​was a huge factor in the
Asia. flourishing of Song China. The dynastic rulers
- Srivijaya Empire used the principles of Confucianism to justify
its rule over the people and all the
KC - 3.2.I bureaucratic workers for confusion because
As the Abbasid Caliphate fragmented, new they had to pass a civil service examination
Islamic political which was thoroughly Confucian.
entities emerged, most of which were
dominated by Turkic - Hinduism/Buddhism-​ in South Asia and
peoples. These states demonstrated Southeast Asia rulers relied on the principles
continuity, innovation, and of Hinduism and Buddhism to consolidate
diversity. power especially Hinduism's teaching of the
- Seljuk Empire caste system.
- Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt
- Delhi Sultanates
KC - 3.2.I.A - Roman Catholic ​- during this time
Empires and states in Afro-Eurasia and the individual European states were relatively
Americas weak but the Catholic Church provided a way
demonstrated continuity, innovation, and of organizing society apart from the state
diversity in the 13th however during this period some powerful
century. This included the Song Dynasty of political States emerged in France and the
China, which utilized Holy Roman Empire and this introduced a
traditional methods of Confucianism and an struggle for power between the church and
imperial states.
bureaucracy to maintain and justify its rule.

Why did conversions occur?

Many people converted in order to avoid
paying the Jie Jie which is the tax you
paid for not being a Muslim or they
converted to get themselves greater
opportunities in the government or
business also many conversions happen
because of trade, Merchants traded not
only physical goods, but ideas.

Technological Exchanges

- Champa Rice
Champa rice was introduced from Vietnam to
China this helped feed the growing Chinese
population which was growing at a rapid rate
due to the Song Dynasty golden age.

- Manufacturing of Paper
The manufacturing of paper was transferred
from China to the west and the effect of
this transfer was a huge spike in literacy rates
in Europe and also in Southwest Asia and
North Africa because literacy rates increased
so did learning especially in fields like
medicine and mathematics

- House of Wisdom
Established in Baghdad during the Abbasid
dynasty The House of Wisdom is a place of
study in translation of the great European and
Asian works of the past into Arabic.
Importance of Nomadic People
Because the Nomadss empires was so vast
they provided a healthy measure of
political stability and safety. the
result of that stability was increased
trade especially among the Silk Roads
and increased cross-cultural interactions
prior to this period nomadic peoples had a
huge role in the transfer of Technology and
culture among different states but during this
period from 1200 to 1450 the influence of
nomadic peoples began to wane as more
organized groups of merchants and traders
arose the role of nomadic peoples began to
diminish when it comes to the transfer of

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