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Resume Format

 Set one-inch margins on all four sides.

 Select a professional, easy-to-read font
 Pick a 11 or 12pt resume font and stick to it.
 Create a proper resume header format for your contact details.
 Divide your resume into legible resume sections.
 Set headers for each section.
 Don’t use first-person pronouns.
 Use bullet points to talk about past work experiences.
 Be consistent with your resume formatting (stick to the same date format: for example, 08–2023,
or August 2023.)
 Use single or 1.15 line spacing.
 Add an extra space before and after each section heading.

Resume Contents

1. Contact Information - This is where you write down your personal and contact
information (no surprise there) like first and last name, phone number, e-mail address, or
links to other profiles.
2. Career Objective - In 3-4 sentences, you should be able to describe your career goals and
aspirations as well as list your skills.
3. Education - As you probably guessed, this is where you list your education history and
relevant certifications.
4. Experience and Activities - These include participation in high school clubs, competitive
events, and volunteer work.
5. Awards and Achievements - Employers are looking for candidates who have a history of
making an impact. Sharing your awards and achievements—academic or otherwise—
proves you can make positive contributions and will help you stand out above other
6. Work Experience (optional) - If you don’t have any work experience, you can mention
apprenticeships or volunteer work instead.
7. Skills and Abilities (hard and soft skills)- Hard skills are abilities that are specific to the
job, while soft skills are attributes that can be applied in any position. In most cases, hard
skills are learned and based on experience while soft skills are rooted in your personality
and are often not easily taught.
8. Hobbies & Interests (optional) - These offer some insight into your personality and can
show that you’re passionate and interested in the industry.
Resume Sample Template
Fiona Franklin
(+61) 412 345 678

Career Objective

I'm an aspiring graphic designer seeking an internship with an agency where I can gain real-world
experience and use my skills and talents in client projects. I'm excited at the opportunity to join your
renowned agency and learn from industry leaders to further develop my passion for graphic design.


Northfields High School

Graduation Date: May 2019
ATAR: 71.65
Relevant coursework: Intro to Design, English Literature, Media

Experience & Activities

Graphic Design Volunteer

Northfields Newspaper, May 2020 - May 2021

 Logo design for the school newspaper

 Designed the graphics used in the newspaper and related events.

 Worked within a team to produce ideas for content.

Ocean Coffee, 2022–2023

 Developed specific skills within a fast-paced environment

 Strategically plan ahead according to high traffic times of day

 Handle register during high pressure

 Built rapport with customers using strong customer service

Awards & Achievements

 Intro to Business Certification

 Member of the International Club 2020, 2021, 2022

 Academic Achievement Award 2021

Skills & Abilities

 Photo editing software

 Graphic design software

 Active listening

 Accepting constructive criticism

 Problem-solving

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