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or by metallic sodium (E. Bamberger, Ber., 1887, 20, p.

Norwegian chieftains Anlaf Sihtricsson and Anlaf Godfredsson,

Amazons are always represented with both breasts, although

control of it for a specified term. The person who hires a

fulfil his engagement. He framed a code which introduced

1902 3707 3660 655 6572 16,971

at the S.E. corner are numerous geysers. Along the eastern

product, which finds a ready sale in England. It may here

revived before it became attached to the family of its present

for anyone to attack him, and if he succeeded in killing him

stalactite structures, which, from their curious and fantastic

There are two varieties of sheep, both having the fat

that Adams had already calculated the planet's elements and

did much for the restoration of discipline in the monasteries


be traced in the soil wherever artificial manures have been

a hitherto obscure race. The Arabs became the custodians of

After he was defeated by the Christians at Alhandega

each number, news in addition to the essay; and there was a

sprang up everywhere independently, as if more than one ancient

In its main lines the Spanish conquest was complete by

which are current now concerning the benefits conferred upon

letter of the English alphabet. The writer is indebted to

(1873). E. Dummler has also published an authoritative

(Baptist, founded in 1827 at Rock Spring, removed to Upper

twins Romulus and Remus after they had been thrown into the

supply, however, the root-crops, gross feeders as they are,

ADOPTIANISM. As the theological doctrine of the Logos which

(1900) 4500; ( 1905, state census) 5657, 1206 being foreign-born

chalked or painted white, on which decrees, edicts and other

tribes. The old Kitwara empire, which comprised the plateau

wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the

concentrating apparatus was the ``boat-pan'' (fig. 8). This is an

directly on the agricultural industry of the United States

cap. 47) first put a stop to unauthorized posting, and the

excluded as they mostly were from politics, and living in

gases and that of the vat-liquor which trickles down in the

Arabia completely subdued, he directed his generals to foreign

schemes were wrecked by want of means. Accident solved the

province of Cadiz, 6 m. W. of Gibraltar, on the opposite side of

in sori on the surface of the female plant. The antheridia

side. The entrance was by a strong gateway (U) to the

Nkomi Katanga Wa-Kerewe

available) are subject to great fluctuations, and probably

Latina. These routes are all followed by modern railways---the

suit modern requirements. In 1905 this company began works

and perhaps partly of igneous origin. A belt of slate which

suffering. The volume was enthusiastically reviewed in the

following equations express the experimental results.

to anapaestic verse; but he is quite right in his general

bursting charge of pebble and fine grain powder gradually poured

of Medicine in Seven Books), the 6th book of which, treating

undisputed master of Syria, he abandoned himself to a life of

in England before Milton's elegies. Roxana is founded

newspapers serves to calf forth a grotesque variety of circulars

with its accessories, though the rudiments of most of the

declaring at the same time their distrust of Gloucester. A

their insets were wasted. The added weight and bulk of the

which flourished from the ist to the 7th century A.D.

connected with the terms Amurru and Amar, used by Assyria

Chaman. It is on the whole a route across open plains and

Buxton, of the naturalization of parrots at Northrops Hall,

Hill and Champion Hill. Alleyn acquired this large property for

1527, and Histoire du roi Florimond (1528). Quintus

he had retired from the service, and became sub-editor of

pony. Such ascents have since been repeated; in 1852 Madame

Confederates fell back to the southward, escaping Grant once

novel of the third part of Bandello and partly on Prevost's

flourished about A.D. 350. The original, which consisted

of the arc. The infusibility of alumina was no longer

Mithradates' fall. It was the birthplace of Strabo. (D. G. H.)

(1903). Lord Acton's Lectures on Modern History, edited

of the Maritza; Enos, at the river-mouth, is the nearest by

It is an area which has been left almost in the undisturbed

hence, perhaps, we may explain the war with Samos, a leading

&c. (hectographed in 50 copies; in all chief libraries).

support to the side of France. Arnaud Amanieu, lord of

son-in-law, J. G. Lockhart, J. R. Hope Scott, Q.C., and his

the town, supplies light and fuel for the people, and a

that an adequate theory of aesthetic experience could only

engaged on the 15th of October, and on the 10th of February 1840

and Aetolians. He died about 260 (Polybius ii. 45, ix. 34;
It is to his dramas that Alfieri is chiefly indebted for the

out heat in the steam-engine is water (converted during a

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