Improving The Students Reading Comprehension Thro PDF

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Prihatin Pujiastuti
Universitas Pamulang, Banten

This research investigated the use of Question and Answer
Relationship Reading Strategy in increasing the students’ reading
comprehension achievement. The research aimed to find out to what
extent the improvement of the students’ reading comprehension
achievement after being treated using Question and Answer
Relationship (QAR) reading strategy. This research was conducted at
the grade XII students of SMK Sasmita Jaya 2, Tangerang Selatan.
This reaseach administrated cluster random sampling in taking the
sample then decided two classes as the samples, one class was treated
using QAR reading strategy and the other class was not. The method
of the research was quantitative research under quasy experimental
research. The result of the research shows that there was significant
improvement of their reading comprehension after being treated using
QAR reading strategy and there was also significant difference
between the the students who were treated using QAR reading
strategy and the students who were not.
Keyword : reading strategy, Question and answer relationship,

Introduction information, make prediction and use

Reading is very important for appropriate strategy to get the
students’ activity. By reading, the comprehension.
students would be able to acquire In English lesson, reading is one
knowledge that is fundamental to of the language skills that must be
their intellectual growth. They taught besides the other skills namely
become experts in their fields listening, speaking and writing. The
through reading a lot. target of reading lesson is
Goodman (1988) argued that comprehension. Comprehension
reading was an active and creative cannot be obtained all of sudden.
process in interpreting a message However, it needs a process and
based of his/her previous strategy as well as hard effort.
knowledge, predicts and anticipates Furthermore Harvey and
subsequent rhetorical strategy and Goudvis (2007) stated that the
information. In this case, in doing meaning of comprehension was
reading, the readers need to when the readers thought not only
activate their background about what they were reading but
knowledge, arrage the new about what they were learning. The

reader built their store of knowledge written language, the text and the
when they constructed meaning, and situation in which the text is read.
along with knowledge must come Regarding with the
understanding. comprehension, Craik and Lockhart
Meanwhile Snow (2002) defined (2009) proposed the theory that
reading comprehension as the reading comprehension involves
process of simultaneously extracting two levels of processing namely:
and constructing meaning through shallow or low-level processing and
interaction and involvement with deep or high-level processing.
written language. Both extracting Shallow or low level processing
and constructing emphasize the the involves sounds, structural and
students to comprehend the text as a phonemic recognition, word and
determinant of reading sentence structure, while deep
comprehension. He added that there processing includes semantic
were three elements entailed processing which covers the meaning
comprehension, namely; The reader, of a word and relates to similar
the text, and the activity. The reader words.
is student who is doing the To achieve comprehension there
comprehension; the text is the are some strategies which can be
material that should be applied by a teacher in the class.
comprehended; and the activity is And there are also some efforts that
the process done to achieve should be done by students in order
comprehension. to achieve comprehension. It means
In addition, Tomskin (2011) that there should be a good
argued that comprehension was cooperation between the students
the level of understanding of a text or and the teacher to achieve
message. This understanding was comprehension in reading. The
achieved by the interaction between teacher applies some good
the words written and the knowledge strategies and the students should
triggered outside the text or message. follow the rules of the strategies
Furthermore, Pardo (2004) added kindly in order to reach the
that reading comprehension was a comprehension in reading.
process in which readers constructed There are many reading
meaning by interacting with text strategies that can be applied by the
through the combination of prior students to improve their
knowledge and previous experience, comprehension for example Question
information in the text, and the and Answer Reading Strategy
stance the reader took in relationship (QAR). QAR stands for Question
to the text. Similar with Pardo, and Answer Relationship. This
Bunner (2002) said that reading strategy is developed by T. E.
comprehension was the ability to Raphael (1986). She proposed three
interact with words and ideas on the comprehension strategies namely:
page in order to understand what the locating information that showing
writer said. The reader needs to make text structures, organizing the
the meaninful interpretation of the information and determining the
inference between the lines required.

QAR shows the relationship between answers are right there in the same
questions and answers. It helps the sentences of the text, while in Think
students how to categorize different and Search, to answer the questions,
types and levels of questions which the students need to relate and
inculedes Right There, Think and search across the text for relevant
Search; the Author and You and On information. Meanwhile questions
My Own questions. based on knowledge are classified
Bouchard (2005) stated that as Author and You and On My Own.
QAR strategy teaches students that The answers of the questions in
there are two broad sources of Author and You and On My Own,
information for answering question: can be provided from the readers’
the text and their background own background knowledge since
knowledge. Thus QAR encourages the information to answer the
the students to be aware to both questions are not available in the
information either from the text or text. Therefore the ability to activate
from their own background their background knowledge will
knowledge. highly influence the students in
Additionally there were answering the question of this part.
some researchers who conducted the Based on the introduction
researches to investigate the above the research questions are
effectiveness of QAR reading formulated as follows:
strategy in improving students 1. Is there any significant
reading comprehension. Kinninburg improvement in the student’s
and Prew (2010) in their research reading comprehension
indicated that if QAR strategy achievement after being applied
implemented effectivelly could using QAR reading strategy ?
increase comprehension of young 2. Is there any significant difference
students and provide a strong on reading comprehension
fondation for reading achievement between the students
comprehension. Meanwhile who are thought using QAR
Cummines at al (2012) investigated Reading strategy and the students
that the students became more who are not?
dilligent in their effort to find the
correct answers in academic METHOD
comprehension tasks including test. The quantitative research
More over Peng et al. (2013) in their approach under the quasi
research found that the students experimental research using pre test
became more confident in and post test was conducted in this
answering comprehension questions study. There were two variables
after applying the strategy. applied on this study namely
Raphael (2004) explained independent variable and dependent
that QAR’s question based on text variable. It was reading
and knowledge. Question based on comprehension achievement as the
text are classified into Right There dependent variable and reading
and Think and Search. The words strategy as independent variable.
used to make up the questions and QAR strategy was administered to

experimental group while the control test was administered after the
group were not treated using a treatment. In order to find out the
certain strategy, or in other words significance between the pretest and
they were thought using posttest, the writer analyzed the data
conventional strategy. by using SPSS 20.
The study was designed
into three step procedures, namely: FINDING AND DISCUSSION
pre-test, treatment, and post-test. A Finding
pre-test was given to either the This study was conducted for
experimental or control group to the third grade students of SMK
know the students’ level of Sasmita Jaya 2, Tangerang Selatan.
comprehension before treatment. There were seven meetings done for
Then the experimental group was this study (including pre-test and
treated using QAR reading strategy post-test). Pre-test was given to the
while the control group was not. students at the first meeting before
After conducting the the implementation of Question and
treatment to the experimental group, Answer Relationship reading
the researcher administred post test strategy, meanwhile the post test
to both experimental and control was conducted to know the students’
group. Post-test was given to reading comprehension score after
measure the different score of the treatment. Both of the sample class:
both groups before and after experimental and control class were
treatment, and also to measure the administered the pre test and post
difference score of reading test. The data bellow shows the
comprehension between the students different score of pre test – post test
of the experimental and the control of the experimental group and the
group after the treatment. The post – control group .
Table 1. Descriptive Studies

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pre test experiment 25 45 70 58,52 6,312
Post test experiment 25 60 85 72,64 6,720
Pre test control 25 30 73 57,96 10,110
Post test contol 25 35 75 61,04 9,667
Valid N (listwise) 25

The table above shows the strategy. Meanwhile score of the pre
result of the pre test and the post test test of the control class 57.96 and
score of the experimental class and the mean score of post test is 61.04.
the control class. The mean score of The improvement score is about
pre test of experimental class is 3.08. There was no significant
58,52 and the mean score of post test improvement for the class who are
is 72.65. So there is about 14.12 not treated using QAR reading
point of improvement score after strategy. The class was taught using
being treated using QAR reading conventional strategy.

This study also investigated that there is significant improvement
of the students on their reading comprehension based on the following
Table 2. Paired Samples Test there is significant
Paired Differences T Sig.
improvement of
(2- the students’
df taile
Me Std. Std. 95%
an Devi Error Confidence comprehension.
atio Mean Interval of
n the
Lowe Uppe
r r

P Post
a testexperi
i ment - 14, 4,21 15,86 12,38 16,
,843 24 ,000
r Pre test 120 6 0 0 745
1 nt
aPost test
icontrol - 3,0 3,59 4,2
,719 4,563 1,597 24 ,000
rPre test 80 3 86

Based on the table above,

the output pair 1 shows the sig
value is 0.000 which is under α =
0.05. It means that 𝐻0 is rejected
and 𝐻1 is accepted. From the
critical value approach, the data being treated using QAR reading
shows that t-value is 16,746 which strategy
is higher than t table = 1.711. It Moreover the descriptive
emphasizes that assumption that 𝐻0 statistics clearly states about the
is rejected and 𝐻1 is accepted. difference. The data shows that the
From the mean score, the p- value maximum result of the post test of
approach and critical value approach, the experiment class is 85
the interpretation is that there was meanwhile the maximum post test
significant improvement on the score of the control class is 75. The
student’s reading comprehension mean score of experiment class is 72,
achievement after the treatment of 64 which is higher than the mean of
QAR reading strategy applied. The the control class ( 61,04). It shows
data shows that the sig. value 0.000 that there is about 11,04 point
is lower than 0.05 and the F statistic difference of the both classes. Then it
is 2.362 which is lower than Fa ( can be concluded that there is there is
3.403). It emphasizes the result that significant difference on the reading
Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected, so comprehension between the students
the conclusion of the data is that who are taught using QAR reading
strategy and the students who were

not treated using that strategy or in comprehension achievement. Their
other words they were taught using research had shown that QAR
conventional strategy. strategy provided students to
systematically analyze the task
demands of different question
provided, which in turn could
DISCUSSION improve their comprehension on
There are two main points reading. The quantitative data
that had been considered to be the analysis also showed that more than
important results of this research; half of the students taught using
(1) the effect of QAR reading QAR strategy felt more confident in
strategy in improving the students’ answering comprehension questions.
reading comprehension, (2) the Meanwhile in
difference between QAR reading comprehending reading, students
strategy and Conventional strategy also need be guided to answer any
in improving the students’ reading kinds of questions that relate to the
comprehension achievement. content. QAR guides the students to
Referring to the first research answer four types of questions that
question, whether there is or not help them to get better
significant improvement on the comprehension. In applying this
students’ reading comprehension strategy the reseacher found that the
achievement for the grade XII students also became more aware of
students at SMK Sasmita Jaya who the text because they were
were taught using QAR reading encouraged to activate their
strategy, the finding of the research background knowledge to connect
shows that there is significant their shcemata and to the text they
improvement on the reading were reading since the
comprehension achievement after comprehension means not only
being given the treatment of QAR comprehend the text, but also to
strategy. It is proven by the result of activate their experience and
SPSS analysis that the sig value is background knowledge. Besides
0.000 (lower than α = 0.05) and t- activating their schema, by applying
value is 16,745( higher than t table this strategy, the students were also
= 1.711) . It means that 𝐻0 was more familiar to think critically to
rejected and Ha was accepted. The answer the type of question number
interpretation is that there is four namely: the author and me , and
significant improvement on the the students were trained to apply
students’ reading comprehension critical thinking and making
achievement after being treated prediction.
using QAR strategy. This finding also emphasizes
This finding is linear with the the theory proposed by the designer
previous research done by some of the strategy, Taffy Rafael (2011)
researchers such as Peng, Hoon, that QAR encourages the basis for
Khoo, Joseph (2007) who teaching three comprehension
investigated the impact of question- strategies namely: locating
answer-relationships on reading information that showing text

structures, organizing of familiar with the types of questions
information, and determining or that helped them to answer the
inferencing reading between the questions correctly then finally
lines that are required. improved their comprehension
In QAR, the students were toward the text they read.
supposed to activate their
background knowledge by Teaching reading in vocational
answering the type of question school could be different from
number four, that is the Author and others. The appropriate strategy
Me. The students got the should be applied in order to reach
comprehension by answering four comprehension. QAR reading
types of question. strategy is one way of the strategies
that can be applied to teach reading
CONCLUSION to increase the student’s
First, the application of QAR comprehension. The researcher
reading strategy in reading lesson suggests the other researchers to use
can improve the students’ reading this strategy and compare with other
comprehension achievement. The strategies or combine the QAR
improvement has been shown by the reading strategy with other strategies
significant increase of the students’ to improve the students’ reading
score after the treatment. The comprehension achievement..
findings are equal with a number of
the previous studies of the REFERENCES
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