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Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly: Putting

the Synthetic in Synthetic Biology

Randall A. Hughes1 and Andrew D. Ellington2

Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78758
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712
Corresponding authors:

The chemical synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides and their assembly into synthons, genes,
circuits, and even entire genomes by gene synthesis methods has become an enabling
technology for modern molecular biology and enables the design, build, test, learn, and
repeat cycle underpinning innovations in synthetic biology. In this perspective, we briefly
review the techniques and technologies that enable the synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides
and their assembly into larger DNA constructs with a focus on recent advancements that
have sought to reduce synthesis cost and increase sequence fidelity. The development
of lower-cost methods to produce high-quality synthetic DNA will allow for the exploration
of larger biological hypotheses by lowering the cost of use and help to close the DNA
read –write cost gap.

DNA neither cares nor knows. DNA just is. And we decades in both reading (sequencing) and writ-
dance to its music. ing (synthesis) DNA sequences have made
—Richard Dawkins
marked changes in our ability to understand
River Out of Eden: A Darwinian Life
and engineer biological systems. These advance-
t has been said that the 20th century was the ments have led to the development of ground-
I “century of the atom” in which discoveries on
the physical and chemical properties of the ele-
breaking technologies for the design, assembly,
and manipulation of DNA encoded genes, ma-
ments led to breakthroughs such as atomic en- terials, circuits, and metabolic pathways, which
ergy (and weaponry), medical diagnostics, are allowing for an ever greater manipulation of
computers, and the microchip to name just a biological systems and even entire organisms.
few. These advances had a dramatic effect on Thanks to next-generation sequencing
our way of life and helped shape the promise (NGS) technologies capable of generating an
and possibilities of science and technology. In estimated 15 petabases of sequence data per
the early part of the 21st century, we are witness- year worldwide (Schatz and Phillippy 2012),
ing what could very likely become known as the the current megagenomics era has led to the
“century of DNA.” As the score to life’s intricate swelling of biological sequence repositories
symphony, DNA provides the blueprint for bi- with DNA sequences isolated from every organ-
ological function. Advances over the last few ism and environment imaginable. Associated

Editors: Daniel G. Gibson, Clyde A. Hutchison III, Hamilton O. Smith, and J. Craig Venter
Additional Perspectives on Synthetic Biology available at
Copyright # 2017 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a023812
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2017;9:a023812

R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

improvements in bioinformatics techniques Synthetic biology is emerging as an impor-

and software allow researchers to obtain, ana- tant discipline with the potential to impact a
lyze, and manipulate these DNA sequences in number of academic and industrial applications
ways easier than ever. The ever-increasing avail- including the creation of novel therapeutics, ma-
ability of biological sequence information from terials, biosensing, and manufacturing capabil-
all branches of the “tree of life” has deepened ities. Although our current understanding of
our understanding of biological systems and the biological systems is vast, it is still far from com-
interrelated nature of organisms at the genetic plete. Adapting exogenous DNA sequences and
level. NGS technologies have led to a deeper the functional components they encode that
understanding of human diseases, the micro- have naturally evolved within a network of inter-
biome, and the genetic diversity of organisms related sequences remains a principle challenge
in our environment. This sequence boom is also of engineering biology. Currently, the engineer-
allowing for the expansion of scientific disci- ing of biological systems requires a heavy dose
plines such as metabolic engineering and syn- of empirical trial and error to evaluate novel
thetic biology as researchers seek to use novel enzymes, expression systems, and pathways for
sequences in the manipulation of biological sys- the desired function. Typically, this process is
tems for anthropocentric means. In addition, accomplished by first designing a desired syn-
this wealth of information is leading to the de- thetic biological circuit or pathway using com-
velopment of a variety of diagnostics and ther- puter-aided design tools (Fig. 1). Next, the re-
apeutics, which will contribute to the long-term sulting construct DNA is divided into smaller
improvement of human health. overlapping pieces (typically 200– 1500-bp seg-
This biological sequence data bonanza has ments) that are easier to synthesize. These DNA
been aided by a stream of innovations in in- components are then synthesized from a set of
strumentation and techniques for generating overlapping single-stranded oligonucleotides
sequencing data with high fidelity, increased in-house (or by commercial vendors). The re-
throughput, and decreased cost, which has con- sulting overlapping synthons are then assem-
tributed to making NGS a go-to technology bled into larger pieces of DNA and cloned into
for many applications in biology. The ability to an expression vector and the sequence of the
generate large DNA sequence data sets has al- resulting construct is then verified. The se-
lowed researchers to create and test large scoped quence-verified constructs are then transformed
biological hypotheses using NGS technologies into a cell and assayed for function. Depending
that were not possible before their development. on the results, changes to the construct design
Beyond analyzing biological systems at the DNA can be made and further iterations of the test
sequence level, the need to construct DNA from cycle repeated. This design, build, test, learn,
designed sequences has driven the parallel de- and repeat process has become the backbone
velopment of methods and instrumentation to of synthetic biology (Fig. 1), which in turn has
produce synthetic DNA at scale to enable the put a premium on automated processes and
testing of engineered biological components. methods that can shorten the development cycle
DNA reading by NGS when combined with and increase throughput.
modern DNA synthesis technologies form the One of the attributes that makes biological
two foundational technologies driving synthet- systems attractive from an engineering perspec-
ic biology efforts and will eventually instill the tive is the fact that biological functions are en-
predictability and reliability to engineered bio- coded to a large part in DNA. Therefore, a gross
logical systems that chemical engineering has simplification of biological engineering can be
brought to chemical systems. This being said, reduced to the design, production, and testing
our ability to sequence DNA is currently better of DNA sequences. As researchers seek to engi-
than our ability to synthesize DNA de novo, neer biological systems with novel DNA se-
although new technologies are helping to close quences, the need for custom synthetic DNA
the gap. sequences has grown. This is particularly true

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Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly



Sequence manipulation




Oligos Synthons Devices

Assemble and


Functional assay


Figure 1. The synthetic biology test cycle. (From top, clockwise) Synthetic DNA constructs are designed and
manipulated using computer-aided design software. The designed DNA is then divided into synthesizable pieces
(synthons) up to 1 –1.5 kbp. The synthons are then broken up into overlapping single-stranded oligonucleotide
sequences and chemically synthesized. The oligonucleotides are then assembled together into the designed
synthons using gene synthesis techniques. If necessary, multiple synthons can be assembled together into larger
DNA assemblies or devices. The assembled DNAs are then typically cloned into an expression vector and
sequence-verified. Once verified, the synthetic constructs are transformed into a cell and the function of the
synthetic construct is assayed. Depending on the results the constructs can then be modified or refined and the
test cycle is repeated until a DNA construct is obtained that produces the desired function.

when the sequences to be engineered are derived are made. The cost of oligonucleotide synthesis
from metagenomic sequences in which no or- has not decreased appreciably in more than a
ganism may be available from which to isolate decade, generally ranging from $0.05 to $0.17
the DNA via other methods. The synthesis of per base depending on the synthesis scale, the
synthetic DNA is often referred to generically length of the oligonucleotide, and the supplier
as “gene synthesis,” which specifically is the (Kosuri and Church 2014). Traditionally, this
synthesis of gene-length pieces of DNA (250 – cost floor has been carried through to the pro-
2000 bp) directly from single-stranded synthet- duction of gene synthesis products. These syn-
ic DNA oligonucleotides. Unfortunately, where- thetic genes currently range in cost from $0.10
as the cost of sequencing has decreased precip- to $0.30 per bp ($100–$300 for a 1-kb gene) from
itously over time, the cost of gene synthesis and traditional commercial suppliers, although com-
oligonucleotide synthesis in general has not panies exploiting newer lower-cost synthesis
kept pace, although technological innovation methods are starting to bring the cost down.
and market forces are progressively lowering Lowering the cost of gene synthesis would
the cost of synthetic DNA. The cost of gene syn- enable the generation of larger data sets by mak-
thesis is typically directly tied to the cost of ol- ing the cost of gene construction less expensive,
igonucleotide synthesis from which the genes meaning that more constructs could be gener-

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R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

ated for the same cost investment. This would synthesis that is used to this day for the commer-
allow researchers the ability to sample a greater cial synthesis of oligonucleotides. Synthetic oli-
amount of the design landscape. With a great- gonucleotides for gene synthesis applications
er understanding of what does and does not are generally synthesized using variations of
work in a given construct design, a set of general the phosphoramidite chemistry methods either
design rules could be created that would im- on traditional column-based synthesizers or
prove the success of the design process and even- microarray-based synthesizers that will be dis-
tually shorten the design – build – test – learn cussed in the following sections.
process. Because the major cost of gene synthe-
sis is the reagents that are needed for oligo-
nucleotide synthesis, approaches that reduce
reagent consumption, improve the robustness
and accuracy of the gene assembly process, The commonly used phosphoramidite synthe-
and enable increased throughput have become sis chemistry consists of a four-step chain elon-
valuable tools for advancing the usage of syn- gation cycle that adds one base per cycle onto
thetic DNA by allowing for lower cost of use. In a growing oligonucleotide chain attached to a
this perspective, a brief overview of the methods solid support matrix (Fig. 2). In the first step,
and technologies that have contributed to the a dimethoxytrityl (DMT)-protected nucleo-
production of synthetic DNAvia gene synthesis side phosphoramidite that is attached to a solid
methods will be highlighted as well as some of support (usually contained within a synthe-
the challenges that have had to be overcome to sis column) is deprotected by the addition of
reduce the cost, increase the throughput, and trichloroacetic acid. This activates the sup-
ensure the fidelity of synthetic DNA. port-attached phosphoramidite for chain elon-
gation with the next phosphoramidite mono-
mer. In the second step, the next base in the
sequence is added in the form of a DMT-pro-
Modern de novo gene synthesis techniques can tected phosphoramidite and is coupled to the
trace their beginnings to the mid-1960s and Go- 50 -hydroxyl group of the previous nucleoside
bind Khorana and colleagues’ efforts to decipher phosphoramidite in the sequence forming a
the genetic code and to reconstitute biological phosphite triester. Third, any unreacted 50 -hy-
function synthetically (Scheuerbrandt et al. droxyl groups are capped by acylation to render
1963; Khorana et al. 1968). These early efforts any unextended sequences inert in subsequent
focused on chemically synthesizing and ligating rounds of the chain elongation cycle and thus
together 17 oligonucleotides, which encoded the reducing deletion errors in the finished oligo-
gene for a 77-nucleotide alanine tRNA using nucleotide sequences. In the fourth step, the
synthetic chemistries still in their infancy in an phosphite triester linkage between the mono-
effort that took more than 5 years to complete mers is converted to a phosphate linkage via
(Agarwal et al. 1970; Khorana et al. 1972). With- oxidation with an iodine solution to produce
in 7 years of this work, the first reported synthet- a cyanoethyl-protected phosphate backbone.
ic gene encoding the 14-amino-acid hormone, The synthesis cycle then repeats for the next
somatostatin, was expressed in recombinant base in the sequence via the removal of the 50 -
Escherichia coli (Itakura et al. 1977). Subsequent terminal DMT protecting group. After the de-
improvements to oligonucleotide synthesis sired sequence has been synthesized from the
chemistries and techniques in the early 1980s 30 to 50 , the oligonucleotide is chemically cleaved
(reviewed in Caruthers 2011; Roy and Caruthers from the solid synthesis support and the pro-
2013) led to the development of solid-phase tecting groups on the bases and the backbone
phosphoramidite chemistries whose robustness are removed. This process is highly amenable to
and fidelity allowed for automated methods to automation and forms the basis for oligonucle-
be developed to enable scalable oligonucleotide otide synthesizers, which can synthesize 96 –

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Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly

Cycle start

Step 1
Next cycle DMTO O Basen–1

(or release)

DMTO O Basen

HO O Basen–1
O O Basen–1
Step 2

DMTO O Basen

O O DMTO Basen

Oxidation and O O Basen–1

capping O O
Steps 3 and 4

Figure 2. Phosphoramidite-based synthesis of oligonucleotides. This synthesis process is the most commonly
used for the synthesis of DNA oligonucleotides for gene synthesis.

1536 distinct oligonucleotides simultaneous- and Heiner 1985; Septak 1996; LeProust et al.
ly (Fig. 3A) (Rayner et al. 1998; Cheng et al. 2010). These spurious abasic sites can reduce
2002). These synthesizers typically synthesize the yields of full-length oligonucleotides by
oligonucleotides at scales ranging from 10 to promoting the cleavage of the oligonucleotide
1000 nmol with a cost ranging between $0.05 phosphate backbone during the removal of the
and $0.17 per base. These oligonucleotides can remaining nucleobase and backbone protecting
generally be synthesized up to 100 nt with groups following the final synthesis cycle. An
error rates at or below 0.5%. Column-based additional reduction of synthesis quality is
coupling yields are generally quite efficient caused by the introduction of synthesis-related
(typically .99% per coupling); however, the errors into the synthesized sequences, primarily
yield of full-length oligonucleotides typically in the form of single-base deletions. The main
decrease with increasing oligonucleotide length. source of this type of error is the incomplete
Yields of full-length oligonucleotides can be removal of the DMT protecting group or the
affected by spurious depurination of the syn- combined inefficiencies of the coupling and
thesized oligomer, especially at adenosines dur- capping steps during the synthesis cycle. Al-
ing the acid deprotection steps of the synthesis though complete removal of synthesis-related
cycle and becomes especially problematic for errors will likely be impossible because of less
longer oligonucleotide sequences (Efcavitch than 100% reaction efficiencies in a step-wise

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A Column-based oligonucleotide synthesis B Microarray-based oligonucleotide synthesis
CPG synthesis columns CombiMatrix (OligoArray) microarray


CMOS electrode (feature)

96-column synthesis plate

Tens of
R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

Oligonucleotides thousands of
are synthesized oligonucleotide
Oligonucleotides Microarray
attached to the sequences are
CPG beads oligonucleotides
CPG surface in synthesized on
(synthesis support)
the synthesis the array surface
column CPG
(one sequence per Microarray
feature) Cleave from array
Cleave from column

+ +

Oligonucleotide pools
Stocks of individual oligonucleotides (one per column) (mixture of oligonucleotide sequences)

Figure 3. Methods for solid-phase synthesis of oligonucleotides. (A) Column-based oligonucleotide synthesis. This is the
traditional method of synthesizing DNA using solid-phase phosphoramidite chemistry. The synthesis of a unique oligo-
nucleotide sequence is done on the surface of controlled-porosity glass beads (CPG) contained with a synthesis column.
During the synthesis process, the reagents flow through the column and across the packed CPG matrix and the oligonu-
cleotide “grows” off from the bead surface. Only one sequence can be synthesized per column, although high-throughput
synthesizers exist that can synthesize on multiple columns at once. A 96-column synthesis plate is shown as an example. (B)
Microarray-based oligonucleotide synthesis. In this method, microarray chips containing tens of thousands of distinct
features synthesize unique oligonucleotide sequences at once with one unique oligonucleotide sequence synthesized per
chip feature. On standard arrays, there are no physical barriers between features, so following cleavage of the synthesized
oligonucleotides from the chip surface the end product is a pool of sequences containing every oligonucleotide synthesized
on the array. Subsequent processing steps are required to “fish” the desired oligonucleotide sequences out of the synthesis

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pool for subsequent gene synthesis. The OligoArray CMOS microarray chip is shown as an example, although a handful of
different array formats exist for oligonucleotide synthesis.
Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly

multiple reaction synthesis, recent improve- trollers or photomasking. In particular, these

ments in the synthesis process and the chemis- two synthesis technologies currently provide
tries used will likely lead to gains in the length the best combination of cost, oligonucleotide
and quality of oligonucleotides synthesized in synthesis length, and accuracy, which has led
the not-too-distant future (LeProust et al. to their use in several recent gene synthesis ap-
2010). For gene synthesis applications, because plications (Cleary et al. 2004; Warner et al. 2010;
every oligonucleotide synthesized is made on Patwardhan et al. 2012). Using microarray-
individual synthesis columns the oligonu- based synthesizers, oligonucleotides are typical-
cleotides necessary to assemble a gene must be ly synthesized at femtomolar synthesis scales,
added together into an assembly pool postsyn- that is, typically two to four orders of magni-
thesis, which inherently reduces the oligonucle- tude lower than that used in column-based
otide synthesis pool complexity because only synthesis. This lower synthesis scale leads to a
the oligonucleotides needed for a given synthe- concomitant decrease in the quantity of re-
sis are included in the assembly mixture. agents needed for the synthesis. The reduction
of reagent use in the synthesis process leads to
dramatically lower costs. In addition to the re-
duced synthesis scale, chip-based oligonucleo-
tide synthesizers offer levels of multiplexing not
An alternative to traditional column-based oli- possible on traditional column-based synthe-
gonucleotide synthesis has emerged from the sizers that allows for a greater number of unique
use of microarray oligonucleotide synthesis oligonucleotide sequences to be synthesized in a
(Fig. 3B). These technologies, which were orig- given synthesis run. With possible feature den-
inally developed for producing oligonucleotide sities in the tens of thousands per chip and the
microarrays for diagnostic applications, have capability for some synthesizers to synthesize
emerged as a promising low-cost alternative to multiple chips simultaneously, the ability of
column-based oligonucleotide synthesis. Early microarray-based synthesis methods far out-
versions of these synthesizers synthesized the strip the capacity of even the largest column-
oligonucleotides attached to a microchip sur- based instruments. The combined reduced-syn-
face using a modification of the phosphorami- thesis scale and massive multiplexing capability
dite synthesis process. Affymetrix was one of the means that oligonucleotide synthesis costs from
early pioneers in this field and developed light- array-based platforms can range from $0.00001
activated chemistries to control the spatially to $0.0001 per nucleotide depending on the
separated synthesis of oligonucleotides on the platform, oligonucleotide length and synthesis
chip surface using standard mask-based photo- scale. When compared with the $0.05 – $0.10
lithography techniques to selectively deprotect cost per base attainable for column-synthesized
special photolabile nucleoside phosphorami- oligonucleotides, the appeal of chip-synthe-
dites (Fodor et al. 1991; Pease et al. 1994). Com- sized oligonucleotides for gene synthesis appli-
panies such as NimbleGen and LC Sciences cations becomes obvious.
further simplified the light-directed synthesis Although array-based platforms offer supe-
procedures by eliminating the photolithogra- rior synthesis capabilities in terms of multiplex-
phy masks by using programmable micromir- ing and cost there are some challenges with
ror devices to precisely control the light-based using these platforms for making oligonucleo-
chemistries (Singh-Gasson et al. 1999; Gao et al. tides for gene synthesis applications. One prob-
2001). Alternatively, ink-jet printing-based lem is that planar array synthesized oligonucle-
technologies developed by Agilent and semi- otides tend to be relatively low quality, which
conductor-based chip technologies by Combi- leads to more synthesis-related errors when
Matrix (CustomArray) allow for the use of compared with column-synthesized oligonu-
standard phosphoramidites and reagents with- cleotides (Kosuri and Church 2014; Wan et al.
out the need for expensive micromirror con- 2014). Despite this, recent improvements in

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R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

chip design and refinements to the synthesis DNA, individual phosphoramidite monomers
process have led to an increase in the quality of are combined together to create individual
array-synthesized oligonucleotides. One such oligonucleotides 60 – 100 nt in length. To
source of reduced synthesis quality is the depu- facilitate the assembly of a synthetic double-
rination of oligonucleotide sequences on chips, stranded DNA (synthon) from single-stranded
which can occur spontaneously because of pro- oligonucleotides, adjacent oligonucleotides are
longed exposure of the nascent oligonucleotides designed to contain overlapping sequences
to the deprotecting reagents during the synthe- between the oligonucleotides encoded on the
sis cycle. Optimizations to the reaction condi- opposing strands of the DNA duplex and are
tions and the flow of reagents to the chip during assembled together during the gene synthesis
the synthesis cycle has been shown to effectively process to make double-stranded synthons
improve the quality of the oligonucleotides syn- from 200 to 2000 bp in length. Sequence-veri-
thesized on chips by reducing depurination and fied synthons can then be assembled together
increasing the overall synthesis yields, which by numerous methods to make larger synthetic
in turn enables the synthesis of oligonucleotides DNA constructs encoding entire metabolic
up to 200 nts in length (LeProust et al. 2010). pathways or genomes.
Another source of reduced synthesis quality Early oligonucleotide assembly methods re-
with chip produced oligonucleotides is because lied on the ligation of adjacent oligonucleotides
of “edge effects,” which is caused by misalign- via the use of a DNA ligase (Agarwal et al. 1970;
ment of the reagent droplets with the selected Sekiya et al. 1976, 1979). Initially, the ligation of
chip feature, or inaccurate selective deprotec- adjacent oligonucleotides was done sequen-
tion of the proper synthesis features caused by tially, but as assembly methods and the quality
improper reagent sequestration or light beam of the synthetic oligonucleotides improved and
drifts in synthesizers using light-activated syn- the use of thermostable ligases were used to im-
thesis chemistries. Edge effects reduce oligo prove the stringency of the assembly reaction
quality by reducing the selective control of the the one-pot assembly of DNA synthons via li-
synthesis reactions in adjacent oligonucleotides, gation became possible (Au et al. 1998; Xiong
which can lead to substitution or deletion errors et al. 2008b). Shortly after the discovery of the
in oligonucleotides synthesized on adjacent fea- polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the 1980s
tures. Work to reduce edge effects during the ligation-free methods for using synthetic single-
synthesis process has shown that refinements stranded oligonucleotides were developed to
to the chip design can improve the fidelity of make completely synthetic pieces of DNA with-
array-synthesized oligonucleotides to rival col- out the need for a naturally derived DNA tem-
umn-synthesized oligonucleotides (Saaem et al. plate (Dillon and Rosen 1990; Jayaraman et al.
2010). Continued improvement in array design 1991; Stemmer et al. 1995). Since this time, doz-
and refinements to synthesis reagents and pro- ens of different methods have been created to
cesses used will lead to routine robust synthesis assemble double-stranded DNA from single-
of high-quality long oligonucleotides from ar- stranded oligonucleotides via PCR-like meth-
rays, which will further their use as the go to ods. A summary of many of these methods
source for low-cost oligonucleotides for gene has been reviewed in the literature (Xiong
synthesis applications. et al. 2008a; Czar et al. 2009; Hughes et al.
2011; Ma et al. 2012) and will not be reviewed
extensively here. All of these methods use sin-
gle-stranded synthetic oligonucleotides with
complementary overlapping sequences between
Because DNA is a polymer made up of four adjacent oligonucleotides to assemble double-
different nucleotide monomers, gene synthesis stranded DNA synthons using a thermostable
and DNA assembly methods are in effect a form DNA polymerase and PCR. The only differences
of hierarchical polymer synthesis. For synthetic between the myriad of PCR-based DNA assem-

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Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly

bly methods is in how the substituent oligonu- synthesis required to synthesize a given se-
cleotides are designed to be assembled together quence. Once designed and synthesized, the
and the reaction conditions under which they substituent oligonucleotides for an assembly
are assembled, the end product of all of these are pooled together in equimolar concentra-
methods is the same, a double-stranded DNA tions and cycled in a one-pot “assembly” reac-
(dsDNA) synthon. Of these assembly methods, tion in which adjacent oligonucleotides are ran-
variations of the polymerase cycle assembly domly extended in a nonexponential manner by
(PCA) method is by far the most commonly a DNA polymerase to produce a mixture of oli-
used to assemble DNA synthons from oligonu- gonucleotide extension products of various
cleotides (Fig. 4) (Stemmer et al. 1995). Using lengths. This mixture is then used as a template
PCA, a dsDNA sequence is divided into oli- to seed a second PCR reaction, in which the
gonucleotide sequences (typically 60 – 80 nt), desired “full-length” product is amplified from
which encode both strands of the DNA duplex the assembly mixture in the presence of an ex-
with overlaps between adjacent oligonucleo- cess of the outermost assembly primers. In ad-
tides that range from 15 to 25 nt in length. Typ- dition to ligation and PCA-based assembly
ically, adjacent oligonucleotides are designed methods, Gibson and colleagues, as part of their
with gaps between the forward and the reverse pioneering work in synthetic genomics, have
overlapping regions of the assembly oligonucle- developed both in vitro (Gibson et al. 2009;
otides to reduce the amount of oligonucleotide Gibson 2011a), and in vivo (Gibson 2009,

DNA duplex sequence to be synthesized

Overlapping oligonucleotides to assemble DNA duplex

Progressive one-pot overlap extension assembly

Amplification of full-length assembled product

Figure 4. Polymerase chain assembly. Overlapping oligonucleotides encoding a DNA duplex are assembled
together via progressive overlap extension assembly in a one-pot reaction. Following assembly the full-length
assembled synthon is amplified out of the assembly mixture by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with the
outermost primers.

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R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

2011b, 2012) one-pot, single-step methods for Last, as mentioned previously, array-synthe-
simultaneously assembling DNA synthons from sized oligonucleotides are in general lower qual-
oligonucleotides and cloning them directly into ity as compared with their column-synthesized
plasmids. In some variation, these three assem- counterparts, which manifests itself as sequence
bly methods are used in most commercial and errors in the synthetic DNA assembled from
academic gene synthesis applications reported them. So, in general, the use of array-synthe-
to date. sized oligonucleotides requires the use of
some sort of error reduction strategy to reduce
the work required to obtain sequence-verified
To overcome these limitations, a couple of
Over the last decade, the desire for cheaper different methods have been developed to
sources of synthetic DNA has fueled an interest increase the effective oligonucleotide pool con-
in array-synthesized DNA as a way to produce centration to ensure reliable assembly and re-
oligonucleotides inexpensively. Beyond early producibility (Tian et al. 2004; Kosuri et al.
demonstrations of gene synthesis from array 2010; Quan et al. 2011). Tian et al. (2004) ad-
produced oligonucleotides (Richmond et al. dressed the concentration issue by including a
2004; Tian et al. 2004; Zhou et al. 2004), recent common priming sequence followed by a nick-
innovations have made substantial improve- ing endonuclease recognition site on the 30 -end
ments to the quality, efficiency, and scalability of every oligonucleotide synthesized on the ar-
of microarray-based oligonucleotide synthesis ray (Fig. 5A). The array-synthesized oligonucle-
and gene assembly. To use microarray-synthe- otides serve as the template strand for a primer
sized DNA for gene synthesis, several hurdles extension reaction using the common priming
have had to be overcome to make this source sequence incorporated into the array-attached
of DNA an attractive alternative to oligonucle- oligonucleotide pool. Following primer exten-
otides synthesized by conventional column- sion, a nicking endonuclease included in the
based approaches. Some of the properties that reaction mixture removes the common primer
make array-synthesized oligonucleotides attrac- sequences to release a single-stranded DNA oli-
tive as a low-cost source of DNA for gene syn- gonucleotide that is complementary to each ol-
thesis present challenges for actually using oli- igonucleotide synthesized on the array. This
gonucleotides synthesized in this way for gene process amplifies the array-synthesized oligonu-
synthesis. The reduced synthesis scale of array- cleotide pool to increase the concentration of
produced oligonucleotides is attractive from a the oligonucleotides to levels suitable for gene
cost perspective because of the concomitant re- synthesis. In this method, because the array-syn-
duction in reagent consumption needed to syn- thesized oligonucleotides remain attached to
thesize a given DNA sequence. However, the the array, spatial control of oligonucleotide as-
amount of DNA produced (fmol) is generally sembly can occur on chip. To exploit this feature
much less than what is needed ( pmol) to reliably and to improve the multiplexing capabilities of
assemble them into larger synthons. Similarly, chip-based oligonucleotide synthesis, Quan
the massive multiplexing capabilities of array- et al. (2011) used a custom ink-jet synthesizer
based oligonucleotide synthesis means that that synthesized oligonucleotides on specialized
tens of thousands of unique oligonucleotide chips. Within these specialized chips, micro-
sequences can be synthesized simultaneously compartmentalized assembly wells can be de-
on the array surface. However, the sequence signed into the synthesis array with the oligonu-
complexity of the oligonucleotide pools pro- cleotides necessary to assemble a unique syn-
duced on the array can lead to problems with thon, synthesized, amplified, and assembled
assembling them into larger constructs due within individual microwells (Fig. 5A). Using
to the interference between oligonucleotides such a method effectively reduces the sequence
that contain even modest sequence homology. complexity of the localized oligonucleotide

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A On-chip DNA amplification and assembly B Off-chip DNA amplification and assembly
Microarray with microwells

Microarray oligos

= DNA primer
= DNA nicking enzyme Cleave from array

= DNA polymerase


PCR-amplify subpools
Pool primers

Amplification/ Oligonucleotide subpools

Oligonucleotide primer removal

Remove primer sequences

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Processed oligo pools

Assemble DNA via PCA
On-chip amplification of oligonucleotides

Assembled DNA

Figure 5. Gene synthesis from microarray-synthesized oligonucleotides. (A) Synthons can be assembled using on-chip
synthesis and assembly by including a single priming site into the 30 -end of every oligonucleotide synthesized on the
microarray. The oligonucleotides can then be amplified within microwells designed into the array by incubating with a
common primer and a DNA polymerase. The primer sequence is removed from the assembly oligonucleotides using a
nicking endonuclease, freeing the oligonucleotides to be assembled together via polymerase chain assembly within the
same well. (B) Synthons can also be synthesized off-chip by first cleaving the oligonucleotide pools from the array. The
cleaved synthesis oligonucleotide pool can be amplified into subpools by PCR using priming sites incorporated into both
ends of the synthesized oligonucleotide. The amplified subpools can then be further subdivided into assembly oligonu-
Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly

cleotide pools by additional unique priming sites included in the oligonucleotide flanking sequences. Following segrega-
tion by amplification the priming sequences are removed from the assembly oligonucleotides by restriction enzyme
digestion. The processed oligonucleotides can then be assembled together by polymerase cycle assembly.
R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

pool, which in turn increases the robustness of oligonucleotides is dealing with sequence errors
assembly for gene synthesis while also allowing introduced into the sequences by synthesis
for synthesis multiplexing that can occur in each by-products and the assembly process itself.
of the many microwells designed into the chip. Following assembly, a synthetic DNA can be
Another method first introduced by Kosuri thought of as a population of sequences con-
et al. (2010) solves the oligonucleotide concen- taining a mixture of correct and incorrect se-
tration and pool complexity problems by in- quences. Traditionally, the synthetic DNAwould
cluding “bar-coded” priming sequences into be cloned into a vector and individual clones
each of the oligonucleotides synthesized on the isolated and sequenced by Sanger sequencing.
array (Fig. 5B). In this method, the oligo- However, the probability of any given sequence
nucleotides required to synthesize a desired syn- containing an error increases with the length of
thon is flanked on both ends by sets of prede- DNA, which in turn means that more clones
fined primer sequences. The outermost priming must be sequenced to obtain a completely cor-
sequences allow for amplification of the array- rect clone. This procedure is time-consuming
synthesized oligonucleotide pool, which has and the setup work required adds significantly
been cleaved from the chip surface following to the cost of the DNA being produced. To re-
synthesis. This step allows for one set of unique duce the number of clones necessary to obtain a
primers to amplify the entire oligonucleotide correct sequence, some postsynthesis method
pool such that a portion of the pool can be must be applied to the assembled DNA to sieve
used for subsequent assembly or archival pur- correct sequences from incorrect ones. As a re-
poses. Inboard of the pool amplification prim- sult, methods have been developed that approx-
ers is a set of flanking primer-binding sequences imate the error-correcting process that cells use
that allow for selective amplification of assembly to maintain sequence fidelity during DNA rep-
subpools from the synthesis pool. Each unique lication. In general, most methods for removing
synthon would be given a unique set of flanking DNA sequence errors from synthetic DNA start
subpool primer sequences such that the oligo- with the formation of a DNA heteroduplex. This
nucleotides necessary to assemble any given is done by heating up the synthetic DNA to
synthon would be selectively amplified from denature and disassociate the strands followed
the synthesis pool for subsequent assembly. Fol- by cooling the sample to reanneal the strands
lowing amplification of the subpool oligonucle- together. For any given position within a DNA
otides, the priming sequences are removed by sequence, most of the duplexes in the synthetic
restriction digestion of the amplified dsDNA mixture will contain the correct base at that po-
oligonucleotides using a unique enzyme recog- sition with errors sprinkled throughout the
nition sequence flanking the assembly oligonu- population. Because sequence errors occur ran-
cleotide sequence. This oligonucleotide design domly within an assembled DNA sequence this
scheme simultaneously solves the oligonucleo- denaturation and reannealing process leads to
tide concentration and pool complexity prob- the formation of heteroduplexed DNA at posi-
lems associated with array-derived oligonucle- tions that contain errors. Positions that contain
otides and does not require specialized chips or mutations within these heteroduplexes can be
array synthesizers. This method is also highly acted on by proteins, which specifically recog-
amenable to automation as each subpool can nize sequence mutations in DNA. One such
be assembled in unique wells in a multiwell plate group of methods relies on the sequence mis-
format using PCA assembly techniques. match recognition capabilities of the MutS pro-
tein to specifically bind to sequence mismatches
in synthetic DNA duplexes. Selective binding of
MutS to error-containing DNA can be used to
sieve error-free sequences from those that con-
One of the chief challenges in the synthesis and tain errors (Carr et al. 2004; Binkowski et al.
assembly of synthetic DNA from unpurified 2005; Wan et al. 2014). These methods usually

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Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly

immobilize MutS to a solid matrix material and sized DNA to pairwise assemble 2271 131 –
then purify column-bound (error-containing) 250 bp synthons from a single oligonucleotide
DNA sequences from unbound material (er- pool and used bar-coded primers to selectively
ror-reduced). Error-containing heteroduplex isolate sequence-verified individuals (Klein et al.
DNA can also be sieved using enzymes that rec- 2016). All of these methods point to ways in
ognize and cut the DNA duplex at the site of the which NextGen technologies can be used to im-
base mismatch (Young and Dong 2004; Fuhr- prove the quality of synthetic DNA. In addition,
mann et al. 2005; Kosuri et al. 2010; Saaem et al. because sequence-based approaches evaluate
2012; Dormitzer et al. 2013). The use of endo- collections of individual molecules of DNA,
nuclease enzymes (or enzyme cocktails), which they are suitable for the sequence verification
recognize and cleave DNA heteroduplexes at the of synthetic DNA, which may contain regions
sites of mismatches, has been shown to be highly of sequence degeneracy such as libraries for di-
effective at reducing synthesis-related errors in rected evolution. Currently, each of these meth-
synthetic genes allowing for time and material ods are limited by the sequence read-length
savings such that in some cases the treated genes capabilities of the NextGen instrument used
can be used directly in functional assays without and by sequencing-related errors. However, as
cloning and sequence verification (Dormitzer NextGen instrumentation and techniques con-
et al. 2013). These methods are a relatively tinue to improve, these limitations will become
straightforward and cost-effective approach for less significant and allow for the accurate verifi-
sieving error-containing sequences from syn- cation of longer pieces of synthetic DNA.
thetic DNA and can reduce the observed error
rate from 1/100 bases to 1/10,000 bases (Dor-
mitzer et al. 2013; Kosuri and Church 2014).
An alternative to enzyme-mediated error
correction techniques is the direct sequencing Recent advancements in oligonucleotide syn-
of oligonucleotides and assembled synthons us- thesis and techniques for gene synthesis have
ing NextGen sequencing techniques. Although largely focused on reducing costs, increasing
more expensive on a per-sequence basis than throughput, and the quality of synthetic DNA.
enzyme-based error correction techniques, Concomitant advances in assembling DNA into
NextGen sequencing techniques offers tremen- longer and longer pieces have led to methods
dous multiplexing capabilities in which thou- to construct large enzyme complexes (Kodu-
sands of sequence reads can be taken on multiple mal et al. 2004), entire metabolic pathways
oligonucleotides or synthons simultaneously. In (Temme et al. 2012), and even entire genomes
one such application, Matzas et al. (2010) used (Smith et al. 2003; Gibson et al. 2008a; Hutch-
Roche 454 sequencing combined with a bead- ison et al. 2016) synthetically. Methods to as-
picking robot to selectively remove oligonucle- semble synthons have been developed to assem-
otide sequences (attached to beads) from the ble synthons and larger DNA assemblies in both
sequencing array that showed perfect sequences in vitro (Gibson et al. 2010) and in vivo (Gibson
that were then used for gene synthesis. Kim et al. et al. 2008b). Although restriction enzyme-
(2012) used random sequence tags to mark in- based cloning techniques have been the de ri-
dividual synthetic sequences in a 454 sequencing gueur choice for manipulating DNA constructs
reaction and used these tags to selectively ampli- for a couple of decades and were the basis of
fy correct sequences from the sequenced pool. In early BioBrick and similar assembly methods
a similar approach, Schwartz et al. (2012) used (Shetty et al. 2008; Lee et al. 2011), the need
Illumina sequencing barcodes to “dial-out” cor- to simplify the cloning/assembly process while
rect sequences via selective amplification of the reducing the limitations on sequence design has
sequence-verified bar-coded sequences. Recent- led to the development of scar-less restriction-
ly, they have refined this approach to improve enzyme-free cloning and assembly techniques.
the multiplexing capacity of microarray-synthe- Seam-less assembly and cloning methods avail-

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R.A. Hughes and A.D. Ellington

able to the modern DNA jockey include Gibson Gibson assembly was used to assemble the
assembly (Gibson et al. 2009; Gibson 2011a), 16.3-kb mouse mitochondrial genome directly
Golden Gate assembly (Engler et al. 2008), se- from 60 mer oligonucleotides (Gibson et al.
quence and ligation-independent cloning 2010). Efficient assembly of even larger synthet-
(SLIC) (Li and Elledge 2007), ligation cycling ic DNA segments can also be performed in vivo
reaction (de Kok et al. 2014), paper-clip assem- by using the homologous recombination capa-
bly (Trubitsyna et al. 2014), yeast assembly bilities of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In
(Gibson et al. 2008b; Gibson 2011b), and circu- an example of the exceptional ability of yeast to
lar polymerase extension cloning (CPEC) assemble exogenous DNA into larger assemblies
(Quan and Tian 2009), to name just a few. from overlapping synthons or subassemblies,
Which DNA assembly technique to use is large- researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute have
ly a matter of choice, and multiple approaches successfully used yeast to assemble multiple
are often applied in parallel. Of these methods, 0.5 – 1 Mbp bacterial genomes (Gibson et al.
Gibson assembly is probably the most com- 2008a; Hutchison et al. 2016) and even assem-
monly used to assemble multiple pieces of bled synthons directly from overlapping oligo-
DNA together into larger constructs. This meth- nucleotides (Gibson 2009, 2011b, 2012). Each
od uses a one-pot isothermal technique, which of the aforementioned assembly techniques
uses an enzyme mixture containing a thermo- could be automated to further increase the
stable DNA polymerase, DNA ligase, and exo- throughput for constructing larger synthetic
nuclease to chew-back, anneal and repair adja- DNAs and enable the exploration and testing
cent overlapping DNA sequences to assemble of large biological hypotheses.
the desired construct. Recent innovations in
the design of unique overlapping sequences to
direct the assembly process has further expand-
ed the usage of the Gibson assembly method for The development of automatable robust chem-
combinatorial assembly of large DNA sequences istries for chemical DNA synthesis over the last
(Guye et al. 2013; Torella et al. 2014). 40 years has contributed to the advancement of
One of the hallmarks of synthetic biology is our understanding of biology and has laid the
the application of rational design principles to groundwork for the predictable engineering of
the design and assembly of biological compo- biological systems. Synthetic DNA is central
nents; however, because it is often difficult to to the development of methods to engineer bi-
know a priori how well a given DNA construct ology and when combined with the massive
will work once introduced into a cell, it is often amounts of sequence data being generated by
necessary to try several versions of the construct NGS efforts will contribute to the advancement
to find which one will work best. Therefore, a of synthetic biology toward applications hereto-
greater emphasis on the modular design of DNA fore unimaginable. To date, there have been a
parts enables the assembly of a greater variety of handful of moonshot demonstrations such as
potential constructs through mix-and-match the complete synthesis of an entire yeast chro-
combinatorial assembly of DNA components. mosome (Annaluru et al. 2014), an entire bacte-
In addition to simplifying the overall assembly rial genome (Gibson et al. 2008a), and the sub-
process, modular design and assembly of DNA sequent synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome
components makes automation of the process (Hutchison et al. 2016), which illustrate the use
possible, which can reduce the time, labor, and of synthetic DNA and the capabilities of existing
cost of making and testing multiple constructs. gene synthesis methods to accomplish large-
Most of the aforementioned assembly methods scale synthetic biology efforts. These examples,
can be used for the assembly in vitro, and Gib- when combined with numerous projects in
son assembly has been applied to the assembly which synthetic DNA has been used to evaluate
of DNA segments multiple kilobases in length functional biological components (Salis et al.
(Gibson et al. 2009). In another such example, 2009; Callura et al. 2012; Brophy and Voigt

14 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2017;9:a023812

Synthetic DNA Synthesis and Assembly

2016), create synthetic vaccines (Dormitzer et al. of the first minimal bacterial genome (Hutch-
2013), and construct synthetic genetic circuits ison et al. 2016) and a deep appreciation of the
(Salis et al. 2009; Sowa et al. 2015; Nielsen et al. complexities and challenges of engineering bi-
2016; Rubens et al. 2016) and when applied to ology. Much of which still remains to be ex-
wholesale genomic editing (Wang et al. 2009; plored. In this, the century of DNA, the ques-
Doudna and Charpentier 2014), point to a fu- tion remains. What is next?
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