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Buenaagua, Desiree C.

CDI5 – Module 10

III. Activities:

1. Look for 5 words unfamiliar words related to criminology;

substitute the meaning of each term with a synonym to
give its informal meaning.
 ADULTERY- adultery is committed by any married woman
who shall have sexual intercourse with a man not her
husband and by the man who has carnal knowledge of her,
knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be
subsequently declared void.
Synonym meaning - voluntary sexual intercourse between
a married person and a person who is not his or her
 AMNESTY - Refers to an act of justice by which the
supreme power in a state restores those who may have
been guilty of any offense against it to the potion of
innocent persons.
Synonym meaning - an official pardon for people who
have been convicted of political offenses.

 ARSON - the act or crime of willfully, wrongfully, and

unjustifiably setting property on fire
Synonym meaning - the criminal act of deliberately
setting fire to property
 CHILD ABUSE - treating a child badly in a physical,
emotional, or sexual way
Synonym meaning – maltreatment to child

 CONSPIRACY- conspiracy exists when two

or more persons come to an agreement
concerning the commission of a felony and decide to
commit it.,
Synonym meaning - a secret plan by a group to do
something unlawful or harmful
2. Look for five terms related to criminology, give its
formal definition by identifying its specie, genus, and


ARSON Is an offense is the criminal act
of burning or
charring property on
purpose. The act of
arson may include
such acts as setting
fire to a property
maliciously, or
burning a property
with the intent to
collect insurance
money. While most
people consider
arson to be the
burning of
buildings, it may
also be the burning
of cars, boats,
personal property,
and land.
PARAFFIN Is a process/ test A method used for
TEST detection of gunshot
residue. This test
determines whether a
person has
discharged a gun,
the Paraffin-
Diphenylamine test.
SEROLOGY Is the process/Study the scientific
study or
examination of
blood serum,
especially with
regard to the
response of the
immune system
to pathogens or

BOMB Is an instrument is an explosive

weapon that uses the
exothermic reaction
of an explosive
material to provide
an extremely sudden
and violent release
of energ.
RAPE Is an Offense is defined in most
jurisdictions as
sexual intercourse,
or other forms of
sexual penetration,
committed by a
perpetrator against
a victim without
their consent.

IV. Assessment:

1. Write a report using the Description of a Process

techniques of: a. Paraffin Test

Paraffin Test

In conducting paraffin testing, the test is conducted by

applying melted paraffin wax to the back of a suspect's
hands. With a brush, the back of the hand is coated with
paraffin wax which on cooling solidifies and can be peeled
off the hand. The purpose of this test is to identify if the
suspect is the shooter or not.

The materials use/needed in this test are the

candle or paraffin wax, tong, cotton, casserole and the

To conduct the paraffin test we must follow a

A. Wash the hands of the suspect
B. Heat the paraffin wax or candle
C. Put the melted paraffin wax unto the hand of the
suspect/shooter in a thin layer.
D. Put some cotton on the 1st layer of paraffin wax on
the hand.
E. Then put the melted paraffin wax unto the cotton.
F. Then wait the candle to cool and hardened until you
can removed the paraffin wax to the suspect hands.

Upon conducting the paraffin test I found out that the

suspect is the real shooter. I recommend that to prove if
that dark mark on the candle is a gun powder we must put some

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