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=:::_•.·DA TION AT ZAKIGONJ, SYLHET.(Rates are inclusive all VAT, IT, material cost, Carrying expenses etc.) •



Demolishing Qf existing 02(Twol storied R,C.C . .b.l!!!.®!g filQ!l9 �

I 00 charges,Jobthe existing 02(Two) storied R.C.C

expert manpower, providing proper safety, including cost of water, eie:tnc,ty and other

ou1ld1nq of our Bank should be demolished and all the old materials
;;· ).;Id be removed from the site to their possession at their own cost

Shore, ProtecUor,IP4lli,$[ding work during oxcavatlon In foundation

t'ellches up lo 1 5111 depth to protecl loss due to damage of property b:,'

ii.pply,ng of bitumen drum sheet walling lied wth 20 BwG G.I wire fxing
t:re same with already driven borr-al( bamboo posts With half spilt borrak JOU OU sft
carnboo runriers@ 450mm clchorlmn��y with iron nails, G.I wire elc. all
:o-plete and accepted by the Enginees-·in-charge. (Rate is inctuding tlie
cost of bamboo post)
Mild steel (Grade·36 Ksl ) work in shade/bracing around the

1,176 00 sft
boundary for � it!fil9!!! 7'-0"}: Providing of required size I·
section. corogated sheet, fitting, fixing in position with bolt and nuts or
,1elding etc with the provision of entry gate complete for proper
orotection of the site and accepted by the Engineer

� Checking: Checking of the structural design supplied by

Department from an experVprofess,onal Designer The
experVprofessional Designer must submit a certificate regarding the
srructurat safety of the proposed 05 (five) stoned commercial Bank I 00 Job
Building by their office pad and must sign in the drawing sheet to submll
to the concerned Municipal authority/Pourasava.
Obtaining approvjll from � � Providing 10 set of
drawing subject to Upozilla approval and other concerned offices as per
requirement of concerned Municipal authority. It Is noted that all 1 Job
arrangement to be done at their own cost for obtaining approval from all
concerned authorily

6 ���board (4'·0X5'·0"l: Supply and installation of Site

Sa!ei.)' oo�ce boa(d made of M S $heel (calotcd lnject nlgJ1l .,.JD)ll elfclter
pasted on •O 'Mth proper support of 2lr.c:h dla M.S pipe (2 nos) Base to
be supPOrted •ll earth vllth CC castll'lg &l bro«om :rr,d wilf be 1,00 Set
r.-ttetUhBngecl strongly by M.S frame IV>\'!!I balls etc, In frat1t area
oos111on. All coml)lete wlih necessary required fittings and will be

l ili foundation i!..!ll! � g! .all materials:. using proper technology,


accepted by the Engineer Sub total for site preparation works =




:::.r-B) PILING WORK ��Sllfl.+(v


(8) Pile Work;


,, • Boring/drilling and removing of spoils/mud for cast in situ pile up to �4/S&�
:-e requ,red depth and diameter with minimum 5 m long temporary steel
::asmg, true to vertical. providing bentonite slurry and maintaining w.ata.
I evet rn the hole, washing the hole for at least 30 minutes, clean the bore
-o,e and make the bore- hole ready for placing steel cage and
:oncret1ng including hire charge of rig set with winch machine, tripod stand, tnrrue pipe, cost of fuel, lubricant, rnobuization, demobluaanon, maintenance, spares, stand-b
insurance coverage, water, electricity
�,d other charges all compete approved and accepted by the Engineer
[I as oer drawing
Sefore commencing boring operation, Contractor shall submit the
::ork1ng method statement of cast-in-situ pile work including sequence or
::inng and casting, disposal of spoils, test result of materials to be
!!*e(I IO the Englneet Ol all l'tlSPOl'lSlbll•t.'Jes arnl obligations, ol
:.;;,,1racl0< under ooM,act tt ii;. noted that the Olli1St1ng under l]fD'Jnd
R C C slab to be dismalted as per required boring size at their own cost.

a! 450 mm dia. up to 60'-00" depth 1,920 00 un

CONCRETE FOR eJ.!Ji.; Cast in situ pile with reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement content relates to mix ratio 1 : 1 5
3 having minimum fer = 26 Mpa, and satisfying a specified compressive strength fc = 21 Mpa at 28 days 0/1 standard cylinders as
cer standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & cement conforming to
3DS EN-197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52 5 N) I ASTM-C 150 Type - I, best
-:iuahty coarse sand [Sylhel sand or coarse sand of equivalent F M 2 2],
20 mm CIO'Ml well gra,ded �ad stone chip.s conforming ID ASTM C..
:?.J includlrig breakln,;i chips-, screefllf'9 through p10.per s."8\res, ma: ng.
::llaz1r-.g re-bar cage In po!l1ton, ptaciing ;:ind removing ln-pOd as par

l"!oa-uireme1T(. pouring lhe conCNMe In bo(e.ooa& Yl\th the hel;:> of a trimle I)'� rnaincalnlng 3.585 00 en
the lnmte pipe lmmarsed In cot1crete by at lease 1 meter llltoughOllt the perlacf of ooncreting,
ml} required slump ate mixing the aggregates with standard mixer machine with
casting in forms, all complete including water, electricity, testing of materials and concrete etc
and other charges as per desrgn, drawing etc all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding) Test report
(minimum 3500psl) to Ile submitted at their own cost.

: Supplying, fabrication and fixing of deformed bar reinforcement in

concrete in accordance with BOS !SO 6935-2: 209 under Ductility Class
D only including straightening and cleaning rust, ii any, bending and
01nding rn position including supply of G.I. wires . splices or laps what so ever etc complete in all respects and accepted by the Engineer (Measurement shall be record
on standard Mass per unit
length of bars, dia of bars exceeds its standard)
a) Grade 500 {RB500/SOOOW : complying BOS ISO 6935-2:2006) 10.125.00 Kg
nbbed or deformed bar produced & marked according to Bangladesh standard, with min yield
strength, fy (Reh)=500 Mpa & what ever is the yield stength within allowable hrrut as per BNBC sec
8 3.3 5 / ACI 318-11
i SEC 21 1.5 2, the ratio ultimate tensile strength fu to yeald strength fy,
shall be at least 1 25 & minimum elongation alter factrure & minimum total elongation at
maximum force is 16% and 8% respectively. Test report (minimum 70000psi of rod to be
submitted at their own cost.
I 16.000.00
Providing and making point welding at contact point of the spiral binders at single intervals
with the main reinforcements by electric a1c welding for construction of cast in slt\J bored pile
carefully with highly oxrdized electrodes making the points prominent and accepted by the
Engineer (rate is Inclusive of all matenals labour, tools and plants,
electricity and all equipment)
450 00 rft
Providing and making welded sptice over two sides of contact by welding of minimum 300 mm
length at the lap of main reinforcements in re-bar cage to be placed in bore-hole where necessary
by electric arc welding with highly oxidized electrodes making the iolnt prominent and accepted
by the Engineer (rate is Inclusive of all materials labour, tools and plants, electricity and all Sub total for pile work "'


PART -C). Pile Capping Work (Sub-Structure):


(C) Pile Capping Work(Sub-Structuro);

' Eilrth wotk on excilvatlon Ill at kind! of soil for p�e c:applng, waler reservoor san,la,y pl! up 10 required deplh. trencnes M!�ing layout, provltiltlg center lones
local bench-marl< pUl.:irs le11e'"9 rammrn!J and preparing Irle base, fixing bamb spokes. and onarkong layou1 with Chalk powder, providrng necessary tools and plants
protecting and maintaining the trench �ry etc stacking, dea11<11g the excavate 4,590 00 ell earth at a safe <Jlstance out or the area enclosed by the layout etc all complete and

accepted by Ille engineer •UbJect to $Ubm� method st!ilernent of carrying ou

excavation work by the Engineer However, work lo be done al their ow r esponslbililies and oblogalions under lhe contract
, Breaking or PJI• H••d : al �ardo:ned cast ,n s�LJ bored pole up to a req,1lred lengt

�nd by any means but .wllboul dam11�1ng the rest nd removing the dismantle
mareoats such as concrete to a safe distance 11cluding scraps and cleaning
concrete from s1eeVM S rods, straighlening and bending of pile bars, preparation
and ma�JOg platform where necessary, carrying, aa sorts of handling. slacking th 16000 Rfl
same properly aner clearing leveling ond dresSJng th<! situ and cleamy the bed Cite complete on al respects and accepted by the E�glneer
(Measurement wlll be taken rn to consrderaUon ror lhe actual volume 10 be broken)

• J Clearing and disposing or dismantled pile head/R.C C Slab/rubbish etc from

the con&trucllon site by !ruck or any other means to a safe place outside o/ 30 km

radius or the c�y °' town area incllding loading. unloading al both ends, leveling and
80 Cum
dressing the carried earth etc completely.
Lean concrete rt:�:6) in foundation er floor wilh cement, sand (FM 12) and picked lhama Chrps Including breaking
chips, screeninij, mrxmg, laying, compacting

• to levels 11nd cunng for al least 7 days lr!cluding the supply of water, electricity and 176 60 dt
other charges and costs or tools ar1d plants elc all complAte and accep1ed by the
I Formwork/Snuttering for rod bindtnglpleceing wilh GI Wrre wnll necessary supports by steel V1clul1,19slle safety/ proleclion by nettinglwiremesh tor Sl:b·
5 ltfUCIU<C All p�e capping, pedastat column, under ground water reservoir, 2,690 00 srt
se<ewa<ge pll & grade beam Including cosl of electricity, water & o\hel charge All
completed as per approval drawing & accepted Dy Engineer/ Au1homy

Reinforced cement concrete works (All pile capping, pedast1I column, Ul!Chtf
ground water reservoir, s1rewarge pit & gr11de beam.J using steel shutter with nurnrnum cement content relates to mix ratio 1.1.25:2 5 having minlmurn rcr 33 =
Mpa, and satisfying a specified compressive strength re • 28 Mpa al 29 days on standard cylindP.f's as par standard practice ol Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-197-1-CEM 1.52 5N
I ASTM-C 150 Type • I, best quallty Sylhel sand or coarse sand or equ,valent F M 2 2 end 20 rum down well graded stone chips conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shuller 1n poslllon and maintain
lo plumb. making shutter wateHlghl property placing
e remforr.ement on positron m1x1ng with Jtandard mixer maehlne with hopper, fed by 2, 120 00 crt
stanuarc measunr1g boxes, casilng on Iorms, compacting by vibrator machine lrllrd
curing wl!h l)(Oper way al least for 28 days. removing centering-shuttering eftl!I specified lime approved; including cost of water electricrly. additional testir)g charges of materials end cylinders required
engrneer, other charges etc a) complete approved and accepted by the Engineer
/Rate Is excluding Ille cost or reinforcemenl and l\s fabrication. ptaclng and oinding
eltf Shutler water-tight properly, placing ralnlorcemenl In posUlon Tesl report

lmmimum 4000psl) to be tcubmitted at thrtor own co,t,

Supply1119, fabrication •nd fixing doformed bar/ relnforCi!ment as per deslgtl

(Al1 pWe capping, pedastal column. under ground water reservoir.
l" ecnerste
serewarge pll & grade beam.) m accordance w.di BOS ISO 0935-2: 209 under Ductility CIIISs D tlnly includi119 straightening and cleaning rust. it any, bending and brnding rn positron including supply o
spices or lap, what so ever ere.
complete in an respects and accepted by the Engineer (Measurement shall be record Only on standard Mass per unit length of b"'s dia of bars exceeds its
s1a11a�rd)Test repor1 (minimum 70000pso) lo be 9Ubmllted al thl!ir own cost a) 11,248 00 kg
Grat.In 500 lRB500/500DW complying BOS ISO 6935-2 2006) ribbed or dollmned bar produced & marl<ed accordmg to Btngladesh standard, wilh min yield strength,
fy (Reh)�500 Mpa & what ever rs th" yield strenglh w,U,m allowable llmll as per
BNBC sec B 3 3 51 ACI 318-1 t SEC 21 1 5 2. the ratio ultimate tensile strength fu to yeald strength fy, shaM be &I leas! 1.25 & n1111<mum elongation after fracture & minrmum total elongation al maximum
16% and 8% respeclively

Supply and using of water reductng Chemical •dmlxture ASTM C-494 Type • A of 300 Liter
app,oved brami/originmmnuraclurer m concrete: The admixlure lo reduce Ql'llnhCy or mixing water required for normal
wor�abllity and lo maintain low water-cement
(W/C) rauo for Improved concrete
, 011u layer brick tlaC sollng ,n foundallon or rn 'Ro()( wilh first class/picketl jhama

l:lrlck (BOS 208) including preparalioo of bed and lllng lhe Interstices with local 2100 sit
sand leveling etc complele and accapled by the Engineerin-Charge.

Sub totlll for pile capping work=



(D) Super-Structure '
Sand filling work in low land/trenches and phnth with sand having F.M. 0.5 to 0.8 10 150mm layers including leveling, watering and compaction to achieve minimum dry density o
with optimum
t moisture content (Modified proctor test) by ramming each layer up 12,362 00 cit
to finished level as per design supplied by the design office only etc all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Mild steel (Grade-36 Ksi ) work in shade/bracing for safety:

Providing or required size I-section. corogated sheet, titting, fi,cing
- m position with bolt and nuts or welding etc complete for proper 800 DO sit protection at G. floor & level-2 and accepted by the Engineer

' I

' Formwork/Shuttering for rod bindinglplace,ng with GI Wire Witt\

necessary supports by steel includingsite safety/ protection bl'
ne!linglwiremesh for Sub-structure All pile cappin pedastal column, under ground water reservoir, serewarge pit & grade beam.
n nclud1ng cost of electricity, water & other charge All completed as cer approval drawing & accepted by Engineer/ Authority

Ground Floor IAIJ Cnlumn S!Elir. f"fOOI' Beam Slab & Li�tel 2..900 00 sft
1st Floor (All Column, Stair, Floor Beam & Slab 2.700 00 sft
2nd Floor (All Column, Stair, Floor Beam & Sla 2,700 DO sft
3rd Floor {All Column, Stair, Floor Beam & Slab 2,700 00 sit
.!th Floor (All Column, Stair, Floor Beam & Slab 2,700 00 sft
::'1 Floor (All Column, Floor Beam & Slab tor stair room slab or
:;_-, n=rnrA1
. "einforced cement concre for column works usi steel
,-.:t:er with minimum cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1 5:3
·;.::, minimum f = 33 Mpa. and satisfying specified
:::,·1;::ressive strength fc = 28 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders
t -. cer standard practice of Code ACI/BNBCIASTM & Cement
I ::-·::r'Tl1ng to BOS EN-197-1-CEM 1,52 SN (52 SMPa) I ASTM·C,
· :: Type - I. best quality Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent
= ',\ 2 2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips conforming to
-� -;.1 C-33. making, placing shutter in position and maintalning
--= plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing
" ··:,:ement rn position: mixing with standard mixer machine with
. .:-. fed by standard measuring boxes, casting in forms.
: : -: ;;:::1ng by vibrator machine and curing with proper way at least
2.: cays, removing centering-shuttering after specified time
:-::-:·.;:·, including cost of water. electricity, additional testing
: - -= ·;;;s of materials and cylinders required by engineer, other
I : · .,·;-,,3 etc all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer
- .::·� s excludinq the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication,
:..=: - ar.d binding etc) Shutter water-tight properly, placing
'; -':·:e:nent in position Test report (minimum 4000psi) to be
, . :- :-e: at their own cost

� -� - , Floor: Concrete in Col um, rati 1 1.5:3, Strenglh = 220.00 cft

,;;:,:'.:C�· & vioume, 220 cf!
• s: i',oor: Concrete in Colum, ratio 1: 1 5:3, Strength - 3500psi &

:.-= 200 cf! 200 00 cft

: ·: = cor: Concrete in Colum, ratio 1:1.5:3, Strength = 3500psi & 200 00 cft

z , -= 200 c

�- . :: : . Concrete in Col um, ratio 1: 1 5: 3, Strength = 3500psi &

:·: = oor: Concrete in Colum, ratio 1:1 5:3, Strength = 3500psi & 20000 cft
:_-e 200 c
�200c 200 00 cft I

:-- = cor: Concrete in Colum, ratio 1:1.5:3, Strength = 3500psi & 8000 ctt

: z ,-= 30 cit
• R1tlfllor�ed cement contn!le for Srab & B�am w«lifi u.s1og steel shuuw w,th m1r11mum cemeet cooteru retaies to rmx mtro 11 5.3 having minimum f'cr
Mpa, and satisfying a specified
compressive strength f'c :: 28 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders
as per standard practice ot Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement I

conforming to BOS EN-197-1-CEM 1,52 5N (52 5MPa) I ASTM-C

150 Type - I, best quality Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent FM 2 2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shutter m pO
maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position; mixmg with standard mixer machine with hopper. fed by standard mea
boxes. casting in forms. compacting by vibrator machine and curing with proper way at least for 28 days, rel'T!oving centering-shuttering after specified time approved: inclu
of water, electricity, additional testing
::harges of materials and cylinders required by engineer, olner
charges etc all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer
· Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, placmg and binding etc) Shutter water-tight properly, placing
•emforcemenl in position Test report (minlrnum 4000psi) to be svbmitted at their own oost

Ground Floor: Concrete in full area. ratio 1: 1 5:3 Strength = 75000 cit
:.SOUps, & Vloume 750 00 cft
1st Floor: Concrete in full area. ratio 11 5:3 Strength = 3500psi & 750 00 cft te..ime 750 00 e.ft
2nd Floor: Concrete in full area. ratio 1: 1 5:3 Strength = 3500psi &

:,-,me 750 (JO cit 750 00 cft

3ad Floor: Concrete in full area, ratio 1:1.5:3 Strength :: 3500psi & 75000 ctt
/:oume 750 00 eft
4th Floor: Concrete in full area, ratio 1: 1. 5:3 Strength :: 3500psi & 75000 cft
·11:iume: 750 00 cft
5:� Floor: Concrete in full area, ratio 1: 1 5:3 Strength = 3500psi &
. curne 750 00 cft 250 00 cft

s�;iplying, fabrication and fixing deformed bar/ reinforcement as per design in concrete in accordance with
BOS ISO 6935·2:
: : = ur-oer Ductility Class D only including straightening and
: �,� ng rust, if any, bending and binding m position including
,_::ly of GI wires splices or laps what so ever etc complete in
- ·:soects and accepted by the Engineer (Measurement shall be
� ::rj only on standard Mass per unit length of bars. dia of bars
�•::eds its standard)Test report (minimum 70000ps1) to be
, _:- ued at their own cost a). Grade 500 (RB500/500DW:
: :-:11mg BOS ISO 6935-2:2006) ribbed or deformed bar produced
: -;·�ed according to Bangladesh standard. with min yield
'--�-;::, fy (Reh)=500 Mpa & what ever is the yield strength within
= : ·.aole lrrmt as per BNBC sec 8 3 3 5 / ACI 318-11 SEC 21 1 5.2.
-= ·;·,o ultimate tensile strength lu to yealdstrength fy, shall be at
,;:;;. · 25 & minimum elongation after fracture & minimum total
= :-;.;;:,on at maximum force is 16% and 8% respectively
'.a·ound floor upto 1'1 slab & corresponding beam, column, stair
,,,... s.,nn Kri 32,500 00 kg
_e·,el-01 upto 2"" slab & corresponding beam, column, stair etc
t'�1,1 ....
level-02 upto 3rd slab & corresponding beam, column, stair etc
_evel-03 upto 4•h slab & corresponding beam, column, stair etc.
•- -.-., ,(r,

-�iel-04 upto 51" slab & corresponding beam. column, stair etc.
; ........ .c...
_;;,el-05 upto 611 slab & corresponding beam, column, stair etc

I ����"
125 mm brick works with first class bricks in cement sand (F M
1 2) mortar (1 :4) and making bond with connected walls including necessary scaffolding, raking out joints. cleaning and soaking the
bricks for at least 24 hours before use and washing of sand curing i
7 at least for i days in all noors including cost of water, electricity and
othei charges etc all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement! CEM-11/A-MJ Test result (minimum 3500psi) of 1•1 class brick to be submitted at their own cost

Ground floor, underground water reservoir etc 4,000 00 Sft


250 mm brick works with first class bricks in cement sand (F.M
1 2) mortar (1 :4) ar,d making bond with connected walls including necessary scaffolding, raking out joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before
and washing of sand curing
8 at least for 7 days in all floors including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-11/A-M) Test result (minimum 3500psi) of 151 class brick to be submitted at their own cost.

Ground floor below GB 2ft & above GB 4' 77704 cft

Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with neat cement finishing to plinth wall (1:4) with cement up to 150 mm
oelow ground level with neat cement finishing including washing or
sand, finishing the edges and comers and cunng at least for 7 days,
- cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all
·espect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer. (Cement:

= underqround waler reservoir & Septic tank etc 1,000.00 sft

1 .1:""1mum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1 :5)
·a·,ing with fresh cement to wall both inner-and outer surface.
' - shmg the corner and edges including washing of sand cleaning
·· t surface. scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water,
, �::,•city and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as pM
=·= ·.:ng and accepted by the Engineer_ (Cement CEM-11/A-M)
::;,ound floor

, •1�111 6 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with 6,000 00 Sf!

· .,.,- cement to ceiling R C.C columns, beams, surface of sl..iir

�...: :: sunshades, cornices, railings, drop wall, louvers, fins and
- - ;.· • g the corners and edges including washing of sand cleaning
- " = - =ace. scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days, cost of water,
- �:-- c,iy and other charges etc all complete in all respect as per
·; and accepted by the Engineer.
:�--�-: CEM-11/A-MJ
: :-·:.·d floor 3,500,00 Sft



. Supplying, filling and fixing and lay,ng 100 mm inside dia beSI 5000 Rm

polymer, Aziz, RFL or equivalent)

: S.ipplying, fitting and fixing and laying 200 mm Inside dia best 20.00 Rm.
JL1ality PVC standard Sewerage Pipe ( wall thickness - 5 to 6 mm
I htting & fixed in position with head & shoes, bends, minimum 20
,,"' wl�m F bar pamp & i,ailll & Including ell nccr1ssary oooess
:,· all oompl(lle as pet d1rectii;m ol the Er1gineer-ln-Cha,ge I
"-!a,,onal polymer, Aziz. RFL or equivalent)

? 5._:,p1y,ng, fitting and fixing and laying 150 mm Inside dia best 1000 Rm.
:;a:,ty PVC standard Sewerage Pipe ( wall thickness - 4 4 to 5
-,.- ) frlttng & fixed in position with head & shoes, bends, minimum
,.,m w,dth F bar clamp & nails & indud1ng all necessary
:;;:sss etc all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in·
:·3r,;;e ( National polymer, Aziz, RFL or equivalent)

: � -=: ,·.ng, fitting and fixing best quality Brass. gate valve with
·:::;sary water sealant including cutting brick walls/ RCC wall/
: : . - • etc and mending good the damages etc all complete as
��- : ""c:r.on of the Enoineer-in·Charoe
,-,n, dra Brass gate valve 2.00 Each.

I . Brass gate valve 2.00 Each.

I·. .,,- dia
� r: _:: . "il· titling and fixing P.P.RIG.I. pipe with all special fittings,
, . : • a; bends. elbows. sockets, reducing sockets, Tee, unions,
.;. -- etc including cutting trenches where necessary and
· - ·-; :·e same with earth duly rammed and fixing in walls with
.. :s
·: :;-· :ats and making hole in floors, walls and consequent
- ;- · : ·; good the damages etc all complete rn all respects
; r.; : • -e; and accepted by the Engineer
; r.; : • -e; and accepted by the Engineer

j, ... :-,·· .c: :-<1 of masonry inspection pit with 250 mm thick brick

. '
- ce-nent mortar (1:4) including necessary earth work. side
.;·: cne layer brick flat soling. 75 mm thick (1:3:6) base
IJ: ·. =·�·:;·making rnvert channel and 12 mm t111ck (1:2) cement
.. - ·- ;-,eat t,n,shing etc all complete up to a depth of 700
· ?: :r: . ;;.j and accepted by the Engineer

, :"'.;· 7:: x 600 mm and depth 750 to 900 mm, average 82 4.00 Each

- - ----
; - ; e 300 mm dia R .C C. pipes and 375 mm and 400 mm

: : , · : : :: x 525 mm and depth 675 to 825 mm, average 75 3.00 Each.

- - ; -; e 225 mm dia RC C pipes and 400 mm PVC pip

.. :.-. ;;·:! placing of R.C.C. inspection pit cover (slab) in
� ••• !11 1'/, reinforcement excluding MH cover with
: :-1·:i arrangement including necessary earth work,
- - = s· �:!enng. curing. cement plaster (1:4) with riea1
:r - :;:g and top etc. all complete
•·-e Er,ll'"rteer
approved and

·--- -
;::::..-::x • •·:: . -:-5 mm RC C
pit cover 3.00 Each.

.::..c::: :a -: �'.�1 R C C pit cover 3.00 Each.



quality uPVC standard Pipe ( wall thickness - 3 40 mm ) frtting &

fixed in positron with head & shoes, bends, rrurnmurn 20 mm width F bar clamp & nails & including all necessary access etc. all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-
Charge ( National

1, . - � era ( wall thickness 3 2 mm)

35.00 Rm

: : -� era ( wall thickness 3 2 mm) 55 00 Rm,

j, ,·· .c: :-<1 of masonry inspection pit with 250 mm thick brick

Ii - I!
l 00 Job
:,;uhmi:r�lhlc Pump with 92111 depth Boring ;_ Supply &
insmlhuion or submersible pump with 92m depth boring & ccnuifugal
type motor end suction. Vertical discluuge water p11111p manufactured
according to DINiVDl;!ISO 900! (For
6'11 Storied Building) Standard shall be complete with pipe
Motor shall be volt 5011d2900 rpm/class Motor windings

shall he or copper Motor capacity: minimum, JIIP. Country of origi11:Gcr111any/ Italy

- Plastic water tank: Supplying. fitting and fixing or 1(0ne) 1 Each

ciasnc waler tank (sized 1000 Ltr each) with all necessary filtings

?.l Level-6 as per app'roved and accepted by the Engineer.

Sub total Total Taka=


J'l.1-U LI BA I\ h: LI M J'1 El>


" \\!.Jule for following Electrical items of proposed 5(Five) storied Bank's own Building with 6(Six) storied Foundation al Zakigon].
' h.1.1H1ltt' u,:i,; ini;h111,11 ;11! �uuln:LI VAi nntl I j 11i.11.:rlal t:0�1 un.d cmoin11 ex�':!�
ltern 11\.At WIR!Wi Descrlptlon of Item l!nil Quantity Rate in Th Amount in Tl,

Providing & laying of followins PVC pipe (Aziz I National polymer hri111d or aiwvulo,n p,·mJuc:1 nrothi::r reputed mirnufuchlrcr) ernbeddcd m
w11llfcohmi11 /cellln_gtrloor etc. with .ill :i�sorie$(such as cfrculur
box. solvent cement. GI wire. band. socket etc.), 18 SWG G.P sheet pull box with 3 mm thick cbonitc sheet cover, fixing materials etc as required including
mending the damages good. (for roof slab)

.,l vliuimum inner diu 20 mm & minimum wall thickness 1,5 mm meter 600

h> Minimum innerdiu 25 mm & minimum wall thickness 1.5 mm meter 500

�upplying and fixing of concealed type 18 SWG metal board of

:.,lhnving sizes. duly painted with powder coating with expoxy
colycster resin 011 all surfaces having built in push type locking
�, r angerncnt including metal bridges system of suitable size for fixing
l P\·ICl3ffPMCCO's incoming and outgoing. Supplying &fixing
:· Jrc·dain, following rating copper bus-bars. neutral and earthing
· .ocks. insulators and interconnection wires set complete with suitable
. �.-boring arrangement in wall/column/ wall and keeping provision for
•.,rlc in exits as required including phase indication lamps.

'-rLc erson 600mm(l·l)X500rnm(W)XJ25mm Set

s. 150/\ TPN &E busbar
' :;,plying and fixing ofconcealed type 18 SWG mclal board of
•!" ing sizes. arrangement in wall/column/ wall and keeping
·· :, ision for cable in_exits as required with all acccssorlcs, _. 5
: uang MK Steel Box ( Isl to 5th floor, stair)
.h,rnt Box ( I O"x4") (GF Lo 5th floor, stair)
- '." a:: Box (6" Round)
I Each I 33
-� )l Light Box
• .,. .aJl.:J/surfacc conduit wiring for the following points looping at
Each I
• , , uch boards with I C-2x 1.5 PVC insulated cable (BYA•
:-:-i) and IC· L� 1.5 sq. mm PVC insulated green colour cubic
::, ': :,.FR. nn) as ECC where necessary through .l/4" (20mm) dia
... ::,� grade PVC conduit (Aziz brand/ National Polymer or
. ·--:-·., �J equivalent ) having wall thickness of minimum 1.5 mm

• ;ng all accessories (such scrow, shadle, insulation Lupe, bend,

. · ::. circular box, connector etc) through wall/cotumn/ beam/ floor/
t :S S \VG G P. sheet switch board and pull box each with 3 mm
. �",,nite sheet cover. sheet steel boxes. JO amps gang switch
. · .: Superstar or approved equivalent, ceiling rose etc. including
.. , ..:;. cutting mid mending good the damages complete as
•• � 1 :ill electrical contacts shall be of brass/copper made) in

-:·::� with the BNBC &.: IEE wiring regulation and as per
·1 ofthe Engineer-in-charge. ·11,c rate includes the installation
·., :-1,: conduit from ceiling lo U1c light fixture at false ceiling
.... 1; �II accessories needed for such installation.

Item UcstTipli1111 of J1t111 l'nil Quanti1) Ible in I k .\11111
a) Single light/Iun (fixture) point conuol by single switch with 2-'l Point -
·,upplvln� of l'Vl' conduit. tror uround floor]

h) Double light/fun (fixture) point control by single switch with 2 Point supplying of PVC conduit, ( for grnund floor)
... Concealed/surface conduit wiring for the following size (s) single- core multistrand PVC insulated (AYt\-FR) with PVC insulated green colour cable as EC
electric grade PVC conduit (Aziz brnnd/National Polymer 11r approved equivalent ) with necessary accessories viz shndlc, screw, bends, socker.jointing adhesive (P
GP sheet pull box with J mm thick ebonirc sheet cover etc
in brick /RCC wall /column /beam/ ceiling I floor including necessary culling and mending good the damages complete as required in conformity with the BNDC' &
regulauon and as per direction of the Engineer I A1·chitect/OM/RM
H) IC·2 x 2.5 (BYA·rR. rm) cable with IC-2.5 (OYA· 60 Rm
FR. rm-green coluur) ECC wire through PVC pipe of minimum inne dia 20 mm having
minimum wall thickness 1.5 mm (for ground floo switch board. PDl3 line)
h I C-1 x 2.5 cable ([3YA-FR. rm-Yellow colour) through

l'\I(.' pipe of minimum inner dia 20 min havin minimum wall 60 Rm

thickness 1.5 mm. (for ground floor switch board, Generator linej
c) I C-2 x 4 0 (BYA-FR. rm) cable with I C-4.0 (BYA·
Fl{. rm-green colour) ECC wire through PVC pipe of minimum inner 40 Rm
.Iia 20 m having minimum wall thickness 1.5 mm. (for power
.,1,•I..L't) I (t,r,m,1nvl f1L1(1r nower sot"b•t l11rl••llt1l! A rM R,-,,-,1h
J) IC-2 .x6.0 (BYA-FR. rm) cable with JC-6.0 (BYA- f7R rm-green colour) ECC' wire through PVC pipe of minimum inner

.1i� 25 mm having minimum wall thickness 2.0 mm. (for Ground 50 Rm

\1or: generator & ATM Booth main line)

=> IC--l xlO.Osq-m',�·(AYA)-�;i;Jewith r°,nn -
;���n colour) ECC wire through PVC pipe of minimum inner dia 50 JO Rm
.. ,:1 haviug minimum wall thickness 2.0 mm. (for meter to SOB,
'" OI :J nonrl
:,��n-iding fixing on a prepared hoard 250 volt grade following
-,,.k pole mhuuturc circuit Brcak.:r (SPMCBS) having minimum
· ,.;.:ing cupacuy 6-Kt\ with thermal over-current and instantaneous
- .romacnctic shoi t circuit release orovision.
� - \!CBS of DORMAN SMITH-UK I ARB I Schneider or equivalent
�·o,ed by the Engineer I Architect/BM/RM.
·-63A SP MCB 6 Each
· .ding & fixing on a prepared board 500 volt grade following
· · e-pole moulded case Circuit Breaker (TPMCC13) with thermal
. - •.:m:111 and instantaneous electromagnetic short circuit release
;,,111. munufacturcd and tested in accordance with relevant IEC/
. : '-E\·11\!13S/JIS standards, TPMCCB or AEG/ DORMAN
�i Eaton I MEM/MERLIN GERJN /VITZRO/ Kawamura and

. OI ongln EU or cqu1valcm approved by Lhi;: �r,gmtc:r I

....:.,..1 fll'.JiRM_ --- ---- ---

� ... '.:�;,.; (Adjustable type) I Each
� fl§ & fixing 250 volts. 5/1Jil5 amps. (minimum) concealed
.- ""Ill>! switch I Switch socket manufactured and tested in

-- , .., 1tch/ switch socket of Wener/Superstar or equivalent

� ., ":- the Engineer I t\rchitcct/BM/RM
::w; ,\\itd1 & 2·pin socket 3 Each
.:\ : r :' t multi) shuttered switch socket 3 Each

1r1n Dc,crirtion of l tcm l 'nil ()uanlit� Rare in I'k

c I l 5A. J pin (Round) shuttered switch socket
I I I-un Dimmer Each
<! J DI' switch
-;upplying & fixing AC cupncitor type ceiling fan (without regulator) M
Iollowing specifications and sizes complete with minimum 305 mm. ( I tl)
long down rod, aluminum blades, capacitor canopy,
, including ceiling rose for connection) etc. connecting PVC wire
complete as required .
Rated voltage : 220 volts
Rated frequency : 50 Hz
Rared speed : 300 rpm :!: 10 % Input Power : Max 80 watt
�en ice Value: Minimum 2.80 m3/ min/wall
-:-emperalur Rise: Maximum 70°("
-·�.:'- nr ln�nlatinn . r,��c.r.'
: :OiJmm I 1422.4 111111. (36" / 48" / 56'') Sweep BRB I MEP or
v.ilcnt approved by the Engineer/Archi lcct/BM/RM, J Set
d:!l'.,! and fixing of w111l bracket fan of following sizes complete
· :-1:uh:. frame. built-in regulator, PVC insulated connecting wire
- . _.:m� ceiling rose for connection or One gang switch & one 5
. - -, >pin socket combined) etc as required as per direction of the
· - : -c-..:r : An,;hitcct/BM/RM
- -wcep ( Plastic body and blauc ) Set
.: !1i_: and fixing of following axial flow A.C capacitor type wall
- .�J Ceiling mounted exhaust fan complete with blade, steel
- : , · sndJrt.1 wall louver shutter, PVC insulated connecting \\,�l'c
·. _: �g necessary materials) etc complete as required including
- ; .,.!JI and mending good the damages as per direction of the
� \,d1ilcd/13M/Rtvt, _
= ,•,aust fan plastic body (foreign made approved by Set
-- �L-nn!l·in-C"har e 2
e .; thing or I 4-1 !l wall LED l.1111p including SMD type
· WK color temperature. Electronic LED driver. connector, on
. - : cr.iss holder tiuing on Jmm thick ebonite with sheet steel Set
.. -nncctor etc. all complete as per direction by the Engineer 10
-- • �?l'r""cd by the Engineer I /\rchilect/13M/RM.

""' - ti.,ing of surface/concealed type 12 Watt LED Panel

; ,,( following model, consisting of min 150111111 dill
• XI 8.: 25 4mm height body & arms with Powder coaled
r:,po.> Chips. WOOK color temperature, Electronic LED
_ .t.-r. l kitV) hcntsiuk kit. necessary wiring with 2 x O 4 4 Set
J.-,i PVC insulated Ilexiblc FR Cable. connector etc. all f.-.lut!:n� I �D Lamp) as per sample
approved by the:
approved by the Engineering I
. �,,.,ri.:al installation with 38.IOmm (1.5'') dia G.l. pipe
hann! 6.JS mm din holes aero" Chetlio at 30S mm
b,,n lcu wlth 2 os. t,f No. J SWG ILDB<.' cunh
,:db. bolts etc. sunk upto undermentioned depth and
=-:h l,-.1d hy 20mm 111111 3!4") dia G.I pipe upto plinth
• 1 . - . , .•[ (,09 6 nun (2 It.) below G L. upto main board lo
.. r.,: necessary connecting copper sockets. bolts. nuts
a:ii:11 ""11 , crticul run or 20 mm dia G l. pipe upto G.L.
�--.....-c ==i : 1 d�plh ,� irh blind socket for water pouring facility
tr. ..:rntaining earth resistance as per requirement.

Tot11I Tk.=


I·-,, =�
���-�« .:';
on, maintenance, spares, stand-byes,

neer (Measurement shall be record only

out etc all complete and

r Sl:b·

rming to BDS EN-197-1-CEM 1.52 5N f52 5MPa)

placing shuller 1n poslllon and maintaining true

es of materials end cylinders required by

brnding rn positron including supply of G,l, -.;res

& minrmum total elongation al maximum force Is

to achieve minimum dry density of 90%


& grade beam.

ngineer/ Authority
mtro 11 5.3 having minimum f'cr = 33
3, making, placing shutter m pOsition and
hopper. fed by standard measuring
er specified time approved: including cost
icks for at least 24 hours before use
per direction of the Engineer-in-


Ii - I!


) ernbeddcd m

c as required including
�Bank(�� r
� Ch .1o

nti1) Ible in I k .\1111101111���


ulated green colour cable as ECC including

ds, socker.jointing adhesive (PVC), IR SWG

n conformity with the BNDC' & IEE wiring

mum inner

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