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                        Complainant,                                    I.S. No. 1106

-    versus -                                     For: Violation

and                                                                           of   B.P. Blg. 22.



            THE UNDERSIGNED COMPLAINANT respectfully


I, RUEL JOSE FRANCISCO, of legal age, Filipino, single with

business and postal address at No.26 Rizal Street, Legazpi City, after having
been duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby accuses:

MS. EMMA LLANETA, Owner of DABUDI Clothing Line,

Daraga Branch with postal address at No. 9 Kimantong, Daraga Albay
where summons and notices may be served for Estafa and for violation of
BP 22 committed as follows:

1.0 That, On March 6,2022 at my residence in the City of Legazpi,

Ms. Llaneta went to my house to borrow money in the amount of
P800,000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Pesos) for the
rehabilitation and maintenance of her clothing shop as evidenced
by our contract of loan marked as Annex “A”..

2.0 That, on the same day, I lent her P 800,000.00 payable until
January 31,2023.
3.0 That, on January 28, 2023, three (3) days before the end of the
contract, Ms. Emma Llaneta issued a check payable to me which
is the subject of this case in the amount of P800,000.00 dated
January 31,2023 and numbered as No. 123579 herein marked as
Annex “B”.

4.0 That, on the date of the check I went to BDO-Legazpi City for the
encashment of the same and to my dismay, I was apprehended by
the drawee bank that they are dishonoring the check due to
insufficiency of funds.

5.0 That, she defrauded me to part with my money when he issued a

check with insufficient funds. She issues checks knowing very
well that the same is worthless.

6.0 That, as such, I immediately notified the respondent, of the

dishonor and return of the said check and demanded from her
that she make good the said check within seven days (7) days
from receipt thereof. A true and faithful machine reproduction of
my demand letter to her is hereto attached as Annex "C".

7.0 That, when the respondent failed to heed my demands, I endorsed

the said check to my legal counsel who immediately sent a
formal demand letter through registered mail with return card on
February 10,2023 which was received by the respondent on
February 8, 2023. As of date however, Ms. Emma Llaneta has
unjustifiably ignored all these demands to pay the said account
and/or to redeem the said returned check. A true and faithful
machine reproduction of the formal demand letter and the return
receipt of the registered mail we sent to her are hereto attached as
Annex “D” and Annex “E”.

8.0 That, I am therefore executing this Complaint-Affidavit in

support of the charges for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22
against the said Ms. Emma Llaneta, who may be served with
subpoena and other processes of this Honorable Office at her last
known address at at No. 9 Kimantong, Daraga Albay,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this 28th of
February, 2023.


Complainant/ Affiant
CTC No.16942589
Issued on March 1,2023
Issued at Legazpi City

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me on this 28th of February 2023 in

Legazpi City.

I hereby certify that I have examined the Affiant and that I am fully satisfied
that he has voluntarily executed and understood the contents of his


Notary Public
Until December 31, 2023
PTR #No. 87604/10-33-2061

Doc No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2023

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