ME105 Lecture 9 - Introduction To 3D Modelling

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ME105 3D Modelling

Introduction to 3D Modelling
1. Most CAD systems are designed to handle Draughting (2D), Modelling (3D)
and Analysis (Programming).
2. 3D visualisation of objects vital in product development
3. Shape and form of objects can easily be visualised in 3D from different
angles esp. by non-engineers
4. 2D should never be confused with 3D
5. Orthographic and isometric projections are developed using 2 dimensions (x,
y) only.
6. 3D objects incorporate the (x, y, z) of objects and materials thereof.
7. 2D orthographic views can be generated from 3D objects
8. 3D modelling simplifies the design process by removing the need for
9. 3D models can also be analysed for stresses and strains (FE Analysis)
10. Advantageous to model objects in 3D although time consuming and costly
11. 3D Models can be represented as Wireframe, Surface or Solid Models

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Coordinate System

-X +Y

-Y +X


ME105 3D Modelling
3D Wireframe Models
 Wireframe models: skeleton of objects (no surfaces, no materials)
 Almost similar to 2D modelling but with the 3rd dimension (z)

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Models
 Define the boundaries and surfaces that enclose an object
 Assumes object to be hollow and thus no materials specified

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Solid Models
 Ultimate description of objects (edges, surfaces, materials)
 Analysis of such objects include strengths, interference of moving
parts, clearances, moments of inertia etc.

ME105 3D Modelling
Viewing Points
 Objects in 3D need to be oriented appropriately for maximum view (Eye)
 View Points are set using the 3D coordinates of the eye position
 Viewing point coordinate can be set or adjusted using the VPOINT command
 For 2D models of drawings, Viewing Coordinates for Elevations:
1. Plan (0,0,1); Front (0,-1,0); Right Side (1,0,0); Left Side (-1,0,0)
2. NB: Viewing at right angles to a planes, coordinates are zeros
3. Viewing behind an axis, the coordinate on that axis is negative
4. Viewing against an axis, the coordinate on that axis is positive
5. The numbers (0 and 1) are used for convenience but can be changed
 For 3D models, the commonly used but not limited viewing points are:

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Wireframe Model Exercise




ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: 3DFACE
 Surfaces bound by 3 or 4 edges
 Retrieve the wireframe model and fill in the patches (Apply HIDE at end)

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: Edge Surface
 EDGESURF: Surface edges created by adjoining and connected lines or arcs.
 Ensure that the selected edges are properly connected to create surface
 Surftab1 and Surftab2 are used to controlled the surface mesh density

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: Ruled Surface
 RULESURF: A ruled surface or patch between two 3D entities
 Orientation of patch depends on the sequence of selection of defining

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: Tabulated Surface
 TABSURF is used for extruding a polyline in a given direction/orientation
 Ensure that the path curve is a continuous and joined polyline
 Direction vector is a construction line drawn in a desired tilt/orientation.

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: Elevation
 ELEV: Creates surfaces that are extruded in the Z direction
 The elevation is the default Z value above (+) or below (-) the XY plane
 The thickness is the height of the extrusion
 ELEV only affects objects drawn after setting the 2 variables.

ME105 3D Modelling
3D UCS Icon
 Items such as circles in 3D must be carefully drawn in the correct
orientation and plane.
 The default plane for drawing such objects is the XY plane
 Turn on the UCS II Icon Bar and use that to choose the appropriate XY
plane to insert such objects

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: Surface of Revolution
 REVSURF: Objects that are symmetrical about a given axis
 Path curve must be connected polylines to be able to revolve
 Axis of revolution is simply a construction line through the symmetry line

ME105 3D Modelling
3D Surface Modelling Patches: Tutorial
 Produce a surface of revolution of the drinking glass as displaced.
 Approximate the size of the glass to ensure that it is as close as possible
 Do not use your title block.
 Save your model as Reg. No-LAB2.DWG and submit


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