Dead End Betrayal

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Hello,this is Frizmok of Org XIII.

It has come to our attention that Dead End has

decided to remove us from the alliance. This was something quite fun to learn 3rd
and 4th hand and when permissions have been removed from the alliance discord from
our members.

There have been a lot of things said that are not true about me and my clan that I
believe need to be addressed. The leadership for Dead End has treated us
differently since the merge. We've been allied with Dead End about 6 months now,
and we've propped them up and supported them through 3 different immortal reigns. I
have been the leader of Org XIII that entire time, so every alliance was with me as
an individual leader. Things started to change the cycle of the merge. The
leadership believed that we were probably not going to have a great shot to win
immortal, and i offered to switch leadership after our final shadow war. But nobody
knew that leadership couldn't be transferred at that time. I deleted my character
to make sure that one of the stronger players got leadership. While this worked, it
didn't let him participate in the Rite 3 mans.

This was rewarded by a covert operation to steal one of our top 3 resonance by Dead
End. Nothing was said by the player or by the leadership of our "allies." The
poached player simply removed everyone from the clan from his friends list and
left. It was no surprise when he showed up with "Dead End" over his head. Now I ask
you, if the only thing that is important is resonance according to this Dead End
argument, 1) Why was the clan leader of Dead End in the battle when there were 3
players in his clan 1000 resonance over him? and 2) If resonance is so important to
"the alliance" why would you take a player in who lessened the resonance of your
"allies" team? Additionally, it was suggested by this same leadership that the
match was lost "because of me."

The next cycle there was a lot of pressure to give up leadership when there were
valid reasons not to until it was necessary. I was harassed by two of the Dead End
leadership, and basically each one of my officers were approached to try and put
pressure on me. One of those officers was threatened that if I didn't turn over
leadership in Dead End's timeframe, that they and Asgard would "replace us."
Ultimately, I gave up leadership but they still griped, complained, and bullied.
When Org XIII and Asgard 3 person teams carried another immortal reign, there was
not a peep from them. Which was done despite being down two players who were having
connection issues. The two Dead End officers who are the issue in this situation
were the first dead from the alliance. Guess they should spend some more money so
they can get better at the game.

Since then, Dead End leadership has tried to go around me. They've shit talked me
to my officers, shit talked our clan, and generally tried to get around my
leadership despite making no effort at all to communicate with me other than basic
harassment to do whatever it was that they thought I should do. Dead End leadership
went out of their way to even criticize how I play my alts. They called us a half
full clan, and a number of other things that weren't true.

You can imagine the surprise when despite giving them what they wanted, that they
decided to cut us out of the alliance after they've been seen with Arreat, and
speciifically talked about an alliance with Arreat earlier in the week in officer

Dead End leadership specifically has been trying to poach players from our clan, I
know at least one member that they've been working on received a mail from them. We
expected at some point they would try to discard us suddenly, so it's no surprise
when they actually did so. After all, they'd already threatened it. I personally
introduced them to Arreat as they were someone we had tried to ally with at first,
and Arreat went with a stronger group of people. Obviously, they were part of a
team that won immortal. But something very concerning happened during those
conversations. First, it had been presented as if several things were true to
potential allies that had not been sorted, but the bigger one was when the leader
of the clan specifically was showing Ripbrawl (of Arreat) the players in his clan.
There were 25 or so players and the leader knew everyone's resonance down to within
30. As we all know, resonance is the key to everything. It's why Baratheon has been
immortal over and over. But that leader of Dead End? He only cares about your
resonance, that's all you are to him.

So you might wonder, if they are willing to discard an ally of 6 months, not even
tell them, and decide so on a whim... if they are so hung up on resonance that
they don't even think skill in the game matters, and if they are willing to poach,
bully, threaten, and intimidate their allies... Why wouldn't they do it to you?
They betrayed Core who was supposed to be part of the original alliance. They
threatened DBH with removal, and now they've pulled this shit with us. Is there any
reason to trust them? For members of Dead End, aside from those of you who have
bullied or intimidated any members of our clan, you are welcome in OrgXIII. We will
help you and give you people to run with and treat you well. To members of Asgard,
I would suggest you find an ally that isn't isn't going to treat you as the weakest
link and try to administer your clan. They've done this all multiple times now, and
I know many people have warned me about them, as they most likely have to you.
Don't be surprised when it happens to you.

Force change in Dead End leadership or leave them in the dust. It's a video game
after all, there's no reason to deal with any of this bullshit.

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