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Drip irrigation is the most effective method of delivering nutrients and water to crops. It provides the
proper amounts of water and nutrients at the appropriate times directly to the root zone of the plant.
This guarantees that each plant receives exactly what it requires at precisely the right time for optimum

drippers transport water and nutrients over the field. Each dripper releases water and fertilizer-
containing drips, which evenly distribute water and nutrients to each plant's root zone across the entire
field. Driplines can be buried or put on the surface. Along the dripline, the spacing between the drippers
is predetermined. The dripper is chosen with a certain flow rate appropriate for the crop and

Drip irrigation can handle uneven fields also. Water pressure regulators and filtration to remove
particles are primordial in any drip system. Drip irrigation tubes are usually black, but there are other
colors as well. Some dribble tubes are covered under soil or mulch to forestall the development of green
growth and to safeguard the PE (polyethylene) from degradation because of bright radiation. Some of
the time a drip water system can likewise be a permeable mud vessel embedded into the dirt and
occasionally filled from a hose or a watering can. Effective ranchers all over the planet use dribble
frameworks to water practically any serious harvest or plant.

The reason we are choosing this type of irrigation system is that It does not only deliver a greater
return on investment than other irrigation methods, but it also gives farmers an efficient and simple way
to operate their farms and results in:

 Higher yields of consistently high-quality produce.

 Huge water savings because there is no evaporation, runoff, or waste.
 100% land utilization: drip irrigation evenly distributes water over all topographies and soil
 Energy savings because drip watering only requires low pressure.
 Effective application of crop protection and fertilizers without leaching.
 Less reliance on the weather, which increases stability and reduces risk.
 lessen the negative effects of climate change and drought on food production.
 Avoid letting fertilizer leaching contaminate rivers and groundwater.

There are billions of people living on this planet and the population is growing every single day this is
where drip irrigation fits in, bringing change to the economics of global agriculture by letting farmers
produce more food per hectare and cubic meter of water. Reduce the impact of drought and climate
change on food production. It can also avoid contamination of groundwater and rivers caused by
fertilizers leaching and support rural communities, reduce poverty, and reduce migration to cities.

Plants are more productive with drip irrigation due to the high availability and nutrients, doses of water
and nutrients tailored to the plant’s development needs, no saturation, and good soil aeration to avoid
high salinity caused by excessive fertilizer application and no wetting of foliage that can result in fungal

1. Shareef, T. Ma, Z. and Zhao, B. (2019) Essentials of Drip Irrigation System for Saving Water and
Nutrients to Plant Roots: As a Guide for Growers. Journal of Water Resource and Protection.
2. Harris, G. A. (2005). Sub-surface drip irrigation – system maintenance. Note No. 17653. DPI&F,
3. Paul, J.C., Mishra, J.N., Pradhan, P.L. and Panigrahi, B. (2013) Effect of Drip and Surface Irrigation
on Yield, Water-Use-Efficiency and Economics of Capsicum (Capsicum annum L.) Grown under
Mulch and Non-Mulch Conditions in Eastern Coastal India. European Journal of Sustainable
Development, 2, 99-108

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