IB English - Debate PDF

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Meyan, Shaikha, Maryam, Zayed, Abdulla

Animal rights: For

- Firstly, according to Islam, animals are worthy of respect and consideration, therefore, animals
deserve to have rights just like how humans do.
- Hadith about a man who quenched a dog's thirst and had all his sins forgiven as a result - shows
the importance of treating animals
- Hadith about a woman who tortured a cat and as a result it is said that she will be admitted to
hellfire - shows the possible punishment for mistreating them
- What harm would it cause you to provide animals with simple, basic rights? It doesn’t take away
from any of your rights, so why allow animals to get beaten, killed, and overall, face unjust
- In Islam, if you want to consume the meat of an animal Islam commands you to behead it, not
use guns or any other form of execution, to make sure the animal feels a minimal amount of pain
- Goes as far as prohibits you from eating meat from animals that were not slaughtered properly
- Shows how important it is to not hurt animals

Vaccination: against
- Human Bodies react differently to everything, but the vaccines are all universal leading to an
increased chance for an allergic reaction from the human body
This chance is exponentially increased since you need to take them yearly
- Because of the massive amounts of use of vaccines, there are instances where unplanned
outcomes occur regarding the death of a person from the way they reacted to the vaccine
- “During the US multi-state measles outbreak of 2014–2015, unsubstantiated claims of deaths
caused by measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine began circulating on the Internet.”
- Vaccines are untrustworthy as everyone reacts differently towards the medicine injected into your
Vaccines are untrustworthy as everyone reacts differently towards the medicine injected into your body


- All vaccines have some risks. If that were not true, there would be no National Vaccine Injury
Compensation Program, no reduced liability for pharmaceutical companies through that program,
no special arm of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (the Vaccine Court) to settle claims of vaccine
injury, and no Vaccination Information Sheets mandated by the federal government to inform
parents and vaccine recipients of possible adverse reactions
- Although the side effects that come with getting a vaccine can be considered very ‘mild’ side
effects such as fever, we need to acknowledge that there have been some instances where children
experience severe allergic reactions and neurological side effects like seizures, which I think we
can all agree are pretty harsh side effects to undergo, so how would you feel if u were the parent
of a child who went through a seizure just because of a vaccine? And knowing this info, would
you still take the risk of giving your child the vaccine?
- Vaccine companies gain profit from selling vaccines, so how are we so sure that the concept isn’t
just a scam, for example, the Sinopharm vaccine is basically very ineffective and doesn’t
significantly help in developing antibodies in the human system which is what its supposed to do,
so if it isn’t helping that matter then what exactly is it doing to the human body and how will we
ever know what harm it does since the impacts could show up in a long time?

- There is social pressure on vaccine companies to produce vaccines. This is clear with the corona
vaccine, there are almost different “brands” of vaccines. Each one rushing to create a vaccine to
control the empty market

Minors should be trialled for murder: for

- Separate the potential murders at a young age
- Decreases crime rates
- What if a 17-year-old shot up a school and killed 34 children while knowing well enough that he
has committed something atrocious, shouldn't he get the punishment that he deserves?
- Murder is NOT manslaughter


- Being a minor is no excuse for such a horrific crime, families of the people who were murdered
are in no way going to fully be to fully recover from the trauma of losing someone, so, the least
that could happen to the murderer is a trial.
- The outcome of a trial will not always be jail, so the least the minor should go through would be
trial, given the fact that they had just taken some else's life away.

Capital punishment: for

-Decreases crime rates for certain capital punishment Crimes
-makes people think twice about committing a crime and think about the consequences.
-It decreases the amount Of criminal's There are in the world

NEGATION: Falsely accused people are doomed.

Anyone can be falsely that's why lawyers exist


- When capital punishment is considered by the supreme court it is usually the result of an extreme
act of violence on behalf of the criminal, so, if this criminal were to have killed a large number of
innocent people, they should face a punishment that covers for the horrific actions they’d taken.
- A known fact in Islam is that when someone chooses to take someone else’s life, they too should
have their life taken away, which is exactly what capital punishment is.

Plastic surgery: for

- It can save people's lives by repositioning their noses So that they can breathe better.
- Plastic surgery isn't necessary for cosmetics, it is primarily there to fix deformations
- Plastic surgery is a freedom of choice

- Having plastic surgery will overall allow a person to develop more self-confidence, thus,
enhancing their quality of life.
- Some individuals suffer from extremely low self-esteem due to their appearance, making it hard
for them to carry out basic things like even engaging or communicating with others, overall just
dragging them down on a daily basis, so, if the option to change somethings they don’t like about
themselves is available, I don’t see any reason as to why they shouldn’t do it.

Counter: Plastic surgery is haram

It is haram for cosmetic purposes
Argument: Although I do respect ur point, I still have to point out that if you’re going to speak from the
Islamic perspective, Islam also doesn’t encourage people to interfere with other peoples personal matters
which is what you’re essentially doing when saying people shouldn’t get work done.

Video games cause bad behaviour: for

- “A comprehensive study from the Journal of Health Psychology shows that gaming disorders are
linked to greater levels of loneliness, anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, social problems and
many other psychological-social problems.”
- A Student has recreated his school in a violent video game where you are able to shoot people
with guns and plant bombs.
- The website Frontiers in Psychology States, “Not only can they imitate the aggressive behaviour
of the model but also their understanding and acceptability about aggression may change”


- Games such as GTA, which promote violence, will heavily influence young kids to think that
these acts are normal in society.

Gender equality is a myth: against

- Gender equality is slowly becoming the reality.

- Protest for gender equality within countries have increased
- The woman strike for equality in the United States (1970)
- Passing of the nineteenth amendment ( the United States )
- Women have the right to vote
- Present in arab communities
- Women were not allowed to work, learn, go out, vote
- today woman have jobs like men ( equality )
- Supreme council for Woman

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