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This book contoins over 700 octivities for EFL ond ESOL students, ond is intended to cover
oll the importont topics, functions ond structures from elementory to upper-intermediote
level. The mojority of octivities included here ore short and to the point, giving the teocher
on opportunity to provide on-the-spot proctice, either when the plonned moteriols hove
proved insufficient, or when o chonge of focus is needed. They con olso be included in
normol lesson plonning. This is an involuoble resource for experienced ond inexperienced
teachers, ond is unique in thqt the octivities require no preporotion. All thot is needed is o
quick look through the chosen octivity to check the longuoge involved and to estimqte the
time needed. 700 ClassroomActivitiesis the ideol tool for teochers who oppreciote the
importonce of reocting to students' needs, os ond when they orise.

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700 Classroom Activities is divided into four sections: conversotion, functions, grommor
ond vocobulory. The octivities within these sections ore orgonised into cotegories thot
crreclrronged olphobeticolly, so thot using the book is o simple motter of turning to the
oppropriote poge for the topic in hond. There is qn index ot the bock of this book, where
the moin referencesore in bold. There are also referencesto octivities in which the topic
is covered incidentally.
The octivities foll into four moin cotegories:
. The teocher prompts students with questions, key words or phroses.
. Cues ore written on the boord. This con either be done while students ore engoged in the
previous tosk, or they con be elicited during the presentotion.
. The octivity is instigoted by meons of o short dictotion, or through the allocotion of roles
to individuols or groups.
r A project is ossigned to individuol students and they moke preporotions outside the closs
for on octivity to be corried out in the next lesson.
The mojority of activities ore written os if spoken directly to the student. The longuoge is not
groded for lower levels because of the need to keep the instructions cleor ond concise for the
teocher, so sometimes they will need simplifying. Instructions to the teacher ore written in
brockets. There is sometimes more thon one octivity under eoch heodinq. The stort of eoch
octivity is indicoted with o @.

The level of difficulty is suggestednext to eoch octivity heoding with shoding on the
correspondinglevel icon (E for ElernentoryP for Pre-intermediate,I for Intermedioteond
U+ for Upper-intermediote).The range is wider for conversotiontopics,where the teocher
con usuolly grode the longuoge occordingto the closs.It is more restrictedfor grommor
topics,where structuresore torgetedot specificlevels.

Thedangersign A
Thereore sometopicsin this book which moy offend porticulorly sensitiveor eosily
emborrossedstudents,ond otherswhich might leod to ontogonism betweenstudents
with potentiolly conflicting opinions.Thesetopicshove been morked A, . It is ot the
teocher'sdiscretionto decidewhether or not theseoctivitiesore oppropriote.

uction 5
No timing hqs been given for ony of the octivities;the sizeof the closs,the enthusiosm
of studentsfor conveisotion topiis ond their optitude for grommoticol structures
tokes.It is olso up to the teocherto determine how for
determinefro* fo"j"" octivity
especioliywhere there is o list of questionsor cue words which do
on octivity should io,
not necessarilyhove to be fully exploited'

Theseore assignedto studentsto work on outsidethe clossroom,either for feedbock
in =Fl3
iesson, or leoding into o clossroomoctivity. Mony and
projects, some other
o subsequent
octivities,require reieorch ott i'h" Internet.Theseare mqrked @.

- poirs,
Most octivities hqve tvyo or more ports, usuolly with o different focus in eoch
groups, open closs,etc. - ond often using djfferent skills. Where octivities begin with
stoted. Similorly, feedbock is held
6.r"riiorrr, tfreseore in open clossunless'otherwise no specific
in open ciassat the endbf octivities.Unless o speciol focus is required,
os a
instruction is given to the teocherto conducto feedbocksession;it should happen
motter of course.
It is olwoys good to vory the focus, to hove studentsworking together in different
combinationsond, of somestogeduring the course,with every other student'This
book El Pn
different groupings ond students should get used to rnoving from one ploce
permits it is
to onothlr, os well os-mlngtiig in the middle of the room. Whereverspoce
advisobleto hqve the seoti on? tables in o horseshoe. When putting students together
in groupstheseshould be os diverseos possible, with studenti from different bockgrounds
ond with differentinterestsshoring expbriencesond opinions through English.In
oble to exploit the diversity of
notionolity clossesthere is the obv"iousodvontoge of being
o greot deol of informotion exchange. Students also benefit
str|nglfrs In English thot different longuoge speokershove'
from the relqtive
ond obilities
When teochersget to know their studentswell they will identify experiences
in certoin studeits thot they would Iike to encouroge them to tolk obout. There ore stoges
involve groups interviewing on individuol. This is usuolly ot the
to mony octivitieswhich
end of an octivitY.
Teom gomescrrecln integrol port of mony activitiesond they enoblethe kind of
thot incieoses students' emotionol involvement in the lesson, ond
thereforetheir receptiveness. They ore alsogreatfun. ln teom work, ond other group
octivities,it ii importont to moke surethot one studentdoesnot dominote, either
or by giving too mony clnswers during gomes'
soying too much during conversotions,
If one student dominot6s,osk him/her not tb give ony more onswersuntil everybody
in the teom hos hod o 9o. tEFl-l
It is usually o good ideo to write up the title of the octivity ot th€ outsef os o woy
ond sometimes the first question to the closs is obout the title itself'
leoding into th"etopic,
to be kept secret until o
Occosi6nolly,however,the moin point of the octivity is intended
to the teocher, the title is not written up'
Ioter stoge.t1 th"r" instonces,wfriifr will be obvious
A few i.tFll
Where written cuesore needed,these ore kept short to reducewriting up time'
the closs
exomplesond sentencesrequire o bit more writing, ond this con be done while
is involved in the previousoctivity or stoge. students con olso copy sentences os they ore
written, ond thesecon include gops to UJfinea in so thot students ore making decisions
os theY write.

6 700 ClassroomActivities

ffi:. ffil'i'l.lrtt'i'"t
tElffiu;] My house
&* In poirs, tell eoch other obout the ploce you live. Is it a flot or o house?Do you rent it?
Describeyour favourite room.
Tell your portner obout on interestingplace you hove lived, e.g.I usedto liveon a boat/
in a tent ...
& Broinstormsome differentkinds of occommodotionond think of on odiectiveto
describeeoch one, e.g.palace- luxurious.
h In smoll groups,discussthe odvontogesond disodvontogesof living in theseploces.
ETP'!ffi Flatmates
In poirs, imogine you ore looking for someoneto shoreyour flot. Write o newspoper
advertisementincluding informotion obout the room, the flot ond a contoct number.
Moke sureyou both hqve o copy of the ad.
Swopportnerswith another poir ond role-ploythis telephoneconversotion.
StudentA, you hove put on odvertisementfor o flotmote in the locol poper. However,in
'Room to rent. Coll 020 876 1427.'
order to sovemoney you kept it short:
Student B, you ore looking for o room. Ask student A obout the room, the flot, the other
tenonts,the rent and ony rules.
Swoproles,ond role-ploy the conversotionogoin.
Whot problemscclnhoppen betweenflotmotes?(Broinstormideoswith the clossabout

ri housework,money,TV,music,bathroom, i

Imogine you went aheod with the tenoncy.It is now six months loter ond you ore fed up
with living together. In your poirs, role-ploy an orgument. Try to sort out your differences.

lffit*ffiffic]ldeal home
In smoll groups,designyour dream home ond gorden. Include informotion obout rooms,
decor,furniture, equipment,focilities,locotion ond stoff. Preporeo short presentotionto
the closs.If there is on ortist in the group, get him/her to do someillustrotions.
Have a clossvote for the best house.

@ Visit o stotelyhome websiteond moke notesqbout it to bring to the next lesson.
Describethe home to the closs.
$s-Find a housefor sole on the Internet, print out the descriptionond bring it to the closs.
In pairs, role-play o conversqtionbetweenthe estoteogent ond o prospectivebuyer.


In groupsof three or four, discussthesequestions'


i Wtrat's yourfavourite Why? Haveyoueverhad a pet?Tellus aboulit,, ^ ;

, Do you prefercatsor dogs?Why? Howdo peopletreatanimalsin
Ii Wf it animalsdo you eat? What do youthinkof bloodsports? t
,._.--.- -.***,-:._ *---,--,-*.--.*-*'"i

Effi-u;l Animal extremes

In poirs, ogree on on onimal to fit eoch of these descriptions.

i ttr" biggest,the mostbeautiful, the mostdangerous, slowes!,

the fastest,the_
ir tf'e m6Jtunusual, thecuddliest, thefriendliest t
- - . - - , * _ - _ - " * * " - - - ' - * " - , 1
Comporeyour ideoswith onotherpoir.

rilFIW Animal expressions

@ In smollgroups,explointheseidiomoticexpressions.

i le's a wolf in sheep'sclothing. l've got a frog in my throat'

I I feel likea fishout of water she'sgot ants in her pants.
ii Th"t'" tarthe
that's let iho cat
.2+ out
nrrt of
nf the
thc bag,
- sheeo of the family.j
He'sthe black sheep
Iii,*,.',.-..-.-."*,-,*,-- *"---,'-*".."i

@ In smoll groupsrmoke up endingsfor theseproverbs.

: iJ
The earlybird (catchesthe worm). Don'tlooka gifthorse(inthemouth)' !
Monkeysee,(monkeydo). Don'tcountyourchickens they'rehatched).!
Whenthe cat'saway,(themicewillplay)' i
I,m going to reod the reol endings,out of sequence.Write them down and decidewhich
expressionsthey fit. Discusswhot the proverbsmeon.
Do you hove onimol proverbsin your longuoge?Exploin someto the closs.

Animal stories
In smoll groups,broinstorm o few of the pros ond consof the following: keepingonimols
in zoos;modein livestockforming ond pest control. In your groups,chooseone of these
writing tosks.Appoint one personto do the writing.

, the thoughtsof an elephantin a zoo, includingan accountof how he ended up there]

the scriptof a conversation betweena sheepand a pig on a farm l
life of a mouselivingin your kitchen
.^ ^ [. ,:^ ^ :^ . ,^, .- l.i+^l-,^n
i *an
" *account
---" oI tne
- dayto-day
---f '- ---r
; ,,,, : -,._,-_--_""*_- ---""-..----,-----i

EftIIl€l Victimsof crime A

Hove you, or anybody you know, everbeen the victim of o crime?In poirs, tell your
portner whot hoppened.

3 Activities
700 Classroom
frFlffi Punishment A
In poirs, decide on oppropriote oenolties for these crimes.
! mugging,joyriding,vandalism, murder,drinkdriving,manslaughter I
Compore your onswerswith onother poir. Then write o list of foctors thot moke a crime
more seriousond thosethot moke q crime lessserious,e.g.homelesspersonstealingfood.

filFWl Neighbourhoodwatch
Therehos been on increosein crime in your neighbourhood,especiollyviolent crime
ond cor crime. You ore going to ottend o meeting to decidewhot to do.
Preporefor the meeting in poirs. Discussyour ideosond moke notes.
Pair A, you ore:
'get tough on crime' policy.
The locol MP - You representthe government'snew
The locol chief of police - You believein zerotoleroncetowordscriminols.
Poir B, you ore:
A locol youth worker - You wont more money for community projectsond you believe
thot preventionis better thon punishment.
An ex-criminol - You ore now working to help reformedcriminals.
Poir C, you clre:
The leoder of the locol tenants' ossociotion- You wont o sofer environment for the tenonts.
A reporterfrom the locol newspoper- You wont find out the views of oll concerned.
PoirsA, B ond C, join to form groupsof six. Role-ploythe meeting.
(If the clossdoesnot divide into groupsof six, extro studentscon join poir C as reporters
or locol residentsor oct os choirperso4to monoge the meeting.)

tflffiffill Big bad wolf? A

Who knows the story of Little RedRiding Hood?Form groupswith thosewho do not ond
tell them the story.(If no one knows it, tell the classyourselfand then qsk for o summory.)
Write o few odlectivesto describeLittle Red Riding Hood ond o few to describethe wolf.
Here is someevidencethot suggeststhe wolf wos not the criminol but the victim.
- -r ^.^ ^l ^1. ,^^.^ ^ ^l :.^ rL
r Thewolfhas beenfoundmurdered.He was shotthreetimes,skinnedand dumpedin the I
I riverwithhis stomachfullof stones.WhenLittleRed RidingHoodwas arrestedshe had
I ttrewolf'scoat on and was carryinga gun. The grandmotherhas disappeared.

Work in groups of three. Role-ploy the police interview with Little Red Riding Hood.
Students A ond B, you ore police officers ond you wont o confession.
Student C, you ore Little Red Riding Hood. Deny everything and give on olibi. Exploin
how you come to have the coot ond gun.
Police officers, report bock to the class. Whot wos Little Red Riding Hood's explonotion?
.Are you going to chorge her? If so, hos she got onything to soy before she's chorged?

til-P-lJ,M Gapitatpunishment
Do you ogreewith the soying 'An eye for on eye,o tooth for o tooth'?
Work in two groups:thosein favour of copitol punishment, ond those ogoinst it. Prepore
your argumentsfor a clossdebote.Appoint one personto speokfirst for your group,
ond onother to speoksecond.The othersshould help with the orgumentsand listen for
problemswith the other group'sorguments.(Put onyone who is undecidedin the smoller
of the two groups.You could also osk o studentto choir the debote.)

crime A
ETPIW OrEanised t€ffiFf
Is there o powerful crime orgonisotionin your country?Whot is i1 6slled ond whot kinds
of octivity is it involved in? boes it have ony influencein government?Why is orgonised
crime so powerful in somecountriesond not in others?
Work in two groups,A ond B.
Group A, you ore the leodersof the moin globol crime orgonisotions.Broinstormideasto
improve your power ond Profit.
Group B, you ore the leodersof the police forcesof the most powerful countries.Broinstorm
ideosto help reducethe power of orgonisedcrime.
Comporeideosos o closswith studentsin Group A toking it in turns to call out one of
their ideosfor studentsin Group B to try ond counteroct,e.9.
A - We'regoing to smugglemoreinto the countrythroughthe ports. I-TFT
t - r ' r '
B - WeII,ie'vi decidedto increasesecurityand the numberof randomchecksat all ports'

l-ElFlE!ffiI Project @
Visit o websiteon the subiectof crime, e.g.the FBI'sten most wonted website.Moke notes
on whot you find out for o presentotionto the closs.

lEffiWl cultureclash A
Whot ore the odvontogesqnd disodvontogesof Iife in o multiculturol city? Whot does
the proverb 'When in Romedo os the Romonsdo' meon? Do you ogreewith it?
S" In groups,discussthe differencesbetweenculturesusing thesetopics.
"t festivals,
music,food, ad,,famouspeople

s* What hoppenswhen different culturesmeet?Think of positiveexomples,e.9.the

Moorish influence on Spoin.

frs.In small groups,discusswhot you know obout thesefestivols.

Carnival,Eastet Guy FawkesNight,ChineseNew Year,Eid,
i Diwali,Christmas,Thanksgiving,Passover,PancakeDay

Find o portner from another group. Did his/her group know onything thot your group
didn't? : - r

s* In smoll groups,osk eoch other obout your own countries,or other countriesyou know
well. Whot is the notionol ...?
dish,sport,dress,drink,music,monument 1

(If it's o singlenationality closs,onswerquestionsobout the UK/USA.Then osk studentsto

work in groups ond write sentencesobout onother country. Allocote o different country
to eoch group. Ask them to reod out their sentencesond seeif the other groupscon guess
the countrv.)

10 700 Classroom
Fffiffi Highculture
#" Whot culturol octivities do you toke port in?
In poirs, tell eoch other obout what you do ond the plocesyou go, e.g. cinemos,theotres,
galleries,museums,etc. (Ask studentsto specifyfilms, ploys ond exhibitions.)
F* Mingle with the rest of the clossond find out everyone'sfovourite pointing, building
and pieceof music. Note down the nome of onyone who shoresyour opinion. Did clnyone
find someonewith the sqme three favourites?

ffi Educatlon:
My school

t.HTrff4lu.l .
In groups,tell eoch other obout o schoolyou went to os o child.

i where it was, a teacheryou admired,a teacheryou detested,a good friend, f

i "l:Ti1y:,Tf*:::i":::J-:T-?::l1y-"-:l-1-'i3'"lll1:i:::.:*:
Why (not)?
Wouldyou sendyour child to the someschool?

E-]ffil]ffi English school system

Whot ore the stoges of the English school system? (Drow the chort on the board ond elicit
<rsmuch os possible from the closs.)

5-1 1 PrimarySchool

11-14 All Subiects

11-16SecondarySchool 1 4 - 1 6 G S C E ' O ' l e v e l s ,i n c l u d i n gM a t h sa n d E n g l i s h

FurtherEducation/ TechnicalGollege Vocational Courses

16-18 SecondarySchool 3 or 4 GCSE '/t' levels


In smollgroups,comporethe Englishschoolsystemwith the systemin your country,


=lFfffi Discipline
s* How do you think disobedientond disruptiveschoolchildrenshould be disciplined?
In groups,decideon the best methods.
i corporalpunishment,
lines,discussion, idetention,parents,
::::-"i::-::::'-".::*i' i
s" In groups,tell eoch other obout somethingbod thot you, or somebodyyou know,
did ot school.Whot wos the punishment?Wos there onybody ot your schoolwho wos
porticulorly disruptiveor delinquent?Do you know whot hoppenedto him/her in
loter life?

Conversation 11
ffiffi-u.l Study skills
In poirs,comporethe woy you study,includingthesecotegories.
! notes,filing,dictionaries,
books,speakingin class, i
In smoll groupsrdiscussthe adviceyou would give to o studentwho wants to learn a
new longuoge.Agree on your top ten suggestionsfor effectivestudy,e.g.Keepa vocabulary
notebookusingdifferentcoloursfor differentparts of speech.Askthe teacherif you do not

tffiffiffi Class contract

In smoll groups,moke two lists of dutiesto help make o closseffective:1) students'duties;
and 2) the teocher'sduties, e.g. Thestudentsmust arriveon time. Theteachermust correct
written work within a week.Compore your lists with the other groups.
Which dutiesshould go in o closscontroct?(Elicitideasond write them on the boord.)
lElWl Projects @
Work with onother studentwho would like to study the some subjectos you. Visit
o university or FE(FurtherEducotion)collegewebsiteond print out someinformotion.
Find out obout courses,fees,entry quolificotionsond other octivitiesovoiloble for stgdents.

l-Effiffi Green manifesto

i$p-Whot ore the main threots focing our environment? How con they be ovoided?
In poirs, discuss these questions, comporing your experience of different countries.
i Wfrat are the most well-known ecological threats? Are people environmentallyconscious? .
: Effiil
In groups, write o Green Porty manifesto, giving your proposols for on environmentolly
friendly lifestyle.

trTffiffiI Public consultation meeting

A poper fcrctoryis plonned for your town, which is very beoutiful but high in
unemployment.Thereore concernsfrom the locol community about pollution ond the
destruction of on ancient forest neorby.
In groups of eight, you ore going to role-ployo public consultotionmeeting to listen to
Iocol views. (Allocotetheseroles.If the clossdoesnot divide into groups of eight, drop one
or two of the roles.)
In fovour of the foctory: the moyor, o representqtiveof the poper compony,the building _:_-___l

controctor,on unemployedperson.
Agoinst the foctory: o member of the GreenPorty,on environmentol scientist,o locol
croftsmon, o local hotel owner.
Beforethe meeting,discussyour orgumentswith the peoplewho shoreyour views,
consideringpollution, visuol impoct, tourism, jobs and effectson other businesses.
Role-ploythe meeting.

12 700Classroom
TEFffi] Eco-warrior
Whot is on 'eco-worrior'?Whot kind of issuesdo they fight for ond how do they fight
for them?
In poirs, imogine o motorwoy is being built through on oreo of oustandingnoturol
beauty. How would you opposeit if you were on eco-worrior?Whot orgumentswould
you moke, ond whot orguments would you expect from the developer?
Role-ployon interview betweeno journolist ond on eco-worriorchoined to o tree. Discuss
the planned development,how long he/shehos been there ond whqt he/sheplons to do
when the bulldozersorrive.

IE-WI Fashionstatements
In smollgroups,brieflydiscussthesequestions
ond choosesomeoneto report the group's
opinionsond onswers to the closs.
i Wheredo you buy your clothes?
, What is the most expensivegarmentyou'veeverbought?
i Wnat is good and bad taste in clothes?
i Who is the best-dressed personin the class?
i Whichcountriesare the most influentialin fashion?
! What do vou thinkof the fur trade?
! Wfratfamousdesignersdo you know about?
i What is a 'fashionstatement'?
! Do you ever makeyour own clothes?
' What pieceof clothingwouldyou most liketo buy?
; What pieceof clothingwould you most hate to wear?
j ls fashionimportant?Why (not)?
What do clothestellyou aboutthe personwearingthem? ;

Etrreffi uniforms
Why do peopleweor uniforms?Hove you everworn one?Tell us when it wos, ond why you
wore it. How is o uniform different from o dresscode?Whot is 'dressingdown'?
Here is o list of peoplewho dressin o particulor way. Describehow they dress.Con you
think of onv more?

ravers,new age people,

In smoll groups,discusswhy thesegroupsdressos they do. Whot messogesore they trying

to send?

EFWffi Ctothestines
In groups,discussthe meoning of thesesoyings.
Keepit underyour hat I wear the trousersin this family.
We'llhaveto tightenour belts. She'sgot a bee in her bonnet.
Keepyourshirton. He was caughiwith his pantsdown.
Put yourselfin my shoes. He'stoo big for his boots.

Tell the rest of the closssome clothessoyingsfrom your country.

Conversation 13
ffiBffilffil Projects @ ffi
$s-Write o descriptionof someoneyou sow todoy, or on imoginory descriptionof o famous
personyou'd like to meet.Then work in poirs. StudentA, reod the beginning of your
description.StudentB, osk yes/no questionsabout whot the personwos weoring. Then
swop roles.
&. Usethe Internet to find o biography of o fomous foshion designer.Moke notesfor o
short presentotion.Bring somepicturesof his/her designsyou feel strongly obout. Work in
smoll groupsond show the otherswhot you hove brought ond why you chosethe designer.

fffiffilffiLu;lE ating habits ffi

Which of you
s" In smollgroups,tell eochothereverythingyou ate ond drankyesterday?
hqs the heolthiest diet?
@ I'm going to osk you some questions. Listen corefully to eoch one. (Direct eoch question
to o different student. Listen to the onswer, then osk onother student to repeot the question.
Ask the whole closs to write it down.)

Whatis yourfavourite
i Areyoua goodcook?Whatis yourspeciality? fruit?What'sthe most i
i expensive youthinkof Britishfood?What'sa typical i
L-"9t*::f:::?T-tv3"yl1l-l:p:-qi:-v:Yll5:::15:3:3-Ye*-"": ffi
In pairs, osk ond onsweroll the questions.
g*'In groups,find out how mony different kinds of restourontyour group hos been to, e.9.
Chinese,Greek,etc. Which group hos been to the most?
In your goups,imogine you ore oll going out for o meol. Agree on which kind of restquront
to 90 to.
|- t!-l -9t:!?9l Potato game
F*'Toketurns to nome one thing thot con be done with o pototo, e.g. It con be usedas a
paperweightIf you can't think of on idea, you ore out of the gome. The lost personto give
o use is the winner.
&" In groups,toke turns to think of o vegetobleond onswertheseten questionswithout
noming the vegetoble.After eoch question,one of the othersin the group will hove o 9o
ot guessingwhot the vegetobleis. Whoevergetsit right wins points - 10 on the first guess,
9 on the second,ond so on.

| 1 Can it be boiled? 6 Do peopleeat a lot of them/it in the U[(USA? i

i 2 ls it countableor uncountable? 7 What do you eat' it
i t with?
rnrith? I

3 Doesit grow in the ground? B How big is it?

4 Canyou eat it raw? 9 What colour is it?
5 ls it bitteror sweet? 10 What'sthe first letter? ; : -

In smoll groups, moke a list of different woys of cooking rice, e.g. egg fried rice,paella, rice
On your own, write instructionsfor how to cook perfectrice. Comporethem with the others
in your group.

14 700 Classroom
I'm going to dictote one questionto eoch person.Mingle and ask oll the other students
your question.Moke o note of their onswers.(Dictoteeoch questionquickly,but go
through them two or three times so thot studentsget onother chonceto take down their
question. After the survey, elicit the results ond write them on the boord.)

i-lc;ffi t"";;;rr"#ffi ;'i'il.;""'youv;- il;;;ffi;;ilr""d?----^"]

i Haveyou evertried (lndian/Japanese/Greek)
food? How often do you eat out? i
i What is your biggestmeal of the day? Do you likefishand chips? :
] How much do you spend on food everyweek? Do you preferCoke or Pepsr? i
{ What do you eat for breakfast? Wheredo you buy your food? :
Do you eat a lot of chocolate?
i_"::-Y:_Y-::l :_.::e:
l"-"-:.irg !

ffigWful Shoppinglists
Work in smoll groups.I'll come round ond write down the kind of meol you ore going
to cook. Agreeo shopping list of all the things you need for this meol. When you hove
finished,look at the other groups' lists ond try to guessthe occosionthey ore preporing for.

a Sundaymealfor fivepeople a picnicinthe park I

a romanticdinnerfor two a fullEnglish
breaKast l
. a meal for a fitness fanatic a child'sbirthdayparly j

|ffiU;l Sundaydinner
you will needfor o three-course
In groupsof three,writeo shoppinglist of the ingredients
Sundoy dinner, toking charge of one course eoch. Write the menu. Look ot the other
groups' menus ond decide which meol you would most like to hove. (In mixed notionolity
closses,try to moke eoch group mixed.)

[ffi Restaurants
$*'Work in small groups. I'll give eoch group o different type of restouront. Creote o menu
ond include storters,moin courses,side dishes,dessertsond drinks. Don't forget the prices.
; a steak house,a vegetariancafe, an expensiveFrencheatery,
' a motorwayservicestationrestaurant,a seafoodrestaurant
---.-,- .,-,-,,-.*- .-,- .-.- .i
i..-,'.*.- .--..*,

3r*In poirs, describeyour lost visit to o restourontin detoil.

i when and where,the food and drink,who you werewith,the d6cor, i
i the waiter,the music,what you talkedabout,the otherpeoplethere i
t"---_-_-----.* *--.*-------.-"-:
If onyone hos experienceof working in o restouront,onswerquestionsobout the job from
the closs.

=lF-F*ffi Food for thought

In smoll groups,discussthesequestions.

Wf'y does faminehappen?
i !
! Uow can it be dealtwith? :
i Can GM food helpto avoidfamine? !

Conversation 15
IEW One man's meat A M
Have you ever eoten onyth ing unusuol?Is there onything which you think peopleshould
not eot? Why?
In smoll groups,discusswhere in the world peopleeot thesefoods,ond whether you would
eot them. (Aniwers can be reseorchedos port of the projectbelow.)
;- tripe,flies,1
1 sheep's kidneys,
In your groups,put the foodsin order from the most to the leost pleasontsounding.

tlffi Project @
'weird food', e.g. insects,ugli fruit, etc. Bring o printout
Usethe Internet to seorchfor
ond descriptionto the next closs.In smoll groups,guesshow to preporeond eot it.

lE-ffil one day...

I'm going to dictote one prediction obout the future to eoch pers_on: Mingle ond collectthe
othei students'opinions on your prediction.Note their onswers.(Dictoteeoch sentence
quickly,but go through them two or three times so thot studentsget another chanceto
tote dbwn tlieir prediction. After the survey, elicit the results ond write them on the boord.)
Computerswilltake overthe wodd.
i time travelwillbe possible. i
i We willfindlifein othersolarsystems. Ir.lffif
I Babieswillbe genetically modified.
! Unintelligent cloneswilldo allthe hardwork.
] Diseasewill be eliminated.
i Peoplewillliveon Mars.
I A cometwillwipe out lifeon Earth.
i We will learnhow to travelat the speed of light.
i Englishwill be the onlylanguagein the world.
1 Therewill be no more war. TW
i Evervone will liveto be 200.
1 fne environmentwillbe destroyed. \
i Everybodywillbe darkskinned i

lElffi Time capsule

In smoll groups,ogreeo list of ten objectsto put in o time copsule.It will be opened
in o thousond yeois ond the objectswill show what life wos like in the 21st century.
Comporelists with onother group ond osk them to exploin their choices'
(Hereore someexomples.Usethem either to prompt ideos or for discussionofter the
studentshove chosentheir obiects.)
1 a tralntngshoe,a bag of householdrubbish,a bottleof mineralwater, i
i a tabloid-newspaper,-amusic CD, a pictureof a trafficjam, a cigarette, i

16 700 Classroom
lffiSul My future
In poirs, copy the toble ond fill it in for your portner by osking him/her questions,e.g.
WherewiIIyou be workingin tenyears' time?

My Life In 1 year'stime In 10 years'time In 30 years'time




E- II Mini lectures
. Write
oboutthe UK/USA/Austrolio/...
In smollgroups,preporeo setof questions

Work in pairs with someonefrom o country you don't know. Ask ond onswerthe some
questions,ond moke notesobout the onswers.
(ln o single notionolity closs,write the students'questionson the boord ond give o country
written on o pieceof poper to eqch poir of students.They write os much os they con obout
the country, fhen reod out whot they hove written for other studentsto guessthe country.)
f "E I ffil Describe and draw
In poirs, tell eoch other obout the most impressivemountoin, woterfoll ond beoch you
hove ever seen.
Sit facing eoch other ond moke sureyou connot seeyour portner'snotebook.Imogine o
beoutiful scene,drow it ond describeit to your portner, who will olso drow it. When you
hove both describedyour scenes,comporethe drawings.How good were your descriptions?

E.EHFffi Projects @
&* How mony oreos of outstonding notq,rol beouty do you know obout in the UK/USA/
Austrolio/lrelond?Hove you been to ony of them?
Work in four groups.I'm going to give eoch group o country ond someareos.Usethe
Internet to find out obout theseploces,how you get there, whot the londscopeis like ond
whot kind of octivitiesyou con do there. Preporeo short presentotionfor the closs.
-** *-'*- "*-*---*-*-* -* **-3
i Ut<:LakeDistrict,Snowdonia, NewForest
Sl'Sye, i
USA: GrandCanyon,YosemiteNationalPark,NiagaraFalls i
Australia:Ayer'sRock, Blue Mountains,GreatBarrierReef i
lreland:Giant'sCauseway,Ringof Kerry Cliffsof Moher l

&* Bring o mop of your country to the clqssond preporeo short talk including informotion
obout thesesubjects.

i sites,beautifulplaces,the areayou'refrom,the weather,the economy I


Conversation 17
Who in the clossthinks they ore very heolthy? Are there ony fitness fanotics?
In groups,write ten piecesof odvicefor peoplewho wont to get fit.

Effilffiffil Healthcare
In groups, discuss the woys in which heolth core hos chonged. Here ore some topics.
! Old and modernmedicine:How havemedicaltechnrques
improved? i
! Nutrition:
How has what we eat changed? i
i_l::"1:yl:T.:i *19:9:"
:::l1y::::*1':_T:_1'u'11 .____* "_i
: iti"l

@ In smoll groupsr broinstorm the woys medicine has chonged over the lost hundred yeors.
Compore the medicol services in the UK/USA with those in your country.
!ia'In poirs, tell eoch other obout the lost time you went to hospital or the dentist.

Work in two groups,A ond B. Group A, broinstorm things thot moke peoplehoppy.
Group B, broinstorm things thot moke peopleunhoppy.
Find o portner from the other group ond comporeyour ideos.Agree o Iist of ten tips
for a hoppy life.

Fl Heatthdebate A
Work in two groups, A ond B, for o clossdebote. (SeeDebote on poge 29 for full
instructions.)Group A, preporeorgumentsin fovour of theseproposols.Group B,
preporeorgumentsogoinst them.
i*'*--*** ."-*'*"*-*

! The state shouldnot be expectedto pay for medicalcare. :

i Peoplewho smokeor drinkshouldpay for theirmedicaltreatmen!. i
' Peoplewho areterminally illshouldhavethe rightto die. :
i Medicaladvancesjustifyexperiments on animals. :
i-"--.__**_-_. .',.'- -"..--.-"i

t ffitrFffi Superbugs
Do you think there will ever be o new pondemic diseose?In groups, qgree on the stoges of
o plon for deoling with an outbreak of a previously unknown contogious diseose.Think
obout how to control the spreod of the diseqse, identifying ond curing it, ond how to deol
with public hysteria ond the press.

EfPWffill Scienceand health A

In smoll groups,discusswhot thesenewspoperheodlinesmight be about. What ore
your ottitudesto the issues?
;it"ffi;l; watersupply Humanear grownon mouse'sback
Scientistscreatelife Babygets pig'sgene
j Humangenomemapped AIDSvaccinetoo expensive
i Operationto separateconjornedtwins fails Ambulancemen to strike

IB 700 Classroom
fiFffil Project @
Lookup the WorldHeolthOrgonisotion
on the Internetond find out oboutthesethings.

In closs,work in groupsond shore the informotion you hove found. (Someother issues
thot you might like to suggestfor reseorchore cleon woter, tobocco,ond nutrition.)

EWffi My hero
Whot mokes someoneo hero?Who do you look up to in your fomily? Did you hove o hero
ot school?Tell us obout him/her. Con you think of ony onti-heroes?
Think of a fomous hero ond imogine you ore thot person.Stond ot the front of the closs
ond onswerthe students'questions.You con only answer'yes' or'no'. They will try to
guesswho you ore. (Ask for volunteers,ond if they con't think of o hero give them one
of these.)

i MahatmaGandhi,JamesBond,NelsonMandela,Superman,RobinHood, i
i Bob Marley,PrincessDiana,Che Guevara,NeilArmstrong,MotherTheresa, I
i AbrahamLincoln,Leonardoda Vinci,Joan of Arc, MartinLutherKing
t-** I

Effi Balloondebate
(Elicitthe nomes of two historicolly importont people.Then drow o picture of o bolloon on
the boord, with someonejumping out of it.)
Work in two groups.(Allocoteone of the important peopleto eoch group.) The bolloon hos
o leok ond it con only ccrrryone person.Convinceme thot your personshould be the one
to survive.Why is he/shemore usefulto the humon race th6n the other person?Discuss
your orgumentsond toke turns to presentthem. I'll decidewho hos to jump.
Work in groups of five for onother bolloon debote.Eochchooseo fomous personond
preporethe reosonswhy you should stoy ond the othersshould jump. When you hove
finished, vote for the winner.
(Voriotion:Thiscon be ployed with professionsinsteadof individuols, e.g.lowyeq,doctor.)

lE-ffil Britain
In smoll groups,discusswhat you know obout theseoreosof British history.Appoint
0 secretoryto moke notes.

kingsand queens,the Firstand SecondWorldWars

Work with a portner from onother group ond compore notes.

Conversation 19
fE-TpTrW Rewriting historY
In groups,broinstorm someimportont eventsin the history of the world' Discuss
thiigs rnigrrt be different tro*odoyt
diffeiently] e.g. If the Spanish
if the events
Armada had succeeded
hod not hoppened,
in invading
hod turned
Britain m
would be a Spanish-speaking country.

lElffi Monuments
your group
work in groups.choose o fomous historical ploce you know well ond tell
qbout it. Here ore someuseful expressions'

I tt is in ... lt wasbuiltbY... Theyusedto ... lt was usedfor ...


fifPWl My country
&wIn poirs, eoch chooseo country you know well ond tell your portner obout it'
Include thesesubiects.
--*-"- ,.**- '**--**--l im
i prehistory, politics'
religion, trade' i
i bonniatism and revolution
anti-heroes, I
" I

(If the clossis mixed notionolity, put them in smoll groupsto osk eoch other questions
obout their own countriesusing thesewords') '**-**'1
t ^
When? Who? Where? WhY? How? What? How rong1 .-,*-.-**i

frfP-Effiffi Epochs
the qdvontoges
b. In groups,discuss of theseerosin worldhistory'
ond disodvantoges

i no*un Empire, discovery
imperialism, Revolutioni
of America,
l "-. -. -,*"*.',--.*--
so.In groups,try to clgreeon the three most importont peoplein the history of the
Then put thesepeoplein order of importonce' **-*-*-:
i WinstonChurchtll, Alexanderthe Great,JuliusCaesal
WilliamShakespeare, .
i JosephStalin,Alberttinstein i

rEIPW Projects @
l*' Usethe Internet to identi$r five positive ond five negotive outcomesfrom one of the
historicol periodsin Epochs,obove.
e*.Think of o world fomous monument you would like to visit ond look upsome of.the
next lesson'
holidays on offer, either in the pressor on the Internet. Bring on odvert to the
In groups,try to convincethe other students thot your ideo for o holidoy is the best'
S' In groupsof three or four, use the Internet to find out obout one of the seven wonders
of the"ancient world. Work with onother group. Tell them whot you found out'
! -
I Hyramlos HangingGardensof Babylon'
oi tgypl, Pharosof Alexandria, !
Temple of Artemis,
I|,*_--*-J,---**-"--***'*;.' StJueof Zeus,Mausoleum iolossusof Rhodes-l
ai Halicarnassus,
'sevenwonders'of the modern world?
In your groups,whot do you think qre the

20 Activities
700 Classroom
fmgffiffifclMy hotiday
In poirs, use theseexpressionsto osk questionsobout eoch other'slost ond next holidoy.

i WnereZ
What?When?Howlong?Wno*itfrZffo#il;; How far?How much?Whatelse?
i*_*_* -"--,_,*'*
Whoseportner hod o porticulorly interestingholidoy? Tell us obout it.

tcrffiiilffi Advice for travellers

Whot odvicewould you give to someonegoing on holidoy to your country?
Work in smoll groupsof studentswho oll know o porticulor city. (Ideolly,different
groups work on different cities.) Write o list of your top ten attroctions for o visiting
friend, including famous plocesond somethqt touristsdon't know obout.

Tourist alphabet
I'll name o country beginning with the IetterA. The first studentwill tell me the copitol
city, and then nome o country beginning with B, ond so on. If you con't think of o country
or the copitol, you ore out of the gome. The winner is the last student still playing.

l-E]$ffiHlffiFamily holiday
@ Wgrk in groups of six. You ore membersof the some family ond ore going on holid<ry
together,but you eoch hove cl very different ideo obout the kind of holidoy you wont.
Role-ploythis discussion.
Grondmo: not obrood! Dod: sun, seo qnd sand
Mum: sightseeing,museums Son, 18: mountqineering/odventure
Daughter,16: o spirituol retreotSon/Doughter,7: theme pork
&* I'm going to give you someideosfor unusuol in two groups,A ond B.
Group A, brainstorm os mony odvontogesos possible.Group B, broinstorm os mony
disodvantogesos possible.

swimmingwith sharks, !
cheesemaking,murdermysteryweekend,battlere-enactment j
ahnnaa 6^l'i^^ -,,-l^- -,,^+^^ ,,,,^^t-^^A L^$r^ .-^ :

Wolk in poirs with someonefrom the other group to choosewhich holidoy to go on.
StudentA, try to crgreeon o holidoy with StudentB. StudentB, tell StudentA oll the
disadvontogesyou con seewith eoch holidoy. You hove to ogreeon o holidoy to go on.

=T-lliu| Budgets
in smoll groups,you ore going on holidoy together.I,ll give eoch group o
budget.You must ogreethe detoils of your holidoy, e.g. destinotion,tronsport,food,
accommodotionond entertoinment.You musfkeep to your budget.
(Forthe poorestgroup, estimotehow much they'll need for o hitch-hiking ond comping
trip, for example. For the richestgroup, moke surethot they've got morelhcn they could

Now imogine you ore on your holidoy ond write o postcord.
Now imagine you ore bock from your holidoy. Compareyour experienceswith thoseof o
studentfrom onother group.

Work in groups of four. Imogine you hove eoch just got bock from o different odventure
holidoy. Here qre the four holidoys; decide where you went ond tell eoch other whot you
did ond sow.

If you hove been on on odventure holidoy, e.g. whitewoter rafting, tell your group obout it.

ffiffi Projects @
M Visit o trovel ogent's website ond get some informotion obout o voriety of different types
of holidoy. Work in smoll groups to chooseyour fovourite holidoy. Write ot leost five
questionsyou would wont to osk before buying the holidoy, e.g. Is transportprovidedfrom
the airport to the hotel?
&' Usethe Internet to find out obout holidoys in the UK/USA/Austrolio/Irelond... .
Downlood o rnop of the country. Bring the mop ond the holidoy informotion to closs
ond work in smoll groupsto plan on itinerory ond o budget for o two-weektrip.
@ Bring someholidoy photos to classond tell other studentsobout them.

ffiffi-t| Hobbies
$e"(Arrongethe studentsso that they ore stonding/sittingin o circle.Stondin the middle.
Ask eoch of these questionsto individuol students ot rondom. After they onswer it, tell
them to repeotthe questionto the next studentond moke o note of the student'sonswer.
Indicote thot they should continue the choin so the questionprogresses oround the closs.
Meonwhile, introducethe other questionsso thot in the end there ore lots of ouestions
moving oround the closs.)
i--***--^-*' *l -il

i Whatsportsdo you play,if any? 1


How muchtime do you spendwatchingry?

Haveyou got a hobby?
What hobby would you liketo take up?
What do you do on Sundayafternoons?
How much freetime do you have? =ll
What do you readfor enjoyment?
What hobbiesdid you use to haveas a child?
Whenand wheredid you lastgo to the seaside?
Turn your notes into full sentences,e.g. Maria wants to take up hang gliding.
@ In smoll groups,discussthesequestions.

i What are the main leisureactivitiesin the UI,VUSAand in your country?

i What aboutothercountries?
What do you understandby the expressions time',the 'work ethic'and
the 'leisure
How much qualitytime do you get?
i What do you think is the right balancebetweenwork and play?

22 700 Classroom
In smoll groups,find out who ...
rnratnhac tha mnqi TV,has the most interestinghobby, l
I taD I tdu Lt tu |iluDL hobbies,has beena collectorof something j

EFH#"F! Music
on o pieceof poper.When you
@ Listento the following questionsond write your crnswers
hove finished,work in smoll groupsond osk eoch other the some questionsusing your
onswers0s prompts.
t ) t

i Namefour instrumentsin an orchestra. How often do you dance? I


ri Write to describemusic.
two adjectives What was the first recordyou bought? lt
. - . . a
! Wnatsubiectsaremostlvricsaboui? Whatwasthe lasttuneyou heard?
! Wf'atdo you knowaboui the Beatles? Whatkindof audioequipmenthaveyougot?
i Describe fromyourcountry, What'syourfirstmemoryof music?
an instrument
i Describea concertyouhavebeento. What'sa didgeridoo?

@'Work in smoll groups.Tell the rest of the group obout a famous musicion or singerwho
you odmire. If there clreony musicionsin your group, find out who they look up to.
$*"In groups,discussthesekinds of music ond the peoplewho enjoy them.
: classical,heavymetal,^techno,
folk, church/choir,boy band,traditio,Val,j,azz, I
I modernjazz,counIry& western,Afro-Latin, HipHop !

(If there ore ony musicionsin the closs,put them in groupswith non-musicionsto onswer
questionsbeginning with the following words.)

i WfratZ How long? Why? Where? How much? Who? How?When?Which? i

L-,-_*-.*-,-",- -"....---*,-,*,***l

Elffil lsland records

Imogine you hove to spend the next ten years on o desert islond. You con choose five
songs, two books ond one luxury item, which connot be o meons of communicotion.
In smoll groups, tell eoch other obout your choices ond exploin why eoch is speciol to you.

l-flffil Experts
On o pieceof poper,write the following three things: somethingyou clregood ot,
somethingyou crrehopelessot and somethingyou'd like to leorn, e.g. DIY,winemaking,to
play the guitar.
Swop popers with o portner. Find out os much informotion obout your portner's onswers
os possible.
(Invite two or three studentsto prepore o lecture about their oreo of expertisefor the next
lesson.Have o questionond onswersessionof the end.)

tElffi Projects
*:l' Do you have o fovourite pop ortist? Whot's your fovourite EnglishJonguoge song?
Chooseon English-longuogesong to bring to the next lesson.Preporesomequestions
obout the lyrics,to test the closs.
&*"Reseorchevening clossesovoiloble in your locql oreo. Chooseo courseyou would like
to join. In the next lessonreport back to the closstelling us when and where the course
is ond why it interestsyou.
' ttl :

tE]ffiffi Moneytalks
&* In groupsof three, discussthesequestions.(If possible,group studentsfrom different

i Wfratis the currencyin yourcountry?

What is the exchangeratewith the Euro/ the US dollar?
What'sthe rate of incometax and VATin your country? :-l
How would societywork withoutmoney?
Do you thinkpoor countriesshouldbe requiredto pay theirdebtsto the richcountries?
The world'srichestthree men havemore moneybetweenthem than the world'spoorest
- shouldtherebe a redistribution?
I sixtycountries How?

s" In groups,broinstorm one odvontageond one disodvantogefor eoch of thesethings.

(Reodthem out, giving studentso few minutes to discusseoch one.)
; banks,creditcards,beingrich,havinga mortgage,pensionschemes,directdebit i

@ In groups,broinstorm some differencesbetweenrich countriesond poor countries.

Choosethiee of the differencesyou come up with ond ogreethe bestwoy of moking things
more equol.
rilF-EffiffiIB i l l s
In poirs, moke o list of oll the regulor bills you con think of e.g. electricity,gos,woter,
community chorge,etc.Discusswhich you think you could reduce,ond how.
In your country, whot doeson electricity compony do when someonedoesn't poy their bill?
Imogine you hoven't poid your bill for six months. Role-ploythis conversotionwith your
Student A, you ore o boiliff ond you ore here to toke properly to the volue of the unpoid
bill. This witt Ue kept until the bill, ond the storogefee,is poid. Thereis olso o fee for the
boiliff's services.You ore lust doing your iob. IE'I
StudentB, you ore o singleporent ond unemployed.Exploin your situotion to the boiliff.
Try to come to some ctrrongementwith the bailiff.
Whot qrrongementsdid you come to?

IE-ffi Making money

In smoll groups,broinstorm woys of getting rich, e.g. morrying into money,winning the
lottery,buying o racehorse.Moke o list of your top five.
Swoplists with another group. Decidewhether you would supportthe other group's
ideos and whether ony ore illegol or immoral. Mark the list occordinglyand return it.

In your groups,chooseyour fovourite money-moking ideo ond moke o Iist of orguments _:l

to persuodesomeoneto go into businesswith you os a portner'

f-iFtffil lnventors
In poirs, invent on object- the stronger,the better - which you think will be useful to
people.Moke somesketchesond write o brief descriptionto exploin it, e.g. Ihis is a pedal-
poweredcomputerthat wiII giveyou exercisewhileyou work.
Teom up with another poir. Eochpoir tokesturns to ploy the role of the bonk mctnclgers.
Try to persuodethe bonk monogersto lend you the money to produceyour invention.

24 700 Classroom
tElFnffil Hardsell
In poirs, think of orgumentsto persuodepeopleto buy theseobjects,e.9. empty cokecon -
Youcould usethis as 0 vase.
j a snowball,a dirtycomb, one sock,a usedteabag,a brokenplate,cold fish-andchips, I
t-,i:l:"'fili::lT1'ji.T-i::ll:l "Y:lT"l"l? "i:"'"n-"- ."i
(Invite volunteers to try to persuode the closs of the vqlue of eoch object.)

fflqffi Sayings
In smoll groups,discusswhot thesesoyingsmeon. Do you ogreeor disogree?
You can't buy love. Propertyis theft.
Moneytalks. Time is money.
Moneymakesthe worldgo around. He who paysthe pipercallsthe tune.
i A fool and his monevare soon parted, Moneyis the rootof all evil.

Tell the rest of the closssomemoney soyingsfrom your country.

ffi vonoloEues
iEFffi Mini-presentations
You eoch hove one minute to tolk obout the topic I give you. You must not hesitote,repeot
words or deviotefrom the topic. If you do, onother studentcon chollengeyou ond toke
over the topic. Whoeveris tolking at the end of the minute getso point. (Youcon relox the
l? rules by, for exomple, only bonning repetition of nouns, or giving the tolker two lives.)

: pets,music,parties,TV,bears,wine,cars,grammar,London,clothes,computers,!
i bmoting,pasta,work,the teacher,JamesBond,the weather, i

He[.ffi Twenty-second topics

Work in smoll groups.Toketurns to tolk obout the topic I give you for twenty seconds,
without stopping.

. rubbish,oranges,snow,
mv room,fun, mv friend,this room,danger,cornflakes, 1
holidays,money,animals,sport, coffee,
furniture, the Queen,soap
astrology, i

(Voriotion:Eoch group choosesthe topics ond writes them on smoll piecesof poper,which
they put in o pile in the middle of onother group.)

ffl-iffil Keep talking

Toketurns to continue thesemonologuesfor os long os possible.(Write up o prompt for
eoch studentto tolk obout for o moximum of three minutes).

, i atways teeigoodwhun. . The best time of day is ...

It'sa longtimesince... I prefer..,
1 WhenI wasyoung... In England...
i t w i s h. . . There'snothingwrong
r-"ng*gti--:.-.". WhenI drinktea, | ...

l=aFfrffi Acceptinga role
Write o few unusuol conversationopeners.In poirs, toke turns to read out your openers.
your portner hos to respondin o convincingwoy, e.g.A - I didn't knowyou couldknit. -:-=Tl
: - f
B - (Knitting)Oh well, it's iusta scarf' Nothing complicated.
(Hereore somepossibleoPeners.)

ls that your baby? He'san absoluteangel.

I didn'tknow you did TaiChi.
Hil Haveyou caughtany fish Yet?
i You nevertold me you had a pet tarantula.
i So you'vestartedsmokingcigarsagain.
L, -.-*_-'-*...'.-,-

- - )
EFf|ffil Speech A
In smollgroups,toketurnsto mokeo shortspeechclsoneof thesepeople.
i O."ur winner,bestman,mourner, Officer), i
I .).11
tffi Noughtsand crosses
Work in two teoms to ploy noughts ond crosses.(Exploin how the teoms toke turns to
ploce their mork - o nbugtrt or o cross- in o squoreof their choice,the winner being
the first to creoteo stroight line of three squoresin ony direction.)Taketurns to choose
o squore.To win it you [ove to tolk obout the topic in thot squore for twenty seconds.
(If necessory,pre-teoch these locotion expressions:in the middle,at the top/bottom,on
the left/right Here ore two exomple gomes.)

I London j tea i music i
1 i ;
i l i l

tEffiffil Talking with a purpose

I,ll give eoch student o topic. In groupsof three, hove o conversotion.Eochof you should
try to turn the conversotion towords your topic.

i yorr favouritesoap opera,roastchicken,tennis,astrology,the BritishRoyalFamily,

just seen,your favouriteholiday
, if'e weather,your favouriterecipe,a film you've ;
-"- --"i
I 9*:ll":::"::-:r:li?Y-'-ll?Y:-Y:-i:l3v::il::-?:-:,!s"::.v::v::v"::
Which of you monoged to dominote the conversotion?

26 Activities
700 Classroom
TETPW The press
In groups,discuss
-:'*-, -:^'-:*:i*---'---':i--**'-: *:---***-
What are the main storiesin the pressthese days? :
What are the differencesbetweenthe tabloidsand the qualitydailiesin the UIVUSA? i
Are theresimilartypes of paper in your country? ,
Are newspapersfreefrom governmentinfluencein the UK/USAand in your country?
What politicalviewsdo differentnewspapershave in your country? !
"-?.9-v-*Jlt5:"-ry:r:g:i: !

fEF]ffil Freedomfrom the press

Tell me o few celebritieswho ore olwoys in the news. Whot kinds of things qre written
obout them? In groups,write sometypical heodlines,e.g. Exclusive! Theiedding photosthey
tried to ban! r
In the some groups,discussyour opinions obout the freedomof the press,ond moke
o note of your argumentsfor ond agoinst. How do you think the pressshould be
controlled,if ot all?
In your groups,brainstorm o few exomplesof political regimeswhich hove stifledthe
press.Why did/do they do it?

tElffiffil Newspapersurvey
@ In smoll groups,write o list of ten questionsobout the newspoperreoding hobits of the
rest of the closs,e.g. Doyou read a newspapereveryday?which part do you read first?
work with o portner from onother group ond osk eoch other your questions.
Toketurns to come to the boord ond write up your two most interestingquestions.Choose
o:neeoch ond survey the closs,then report bock, e.g. Twenty-five
per cent of the studentsin
the classread the Sundaypapers.
S In poirs, broinstorm ten things thot o newspopercon be usedfor, oport from reoding it,
e.g. a flyswatter.Compare your list with onother poir.
l F = l p l r H e l
r _ r ' t , r u l Projects
e" Find two orticles from different newspopersobout the some story ond bring them into
closs.In groups,moke notesobout the differencesin how the story is covered.
F' We're going to creoteo students'rog - o newspoperby the students,for the students.
In poirs, broinstorm somesectionsof o doily poper.
: l-eadglhoroscope,home news, obituaries,overseasnews,situationsvacant,listings,
fashion,gamespage,TV and radio,gossip,sporl,commentand analysis 1
Chooseo section to work on in your own time. (Invite studentsto form smoll groups if
they wish.) Your orticlescon be obout other studentsin closs,or the teochers.Look for
:9m9 mogozine photos to use,too. In a few weekswe will oll put our work together.
(You'll need glue ond scissorsfor this port. If the studentshave the IT skills,tliey con
compile the poper on computer.)
& Look in the pressond find on odvertisementyou like ond one you don't. In the next
lesson,work in smoll groups ond exploin why you like or dislikeihem. Try to identify
the persuosivetechniquesusedby odvertisers.As o group, chooseyour favourite adv'ert.


lElfEffi questions
M In groupsof three or four, discussthe differencesbetweenthesesystemsof government:
demo-rocy,communism, foscism,benevolentdictotorship'
M Work in groups.Answerthesequestionsobout UK politics'
What are the main poliiicalpartiesin the UK? (Labour,LiberalDemocrats,Conservative)

What are the two Houses of Parliament? (Commons, Lords) !

Who is the currentPrimeMinisterof the UK?
Who are the leadersof the opposition?
What does MP stand for? (Memberof Parliament)
How many MPs are there in the UK? (659)
How often are there electionsfor parliament?(Everyfiveyears,at the longest)
What is the Palaceof Westminster?(Housesof Parliament)
Whendid womenget the vote?(1918)
Wheredoesthe PrimeMinisterlive?(10 DowningStreet)
What'sthe name of the clock tower in WestminsterPalace?(Big Ben actuallythe
nameof the bell)
Can you name one of the more radicalparliesin the UK? (BritishNationalParty,Socialist
Worker's Party)
Can you nameafamous PrimeMinisterfromthe past?(Churchill, Thatcher,etc.) m
What does'Tory' mean?(Conservative)
1 " " * " ' - - - l

(Voriotion:Ask thesequestionsobout USpolitics.)

what are the main politicalpartiesin the USA?(Republican, Democrat)
What are the two Housesof Congress?(Senate,Houseof Representatives)
Who is the currentPresidentof the USA?
How many Representatives/Senators are there?(435/100)
How often are thereelectionsfor PresidenVRepresentatives/Senators?(every4/6/2 years)
Whereis the Americangovernmentlocated? (Capitol
Wheredoes the presidentlive?[-he White House,] 600 Pennsylvania Avenue) ru
Whendid womenget the vote?(1869- in Wyoming)
How manvformerUS presidents can you name?

Write o similor set of questionsobout your own parliomentory

(Singlenationolity closses.)
systemto test the other groups. Swopquestionswith onother group to onswer'
(Mixed notionolity clqsses.)Tell eoch other obout the politicol systemin your country.

t Flffi FrontiersA
Work in smoll groups ond write o short definition of o country. Try to include as mony of
these foctors 0s you con.
, , geography,
lanquaqe regionalautonomy,religion,historycolonialism i

Give someexomplesof groupswho ore fighting for their independence,e.9.the Kurdsin

Iroq, the Tibetons in Chlna. Which of these foctors ore relevont to their orguments?Whot
methodsdo they use to ochievetheir oims?Whot do you think of their struggle?Whot do
you think is the best solution to eoch problem?

Whot would hoppen if there were no frontiers?

28 700Classroom
fflffi Debate A
Here is o motion for o debote:There'snothing wrong with steolingfrom the rich to give
to the poor.
Work in two groups:thosefor the motion ond thoseogoinst. (Ploceundecidedstudentsin
the smoller gioup. One student could chqir the debote')
Broinstormyour orguments,ond onticipote the orgumentsof the other side.Choosethree
peopleto representthe group. Conductthe debote,following this sequence.
1 Group A, presentyour orgumentsfor the motion'
Group B, presentyour orgumentsogoinst the motion'
2 Group A, iupport your orgumentsond criticiseGroup B's orguments.
Group B, supportyour orgumentsond criticiseGroup As orguments'
3 Group A, sum up.
Group B, sum up.
4 Tokeo clossvote.
(With lorge closses,run tvvodebotesot oppositeends of the room. Here ore some
olternotirietopics.Write up o contentiousstotementos a motion.)

: i
i ifJil#llB3l"ff:;:'.:"[H1ffii""ffi3'ffi"HR"#3.:y,];3:
l-ffilG Good and bad
Work in two teoms, A ond B. When I call out the topic, someone from teom A must
quickly give on odvontoge. Then someone from teom B must quickly give a disodvontoge,
beginningwith'Yes,but ...'.

W, cars, soap, clothes,death,alcohol,the monarchy,coffee,havinga baby,

the welfaresiate, freedom,beingself-employed, cats and dogs, Englishas a world
language,hitchhiking, livingin the UK, beinga man, beinga woman

(Voriotion: Alternote which teom gives the odvontoge ond disadvontoge')

rEtr',ffi Sort it out

Work in smoll groups.Imogine you live togetherond thot there ore lots of problemsin the
house.When I"tell you the probiem, you should discussit ond ogreewhot to do. However,
one of you is being obstructive;whot'everthe othersogreeto do, you oppose'(Chooseone
ry studentin eoch group to ploy this role.)

the spidersin ihe bath the neighbours' padies

the micein the kitchen the dog hairson the sofa
the smellyold carpet allthe dirtydishes
the brokenwindow the overgrowngarden

-l--W Equalopportunities A
Whot is o'minority group' in society?Do you think minorities qre treotedfoirly
in your country?Coi you think of ony poiiticol figureswho hove fought for the rights of
io In smoll groups,discussond ogreeon equol opportunitiespolicy for o lorge compony'
Chooseo secr-etoryto keep notesof your decisions.Include theseissues.


Left and right
t lF-EffiilM
Shout out someoreosof policy for o politicol porty. (Write them on the boord.)

i the nationalhealthsystem,
education,economy,environment, 1
i :*::l*::3l-"1111::'-:.1":'l?*
Work in three groups:A, B ond C.
Group A, you ore o right-wing porty. Agreeyour policy on the orectsyou broinstormed.
Group B, you are o left-wing porty. Agreeyour policy on the clreosyou broinstormed.
Group C, you ore TV journolists.Preporesome questionsobout eoch oreo of policy.
Work in groupsof three, one eoch from groupsA, B ond C. Role-ployo short TV debote
obout eoch orea of policy.

lEWffigffilProjects @ E

w* Moke notesobout o mojor politicol story hoppening ot the moment. Sourcescon include
TV/rodio news, newspopers,the Internet or conversotionswith other people who are
interestedin the some story. Composeo news report to reod out to the closs.If there ore two
of you interestedin the some story, do it as newsreoderond on on-the-spotreporter.
Ee"Visit the White Housewebsiteqnd moke notesobout whot the USpresidentis doing
ot the moment. Comparenoteswith o portner.

ffiHgful Defining relationships A
@ Listen to this messoqe on d discuss in poirs the relqtionships between the people in it.
i il, i;; GG*ffiil;6;f'".*H;;;;ffi iffi-l
kddffiil" ih;t $;;il b;'b;"k
i tfre parkwith Lisasoon.Don'ttouchthe kitchenwall- the paint'sstillwet. Jeansentyou j
I an e-mail.Don'tworry- I didn't readit! Oh, and if Chriscalls,l'm not heretonight.Pat x !

@ Tell eoch other obout someof the relotionshipsyou ore in, e.g. husband/wife,
student/teacher, tenant/Iandlord,daughter/fathe4etc.
llv In poirs, choosetwo or three of the following sentencesond spendo few minutes
discussingthe eventsthot led to the personsoying them.

i_.i: :* -Y:-": .:1.:::::::::":i:"1::T-11T-

"::111i. f::"*.1
Swapportnerswith onother poir. StudentA, say o sentence.StudentB, osk os mony
questionsos you con to find out obout the situotion. Then swop roles.

tEl,ffiilcl Life goes on

In groups,discusshow someone'spersonolond/or professionolrelotionshipscan be
offectedby thesechonges.

i winningthe lottery gettingpromotedat work, gettingdivorced, !

! fravinga baby,relocatingto a drfferenttown/countryalcoholism I

;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ;;; ;;;;.ooened,. v.u,

or somebodyyou know.

30 700Classroom
lEWffiEl Friendship
@ In poirs, tell eoch other obout your bestfriend ot school,ond your best friend now. Is it
the some person?Con men ond women be best friends?
@ Discussthesesoyings.Do you ogreewith them?

Love me, love my dog.

n^^^^i+^^ ^++F^^+
vPlJUJrrvJ dLU d.vr, I

A friendin need is a friendindeed.

Absencemakesthe heartgrow fonder.
When povertycomes in throughthe door,
Do you hove ony similor soyingsin your country?Tell us o few of them.
Elq"-flu:l Love l\
Do you believein love ot first sight?Doesclnyoneknow the story of Romeoond fuliet?
(Elicitthe stort one sentenceat o time from thosewho know it, with o questionabout
eoch line from thosewho don't, e.g. Theymet at a party.Whoseparty wasit?)
In smoll groups,discussthe woy relotionshipsbegin in different cultures.Whot ore
the most importont foundotions of o successfulrelotionship?Comporeyour ideoswith
onother group.

Here ore somepeoplefrom fomous relotionships.When you heor the nomes,shout out
their portnersond tell us somethingobout the relotionship.
' Samcnn Rnnnio John Lennon,PrincessDiana,PoshSpice,Napoleon,Anthony,Romeo ! !


(lf the clossis mixed notionality.) In smoll groups,tell eoch other obout o fomous couple
from your own country.

E]Fffiffi Lonely Hearts

$* In pairs, write two short onnouncements for a lonely heorts section in a mogazine. They
should not be for yourselves, but for on imoginory man ond womcrn. Here ore two exomples.

energeticE 31, into climbing,sailing,tennis,dancing, !

i .lilt of all Trades:spontaneous,
} drumming.Seekshoneststraightforward M with GSOHfor fiiendshp+.PO Box 114-83. !
} Toferant,Sensitive,
rvrvrqrrrt vgrr9rrrvvt
-:- ^- ^^ ^
considerate vvrrrruvrulv
tvtt Lv, music,film.WLTM i
ilr\v9 ovvrqiluilr\y', rrruolv) lilrrrr vvLrrvl

, creativesensitiveF 25-35. PO Box 12951. i

Tokeone crnnouncementeoch ond mingle with the rest of the clossto seeif there'sonother
lonely heort who is compotiblewith yours. You must find o portner, so you moy hove to
settlefor someonewho is 'not incompotible'.Tolk with your new portner ond discusshow
you think the relotionshipis going to develop.
@ In groups,discussthe following questions.
i WnVdo peoplejoindatingagencies? Do suchrelationships
workout? l

i Whatotherways arethereof finding

romance? 1

i What is a date'?
! Do you thinkit's possibleto meetyourfuturehusband/wife 2
on the Internet

filam$l Marriage A
of morrioge'
your opinionson theseospects
F In poirs,discuss
i tne bestageto get married !
i tne importanceof to
religion marriage !
ih; uouuntug"tand djsadvantages marriages
of arranged
i :

morried ond getting divorced'

Discussthe most common reosonsfor getting
- F

to moke the responsibilitiesof eoch

$* In poirs, agreethe terms of o morrioge controct
p"rron cleor' Here ore someissuesto consider'
payingthe bills,housework' i
ii with otherpeopte,lookingafterbabies,
, ,
no"i spent at work and at home' honesty
i maKlngmoney,spendlng*on"V' i

ElW Family
ond extended families? (Elicit
w whot ore the differencesbetween nucleor fomilies
on not weIIlookedafterby nuclearfamilies')
comporisonsfrom th; .lt;;,;. g. crandparei,
children' Usethesequestionsto help you'
In poirs, comporeyour fomilies when you were -"-*"::--:'-T;"-"***i
Whowasthe headof thefamily? 1
1 Howmanypeoplewerethere? cousins?i
Howoftendid yousee-your
1 Didyouget on witnel)ervoneZ Didyouhaveanypets? , ------*,-.--","*
i"ir : r"l

** In smoll groups,discussthesequestions'

, r-lo* has familvlifechangedduringyour lifetime?

r .,-.
for parentsto.smackchildren?
bo yo, thinkitlsaccepta-ble
r-r^ J^,- ^^-^n*n +^ om4^k

$"rlJ gtanOparents be put homes?

in oldpeople's
rsii uCc5ptabieto havemorethan one husbandor wife?
Whatarethe advantagel anO of
drsadvantages beinga singleparent?

ffi Project
ond bring it into class. Con You see clny wvo -rfi
Find o lonely heorts section in a magazine : r'

people in thl section who might be compotible?

,t ,
ffi S.i"nce
: i
IE-W Discoveriesand inventions
discoverieshove there been in the lost
whot technologicoldevelopmentsond scientific
hundred Yeors?
ond inventions' Here
rrom ttrem."i;;;;;-; liJ or trre"trp^i"" -ort significont discoveries

electricityin the world?

Whot would hoppen if there wos suddenlyno

32 Activitles
700 Classroom
l-ElFlWMlScience fact or fiction?
Hos onybody in the clossreod o good sciencefiction book, e.g. BraveNewWorldor
Fahrenheit451?Iell us about the kind of future societydepictedin the book you reod.
Hos ony of it olready come true?
In smqll groups,discussthe woys technologycon help societyin the future, ond the
woys it con olso threaten society.

Alternativescience A
In groups,discussthe evidencefor thesephenomeno,ond your opinions obout them.

;$G;;;;;;.ffi;**'D;ild, ;r";;ffi;, medicine

Goil;rorosy,horistic I

E-{HlBffil Information technology

s" Whot ore the greotestchongesbrought obout by computers?Do you think there will
everbe intelligent computers,i.e. computersthot con leorn?
In groups,Iist the odvontogesond disadvontogesof modern technologies,e.g. International
telephonecallsare verycheap.Workingon computersall day is bad for your health.
s' In groups,imogine o world without computers.How would it offectyour doy-to-doy
Iife?Moke o list of five inconveniences,e.g. I'd haveto go to the libraryto get information
rather than look on the Internet.

=TPrlW Project @
Usethe Internet to find out obout one of thesepeopleond their contribution to science.In
the next lesson,exchongeinformotion with another student.

i GuglielmoMarconi,CharlesBabbage,IVarieCurie,ElishaOtis,LouisPasteur, :

;'-:ffisport' a

=TlllFg Sports talk

In smollgroups,moketop-tenlistsfor thesecotegories.
;pr-.dffi;-.t*^ nations, insport,sporting
events disastersi

Comporeyour listswith onothergroup.

= lGl Sporting extremes
@'Whot extremespofis con you think ofi (Elicitos mony os possibleand write them on
the boord.) Hos onyone done ony of them? Tell us about it.

&- In groups,imagine you hove just won o mojor internotionol competition in your sport.
Write o script for o televisioninterview Choosetwo of you to read it out to the closs.
b* In groups,invent o new sport, e.g. It'splayedwith a beanbag and a sock.Thecontestants
are blindfolded... . Which group'ssport do you think should be included in the next
Olympic Gomes?

: *]
tflffi Guessthe game
In poirs, toke turns to think of o sport for your portner to guess.You con osk twenty
questionsond your portnercon only onswer'yes'or'no''
(With mixed notionality closses,find out how mony of them know one of their notionol
sports,e.g.sumo wrestling,boules,cricket,kobbodi, boseboll,ice hockey.Put them into
gronpr *lth studentswho do not know the sport so thot they con exploin it to them.)

fEFffil Blood sports A

Whqt different blood sports con you think of? Do you think there is onything wrong with
killing onimols for sPort?
Work in two groups,thosewho supportblood sports,ond thosewho ore ogoinst.Prepore
os mony orgu-ents in support of ybur position os you con. Try to predictthe orguments
of the other group.
Work with o portner from the other group. Comporeyour orguments.Con your portner
monoge to persuadeyou to chongeyour position? - ,

ffi Proiect @
Preporeo brief presentotion
Usethe Internet to reseorchyour fovourite sportsperson.
for the next lesson.

ffi stories,
ffiW Reading habits
@ How importont is storytellingin your culture?Do you.think-it is importont to tell young
children stories?Why (not)?Find out obout your portner'sreoding habits' Here ore some
questionsto help you.

Are you readinga book in your freetime?What'sit about? ETF

What kind of books do you usuallyread?Why?
What'sthe best book vou've everread?Why did you like it so much?
Are you a fast reader?
Do you readmagazines or comics?Whichones?
Wfrit Ooyou thirik of e-books?Willthey ever replacetraditionalbooks?

Estimote how much time you spend reoding every doy ond how much time you spend
wotching TV. Note the times down on o pieceof poper.Belowthat drow o pie chort
including the following kinds of reoding.

i i:-qrln::*s*li:::::P::: i
Mingle with the rest of the clossand comporeyour notesond pie chort with other students'

fiTFlWl Planninga story

In smoll groups, moke notes on the locotion, chorocter ond first scenefor thesetypes of story' Eiml
---'..'* -
tale ;

Choose your fovourite ond ogree how the story develops ond ends.

34 Activities
700 Classroom
fElffiffiffi Genres
Whot differenttypes of story con you think ofi (Write suggestionson the boord os o list.)

i western,disaster,historical,gangsterstory lovestory war, detective,familysaga,sci-fi

Con you think of ony exomplesfor eoch type?Who wrote them?

Work in smoll
.groups.Egchgroup is going to write the beginning of o story.I'll tell you
which type. (Allocoteo differenttype to eoch group.) eppoint o iecretoryto do the writing,
on cl seporcltepieceof poper with your names qt the top. (Givethe groupsq few minutes
to begin their stories.)
Now possyour story to the next group, ond continue the story you receive.(Repeotthis
two or three times, ond then possthe storiesbock to the groupsthot stortedthem.)
Correctony mistokesyou find in the other groups'writing, ond chooseo volunteer to reod
the story to the closs.

Elffifffifffi Fortunately,unfortunately
Work in two-groups,A and B. You ore going to continue somestories.Group A, you wont
o hoppy en-ding.Group B, you wont o sod ending. Continue thesestory beginnings
storting with 'fortunotely' if you ore in Group A, ond 'unfortunotely' if you ore in Group B.
(The two groupstoke it in turns to odd to the story.)

i He steppeddown fromthe trainand thereshe was on the platform...

i Frank'scar suddenlybrokedown in the middleof the was a dark night...
I The princewas ridingthroughthe valleyon his horse,..
i W" werejust a poor familywhen they discoveredoil on our land ...
(After four or five odditions, tell the next group to finish the story. Another wcy to do this
is for poirs of studentsto write their oddition to the story,fold the poper so thot only their
line is visible ond then possit on to the next poir, who repeotthe process.)

C-I-*ffiI-u;l Guided story teiling

Work in groupsof four. Here'sthe beginning of o story.(Write it on the boord.)

I ll:::y_T
Iy-ie": ylllr:i:::gg::s"l::i,::_.
3::-I3e:"1n:i:1?:: ,
StudentA, describethe old lady to the rest of the group.
StudentB, describethe gronddoughter.
StudentC, describethe cottoge.
StudentD, describethe forestond beyond.
(Write up the next line.)
-"-*-*-".*"* --"- -----*-*----*-*--''1

i ?:"-*y_1t::s"T?:
Agreeo descriptionof the young mon: who he wos,wherehe wos from, why he wos callino
ot the house,_etc.Finishthe story toking turns to add one sentenceeach.When you hove "
finished, work with o portner from onother group and tell eoch other your finished story.
lEl-PEiRWStory words
In groups,selecttwenty recentlyleornt items of vocobulory ond write them on a large
pieceof poper.Swopyour poper with onother group. Put the one you receivein the mlaate
of your group and toke turns to use the words in o story odding one line eoch.

uonversatron 35
IE-WI questions
is obout'
Look ot the comprehensionquestionsond tell me whot you think the story
Whot's going to hoPPennext? _"1
- r

Werethe diamondsstillthere? I
i W6Vdid HenrykiilRoderick?Who did he callthen?
'Youdon't needthe gun,Jack'?

I Ho\; JiO rt"n.y get away?Why did Fionashout,


group is going to
In smoll groups,write ten similar questionsfor o story whjch onother
group' ond write the story for the questions
write. Swip your list of questionswith onother
you receive.

fETffi Once upon a time

tr" (Find out how mony folk storiesthe studentsknow ond put them into two or
grorrp, in which they otl know the some story.Here ore some possiblestories')

i SteepingBeauty,Hanseland Grettel,Snow White and the SevenDwarves, i

i ;*tdqiF-*i:tu:?:::Y11 lPy-ell
9:i9ll:-:-f1 -
?::fiie "i
(In their groups,studentsdiscussthe story and remind eoch other of how it goes,then
ihe story-totlie closs,toking turns to soy one line each')
their '=--_
e- (with mixed notionality closses,osk the studentsto think of o folk story from - H

put them in groupswith one or two studentstelling their storiesto the others,
or get one volunteer to tell the story to the whole closs')

tETiffi Mini sagas


Romeoand Julietfelldeeplyin love,but iheir parentsdid not get on. Everything

I o""ur" iraqicwhenJuliei'd bestfriend.Therewasa
i misunOerstindingabouia potion.
sleeping Romeo, Julietwasdead,
;ffii#;rifio"". Jrr"t awoke,s-a* Romeo,made a speech, and killedherselftoo' i

How mony words ore there in the story? There should be fifty'
fifty words'
In pairs, write onother well-known story, or the summory of o film, in exoctly
poir. Hove they missed onything importont? If so, try to odd it
Swhpstorieswith onolher
withbut increasingthe totol number of words'
: l

FiffiUl Picturestory
of poper: 1) on
In four groups,chooseone personto draw four pictureson seporotepieces-
2) on inonimate object,3)-o place, 4) on oction. (Collectthem oll together
onimote object,
groups. Toke holf the pictures
ond shuffle them.) |oin onother group so thai there ore two
eoch ond use qll the picturesyour group receives to compose o story'

trffiful Projects @
s* (Formixed notionolity closses).Look up o folk story from your countryon the
two sides of A4 when printed
Ideolly,it should .o"ioiti illustroiions ottd b" no longerthon
out. Bring your story to clossond put it up on the woll for the othersto reod'
the next
e" Look up urbon legendson the Internet ond print one of them out to bring to T
lesson.In class,decidewhich one is the most interesting ond which is the most

36 Activities
700 Classroom
ffi Survival
E-.91ffi Messagein a bottle
Does onyone know the story of Robinson Crusoeor the film Castaway?(Elicit some of the
detoils.)In smoll groups,imogine you hove been shipwreckedon o desertislond. Choose
ten objectsto sqvefrom the ship ond exploin why you chosethem. Comporeyour list with
onother group.
(On the boord, drow o picture of a floating bottle with o rolled up messogein it.) Whot is
in the bottle?It tells the story of someone'sshipwreckon o desertislond ond consequent
strugglefor survivol. In your groups,tolk togetherond moke notesobout whot is
contoinedin the messogeond when it wos sent,e.g.Left Londonlune 1757.Violentstorm,
SouthPacific.No survivors,just me and cat. Foundcoconuts...
When you hove finished,choosesomeonefrom your group to reod out your messoge.As o
whole closs,decidewhich of the costowoysyou think most deservesto be rescued.
In the some groups,discusswhot you know obout the doy-to-doylife on boord o lorge
sailing boot of thot time. Tolk obout the following.
;.-lllill l?3!
ET-*IW Ative!
Imogine you ore drifting on a roft in the middle of the oceon.How would you survive?
(Elicitos mony of theseissuesos possible.)

movingthe raft, navigation,protectionfrom the sun, signals,food, water,morale

In three groups,imogine you ore the survivorsof o plone crosh.The oircroft connot be
repoiredbut it did not cotch fire. You don't know where the neqrestpeopleqre. One of you
hos q broken leg. Agreethe bestplon for survival ond moke notes.I'm going to tell you
whot type of environment you find yourselvesin.

1 The middleof the desert 2The Amazonjungle 3 The arctic

Possyour plon to the next group. Con you spot ony problemswith their plon? Ask
questionsto checkthe detoils,ond tell them where you think they went wrong.

=f*ffiW The great escape

n In two groups,designo regime for o high-securityprison thot no one will be able to escope
rer from. Include o plon of the building, times the different octivitieshoppen (exercisetime,
lights out, etc.)ond the visiting rights of the prisoners.Exchongeplons with onother group
ond work out how to escopefrom their prison.
Work with o portner from the other group. Sit oppositeeqch other ocrossthe toble.
StudentA, you ore visiting StudentB in prison. You are going to help him/her to escope.
lt. StudentB, tell StudentA obout your escopeplons ond crrrcrnge for the help you will need
:d when you ore outsidethe prison wolls.
Then swop roles.

=lEFFr#ffiProject @
Look up wildernesssurvivol skills on the Internet. Moke notesobout one of the survivol
tips you see.In the next lesson,get into groupsand sharewhot you hove leornt.
In the sctmegroups,discusshow you would survivefor o yeor in the wilderness.

: l

Television t:i.l11-t;a1;,.1l.,::l.::,l;;;1.';;,'1llrl.:l:lll

*, (Ask the closswhich Englishlonguoge progrommesore shown in their country. Are theY
dubbed or given subtitles?Elicit the following progrommesby giving clues,'s about
Mr Bean,Friends, TheX Files,ER,SesameStreet, jj

Whowantsto be a Millionaire? Big
Date, BrothelCrime Investigation

If you know one of theseprogrommes,describeit to another studentwho hos never seenit. ]Ffi
1 _ r I

SoIn groups,broinstorm o list of ten different kinds of progromme ond then work on your
own t6 prri tfr" list in order from your most to leost fqvourite. Compore your order with the
rest of the group. (Elicitthe genresond write them on the boord. Here ore some
soap operas,sport, history,music,cookery,comedy,
oolicedramas, talk
travel, shows,quizzes,weatherforecast,D|Y/gardening

ffiml-ul Survey
I'm going to dictote one question to eoch person. Mingle ond osk oll the other students : E

your question. Moke o note of their onswers.

ls theremorethan one TV in your home? i


Wouldyou liketo livewithouta W?

How many hoursa week do Youwatch TV?
Do you watch soap operas?Which ones?
How oftendo you watch Englishlanguageprogrammes?
Do you watch sport?Which ones?
What is your favouriteW Programme?
Do you watch natureProgrammes?
ls theretoo muchviolenceon TV?
Do you leavethe TV on when you're not watchingit?,
Shouldadvertisements aimedat childrenbe banned?
Do vou watch the news everydaY?

Toketurns to reod out your questionand the result of yorrr survey,e.g.I askedthe classif
therewas morethan one fV in their house.Twoof them said therewas that's 20 per cent. One
studenthad a TV in evervroom. T

EW rv adverts
Whot ore your fovourite TV odvertisements?Do you think you ore influenced by TV
odvertising?WhY (not)?
In smoll groups,imagine you work for on odvertisingogency.Design o TV odvertisement
for one of theseProducts.
--;;;;;d;;;;il; -*-!
i ; dilffi; ffi;'.;il"e"ffi;,
fashionable jeans, an anti-ageing a lawnmower
cream, ;
] a healthymargarine,

Imogine the rest of the clossore your clients.Describeyour odvertisingcompoign ond

try to persuodethem to commissionit.

38 Activities
tilffi Projects
#" Wotch the news on TV tonight ond moke notesobout the stories,sport ond weother
forecost.Turn them into heodlines.In groups,comporeyour heodlines.How similor are
@ Bring in a TV guide for the eveningof the next lesson.In smoll groups,try to ogreeon
on evening'sviewing. You con only wotch one TV ond you con't recordonything.

ffiffi A

Time keepers
In groups,discussthesequestions.
Who'sthe most punctualstudentin the class? i I

How manystudentsin your group use a calendar?What for?

How many of you havegot a watch? How often do you look at it? !I

What is your favouritetime of day/year?

Namesomethinqthat is a wasteof time'
'qualitytime'?What is the 'leisuresociety'?
What is

- trfJ'.F4 I tme ilres
In smoll groups,discussond exploin thesesoyings.Do you ogreeor disagreewith them?

i Time is a greathealer.Time is money,Time waits for no one. Tomorrownever

There'sno time likethe present.
i comes.Timeflieswhenyou'rehavingfun. i
i You're only youngonce. You cannotsave time;you can onlyspendit' i

lE.i. ul Teacher's time

In pairs, write three questionsto osk me obout how I spendmy time. I'll onswerony
correctlyformed questionshonestly.Usetheseexpressions.
--.**"-"--**:"- --* - ..**---"-l
i Howlongdoesit takeYouto ...? I
i Howmuchtimedo yousPend...? i
Usethe some kinds of questionto find out obout your portner.

Eieffimffi Lifetime
@ In smoll groups, discusswhen the best time in life is to do these things.

not m:rrier^l retire l^^,,^ r,i!^

[l avul'
lvave home
I ldvu
v u L | | l d . lI l t t \ 1 , l u L l l u ,

s* In smollgroups,put thesewordsin chronologicol

i homework, nappies, exams,housework,

retirement, parties, i
ii ;;;", ;pb..ib'litv, paperaeroplanes, i
-,-_.__--"* -.-:

p" Drow o groph of your own life, with the line rising for good periods ond folling for bod
ones. In poirs, exploin the features of your grophs to each other.

Transport $t.r.-,-",,r"rrr"".r"'l.. '.'.'.,,t.""".
ffitl|Tif,l-rlT ransport links
|is"Whot's the most unusuol form of tronsport you hove ever used?
In smoll groups,broinstorm os mony kinds of tronsport os you con, ond think of o few
phrosesto describethem, e.g. bicycle- cheap,uncomfortablein bad weather,dangerousin
heavytraffic, no pollution.
Ronk the typegof tronsport occordingto o criterion of your choosinge.g. speed,size,
environrnentolfriendliness,etc. Reodout your list. Con the othersgues-tfre criterion? t" il

s* In smoll groups,discussthe words ond ideosyou ossociotewith the following kinds

of tronsport, e.g. submorine - secrecy,TheCoId War, Kursk.

I gondo]a,tank, hot-airballoon,helicopter,
yacht,bicycle,horseand carriage, j
i i:lP_.]"r:::
:?::::lt__ r
Tell eoch other obout ony of the forms of tronsport you hove usedond ony thot you,d
reolly like to experience.

lElffi[ffi Public transport

How does-thepublic tronsport systemhere comparewith the systemin onother city you
know well? How do you trovel to closs?
In smoll groups,discussthe odvontogesand disadvontogesof cycling ond driving to work.
Agree o list of ten tronsport policiesfor a smoggy,congested,over-populatedcity. you will
need to find o woy of encourogingpeopleout of their iors and ontb public tronsport.

@ In small groups,tell eoch other about your most recentiourney to onother country.

I how you plannedit, how you travelled,what you saw and did on the way, !
l t : r : ]
; what you expectedto see when you arrived,your first impressionswhen
I you arrived,thingsthat were difficultto get used to, whereyou stayed I
@ In poirs, write some questions thot on immigrotion officer might osk someone
ot possport control. Use these words.
I Why? What? Who? Where? How long? Haveyou ever? When? i
Swopportnerswith onother poir ond role-ploythe conversation.
StudentA, you ore cl possengerat possportcontrol.
StudentB, you clreon immigrotion officer

lE]ffif,Lll Cars
Y Ot o pieceof poper,moke somenotesobout the model qnd colour of cor you would most
like to own, but don't write your nclme. I'll collectthem and reod them out. Try to ouesswho
wonts eoch cor.
@ Who hos o driving licence?How mony lessonsdid you hove?Did you possfirst time?
Tell us obout what hoppenedduring your driving test.
In smoll groups,discussthe differencesbetweenthe highwoy codein the UK/USAond in
your country.
F* In smoll groups,tell eoch other obout o memoroblecor iourney.

4A 700 Classroom
=1ffiilElWProject @
Look up somecor hire componieson the Internet. Find the cheopestrote for o week'shire,
but be coreful to checkthe mileoge ollowonce,the deposit,the insuronceexcess,etc.
Comporeyour reseorchwith o portner.

|Effiilffiul The job market
Do peoplespendtoo much of their lives working? What is the employment situation like
in your country?Whot are the effectsof globolisotionon the job morket?
In smqll groups,tell eoch other obout thesejobs.

i--ru;;il;rsi / most
most dangerousjob you havedone !

/ mostdangerousjob in the world

2 the best/ worst/ mostinteresting l

E]]$3ffi Job description A

Here ore someimportont ospectsof a job.
" duties,pay,the boss, benefits,training,holidays,healthand safety,promotion, 1
i" ::Y.::
"i-Y:i! l-"9:::yY--
"l!::::!.?:3]31"T?:iil3ll - ----....:
Ask me questionsqbout theseospectsof my job. (Pretendonly to heor the grommaticolly
In poirs, use similar questionsto interview your portner obout his/her job. (If fewerthon
holf the studentsore in work, put them in smoll groups.If no one is working, osk them to
imogine o job they would like.)

lEl,ffiffiffi Globalisation
Work in two groupsof six. (If the clossdoesnot divide, moke one or more groupssmoller
ond tqke clwoyone of the rolesbelow.)Eachof you chooseo different number from 1 to 6.
You qre going to discussthe building of o clothesfoctory in o poor country. I'm going to
give you o role occordingto the number you chose.
In the rich country: In the poor country:
1 Businessmon/investor 4 Unemployedfoctory worker
2 Anti-copitalist protestor 5 Politicion
3 Factory worker 6 Environmentolist
Tqke turns to soy if you ore in fovour of the foctory ond how it will offect your life ond the
country if it is built. Assumingthat the factory is going oheod, tolk togetheros a group to
negotiotethe best possibledeal for everybodyconcerned.


f €F q '
t" I Presentability
E*'Mingle ond find out whether the other studentsin the closscon or connot do these
things. Keepo note of their onswersfor o feedbocksession.

i speakFrench,swim,drive,paint,juggle,playchess,ridea horse,go cross-eyed,

- i
i :::1::::i1?v:l:_Ti:yt9-'lli1l"l3l
@ Write o list of things thot you cqnnot do, but which you think other students in closs
con do. Toke turns to read some of them out and see if they ore true, e.g. I can't swim, but
I think Elenacan.

e" Whot thingscon Supermando?Do you knowonybodywith lotsof obilities?Who is it
ond whot con he/shedo?
In groups of three or four, find out whot speciolobilities you've got betweenyou. Here ore
sometopicsto think obout. Which group hos got the most speciolobilities?
crafts,science, skills,music I

$l" In poirs, moke o list of speciol obilities thot onimols hove, e.g. Bats can find things
by echo location.
Discuss how your life would chonge if you could do the some things.

Pastand future ability

*w In poirs, moke o list of things peoplecouldn't do one hundred yeorsogo thot they con -:-.1
do now, e.g.Peoplecouldn'ttravelby plane.
In poirs, moke o list of things you con do now thot you couldn't do when you were o child,
ond things you con't do now thot you could do when you were ct child, e.g. WhenI wasa
child I couldget up in the momingsreally fast. I couldn't drivea car.
In pairs, moke o list of things that peoplewill be oble to do in the future thot they connot
do now, e.g.I think they'Ilbe ableto commuteby air taxi.
s' Finish eoch sentencemanagedto, e.g. Thecar brokedown,but we managedto pushit to a
! ^
! Despitelosingmy key,| ... AlthoughI was exhausted,... i
i I OiOn'thavea lifejacket,but | .., I couldn'tcook, but | ... I

In poirs, reod out the beginningsof the sentencesond seeif you con guesswhot your
partner wos oble to do next.
In the some poirs, write the sentencesagoin, but continue eoch one with and + couldn't,
e.g. Thecar brokedownand we couldn'tget it startedagain.
On your own, write o sentencedescribingo smoll problem thot you hove hod recentlyond
how you monoged to sort it out. Reodout the beginning of the sentencefor the rest of the
classto guesswhot you did next.

42 700Classroom
lW-Cl What You should do is ...
using should
&, In smoll groups,toke turns to give eoch other odvice for thesesituotions-
- My car doesi't start.B - Youshould check the battery.C Youought to
and ought-;, ;.g:^
get a newone.
-;ru;;; ;;;h#iffi;^*l
Ii M,;;"*nd/**;; til;;;ffi Arabic' i
l'm going .fiirg. I feelvery tired these days. I want to learnto speak
1 . . :
losrng a lot of The neighbours
weight. are alwaysarguing.I want to get fit'
I r m l
write your ideosdown'
s" In smoll groups,ogreethe best woy to continue thesetips, ond
i.,"6 th; iuitfr otroti"r group, and seeif you ogreewith their odvice.

i To toot<
i to Oehappyin lifeyoushould(not), '
.' To learna languageyou should(not)"'
To drivesafelvvou should(not)...
To brinqup childrenwellyou should(not)"'
, To get 6n wellwith peopleyou should(not)"'

by giving- them some

S* Work on your own. Write obout a time you-helped somebody
would hove given the
good odvice. Then tell o portner qbout the'problem ond see if he/she
some odvice.

In poirs, ogreewhat you should do if someone"' ------*'-i
i i. ir-,oroing, goesintolabour,stopsbreathingllT i
hasa fit, is burnt,hashypothermia,
swallowed something poisonous,hasbeen hasbeenbittenby a snaKe 1

n El.Wl Agonyaunts A
on ogony ount'
Work in smoll grouPs.I'll give eoch group o problem. Write o letter to
ild, giving detoilsond osking for odvice'
Group A, you qre o wife with husbond problems'
Group B, you ore o husbond with wife problems'
ot Group C, you ore porentswith odolescentchild problems'
Here ore somepossiblefoctorsto consider'
' mortgage'
alcoholism, ,
w, money,
tetephone, friends,possessiveness
, ;;Jg#;y,'*ggi.g, i

**;;;;ffi ; il;;r;;;;;;;;;,#;: "'"'6:lilT:u*

receive,giving oarri.e-iUo"t how to solvethe problems.ihen return
the letter and your
reply to the originol grouP.
reod out the letters
Whot do you think of the odviceyou hove received?(Invite groupsto
ond replies.)
qnd on
(Extension:Ask the studentsto work in groups of three - q husbond, o wife
thot their fomily life is
ond odolescentchild from the some family' lst tfrem to imogine
[he meeting to ogree on some rules for moking
sufferingbecouseof the foctorsobove' They are
eoch other'slives more beoroble.)

rcT$flfq Help!
Imogine I hove these problems. In groups of three, discuss eoch one ond give me o piece
of odvice beginning If I wereyou... . I'll give o point to the group whose odvice I think is
best, e.g. T - I get awfuI headaches.S - If I wereyou, I,d go tolhe doctor.

i I can neverfind my keys. l'm overdrawn.

I My son is terriblyshy. My mothernagsme.
The gardenis fullof weeds. There'stoo much to do at work.
Peopledon't listento me, I haven'tgot any friends.
I can't stop hiccupping. My-parentsare terriblystrict.
I can't find a job. My lifeis boring.
My neighbourskeepfighting. My mobilephonebillis huge.

Effi_uf Doctor,doctor!
m* In poirs, ogree the best odvice for someone with these symptoms.

| | feeltiredall the time. I nan't noi in cloan l'vegota sorethroat. !

I l've got a bad cough. l've got a hightemperature. N/ , , ^ l - , ^ ^ + t . , , 4 ^
rvry ur ruDt I'ut LD.

In poirs, write o list of other symptoms,moking sureyou both hove o copy.Swapportners

with onother poir. Tell eoch other your symptomsond give a diognosisand sombodrrice.
l*" Write someodvicefrom o doctorto o potient leoving hospitol using thesewords.

i 9."i-
1 1?19:.
illl":l:f :l::: :l::!"1-"i
In poirs, role-ploy o conversotionbetweenthe doctor ond potient, toking turns to be the
doctor.After ecch pieceof odvice,try to find o woy to ovoid occeptingit, e.g. D - you
shouldstay in bed for threedays.P - But I haveto go to work or the officewiII fa-IIapart.
D - WelI,it's veryimportant that you get somerest.

tE-l-P]ffi Proverbs
In poirs, discussthe meoning of theseproverbs.

A bird in the hand is worthtwo in the bush.

Makehaywhilethe sun shines.
You can't judge a book by its cover
Too manycooksspoilthe broth.
Allthat glittersis not gold.
Everycloudhas a silverlining.
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.
It'sno use cryingoverspiltmilk.

f9r eoch proverb,write o sentenceexpressingits meoning using should/ oughtto, e.g.A

bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.Youshouldbe contint wilh what you haveand iot
alwayslook for more.
Tell the clqsssomeproverbsfrom your longuoge.

ETaWffi Bad habits

In two groups, broinstorm o list of odjectives to describe someone who is unbeoroble to live
with. Write o piece of advice next to eoch one, e.g. Lazy - You should tidy up the kitchen more.
Toke turns to reod your odvice to the other group ond see if they cctn guess the odjectives.

44 700 Classroom
fflFiffil Past mistakes
sl*Work in poirs. I'm going to give each poir o different sentencedescribinga bod
situotion. Agreeon o iequenceof five mistokesthot led up to the situotion, ond write it
down. Swopiour Iist with onother poir. Reod their sequence-onddiscusswhot the person
should or shouldn't hove done ot eoch stoge.Write o note of your odviceond give it to the
i Kevinwas givena five-yearprisonsentence.
The holidaywas a completedisaster.
They got divorcedas soon as they could'
Jack is livingon the streetnow.
The houseis a comPleteruinnow.
Sharonwas giventhe sack.
John went on to becomea streetsweeper'
He had to take time off work due to nervousexhaustion'

W In groups,discusstheseevents,soying whot peopleshould have done to ovoid them'

of America,WorldWar ll, Vietnam, I
! tf'" Titanic,the colonisation
! an importanteventin your country a currentsituation in the news j
L*--***:--*- **-"^***"--r

f.FWl Regrets A
Work on your own ond think obout somethingyou did thot you wish you-hodn't done or
thot you irod done differently. Write o sentenceobout your regrets, e.g. I shouldneverhave/
t wisi I hadn,t jumped off that roof whenI wasplaying with my friends.
Work in smoll groups ond toke turns to reod out your sentencesond clnswerfurther
questions,e.g. I - Wny aia you iump off the roo? B - Oh, it wasa dare.A Did you break
anything?B Yes,I brokemY ankle'

IEffiTIUI Products
Imogine you ore buying somethings in a streetmorket. Look ot this conversotion'
- -r .-- ^.-.^ r.^^ !
i n-Goodmorning,
; B - Goodmorning. A kiloof onions,please.
: 4 - Thereyougo.Anything else?
B- Yes.l'll havea largebeetroot'
A- One largebeetroot.Anythingelse?
B- That'sall,thanks.
A- OK. That'llbe €1 Please.
B- Hereyou are.Thanks.
A- Bye.

In poirs, chooseone of theseshopsond write o list of the things you sell.Write o few items
i" 6"y fi.- eoch of the other shops. One of you will- ond the other will stoy to
mlnd the shop. Hove conversotionslike the one on the boord in eoch shop.
n chemist,marketstall,newsagent, i
computershop,post DIY
office, shop,sportsshop i
S. !

Functions 45
lEWu;l Money
using buy,pay,
Ask eoch other questionsqbout the things you hove with you in class_,
soendand cosf.Fbllowthis sequenceand then moke on offer for the thing in question.
' F',rr rrnr v nan fnr7 | vh n
r Jr ur$nrh fr t rmr \r/y n An fnr €3
HOW mUCn OIO lOU wuy yvur Vvr PEr rrvr Eu'
How much did you pay for your pen? I paid€3 for my pen. i
How much did you spendon your pen? | spent€3 on my pen. i
How much did your pen cost? My pen cost €3' a
' l| ' li ll n i r r a r r n r r €r 4? fr nv rr ir tL .
\rrvv Jvu

lEWfu;] Small ads

Hove you everbought onything second-hond,odvertisedin o newspaperor on o notice
board?Whot wos it? Was it o borgoin?
Work in poirs. (Designoteolternote poirs A and B')
poir A, you ctreputting on odvertisementin the locol poper.The od is 'HouseCleoronce:
everythingmust go.' B--roinstorm ten items to include in the sole ond give eoch o price,
e.g. cookeleS0,rdcing bike€20. Moke sureyou both moke o copy of the list.
poir B, you ore trying to furnish o houseos cheoply os possible.Write o list of ten items
ond o budget for-eochone. Moke sureyou both make 0 copy of the list.
Swopportnerswith onother poir ond role-ploythis telephoneconversqtion.
StudentA, try to sell oll your items for the best price possible,even if they're not on
StudentB's list.
StudentB, find out if the items you wont ore for sole.Get os much informotion os possible,
ond try to negotiateo better price.

tEfficl Shops
Work in groupsof three. I'rn going to give you somedifferenttypes of shop.When you
heor the shop, quickly ogreeon o comploint, e.g.T - Shoeshop'S - I boughttheseshoes
vesterdavand the heel'salreadybroken'

photodevelopers, :
I gutug",delicatessen,
I Dtvshop,greengrocer,
chemist, toy
boutique, shop i
(After you hove reod out the whole list, elicit someof the comploints.)
In your groups,chooseyour fovourite comploint ond role-ploythis conversotion. ---rru
: r{
Student A, you ore on orgumentotive customer'
StudentB, you ore on unhelpful shop ossistont'
StudentC, you are the monoger' colled to sort out the problem'

tatPW Forcryingout loud

In smoll groups,tell eoch other obout o reol comploint you have mode. Did you expre_ss
your misjivings in o polite but ossertiveway?Wos your complaint properly deolt with?
Choosethe most interestingcomploint ond write o script for it to reod out to the closs.

46 Activities
700 Classroom
Imogine you ore in o shop comploining to the solesassistont.In poirs, write o mini
dialogue with the following poirs of words,e.g. Customer- I askedfor a size12, butyou gave
me a size-14.Assistont- l'm terriblysorry,madam.I'll getyou a sizeL4.
brown/white,a i 0 Euronote / a 20 Euronote i
] brown/black,satin/matt,lagerlbrtter,
bags/ 5 two-kilobags,3 amp/13amp,hamburger/fishburger
i 2 five-kilo 1
Swopdiologueswith onother poir, ond proctisereoding them.

trK*ffiM Flat share problems

In pairs, imogine you ore flotmotes.Role-ployo discussionond give eoch other 9{ic5
obout how to chongeyour behoviour,e.g.A - Youshouldn'tleaveyour bikein the haII,it
makesit dirty. B - Why don't you relax more?It's easyto cleanup later.
StudentA, you ore very tidy, like peoceond quiet, study hord, don't-go out very much,
usuolly poy the bills on time, do most of the cooking ond housework.
Student B, you ore very untidy, like loud music/TV con't be bothered to study,
like porties,ore olwoys broke, hote cooking ond housework.

EIFffi Where am l?
In poirs, listen to my comploints.After eoch one, write down where I om.


In poirs,writetwo morecomploints.Reodthem out for the restof the clossto guess

whereyou ore.

EEffi Letters of complaint

Lookot the followinginformotionoboutpoorproductsor services.
Car€999 (used) Holidaye600 Jacket€200 EFLSchool
Noisybrakes Filthyhotel Tearin armpit 30 students/class
Leakingsunroof No swimmingpool Buttonsmissing Wrong level
Faultyindicator Constructionwork Liningmissing Rude staff
Backfiring 12-hourdelay Stain Cold classroom

In poirs, chooseone of them ond write o letter of comploint. Swopletterswith onother poir
ond write o reply, e.g. In your brochureyou said the hotel had a swimmingpool.

Functions 47
Here is o five-letterword. (Write five blonks on the boord.) Suggestsomepossiblewords.I'll
write on X for every letter in your word thot's the scrmeos one of mine and in the right ploce.
I'll write on O for every letter in your word thot's the some os one of mine but in the wrong
ploce.Try to deducethe correctletters,e.9.

Suggestion Code Exampledeductions

PAPER oo The word can't be great becausethereare only two letters

the couldbe spod or teach.
'p' and an 'r' in the word
SPORT oo Theremightbe a
'p' or an 'o' otherwisethere
PROVE )o( Theword can't includea
'p' 'o' in spott'.
would an X for the in paper and for the
'e' at the end of the word.
H O U S E X I thinkthere'san
'h' or an 'o', otherwisetherewouldbe
P H O N E Therecan't be an
'n' in phoneand the 's' in
an O for house.ltcan't be the
'e' at the end.Thismeansthat
houseso rt must be the
'v'. Theword must
the word can'thavean'a','u' or
'r' 't'. lt probablyneedsanothervowel
containan and a
'i' 'e' becausethereisn'tan'a','o'
whichwilleitherbe or


lqfgsl*{1 u. I Drawings
I'm going to drow something on the boord. After eoch line, try to guess whot it is, e.g. /f
migit be a ... ,It couldbe a .... (Drow these objects line by line, or invite o student to do it.)

&. Workin poirs.I'11tell you obouto situotion.Discuss
thephone.S- He mightbein theshower.
T - He isn't-answering He mustwantusto leavehim
alone. Maybe the phone ringer is switched off.
i*---****--- I
1 The line is engaged. The fridge smells absolutelyterrible.l'm working 16 hours 1
a day at the moment.There'sa lot of noisenextdoor.Sheilais alwayssmiling i

thesedays,They'vedecidednot to publishmy book.The baby is crying.The car i

! won't stad. He'swearinga Rolex.Carol'sstudyingastrophysics ;

@ In poirs, moke post deductionsabout thesesituotions,e.9.I - You'velostyour bag.

S - I musthaveIeft it on the bus.I can't haveleft it at homebecause
I keepmy buspassin it.

i Rav'soot a lovelvtan. The boss looks reallvtired.The hotel room was full of massive
! . . * . y | v v v | J l g | - :
, spibers.Theydidn'tcome to our wedding.I feelsick.Jess doesn'tcometo classany i
more.Cha4ie'sgot a blackeye.Theycame back lookingverydisappointed. Suddenly l
. they'vegot loadsof money.My phone rang at threeo'clock this morning. ]

48 Activities
l-ilFlffiffi The next morning
Imagine you hove woken up on o Sundoymorning with o terrible heodoche.You con't
rememberanything from the night before,but you discoversomeclues.Work in smoll
groupsond speculoteobout what hoppened.
:e. j There'sa strangetelephonenumberwith the lettersCS in your pocket. :
I i There'sa half-eaten hamburgerin the kitchen,but you'rea vegetarian. ,
I You've got a grazeon your forehead. i
i The frontdoor is wide open. i
i Nothingis missingfromthe flat. i
i---":-yij':-::l: -i
A body wos discovered in the clossroom during breok ond the police believe thot someone
in the closs is the killer. (Reveal the informotion bit by bit, completing it as necessory.)

! fnere was a cigaretteend next to the deceased'sbody,but he was a non-smoker. i

i Therewas a suicidenote,but it wasn'twrittenin the deceased'shandwriting.
; The notecontainedsomegrammarmistakes. ;
i Forensicevidencesuggeststhat the killerhad _ hair. I
I Forensicevidencesuggeststhe killerwas wearingsomething- (colour). i

In smoll groups,identify the killer bosedon the informotion given to you, e.g.It can't have
beenAnya becauseshe'sa non-smoker. It might havebeenPedrobecausehe'swearing
a greenjumper.

taFWI Lateralthinking
I'm going to give you o loterol thinking problem. (Write it on the boord.)

i A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. He then left eady,Everyone
! elseat the parlywho drankthe punchsubsequently died of poisoning. Why?

In poirs, try to work out whot hoppened, e.g. He might have put the poison in the punch.
(If no one gets it, give the students clues to lead them in the right direction. The onswer
is thot the poison was in the ice cubes ond the mon hod Ieft the porty before the ice cubes
(Here ore some more loterol thinking problems thot con be used for past deduction.)

i 1 A man is founddead in a field.He is clutchinga brokenmatch.What happened?

i (Heand a numberof otherpassengers were makinga balloontrip in a desperate
j attemptto flee a country.The balloonhad to loseweightto stop it from crashing,
; He drewthe shortmatchand had to jump.)
2 The musicstopped.The circustight-ropewalkerdied.Explain.(Shewalkedblindfolded
over a high wire.The band playedas she crossedand when the musicstopped,it was
the signalthat she had reachedthe end of ihe wire and couldsafelyalight.One day the
conductorwas taken ill and the stand-inconductorendedthe pieceof musictoo earlv.
She steppedoff to her death.)

' 3 A hunteraimed his riflecarefullyand fired.Secondslater,he realisedhis mistake.

Minuteslater,he was dead. What happened?(lt was winter.He firedthe riflenear a
Il snowy cliff,which startedan avalanche.)

Functions 49
tEtffi Tell me why
eoch sentence,
I'm going to soy some deduction sentences.Give me evidence to support
ilr"i t"ust te in love. - They are smiling at each other so romantically.
i . H | ' " . t h a v e | e f t i n a h u r r y . | t c a n , t h a v e b e e n p r o p e r | yyou
packed.Wem usthavemet
i beforesomewhere.Therecan't naveOeenany,jn"'ut frome' must havecooked it at i
thief must have i
the wrong t"*p"rutrr". They can't havegivenus the right directions.The
party here'
got in thr6ughihe window.She can't navetotOhim. Theremust have been a - .;

IElffi Project
photoswith onother
Bring somefomily photos into the next in groups.Swop
gro;p. Discusswhols who in the photos you receive, e.g.-Thismust be lose'sbrother'That
iiigrt u, hismum, but sheseems so young. Thiscan,t be his wife, surely.
e.9. we reckonthisis your brother,los6'
foin the other group ond seeif you were right,

Fffiul People
Hoir/Foce' Build ond
&* I'm going to dictote some words. Put them under three headings:

blond, mediumheight,curly,pretty,nice,smart,wavy

write o short descriptionof someonein the clqss'but don't write the person'sllome' ,
(Tellthe students
I'll collectthe descriptionsond reod them out for you t9 guesswho it is'
sure everyone is included')
who to describe,iaeoiiy someonefocing them, ond moke "ffi
- I' r

ffiffiilil-ul Perfect aliens A
work in two groups,A qnd B. Group A, ogreethe_description of the perfect.womon'
the other
Croup S, ogr"" ih. descriptionofthe p'erfectman. Whot do you think obout't desiription?Wouid you like to be thot person?
in the group
&* In smoll groups,designon olien - the weirderthe better.Get someone
draw it. Compore your
to drow it. Describeit to'the rest of the clossond seeif they con
picture with theirs. which description/picture doesthe closslike the most?

s* You'regoing to describesomeobjectshidden in this bog' (Collectobjectsfrom
studentsond include o few of your own.)
tell them
Put your hond in the bag ond feel on obiect.Describeit to the closs,but don't
soi and furry. It's small and light. They will try to guess'(After o few
*ftot it is, e.g. It feels
guessesr inviie the studentto removethe obiectond show it to the closs.)
M In poirs, think of on object which yox use every doy. Your portner will try to
it is by osking yes/no questionsobout theseospects'
' texture,colour,cost,when you use it, whereyou use it

50 Activities
IeffilWq Location
***Whot ore the correctprepositions?
***-- '-: -
ii r
il;"pffitto',-:--- il; bry;sh,,"- rh"'ioor"r.olno- i

: Work in two teoms to ploy noughts ond crosses. Tell me where to put your mork, using
the expressionson the boord. Ploy ogoin in groupsof three, with one of you morking the
\ noughts and crosses. No pointing!
it*"Whot ore the nomes of theseshopes?(Draw o squore,o triongle ond o circle.Then drow
picture L on the boord.) Listento this descriptionof the picture. (Describepicture 1.,e.g. There's
a largesquare.Insideit there'sa small squareat the top on the left. There'sa smallcircleat the
bottomin the middle.)

t l

\ /

Write o similor description of thesetwo pictures. (Drow pictures 2 and 3 on the boord.)
Compore your description with o partner.
lw (Usepictures/reolioto elicit oblong/rectongle,star,stripe ond crescent.)In smoll groups,
describeyour notionol flog, or onother flog you know well. Whot do the different colours
ond shopesrepresent?
I will describesomeother notionol flogs. In two teoms,shout out the country eoch time
to win o point.

Ejffi Gestures
How do people use their honds ond foces in different countries to indicote these ideos?

i You'remad. Who cares? | loveyou. Delicious.Hi. Excellent.I don't know. ;

; l'm angry. Giveit to me. Pardon? Not bad. Disgusting,OK. Let'sgo.
; Goodbye.Come here. I don't understand,Go away.(politely)Go away.(rudely)

&*"I'm going to give eoch of you on imoginory object.You hove to guesswhot it is from the
woy I pick it up ond possit to you. When you toke it, soy thonk you ond tell me what
you're going to do with it. The rest of the closscon suggestolternotiveuses.

i n,i"t, smetv.;;k,

snake i
&" I'll give you the nome of on obiectwritten on o pieceof poper.Describeit using your
hqnds only - showing its shope ond size,ond miming how you might use it. Another
studentwill speokfor you ond soy whot it is, e.g. lt's about thisbig. It'ssquare.It'sgot buttons
Iikethis.Youcan put thingsinto it. lt playsmusic... A CD player!If he/sheis not right, shoke
your heod ond try ogoin.

i water melon,pocket calculator,camcorder,teddy bear,telephonedirectory i

Functions 51
EIFIIW Statues A
Stond in poirs focing eoch other. Strikeo poselike o stotue for the following. (Reodthese
out one ot o time. Only do this octivity if oll the studentsare outgoing.)

1 boxer,explorer, granny,hero
general,angel,philosopheldictator,hunter,supermodel, i

Work in groupsof three. StudentsA ond B, stond bock to bock. StudentA, get into o reolly
strongepose.StudentC, tell StudentB how to move in order to copy StudentAs pose,Iike
o mirror imooe.

ElFlffif€g Same difference

In poirs, describeto eoch other the differencesbetweenthe membersof thesegroups.You
con look up ony wordsyou don't understondbeforeyou stort your descriptions.

1 prawn.lobstetcrab.shrimp
r 2 garlic,leek,onion,springonion
i 3 tulip,rose,carnation,daffodil
i 4 beef,lamb,pork,venison
i 5 Spanishwine,ltalianwine,Frenchwine,Germanwine

foin onother poir ond tell eoch other which one you prefer from eoch group, and why.

EfPIffiffil Wotsitsname?
In poirs, role-ploy o conversotionbetweena shopkeeperond o customerwho hos forgotten
the nome of the thing he/shewonts. I'll give one studentthe nome of on objectond he/she
hos to describeit to the shopkeeper.The shopkeeperhos to try to work out what it is, e.g.
(A plug.) Haveyou got one of thosethings that goesin the sinkto stop the waterfrom escaping?
(A good way to do this is to show the 'customer'the word in his/her own languoge,using
o bilinguol dictionory ond hiding the Englishword.)

; teapot,cheesegrater,paperclip,lightbulb,ruler,rope,zip, mousetrap,mousemai,
i corkscrew,scarf,thermosflask,compass,iron,colander,pin, eraser,staplel whistle i
l l l

tffiH!ill-L! Favouriteplaces
theseplocesto your portner.
In poirs,describe
I yourfavourite i
:9:_11:l::.:T:v:l:"fll - l
I ::::1::::::: @tm
Choose one of them ond write o description of it in 100-200 words.

Doesonybodyknowwhot o hoiku is?Whereorehoiku from originolly?Howorethey
o hoiku is o shortpoemdescribingo snopshotof the noturolworld
ond contoining some reference to the seoson. They ore from Jopon, ond have three lines. The
first hos five syllobles, the second seven ond the lost five.) Look ot these exomples.
! underneath the bridge a strandof cobweb l

a Christmastreeabandoned driftingon the summerbreeze
rn cold greydarkness catchesthe sunlight :
In poirs, write two troditionol hoiku for different seosons.When you've finished, leave
them on the toble, then go oround the clossroom ond reod everybody else's.

52 700 Classroom
ffitffiTlul Place and movement
Dividethesewordsinto two groups:ploceand direction.Some9o in both.
through,down,across,along,into,below,up, oul, I
between,in, around,over,opposite,under,on, off

Chooseony five thot you ore unsure of. Check them in o dictionory and write sentences
with them. Comporeyour sentenceswith o portner'

ffiffi-llui My neighbourhood
In poirs, find out who's got the best occessto shops,omenitiesond transport links where
they live, e.g. There'so ,ife o, the cornerof my street.Around the cornerthere'sa post office.
It's about a two minute walk to the nearestbus stop "'
Copy this streetplan. Tell me the nomes of the streets'


In poirs, decidewhere to put theseploces'

chemist,cornershop 1
i bakerycar park,caf6,busstop,newsagent,
t^**_ - **"-**^*i
Form o group with onother poir. Don't show them your mop. Ask ond onswerquestions
obout your mops to find any similorities.

ffiffiffiffitr! Routes
g' In groups,discussyour journeysto schoolond find out whoseis the most complicoted.
Chooseo secretoryfor the group io write o description of the iourney. Leovethe description
on your deskond look at t[e other groups'descriptionsto find out who in the closshos the
worst iourney.
he &. Imogine you hove o iob in the centre of a huge city ond you-h-aveto choosewhere
to live. ln ttrreegroups,agreethe odvontogesof your place ond-the disodvantcaesof the
others. Group e,"you fro"6 chosenthe city centre. Group B, you hove chosenthe suburbs.
Group C, you hove chosenthe countryside.
gr Someonetell me exoctly how to get from this clossroomto the neqrestcof6. (Choose
o studentto give directions,then seeif onyone noticed onything missing.)
$a,In poirs, give eoch other directionsfrom the oirport to the ploce youlive by_public
tronsport.ttiho hos the most complicotedjourney,involving the most chonges?

Functions 53

ffi$ffisU;l ldentity cards

Copy this form. trnpoirs, osk ond onswerquestionsto fill in the form for your poftner.

Name ThreethingsI like


spoKen ThreethingsI don't like


Maritalstatus My ambition

Swapforms ond checkthot the informotion obout you is correct.Swopportnerswith
onother poir ond hove o look at eoch other'sforms. Ask further questions,e.g. It sayshere
that you like art. Who is your favouriteartist?

lElffi$Sfu.l Tett the truth

Work in groupsof three. Ask ond onswerquestionsobout yourselves,but tell somelies os
well. While you listen to the others,make o note of onything you think is o lie. Tolk obout .:-.*n
1 " !

i T,??:"::19
i:T:1il3l i*y1*l9l:-?33i9i?i1o,i
When you've finished,chollengeeoch other obout the things you think ore lies. The
winner is the personwho included the most undetectedlies.

M Toketurns to introduceyourselvesond thosewho hove alreody introducedthemselves.
StudentA, introduceyourselfond soy somethingyou like.
StudentB, introduceyourself,say somethingyou like qnd introduceStudentA.
StudentC, introduceyourself,soy somethingyou like ond introduce StudentsA ond B.
If someonemqkes o mistoke,the next student stortsogoin. Continue like this until there's
only one studentleft who hqs not mode o mistoke.Thot personis the winner.
&" Introduceond describeyourselfto the closs,soying where you ore from ond whot you
like, but only using words thot begin with the some letter clsyour ncrme,e.g.I'm marvellous
Maria from Mexicoand I like mountainsand mice.

i.eFf,F{ulGuessinggame A
In poirs, Iook ot the poir sitting oppositeyou ond moke guessesobout them using these
ideas.Who do you think ... : - i

;;ilunff;;'i.;;;n"""r"ili-ffi.J i;'il;ilu[i.i."" oi,'nil ,

pet? lis
^ ^^+o
^ ',^^, iA' 'O
lil'^^ n^^ninaD
is romantic?iis
io rnman+inC
a rebel?hhas
o n rntrnlC ao
lotsof friends? :i
ln+o nf frianr{o?

workshard? is verycreative?is veryfit? playsa musicalinstrument?


When you have finished,join the other poir ond checkif your guesses
were correct.

54 700 Classroom
l-ETPW[ffi]Know how
ip*Doesonybody in the clossknow how to chonge o plug? (Elicitvocobulory through
mime ond o diogrom of a plug on the boord.)
In poirs, toke turns to tell your portner how to do thesethings using Firsf, Then,After that
and Finally.While you listen to your portner's explonotion, moke a note on onything

e* Whot is o 'trick of the trode'? Do you know ony tricks of the trode? If so, tell the rest
of the closs,e.g. Thebestway to get your windowsreallycleanis to dry them with newspaper.

ffiffi-u.l Dos and don'ts

Wgrk i1 poirs. Imogine you_oreshowing o new personoround your ploce of work. prepore
o list of dos ond don'ts. Exploin oll qbout the rules ond regulotions,ihe boss,where things
go, heolth and sofety,etc.
Readout your lists.Decideos a closswhere you would most/leostlike to work.
(As o whole closs.)Tell me someof the dos ond don,tsof this school.

Effi Drivinginstructor
In poirs, role-ploy o leorner'sfirst driving lesson.
Student A, you ore the instructor. Describeexoctly whot to do.
Student B, you ore the leorner. Follow the instructions exoctly.
Hereis somevocobulory to help you. (Elicitthesewordswith mimes.)
ignition,brake,accelerator,clutch,gear stick, steeringwheel,indicatot
i; t
handbrake,speedometer,seat belt, mirror,to pull out, to changegear, i
: to accelerate,to do an emergencystop, to turn right/|eft,to go straighton
eosyto follow?Howwell did your studentfollowyour instructions?

EWffi Gettingaround
In smoll groups,discussthe differencesin how peopledo someeverydoythings in your
L and
vurrlty u r r L l the
L r r s UK/USA/Austrolio/...
uN/uJ.fl/.f\us[Iqllq/... .. n
Here ore
erg o r e ssome
o m e lideos.

" travellingon publictransport,drivingand the highwaycode, buyingthings, I

appliances,usinga pubtictetephone, eatingand drinking
: _y:ilg 1*estic i

E-;WW Inventors
In smoll groups,invent somethingthot would be useful to you, e.g. o mochine thot will
scrotchthe bit of your bock you con't reoch, o moke-up opplying iobot, o mochine thot
recyclesboth woter.
Drow o picture ond prepore o presentotion obout it, describingwhot it is for, ond giving
instructionson how to use it.

Functions 55
b El$Jg;Yql
Mission _ | , I

Imagine you ore fomes Bond ond you ore on o mission to sovethe plonet from a moster
criminal who plons to dominote the whole world. You hove got o briefcosecontoining o
recordingof your instructionsobout the mission,including the locotion, nome ond
descriptionof the criminol. It olso contoins instructionson how to use the high-tech ond
extremelydongerousgodgetsin the briefcose.
In groups,write the recordedmessogefor fomes Bond. Choosefive of your possessions to
include as 'godgets',e.g. o pen thot fires poisonousdorts when you twist the nib onti-
clockwise.Swopinstructionsond godgetswith onother group. You have one minute to
memorisethe instructionsond learn how to use the godgets.
Exploin your mission ond your godgetsto the closs.The group who wrote the instructions
will listen for ony mistokes.
In your groups,tell eoch other obout o film you hove seenin which there were some
interestinggodgets.Describehow they worked.
: - ]

t tPSffil House-sitting
Imogine you live in o housewhere everythinghas its idiosyncrosies, e.g.when you switch
on the kettle you have to first turn off the kitchen light otherwise the dishwosher starts. In
groups of three, write o list of instructionsfor someonecoming to housesitfor you while
you ore on holidoy.
Reodout your instructions.Which group seemsto live in the strongesthouse?
In the some groups,tell eoch other obout onything ot your housewhich octs in on odd
woy, or which you think o strongerwould need help with operoting.
(Voriotion:In poirs, role-ploy o telephoneconversotionbetweenthe house-sitterond the
houseowner.The house-sitterhos lost the instructions.Things are getting out of control
ond he/sherings up the owner to checkon how to do things.)

Bring o godgetto the next lesson.Work in pairs. Exploin to your portner how it works.
Here ore somepossibleitems.

i camera,minidiskplayer,game boy,mobilephone,personalorganiser,

tlt] Work places

Work in poirs. Imagine you hove o job in one of theseploces.Your portner will osk you
yes/no questionsto discoveryour job, e.g. A - I workin a hospital.B - Doyou operateon
people?A - No. I'm not a surgeon.B- Doyou cleanthefloors?A - No. I'm not a cleaner.
j an airpoft,an office,a hotel,an EFLschool
a hospital,Disneyland, i ITPT

IElffiWuI what's my iob?

Work in two teoms.Listento my sentencesond shout out the job. The first teqm to soy the
job eoch time wins o point. (Hereore four ideosto stort with.)
*ruii; -lfr -(il""ffi "-i
i i6;ii6;; i*b; il"y
th'65 .6 tid' ilil;ru;i ffi p6;ru "l'
i -*: v:::"-l-9v
9 ?:9913 jl"i:i:3d:l i
56 700 Classroom
Skills and strengths
Look ot theseiobs. Shout out some of the skills they need,e.g.T - Chefs.S - Chefsneedto
be good at organisingtheir time.

actors,nurses,waiters,farmers,pilots,miners,lawyers, artists,singers,doctors,
bricklayers, policeofficers,
receptionists, underlakers

Choose one of the jobs on the boord. Listen to the following odjectives. Write down the
ones thot opply to people who ore good ot the job you've chosen.

tivated,creative,organised,strong,honest, I
flexible,hard-working, capable,inspirational,patient i

Whot other skills doesthe iob you've chosenneed?

lElFffil Personal profiles

Whot is o personolprofile? (Answer:a descriptionof yourselfos o professionol.)Listento
this personolprofile ond tell me whot kind of work the persondoes.(Possibleonswer:o
reseorcherfor on internotionol compony.)

;T;;;;;;;;;:,,s*,",s",'" ^*^;'"rt"*'* -*
adapt easilyto all kindsof workingenvironmentsas I am " ".;t* "t**"n.,".1'.t
An advancedPC
very flexible. ";
user, I am also eager to broaden my knowledgeand learn new ski//s.I am afticulateand
I I interact well with colleagues.Able to work efficienflyunder pressure,I can prioritisemy
I ll ILVI qWL Vvgrr VVrLr I VVrrgqVUVo' ^vrv Lv

1 workload to meet tight deadlines.I am fluent in Russianand have an excellentcommand

i of German.GivenIhe opportunifyI will prove myselfavaluablememberof any team.

Listen to it agoin ond write down the key words (in itolics). Compore your list with o
portner'sand choosewords which opply to you. Can you think of ony others?
Here are someexpressionsfrom personolprofiles.I'll reod through them twice. Listenond
write down the ones thot opply to you.
! r - "

! t am an excellent
communicator. i
i t geton wellwithpeopleat alllevels. i
' I workwellon my ownor as partof a team.
i I enjovchallenges. i
i I havestrongleadershipskills. I
! I am a well-6rganiseo I
! | enjoylearning,new
enjoyrearnrng skills.
new sKllls.
| | am committedto equalopportunities.
1 | followinstructions

Write your own personol profile. Compore your profile with o portner.

f-Wffiffi Situationsvacant
In poirs, composeo short recruitmentodvertisementincluding informotion obout the job,
quolifications ond experiencerequired, ond conditions of work. Swop odvertisementswith
onother poir ond write somequestionsyou would ask about the job, e.g.the number
of people in the department, how mony doys' holidoy you get. Swop portners with the
some poir ond role-ploy this telephonecoll.
Student A, osk obout the job ond requeston opplicotion form.
Student B, onswer questionsobout the job ond toke down Student As detoils.
(This octivity works well as o follow-up to the Projecton the next poge.)

Functions 57
lE-E#ffi Job interview ffi
(If you do not olreody know obout the students' professionsor future coreerplons, osk
them to tell you the job they do, or the one they would like to do. Choosetwo or three
studentswho do, or would like to do, the same kind of work ond put them togetherto
preporefor o job interview for o specificposition of your choosing.They should write o list
of their relevqnt skills ond strengths.
The rest of the clossworks in two or three groups to write interview questionsfor this
position. Applicont A is interviewedby thJfirsf group while B is interviewedby the second. ffi
Then they swop ploces.
Interviewers:Who had the best quolificotionsond experience?Who wos the most reloxed
ond friendly during the interview?Who getsthe job?
Appliconts:How did you eoch feel obout your interview?Whot did you think obout the
ottitude of the differentinterviewers?Do you think you'll get the job?

IEW Project
@ Look in the situotions vocont section of o newspoperond find o iob odvertisement
to bring to the next lesson.In closs,hove o look ot everybodyelse'sodvert ond agreethe EM
three or four most interesting ones. Work in groups, one odvert for eoch group. Agree o
list of the skills ond strengthsneededfor the job ond discusswhot researchyou could do
on the compony ond the job beforeopplying.
Write o letter of opplicotion for the job. (Elicit the loyout ond conventions for this kind of
letter.Decideif the letter should simply requeston opplicotion form, encloseo CV,or give
odditionol informotion.)
lp Write your own CV in English ond bring it to closs.Include the following information. IEK
f- emolovment q#fb"fi"rs-*i
history ""d referees
other skills,hobbies/interests, !
In closs,work in poirs or smoll groups.Look ot onother student'sCV ond moke suggestions
for improving it.

ffi-u;l Personal needs

@ (Choosestudentsot rondom oround the class.)Listento whot I soy ond repeotit,
odding somethingthot you need,e.g.T - I'm tired.S * I'm tiredand I needa rest.

I l'm hungry.l'm stressed.I feeldizzy.l'mthirsty.l'm fed up with work. l'm lonely.

| | can't cope with the kids.I'vegot sunburn.l'm flat broke.l'm cold. l'm hot. iEKff
{ | can't reachit. l'm unemployed. l'm latefor a meeting.l've got a headache.

@ In groups,tell eoch other some of the things you need in your personollife. Exploin
why you need them. Here ore someideos.

I shopping/groceries,
Decidewho in your group, ond in the clossos o whole, hos the simplestneeds.
@ In groups, decide whot the following people need. For eoch one, nome the three most
importont things.

buildel new-bornbaby,student,teenager,mountaineer,

58 700 Classroom
lwffi!;l Bare necessities
o doy-to-
In poirs, broinstorm o list of the twenty most importont things thot you need-on
put them in order from most to leost importont' Seehow your list ond order
aoy Uosis ond
compcrreswith onother Poir'
whot is the bore minimum that o person needsto survive? List o few other things
peoplesoy they need,but thot might not in foct be necessory'

ffi-ct World needs

work in smoll groups ond write five ideosunder eoch of': theseheodings'

what the world needsnow it

what thingsneed doing to improvethis town/country i
what peopleneed in orderto livein harmony

Discusshow the needsof different countriescompore'

lEffiffilut Jobs
&* In groups, broinstorm o list of professionsand correspondingobilities. Try to come up
with some unusuol jobs, e.g. Explorersneedto be able to rtde camels.Climbersneeda
head for heights.
!w In poirs, tell eoch other about the things you need to do/hove/befor your present

lEffiffiffi Invention
'Necessityis the mother of invention' meon?
whot doesthe soying
In smoll groups,broinstorm o list of ten importont inventions.Possyour list to onother
o1 the list your group receivesond next to eoch invention write o sentence
group. t-oiot<
6xptiining wrry ii wos heeae"d, rn" wheel - It was inventedbecausepeopleneededto
transPortheavYloads. "g.

In smoll groups,discusswhat peopleneededand-didn't need to do at thesetimes' e.9'
$ peoplewio tiveaSO0yearsago ieeded to dry a lot of their food for the winter.

50 yearsago,500yearsago,5,000yearsago

Comporehow things qre differentthesedoys and moke o few notesof your ideos,e.g.
Nowadaysie don,t ieed to dry things like fish becausewe can keepthem refrigerated'

t-W Jobs aroundthe house

Work in groups of three. Student A, nome o household chore. Student B, soy whot
need in order to do it. StudentC, nome the next chore, e'g'
A - We haveto clean the floor.
B - We needa moPand somedetergent'
C - Wehaveto Put uP a shelf.
(Variotion: For higher levels, Student A usesthe structure needs+ -ing. Student B repeots
with If ..., e.9.
A - Thefloor needscleaning.
B - If the floor needscleaning,we'II needa mop and somedetergent.
C - A shelfneedsPuttinguP.)
Functions 59
ffi-itul Houserules
In pairs, imogine thot you ore going to toke o tenont to shqreyour house,Agreethe rules,
toking into occounttheseospects.

ft *_ pets,rent,bathroom,
visitors, smoking,
bills,cleaning I
Exploin your rules to the closs,ond persuadethem why your rules will ensurethe
relotionshipworks well. (Choosethree or four poirs to presenttheir rules to the closs.)

ffillul Guess the place

Work in groups.Imogine you ore in o porticulor ploce. Say one of the rules thot opply, ond
the other studentswill try to guesswhere you ore. If they con't guess,give onother rule, e.g.
A - Youmustn't talk loudly.
B - Areyou in a hospital?

A - No. Youhaveto return the thinasvou borrow.

C - Areyou in a library?
A - I/es.

School rules
In smoll groups,write somerules for the clossond the schoolunder thesethree heodings.

lEWffiu.l Health and safety

In groups,write o list of rules for one of thesesituotions.(Allocoteone to eoch group.)
Choosea secretoryto keep o note of your ideosunder four heodings:must,mustn't,should
and don't haveto.

managinga restaurant,kitchen,conductinga fireworksdisplay,

lookingaftera baby,going trekkingin the mountains

Swop lists with onother group to seeif they've missedonything importont.

IEWI Past obligation

@ Imogine you orrive lote for on importont appointment. In poirs, think of someexcuses
bosed on other obligotions, e.g. I'm sorryI'm late. Thecar brokedown and I had to take it to
thegarage.(Elicitsomeof the excusesto find the most creative.)
@ In smoll groups,osk ond onswerquestionsobout the rules ot schoolond ot home when
you were o child. Hereore some questionsto help you. if

Think oboutthesesubi-'ects.

I tr"[rg, pr."tr"lfty, pdit@;rf"*;

Lpi:Tr_s: :??fffi
(This octivity olso works well with jobs.)

60 700 Classroom
l-fl-PW Excuses,excuses
Fill the gops in thesesentences.(Write the text on the boord gopping the words in brockets.)

| (should)havegoneto the dentist'sthis morning,but I overslept'

I was (supposed)to call my sisterlastweek, but I was too busy.

Moke o list of five importont things you hove failed to do recently, e.g. Checkyour visa.
Cleanyour flcf. Work in poirs. Reodyour portner'slist ond find out his/her excusefor eoch,
wire supposedto cleanyour flaL B - Yes,but I had too much homework.
Who hod the worst excuse?

lElPffi Situations
S* Listen to theseten short extrocts. For eoch, write down three things: o) if it's on offer or
o request,b) where it's hoppening, ond c) who is speokingto whom. I'll reod eoch sentence
twic6, e.g. Wouldyou min[turning the musicdown?We'retrying to get to sleep.-
a) Request. b) Front door.c) Neighbours'

You wouldn't havechangefor the ticket machine,would you?

Would you like a free croissantwith that? I
ShallI makevou some hot chocolate?lt'll helpyou get to sleep.

Compore your notes with o portner. Try to write the offers ond requestsfrom memory.
When you've finished,I'll read them out ogoin so you con checkyour clnswers.
w Think of the lost requestond offer you mode. Write them down using him / her insteod
of the person'snome, e.g. I askedhim to help me fix my bike.I offered(to make)her a cup of
Work in poirs. Taketurns to reod your sentences. After eoch one, your portner will osk you
o question with who, e.g. Who did you askto helpyou fix your bike?

Wul Do you mind if ...?

Usethe following prompts to moke requests,e.g.I'm cold.- CanI wearyour coat?/ CouldI
wearyour coat?/ Doyou mind if I wearyour coat?

tmrmnsry;t.. rr*.. l'mstr;;ffiffi * t"--,*". *;"*-l

"*'tget to sleep.l've got a headache.I needto sit down' l
l'm thirsty.I can't reach.I can't
There'sno sugar in my tea. I don't understand.My car's brokendown' I feel sick' i

In poirs, use the some ideosto moke offers,e.9.A - I'm cold.B - I'il closethe window./
ShAIII closethe window?/ Do vou want me to closethe window?

Functions 6'1
Effiful Booking a room
Workin poirs.StudentA, you are o guestcheckinginto o hotel.StudentB, you orethe
receptionist.Role-ployo conversotionusing thesewords.When you hove finished,write
the conversotiondown. Comporeyour conversotionwith onother poir.
en suite,1 nightJ2nights,suitcases, ,
{ single/double,
ffiffiilffirr.l Do me a favour
hosogreedto look ofteryour homewhileyou'reon holidoyfor ten doys.In
pairs, write o note osking them to deol with these things.
f "*---***
cat, plants,W, messages,holein the roof,ants,neighbours,
!t*---.--".""..""".-..."""....'-".""..- rubbish,bills i

Swopyour note with onother poir. Now imogine you ore the house-sitter.Write o note to
the owner telling him/her obout eoch of the things you hod to take core of. Here'sthe

Thishasbeenthe worstweekof my life..

t-tPF@l Register
l*' Copy the toble. Work in groups ond write examples to go in the four sectionsof the
toble, using theseexpressions.

Can | ...? Could| ...? Canyou ,..? Couldyou ...? Wouldyoumind+ -ing. . . ? \ t
Shall| ...? l'll ...? Giveme ...? Wouldyou like...? Doyouwant...?
Haveyou got ..,? Willyou ...? Do you mindif | ...? G i v em e . . .

Request Offer



M In poirs, put the following requestsin order from the most formol to the most informal,
For eoch one, suggesto possiblerelotionship,e.g. Teacher talkingto a class.

sorryto botheryou,butwouldyoumindbeinga littlelessnoisy?

l'm terribly ?

Couldyoupleasebe quiet? I
Willyoube quiet,please?
Wouldyou mind beinga bit quieter?
shhhh! !

&' In poirs, make these expressions more formal.

! Hi. How'rethings?D'youwant a hand?Get lost!Giveus a fiver.Sugar?Come on, then.
i Leaveoff! l'll hold it whileyou tie it. Can I haveone? Come herea second.What?

62 700 ClassroomActivities
filFWffil Dicrarion
$s'Divide your poge into three columns with these heodings: 1) They know eqch other.
2) They don't know eoch other. 3) Either. Listen to these requests ond orders. I'll reod them
three times. The first time, decide which column it goes in. The second time, write it down.
The third time, check whot vou hove written.

I don't supposeI couldborrowyour car for a coupleof days,could l?

CouldI havechangefor C 1O?
Can you changea tenner?
Put your toys away at once.
Look,lf you don't stop playingyour musicso loud,l'll callthe police!
Why don't you leaveme alone?
Makeme a sandwich, willyou?
In poirs, comporeyour sentencesond discusswhot you think the relotionshipis between
the personspeokingand the personlistening.Add two more under eoch heoding.
M Divide your poge into two with theseheodings:1) Informol and 2) Formal. Listen
to the following diologue ond write it in the first column. (Choosea studentto reod this
with you.)
" A' l-larr rrnr rl

I B: What,me? i
j A: Yeah.Chuckus thatspanner. i
i B: Sure.Catch! i
t-*---,"--*--**-_ ***_**;
Work in poirs. In the secondcolumn rewrite the diologue using more formol longuoge,e.g.
Heyyou. - Excuseme.
Heret onother diologue to rewrite.
i A: Do vou want a hand?
, B: Oh yeah,cheers.Willyou peelthis? I
j A: No probs.Chop it as well? !
; B: No, sliced. :
il----***-** *--.*---i

In your poirs, write onother informol diologue in the first column. Swopit with onother
poir ond write o formol tronslotion of their diologue.

EffiTi:M M a y 1 . . . ?
Work in poirs. StudentA, you ore in StudentB's house.Ask for permissionusing May L..?
or Can1 ...2StudentB, you don't wont onything touched.RefuseStudentA os politely os
possibleond exploin why, e.g. A - Can I opena window?B - I'd ratheryou didn't, it's very
Here ore somethinos to tolk about.

sofa,phone,T! cake,garden,photoalbum,toilet,CD collection


Functions 63
IETffi#l What'sallowed? A
In smoll groups,discussrights and obligotionsin differentcountries,e.g.Areyou allowed
to carrya"gun?At what age-canyou... . Here crresomeideosto help you.
: carryguns,gamble, hunt,drive,vote,smoke i

EWI Mobiles
In smoll groups,discussthe odvontogesond disodvontagesof mobile phones.
ideos qnd wriie them in two columns on the boord.)
In the some groups,discussyour mobile phone deol ond find out whoseis the bestvolue.
(If only one 6r twb studentshon" got o mobile phone, do this octivity in open closs.)

lEHffiul Telephone messages

Work in groups.I'll give eoch of you o situotion to leove o messogeobout on on onswering
mochine. Write the messogemoking up ony necessorydetoils. Then toke turns to soy the
situotion ond reod out yorir messoge.The rest of you, note down the detoilsof the messoge
such os the nome ond phone n.r*6"t of the coller,dotesond times, why he/shehos colled,

i nngtngaoou a 1ooin the paper reservinga seat at the theatre i

i i;"if,.Eulii"nJto a housepartv ananginga babvsitter i
! orderiigflowers Day
forMother's theplumber
calling i
l**---**---* "---**"***"-**---i

tEl-Pffi Answeringmachines
In smoll groups,composeon onsweringmochine messogefor one of the following ploces'
Include informotion obout servicesond opening hours, plus options for further
: doctor'ssurqery,ads centre,leisurecentre,airlinecompany, ;
company,departmentstore,train station
multinational I

ffiul Text messages

In poirs, tronslote these text messogesinto full English sentences. * 1
f; Y don't
d U call? W a n t 2 s p e a k 2 U RUOK? CU @ 8.30 w8'n 4 U I

l'm :-(
; l
l ' l lB L B
t_e luvU B:-) I
grB J

Usingo similarcode,writeo wholeconversotion betweentwo peopleorronging

to m6et.Swopmessoges with onotherpair to writeout in full.

[ETFWI Projects @
$p Visit q mobile phone website and look for the best deol for you. Bring the informotion
ie* Visit the website of o lorge orts centre ond find out whot's on, including ticket
ond times of shows. Then decide whot kind of show you wont to see: music, theotre,
exhibition, free event. In the next lesson, role-ploy o telephone cqll to find out obout
show ond to book tickets.

64 Acttvities
700 Classroom

=ffiu.] Transformations
In pairs, Iisten to these sentencesond write them down. For eoch one, write onother
sentence replocing the odjective + noun with o verb + odverb, e.g. Delio's o terrible cook
Delia cooksterribly.
I Henry'sa dangerous driver. Rebecca's a quickworker' i
i fimS a heavysmoker. Debby'sa badcook' !
ii - Kathv'sa beautiful dancer. Corinne'sa slowreader. i
- , . , , - ,
Talitha's a noisyeater. a quietspeaker'
Jessica's ir
i Ken'san excellent writer. Lucy'sa nicesinger.
L***.*"--. --**.!

n9 In groups,tolk obout how you sing, drive, donce,cook, etc.

ge l="trWul Silly mimes
Watch me ond guesswhot I om miming. Write the octionsdown, e.g. makinga sandwich.

l-;,.ffi*uffi**;ffiffi;;*; compuier,doingthe dishes,

j washingmy hair,eatinga hamburger,waitingfor a bus, puttingon make-uP

In poirs, toke turns to mime one of the octionsfor your portner in the monner of one of
theseodverbs.Try to guessthe odverbyour portner is miming, e.g. You'reusinga computer
! sadly,gently,shyly,madly,heroically,
-*"'J, nervously,confidently,

; quietly,
happily, quickly,
angrily, carefully,clumsily

E:GL!ffi Gradableand ungradable

In poirs, motch on odjective from the first list with one from the second.Whot is the
differencebetween the two lists? (Write the words from eoch box in two columns on the
boord. Re-orderthe odjectivesin the secondbox when you write them up; they oppeor
here in the correct order.)
ru""d -d; hot,happy, I brilliant,
I excellent, thrilled, i
i cold,ugly,tired,difficult, hungry ! I hideous,
freezing, exhausted, impossible, !
{L*-^,*.*.-- large
interesting, } ! famished,
hilarious, gigantic I
l, *_*__** --_****_i
Compore your clnswerswith onother pair.
Look ot this diologue. (Model the emphotic stressond osk the studentsto repeotit.)
i n - Thisbedroomis rathersmall,isn'tit? t
-* i
i* ?:lr?[ lf_:9:g*:rr]i:vi---
In poirs, write similor short diologues with the words from the motching octivity. (Invite
poirs to reod out someof their diologues.)

fETFffi Throw and catch
Stondin o circle.Throw this ball (o boll of poper will do) from one personto onother
out on odverb. When you cotch it, you've g,oj.fiye seconds
ihe circle. As you trrrow iCrrto"t
it isn't, you
to use the odverb in o sentence.The clossdecidesif your sentenceis correct.If - Fluently!
e.g. A (throwing)
ore out of the gome. The lost student Ieft stonding ii the winner, -
- (throwing) - Greedily!C (ofter cotching) He ate his
B (ofter cotching) ir-iprit t fluently.B

ffitI Frequency
on the line
@ Suggestsome other expressionsfor this line. (Write Alwaysond the percentoges
ond elicit the others.)
Always 100%
Very often
Very rarely
Almost never
Never Oo/o

In smoll groupstell eoch other how often you do the following things, e'g..l always
to school"Ioftin walk to schoolwhenthe weather'snice' I veryrarelywalk to school'
I ru
L'v weekend
ohonemv familVat the vvee^v' ironmy shirts
i #;; ##;"'d' voieai elections 1
i le"a;il; d;;;; pup"r." takea summerholidaY :
i drint<teafor breakfast takepublictransport i
beginning How
$a*In poirs, think of three questions to osk eoch other obout these things ,
B - About twice a month. Moke o note
often do you ...?, e.g. A - H6w often do you eat spaghetti-?
report bock to the closs ot the end' (Reod these out'
of who does eoch thing the most ond
ollowing the students time to discuss eoch one')

cleanyour shoes,eat spicyfood, go swimming,drink coke, fly,write a letter,

argue,do the dishes,go to a concerVplay,laugh,get a haircut,sing
Answer these questionsusing every,e.g. How often doesa total eclipsehappen?

How often ... doesthe worldturn round?

does the moon go roundthe earth?
doesthe tide come in?
do leap yearsoccur?
is the Earthhit bY a comet?
is therean ice age?
does El NinohaPPen? 1

66 700 ClassroomActivities
relIGl Dictation
Iy! I'm going to dictote o note for you to write down. I'll reod the text twice.
Hi, how's it going?Look there'sa partyat Steve'splace.He's invitedsome
musiciansround.Tom'sgoing,and hisflatmate,what'sher name,Tracey.
She'sa guitaristand she'sgot a greatvoice. lt's been ages since I went to
Steve''s goingto be lotsof fun. He'scookinga curryand he'sgot some
beersin, but let'stake a bottle,too. There'san off licencethat'sjust openednear
Tom''s calledJoe'sWines.Let'smeet there at seven.OK, see vou later.

Compore your text with o partner. How mony times did you write 's?There should be
twenty. Decidewhether eoch 3 is o) on obbreviotion of is, b) on obbreviotion of has,
c) on obbreviotion of us, or d) o possessive's.

reILr.l Possessive's
In poirs, discusswhot you know obout eoch other, e.g. Carmita'shair is curly.Henri's
job is interesting.
Write o list of five guessesobout the other studentsin the closs,e.g. Carmita'sfavourite
activityis watchingft Read out your guessesond seeif they ore true.

reru;l Celebrity's
Here ore somewords for describingpeople.In smoll groupsfwrite poirs of sentencesobout
fomous people using the possessive's ond controctions of be/have,e.g. Leonardodi Caprio's
eyesare blue- Leonardodi Caprio'sgot blue eyes.(Youmoy like to odd o few feoturesto this
list for describino celebritiesthot ore well known to your students.)

i Otr" eyes,redhair,bigteeth,longlegs,curlyhair, X
:- n*:":y:*t'9,:Y l:"jY.-::
:-"-P:r 1!Y*I:fP:5j

reTIul A, an and the

s* (Write up the first sentencein this sequenceond elicit the others by osking questions
with where,e.g. Where'sthe page?)

There'sa word on a page.The page is in a book.The book is on a table.The tableis

in a room.The room is in a house.The houseis in a street.The streetis in a citv ...

In smoll groups,toke turns to odd to thesesequences

in a similor woy.

There'sa worm in an apple

There'sa fleaon a dog ...

& In poirs, write o sentencecontoining a/an and the, e.g. I had an appointmentwith the
doctor.Thecar had a flat tyre.On o seporatepiece of poper, write the sentenceout agoin
with gops for every word except a/an and fhe. Possyour gopped sentqnceto onother poir.
Fill in the gops in the sentenceyou receivein any woy you ccrn,e.g. Thereis an appleon the
table. The woman wore a blue hat.

Grammar 67
lElffiM There was an old lady
I'm going to tell you o nursery rhyme obout qn old lody who swollowedsomeanimols.
It begins Therewas an old lady who swalloweda fly. Why do you think she swollowed the fly?
(Write the next two lines ot the bottom of the boord.)

I don't know why she swallowedthe fly.


Whot did she do next? (Elicit ideos, ond then give the next line of the rhyme: Therewas
an old lady who swalloweda spider.)
Why did she swollow the spider? (Elicit ideos and then odd this line above the two others
ot the bottom of the boord.)

Whot did she do next? (Elicit ideos, ond then give the next line of the rhyme: Therewas
an old lady who swalloweda bird.)
Why did she swollow the bird? (Elicitideos,ond then continue to odd the lines of the
rhyme obove the others, continuing with the some sequenceuntil the rhyme is finished,
i.e. Sheswallowedthe bird to catch the spider.The rest of the sequenceis: cot, dog, goot, coq.
horse.At the end, osk the studentsto recite the rhyme to eoch other in poirs. Anyone who
is confident con recite the whole thing for the clossfrom memory.)

IEffiffiffi Geography quiz

Work in four or five teoms. Eoch teom must chooseo different continent, not including
Austrqlio or Antorctico. I'm going to nome some different geogrophicol feotures.Moke o
note of one exomple belonging to the continent you chose,e.g.A mountainrange- TheBIue

mountain,sea, forest/jungle,man-madefeature

Scoreo point for every correctexomple you nome. If o teom connot nome on exomple,
the other teoms con get an extro point by noming one in thot continent.

In poirs, listen to theseprompts ond ogree on explonotion using be (not) usedfo. Write it
down, e.g. I'm so tired. - I'm not usedto workiig shifts.I I can't get usedto working shifts.I
I don't think I'il everget usedto working shifts.

il Slow
Don'ttouch my dogl
It was so embarrassing.
Elephants don't likezoos.
l'm afraidI've crashedyour car. Dominiqueis drunkalready.
I find him difficultto livewith, I can't drinkthis tea.
Theydon't likeLondon. This countryis too cold for me.

Comporeyour explonotionswith onother pair. Which do you like better?

68 700Classroom
rETPW Write home
old is writing
In poirs, write o letter from o young tPg"."t who hos gone obr^oadto study
ciry. Use different forms of be/getusedto,
l; fiir/h;r porents teffing the; oUoirt life-in o new
but I can't gei used to the coffee'I'm getting usedto
goi usedto arii^:ing iei with milk,
ar:ntngin the left. I'lI neverget used to the weather'
Write obout these osPectsof life.
the weather
manners,fashion,shopping,food, pets,traffic,language,householdappliances,

WI! Preferences
ollow o few minutes
@ In poirs, discussthesequestions'(Reodthem out one ot o time ond
for discussion.)

Whichdo you Prefer, tea or coffee?

who do you think is more (choose
handsome/beautiful, two celebrities)?
Whichdo you prefer,springor autumn?Why?
Do you preferto expressyourself or by writing?
by speaking
Doyou prefercatsor dogs? WhY?
Do you prefersunriseor sunset?WhY?
survey the rest
& In poirs, write two questionsobout preferences.Chooseone eoch, ond
of the closs.(Invite studentsto report their results')

regfficl Countries
k" In groups of three or four, discussthese questionsobout the UK/USA'

ls the UIVUSAhotteror colderthanyourcountry?Howmuch?

ls it wetter/greyer,
ls it cheaper/ moreexPensive?
what arethe differencesbetweenyourcountryandthe ut</usA?
Whichthingsarebetterin yourcountrythanin the UI(USA?
& In poirs, compore two countries you know well using these ideos'

r biq, small,developed,mixed,green,corrupt,hot, cold,

; m6untainous,expensive,tolerant,footballcrazy,safe,rich

(Voriotion: Give o country'to eoch poir of students.Ask them to write o list of comporisons
between thoicountry orrd th" .o.tntty they ore in now. They reodlut their
and the others try to guessthe country')

reM Yes,but...
is a good -
In two teoms, write ten short sentencescontqining on odjective, e.g. Live.rpool
Someone in the other teom hos
footballteam. Iake turns to reod out one of your s-entences.
'Yes,but ..." e'g'Yes,but Barcelona
to respondimmediotely with o comporotive, beginning
is better.

Grammar 69
ffig*fq Circlecomparatives
Shout out words to go in this group. (Choose one of the following cotegories ond write
the elicited words on the boord in a circle.)

I animals,countries,sports,methodsof transport i
r.-_"-"_ -**_***_***i
In small groups,you hove five minutes to write as mony comporisonsos you con,
e.g. Dogsare moreintelligentthan cats.
Reodout your sentences.Eochgroup getsone point for every grommoticolly correct
comparisonthot no other group hos written. You con chollengeonother group's
comporisonif it's foctuolly wrong or if it contoins o grommoticol mistoke.
(Voriotion: Give o different cotegory to eoch group.)

ffiffi-ul Appearances A
In poirs, comporeyour oppeoroncesond your possessions,
e.g.I've got smallerhands.
You'vegot moreorganisednotes.Here ore someideqs.
I longernails,morepockets, a moreinteresting
uncle,a heavier bag, I
! neaterwriting,biggerfeet,smallerhands,shorlerhair,darkereyes, i
Tell me things which ore often odvertisedon TV. (Write the elicited list on the board.)
In smoll groups,choeseone of thesethings ond think of a new brond. Write o rodio odvert
exploining why it's better thon its competitors,e.g.For the whitestteethbuyAfterglo.It
whitensyour teethand leavesyour breathfresherthan mountain air. It's moreeffectivethan aII its
Ieadingcompetitors.ChooseAfterglo,for the brightest,most confidentsmile.
Reodout your odvert to the closs.When you're listening to the other groups' odverts,moke
some notes for o comploint to the Advertising StondordsAgency, e.g. Theadvertsaysit's
moreeffectivethan other toothpastes,but it containsmuch moresugarthan other brandsto make
it tastebetter.

tElFWl The sooner the better

Work in poirs. I'm going to reod the beginningsof ten sentences.Quickly ogreeon ending
ond write it down. You won't hove much time beforeI soy the next one. If you hoven't
finished,leove it and stort the next, e.q.T - Theearlierwe leave... S - fhe sooner
we'II arrive.

The moreyou study ... The cheaperthe hotel...

The morehe drinks... Tho hnttar it nafc

The lessyou know ... Tha nldor ha noic

-rr-^ t^^^ ^r-^ ^^+^
The morewe givehim lttu tuJD Jt lu udt- .,.
The longerwe waited The more interestingthe work

Comporeyour endingswith onother poir. How mony ore similor?

In poirs, write two more beginningsond possthem on to onother poir to complete.

lEffiffiflclThe sameas or different? A

Comporeyour possessions ond abilitieswith the studentssitting on either side of you using
the sameas or differentfrom, e.g.My trainersare the samemakeas Luteka's.My first language
is differentfrom Abida's.

70 700 Classroom
fiFH#I$ffiAs ... as
Toke turns to osk me questionsobout the prices of thesethings in the UK/USA/Austrolio/....
After eoch onswer,write o sentencecomporing the price with the price in your country, e.g.
in the Australia.
Cigarettesare almosttwiceas expensive
food, alcohol,clothes,cigarettes, accommodation,

Here qre someexpressionsto help you.

not quite I as
as expensive
not nearly

Comporeyour sentenceswith o portner.

In poirs, write somemore comporisons,e.g.It's not nearlyas sunnyin Englandas it is in my
country.Thereare (morethan) twiceas many peoplein my country.

E.W opinions
@ Work in groups.I'm going to give eoch group o questionto discuss.Chooseone person
to moke notesond onother who will use the notesto report bock to the closs.

i- w#;ln"-o'g#, problems
i WhyistheUSAthemostpowerful inthewodd?
T What arethe most difficultthingsaboutlearningEnglish?
i What are the best and worst thingsabout livingin this country?
@ In poirs, tell your portner obout your opinions ond experiencesof thesethings.
The most amazingthing
.e The best book ...
Thestrangest ...

ffitElWul Glasssurvey
I'm going to dictate one questionto eoch student.Mingle ond osk oll the other students
your question.Moke o note of their onswers.

Who has been in this schoolthelongest? Who has visitedthe most countries?
Who drinksthe most coffee? Who has the shortestsurname? i
Who has the nearestbirthdayto today? Whospeaksthe mostlanguages? ;
Who has got the longesteyelashes? Whosleepsthe least? !
Who comes from the biggestfamily? WhohasthemostCDs? I
Who is wearingthe most expensiveshoes? Whohaseatenthemostunusualthing? i

=FW$WI Favourites
In poirs, use comporatives ond superlotivesto tell eoch other about your fovourite things,
e.g. I like crimenovelsbecausethey usuallyhavethe most exciting stories.Here ore some ideos.

! book,song,film,spori,vegetable,actor,animal,caf6,colour,pizza,person,drink !
!_--**,.--* -*--*-**-i

Grammar 71
lilffiffiM RoundBritainquiz
I'm going to give you the onswersto o superlotive quiz obout the UK. Write them down
pieceof poper.Then work in pairs. Con you guessthe
o column orrifr" tLft frana side of o
questions?Write them next to the onswers'

1 What is the highestmountain?(BenNevis,1,343m)

2 Who is the richestperson?fl-heDuke of Westminsler,€B'2
3 What is the furthest country from the UK? (New Zealand)
4 What is the secondbiggestcity?(Birmingham, 2'3 million)
d, 312km2)
5 Whereis the largesti;"k6?iScottano,
6 What is the longestriver?fihe Severn,322km)
7 Whereare the heaviestsmokers?(Manchester)
8 Whatis the mostcommonsurname? (Smith)
9 (Canary
Whatis thetallestofficebuilding? Wharf,244 m)
0 Whatis the busiestairporl? 54.5
(Helthrow, millionpassengers peryear)
1 whichis thelongestrunning'soap opera?(coronation street,since1960)
2 Whatis the mosipopulardailynewspaper? fl-heSun)

Compore your questionswith onother poir'

In poirs, think of five questionswith superlotivesobout o country you know well. Give the
questionsto onother poir to onswer.

filPffi Sportingsuperlatives
Theseore oll world recordsin different sports.Work in poirs ond guesswhot the sports and
recordsor". Ark o questionfor each one using superlatives , e.g. 4O1- -Blo" Lara' what's
the highest,ror" ^id" by an internationalcricketer?@01) Who hasscoredthe most runs in an

f- 5 trt*:Br-'il (rn"stfootballWorldCups)
I times- MartinaNavratilova (mostWimbledonchampionships)
I t gg moves/ 24 hours - Stepakv Mashian(longestchess match)
: 9.78 seconds - Tim Monigomery (fastest100 m)
: a.gSm - MikePowell(longestjumP)
22.63 m - NatalvaLisovskaya(furthestwomen'sshot put)
I t go ko - Edmilsonda SilvaDantas(heaviest weightlift)
' 17 veirs - BorisBecker (youngestWimbledon men'schampion)
X Z.+b m - Suleiman Ali Nashnush (tallest player)
In poirs, write two more questionsabout the best (ond worst) in the world of sport' See
anybody in the clossknows the onswers.

ffi-ul Gountrygame
Toke it in turns to nome o country ond o student. The person you nome hos to soy whot
you nome, T - India,.Aly-osha'Alyosha - If I go to
they,ll do if they go to the country
India, lil visitAolllwood.Spain,Uasia. Mosho - If I go to Spain,I'lI go walkingin the Pyrenees'

l-ilffiilt}I Manifestoes
In groups,preporeo short policy stotementfor your (silly) politicol porfy, e'g' If youvote
us,we'II ban the useof mobilephonesin restaurants'

72 Activities
700 Classroom
ffiul lf it's sunny...
&- Work in groups of three or four. Toke turns to continue one of these sequences.After eoch
sentence,the group should osk whot will hoppen next, e.9'
A - If it's sunny,I'il go to the Park.
Group - What wiIIyou do if you go to the park?
B - If I go to the park, I'il play cricket.
Group - What will you do if Youwin?
C - If we win, we'll go to the pub.
Group - What wiIIyou do if you go to the pub?

! lf it rainstomorrow... lf he rings... lf we saveenough... i

(Write thesephroseson the boord in two columns.Re-orderthe phrasesin the secondbox.)
In poirs, think of connectionsbetweenthesetwo groupsof expressions,ond write sentences,
e.g.If we movehouse,we'IIget onewith a garden.

&o'I'm going to reod the endingsfor somesentences. Write the whole sentence,beginning
with /f ... , e.g. ... you'll regretit. - If you don't listento my advice,you'll regretit'
r***-**'**-'-"-- "-'-**"***- l
l ., vou'llhurtvourself we'll be late. .,. it'lltaste better. :
i ...Vou'lfcatcha cold. ... l'llletyou know. ... there'llbe trouble. i

Compore your sentenceswith o partner.

In poirs, write five more endings.Swopthem with onother poir, write the beginningsto the
onesyou receiveond hond bock the whole sentences. Did the other poir write the
beginningsyou were expecting?

ETFIffi Functions
@ Here is o list of six functions. (Write them on the boord.)
I precliction, offer,warning,threat,advice,suggestions :
t_^"-"..,--,.*,**..** *-*******',**-i

I'm going to dictate six sentences.Write them down ond decide which function they hove.
(Reod out the sentences in o different order; they oppeor in the some order os the functions.)
, t lf we don'tleavenow,we'llmissthetrain. i
i 2 lf youwant,l'lldo thedishes. i
I S tt youtouchthatwire,you'llgetan electric
i + tt youdon'tstopdoingthat,l'llgetangry. i
i S tt youexplainwhyyoudid it, he'llunderstand. i
|ln- -.---
In poirs, compore your onswers.Then write onother conditionol sentencefor eoch function.
@ In groups,think of some situotions where people moke borgoins with eoch other. Write on
oppropriote If . . . sentencefor eoch. Reodout your sentencesfor other groups to guesswho is
speokingto whom, e.g. If you'regood,I'll buyyou an ice-cream(porent to child).

Grammar 73
tElffiffiffiMAnxiety role-plays
Work in poirs, A ond B. StudentA is very odventurous;StudentB is very onxious. In your
poirs, role-ploy o discussionbetweentwo good friendsobout the situotion I give you, e.g.
A - I'm going to tour the Amazon.
B - What wiIIyou do if you catch malaria?
A - Don't worry.If I catch malaria,I'Il go to seea local doctor.
B - But what if you're in the middle of the iungle?
A - If I'm in the jungle, I'Il seean AmazonianIndian doctor.
B - What will happenif you get lost?
A - If I get lost...

1 Youare goingon holidayto SouthAmerica,whereyou willspendsix monthstaking

includingthe jungles,mountains,sea
photographsof the wildlifeand landscapes,
and desert.

Are people in your country very superstitious?Whot ore they superstitiousobout? Whot
obout you?
In poirs, write superstitionsfor someof thesewords,e.g.If you breaka miror, you'Il have
sevenyears' bad luck.Moke them up if you don't know ony.

mirror,black cat, ladder,birthdaycake candles,itchy ear,itchy hand,

salt,sneezing,spider,the numberthifteen,the weather

foin with onother poir to moke smoll groups.Comporeyour superstitions.Whot other

superstitionsccln you think ofi

What if ...
@ Supposingyou could meet onyone you wonted, olive or deod,who would it be?Why?
Whot would you soy to him/her?
If you could live in onother ploce ond time in history,whot would it be?
&*,-In smoll groups,broinstorm someendingsfor thesesentences.Choosethe best from
your group ond write the whole sentencedown. (Ask the groupsto reod out their ideos
ond invite the clossto choosetheir fovourites.)

Ii lf the worldwas flat .., lf animalscouldspeak.,.

j lf we wereall clones... lf cows couldfly ..,
I: lf you had two heads.,, lf moneygrew on trees...
lf time travelwas possible... lf therewas no money...
lf nobodv knew how to read lf everyonewas telepathic

&* If I gove you one million euros,whot would you do with it? Write o list of five things.
Reodout your list. Who doesthe clossthink should get the money?

74 700Classroom
ElffiffiffiM tf ...
s* Work in poirs. Listento thesesituotionsond write whot would hoppen if the situotion
wos different,e.g. It's roining; we'll hove to cancelthe borbecue.- If it wasn'training,we'd
havea barbecue.If it wassunny,we'd havea barbecue.
i I don't know the answerso I can't tellyou. i
i He oets headachesbecausehe works so hard. ;
I We-Oon'thaveenoughspacefor a piano. i
i Sfre'sill.She can't cometo the party. :
i He'snot tallenoughto be a policeman. ;
I can't giveyou a lift becauseI haven'tgot a car. i
She'sso rude it's not surprising they don't likeher. l

&* In poirs, tell your portner obout things in your life you would chonge if you hod the
opportunity, e.g. If I had moremoney,I'd buy a car and do moretravelling.If I didn't haveto
work in the evenings,I'd do moreexerciseand get fit,
h I H B{BflEH World affairs
In smoll groups,broinstorm somecurrent world news storiesond suggestimprovements
using the secondconditionol, e.g.If we all votedhim out of office,the countrywouldbe a
* l'"+:Ftfl' I Advice
In poirs, give eoch other odvice for theseproblems,beginning If I wereyou, I'd ...
i I wantto giveup smoKng. l'm fed up doingtemporaryjobs.
i I loveher,but shenevercalls. My dog keepsbitingpeople. I
I can't get to sleepat night. Our houseis cold and damp. !
Englishspellingis so hard!
I keep droppingthings.
My flatmate'sreallyuntidy. Mv hairwon't stav flat. i
twish and tf onty
with I wish / If only in two wctys, one with o post tenseond
In poirs,rewritethesesentences
the other with would, e.g. It's roining. - 1) I wish / If only it wasn't raining. 2) wish/ If only it
would stop raining.
She'ssingingthatawfulsongagain. l've had a nastycold allweek. t

You'reunemployed. He'slatefor the meetingagain.

It'scoldoutside. They neverwrite to us.
The liftis stillnot working. The streetshereare filthy.

=-{ijffil A better place to live

In poirs, write five sentencesbeginning I wish... obout the town or city where you live in
order to moke it o better ploce to live, e.g. I wish the busesran aII through the night so I didn't
haveto take a taxi home.
foin with onother poir. Discussyour sentencesond decidewhich ore the best five of your
ideosfrom your combinedlists.Then join with onother group of four studentsand choose
the best five ideasogoin. Choosesomeonefrom your group to write your ideosup on the
boord. As o clqss,decideon the best five sentences.
(Variotion:This octivity olso works well with ideosfor improving the school.)

Grammar 75
E[PIW The unreal past €m
In poirs, look ot the following sentencesond decidewhether the peoplein eoch situotion
feel hoppy obout whot hoppened,unhoppy obout it, or just neutrol, e.9.
Roy went to the porty.
- If Rayhadn't gone to the party, he wouldn't havemet Maggie(hoppy, becousehe met her).
- If he hadn't gone to the party, he wouldhavefelt betterthe next morning (unhoppy, becouse
he went to the porty ond now he is tired / hos o hangover).
- If Rayhadn't gone to the party, he'd havegone clubbinginstead(neutrol, becousehe'd hove
spentthe night doncing onywoy).

rI Terrymovedto NewYork.
Jamescrashed hiscar.
Sonyawentto Japan.
He didn'tknow she was coming.
Veralost her lotteryticket.
lrenedidn't havea sparekey.
Rogerdidn'tpassthe exam. Tracvcouldn'tsellher house.
Imogine you were the personin someof the situotions.Work with o portner ond write
some sentencesto expressregret. IJseIf only/ I wish and should(not) havedone,e.g.If only / I
wishI hadn't gone to the party.I shouldn'thavedrunk so much.

taFffi Mountainrescue
(Write up the sentencesbelow in rondom order on the boord.) Thesesituotionsore oll
connectedto the some odventure.Work in groupsond put them in order.Imogine you
were stuck on the mountoin. Write two sentencesfor eoch situation, one using If only/
I wish ... ond one tsing should(not) havedone,e.g. I wish/ If only we hadn't got lost.
Weshouldhavestayedat home.Weshouldn'thavebeenso careless.

Whot order did your group decideon? Tolk togetherond decidewhot hoppenednext. Did

tETFlHffi Speculation
w" In pairs, tolk obout your childhood ond speculoteobout how things might hove been
different,e.g. If I hadworkedharderat schootr, I couldhavegot a betterjob. If we had livedin ru
the countryinsteadof a big city, my parentswouldn't haveworriedabout my safetyso much.
Bx.In poirs, think obout somerecenteventsin the news.Discusshow they might have
been different, e.g. If they had built the bridgeproperly,it wouldn't havefallen down in the
earthauake.If the refereehad beenfair, Brazilwould havewon the football match.

76 700 Classroom
ffiilrj:l And, but and because
In poirs, toke turns to continue thesesentences, e'9'
using and, but and because,
I'm tired ...
A - I'm tired and I'm going to bed.
B - I'm tired, but I've got to finish this essay'
A - I'm tired becauseI've beenup aII night studying'

The coffeeis good He marriedSusan... Simonis sick...

Theygot lost ... ...
l'm learning Theywentto lndia...
My teacheris nice Glenda boughia car ... I wentto theshoP..,

lElPffil Expanding sentences

ond so on the boord.) I'm going t9 give you o short sentence.In
(write and, but, because
the closs,
i"-, iup"it it ond odd one of these conjunctions ona o clouse. Continue oround
with eoch turn. If you forget the you
sentence, ore out of the
exponding the sentence
gome. (When the sentencegetstoo long, stort o new one')
A - I had a dog, but he died.
B - I had a dog, but he died,so I boughta cat'
C - I had a dig, but he died, so I boughta cat becauseI neededthe company.

IEIFWI Despite, although and however

*4"Look ot this exomple. (Write it on the boord')
Bill is poor but he's heolthY.
- Despitehispoverty,BilI is healthy.
- Although he'spoor, BiIl is healthY.
- BiIIis poor.However,he'shealthy.
ln poirs, chongethesesentencesin the somewoy'

Arnold is strongbut gentle. It's rainingbut it's not cold. They'rerich but unhaPPY.
It's exoensivebut useless. It's cold but we haveto go. Grannv'sold but she'sagile.

Think of five similor sentencesthot are true for you. Tell your portner'
*" In noirs, finish thesesentences.

Despitethe speed we were driving... Despitebeingcompletelyexhausted'..

d Desoitethe fact that I am a singleparent . ' ' Desoiteher cold ...
Despitehis good looks... Despitenot sPeakingltalian.'.
Despitethe Problemswe face .'. Despitehavingten children..'

lEffi-ul Or (else)
(Do this octivity in open closs.Choosestudentsot rondom ond osk them to odd to the
iollowing sentJncesor yo, reod them out, beginning with or (else),e'9' You'd better
drink onymore ... or (else)you won't be able to drive')

Don'ttouchthatwire. I haveto havea'showerevery

Youshouldstudyharder. Listento me.
Don'tforgetto sendit todaY' You'd betterget some sleep.
Stopthinkingaboutthe exam' I'd betterpay thesebills.

Grammar 77
lEffiffiffiu;lLife plans
you, e.g. Whenit
F* Look ot this potteln ond write some more sentencesthot ore true for
stopsraining, I'II go out' As soonas he I'II
phones, let you know'

as soonas
;;til-- + Present***-**" future

Write somemore exomplesusing theseverbs'

plons' e'9' A's

&* In poirs, tell eoch other obout your own expectotionsusing goingto for
good enough,'I'm going to go backhome and get a good iob'
,oon i, my Englishis
t [FT-H
In poirs, continue this sequenc"l 9'9. 4L s.oonas I passmy examsI'Il go to college'\hey l - t r

tlt keep travellinguntil money runs out "' to

IeaiecoilegeI'm going to giotraveiltinlg. ryy Tty
lucky one, etc'
-ot it 96 ro-."*ftire iiteresting,-e.g.intoan extremelyodventurouslife, o
leavecollege***&* go travelling****&. liveln ln1? .:_;
.^ r.-^. ,^lli^^

! passexams ***_**@

Wul Looks
#* (Draw these foces on the boord.) How do these people Iook?
mischievous, unhoPPY, ongrY')

e e e, e, 6d b6
\_-/ w
on the bo.ord
Drow focesto demonstrote the following odjectives.(Write the odlectives
scotteredin o circle.Studentsdrown them in ony order they choose.)Ask your portner m
to soy how eoch foce looks.
excited,embarrassed i
I tireO,confused,bored,scared, -!
@ In poirs, discuss how these people might look ond feel?
She'sgot a terriblehangover'
She'sjust fallenover in the street.
They'reabout to get married.
She'sgoingto complainto the manager'
It hasn'teatenanYthingfor daYs. He'sjust seena ghost.

78 Activities
700 Classroom
Effiffit4 The senses
& In two groups, write three or four short sentencesfor eoch of thesethings to describe
how they look, toste, smell, feel or sound, e.g. It tastessweet.It feelssticky.

sandpaper,hair, '".
cashmere,curry gadic,roses,raw fish,antiques,bagpipes
(Givesomehelp by writing up someadjectivesif necessory.)

sour,cold, silly,hard, bitter,tasty,spicy,sweet,smooth,soft, fresh,nice,

oily,dusty,out of tune,disgusting, exciting,loud
hot, cute,beautiful,

Toke turns to reod out o description for the other group to guesswhot you ore describing.
$b.Work on your own. Write o description of two things ond seeif the closscon guess
whot they ore.

l-ElFlW But in fact ...

I'm going to dictote the endingsof somesentences. Write them down and odd o beginning,
using /ook,seem, taste or feel,e.g. ... but in foct he's quite young . - He looksold, but in fact

but in fact it's good for you. but in fact it's extremelydangerous.
but in fact he's a big softy really, but in fact he'souitenice.
but in fact my temperature'snormal. but in fact she'snot reallv.
but in fact cats love it. ... but in fact he lookscdm and relaxed.
but in fact it tastesOK. ... but in fact it reallygoes fast.

Compare your ideos with o portner.

Work together to write onother two endings ond poss them to the next poir. Add
beginningsto the onesyou receive.

reilTt,-l Realia
In poirs,usethe thingsond coloursin the clossroom for your portnerto
to mokesentences
guess,e.g.A - Thisisred;
thatisgreen. B -Files.A-Theseareblue;those
areblack.A- Pens.

reA-TIu;lWhose is this?
(Writethesequestionpromptson the boord.)Toketurns to point to onotherstudent's
ond oskme oneof thesequestions.
Whoseis this ...? Whosearethese...? Whoseis that ...? Whoseare those...? i

I will soy the wrong person'snome. Thot personshould correctme, ond then ask the next
question. (You moy wont to write the following exomple on the boord.)
Pedro- Whoseis this pen?
T - It's lulia's.
fulio - No, that's not my pen. Thisis my pen. Whoseare thoseshoes?
- They'reRonaldo's.
- No, thosearen't my shoes.Theseare my shoes'Whoseis this file?

Grammar 79
ffiffinTul Hotterand colder ;Ef-1
Try to find the objectin the clossroomthot I'm thinking of. Point ond ask me questions,
e.g.Is if thisbookTIs it that chair?As your guessesget closerto it, I'll say'hotter' ond os
they get further away, l'll soy 'colder'.
Play the some gome in poirs, toking turns to osk the questions.


M Whot methods of predicting the future do you know of.) Do you think there is ony truth in
ony of thesemethods?Hove you ever hod your future predicted?What wos the prediction
ond did it come true? :t=ll
&e"Whot ore the signsof the zodioc?(Write them on the boord. Seepoge L47.)Form poirs
or smoll groupsoccordingto your stor signs.(Somestudentswill hove to work on their
own.) Write two horoscopes:o good one for your sign ond o bod one for the sign thot
comesofter yours. Include thesesubjects.
health,money,work,family,travel,love i
M Work with o portner ond reod eoch other's polms occording to these principles. Reod the
polm of the hond your portner doesn't write with.

i 1 Lifeline- lf this is long and thick,you will havea long,healthy

life.lf it's broken,you willsufferan illness.
2 Headline- Thisshowshow cleveryou are.The longerand thicker
it is, the moreintelligent you are.
3 Fateline- This is usuallya indicateshow luckyyot-
will be, and how healthy.
4 Hearl"line- lf this is made up of a lot of ltnes,it meansyou will

have lots of relationshios. I
5 Numberof children- Thisshowshow manvchildrenvou can ;5
expect to have. I

lElffiXffi Our future

b Agree o list of ten mojor chongesthot you think will toke place during the next
hundred yeors.Include thesethings.
technology, war and peace,culture,economics,Europe,ecology :
$r"In poirs, tell eoch other obout your hopesond plons for the future, including marrioge,
ombitions, home, trovel ond work. Usetheseexpressions.(Write them on the boord.)

swIn smoll groups, write five questions witln Doyou think ... + will that you might osk o
friend, e.g. Doyou think you'Il eversettledown somewhere?Here clresome possibletopics to
osk obout.
*-*-*^* -'

B0 700 Classroom
s- We're going to hove o clossporty next week. Whot will you bring or do? (This works
best if you reolly ore hoving a party, but on imoginory one will do. Loter in the lesson,
osk the studentsto remind you of whot they ate going to bring or do.)
@ Imagine two friends ore hoving o conversotion.I'll tell you whot one of them soys;
suggesto helpful response,e.g. T - My car won't start.S - 1'llgiveyou a lift.
! Sorry,l'm too busy to chat at the moment. That'sthe doorbell.
i Ouch!I'vecut mvself. Here's 50.
: ^ just collapsed.
, Don't forget it's Mum's birthdaynext week. Quick!Someone's
{ | askedyou to tidy the flat. The photocopier'sbrokendown.
{ | thinkthe baby'scrying. I need a hand with this shelf.

fEfflffiHI Futurecontinuous
In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsobout whot you'll be doing of thesetimes, e.g.
A - What will you be doing (this time) tomorrow?B - I'U be relaxingat home.

{ ttristime tomorrow,this time next week, this time next month, !

; thistime nextyear,in ten years'time,when I see you again ;
; . . * * * * - * * - ' - * * - l

rElFf@ Futureperfect
,twIn groups of three or four, discussthe chongesyou expect by the end of the twenty-first
century. Appoint o secretoryond write o short porogroph obout eoch one, e.g. Scientists will
havediscovered a new way to travel.
Here ore someverbsto help you. (Write them on the boord.)

i- d"""t"p,db";"*, become,invent,OuifO,
learn I

Comporeyour ideoswith onother group.

Whot do you think you will hove leornt by the end of the lesson/week/term?Discuss
this with your portner, with referenceto the coursebook ond/or your copy of the syllobus.
In the some poirs, discusswhot you think you will hove ochieved in five/ten/twenty yeors.

reFTul Likesand dislikes

M In poirs, find out obout your portner's likes ond dislikes, e.g. A - What do you like
doinginthe evening?B-llike cooking. A-Doyoulike doingthedishes? B - No.I hatedoing
the dishes.
Usethesewords to help you.

{ do/evening,eaVbreakfast,watch/TV,play/sport,read/book,do/weekend,talk/friends I

Tell me o few of the things you found out obout your portner.
$ia.On your own, write five sentencesobout yourself using o gerund. Choosefrom omong
theseodjectives,e.g. Dancingmakesme feelhappy.
"i sad,
. tired,
' excited,sick,dizzy,p roud,happy,insecure,relaxed,guifty,embarrassed,
anory l

Grammar 81
My opinion
@ Work in three teoms.I'11give eoch teom three odjectives.Usetheseodjectiveswith
e.9. stupid - Drinkdrivingis stupid.
o gerund to write sentences,
, tiring,boring.stressful
i Z dangerous,exciting,unhealthY
| 3 illegal,healthy,relaxing
L,-.-.-,.,--*,.*-*, ----,.',*---'-'-"*i

Readout your odjectives.The rest of the closswill guesswhot gerund you hove written.
w" In poirs, write down four opinions using o gerund, e.g. Workingmorethan 40 hours
a weekshouldbe illegal.
Chooseone of the opinions eoch ond do o surveyof the clossto find out how mony

tETPffi Speakingpersonally A
@ Write sentenceswhich ore true for you, using theseverbs,ond gerunds,e.g. I'm going
to keeptrying until I passthe FCEexam.
-'*'*-*'--- *" *"-**-'-"1

Comporeyour sentenceswith your portner. Ask obout onything thot surprisesor interestsyou.
F Listento thesequestionsond write down your onswers,being os honestos you con.
When you have finished, compore your sentenceswith your portner.

! l. th"r" anyactivityyoufeelyoushouldgiveup? i
I Doyoueverimagtne beingsomeoneelse?Who? i
i Wfratchildhood do youmissdoing?
i Whatunusualactivitydo youenjoydoing?
! Wnataretwo thingsyoucan'tstandotherpeopledoing?
i Whathaveyoualwaysdreamtof doing?
i yi::Tt:: l:*_*:::9::_9
iiwWork in smoll groupsond listen to theseprompts.Eochmember of the group should
repeot the prompt ond finish the sentencetruthfully. Make o note of the most interesting
things you Ieorn obout your colleaguesre.g.Pavel'sthinkingof goingto Chinanextyear.
I l'm nnnd ai I often dreamabout .,. i
i l'm keenon ... Sometrmes l get fed up with ...
it l ' m t h i n k i n o
gf . . .


IEW$*ilM What's it for?

whot theseobjectsoreusedfor,e.g.A kettleis usedfor boilingwater.
$*"In poirs,discuss
i sieve,stamp,pin, brush,whistle,bottle,corkscrew,padlock,scissors, i M
! brick,rope,iron,ruler,torch,scarf,rubberband,camera,compass,CD i
t , _ " - . , _ . - , - , - " _ - - - . - - * * * * - - , - * * - !
** In smoll groups,think of unusuol usesfor o normal object.Write down ten usesond put
them in order with the least likely first ond the most likely lost. I'll osk you to reod out the
usesone ot o time. After eoch use,the rest of the classwill try to guessthe object,e.9. (A
shoe) /f can be usedfor storingpasta.

82 700Classroom
ffiffi]Fl Plans
P' Moke o note of whot clre you going to do ot these times.

afterclass,tonight,tomorrow,on Saturday,next week, next year

Mingle, ond find someonewho is going to do someof the somethings os you, e.9.Maria
and I are both going iceskatingon Saturday'(Elicit some responses.)
s*-On your own, think of on octivity thot people often do ot the weekend.Tell me what it is.
(If someonerepeotson octivity thot onother student hos olreody soid, tell them they have to
think of onother one ond come bock to them when they've done so.) Mingle ond find out
how mony studentsin the clossore 9oin9 to do the thing you thought of'
$e*Do you moke New Yeor'sresolutions?Tell us o few typical resolutions people moke.
In poirs, imogine it is New Yeor'sEve.Write down three resolutions for somebodyfomous,
e.g-.I'm going to tell fewerliesto the newspapers.I'm going to get a betterlawyer.
Comporeyour resolutionswith onother poir. Con they guessthe fomous person?

reffi-u;l Evidence
M Wotch me ond guesswhot I'm going to do. (Mime preporotionsfor theseactivities.)
;",h" dbh"t pbyf""flrdls". hd *
work on a computer,playthe piano
havea cup of tea, make an omelette, i
In smoll groups,think of somesimilor mimes for the classto guesswhot you're going to do.
&* Work in two teams. Listento thesesentencesond tell me exoctly whot I'm going to do.
If you're right, your teom getso point.
l've put on my coat and hat. (l'm goingto go for a walk.) !

The phoneis ringing.(l'm goingto ignoreit.) 1

l've got the ingredients.(l'm goingto makea cake.) {
l've boughtthe tickets.(l'm goingto catch a train')
l've boughtflowers.(l'm goingto a funeral.)
It'slateand I'm tired.(l'm goingto ask you to leave.)
l've got the tools.(l'm goingto builda shed.)
There'sa bottleof wine on the table.(l'm goingto open it.)
The kitchen'sfullof dilty dishes.(l'm goingto buy a dishwasher.)
l'm absolutely exhausted.(l'm goingto havea cup of coffee.)
l've got a headache.(l'm goingto liedown.)
It'sraining.(l'm goingto bringthe laundryin.)

reui Policystatement
Imogine you ore the leoder of o newly electedgovernment.You hove just finished o
I put cobinet meeting ond ore presentingyour policiesto porlioment, e.g. Wearegoing to tax
the the rich.Work togetherin groups ond write your policies.
A (Voriotion: Get different groups to representdifferent politicol porties ond to heckle eoch
other's presentations.This is olso o good opportunity to proctice was/weregoing to, e.g.
Butyou saidyou weregoing to cut taxes!)

Grammar 83

ffiffi.T1-L{Have got
thesewords' e'9'
@ In poirs, osk ond onswerquestions:usinghavegot and
A - HaveYougot anYCDs?
B - Yes,I have./ No,I haven't.
A - What CDshaveYougot?
B - I'vegot ... *".*--**-****-'j
i qualifications,
brothers, i
ond find out who in closshas got the most
(Allocateone thing to eoch studentto mingle
youl househos got, e'g' My place
F* In poirs, tell eoch other obout the rooms ond feotures
the inostbeiutifuI mountainsin the world'

fET-ffiI Have/Get something done

you've hod done recently'Usethese
&'' In smoll groups,tell eoch other obout somethings
a tooth takenout.
words, e'9' dentist _ I went to the dentistlastweekto have/get
l: qaraqe,
tai|olvet,dryc|eaner, i

;,frr- ;ffi ;;;;rr* ,-;e movedinto o housewhich needso rot of work

thot vou hovehod done
doingto it. The,"rrorrotionis irolf iinished.Writetwo lists:thinos we're
ond thingsthot you ore goingto getdone, u.g.w"'r" had the fliorboards
goingto geta newbathroomput in upstairs'

ffifuf PurPose
Toketurns to osk and onswer
&* work in poirs. I',m 9oin9 to soy the nomes of someploces'
g'oZ, -aanl<.A-Why didyougo tothebank?B- Iwentthere
the questior{w;;;il;;;
to casha cheque.
ffi;;, *t6,t*il;"*J-*"ffi*:t*:1f{:
,-." ---"--,
ffi;;;;;;;;;'"" beento in the lost rewdoys.Swopit with vour portner
ond ask ond onsw6rthe questionWhydidyou9o?
write them down ond odd on
@ I'm going to dictote the beginning of ten sentences.
ending. ***--j

I rangthetheatre '-;
i t'mgoingto saveup to ... locake - ,^
to "' ii
i .uil" t6 ingianoio ... He madea special
, w" tioppedin Paristo ..' English
l'm studying to "'
i t tetthometo .,. I wentto
"' i
i I Oougfrt a bicycleio '., Shecalled.m-e_T-:_-_"*""-*"----i

Comporeyour sentenceswith o portner'

84 700Classroom
lElFWffi why bother?
*" In pairs, think of reosonsfor doing thesethings, e.g. write - Wewrite to teII one another
our news,

study,drink coffee,run, think, breathe,cook, sleep,work, go to the gym,

sigh,havechildren,learnEnglish,eat, playthe lotteryhaveshowers

@ In poirs, think of three octivities. Write o sentenceobout eoch one exploining why you
do it. Reod out the reoson for the clossto guessthe octivity, e.g. I do this to relax after a hard
day at the office(hove o both).

IEIFT$ffi Verb+ infinitive

** In poirs, write sentences,e.g. I wantyou to speakmorequietly.

want(s) me to speaK
You would like you holn need(s) him go

She don't want I tgl write
We US listen
They them look

(Afterwords,elicit somereports,e.g.I asked/toldTomas to speakmorequietly.)

@ In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsobout the lost time you did thesethings. Usethe
pottern verb + infinitive, e.g. I promisedto phonemy brothermoreoften.

agree,offer,decide,help, refuse,learn,promise,manage,hope,fa1

refTIJl Likeand would like

&" In poirs, toke it in turns to offer help with theseproblems, e.g. A * I'm thirsty.B - Would
you like a drink?

It'scold.l'm lost,Mytea'scold.l'm hungry.My bagsareheavy.I can'tseeproperly.

Thisis too spicy,I'm latefor work.There'stoo muchto do. I'vegot a headache.

Write them under two headings:Doyou like...?

& I'm going to reod out someexpressions.
and Wouldyou like...?

a cup of tea, tea, speakingEnglish,to speakEnglish,cats,a cat, him, him to help,

carrots,some morecarrots,to meet Madonna,Madonna,goingto the cinema,
to go to the cinema,beinga student,to be a student,flying,to fly there

In poirs, osk ond onswersimilar questions,e.g.

A - Doyou like cats?
A - Wouldyou like one of our kittens?
B - No thanks.

Grammar 85
EWffifq what's it like?
A - What are the trains like?
B - TheY'refast and efficient'
A - What'sthe coffeelike?
B - If's strong.
Here ore sometoPicsto helP You' *******-*-:

@ In smoll groupsf osk ond onswer these questions'
A - What's Your boss like?
B - He3 nice most of the time'
A - What doesYour boss like?
B - He likes keePing fit.

What IS your mother like?

does father
best friend
@ I'm going to give you lots of onswersto thesefour ***'**-*---**'*l

i t Whut', ... like? 2 What does " ' Iook like? 3 What
does . . . l i k e ? 4 -i
e.9.T _ Itre,sangry.S _ How is he?
Listento the onswersond shout out the right question,
i uo'ohl.,.,v
r r v u r r u H Y J '
- *tv be;;'f'il*l
lt'salwayssunny' exhausted' i
i Hisdog is black. Igne's i^:.IiT^
I Michaellikesmustc. She'sglad'
Theylikepizza' " i1
He'sgot greyhalr'
i t'e boy is hungry.
s""t6.i is cor;.' shelta,s better.
sbttins oYi:* __j
It --**--**-*-
s* In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsobout theseonimols'
A - What do dogslike?
B - Theylike bones.
A - What are dogslike?
B - They'refurry,IoYaI...

, monkevs,whales,cats, mice, snakes,rabbits'cows'

, Oino.uutt,flies,spiders,elephants,birds,sharks

fEl-PTffi Similes
up to one of these similes' (Allocote one
In smoll groups, think of o short onecdote leoding
While they ore
to eoch grffi ro"Jomly chosen, without the-other groups heoring'
your Lnec-dote to thb class ond see if they
working, wriie the similes on th; bo;rd') Reod
con guess which simile completes it'
l^feltlikea fishout of water' i
i*L" ."-t dayhe feltlikedeathwarmedup.
- a rJiing.toli" oh well- likefather,likesonI suppose' 1
i welt,vo, ronb**e t,mrir.e u tio"n"' ffe was likea bullin a chinashop' I
I lt was likegettingbloodout oi --'.,-"--*!

BO 700 Classroom
tiFTiffi Like and as if
Work in smoll groups. Usetheseprompts to write two sentencesfor
eoch, one with like and
one with as if, e.g. He looks ... - 1) HeTookslikesomeone
I usedto know.zj ie looksas if he
hasn't sleptfor a week.

Youlook ... It feels,..

My headfeels... Herflat looked...
This coffeetastes ... I t s o u n d s. . .
Thefilmsounds... Thatman looks... Thefood tasted...
His hairlooked... The town seemed Kevin'scar sounds

EIFW processes
S- Listento thesequestionsond note down the key words. In poirs,
ctnswerthe questions
obout o country you know well.

What raw materialsare produced? Whatis exportedand imported? i

What is manufactured? Howarepoliticians
elected? i
What alcoholis made? Whichsports are played?
What is donewith the rubbish? How is electricitygenerated?

e Whott the relotionship between thesepairs of words?

In- groups, choose poir of words ond list the stogesof the process
-o thot mokes one into the
other, e'9' cocoo/chocolate- Thecacao seedsor"
{irk d and dried. The seediare shippedto the
factory'At the
factory,theyare roasted.After roastiig, the seeds
ground into a fine
are crushed.The piecesare
paste.Cocoabutter and sugarari'added. The,"t"tiiig ;iiire is ground
it's smooth.Thechocolateis pouredinto mouids.Theseare chilled to geate until
b Tell me how you were processedwhen you come to enrol of
this school,e.g.I was
directedto receptionwhere1wasgiven a fonn to fiII in. Then...

mrcM Famouspeopte
In two groups, write sentencesin the possivefor the following,
then three other sentences
obout fomous people. when you hov-efinished, test the othei'group
, ti wasdiscovered
by Marie Curie(radiiooctivity). ".j.
Don Quixote,psychoanalysis, E=
penicillin,Das Kapital,gravity,the

What happened?

Grammar 87
fETPffiffil Newspaper headlines
Work in smoll groups.Write thesenewspoperheodlinesos fulI sentences.(Allocotea
few heodlinest"oeoih group.) Continuelhe storiesto moke o complete_news bulletin, e.9.
of crude oil werediscoveredin the city centre
Oil discoveredin city c-entre- Massivereserves
yesterdaywhen buildersstarteddigging the foundationsfor a newofficeblock...

{ VoOitesbannedin class Whaleseenin Thames i

I Trappedgid saved Titanicto be raised 1
i Man abductedby aliens Dogtaughtto drive I
i nobbersthwartedby OAP Aussiesbeaten- at last i
i Womanhit by comet Curefor cancer
:_*-*****.* i

fETFffil Modernization
po.Imogine you orrive bock in your home town ofter some time owoy ond you discover thot
the locil governmenthos modb o lot of chonges.Work in smoll groups ond write possive
sentencesto describethesechonges,e.g.A brandnewshoppingand cinemacomplexhas been
built on the siteof the old skating lint<.,qlt the factorieshavebeendemolishedand the river is being
cleanedup to encouragetourists.
(This octivity is olso good for the post perfect, if the return home wos in the post, e.9. Thelast
time I went back to my city a lot of changeshad beenmade "')
pa'In groups,discusssomeof the chongesthot should be mode to the orecryou live in, e.9.
Themain road shouldbe madeinto a pedestrianzone.That old building on the cornershouldbe
pulled down.
In your groups,discusssome chongesyou think should be mode to this schoolond/or

lEffiM Fishystories
19.In smoll groups, 5rskeach other whot you wer€ doing yesterdoyot thesetimes. In your
onswers,tell-two lies. Seeif the group con identify which onswersore lies.
i*9:.991tr! Jg:?:19-11-l
&- In groups,broinstorm somevery unlikely octivities,write them on smoll piecesof poper
ond collectthem into o pile, foce down. Swoppiles with another group'
(If ony group is hoving difficulty coming up with ideos, odd o few of theseto their pile.)
r*-****-*** ltfe,snakecharming,bungee jumpino' 1
i catchinga largefish,savingsomeone's
i hitch-hiking, sailingacrossthe ocean,robbinga bank,ridiriga cow, ciarninglocks, ;
Toke turns to pick o piece of paper from the pile, ond exploin to the group thot you were
doing the octivlty on tfre pieCeof poper at 7a.m. yesterdoy.Answer their questions,e.9.
A - Af 7 a.m.yesterdaymoming,I was flying in a balloon'
B - Why wereYou flYinga balloon?
A - Because I was doing a scientificexperiment'
C - Ah, and who wassteeringit?
A - Oh, therewasa Pilot ...

88 700Classroom
l--Fffi Setting the scene
s* Here ore the first lines of five stories.Write o few more sentencesto set the scene,e.g.
Thebirdsweresingingand a lovelybreezewas blowingoff the lake.lohn wassitting on the jetty
fishing.He wasthinkingabout ...
i Whenwe leftthe hotelit was a fineevening,..
j WhenI arrivedthe partyhadalreadystarted... !
I tt wasa beautiful
spring morning ...
gj T':*"?llvT-:
l_*:yl:1ll-:i9: Ig:l33:f"*"---i
In smoll groups,reod eoch other'sideos.Choosethe best one and developthe story further.
Delegoteone personto do the writing. Choosesomeoneto reod the story out to the rest of
the closs.
*w In poirs, discusswhot wos hoppening when ...

youcameintoclass. last went into work.

youarrivedat school. got home yesterday.
youlastswitchedon theW. . . . y o went
u out this morning,

=ffiffi-ul Atibis
Lost night ot obout 7.45 p.m. there wos o murder. Two of you crresuspects.(Choosetwo
students.)Go outsidethe clossroomond ogreethe detoilsof everythingyou did yesterdoy
eveningfrom 7.75to 8.15p.m.
The rest of the closs,you ore investigotors.Work in two groups ond prepore o list of
questionsobout whot the suspectswere doing at 7.45 p.m. Try to think of every detoil. For
exomple, if they went to o restouront, where did they sit, whot did they tolk obout, whot
wos the woitressweoring?
Eochgroup, interrogoteone of the suspects.When you hove finished,swcrpsuspectsond
repeotyour questionsto the other one. Moke o note of ony differencesyou notice between
the two stories.At the end report bock to the closs.Whot differencesdid you find? Are they
guilty or not guilty?

[=-'ffi Newspaper headlines

Work in poirs. Write o few sentencesobout theseheodlines.Include informotion obout
whot wos hoppening when the event took place,e.g. Hikersstrondedin snowstorm.-
A searchand rescueteam took nine hoursto find a Frenchcoupleyesterday,after a freak
snowstormhit the Pyrenees.Anton and Agathe Duvalwerehiking on the highestpeak when the
MP collaosesat conference RobberscaughtOuringraid
Lightsgo out at openingceremony Roadragein motorwayjam i
Man eatenby pet alligator Joggermauledby dog i
Near miss at airoort ShopperseesElvis

In your poirs, write o heodline of your own, if possibleobout o story in the news ot the
moment. Possit to the next poir ond seeif you can expond on the heodline thot is possed
to you. I'll collectthem in ond reod them out ctso newsbulletin.

Grammar Bg
IEWffiW;lWhat next?
Work in tvvogroups. Write fifteen nouns on seporotepiecesof poper. Put them foce down
in the middle of the other group. ffi
t F t 9
t _ t Y

Toketurns to chooseo pieceof poper ond use the word to moke o sentenceabout what
you were doing when somethingelsehoppened.Answera questionfrom the group obout
whot you did next, e.g.TV.
A - I was watchingW when the phonerang.
B - What did you do when the phonerang?
A - Whenthe phonerang, I answeredit.

Ewffiffiu| Lifelines i

Look ot the lifeline. In poirs, write o few sentenceswith while and when makinq up ony ,i
detoils os necessorye.g. While he was living in Macau,he had an operationfor ..., When his :ij
parentsdivorced,he movedto Englandwith his ... because... .

Bornin Movedto University Travelled Worked in Returned

Macau1970 U K 1 9 7 8 B9-93 94-96 bank 97-98 London1999

Hospital Secondary Met Married Learnt Firsthit

operation school girlfriend t\r\rc. French. record2000. ffi
1974. 1981, 1991. Accidentin BabyRianne Boughta
Parents Started Went to Namibia born 1997. mansron
divorced guitar Peruon 1996. Formed 2002.
tvtt. tessons. holiday. band.

Drow your own lifeline. Exchongeit with onother student.Ask eoch other for more
informotion ond write similor sentences.

tElffiffil Accidentreport
M I'm going to dictote o description of on occident.

Yesterdaymorningat 8,30 therewas an accidentbetweena bicycleand f

a lorryat the junciionof GreenLanesand SevenSistersRoad, lt was I
was good.The lorrywas travelling
raining,but visibility up GreenLanes l
and the cyclistwas travellrngwest. Neitherthe lorrydrivernor the cyclist I - |
was injured,but the bicyclewas a mangledwreck.The driverand the cyclist i
both haveto make a reportto the police,which will be used in an insurance i
claim.They blameeach other.Thereare some independentwitnesses. I

Work in groups of four to role-ploy the ensuing orgument. (Add other roles if there ore
sporestudentsin one group, e.g. the lorry driver'smote.)
Student A, you ore the lorry driver.
StudentB, you ore the cyclist.
Student C, you ore o witness.
Student D, you ore a police officer. Ask questions.
When you hove finished, write o report of whot hoppened, from your point of view.
Include informotion/questionsobout the troffic, the locotion, speedond direction of the
vehicles ond whot you heord ond sow next. Toke turns to reod out your report. Effiffi
@ In groups,tell eoch other obout on occidentyou hove been involved in, or witnessed.

90 700 Classroom
lEffiffiM when
Work in poirs. |oin o sentencefrom the first column with one from the secondto moke
longer sdntences,:usingwhen,e.g. The guestsleft. We tidied up. - Whentheguestshad left,
we tidiedup. (Re-orderihe sentencesin the secondbox when you write them up; they
oppeor in the correctorder here.)
! We went out. iI
i I tentit to Tom.
] They had a drink. !I
Thebabyfellasleep. , trey went downstairs.
Oliverhada shower. X He tett better, I
Rachael finishedherpizza. She asked{or some coffee. !
i - .

Theytidiedeverything r
lhe! WenI OUI.
Theyinspectedhispassport. l--.lo rnrcc froo tn nn

, lt stoppedsnowing. : Wecontinued ourjourney. I

! qho nalmad r]nrnrn i o l l v vexplained
She U l u problem.
^ P l a l l l u \ l the vl uulel I l. I

=ffiffiM Arriving late

Workin poirs.I'm goingto dictotethe beginningsof somesentences.
down ond decide how to finish them, e.g. When we finolly got to the stotion - the train

!P-!'-!!I*:* - -.-- --,- -l

, Wnenwe gotto thetheatre... By thetimewe arrived... t
, WG; r''ug''&to the meeting ... WhenI switchedon theW ". i
; Whil r pfioneOfor thejob i.. Bythetimeshefinallygotup ... 1

;;;;;" *,;;;;;,,#ffi;;;; writerheendines

for the sentencesyou receiveond possthem back. Add onother clouseto the sentencesyou
receiveto exploin whot hoppenednext, e.g.When we finolly got to the stotion / the train
had alreadyIeft / so we decidedto go by coach.
Readout the first two ports ond seeif onyone in closscon guesswhot hoppenednext'

=TFWI Prior events

I'm going to osk you ten questions.Write them down. In smoll group!, moke up onswers
for them, e.g. T - Why wai Danielso happy?S - Becausehe had recentlybeenpromoted.
(Choosegroupsto reod out their onswersto the clossof rondom ond seeif onyone con
guessthe question.)
1 WhVdid Rachelfeelsick? whenI got home? i
Whatdid I realise
i Wf'vwasJackieso miserable? Whywas Kenso ecstatic? i
i Wf'atdidTomfindout whenhe phoned? Whywasthe officeempty? i
i Ijo* was he differentnext time you saw him? How much food was left?
i Wherewas his sandwich? Why did he feel so guilty?

Etrffi Experiences
On your own, think bock to o time when you went somewherenew ond hod o lot of new
experiences.Moke somenotes,e.g. Greece - moussaka. Tell us obout your experiences,€'9.
I iad nevereaten moussakabeforeI went to Greece.(After o few sentencesin open class,let
studentscontinue exchonging experiencestogetherin pairs or smoll groups.)

Grammar 91
and changes f;
$s"Work in smoll groups.Reodthesesituotionsond think of woys to continue the
norrotive. Chooseo secretoryto write your ideosdown, e.g,When I visited my family,
everythingwos different ... My mum had thrownout the furniturein the sittingroom.Shi had
replacedthe carpetwith marbleeffectlino. Shehad painted the walls blue and 6rown.Thekitchen
was a disaster.
i 1 Josephinewas aboutto arrivefor dinner,Evefihingwas ready...
2 We were readyfor our holiday...
Il 3 The Robertsonswere comingto view the house,but it was still in a dreadfulmess
from the party...
4 She wonderedif all the preparations for the weddingwere in place...
5 Whenthe ship arrivedback in porl,the wholetown was waitingfor them ...
6 He seemedquitecomfortable when we discoveredhim on the desertisland...
7 By the time the cavalryarrivedto savethe town, it was too late ...
B He had arrivedin the future,but he didn't know exacflywhat year.certainly,the
world lookedverydifferent..,

F* On your own, write o few sentencesobout o ploce or person you visited ofter o long
time. Describe whot changes hod hoppened, e.g. When I visitedmy old school they had built
a new science block. The English teacher had taken over as headmaster.
In smoll groups, osk ond onswer questions obout the chonges you wrote obout. (Ask the
students to put oway their writing so thot they ore speaking rather than reoding.)

l-ElF$fffi Explanations
In poirs, irnogine you sow your portner doing somethinginterestingyesterdoy.Toketurns
to ask ond onswerquestionsto find out more, e.g.
A - I sawyou yesterdayafternoon.Why wereyou staggering?
B - I wasstaggeringbecauseI had justwalkedinto a lamp post and had concussion.

; crying,beingarrested,coveredin paint,wearinga wet suit,laughing, i

i ::::19:Y
?Tyl? "-:1!::t1
ll?li:e .--1i9

ffi''fu;i idi;
ffi$ffirM Alphabet game
In groupsof three or four, take turns to use the post simple in o sentence.The first letter of
the verbsmust follow the sequenceof the olphobet. If you con't think of one, you ore out
of the gome. The next student continueswith the next letter,e.g.
A - He askedme my nome.B - I bought a hat. C - I came here last month.
(Voriotion:For higher levels,require thot the sentencesform o single narrotive.)

FffiIffiflIul Yesterday
Think of somethingyou did yesterdoyond the time you did it, e.g. Breakfast
- 10 a.m.
Go round the clossond find someonewho did the something os you ot opproximotely
the sometime, e.g.
A - What time did you havebreakfastyesterday?
B - I had breakfastat about9.30.

92 700 Classroom
ffiffill-u;] Sequences
Askme somequestions e.g.S- Whatdidyou
oboutwhot I did usingthesetime expressions,
do last night? I - I went home and had dinner. I watched the news and ...

] last night/week/year this morning i

{ in 1997 the day beforeyesterday ;
/ sundal m_o1ths
_ :n l\:y Iy: :y: __lh:"" _ .i
(Write up one of your onswersand odd sequencemorkers,e.g.T - First I wenthomeand
had a dinner.Then I watchedthe newsand after that L.. .)
In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsin the sqme woy. Give o sequenceof of leost three
things. (When everybodyhos finished,osk somestudentsto report bock to the clossobout
their partners.)

Effiffi Substitutions
Toketurns to repeotthis sentence,but substitutethe word I write on the boord, e.g. It was
veryexpensive.(Write 'good'.) A - It wasverygood. (Write 'life'.) B - Life wasverygood.

i 1 I droveto the pub with him. (park,them, rn

walked,her,shop, went, we, for,food)
I 2 Thismorning
morningI washed dishes.(he,car
washedthe dishes. car,afternoon,drove,she, her,lorry crashed,my)
olavedfootballwith Val.(we.
i 3 Last week I played (we, S
Sunday,them, basketball,against,
i cricket, year,witfr)
! 4 lmet mywife in 1980.(husband,1997,friend,visited,we, September, they,arrested)
j 5 | didn'tfeelverywell.(play,we, long,couldn't,much,see,they,clearly, think)
] 6 We had roastchtckenfor dinner.(boiled,potatoes,cold, breaKast,ate, they,mashed,
i made,us) !

=l€ffitll Story chain

Toketurns to repeotwhot hoppenedyesterdoy,ond odd somethingnew, including o verb.
If you forget the sequence,you ore out of the gome, e.g.
T - Yesterday I found a € 10 note in my pocket.
A * Yesterday I founda€10 notein my pocketand I boughta sandwich.
B - Yesterday I found a € 10 note in my pocketand I boughta sandwich.I ate it.
I caughta train to Oxford.
(Restortthe octivity when the sequencegetstoo long.)
(Voriotion:Restrictthe octivity to irregulor verbs.For higher levels,osk studentsto choose
their verbsbeforethe gome begins.)

=FW Whispers
I'm going to whisper o sentenceto someone.This student has to whisper the some
sentenceto the personnext in line. The lost studentwill soy the sentenceoloud to the closs
ond I'll write it on the boord. I'll then tell you the sentencewe stortedwith. (Thisworks
bestif the studentsare sitting or stonding in o circle.)
! we metsamanth" ^ri:'ziln*; the cornerof Old Streetand shared :
i a FourSeasonspizza and a bottleof wine.

Write your own sentence,including ot leost two irregulor posts.Sit in o circle ond send
your messagesround the clossin the some direction.Write down the sentenceos it gets
back to you. Reodit out ond reod out the originol sentence.How mony differencesore
there betweenthe two sentences?

Grammar 93
E$ffiffiffi I don't believe you | tr t-ll

Work in smoll groups. Toke turns to tell the group whot you did yesterdoy.The group will ::
interrupt you oher every two or three sentenceswith / don't believeyou! Change your lost
sentenceond continue the story e.9. ;,t,
A - I got up at 7.30 and had a shower... l&

Group - I don't believeyou! lt,,

A- I-got up at 7.30 andhad a cigarette.ThenI wentout for breakfast. I readthepaperand ... ::'
Group I don't believeyou!
A - I read my lettersand then I caught the bus to work.I arrivedat 9 a.m. ...

[ffi[fu;] The first time

In poirs, tell eoch other obout your first:

; bicycle,pet,job, friend,home,toys,swim,holiday,memoryday at school, i

' alcoholicdrink,word (asa baby),car,flightin a plane

IEW#fficlThe last time

&" Work in pairs. Ask each other questionsobout the lost time you did thesethings, e.9.
A - Whendid you lastgo to the cinema?B - The last time I went to the cinemawas tvvoweeks
ago.I saw...
. cook a meal,laugh,feelsad, wear a suit,havea dance,send an e-mail, Fg
cieanthe windows,tella lie,stayup all night !
Ot*k sotet'hing"valuable,

s. In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsbeginning What wasthe lastthingyou...2 After eoch

onswer,osk onother question, e.g. A - What was the last thing you sold?B - An old camera.
A - How much did vou seIIit for?B - I sold it for e 25.
: buv,make,break,eat,sell,write,drink,learn,find,read,dreamabout,throwaway I

fEffiffiu;l First and last times ru

Work in two teoms. Write twenty infinitive verbs on piecesof poper. Put them foce down in
o pile in the middle of the other teom. Toke turns to pick up o verb ond moke o sentence
with it, beginning Thefirsttime I ... or Thelast time L..
If your sentenceis correct,your teom keepsthe verb. If the other team spotso mistoke ond
challengesyou, they get the verb. The winning teom is the one with the most verbs.

ffiiM Matthew's day

In poirs, put thesephrosesin the post ond crrrongethem in o reosonobleorder to tolk
obout Motthew's doy. |oin them using and, then and after that, plus ony other words you
think ore necessory.
j go downstairs,get in car, haveshower,take dog for walk, go outside,driveto work, i
; f"t ca:ti",;k;i;p kids, set up, buy milk, read dup"t, wakJup, maketea !
Write o questionobout eoch sentence,e.9. What time did he get up?
foin onother poir to osk ond onsweryour questions.As o group of four, continue the story
of his doy. Clioosesomeoneto read it out to the closs,e.g. Whenhe got to work, he read his
e-mails.Thenhe ...

94 700Classroom
Write them down, leaving o spoceofter
I'm going to dictote eight poirs of short sentences.
eoch poir.

i She readsthe letter.She throws it in the bin.

L The sharkappears.They panic.
3 He looksin the cuoboard.He seesa mouse.
4 The mousesees him. lt runs away.
5 The bellrings,Theyrun out intothe playground.
6 They try my curry.Everyonestartschoking.
7 The rainstops. We go out to playfrisbee.
8 I get home. I switch on the radio.

|oin eoch poir of sentencesto moke one sentence in the post, beginning with when, e.g.
Whensheheard the baby cry,shewent to feedhim.
On your own, write o few poirs of sentencesobout things you hove done in the lost few
doys. Swop your poirs of sentenceswith o portner. foin the ones you receive in the some
woy ond possthem bock.

trffillu;l Possessiveness
Listento thesesentencesand shout out onotheSusing o possessive
pronoun insteod of the
possessive odjective,e.g.It's my book.- Thebookis mine.

It'smy pen. It'syourcar. This is his house.

It'sherjumper. Thisis ourgarden. That'stheirdog.
That'smy bag. It'stheirbaby, That is my man.

In poirs, seeif you con write oll nine poirs of sentencesfrom memory.

=Gffirr.l Bucket pronouns

(Cotlectsmoll objectsfrom the studentsond put them in o cordboordbox or bog. Take
on obiectout ond elicit this sequence.)

! T - ls thisvours? I
i n - No, it'snot mine. ;
f Whoseis it then? l
: n - lt's etc.
(Write the exchonge on the boord. Wolk around the clossinviting studentsto toke on
obiectqnd hove o similor exchongewith their portner. Groduolly erosethe model from
the boord.)

WilIU;I What about yours?

In poirs, chonge the noun ond odjectivein this questionto moke five more questions.

My shoesare brown;what about yours?

With o new portner, toke turns to osk ond onswer your questions.

Grammar 95
ffi-ifu;l what's happening?
I'm going to dictote the beginnings of some sentences.Write them down. In poirs, think of
suitoble endings using the present continuous, e.g. Please turn the TV otf; I'm trying to study.

Don'tdisturbme; l'm .
Don'tlistento him;hejs'...
QuicklPassthe spanner;
I can't see you rightnow;

fhink of two similor sentencesthot would be usefulto you, e.g. Passme the calculator;
I'm workingout my shareof the householdbills.

ffiFfilul Houses and rooms

(Draw the crosssectionof o lorge house on the boord, with ot leost eight rooms over
three floors.)
Which rooms ore which? (Elicitideosond lobel the rooms.)
Who lives here?(Elicitsome nomes ond their relotionships.)
In smoll groups,imogine it's 8.00 p.m. ond everyoneis ot home. Agreewhere they ore ond
whot they're doing, e.g. Lorraineis listeningto veryloud musicin her bedroom.lohn, her dad, is
in the hall shouting,'Turnit down.'
Think obout your fomily ond friends.Discusswhot you think they're doing right now.

ffilFTtTu;l Glothes
(Ask o studentwhot he/shewecrrsor is weoring, ond then to repeotthe questionto onother
I - Manuel,areyou wearingieans?
Monuel - No, I'm not. Areyou wearingjeans,Ilona?
I l o n o - Y e sl ,a m .
T - Brigit, do you weara scarfl
Brigit - Yes,I do, during the winter.Doyou weara scarf,Peter?)
ffiEffi-llu;l Mimes l\
Guesswhot I om doing. (Mime theseoctivities.)

] flyinga kite,washinga glass,drivinga fast car,watchingtennis,

; eatinga fish,brushinga cat, havinga tooth out, feedinga lion,drinkingwine,
! watchingfootballon ry doingbrainsurgerydoingsums,lookingat the moon,
Work in two teoms.Tqketurns to mime o continuousoction for your group to guess.
Scoreo point if they con guessyour mime within thirty seconds.

ffiHffilIu.l The world outside

(With clossestoking ploce in busy locotionssuch os o city centre,open the windows.Ask
the studentsto keep quiet for o few minutes ond moke o note of onything they hear going
on outside,e.g.A man is talkingloudlyon his mobilephone.As o follow up, osk them to
imogine they ore in onother locotion with lots of soundsond write o similor description,
e.g. of the seoside,in o busy restouront.)

96 700 ClassroomActivities
fffi-u| Wish you were here
f1 Poltt, imagine you ore on holidoy in on idyllic locotion. You are sitting in a cof6 ond
th_ere'so lot going on, both inside ond outside.Write o postcordto someoneback home
telling them whot's hoppening oround you. Include descriptionsof the weather,the people
you con see,the cilyltown, the food ond drink, the hotel, ond your clrronqementsfof tfre
next doy.

El#ffiffi-GlThese days
$w-Imogineyou find your diary from o few yeors ogo. As you leof through it, you find
different entriesbeginning with the following sentences.Continue each"entry'e.g.
Life is boring ...- I'm studyingeveryeveningfor my exam.MeanwhileaII my matesaregoing
out and enioyingthemselves. Dominic'snot talking to me any moreeither.I'm not havin{ any
fun at all!

lrry ilturE.,,
i We'rehavinga lovelytime... Fionasentus a ,ttor l

Comporeyour ideoswith o portner.

In pairs, tell eoch other whot is hoppening in your life thesedoys outsidethe clossroom.
Include informotion obout the followinq.
family,accommodation, work, hobbies,studies,eatinghabits,routines
ffi;;;;;";;;'*;""-, - ;;;;" ;;;;" inrormotion
obout the following.

|I tn" environment,
i!***_.-*_-**-* lifeexpectancy,
spor1,the (global)

Agreeo list of the ten most importont things. Comporeyour list with the other group.

=lffiWM Futurearrangements
Do you rememberoll your oppointmentsor do you hove to write them down in o doiry?
Copy this weekendplonner ond fill in any three spoces,leoving the othersblonk. Think
of someunusual things to do, e.g. whale wotching, skydiving.(Vtot<esurethe students
only fill in three spoces.)

Saturday Sunday




Make orrangementswith someother studentsfor the remaining times in your diary, e.g.
A - Areyou doing anythingon Saturdayaftemoon?
B - I/es.I'm havingdinner with my agent.
A - Oh. What aboutSundayevening?
B - Uhm ... No.I'm freethen.
A - Wouldyou like to cometo the cinema?
B - OK. What do you want to see?
A - I've heardaboutthis qreatfilm ...

urammar u /
tElFf@ Annoying habits E
@.In poirs,think of someoneyou knowwith onnoyinghobits.Tellyour portnerobout
him/her. Don't choosesomeonein the closs!Give eoch other someodviceobout how to
deol with the person,e.g.
A - I hate him! He's alwaysteasingme!
B - Youshould iust ignorehim.
lp**I,m going to give you on odjectivethot describeso person.In poirs, write o sentence
obout tiit p""rro"n'sbod hobits, e.g. onti-sociol - He's aTways playing loud musicuntil the early
hoursof the moming. (Distribute the adjectives omongst the poirs. Allow the studentsto use E
' dirty,forgetful,g1e9dV,.
' argumentative, boring,bossy, careless, conceited,
grurmpy, lazy,mean,moody.paranoid,selfish,unreliable, untidy,weird

Reod out your sentence ond see if onyone con guess the odjective'

ffi-cl Project
Beforethe next closs,9o to o plocein this townwherethereareusuollyo lot of things
hoppening.Write o djscriptionof everythingy_oucon seeond heor.In closs,reodout
Cononyoneguesswhereit is?
youi aescription.

lElffi Past participles

p* In groupsof four, moke sentencesusing post porticiplesin olphobeticolorder.If you
con't think of one, you ore out of the gome, e'9' =ll

A - I've answeredhis letter.

B - He'sblown the whistle.
C - l've cookedsomethingsPecial'
D - I've neverdriven a car'
sb Work in two teoms.I'm going to read o list of nouns. If you think you con use one in
o presentperfectsentence,put your hond up. Ifyour sentenceis correct,your teom gets
o point. If it,s wrong, the otherieom getsa poini, ond onother ottempt with the someword,
e.g. teo - I've madeYousometea'
rqO, "1a19],
i cat,Oagi,de;tist,hair,car,tree,shower,Roger,shirt,Wales,love,house, ;
porticiple, If you're
&, In two teoms, listen to these infinitives ond shout out the past
correct,your teom getso point. If you're wrong, the other teom getso point, ond onother
attempt ot the someverb.
! bit",leave,hide,steal,swim,win,put,see,wear,eat,think,know,show,buy,be' i
throw,drink,stt,ring,stand,let,grow,lose,give,do,shut,teach,speak,Pt make, i
catch,go, bring,ride,rise,tell,shine,sell,fly,take,get,come,keep,break,l{:***j

M (Write some infinitives which hove irregulor past porticiples in o noughts.ond crossesgrid.)
Work in two teoms to ploy noughts ond crosses.Toke turns to chooseo squore.To win it
you hove to tell me the post poiticiple of the verb in the squore ond use it in o sentence.

98 700Classroom
iEffi-U;l Lifeexperience
Mingle ond osk eoch other Have you ever ...? questions obout these subjects. Moke
o note of who hos done these thinqs.

i crash/car,ride/horse,work/nights,swim/river,sing/public,goldiving,
ljv/ v'v" I !Y'
I ' Y
maKe/bread,win/prize,sleep/outside,catch/fish, wear/tie,break/bone,
Ory someone/flowers, eat/caviar,climb/mountain,do/bungeejump

Fffi-CI Tetl me more

In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsobout whether you hove ever done thesethings. If the
onsweris yes,find out somemore informotion, e.o.
A - Haveyou everbrokena bone?
A - Whenwas that?
B - WhenI wasat school.
A - What happened?
B - I broke my arm playing rugby.
i cut yoUrfinger,eat Indianfood, havean injection,see an eclipse, i
] wear fancy dress,liveby the sea, go on a demonstration,
atractor i
Tell your partner somethingyou've d""";:;;;;rtt* elsein closs
hos done, ond somethingyou've never done which you think onother "J""" studentin closshos
done, e.g. I've beenscubadiving.I've neverplayedcricket,but I think Shaqilprobably has.
Tell us whot your portner sqid ond find out if his/her guessesore true.

=|fl-ffir.1 A romantic dinner

Shout out somethinqs you ossociotewith o romantic dinner. (Write them up on the
'i wine,candles,
lose;, :::"o,uj":-. ,
Imoqine you ore script writers for o soop operq.You ore settingthe scenefor one of the
femole octors who hos prepored o roniontit dinner for her bolirriend. Tell me whot she hos
done, using the words on the boord, e.g. dinner - she'scookedthe dinner.
There'so knock at the door. (Ask the studentsto guesswho it is). It's her mother. She
doesn'tlike her doughter'sboyfriend. (ElicitideoJobout why, e.g. Shewantsher to marry
someonefrom a rich family.)The doughter doesn't wont her motlier to find out obout the
dote. Mother is very suspiciousond oskslots of questions.
In poirs, role-ploy the conversotion,e.g.
Mum - Why haveyou cookeddinner?
Doughter - Er ... because I'm hungry,Mum ...
Mum - But why haveyou cookedso much?
Doughter - WelI,I thoughtyou might tum up, Mum.
Mum - And why haveyou boughtflowers?
Thereis onother knock ot the door. This time it,s her boyfriend.
In groups of three, role-ploythe conversotionbetweenthe daughter,her mother ond the
boyfriend. (If mole studentsin your clossfeel uncomfortableo6out ploying o femole role,
chongethe roie of the mother to her fother.)

Grammar 99
tE]ffi18lj!$]-u,l i-
t F l

In poirs, imogine you ore going on holidoy. Moke o list of ten things thot need to be done,
e.g. book the hotel.
Now imogine you ore obout to leove ond go to the oirport. Toke turns to qsk eoch other
questions, e.g.
A - Have you packed the towels?
B - Yes,I have. Have you brought the passports?
A - Yes,I have. Have you ...?
(Voriotion: Give different groups different tosks, e.g. preporotions for o porty, o wedding, o
job interview or o dote.)

&" (Beforebreok, drow o picture of o personon the boord ond elicit feotures,hoirstyle,
clothes,etc. During breok, moke somedrosticchanges.)In poirs, discusswhot hos
hoppenedto the personon the boord, e.g He'sgrowna beard.He's lostan eye.
w In groups,discusswhot chongeshove token ploce in the world in the lost 50 yeors.
Here ore someideosto help you.

i ":T::::it-lltitit_
!l*"In pairs, continue theseconversotionswith on explonotion using the presentperfect
ond o follow-up question,e.g.
A - Why areyou limping?
B - I've beenin a car accident.
A - Oh dear.How did that happen?

I Whyaren'tyouat work? Youseemso happythesedays.Whyis that? i

! Whyhaveyoupackedyourbags? Longtimeno see.Wherehaveyoubeen? l
l:y:_i:'13r-* 9"!:i:::T:11i19_vi:"e:
i _*f::.:.1i?::::o "o: y:i':9,i
tElffi:iildl Time game
Toketurns to repeotthis sentence,using the ending I give you ond odding for or since
os necessory,e.g.
T - I've knownhim sinceMarch.
A - I've knownhim sinceMarch.
I - Twoweeks.
B - I've knownhim for two weeks.

I'vebeenhere... !

July,threedays, 1998,ten years,yesterday,Christmas,five, minutes,ages,

Saturday,my whole life,August,an hour and a half,last weekend,
Monday,a while,almosta month
an hour,eight o'clock,five minutes,Tuesday,two years,weeks,ages,we arrived,
June 2001,longenough,halfan hour,the doorsopened,nearlythreemonths,
the beginningof term,lastWednesday, aboutten minutes

(Voriotion:Ask the studentsto run the drill in groups,with one persondictoting the time
expressions. Then osk the studentsto odd onother phrose,such os the thing they've been
woiting for, e.g. I've beenwaiting sincelanuary for a visa ks visitFinland.)

1 0 0 7 0 0Classroom
fEffiffiffiMFor and since
&' I'm going to osk someoneo question.Answerit, ond then osk someoneelsethe some
question.Repeotthis pottern until I stort o new question.There'sone importont rule.
(Write for and sinceon the boord.) Your onswer must include for or since,depending on
which word on the boord I'm pointing ot when you onswer,e.g.
T - How long haveyou beenstudyingEnglish,Ramon?
Ramon - I've beenstudyingEnglishfor twoyears,part-time.Sara,how long haveyou been
Soro - I've beenstudyingEnglishsinceFebruarylastyear.
How long haveyou heen livinr'rin I
i How long haveyou beenin this lesson? How long haveyou beenin this school? i
! How long haveyou beenusingthis book? How long haveyou
$FWhot verbsgo with thesethings? (Only occepttheseverbs.Write them on the boord.)
] English(study),bicycle(ride),house/flat(live),yellowsocks (wear), :
! musicalinstrument(play),hobby(do),disco(go),boy/girlfriend (go out with), j
I football(play),creditcard (use),bool?novel(read),cigarettes(smoke) i

Mingle ond osk the other students how long they have been doing the things, e.g.
A - Have you got a car?
A - How long have you been driving?
B - I've been driving since lanuary / for six months.
Try to find someone who does eoch thing. Moke o note of their nome ond how Iong they
have been doing it.
S Here's the beginning of o sentence. (Write I haven't... on the boord.) I'm going to give
you ten endings. In poirs, complete the sentences,e.g. this morning. - I haven't eaten since
this morning.
;--t*" tu;;ilb't' term,ten o'clock,I cameto England,threedays, I
i I was at school,Sunday,ten years,a week, I was little,yesterday !

Readyour sentencesout, stopping at for or sincefor the othersto guessthe ending.

Still, yet, already and iust
In poirs, write four endings for these sentences,using sfi//,yet, alreadyand (only)just, e.g.
He'sbeen working here for o week ...
- and he stillhasn'tmet the boss.
* and he hasn'tgot a deskyet.
- and he'salreadygot an office.
- and he'sonly just got a computer.

Tronslotesomeof the sentencesinto your own longuoge.

Grammar 101
R ecent events ffi
ge*In smoll groups, think of o recrsonfor these exclqmotions, e.g. Ouch! - Someonehas just
stubbed their toe.

i No,thanks.GreatlWow! Really?Badluck! Blessyou! 1
: Welldone!Help!CheerslGodl Of course.Uh-oh!So? I
s* I'm going to osk you why you're behoving strongely.Mime the behoviour,ond exploin
using the presentperfect,e.g.T - Why areyou so tired?S - (stretchingand yowning) Because
['ve beenworkingall night.

shivering, crying,so filthy,angry so tired,laughing,eatingso much, l

so excited,so bored,bleeding,limping,hidingunderthe desk,wet, ;
not sittingon your chair,holdingthat baby,beingso friendly, shouting :

io' In poirs, write suitoble onswersto thesequestionsusing the presentperfect,e.g. Whyis

it so hat in here?Because someonehas Ieft the heatingon./ Because
I Why is it so cold in here?Why are the policehere?What'sin the news today?
: What,sthe matter?!!f-rora'crnttr-ar2t_.]^\^/'e
yOUrfamily?What,Sthat Smell?

Compore your ideos with onother poir.

(Voriotion: Ask the students to write the most unexpected clnswer they con think of. Then
they work together in poirs to guess eoch other's onswers.)

# Present
ffiFT|U! Questions
& In pairs, osk ond onswerquestions,using this toble to help. Make somenotes.

When 0o you ger up on Mondays?

What time does helshe go to work Saturdaymornings? - l

nal hnma

havedinner in the morning?

nn tn harl afternoon?
AL night?
the weekend?

Find o new portner. Ask ond onswerquestionsobout the first portne{, in the third person.
h' In poirs, motch o verb from the first column with o word from the secondto make o
phrose.(Re-orderthe words in the secondbox when you write them up; they oppear here in
the correctorder.)

; live,drink,like,play,watch,go, 1 i alone,tea with milk,dogs,chess,horrorfilms,dancing, i

s-"1't-" : :l:::l?.9::::::l*
i -je1,?331j"::9:1y: ti!.":"i_::::_:.1Y_.
:y:91y i
Usethe phrosesto osk your portner questions.Give short onswers,e.g. eat + beef.A - Doyou
eat beefl B - Yes,I do. / No, I don't.

102 700 Classroom

ffi-attl Regularevents
M How often do you come to closs?How often do you get up tote?(Usesimilor
questionsto elicit thesefrequencyexpressions.
Write them on the boord.)

once/twice day
threetimes WEEK
onceevery throo r'lrrrc
everyother day

I'm going to give you eoch on octivity. Mingle, ond find out who doesit the most ond who
doesit the leost.(After the survet elicit the resultsond write them on the boord.)
{ buy new clothes,eat pasta,sleepin, drinktea, cook, get a haircut,dance,visit ;
i relatives,
do the laundrysurfthe Internet,use a drill,dream,do arithmetic,sing, i
*331-?it:-1"_*3?::1, visit
thedentist,sotothepark- i
@ In small groups,discussthesetopics.
] a typicalweekendat home i
! the peoplein your hometown I
i _ll:":1':""11.*"? Tyg _i
TE]EffiI Stories and jokes
sp Think of o film or book thot you reolly enjoyed.Spendo few minutes refreshingyour
memory ond moking somenotes.In smoll groups,tell eoch other oll obout it, buidon't
tell them the title. Seeif onyone con guessfrom your description,e.g. There'sa boycalled
!arry_,who hasgot magicalpowers.IJnfortunatelyhe liveswithhis horcidleaunt and uncle,the
Dursleys.They're'muggles'- ordinaryhuman beings...
s (Invite studentsto think of somejokesin Englishond tell the clossin o loter lesson,e.g.
There'sthisblokewhogoesinto a pub. He'sgot a mousein hispocket... .)

Work in poirs. Imogine you ore PAsto a busy executivewho hqs to ottend o number of
meetingsin New York ond Los Vegosnext Mondoy ond Tuesdoy.Write a detoileditinerory
for the trip, including trovel orrongements,meetings,hotels ond entertqinment.Moke sure
you both hove o copy of the itinerory.
Swopportnersond role-ploy this conversotion.
StudentA, you ore the personolossistont.
StudentB, you ore the executive.You ore putting someof the detoilsinto your personol
orgoniserond you keep checkingthem. You olso want to moke time during the trip for
somegombling ond other things, e.g.
A - Youdepartfrom Heathrow,Terminal3 at 8.10 a.m.,fliqht BAZ24.
B - Terminal3 at 8.10. 8A742.
A - No, it's flight 8A724.
B - OK, 724. Is it an aisleseat?
A - Yes.Youamiveat IFK at 9.20 local time.
B - Uh-huh.That's21.20 localtime.
A - No,you arrivein the morning...
When you hove finished,swop roles.

Grammar 103
@.(Write this toble on the boord, eliciting the pronouns os you do so.)

l l l o v e l m e
you llike lyou
he lhate lfrim
s h e l w a n t l h e r
it I don't like I it
they | | them

Toke turns to soy q sentence ond then o question using the words in the toble, e.g.
A - She likeshim.
B - Why does she like him?
A, - Because...

M In smoll groups,toke turns to soy os mcrnysentencesos you con using thesewords,

os quickly os possible,e.g.He wantsus to listen. Gll

want(s) me IO speak
you would like you go
tl9 naorl/c\ him write
JI IU ASKEO her listen
WE told it look
they don't want US
= 1
Add onother preposition,where possible,ond onother pronoun, e.g. He wantsus to listen
to him.

lEwffi Reflexive pronouns

@ Usethesepoirs of words ond o reflexivepronoun in sentences,e.g. motches/burn- He
burnt himselfwhile he wasplaying with matches.
pr"."ntlOrv,mirror/admire,sweets/makesick, cake/help,pay rise/give, ,
, tealmat<e,
! drink/pour,dinner/cook,

Using someof the someverbs,moke sentencesthat are true for you, ond tell your partner,
e.g. I mademyselfa nice cup of coffeeand watchedTV.
l*" In smoll groups,discussthesequestions.
: f
] When do you most enjoyyourself?
I What kind of thingscan switch themselvesoff?
i Are you sure of yourself?
i Tellus about a time when you reallyadmiredyourself.
j What do you say when you invitesomeoneinto your house?
i What does DIY mean?Are you any good at DIY?
l How often do you think about yourself?
! Namesomeonewho takeshimself/herself too seriously.
1 Who in the grouplooksat himself/herselfthe most in the mirror?

104 700 Classroom

lElFffi overview
In small groups,put theseexpressionsinto the toble. Somego in more thon one ploce.

h"*ffi;;-bt ;"h"* ffi;:t#*".;i;;il;;iilil I

loads,a little,a few,any,some,enough,plenty,thereis I

Countable Uncountable


Questionand Negaiive

Think of on exomple for eoch one thot's true for your group, e.g. OIgahasgot lofsof sisfers.
(Drow the toble lorge on the boord so theret plenty of room for exomples.)

(Drow o noughts ond crossesgrid on the boord with thesewords.)Work in tvvoteoms.
Ploy noughts ond crosses.Toke turns to choosecrsquore.To win it, you hove to moke
o sentenceswith the words in the squore.
j how much, a lot, plenty,some, not many,a little,a few, too much, any i

In poirs,ploy the gomeogoin.If you think your opponent's is wrong,oskme.


=lgffiwu;lGountableand uncountable
@ Workin smollgroups.Are thesewordscountobleor uncountoble?

] news, meat, money,star,stairs,person,advice,equipment,politics,information

@ Listento thesewords ond put them under three heodings:countoble,uncountoble, or both.

book,job, pepper,bread,energy,work,orange,sandwich, cake,

furniture, window,bottle,countrysleep,time,

Write two sentencesusing eoch of the words in the third column, once os o countoblenoun
ond once os on uncountqble noun, e.g. I like stuffedred peppers.I alwaysadd lotsof pepperto
my food.

Elffi-u! Geography game

Work in groupsof three. Think of o country eoch,but don't tell the otherswhot it is.
Ask eoch other quontity questionsobout thesethings to guessthe country, e.g.
A - Are theremany skyscapers?
B - No, therearen't many./ Yes,thereare a lot.
C - Is theremuch rain?
B - No thereisn't much./ Yes,there'sa lot.
j mountains, wildlife,pyramids,sl<yscrapers, snow,crime,sand,traffic,camels, i
i bicycles,religions, beaches,languages, freshwater,tourism,people,pollution
Grammar 105
E]ffilffiul My fridge LAT

W*Toketurns to repeatthis sentence,but substitutethe word I write on the boord. (See

Substitutionson poge 93 for full instructions.)
your, i
" ls theremuchfood in the fridge?
uny,wine,the, fish,
fridge, are, pond,many,rivel sea)
:'* i

;;;; ;;;;;ffi;;;i vousot?Howmanvesss

^*[ *uo have
haveyou got?| will onswerony coriect qrrestionsin as much detoil os I con' When you
hoveosk6d 0 correctquestiondo not osk ony more until everyonehos hod o go'
Work in poirs ond osk your portner obout his/her fridge'

ffiifcl Wh-and yes/noquestions
s* Work in poirs. Copy the toble ond completeit by writing questionsond onswers'

What What's he doing? He's ironing. Do Do you like me? Vac I dn

When Does
Who Did
Where Are
whv IJ

Which Can
Whose Would
How will

I will soy o questionword. StudentA, you hove five secondsto use it in o questionto your
portner. StudentB, onswerit. For the next question,it's StudentB's turn, e'9.
I - where
A - Wheredo you live?
B - I live in Madrid.
T - when
B - Whenis your birthdaY?
&* Work in two groups.Agree o list of the ten best questionsto help you guessthe identity
of on objectyo.i.on;t see,e.g. What'sit madeofl How big is it? Is-it man-made?The
questionsmust stort with onE of the question words from the toble. You con't osk whot the
objectis colled.
Find o portner from the other group. Toketurns to think of on everydoyobiectond use
j *=Ti

your ten questionsto work ouiwhot it is. Which group'squestionsdo you think ore the .;t .= |

most effective?
S' Work in two teoms to play noughts ond crosses.(Drow a grid on the boord with these
words.)Toketurns to chobse'osqubre.To win it, you hove to mqke o questionwith the
I when,whv,who, where,how much,how,what,which,whose !
i*.*.--. -"-.- ^---.
(you con olso ploy with yes/no questions:do, can, is, wiII, have,are, did, was and would.)
F" Ask me os mony questionsos you con obout my shoes,e.g. Wheredid y9u buy them?-
How long haveyou had them?How oftendo you wearthem?In poirs, osk ond onswersimilar
questions.(This octivity olso works well with: flot, iob, hoir, etc')

106 700Classroom
ffiTful Interviews A
In poirs, ask questionsto help you fill in this form with informotion obout your portner,
e.g. What'syour name?

Name Age
Address Nationality
number Job

Keepyour notesond swop portners.Ask ond onswerquestionsabout the personon your

portner'sform, e.g. What'sher name?

I'm going to tell you somethingto reply to with o short question,e.g.
T - It's raining. S - /s if? T - Yes,it is.
T - It's not here.S -.Isn'f it? T - No,it isn,t.
(Model the rising intonotion of the question,then choosestudentsot rondom.)

He'sjust arrived. Shewasn'tthere. l

l'm studyingeconomics, Look. Harrygave me this.
There'san e-mailfor you. He'snot in.
l'd liketo try. You look ill.
I passedl Ron'sgot yours.
We've run out of sugar. Glendawon't likeit,
We'regoing. There'sno one at home.
1 l'll be back late.
i They had a fight.
I don't know.
We've movedto Belgium.
I Nobodycame to the party.

In groups of three, toke it in turns to soy o stotement to the student on your left to reply to
with q short question.
(Voriotion:Get studentsto odd surprise/disoppointmentwhen replying to positive
stotements,e.g.A - It's snowing.B - It isn't, is if? Model the intonotion.)

=T€ffi-rl Questionnaires
In groups of three, write o short questionnoireobout the topic I give
- you. Moke sureyou
oll hove o copy of the questions,e.g. I) Doyou own a compiter?
2) How long do you spendon line everyday?
food,leisure i
I;*,*-*.^-*'-- ********_-',_*,*i

(Number the studentsfrom one to three within eoch group, ond osk them to form new
groupsof studentswith the some number - oll the f itogether, oll the 2s together,etc.)
In your new groups,osk ond onsweryour questionsand write o report of your findings in
100 words, e.g. HaIf the studentsin the group own a computer.Theyspendan-averageof 4S
minutesa day on line ...

urammar Iu/
taFTffi Indirectquestions
tr* Work in poirs. I'm going to reod out twelve sentences.Eight hove mistokesond four ore
correct.Write them down, correctinqthe mistokes. i;-f!
r **: t _ t '
1 Do you know what time does the train arrive? i
2 Tellme what is the problem.
3 Can you tell me where is EastStreet? !
4 Couldyou let us know when he arrives?
5 Do you know if this is the way to the station?
6 I'd liketo know whereis the library?
7 Couldyou let us know are you coming?
B Do you understandwhat are they saying?
9 Pleasetell me who'sin charge,
10 | wonderwill it be sunnytomorrow,
11 l'm tryingto find out how muchwas my lastbill
12 Can you tell me wherethe buffetcar is? i

In poirs, write eight indirect questionsobout your Englishlessons,e.g.I'd liketo know
when the holidaybegins.Couldyou tell me when the next vocabularytestis?

Questionsfor answers
@ (Write up ten onswersobout yourself.)Here ore someonswersto questionsobout me.
What were the questions?e.g.
Scotlond- Wherewereyou born?
Two of eoch - How many brothersand sistershaveyou got? =-f^-
When I wos five - Whendid vou start school?
Write o list of five onswersobout yourself. Swop lists with o portner ond work out the
M Work in two teoms.I'm going to give you someonswers,If you con think of the
question,put your hond up. Your teom getsone point for eoch reosonoblequestion.
: No,n"u.i
N;;i;;k.' yesterday.
oicourse!trtt ouo.cid.
I Sorry? 5.30 a.m. By train. On Friday.Not many. On Fridays.In the kitchen.
j Yes,you are. AMercedes. Wehad acurry. OK, fine. No, thanks. Gardening. i

Yes/No Game
Work in poirs. StudentA, try to get studentB to soy yes or no by quickly osking twenty
questions.If he/shesoysyes or no, you win. If you run out of questions,he/shewins.
Thenswoproles,e.g.A-Doyousmoke?B-Never!A-Wouldyouliketotry one?B- I,d
rather not, thanks.A - But I sawyou smokingyesterday.B - No,you didn't!
(B losesbecousehe/shesoid no.)

fE-lPfW Questions for questions

Work in poirs and write o short conversotionusing only questions,e.g.A - Areyou OK?
B - Why oreyou asking?A - Doyou haveto be so defensive? B - What makesyou think I'm
Compareyour conversotionwith onother poir. (Invite the poirs to reod out their
conversotionto the closs.)

108 7OOClassroom
(Write We'venevermet before,...on the boord ond osk studentsto tell you the questiontog.
Model the pronunciotion for this question: 1) for o reol question, wittr o rising intonotionl
and 2) a requestfor confirmotion, with o folling intonotion. Elicit situotions in which eoch
questioncould be osked.)
Toke turns to read out one of these sentences,odding o question tog. Decidewhether you
want it to be: 1) o reol question,or 2) o requestfor confirmotion. I'll soy 1 or 2 depending
on whot I heor.

It's a lovelyday. He didn'tsay that. You'vegot my dictionary. j

The exam'son Wednesday. Ben'sreallyfullof himself. Kate'sbeautiful. I
We've nevermet before. Therearen'tany left, You'vefinishednow. I
Youdon't likeme. This is absolutelyrubbish. Thatisn'tElvisPresley. i
\,/nr r Aan'+
rvuuvr rravtvv,
l'll see you again. Something'swrong.
In poirs, choosesome of the questionsond write short diologues,e.g.
A - YouknowStan,don't you?
B - No, I don't think I've evermet him.
A - Areyou sure?Weren'tyou at lane's party last month?He was the Dl.
B - Oh, that's Stan. Yes,I knowhim!

IEffiffi[i] Making conversation

In poirs, Iook ot this conversotion.Where do you think the conversotionis hoppening?
Read it out between you, odding a question tog in eoch gop. (when the studentshove
finished osk for two volunteers to reod it out to the clqss.)

A - Thisis great,_?
B - Yes,it is.Andthere'splentyof food,_ ?
A- Absolutely,The bride looksstunning, 2
B- | know,and her new husband'sso handsome,
A- Yes,but he doesn'tsay much,_?
B- No, he can't speakverygood English,_?
A- Hmm....That'snot Roger,_?
B- Oh yes. He'sgot a bit faI,_?
A- You'retellingme. Thatcan't be his new partner,
B- l'm not sure.Let'sfind out, _ ?

(Voriotion: Dictote the sentencesond students odd the question togs afterwords.)
In the some poirs, write o similor conversotion for one of the following situotions. (Elicit
the ideos in brocketsthot follow eoch situotion. Let students choosewhich situation thev
wont, but ensurethot eoch situotion is coveredby of leost one poir.)

1 in a restaurant,aftera nice med (opinionsabout the food, the decor,

the bill,etc.)
2 leavingto go on holiday(checkingthat everythingis ready:packing,tickets,etc.)
3 on holiday,havinga walk (theweathet the people,the holidayso far,etc.)
4 talkingabout a footballteam who you both support(the players,the manager,recent
fixtures,an upcomingmatch,etc.)

Grammar 109
I F- I , i
| t l

tilWUl Defining
F* Find the connections.

wan a car where I can relyon,

wan to livein a town which you snowed me yesterday.
wan a friend that the peopleare friendly.
want Ine one wno is safeand economical.
In poirs, tell eoch other obout things you've got, ploces you've been to, ond people you
know, e.9. I've_gota mobile phone that takesphotos. I once went to a place where everyone
carries a gun. I know someone who can ride a monocycle.
!n two groups, write ten questions to quiz the other group with, You must use eoch
of these pronouns ot leost once, e.g. Name the country where Einsteinwas born. Name the person
who painted the 'Mona Lisa'.
j ttrat, which, whose, when, who, where i
i-,,-_,,"*,..",-,.,-,,_",,., - _*__."_j

I'm going to reod some definitions. Write down the thing or person I'm defining, e.g. A ploce
where you con buy food. - Supermarket. I E J T

I a placewhereyou can eat somethingthat opens doors

: a personwho opensdoors an animalwhjchhas big ears
; a placewhere peopleare buried a personwhose wife has died
a day when nobodyworks a time when peoolecelebrate
a personwho arrestspeople a placewhereyou can see animals
a personwho livesin a palace a placewhereyou keep money
: a city wherethey speak French a personwhosejob is to teach i

Work in poirs. Try to rememberthe definitions,e.g.supermarket- A supermarket

a place whereyou can buygroceries.

fEl PIWI Bluff words

In teoms of three, find o word in the dictionory thot you are surenobody in classknows
ond write three definitions,two false ond one correct,e.g.bluff.
L) A bluff is a soft stickthat vou usefor hittina a drum.
2) Bluffis a colourwhichis mid-waybetweenilueand grey.
3) To bluff is to makesomeonebelievesomethingthat is untrue.
Toketurns to reod your definitions.The other teoms hove to chooseone of your definitions.
If they chooseone of your folse definitions,your teom wins o point. If they choosethe
coffectone, they win o point.
(Voriotion: Choosewords from the list below.Your selectionshould include things, people ond
ploces.Finish the octivity by writing up more words ond asking for imoginotvJdefinlUons
from the whole closs.)

blacksmith, flea,fluff,harvest,hinge,hive,hook,idler,janitor,kennel,kiln,kipper, ..
kite,larder,lobster,loo, maggot,maze,miser,outcast,ox, padlock,paw, ploughman,
::-*:"i1|-e1:f3i1ll-19.*l3ll19991::"1T:l*is whip,
1i 0 700 Classroom
Favourite things
j**In smollgroups,tell eochotheroboutthesethings,e.g.on onimol thot you
like - Ihe Siberian
Tigeris an animalthatI reallylikebecause
i-*-*'**'*--.^ I
i a placewhereyou liketo relax someonewno you aomlre
a time when you felt reallyhaPPY somethrngthat you are good at
a book which you enjoyed an animalthat you like
qr l qr ilr I tqr rr rql yvu rr\v

a placewhereyou would liketo be somethingwhichyou havefounduseful j

|*--.-..-'-**-*** *-*-**-----,-**-.*j

F* In three groups, broinstorm ten to fifteen words in the cotegoriesI give you, ond write
them on smoll piecesof poper.

(Collectall the piecesof paper togetherond shuffle them. Divide them into three piles
agoin ond put one pile in the middle of eoch group.) Toketurns to pick up o _pieceof
poper ond moke o ientence,e.g. Picasso wasthe personwhopainted'Guemica'.Ifyou make o
grommaticolly ond factuolly correct sentencein fifteen seconds,you get t9 kee_Rthe piece
6f poper. If you con't moke o correctsentence,put the pieceof P-oPerbock ot the bottom of
the pile. The personot the end with the most piecesof poper is the winner.

@ In smoll groups,join thesepoirs of sentences,e.g.The old boothouseis o museum now.
Dylon Thomos lived there. - Theold boathouse,whereDylan Thomaslived,is a museumnow.
:--S"rdffitu #J?i"nd. I wentto schoolwith
I We went on holidayto Greece.We spenta weekjust sunbathing.
i ffre man asked me for a lift. His car had brokendown. had stoppedworking.
i W" threwout our.oldfV 3n9
L-m*:*gc3"i:":1!::!-':ll-""1=:"1"311"-:-*-----*--*. i
for you. Possthem to your
On your own, write similor poirs of sentenceswhich ore true
portner, e.g.My dad'sa chemist.He worksfor Lukoil.Look ot the poirs of sentences you
ieceive,ona loin them to moke one, e.g.My dad, who'sa chemist,worksfor Lukoil.
ix' In groupsof three,write o few questionsthot you might osk someoneabout eoch of
thesethings, e.g. Doyou likecollectingthings? --*-*-***-1
i hobOiesand collectingthings,nightlifeand goingout, favouriteW programmes X
j and films,food and cooking,holldaysand travel,friendsand family,favouritebooks i

(Put on empty seotin the middle of the clossond chooseo studentto sit there.The rest of
the clossost<sfrim/her questionsbosedon their group work. When they hove gleonedo
few focts from the student in the middle, elicit o non-defining relotive clouse ond write it
on the boord, os in the exomple below.Then ask the studentin the middle to choose
onother to toke his/her ploce,ond keeprepeotingthe processuntil everyonehqs hod o 9o.)
Closs- Doyou like dancing,Annette?
Annette - Yes.I loveit.
Closs- Areyou any good?
Annette - Not really.But I go to a nightclubeveryweekend.
Annette,who lovesdancing,goesto a nightclubeveryweekend.

Grammar 111
[-fP]ffi Elaboration rtrl

Writethe sentence
&*I'm goingto dictoteo shortstory.I'll stopoftereochsentence. ond
try to odd o relotive clouse, e.g. I met on old friend cnlled Pete. - I met an old friend called
Pete, who(m) I hadn't seen for ten years.

b; s;iffitl;'tdil;il-;;d;"i *"ffiith'ililil]ffi;ri W #"* d#" ;-**]

his Mini.We stopped on tne way in Oxford.When we arrivedwe met the headmaster :
and his wife.We had lunchat the pub. lt was in the localvillage.In the evening,
we droveto Cheltenham. The nextmorningwe returnedto London'

Comporeyour sentenceswith o portner.

$**Work in poirs. Copy the form ond interview your portner in order to complete it. Write
four senteniesobouf him/her using relotive clouses,e.g. Yukiko,who qualifiedas a graphic
designer,worksfor Dreamworks. When you hove finished, swop sentenceswith your portner
to checkfocts.

Countryof birth Countriesvisited
Qualifications Job
Maritalstatus Children
Langua9es Levelof English
: l

lEffi-u;l Whatever,whenever
Write endings for these sentencesusing whatever,whenever,whoever,howeveror wherever.
In poirs, toke turns to reod one of your endingsond seeif your portner can guesswhich
sentenceit's from.
i t *itt thinkof you ... Neilgetsup ,.. In Londonpeopledress... : :'1
! | want to speakto ... We can meet ... Jimmycouldn'tdo it '.. i
-""- yl9:.e:::::.:.::-::
I i.:!:-:"::lll?.,---" -i
Chonge five of your sentencesso thot they ore true for you.

Reportedspeech i.llli:

lEffiffil Feedback
In poirs, osk ond onswerquestionsobout the following topics.Moke somenotes.Then
poir up with o new portner ond tell eoch other whot you Ieornt obout the first portner, e.9'
A - What kind of musicdo You like?
B - lazz, mainly.
A - I askedPoteywhat kind of musiche liked and he said he Iikediazz.

last night'sdinner,plansfor tomorrow,yesterday'slesson,

I likes/dislikes,
i next week, what you did lastweekend,next year,family,llfeexperiences i
i (Haveyou ever...?),the weekends,hobbies,food,your country
! l

112 700 Classroom
fEFffi*l Contradictions
Toketurnsto controdictme,e.9.T - I'm married'A - Butyoutold
Listento thesestotements.
meyouweresingle!I - Ohdear!It'sraining.B - What?!Theysaidit wouldbesunny.
--**-*"-* ---**"-:

i Hecan'tspeakEnglish. l'llbe backat 10.30. i

" I can'tcometo yorr paty. There'sno milkleft. i
i t'mZSyearsold. That'llbe€ 100,please.' i
i a barman.
tiltvOroif,er's I'vedecidedto marryYvonne. I
i id";;;; iJfi,lito*. *" at".
I don'tknowwhere i
Histict<etsayshe arrivedon the 4th. The meetingis on the,2g-th.-*
It,.--*-***- _,
Write five similor sentences.In poirs, toke turns to reod out your sentencesond controdict
eqch other.

f.tplffi*ffi Gossip A
Work in poirs. Tell eoch other two lies obout other studentsin the closs,e'9. Mishasleeps
with a teddybear.
Mingle ond tell eoch other the lies you heord obout them. If you heor o lie obout yourself,
confront the lior. If you ore occusedof lying, deny it, e'g'
Koro - Misha, Robertosaidyou sleptwith your teddybear'
Misho - Hey, Roberto.Why did you tell Kara I sleptwith a teddybear?
Roberto- i didn't sayyou slept-witha teddybear now;I saidyou had sleptwith a teddybear
whenyou werea child.

iEIPffi Newsreports
In groups,broinstorm somerecentstotementsby politicions ond celebrities,e.9. Ihe
miiistei promisedto get tough on oime. Thesoap stardeniedthat shewas havingan affair'
Here ore somereporting verbsto help you.
il**--"****- promise,agree,admit i
; accuse, claim,
deny, insist,
;*-,-.,---**--.' -" *--****--*,.'-*-***.j

EWWUI Holiday reps

What kinds of things ore included in o pockoge holidoy?
! ' ' - * - * - ^ * - - - . " . - ' * - - - * " * - - - - - !
I accommodation,flightsand transfers,meals,excursions,
., -:
i- ::l:*:**::l[9-:1i:]-gY:r":::-T::-::-.
'holidoy from hell'. Broinstormo list of things
In poirs, imogine you hove just been on the
you 61reunho-"ppyobout from your holidoy. Write o letter of comploint to the holidoy
compony,deoting with eoch item, e.g. We were told we wouldhavea roomwith a view,but it
facei a building strte!Yousaid the hotel had a pool. Youdidn't teII us it would be empty!
Swap letters with onother poir. Who hod the worst holidoy?

=ltrITu-l Go-between A,
Imogine you ore the go-betweenin o relotionshipbetweentvvopeoplewho-havejust split
.tp. iorl ore deliverinj a messogefrom one personto the other soyingwhy-he/
hbr/him bock. Work in poirs ond write your messogeos cl note, e.9._/ohn's heart is_broken.
He saidhe'd been thinkiig aboutyou aII the time and he couldn't sleepbecauseof i!. He_said he
woulddo anythingto havi you back.... Reodout your messoge.As o closs,decidewhosenote
is the soddest.

Grammar 113
lEffilul So and such TFIE
t - L r .

&$'I'm going to reod out some sentenceswith so. In poirs, guess whot I'm talking obout
and write o sentence with such, e.g. It's so hot. - It's such a hot day.
! lt wasso nice. They're so beautiful. She'sso nice.
i' , tnat
, ,
wasso easv. It wasso strange. That'sso stupid!
He is so interesting. Thisis so difficult.
i "ll_1
JFFIn groupsof three, toke turns to moke sentencesusing thesetwo groupsof words ond
olternotingso ond such,e.g.A-His caris so s/ow.B - He'sgot suchaslowcar.C- Londonis
so cold.A - Londonis sucha cold city.
,.J^', f\ - -- r'
Jvv,Lvrruvrr, ucy,Jamilla,
i^1.\ | ^^A^^ ^.,i+i^^
nice,exiting, ki^
journeV film,house
;r,.-,,*-**"-.-,', l i dangerous,boring,dull i
"-- "-.-^-1 l.-"-"-.-
^-' -.- -*-..,"-.-.-"-.-.
llx'Imogine you ore hoving o drink ofter work. You ore 'tolking shop'. Discussthesethings
using so and such,e.g. Thebossis so bad tempered.
r**-*-----**- ---"-*-*********-"-..--:
; the boss,the workload,the canteen,a client,the secretary
i l::":"::51t9l-*:ll"?"'_1l 0',n1.
: ::ii:19:::_::":o:"
... ;
@ (In open closs.)Imogine you crreoll riding togetherin o limo on your way home from
a fontosticporfy. Shout out commentsusing so ond such,e.g. Thatwassucha greatparty!
In two groups,moke similor excitedcommentsobout thesethings. (Let group A finish
their commentsobout the first thing beforeasking group B to comment obout theirs.Then
osk group B to comment first obout the next thing.)

] GroupA: an awful meal in a restaurant,a holidayfrom hell, i

I a brilliantfootballmatch,a wonderfulteacher t;
GroupB: a greatmealin a restaurant, a holidayin paradise, !
a disastrous
rrqoLr vuo football
rvvLuqil |match. a terrible
| lq(vt t, q Lgt |utg teacher
Lgqvt tgt !

So ... that
@ In groupsof four, broinstorm o list of twelve odjectives.Followthis sequenceto build
sentences, e.g.
A - Sad.
B - I'm so sad.
C - I'm so sad that I couldcry. ...::::..i..:-
D - Hard. -
- t P t
t 1,

A - If's so hard.
B - If's so hard that I think I'II give up.
C - Easy...
In groupsof four, broinstorm o list of twelve nouns. Follow this sequenceto build
sentences, e.g.
A- FiIm.
B - If's sucha good fiIm.
C - If 's sucha good fiIm that I couldwatch it again and again.
D - Game.
A - It wassuchan excitinggame.

114 700 Classroom

fEffiffi-u;l Both and neither
$**In poirs, discussthe topicsbelow ond then report bock to the closson the thinqs thot
you both do and the things neither of you does,e.g.
A-Iplaychess. A - I don't play chess.
B*So doI./Idotoo. B - Neitherdo L / I don't either.
A - Weboth play chess. A - Neitherof us plays chess.
speakSpanish,failan exam,learnEnglish,knowwhalfluffmeans,
!I fly in a helicopter,drive,go to the Galapagos,like bonfires,havea joo,
I attendeverylessonso far, play cricket,eat meat,wear jeans,smoke

@ In poirs, discussthe six items in eoch group and choosetwo thot ore different.Soywhy
using both or neither,e.g. gin, water, wine, brondy, coke, whisky - Brandyand wine because
theyare both made in France.Waterand cokebecauseneitherof them is alcoholic.
r*'---*---.*---- *.--***-*-l

] 1 lemon,potato,banana, orange,onion,strawberry i
2 ostrich,bee,cow,bat,owl,butterfly
j 3 Rome,Paris,Montreal, Chicago,Naples,Dublin j
] 4 violin,cello,flute,saxophone, guitar,
electric bass i
-" , i
Comporeyour onswerswith onother pair. Work togetheros o group ond write another set
of six words. Reodthem out ond seeif onyone in closscon find the two thot don't fit.
(Choosesix studentsin the clossond elicit similor sentences,
e.g. Evaand lohn because they
both walk to school.\

At/none ...except
On your own, write three questionsobout everydoy hobits ond routines. Get into groups trfF
of four ond conduct o mini-survey of the other three. Then write o few sentencesdboni vour
group, e.g. Weall eat cornflakesexceptNuria. Noneof us hasa cookedbreakfastexceptYukio.

ffiffi-u;l tmagine
Work in poirs. Taketurns to closeyour eyesond imogine the perfecthouseor holidoy
locotion. Describeit to your portner, e.g. There'sa beautifuIgaiden with a little cottagein the
middle of it. Thereare someappletrees.Thereare lotsof birds singingeverywhere. Ther6,sa
fountainin the middle...
' lsk_your portner questionsobout his/her imaginory ploce, e.g.A- Are thereany animals? trtrl
B -Yes,thereare.I canhearlotsofbirds.A_ Isthereapond?B -No, thereisn't,butthere,s
a fountain.

ffilttul Describe and draw

@ I need o volunteerto draw the things in my home. (Drow a plon of your home on the
boord ond give the volunteer o boord pen.) Drow thesethings,-e.g.There'sa tablein the
kitchen.Thereare someplants in the living room. (List obout five.)
Work in poirs. Drow o floor plon of your home ond give it to your portner. Tell one
onother where ten things ore ond seeif they con drow them on your plon.
Y I_tpoitt, osk eoch other questionsobout the plocesyou live, e.g./s therea tablein the
kitchen?Are thereany plants in the livinq room?

116 700 Classroom

EWU;I Comptaints
*" Add o line of explonotion to thesecomplointsusing foo much/manyor not enough,e.g. I
don't like this clossroom.- Thereare too manyof us and not enoughchairs.

@ In poirs, tell eoch other obout things you don't like ond why, e.g.I don't like the weather.
There'stoo much rain and not enoughsunshine.

! tfriscountryyourjob, lifein a bigcity,a celebrity, i

EWffimclA perfectworld
In smoll groups,moke o list of ten problemsin the world ond briefly explain them, e.g.
1) Wor - Thereisn't enoughcooperationbetvveen govemments.2) Pollution - Peopledrive their
carstoo much.Do this on the left-hond side of o pieceof poper.
Swoplists with another group. Discusssolutionsond write them on the right-hond side,
e.g. 1) Weneedto give morepowerto the UN. 2) Morepeopleshouldride bicycles.
Swoplists ogoin to seeif you ogreewith the other group'ssolutions.

EffiffiffiM Too + adjective A

e Tell me somejobs ond two odjectivesfor eoch, e.g.Teocher- patient,organised. (Write
them up until you hove obout ten jobs.)
In poirs, tell eoch other why peopleyou know couldn't do thosejobs, e.g. My brotherwould
be a terribleteacher.He'stoo impatientand not organisedenough.
&* On o piece of poper, write down two things obout yourself thot you'd like to chonge
(Collectthe piecesof poper')
using foo + odjective,e.g.I'm (abit) too disorganised.
I'm going to reod them out. In poirs, guesswho it is eoch time.

=fffir il
-:_L:@l:l Changes
In threegroups,list the woyslife usedto be different,e.g.1,000yearsagomostpeopleused
to go everywhere
on foot.
Group A, tolk obout life 100 yeorsogo.
Group B, tolk obout life 1,000yeorsogo.
Group C, talk obout life 10,000yeorsago.
Here ore someideosto help you.
politics,food,work, health,education
transport, ;
I '

Possyour list to the next group ond seeif you con odd anything to the list thot is possed
to your group.

Grammar 117
tatrFl.iltl Life-changing
events A IEffi
$wIn poirs, broinstorm five life-chongingevents,eg. winning the lottery. Shout out your
ideos.(Write the best oneson the boord.) Eochpoir, chooseon importont event from the
Iist. Eoch poir must chooseo different event. Write five sentencesabout how life used to be
different,with o correspondingsentenceobout how things ore nowodoys,e.9.I usedto
countmy pennies.NowI can't counthow muchmoneyI've got.
Reodout your list of sentences, but do not inention the life-chongingevent. Other students
will guesswhot it wos.
*' Write obout ten sentencesdescribinghow your relotionshipshove chongedin the lost
ten yeors,e.g.I usedto go out with someone calledSimon.NowI'm marriedto PauI.I didn't use ru
to be as closeto my brotheras I am now.
In smoll groups,tell eoch other obout the changesyou wrote down. Are there ony trends
in common? (lf possible,group studentsof o similor oge together.)

I'm going to tell you somesurprisingnews obout peopleyou hoven't seenfor o long time.
Toke turns to soy why you're surprised,e.g. T - Christinehas takenup acting.S - Really?She
usedto be so shy.

Terry'slookingmuch healthier.
Sue is studyingto be a doctor.
Adrianhas boughta big house. Pennyplaysthe bass guitarnow.
Lisa'sgoingout with Tom, I saw Allan.He'sgot married,you know.
Veronicahas becomean actress. William'sjoinedthe Conservativeparty.
We're divorcednow, l'm afraid. You know Ray,don't you? That'shim there.
I saw Angelaat Rachel'splace. Rogerhas takenup sailing.
Ellen'sbecomea Buddhist. Thisisn'tmy naturalhaircolour,you know.
l'm readingShakespeare's plays, Danielis studyinglaw thesedays.

In smoll groups,osk eoch other questionsobout how you've chongedin the last five
A - Did you useto havea much differenthairstylefiveyearsago?
B - Oh,yes.I usedto dyemy hair aII the time, too. OnceI evendyedit green!

physicalappearance(clothes,hair,build) i
]1 people(friends,family,heroesand heroines)

Effii]ffi_UlGhildhood ,,i
st"In poirs, tell eoch other obout when you were young children, e.g. WhenI wasyoung :lil

I usedto get pocketmoneyeverySaturday.I didn't useto like eating vegetables. I

i naughty,housework,tooth fairy best friend,favouritetoys, thumb sucking,
i fightingwith a brother/sister, imaginaryfriends,beingafraidof the ciark,
i parenis,FatherChristmas,favouritegames,bedtime,favouritefood i
L----_-._**"_*** _*_*__*j
& Who usedto believestrongethings when they were little? Tell us obout them, e.g. I usedto
think that catsand dogsgot married.

1t 8 7 0 0Classroom
lEffirr.l Schooldays
In poirs, osk eoch other questionsobout your schooldoys,e.g. Didyou useto play truant often?
Here ore someexpressionsto help you.
t**--* ,"**--:
I love school, love sports,study hard, be a have
bully, a strict teacher, I
, be good ai music,maketrouble,smoke cigarettes,wear a tie, be lazy, 1
i do linesor detention,havea funnyteacher,be the teacher'spet *-"--"!

tEFW Antiques fair

Work in groupsof three. Imagine you crreontiquesexpertsin the yeor 3000. I'm-going to
tell you some objects.(Where possible,use reolio.) Try to invent reosonoblebut folse
desiriptionsof #hat peopleusid to do with them, e.g. rubber bond - In the mid-nineteenth
century,peopleusedto chewtheseto cleantheir teethafter eating.

a CD, a trainingshoe,a cigarette,a yo-yo,; * ' t d ; * ' :

a creditcard,a toothpick,a mobilephone,a bunchof keys, I
a coin,a comb, a fork,a die,a teddYbear,
" rggglji:5

G r a m m a r '119
Vocabulary Itrhl!

lEWgffiM Nice people, nasty peopte

Look ot this conversotion.

l ffi
| likemy cousinRoger.
B- Why?
A- Becausehe alwayssends cards and givesme lots of presents.
B- So you likehim becausehe'sgenerous.

Work in poirs. Toketurns to describesomeoneyou know ond seeif your portner con think
of the right odjective.Here ore someodjectivesto help you.
-- .****---***
i honest,modest,careless,moody,positive,selfish,insecure,easy-going,i
i "iY9"":"lTl1-ry:"::y"::"l1ii-Y-?ill9:Il*i-".::?#91?-T"J"l:-:*:
l-ElPlffi Someonewho ...
Listen to this list of twenty descriptions of people. For eoch one, shout out on odjective thot
describesthe person, then write down the number and name of someone you know who is t * t .

like thot. Don't write the odiective.

I Someone
who... i
1 keepslosingthings(careless, forgetful,absent-minded)
2 alwaysdrops/breaksthings(clumsy)
3 thinksbad thingswillhappen(pessimistic, negative)
4 goesto a lot of parties(outgoing, sociable,gregarious)
5 keepsto himself(introverted, unsociable, wrthdrawn,closed)
6 neversmiles(moody,grumpy,bad-tempered,miserable)
7 makesyou yawn (boring,uninteresting, dull)
B likesmakingthings(creative,arlistic)
9 keepsthingstidy (neat,organised,efficient)
1O neverthinksaboutothers'feelings(uncaring, insensitive,
11 alwaysarriveslatefor meetings,etc. (unpunctual, unreliable)
makesyou laughallthe time (funny,humorous,silly)
"13thinksgood thingswill happen(optimistic, positive)
14 hurtspeopleor animals(cruel,sadistic,mean)
doesn'tliketalkingabouther achievements (modest,unassuming) trlr
16 is easyto get on with (friendly,
17 bragsabouthimselfa lot (concerted, arrogant,big-headed)
1B neverchangesher mind evenwhen she knowsshe'swrong(stubborn,obstinate)
19 nevergivespresentsor buys drinks(mean,tight-fisted)
20 alwayscriesat weddings,in the cinema,etc. (emotional, sentimental,
il",* ;"*'""'*, -'#;il;',"#;;il;;*;;;;";;,
with o pofiner. Tell eoch other obout the people on your list, with exomples oi their
typicol behoviour.
In your poirs, think of o famous person for eoch odjective.

120 7OOClassroom
l-ilffiLr,] Verbs and adjectives
In smoll groups,tell eoch other things thot ...


e.g. I'm scaredof mice./Micescareme.

Think of o time when you felt one of theseemotionsond tell the group obout it.

re$ffiIu;lPeople and places

F work in two groups,A ond B. I'm going to soy somenouns. Group A, shout out o
positiveodiectivefor eoch one. Group B shout out o negotiveone, e.g. rock stor.A -
famous.B - rude.


@ In poirs, think of o ploce you both know. Student A, write o positive description of the
ploce.StudentB, write o negotiveone. Comporeyour descriptions.

EW9lcl Animalcharacteristics
S" In poirs, motch eoch onimol with the odjective which is troditionolly used to describe
them. (Re-order the odjectives when you write them up on the boord; they oppeor here in
the correct order")

il;:.^ r"rr",n.'*'* t"", wise,clever,small,cheeky,proud,

i dog,bat,ox, donkey,dinosaur, loyal,blind,strong,stubborn,
pig, cat, fish extinct,greedy,independent,slippery
How do they comporewith populor ideasobout onimols in your country, e.g.1san owl
s- Think of onimols thot theseodiectivescould describe.

Think of onother odjectiveto describeeoch onimol and exploin why you choseit.

Animal categories
lArorki_nteams.I'm going to give you o categoryof onimols, e.g. onimols thot con fly.
Agree how mony different onimals in thot cotegory your teom con write down in two
minutes. The teom which bids the highest number goesfirst. If they reoch thot number,
they win thot mony points. If they don't, they don't get ony points ond the other teoms
get one point for eoch different onimol on their lists.

Animalsthat: lay eggs, areverystrong,dig holes,arepoisonous, i

livein people'shouses,
l=* :?*l?:fl1 lf_::tY:l 9:tTki

Vocabulary 121
ffiffifrEl Definitions
&e'Choose five of these onimols and write two sentences obout eoch, one with are ond one
with can. Don't write the nome of the animol, e.o. Thev are covered in feathers. Most of them I?E
can fly (birds).
I bees,hippopotamuses,
In smoll groups,reod your sentencesto the othersond seeif they con guessthe onimol.
p Work in pcrirs.Imogine you ore on onimol, but don't tell your portner which one.
Continue thesesentencesond seeif your portner con guesswhot you ore.

are afraidof me.

@ Work in smoll groups.Agree definitions of thesegroups of onimols, ond write them down.
reotiles t

Possyour definitionsto onother group. See if you con find exceptions to the definitions
you ore given.

lEWffi-cl Animaltanguage
Whot doesthis meon? - Cock-a-doodle-doo! Clues:It's an onimol call, and it happens
in the morning. Whot doeso cockerelsoy in your longuoge?
In poirs, look ot thesewords ond imogine which onimals soy them.
j woof, moo, oink, miaow,baaa,tweet

Whot ore the soundsin your languoge?Whot obout someother animqls?

Animal kingdom
Work on your own. Copy this diogrom. Write your fovourite ond your leost fovourite
onimol for eoch of thesecotegories:fTying,wolking ond swimming. Comporeyour choices
with your portner ond tell eoch other why you chosethem.

\ t
',-'r\) -

122 700 Classroom

w-Gl Ten things
&" Work in two teoms ond choosesomeoneto come to the boord to write. I,ll
reod out
some cotegories.In your team, quickly think of ten things in thot cotegory.Then
person comesto the boord ond writes the list. The first teom to write tlie
list wins o point.
Thingsthat; come in pairs,can fly,float in water,move fast,
you keep cold, are symmetrical,make a lot of noise

& In tvvoteoms, toke turns to shout out words in these cotegories.The lost
teom to think
of one wins o point. (Seto time limit for the lost item.)

Thingsthat: are invisible,you can't buy,are soft, can be full or empry,

have holes,are difficult,fit together,makeyou feel good, go ,p unb Oo*n

Elffi Oddsand ends

Work in smoll groups.I'll give eoch group o ploce.Write o list of ten items thot you
find there.

a woman'shangbag,an officedesk drawer,a hiker'sbackpack,a child,spocket

Toketurns to nome the ploce and give the other groupsone minute to shout
g.verythingthey think is-on your hJt. Your group iets one point for everything on your
list that the others don,t think of.
Broinstormsomeobjectswhich con be found in more thon one of the ploces.
in mind, ogreeon the singlemost useful thing in the world, e.g. a plec'eoi string.

ffig-u;] Going,going... gone

s" work in teoms. I'm going to give you the first word in a cotegory.Toke
turns to shout
out more words in the some cotegory,e.g. uncle - son, sister....ih;, lost teom give
to o
word wins o point. (When someoneitorts to stoll, finish the cotegory Uy ioyi"g
going ... gone.T}'is is the lost thing on ouctioneersoysto stop uiiairig.f

arm,tennis,doctor,hat,who, rain,happy,across,red, apple,bedroom

e (Write five cotegoriego.nthe boord, e.g. things you find in the kitchen,
things you toke
to the beoch, etc. Ask studentsto write the categoiiesos column heodings. s;t";;"do-
yo$: belonging to these cotegoriesond studenls write them in the correlt coiumns. Ask
individuol studentsto give other words for the rest of the clossto odd to their
ffi[rdt AtoZ
Work in groYpsof six or seven.Chooseone of thesecotegoriesond toke turns to
o member of the cotegory_storting with the letter a ond #orking through tfre ofprroUei,
onimols - ant, bitlgrfty, you con't think of one, yo" Jr" out of the gome. The
three left get o point. Then chooseonother cotegoryond repeat.

food, nationalities,
adjectives,rooms and furniture,clothes,verbs

(Voriotion: The word hos to begin with the lost letter of the previous word,
e.g. giraffe,

Vobabulary 123

EIPTW Kinds of clothes

whot doesthe rhyme 'somethingold, somethingnew, something
blue' refer to? (Answer:Trodition"olodviceto o blde on whot to
weor ot her weddino..r
In smoll groups,think of the best clothesfor thesesituotions.
; ::..^;,_,-., -----**-*_-,**-.1
, 3 ryalKInthe snow'a cocktailparty,a job interview,
a namingceremony
i th"1""_._*:-1:pll"1l_t*"qr:i:*-T-li:::*:dr:_il"::y
Tell eoch other obout q time you hod to dress up for o formol
occosion or o speciol event.

Effiffi-u;l My clothes
@ Find someone in closs who is weoring ...
t"-*- *'*--**-**-- -""!
i somethinggreen,designerclothes,jeans,nylon,
; sandals,no socks,silk,a belt,someihingstriped !
t ^^hi^l^

I will tell eoch of you the name of someone else in class. on your
own, write o description
of whot this person is weoring. (Collect the descriptions ond
read them out
to see how quickly the closs con identify eoch perion.)
@ Point to these things, either on yourserf or on onother
i-*-:*-*-*" ------'*-.!
i,_3_13-"Oet, - -"**'*-'---*"-*-:;
Findout ;r^ ;;;;--*-*-
'*'*'-* *'- - *,* - -,*'-
t l!." mostzips,thedeepest pockets, thebrightest
thebiggest rapers/corrar,
I -.]i.:"T:"st i
w r,,eryuo{,-1,'"; ;;:
.r-'.;;il;;;;;;; ;*;;;;
stonding is the winner. (Reodout the list one ot o t"ime.Vorlior oah
*, person
to the list occording
to whot your studentsore weoring.)
a jacketwithzips,a belt,trainers,
jeans,a btueshirt,a sweatsr,irt
witr a bgo,
!i Irrvr
fli:fi?::9ks, ft-'l
r rruelS,
a short-sleeved
top, somethingwith morethan six buitons,a baseOalt
-" '-.
cao I
taFlffi$l Describingctothes
Listento the following words ond put them in five categories:opinion,
oge, colour,pottern
or style,ond moteriol.
; denim,flared,baggy,scruffy,leather,Iovely,new, blue, nice, nylon,pint<, I
| Plain,plastic,purpre,sirk,casuar,second-hand, short,sreeueo,poiti-Jot, i
i striped,ord-fashioned, smart,trendy,vervet,woor,cotton, awfui,checked i ItrJt

In poirs, compcrreyour lists ond odd more words to eoch cotegory.

Describeto eoch other whot someof the other studentsore weoring
using severolof the
odjectivesin your list, e'9' She'swearinga beautifulgreen silk skirt.
He,s gotnew baggy jeans.
Who is the best-dressed personin the class?
Tell us obout o troditionol costume from your countrv.

124 700Classroom
lElFffi Suits you
@ Whot doesthe rhyme 'Redond greenshould never be seen;not even in o woshing
mochine'refer to? (Answer:Colourswhich supposedlyclosh.)
In smoll groups,tolk obout which clothesond coloursgo togetherond which don't. Tell
eoch other which clothes ond colours suit you, ond why.
&' Discussthe differencesbetween thesepoirs of words ond phroses.

insideout / back to front fashion/ style

I hat / cap to go with/ to suit size/ fit i
*' In poirs, find out if theret something thot one of you wonts to buy. Write o short
conversotion between o customer ond o shop ossistontin o shop thot sellswhot you wont.
(Invite severolpoirs to reod out their conversotion.)

fEFW Specialist outfitters

** In poirs, think of on occosionwhich requiresspeciolclothes,e.g. o wedding,o wolk
in the mountoins. Discusswhot clothing odviceyou would give someonewho wos coming
with you. |oin o poir plonning o different outing. Toke turns to give eoch other advice on
whot to weor for the two triPs.
Whosetrip neededthe most speciolistor expensiveclothes?In your groups,tell eoch other
obout ony speciolistclothing you hove.
@"Write on oppropriote octivity for eoch of theseitems. Compore your ideos with o portner.

goggles,mittens,shinguards,flippers,helmet,bow tie, sweatband,

high-heeled shoes,tracksuit,sandals,dressinggown,trainers

Tell eoch other obout a time when you wore some of these things. Moke o note of whot
your portner hos worn and ot the end we'll see who in the closs hos wom the most items.

ffilFTrlcl Classroom colours

&* In poirs, write o list of things in the clossroomwhich ore ...

! yellow,dark green,red, lightblue,orange,dark blue,brown, i

i black,pink,grey,white,mauve,lightgreen,purple I

w In teoms,write o list of things that ore the colour I soy,e.g. white- snow,paper,golf balls,
etc. I'11give you thirty secondsbeforeI soy onother colour.Your teom will get o point for
eoch thing thot the other teoms didn't put. The teom with the most points is the winner.

fflFIrW I'm blue

M In poirs, discusswhot theseexpressionswith the colour blue meon. Checkthem in o
dictionory if necessory.Then discusso situotion in which you could use eoch one.

out of the blue,to be blackand blue,the boys in blue,to screambluemurder i

Look up other expressionswith different colours in your dictionory e.g. to be blacklisted,to
be greenwith envy,a greyarea, to seered, a white lie, a yellowstreak.Think of a time when
one of theseexpressionswould hove been oppropriotefor you. Tell your portner.
Vocabulary 125
ffi-u! United colours ItrI
In smollgroups,onswerthesequestions
ond exploinyour onswers.
1 Whichcoloursdon't go together?
. 2 What coloursare there in your room/flaVhouse?
, 3 What coloursmake peoplefeel sad/happy/aggressive?
i + Wfratcoloursocksareyouwearingtoday?Don'tlook!
5 What coloursare there in your natronalflag?What do they symbolise?
6 What do differentcolourssignifyin your culture?
7 What colourarethesewords:love,death,happiness, hunger,wealth,sleep?
' B What'syour favouritecolour?Why?

|ffiffi-tl Mixedcotours Itrll

In smoll groups,ogreethe onswersto thesequestionsand note them down. Some
questionshave more thon one onswer.Scoreone point per colour.

1 What do you get if you mix blue and yellow?(green)

2 What colouris the planetMars?(red)
3 What do you get if you mix red and green?(brown)
4 What do you get if you mix blackand white? (grey)
5 What colourare my eyes?(Closethem and see who can remember.)
6 What kind of colour is scarlet?(red)
7 What colourare New Yorktaxis?(yellow)
8 What are the coloursof the rainbow?(red,orange,yellow,green,blue,indigo,violet)
9 What kind of colouris turquoise?(blue)
1 0 What colourare baby gidstraditionally dressedin? (pink,yellow,white)
What do you get if you mix red and yellow?(orange)
1 ^
I Z What colouris the FinancialTimes? (pink)
Whatcolouraretulips?(red,yellow,orange,white,'black') 1
t + What do you get if you mix blue and red? (purple)
1 A
l !

E$ffil$FffiWord processing F-n

I t rl 1
&* In small groups,find exomplesof the following in your coursebook.
;"-'* *"
i Ootd,font, paragraph,italic,line,capitalletter,underline,
superscript i
b" (If you hove occessto o computer in closs,open up o blonk Word document.)In smoll
groups,show eoch other where to find theseoptions.
**-* -"- *
tab, copy,paste,cut, return,delete,edit,cursor.zoom,open,save,select,print

[ffiffirTu! My computer
(Drow o computer ond its occessories
on the boord ond osk studentsto nome eoch thing.)
i screen/monitor, computer,keyboard,mouse,mousemat, ;
126 700 Classroom
The Internet
F" In smollgroups,imogineyou ore 9om9 to grve 0 courseon how to use the Internet
to q closs of complete beginners. Before vou stqrt, you wont to exploin the following
vocobulary. Prepore your notes.

f password,to log on
links,spam,to browse,to download,online,website
ilr rt\er u|\/qr ,
(v vvvvr ilvsv, vl

' web, home page, HTTP(HypertextTransferProtocol)

Comporeyour noteswith onother group. Who hos the cleorestexplonotions?

M In small groupsrwrite o list of the top ten usesof the Internet. Comporeyour lists.

Elffi Punctuation
Work in poirs. Match the symbolson the Ieft with their nomes on the right. (Re-orderthe
words in the secondbox when you write them up; they oppeor here in the correctorder.)
'oirestion *:
apuJLr uPr ru
I exclamationmark
t t brackets
; semi-colon
hyphen I

slash l
comma l
;- I

Using o possogeof Englishwriting, find exomplesof punctuotion ond exploin how they
demonstrotethe rules of Enolishpunctuotion.

,L::\y-":lltl"-q-19:t::y"il!:.*i*-b--t-:*i.i9:i:-l:l:"::-9:Iili9:r: '-t
I Loveis ... A friendis .. T i m ei s , . . Ar1is ...
I t-me
is ... Dogsare ... M u s i ci s . , . Children are ...
i l:[g:: :'-:::- ".lT:::::: ll:::"""--.""?-"ll-9-Y"31i-s-:-":.
Reodout just your endingsond seeif the closscon guesswhot they define.

In poirs, write sentencesto demonstrotethe differencesbetweenthesepoirs of words, e.g.
He'srobbedabout20 people.In total,he'sstolenabout€500.
i;;i;;ffi;'"*;;;/'",ffi ;'/#;:d; *ffi;ffi/p*i ffi ffi;;;**,
i Orinciple/principal, luck/chance,

;;;;il; ;;;;; ; ;;;;;'", ;;;;;;; * *:

(Thiswill be most relevontto studentswho speakLatin bosed/influencedlonguoges.)
ffifu! Lend and borrow Lal

Go oround the clossond try to get the following things from other students,using
botow/lend.Exploin why you need them, e.g. CanI borrowyour pen?I can't find mine.
x*"-***^'*- '"***--"-*--'-*-*1
i a pen,a car,glasses,a baby,a sock,a bag, a bicycle,j
notes,a passport,a € 10 note,a dictionarya calculator'
Report bock to the closs,e.g. Thierrylent me his sock.I borrowedMaria's watch.

ffi. m:

fffil]ffi Work history

Work in grolrps. Find out who has hod:
I the mostjobs,the most complicated
job, the most interesting
job, l
lEWffi Townand country Itrlr

Work in two groups.Group A, brainstorm city jobs.Group B, broinstorm country jobs.

Moke sureyou both hove o copy of the list. Find o portner from the other group and
comporelists. If there ore ony jobs on both lists,exploin why you think they should stoy
on yours insteod of your portner's, e.g. A policemanis neededmorein a city than the country.

Job application
In smoll groups,broinstorm words for o job opplicotion. (Build up o word web on the
board with words connectedto before,during ond ofter the interview) Then tell eoch other
obout o job opplicotion you hove mode.
cv,l;b *j;;,t': ;pr;i#; r.;il:''til;d.#;;"*i;--i Itr17
Stond in o circle.Taketurns to nome o job, then the workplocefor thot job, ond then
onother job, ond so on, e.g.A - pilot. B - plane,C - baker.Clop your honds to this rhythm
(demonstrote)ond give your clnsweron every fourth beot. If you miss the beot, you ore out.

EffilWul Pictureboard
Work in two teoms.Toketurns to come to the boord. I'm going to give you o job. (Write it
on o pieceof poper or whisper it). You hove sixty secondsto drow picturesto help your
teom guessthe job. You mustn't write ony letters,or speok.

I waiter,doctor,gardener,bricklayer,policeman,carpenter,soldier, i
i"_*-li:.i3i?tl?l'li_?Ti_ ""'gury_
ffiffil'ffi-ulWhat'smy line?
Taketurns to come to the front ond sit focing the closswith your bock to the boord. I'm
going to write your job on the boord. Ask the clossyes/no questionsto find out whot it is,
e.g. Do I work in an office?Do I makethings?Do I weara uniform?

128 7OO
EfPRffi Do-it-yourself
&"Workin smollgroups.Imogineyou ctrerenovotingon old house.Broinstormjobsthot
will need doing, e.g. fiiing the windows, replocing old kitchen units.
(Find out if onyone has worked in o building iob or knows obout DIY ond invite them to
onswer questions from the class.)
Work in groups. Imogine you crre going to hove o house built. Decide which kinds of
professioirols you wifl need to do the work. Order them in o list beginning with the
orchitect andhnishinq with the decorqtors. Next to eoch one, write one or two iobs they
will do.

ffimffiul Work places

Work in smoll groups.I'm going to come round ond give eochgroup o w_orkploce.
Broinstorm o tlit of wordsyou ossociotewith thqt ploce, e.9. school staffloom,classroom,
teacher,playground.Reodout your list for the other groupsto guessthe workplace.

IaFW Interjections
(Write theseinterjectionson the boord.) How do you soy thesewords?When would you soy

shhh! ouchl Grrr! Hmm. Oi! Mmml Tut{ut! Yukl Phew! wow! Boo! ohl

How do you expressthe same feelingsin your longuoge?

Do ony of the exclomirtionsobove meon somethingdifferent in your longuoge?
In poirs, write short diologuesfinishing with on exclomotion,e.9.A - Hey Gary!Haveyou
caughtanythingYet?B - Shhh!

EW*tffi Soundbox
(Draw the box, without the exomple words, on the boord. Invite o student to odd the
words accordinq to where the closs thinks they should 9o')



Unpleasant Pleasant
In groups, copy the box ond broinstorm more words for it. Try to get on even distribution
of itords. They con be sounds, e.9. hiss, or the things thot moke sounds, e.g. snake'
Leove your sound box on the toble ond look ot whot the other groups have done' Mqke
note of ony good words you see on theirs'

Vocabulary 129
fElPTlffil onomatopoeia Ltl
how you writethe soundsin your longuoge
In poirs,Iistento thesedescriptions.
ond in English, e.g. the sound tlvo cors moke as they collide - Crash!
-th;ffi";;;il;il;i;. -" *-- -**j
what a cat does when it's happy (purr) i
the noiseof a saucepanfallingon the floor(clang)
the sound of fryingmeat (sizzle)
what a snakedoes (hiss)
I tfresoundyou hearwhen you sticka pin into a balloon(pop) i
In poirs, Iook ot thesewords ond soy them. Guesswhot mokes eoch sound. Comporeyou
ideoswith onother poir.
.-..^rl^ -.-..,^^l^ rl^,.^l
, lsuzz,tinkle,squeak,growl,hum, squelch,rustle,crunch,thud i
;-.",*-,--,- ---. ,--.-,.-..-.J

What ore some of the 'sound words' in your longuoge?


I t s p : d j ' t - | My relatives E
In smollgroups,tell eochotherthe nomesof your relotives,
i niece,father,sister,brother,aunt, mother,nephew,
Telleochotherwhot you think your relativesoredoingot this moment,e.g.MybrotherDan
is sittingat hisofficedesk.My auntMaryis doingthegardening.

ffiM!|TM Familytrees
&* In poirs, fill in the nomes in the royol (\Mindsor) fomily tree. (Write up the diogrom with
qll the nomes blank except Queen Elizobeth.) Compore your work with qnother group.


Ask ond onswerquestionsobout the relotionships,e.g. A - Who'sWilliam'saunt?

B - William'saunt is Anne.
@ Work in poirs. Describeyour fomily, storting with your grondparents. Your portner will
drow your fomily tree.Then give the family tree to your portner to check.

130 700Classroom
E-W Familyties A
& In groups,discussthe differencesbetweenthesekinds of fomily: nuclear fomily;
extended fomily; single porent fomily.
whot kind of fomily do you come from? Tell the group obout life in your fomily.
f Dlow o diogrom like this, showing your fomily relotionships ten yeors ago ond todoy.
The distoncebetweenthe circlesshowsthe closeness of the relationship.write the nomes
of the peoplein your diogrom ond seeif your portner con guessthe reiotionships.

Tenyearsago Today

ffiffiWfq Marriage
Work in smoll groups.Broinstormwords for this timeline.

preparationsfor et tho rrror'ldinn

afterthe wedding
the wedding i
invitations honeymoon
buy rings

Tell each other obout o wedding you hove been to.

IEffiffiM Odd one out

work in smoll groups.r'm going to djctote ten setsof four words,e.g. cabbage,orange.,
potato, onion. After eoch set, choosethe odd one out ond circle it. (G1vethe itudentJo short
time to choosebetweeneoch set.More thon one clnsweris possible.)Toketurns to exploin
your decisions,e.g. A cabbage,becauseit's the only one that'i green.I An orange,becausiit
i lemon,grapefruit,
grape,lime 6 scramble, boil,fry roast j
2 fridge,cooker,microwave,toaster 7 hnv hnftla tin ior
vvl\, vvLLtu,
rt' I, Jql

3 Indian,Chinese,French,ltalian B cows, chicken,sheep,fish ;

4 bacon,eggs,tomatoes,toast I rice,wheat, potatoes,pasta i
5 bread,cake,pie, pudding 10
*::*L:::::::l* -i
In your groups,write five more setsand reod them out. Seeif the rest of the closscon
decidewhich is the odd one out.

Vocabulary 131

ffiWTIJI Food links

6,- Motch the words ond expressions in the two columns. (Re-order the words in the second
box when you write them up; they oppeor here in the correct order.)
; onrons make you cry
i oacon 1 ano eggs
I a dozen : eggs
I aloafof I oreao
! salt i and pepper
] fish l and chips
! omeletteis madewith eggs
i rs sprcy
i! curry
: cavrar ! is expensive
I Oranqe I JUrce
- :-,-"- ----"":
pe Work in poirs. Copy this list of contoiners. (Write just the contoiners on the board.)
I'm going to reod o tist of products; write them next to the correct contoiner.

l;;"*i"ito#r*l- ;"- or(chocolates) I

i ; ;;'1"" of fiuice) a Pr of (olives) i
I' a tubeof (tomatopuree) a bowlof (fruit) 1
a pintof (milk) a bagof (Potatoes)
a iin of (sardines) a bottleof (wine) l
e.g.A pieceof - chocolate'
e* On your own, completetheseexpressions,

a piece of, a bunch of, a loaf of, a sliceof, a spoonfulof, a cup of, l
! anotherhelpingof, a sip of. a bowl of, a handfulof, a pinch of

Work with o portner. Take turns to reod your words ond seeif your portner con work out
the expression,e.g. A - Chocolafe.B - A pieceof chocolate'

lElffi cooking race

In smoll groups,write o ten-item shopping list on o pieceof poper. It must include the
following things.
jar of somethrng,
a kind of
I somethingsalty,somethingsweet,a tin of something,a
fruit,a dairyproduct,two herbs
for o two-
Swoplists with onother group. You now hove ten minutes to agreeo recipe
coursemeol using all thE ingiedientson their list. You con add only solt, pepper ond oil.
Describeyour meol to the closs.Vote on which meol you would most like to eot'

Wffil Edible or inedible

In poirs, sit focing eoch other. Toketurns to throw o boll of poper !o your portner os you
soy o noun. Wh; you cotch the boll you must say immediotely if the noun is edible or

A (throwing) - Egg.
B (cotching)- Edible.(throwing) - Book.
A (cotching)- Inedible.(throwing) House...

132 700 Classroom
lEWffiffi Food graph
Work in poirs. Nome o kind of food that is ...

cold,sweet,alive,blue,sour,fresh,green,hard,soft, hot, boring,yellow,


Plot the words you come up with on this scottergrom.


nasry nice


Effiffil-Jl lmaginaryfeatures
Look up ony of thesewords you do not know.

mountain,hill,river,waterfall,valley,cliff,shore,sea, waves,forest, j
plain,lake,track,quarrydesert,glacier,volcano,island,beach,road :

Sit facing eoch other in poirs. StudentA, describeo sceneto studentB. This con either be
o ploce you hove been to, or on imoginory ploce.StudentB, closeyour eyesond imagine
the scene.You need to rememberos much detoil os possible,so osk questions,e.g.Is there
any snowon the mountains?When you hove finished, swop roles.
(Ask some studentsto describetheir portner's scenes.)

ffiffi-u,l Outstanding features

Work in smoll groups.Discussthe onswersto thesequestionsond write them down.
I What'sthe world's...
highestmountain?(Everest, B,B5Om) highestwaterfall?(AngelFalls,Venezuela,979 m) i
i longestriver?(Nile6,741km) driestplace?(Calama,Chile.No rainfor 400 years){
I biggestcity?(MexicoCity,25 million) deepestplace?(Mariana Trench,11,022m) i
I coldestplace?(Antarctica-87.8'C) biggestisland?(Greenland,Z,IiS,AOOt<m'i1 !
j hottestplace?(Al Aziziyah,Lybia,58'C) gee::l**s*sr**1 --_i
(Go through the onswers,giving just the nomes. Then write up the stotisticsin o different
order ond osk the studentsto motch them.)
Tell me the highest mountoin, etc. in your country.

Elffiul Knowledge race
Work in groups of four ond oppoint one person to be the secretory.I'm going to nome
o country. You hove one minute to write os mony notes os you con-otrout the people qn_d.]ne
geogrophy before I nome the next country e.g. Chino - big, overa billion people,CreatWall,
capital city Beiiing.
-***: -l
i America,Sweden,lndia,lceland, Spain, Russia,Brazil,Australia 1

you hove five minutes to turn your notesinto completesentences,e.g. Chino - It's a big
country.Thereare overa billion people.TheGreatWalI is visiblefrom space.Thecapital city is
Beiiing.(Go round ond help during this stoge.)
Reodout your sentences. You scoreone point for every sentence.You con chollengethe
other group,ssentenceson foctuol occurocyond cloim their point.

Effi Languages
Listen to the countries and write the notionolity ond the longuoge of eoch one.
In smoll groups, compore your lists and write down ony words thot ore new to you.

Germany(German- German) Senegal(Senegalese - French,Pulaar,Wolof)

Peru (Peruvian- Quechua)
Spanish, Wales (Welsh - English,Welsh)
France(French- French) Canada(Canadian - English,French,Indian)
- Farsi,Azerbaijani)
lran(lranian Kenya(Kenyan- English,Gikuyu,Swahili...)
Holland(Dutch Dutch) lsrael(lsraeli-Hebrew,Arabic)
Japan (Japanese - JaPanese) Sweden (Swedish- Swedish)
- Portuguese)
Brazil(Brazilian Ethiopia(Ethiopian- Amharic,Tigrigna)
Turkeyfl'-urkishTurkish, -
Kurdish) lreland(lrish English,Gaelic)
Switzerland(Swiss- German,French,Italian.Romance)

ffi[M Olympictorch
the journeyof the Olympictorchthroughclsmony countriesos
you oregoingto describe
oossible.-Ittrlovelsfrom the ciiy where the Gqmeslost took place to the new venue. Toke
iurns to describethe next stoge,e.9.
A - A Greekathletecarriedthe torch to IstanbuL
B - A Turkishathletecaried it to Tehran'
C - An lranian athletecarriedit to . '.

Loan words
Work in small groups.Motch the words with the longuogesthey come from. (Re-orderthe
languogeswhen you write them up; they oppeor here in the correctorder.)
i anorak, bamboo,boss,canoe,coach, i Eskimo,Malay.Dutch,Carib,Hungarian, i
i titu",mattress, mosquito,sauna,yacht, i : Finnish,
Farsi, Dutch, .
, u"Jnrrt, i"n"t, totJio, pyutud,' i i Hindi,
Turkish,Czech,Nahuatl, l
i, tuXour"o,whisky,
tuiguroo, bizarie','piano,
;hi;d, anuii"','piuno,
- ' i: i Aborigine,
Aborigine, Basque,ltalian,
Gaelic, ltalian, :i
i ,;d;, iiiri,uoor.u, l! i *i- - Swarriii, Japanese
ihinese,Russian, i
Discuss how the words come into the English longuoge. Think obout technology, trode,
climote ond imperiolism.
(If the closs is mixed notionolity, osk them to write q list of English loon words in their
languoges, ond to compore them in groups.)

134 700 Classroom
tElFWl Equipment
wgrk in groups ond broinstorm o list of things you will find in theseploces.
{o Group A:
a first oid kit. Group B: on, operoting theotre. yq\" rrrr" uu"ryloay
in trru gro"p .".rt", o
copy of the list. (In lorge claises,you can subdividethe two g;"pr.l
Find o portner from the other group,-swop lists ond write o use
next to eoch item, e.g.
bondoge - It's usedto protecta wouia.
Tell eoch other obout ony injuries you hove hod ond whot wos done
to remedythem.
M Think of five illnesses,ond moke o list of the symptoms,e.g.
cold _ temperature,
nose,aching joints.

work in poirs. Toketurns to tell.your portner your symptoms.Don,t

soy the nome of the
illness.Seeif your portner con diognosethe ilinessond odviseyo.,
*rrdt io ao. oeciae
whether you trust your new doctor.
&* In poirs, discussh9w you would describethesewords e.g.A
, thermometer is usedto
measuretemperature.It is oftenplacedin the mouth.

thermometer, r
I, stethoscope,plaster,bandage,sling,x_ray,ice pack i
i * * - - ' * * * . - * * * * * * * j

foin onother poir ond tell eoch other obout ony experiencesyou hove hod of them.

ETiffi Speciatists
Think of somewords for speciolistdo_ctors in your language,e.g.psychiatrist.Guesswhot
the words ond spellingsoie in English.Look up how to rp"ri oia p-nor1n."
the words ond
moke surethot the jobs ore the some os you thought.
In poirs, tell eoch other somespeciolisotionsond seeif your portner
con tell you whot each

reffiu] Healthyor unhealthy A

$*.Add expressionsto this table to show the things you eot ond
the lifestyle you hove.
Thingsthat are good for you Thingsthat are bad for you
Food Activities Food Activities
apples loggrng too much sugar ovenuorking

In poirs, show eoch other your tobles ond discusswhot chongesyou

would like to moke
to your lifestyles.
@ In groups,throw o boll (or o pieceofpoper) to onother student
while soying o kind
of food or octivity. As you cotch 1t, soy if ttre food or octivlty is rreolthy
or unheolthy, e.g.
A (throwing) - Crisps.
B (cotching) - Unheatthy.(throwing) Swimming.
C (cotching) - Healthy.(throwing) Flaying tennis...

Vocabulary 135
tflFffi ln sicknessand in health ffi
Look ot this sequenceof eventsand tell me whot hoppened.
- - -
i losejob - unemployed- applyfor job interview contract ,
office- pay cheque - pay off debts - book holiday
In poirs, write o sequenceof words to describesomeone'sjourney from folling seriouslyill
through to eventuol recovery.Useo dictionory, or osk me for words you don_'tknow, ond
turn your sequenceinto o norrotive obout on imoginory friend or relative.Swopportners
and reod your storiesto eqch other.
If you have been in o similor situotion or know someonewho hos, write obout it for

l-EWffiU;l Things to do
$wIn groups,brainstormdifferentkindsof activityholidoy,e.9.skiing.(Writeeochholidoy
on the boord os it is mentioned.)Toketurns to tell the closswhich kinds of holidoy you
have been on, ond onswero few questionsobout eoch one.
Copy the holidoys down in the order you would like to experiencethem, from most to leost
fovourite. Compore your list with q portner'
6r'Work in poirs. Imogine you ore going on holidoy to Indio, where you will toke part in
o number oi octivities.(Elicitoctivitieslike theseand write them on the boord')
watchingcricket,canoeing, :
1 mountainwalking,sightseeing,
Write two lists: things you need to do before you go, ond things you need to toke with you'
Swop lists with onother poir ond see how mony things they missed'

I,m going to nome a country. Toke turns around the clqss to nome o tourist qttroction
there, ond then o new country for the next student, e.9.
T - France.
A - The Eiffel tower. India.
B - The Tai Mahal. America.
C - The Grand CanYon.Brazil ...
In smoll groups, discusswhich of them you hove seen or would like to see. Add some more
things you like to look ot when you trovel, e.g. paintings, streetperformers.
On your own, write 100-250 words (choose occording to the level of the closs) obout o time
you visited o tourist ottroction.

lElffiil-Gl Flyingwords
In smoll groups,broinstorm words ond phrosesunder thesethree heodings:1) Beforetoke
3) After londing, e.9.
off, e.g. iheck-in.2)During the flight, e.g. in-flightentertainmenf.
Using os mony of the words clsyou con, tell eoch other obout your lost flight, ond osk-
e<rchother qu-estions, e.g. A - Didn'tyou watchthe fiIm?B - No.I'm alwaysasleepwhenthe
film is shown.

I36 Activities
ffiffilTful Suitcasegame
(Ask two studentsto leove the clossroomwhile you give the instructions to the others.)
You ore going to nome somethings to toke on holiday, but you con only nome things thot
begin with the same letter os your first nome, e.g. Corloscon pock o coke, Riko con pock o
roincoot, etc.
(Ask the two studentsto come bock in. Don't exploin the rules to them.)
Toketurns to nome somethings to toke on holidoy. (Ask eoch student in turn, including
the oneswho Ieft the room, whot they wont to toke, osking them eoch by nome. If the
studentswho left don't choosesomethingthot beginswith the first letter of their nome, tell
them they con't toke thot item, but don't tell them why. After o few rounds, if they hoven't
worked out the rule, moke it more obvious by osking studentsto suggestwhot they could
toke, or emphosisingthe first lettersof students'nomes.)

ffillu:l Numbersquiz
Here ore the onswersto some questions.(Write the onswersin rondom order on the boord.)
Copy them os a list and proctisesoying them with o portner.
foin onother poir ond ploy os o teom. I'll osk the questionsond the first teom to shout out
the right onswergetso point.
! 1 How far is Londonfrom Tokyo?(9,562km)
! 2 How far is New Yorkfrom BuenosAires?(8,45akm)
3 What temperatedoes water boil at? (100'C)
4 How much of the Earth'ssurfaceis coveredin water?lalmosts/+)
5 How many bones are there in the humanbody? (2OO)
6 What is 477 + 345? ,€22]t
7 Whatis'1,568-744? (824)
8 How much of the wodd'selectricityis used by America?(33%)
9 How fast does Concordefly? (2,333kph)
10 How fast does a Jumbo jet fly? (963 kph)
11 What is r/g as a percentage? (33.3%)
12 How big is the PacificOcean?(179,679,000 km')
13 How highis MountKilimanjaro (5,895m)
14 How highis MountCotopaxi?(5,896m)
15 What is the populationof the UK? (57,848,000)
i l:_Yl{: t: ::f:llPleltv:lt*:-q9f*,999
lEffil Gountrystatistics
Work in groupsof studentsfrom the somecountry.Agreethesestotisticsfor your country.
Approximote onswers will do.

I population,populationof the capitalcity,sizein km2,highestmountain,longestriver,

] days of sunshineper year,averagewintertemperature,exchangeratewith the US dollar,
(If the clossis mixed notionolity, reorgonisestudentsinto mixed notionolity groupsto
comporestotistics.If there is o mojority from one country they can double up.)
Tell me how you think your country comporeswith the UK/USA/Australio. (Ask for
comporisonsfrom rondom studentsond elicit opproximate numbers eoch time.)

Vocabulary 137
l - l

fElffi Arithmetic
How do You soy thesecalculotions? '*--"..-''--**--*-".*:
B=2=4 2 ' 5* ' ' u : - ? , - " - - i
;';-6;'B-"---"g-+=5 3 x2=6
1,-,."-"--*----.--- (Chooseone less
fll give you o number t.ostort with'
we qre oll going to ao I colculqtion. ond then choose onother number
o^ pt r,-*irit""t-iit.i
thon 10.)Toketurns i"ifr""r" ri l E l r

i"tt tito" 10. Don't soYthe totol'

turns ond stort crnew
untii eveiyone hos h;;';;;;. with lorge ilosses, stop ofter ten
who went wrone' ond where?

Effi$ Numbercrunching
numberbetweent;;;;;; five hundred'Thisis the torgetnumber'
I n s m q l l g r o u p s l u s e t h e n u m b e r s to"y
o g eil'-Ue'r
t 0 s c l omore'ttro" s i b l e - t o6'
s e o s p o sont"]t'q' e t2'
t h8' t ' YI'o u d o n , t h o v e t
o r7q' e70'
useoll the numbersbut you tgt'lol "'" times ten is four hundred and
4, torqet4sz.- srr"i lii", sixis forty-t|",'ii"i'rii;ir-rirty.-rir,
g'o"p thot getsneorestto the target
sixtv,minus eightis i;;; ;;;;"i ana'nny-tii..rt'. Ltl

rEl-']ffi it is.Muuiplvthot.number bv e.
H:ir;;H::f""*"." 2 andewithoutsoyine_whot Think of the letterof
SrrUttla S ftot" tftit
Next, odd the two digitsof tfr" ,"r.tiT. tr-u.t, 1 e, etc'Think of o countrythot
ii ""-U"i'
the olphobeithot coiresporra,toiioi ir.A, thqt stortswith
pick the n"exil"ti;i"itrt" orprrouli,ond on onimol
stortswith thot letter. 'Elephantsin Denmork''
that letter'v"it"tt" iiii"rting of


ffirluf Feet and feats

point to them on yourself'
Listento theseportsof the bodyond -*-- **'*-^--*-"*
- --''-
i*--,-"-**'-- eyes'
ea9',knuckles' knees' ieeih' I
I feet,paim,
i.--P.:*::-:y:iq:, TP--"'
rai onto the Platform'
Port of the bodY'

ffi-TM if vouwont
of poper.D:" l_*lt^"-prurols;
HT:ff writeportsof thebodyon ritrrepieces f.* odiectiveson::me more pieces
,eor, on two pt#r;;';;n"Ji*r."a"'o
fi^r'oeors,write them out
pi".es of poper, shuffle them ond shore
of poper,e.g. Iong_,big. (colleci "iiirr'"
thebodypartsondodiectives vouhovereceived'
;T*t: ffil::"JT,xi",lorl.'*,ne oro;;LigLr;, for to the ground'
Add tqbelsto exploin
138 700 Classroom
tElFffi$ffi Organs
& Work in groupsond write o list of os mony orgons os you can think of, e.g.lungs,
heort. Passyour list to the next group ond odd ony missing wordsto the list you receive.
Write q questionto elicit eoch item on the list, e.g. What doyou breathewith?
M How many onimal orgons hove you eoten?Whot onimol did they come from? Moke o
list of oll the animol orqonswhich ore edible?

rflFffi Body verbs

Work in two groups,A qnd B. (If the clossis lorge, you con subdividethe groups.)I'll write
your group'sverbson the boord. For eoch of your verbs,moke o note of which port of the
body doesit ond why peopledo it. Don't write the verb, e.g. smack- hand.people
sometimesdo this to childrenwhen theyare naughty.

{ GroupA: yawn,sneeze,nod, smack,nudge,scratch,sigh,reach,wink,stamp,wave i

Workwith o portnerfrom the othergroup.Reodyour sentences
in rondomorderond seeif
your portnercclnguessthe verb.

fifPTiffil Body idioms

@ Whot doesthe idiomotic expression'Getoffmy back!'mean?
In groups,tell eoch other ony idioms in your longuogewhich useports of the body. (While
they ore doing this, write up the word list ond the gopfill sentenceson the boord.)
Fill the gaps with one of thesewords.Somewords con be usedmore thon once.Then
discusswhot the sentencesmeqn.
j stomach,hait headless,cheeky,guts, eye,face, hand, legged,eyes,nosy,tooth, elbow :
i '
i 1 Willyou giveme a _ ? | needsome helpwith this door. i
2 The thievessnatchedher bag and _ it down OxfordStreet.
3 Let's the facts and be realisticabout our options.
4 | can't the sightof blood!
5 She gavehim the _ becausehe was making at othergirls.
6 You littledevil!lt's rudeto talkto adultslikethat.
7 | don't believein capitalpunishment: an _ for an _ ,a_ for a
it doesn'tmakesense.
B A - Haveyou got a boyfriend?B - Don't be so _ . lt's none of your business. ;
I He's got a lot of takingon the robberslikethat. He'svery brave. ;
' 1 0It
was a _-raising bus journeyalongwindingmountainroads. j
1 1 It was hecticat work. I was runningaroundlikea _ chicken. j

Think of o recent time when one of these idioms would hove been oppropriote for you. Tell
the rest of the group.
@ Drow o person in the middle of o piece of poper. Draw orrows to different ports of the
body ond for eoch one write on idiom using thot port of the body. (Provide on advanced
leorner's dictionory for this.) Leove your drowing on the toble ond look ot the other
groups' drowings.

lEffiffi-u;l Takeafter A
In small groups, tell eoch other who you toke after in your fomily, with referenceto your
physicol choracteristics,e.g. I've got my mother'seyes.I've got big hands like my grandfather.

Vocabulary 139
fETPffi Paths of the heart LI

Choose one of these words ond look it up in on English-onlyleorner's

dictionory: hond,
some of the words ond idioms ond orronge them in o network, os in
heod, foot. Choose
this exomPle for'heort'.
Mv heartbleedsfor You.
was in his mouth.
I put my heartintoit.

ffi'6h@verbs ,
Verb chain
chonging the
Work in groups of four to six. Toke turns to give o phrosol verb, -olternotely
eg. A-Takeoff.B -Takeup.-C- Letup.D Letdown'E-Put down'
por6.t" dna tle rrerU,
F - Put on.
If you con,t think of one, you ore out of the gome. If you d9:9t onother student's is
If the student con't, he/she
,r"iU, .froU"nge trim/hei't6 a"fitt" it ond give on exomple.
write during the oitiviry but moke o note of the most
out of the goire. (Don't let students
useful phrosol verbs to revise at the end')

EW-u,l My mime
Shout out the phrosal verb I'm miming'
*--* ''*" --""*' i
I ask for, qet up, come in, look for,take off, fall over,hold on, show off, sit down, i
jump over,
off,come back,leanagainst,cut down,turn round,
taf ou"r,"tget)'cut !
: ihffi;b:"r* Lu"i fookafter,comeacross,runout of, te1off,lookup (aword) l

i - "- * - -,.-- -,* -,- --.,- -,* -,,- -,- -- *,- .-, *, i-
Toke turns to
work in groups ond seehow mony o-fthe phrosol verbs you con remember'
for the resf of the group using mime and words, e'9' come ocross-
chooseverbsto oct out
oh, Iook!I,ve found an old coin down the backof this armchair.

lEffi Turnover
on one piece
In groups,write fifteen phrosol verbson small piecesof poper,with the verb
qnd the preposition on another. t<eep ihem in two seporate piles ond swop them
of poper
toke turns to turn
with onothe, gto,rp.Spreodthe piecesof poper orll on the toble ond
qnd one ,r.rb. S.or" o ioint if you con use the resulting verb ond
over one p-r-ep6sition
PrePositionin o sentence'
(voriotion: Studentswrite the verb on one side of the poper o^ndthe preposition on
middle of the group, some verb sideup
other side.ptocetfre piecesof poper in o pile in the
their groups, students toke turns to guess whot is on the
ond someprepositionsideup.^In
pieceof poper. They ion not moke the sqme guess clsonother student'
other side if e'octr
When they hove ol ftoa o g.tutt, they turn the poper -o over' Whoever got it correctgetsto
keep the i;; pop"t pt&ia"a he/shecon give definition of the phrosol verb. If he/she
con,t, other studentsconhove o go ond who&er getsit right, getsto keepthe piece of
poper. lf no one guesses the prep6sition or verb, iigoes to the bottom of the pile' The

140 700 Classroom
ETFffi Literaland non-literal
(write these eight poirs of sentenceso^nthe boord,
gopped ond the phrosal verbs in rondom
order in o th".top.) Eoch poir of sentences,^6t itr" ro-; ph;;;;lllJu,
]t:t ?1.
ond once non-literolly.-In or,." titerolly .
poirsi completethe sentenceswith the correctform
verbsond mork eoch'sentence of the phrosol
literoior non_literol.
i a) He turnedup the heating. b) He turnedup latefor the meeting.
z a) | lookedup the chimney. b) | lookedup his numberin the bo-ok.
3 a) Pleaseput out your cigarette. b) Pleaseput the cat our.
4 a) | ran into John in the oark. b) | ran into a tree in the oarr.
5 a) Hang up your coat and relax. b) Hang up and try againlater.
o a) He took off his coat and relaxed. b) Whenthe planetook off we relaxed.
7 a) He brokedown and cried b) He brokedown the door with a sledgehammer.
R a) We got on the first bus that came. b)We got on well and decidedto be friends.

Discussthe meonings of the nonliteral verbsond checkyour

understondingwith o dictionory.
Add onother five poirs of sertencesto your list, one literal
-'- ond
----- one
J non-literol. Choose
from theseverbsond look them up in ifre aicfionory.

f g?ltll11*?! I?jl, so,put,set,ret i
IETPW Monologues
&" Listen to this monologue ond write down oil the phrosol
verbs you heor.
when I set off for work this.morningmy carbroke down,
so I had to take the bus. At the
was frgg,r"go,n ae;oioiL;;,;; money recenly and
sefflng up a business.He offered Io take me on and I said l,d think it over. When
I got into work the boss, Mrs pitchfork,blew me. I
was quitetaxen abackby her
attitude, butwhen I ootoveriheinitiat
brereoto iiLJ iiro, oeingtai",A;;g
II stay
y'royto on afteiwork.Then it tuineJoutshe*is aci*iV ligry oecause
hadtakenon haddecided pull a ctient
ro out of a valuablecontraci.'Mis"pitchfork saidthat
becausethe dealhadfalle.n throughI had tetthe whote
untilI finallyranout of patience ooyun.she wenton at me
withher.I said| *orron,i"t iJ ioi,tany more,and if she
wantedro takeouf the company's problems on me shecouldlay
neverthoughtshe'dgo throughwith ir,but shetoldme to took me off thereand job.
I got on the phoneto JasonandsaidI wantedro takeni, lor another
ip oi nisoffer.Hetoldmeto
comeoverimmediately. I metmy newcolleagues,and I thinkl'llget on with rhem.Mv finl
manager cameacross_as a greatguyandhe tookfo me as wet[ so evefihing
OK today.I'mlookingfonualdto siartingmy newjob. ,p
Compore your list with o portner to seeif he/she got the
some number, ond the iome
phrosol verbs.I'll soy it ogoin for you to check.
b In g,roups,copPose^.o monologuefor one of the following using thesephrosol verbs
ony others you think fit. Choose6ne person to do the *riii"-g ond
o"donother to reod Lri yo*
monologueot the end.

A relationship:
go out with, fallfor, get on (with),fall out (with),make
run into,bringup, lookafter up, chat up, split up,

A telephoneconversation:look up, get througnto, cut off, put

through,go on, run out of,
maKeout, talk about, call back, hang up
A journey:set off, hord up, take off, check in, stop offlover,
come back, pick up, get over,
nang around,breakdown, run out of

Vocabulary 141

ffil-rM Rooms
p. In groups,broinstorm os mony rooms os you con in one minute ond write them os o list.
Imogine you've just moved from o small flqt into o big house.I'm going to reod out some
piecesof iurniture. You only hove one of each thing. Decidewhich is the bestroom to put
them. Write the word next to thot room on your list.

. rug, bed, chair,lamp,TV,microwave, hairdrier,table,shelf,cupboard,

i wardrobe,cot, pot plant,curtains,hi-fi,mirror,DVD player,bookshelf,carpet,
i piano,rubbishbin,filingcabinet,sofa,computer,painting,chestof drawers

Put o tick next to ony of the things you've got ot your ploce. Chooseyour fovourite two
items ond describethem to the group.
p' In three groups,broinstorm somethings thot you might find in theserooms. Group A,
the sitting room; Group B, the bedroom;Group C: the kitchen.
Passyour list to the next group ond seeif you con odd onything to the one thot is possed
to you.

ffi-lM Realia race

Everybodystond in the middle of the clossroom.I'm going to sctysomeodjectives.The first
personto coll out somethingin the clossroomdescribedby thot odiectivegetso point' The
person with the most points ot the end is the winner.
; ffi'rrl;'r, ;*"*'*;"il;;;il"t. ,,*t;Lffiv"rb*-^--""* :
blue,bright,big, sharp,warm,new,old, square,soft,useful,tiny,yellow, thin,round

Hffilffi-*l Picture this

Imogine you ore sitting in your fovourite room ot home. Write o very detoiled lisj oj
everytfring you con see.Wiite one of these letters next to eoch item on your list: F if it
is a pieceof furniture, A if it is on opplionce or fixture or O if it is on ornoment.
In poirs, comporeyour lists.Imogine you ore moving into o housetogether.Agreewhich
items from your lists you would toke. Agree on o list of ten items betweenyou. LI

lTffiu.l Landscape gardens

bc'Work in smoll groups ond toke o large sheetof poper. I om going to describemy -
gorden.Drow the-plon. lhe bock of the houseis ot the top of your poge ond the end of the
gorden is at the bottom.
Listenand put things where I tell you. (Draw o lorge rectongleon the boord to represent
the shopeof the gorden.Describethe locotion of thesethings.)
i iraoc
fanno swing,kennel,greenhouse, path,shed,patio, X

] duck pond, flowerbed, bird table,
Discussony chongesyou would odviseme to moke. e.g. Youshouldhavethegate nearerthe
backof the house.Youshouldhaveanotherpond near the appletree.
e* Write o description of your gorden or o gorden you know. Describeit in os much detoil
clsyou con, including informotion obout the plonts, furniture, woter feotures,etc' Reod
your description to onother student.

142 700 Classroom
lEWffil Compoundnouns
Work in two teoms to ploy nou€hts ond crosses.Tqke turns to chooseo squcrre.To win it
you have to moke o compound noun with the word in the squore,e.g. oih - t oy.

oeo Key table

I Ooo*uy - He stoodin the doorwayand .

dish house door --' doorman- | askedthe doormanat the ...

I He wasat death'sdoor.starving
and ...

bath window book

Look up the words in the noughts ond crossesgrid in o leqrners' dictionory. Moke o note
of ony useful expressions,ond write exomples.

Wll_ul Commodities
I'm going to reod out o list of everydoyitems.Work in poirs ond moke o note of where you
con buy them, e.g. pencil - a stationers.

some strppers,some roses,a phone card, a packetof cigarettes,a packetof crisps,

a magazine, a jacket,a cD, someaspirin,some rope,a diningtable,a bottleof wine,
a light bulb, an apple,a bag of charcoal,a plaincroissant,a h-amand cheesecroissant,
a leg of lamb,a dictionarya tin of paint,a notepad,a blanket,some ice, a rabbit

IEffilI Departmentstores
In groups, you hove two minutes to broinstorm o list of deportments in o deportment store
ond two things thot con be bought in each deportment.
Decidewhich floor your deportments ore on. Then poir up with o student from onother
A, imogine you crrein o deportment store trying to find some of the things on your
list. Ask studentB where to oo.
Student B, tell student A wh6re to go, including directions vio the lift/escolotor.
Then swap roles.

W-ul Shopping spree

e' Tell o p_ortnerobout the last time you went to these places.Where wos it? Whot did you
buy or do?

streetmarket,supermarket,flea market,boutique
{*-*--^--*..-*__*-._*_-, -*.'.* *. i
b Imogine you hove € 100 to spendon shopping,ond just fifteen minutes to spendit. you
must spend oll of it. Where ore you going to go oround here to spend it, ond w-hotore you
going to buy?

Vocabulary 143
ffi-]-l-u;l Amenities
& In smoll groups,broinstorm someploceswhere you con do thesethings.

listento music,watchspor1,findout abouthistorytakeyourgranny,

look at art, keep fit, do eveningclasses,take a child, read a book

Tell each other obout the lost time you did eoch thing, e.g.where you went, who you
were with, etc.
@ In smoll groups,clgreeon o list of the ten most importont omenitiesfor moking o town
on enjoyobleploce to live.

tElFffi City streets

I've got o list of twenty-onethings you con seeon o city street,oport from shopsond other
buildings. In two teoms,toke turns to guessthe things on my list ond scoreo point every
time you get one correct.

beggar,bicycle,busstop,busker,car,dog,drain,graffiti,tarppostfril brry,*"ffikq:
phonebox,pigeon,postbox,rubbishbin,signpost, trafficlights,tree,taxi ;

Elffiffi'! Missingvowels
The vowels ore missing from this sentence.Whot doesit soy? (The next troin ot plotform
sevenis the six fifteen to Oxford.)
f Th nxttrn

In poirs, write onother sentencewithout vowels for onother poir to write out in full.
Look bock through the vocobulory notesthot you hove made in recentlessonsond choose
ten words. Write them without vowels ond test your portner.

tEtffi Add a letter

Work in groups of four or five. Take turns to odd a letter to o word to moke onother word.
5 = u; 6 = chooseo consonont
Scoreos mony points os there ore in the word you moke. When no one con moke the word
ony longer,stort ogoin, e.g.
A throws 4 (o) ond odds n to moke on (2 points)
B - odds e to moke one (3 points)
C - odds I to moke Ione(4 points)
D - odds a to moke alone(5 points)
E - Con't go so throws ogoin.
Write down the longest three words you moke ond poss them to the next group. Toke turns
to shrink the words thot ore possedto you, subtrocting one letter ot o time.

ffiffiIu;l Air words

Write o list of some recently learnt vocobulory. Working in poirs, sit opposite eoch other
ond spell out your words in the oir with your finger. Soythe wordsyour portner spells.

144 700 Classroom

reffiTIGISpelling auction
Work in teoms.You hove €5OOto spendon the vocobulory in this list. I'll ouction eoch
word' Bid ogoinst the other teoms. Unfortunotely, some of the words ore bodly spelt ond
ore in foct worth nothing. At the end, the teom with the highest number of correctly spelt
words is the winner. In the event of o drow, the teom with t*hemost money left wins. '
(Hereis o selectionof words.The correctspellingsore given in brockets.)

necessarybicause(because), foreign,iether(either),
receipt,government, wendesday0iVednesday), people,adress(address),
tommorow(tomorrow), biscuit,begining
restorant(restaurant), (cigareiie),
cigarrette sentence

Wffil Grid wars

(Select25 recently leornt vocobulory items ond write the
initiol lettersof eoch word in the grid.) Work in two teoms.
Teom A hos to win o line of letters from top to bottom.
Teom B hos to win o line of letters from left to riqht. The
line con go in ony direction,but not diogonolly.lhe teoms
take turns to choosea letter. I,ll give you o definition of o
word thot begins with thot letter. If you guessthe word, you
win thot squclre.If you get it wrong, the other teom gets o
go. If they get it right, they win it. If not, the letter isbut
ofbounds. Once o squorehos been won or gone out of
bounds,no teom con chooseit.

GWffi Wordtrack
Ploy in groups of three. Copy this grid ond write o five_letter
word in the middle. Toke tums to odd o letter, mokinq new
words. Scoreone point for eoch letter in the new word"svou
moke. Look ot this exomple.The storting word is TABL{. K
Ployer 1 odds C ond getscable and cat _ eight points. He/She
doesn'tget ony points for able,at or tab beiouie thev don,t T A B L E
include the C. ployer 2 adds( ond gets back and,taik _ eight
I.fyo-" spot o word o ployer hos missed,you get the points
for thot word. Ployer 2 notices cab - three exiro points.

.flffi Wordsearch
Work in poirs ond seehow mony words you con moke from the lettersin Wordsearch.

(For higher level classes.)foin onother poir. Useyour words in o short story.

Vocabulary 145
ffiffiffi Code words u
In groups, look bock through your notes ond selecttwenty words thot you hove learnt.
Write them os o list, but jumble the lettersup so that eoch word is on onogrom, e.g.
messoge- esgames.Write o clue for eoch word, e.g. The first letter is 'm'; it's a noun.
Possyour list to onother group. Can you unjumble the words thot ore possedto your group?

Toke turns to soy o word. The only rules ore: 1) Your word must include the letter C. 2) You
moy not soy the someword thot onother studenthas olreody said. (Any studentwho con't
give o word is out of the gcrme,ond the winner is the lost studentleft.)
(When most of the studentshove hod o go, chongethe first rule ond then chonge it
regulorly. Here ore some rules. If the clossfind this too eosy,you could give them severol
rules ot the sometime.)

1 a word includingthe letterC

2 a word includingtwo vowels
3 a word includingthe letterS
4 a word with two consonantstogether
5 a word with a doubleletter
6 a word with two or more syllables
7 a word includingthe letterH
8 a word endingwith the letterD
9 a word containingat leastthreedifferentvowels
10 a word with a silentletter

(Voriotion:Stipulotea port of speech,e.g.An adiectiveincluding the letter C.)

fil Pffiffiffi Favouritesports

Look ot this diogram. Whot's the sport ond what cotegoriesdo the circlesrepresent?
(Answer:cricket.Equipment,ploces,events,outstondingcompetitorsond rules.)


Work in groups of studentswho hove the some fovourite sport ond moke o similor
diogram for your sport.Don't write the cotegorynomes.Swopdiagromswith onother
group to guessthe cotegories.

146 700Classroom
t-iffil Serve and volley
Work in groupsof three. Chooseo sport and toke turns to give o relotedword, -
serve,court,Iove.Ilte lost personto think of o word getso point ond choosesthe next sport.
3ll-li-' 11T:"i:
1 football,squash,boxing,skiing,baseball,hockey, j
Scoringgoeslike tennis:15,30,40,game.

iffiiw-rt Categories
Choose one of these heodings ond write o list of different sports. Write o few notes
describing any experience you hove hod of ploying or wotching them, e.g. footboll -
Iast Saturdav in the oark.
{ wintersports,decathlon,watersporls,animalsports,taOlesports, !
; motor sports,ball sporls,fightingsports,extremesporls !

In poirs, comporeyour lists,ond tell eoch other obout your experiences.

,f ffiTllu;l Dates
w In poirs, listen to these questions ond write the dotes down in words, e.g. the twenty-fifth
of December.
r'"' t
1 What'sthe date today? 6 What was the date threeweeks ago today? ;
: 2 What was the date yesterday? 7 What are the datesof this course/term?
j !
! 3 What date was it lastTuesday? 8 What'sthe date the day aftertomorrow? :
4 What'sthe date on Thursday? 9 What date is the next exam? :
5 What date was it lastThursdav? 10 What daie will it be a week on Saturday? :

Compore your onswerswith onother poir.

!'p'I'm going to dictotethe dotesof the ostrologicolsigns.Moke o note of the signsond
the dotes,in numbers,e.g.Aries:21/3 - 20/4.

i Aries:21 Mar- 20 Apr 21 Apr- 21 May

Taurus: Gemini:22 May- 22 Jun I
i Cancer: -
23 Jun 23 Jul Leo:24Jul- 23 Aug Ykgo:24Aug- 23 Sep l
! LiOra:24 Sep- 23 Oct 24 Ocl- 22 Nov
Scorpio: 23 Nov- 21 Dec I
i Capricorn: 21 Jan- "19Feb
22 Dec- 20 JanAquarius: Pisces:20 Feb* 20 Mar I

Toke turns to tell me your sign ond when the sign is, e.g. My sign is Aries.That'sfrom the
twenty-firstof March to the twentiethof April

ffiffiilIul Clocks
(Drow three clock foces on the boord, eoch showing o different time. Ask different students
ot rondom to soy the times. Then tell them thot the clocks ore fast by twenty minutes.
Elicit the new times. Chonge the times ogoin ond continue until everyone hos hod o few
goes. If the closs is mixed notionolity, osk them whot the time is in their home towns.)

Vocabulary 147
W-u;l lmportant dates
@ Work in smoll groups. Tell eoch other obout some importont dotes in your country,s
When ore thesecelebrotions?
' ChristmasDay (25thDecember) GuyFawkesNight(5thNovember)
AprilFoolsDay (1stAprit) St Valentine's
j lndeOendenceDay in the USA (athJuty) NewYear'sEve(31stDecember)
i Midsummer'sDay (21stJune) Halloween(3'1
st October)
Compareyour onswerswith onother group.
f w3rk in smoll groups. Write down these dotes os o list on the left of your poper. (Dictate l - E
the datesin brocketsbelow.).
Listen to thesehistoric events,ond write them next to the correct dotes. (Reodthem
in rondom order.)

Lhg?-OuVlandings happened in Normandy.(6thJune.1944)

NeilArmstrolgwasthefirstmanto walkon the Moon.(2othJuly1969)
christophercolumbusreached thewest lndies.(i2th dctob", i+oz1
jghn-.FKennedy wasassassinated. (22ndNovember 1963)
Therewasa terroristattackon theTwinTowers,Newyork.(11thseptember2oo1)
Thewrightbrothersmadethefirstpoweredflight.(17thDecember 1903)
YuriGegarin wasthefirstmanin space.('j2thApril1961)
WilliamtheConqueror invaded (t+tfrOctoOer
England. tbOO; H
N The SovietUnionofficialty

Comporeyour onswers
with onothergroup.
ffiffiriFl Personaltime
!w In poirs,oskand onswerquestions
oboutthesethings.(If studentshovegot children,
they contolk obouttheminsteod.)

l ,
oayyouwereborn,thetimeof dayyouwereborn,the monthyouwereborn,
;: Il]"
the seasonyouwereborn,theyearyouwereborn,the decadevouwereborn

&* In poirs, osk and onswerquestionsusing this toble.

What do you do in the morning on Sundays?

in the afternoon Wednesdays?
at night Saturdays?

P" Corry out o survey of the rest of the closs.Chooseone of thesesubjectsond find out
how long eoch studentspendsdoing it eoch doy. Moke o list, with thosewho spend
most time ot the top ond thosewho spendthe leost ot the bottom.

watchingW sleeping,eating,sittingon publictransport, i

: exercising,
speakingon the phone,cooking,walking,relaxing, :
reading,drinkingtea or coffee,studying,uJinga cofrtputer "
i !
Reportsomeof your resultsto the closs.(Elicitthe extremes.)

148 700Classroom
|lffiWiM What time do you ...?
When you heor thesewords,quickly moke o questionobout whot time I do the thing, e.g.
troin - What time do you catch the train to work?Make a note of my clnswers.(Answer two
questionswith lies ond the rest truthfully.)

f worl?lesson,get up, lunch break,home, bed, breakfast,bus/train :

;;;il; ;;;;;, ;;;;;;"

In poirs, osk eoch other questionsin the some wot e.g.A - What time doyou get up?
B - I get up at eleven.

Put thesetime periods in order, from the shortestto the longest.
] an hour,a century a decade,a week, ayear,a month, i
:-: :-:::9::il::::-'-: ---".
Write o How long...Zquestionfor five of them ond toke turns to osk your portner, e.g.A -
How long is oneyear?B - A year is 365 days.
In poirs, write some more questionswith How long doesit take Qou) to ... ? Moke sure you
both hove o copy of the questions,then swop portnersond osk your new portner your
questions,e.g. A - How long doesit take to boil an egg?B - It takesfour minutes.

L]::::.M Time-saving devices
In smoll groups,broinstorm ten time-sovingdeviceswe use for doing ordinory jobs. Put
them in order from the most to the leost useful.Comporelists with onother group.

iffiffi-cl Seasons
s' (Divide the clossinto four groupsond ollocoteone seosonto eoch group.) In your
groups,brainstorm sentencesto describethe seosonsin the UK, e.g.In springthe birdsstart
to sing. Theflowerscomeout.
Group A, write obout the spring. Group B, write obout the summer. Group C, write obout
the outumn. Group D, write about the winter.
Possyour descriptionto the next group ond seeif you con odd to the one thot is possedto
your group.
Tell your group somethingyou like and somethingyou dislike obout each seoson,e.g.I like
the way the daysget longerin spring.
Comporethe seosonsin your country with thosein the UKiUSA/Austrqlio.(If it's o mixed
notionolity closs,osk them to find comporisonsbetweentheir countries,e.g.In my country,
it's muchcolderin the winter.Thereare moremosquitoes in the summer.)
$e"Work in two teoms.Listento this list of words.For eoch one, shout out which seosonin
the UK it belonqsto. The first teom to onswercorrectlywins o point.
j snow,sunbathing, planting
flowers,icicles,ice-cream,hot, cool,cuckoo.darkness,
j birds,rain,migration,
thunder,Aprilshowers,red leaves,football.cancing. harvesi,
I cricket,lambs,skiing,mushrooms,centralheating,fog, barbecues.daifooils,long nights

,bcabulary 149
IEffi-Li.l Weather words
On your own, write some words thot you ossociotewith the sun, roin ond snow, e.g. sun-
Compore your lists with o partner, exploining why"you
choseyour words and ploces.

ffiffi_ilul Weather forecast

*" (Drow pictures on the boord to elicit rain, sun, wind, cloud,snow and fog.)
In pairs, copy this toble ond add os mony expressionsos you con.

Noun Adjective Verb

ratn It'srainy. It's raining.
It'sa rainycountry. It rains a lot here.

@ In poirs, discussthesequestions.

What is the weatherforecastfor the next couoleof davs?

What kinds of weatherare typicalat differenttimes of ihe year?
What are the pointsof the compassand the pointsin between?

Work in five groups and write a weother forecostfor these ports of the UK. Decide whot
kind of weother you wont first. (Moke sure thot o wide voriety is included between the five
groups,e.9. snow in the Highlonds of Scotlondond worm sunshinein the south.)
Group A - EostAnglio ond the south-eost
Group B - The south ond south-west
Group C - Wolesond Northern Irelond
Group D - The Midlonds ond the north-eost
Group E - Scotlondond the north of Englond
(Draw o mop of the UK on the boord. Ask one student to come to the boord. The five
groups take turns to give their forecostsond the student ot the boord drows weother
icons occordingly.)
(Voriotion:Chongethe locotion to the country the classore studying in.)

lElffi Naturaldisasters
Tell me some different kinds of noturol disaster,ond o recent exomple of one thot hos
hoppenedin the world.

forestfire,tidal wave, hurricane,avalanche,earthquake,volcaniceruotion

In smoll groups, discussthese questions.

i vvnathappenswheneachof thesenaturaldisasters
! . . , .
f! Are anyof thema resultof humanactivity?
io thn

al^|.\^l ^li*^+^ ^h^^^;^^o

Tell eoch other obout the most severeweather or noturol eventyou hove experienced.

150 700Classroom
ffi$ffiffiM StorYboard
I , m g o i n g t o t e l l y o u o s t o r y , b u t w i t h o u t s p e a k i n g . Iond
, I l d you
r o w con
o n t hwrite
e b oito rdown'
you tell me eoch line of the story.iiilt coirect,I'f nod *l
#;rs rh;.;ffi;;'il"s ior"',dffibi'd.
I got ,p ano
breakfist the
iooro dog a wa|kalongthe beach. i
i I turnedfor
houror so it got ctoudyanotrt" windstarledblowing' lighting
I Afteran"unv,.t-]uo
i homebut got caughtin a neavi'Oo*nOtut T,?li19 i
seagot higherandnlgner' !
I started.Th-ewaveson the
got a lot worse'
In smoll groups,continue the story' e'g' Thestorm
got cought in bad weother'
Tell the rest oi your group obout o time you

ffilllu;l Adiectives
Stond in a circle. Toke t"orro.iot"a
u r n s t o t h r o w o b o l l t o e o c h o t h e r o n d f o l l o w t h i s s e qond
u e nnoun'
saY an noun; 3) moke o sentencewith the odjective
on odiective;2)
ond so on' e.9.
A (throwing) - Green'
B (cotching) - Tree'
C icotchin6j - The treesare verygreenin the summer'
D (cotching)- Hot "'
of the previousodjectivet e'g'green''new'wonderfuI'

E-l-PTffil Collocations -
follow theseodverbs'e'9' devilishly hof'
In pairs, think of on oppropriate adiectiveto
(Suggestedo,,,*"" o" iho*" in brickets' Don't -
give them out at this stage')

It m;;*il; *d(.6=*'#;v*t'11:l+;+
nuuuirv pregnant);;i
. ; (injured, randomly
""""bt"ol; (lit'colouredj;
i serlousry stunningly
exaggbrateb); (beautiful) I
i (setectefu; _X
Compore your ideos with onother poir'
them out in o different order')

Iffiu;l Pairs
Shout out the word that goeswith it'
(Do this crson open clossoctivity.) I will soy o word'
e.9.T - breadand "'S - butter
i s o c K s , k n i v e s , s w e e t , c a t s , b a c o n ' w a r 'husband'
s a l t ' l e f theaven'
' h i g h ' srock
ou"t' thundel
i black,hands,gin, here,Ot"ui' ,*n@,- "-j

poirs os you con ftom memory' The teom thot

work in three teoms. write os mony of the
remembersthe most is the winner'

Vocabulary 151
lEffi Links
Look ot this word ossociation choin.

I book-write- pen- ink-octopus- legs- run- bus-

- cinema- Hollywood- actor- play- game ...
I tict<et

Suggestsomeconnectionsbetweenthe words,e.g. Ink is the stuffyouput in a pen.

In groups,continue the choin. You con soy onything but you hove to exploin the
connectionif someonequeriesit.

Think of a use
Work in poirs. Moke connectionsby soying whqt the things in the first column con do with
the things in the second,e.g.A mousecan usea brickto hidebehind.

mouse,waiter,baby,doctor,teacher, i ;r, il;pi""" '

monkey,wife, farmer,you, prisoner "ppr"rc"i"r., "t.*"q
lf"9i!*f: 9eqi:illl?il*T_* _
When you hove finished,swop portnerswith another poir ond comporethe woy you

ffiffii$ffiffi]Throw it out
Work in groupsof four. Chooseo letter eoch:A, B, C ond D. I'm going to reod out some
setsof four words.A tokesthe first, B the second,etc. Discusswho doesnot belong in the
group each time. Try to persuodeyour group thot you should stoy in. You hove o minute
beforeI read the next set of words,e.g. tomoto, oronge,pototo, onion. S - Wedecidedto
throw out the potato becauseit's the most boring.
'1 garden,
flower,grass,tree 7 iron,copper,brass,gold
2 book,page,line,word 8 iron,mop, hoover,broom
3 hat, scarf,shirt,gloves 9 skinny,slender,lithe,thin
4 piano,guitar,cello,trumpet 10 wire,where,wear,ware
5 l, we, him,they 11 in, on, up, opposite
A hlr re nreen rnrl vellOw 12 table,chair,cooker,sofa

I om going to reod out somewords.Shout out the opposites.You moy hove to exploin why
you think they ore opposites.When you have hod o go, keep quiet until everyoneelsehos
hod one.

lEffi-tl parts
Work in poirs. Agreewhot thesethings are port of, e.g. page- book.
--"-"--* -:****l
i leg,uncle, house, day,verb, wheel,
star, MP, fork, modem, !
! Oone, word, soldier,
bird,tree, brick i

Choose o few of the words ond see how mony more words you con odd to them, e.g.
poge - book - collection - Iibrary - university.

152 700 ClassroomActivities

Ability 2 3 , 4 2 ,5 7 Deduction 48_s0
Accommodqtion 7, 47, 60, 62 Definitions 7LO,L22,127_L2g
Adiectives 57, 65, 7g-79, 91.,L1,4,r.J.7, Demonstrativeodiectivesond pronouns 79_g0
l2o_12'1,, r42, 1.5t
Adverbs Describingpeople 14, 50-52,57, 70,
65-66 78, g6, gg, LzO,L21,,I24
Adverbs of frequency 66, LO3 Describingploces L7,SZ, 53,69, g6, gg,
Advertisements 7, 39,46, 57, 70 1L6,72-1., 133,L42
Advice 2'1.,4345,75,99 Describingthings !4, SO_SZ,79, gZ, j,24. 142
All/None lt6 Directions 53
Alphobet 2L, 92, gg, '1.23,1.37,1,44_L46 Educotion ll_12, 60, t1.g
Animols 9 , 6 9 , 9 6 , 1 2 1 . _ 1 2 2 Employment 4!,56,59, L1.4,l}g_1,2g,t4t
Apostrophe s 67, 95, 1,30 Enough LI7
Arithmetic 138 Environment lZ_13,4L. 1L7
Articles 67_68 Equol opportunities Zg
A s . . .a s 71. Exclomotions LO2,LZZ, 129
Be/Getusedto Explonotion
6469 SO,56, g7, gg, 92, lOO,LL9
Both/Neither 93,116 Fomily go,32, s0, L3o-131,139
Britoin 1.9,29,72 Fomouspeople 1,g,ZO, 3'1,,gg,67, g7
Business 24 Foshion lg_L4, I24_t2S
Buying ond selling 25,4546,47, L43 Festivols rc, L4g
Cors 40,47,55 Food 14='1.6,45, 52, LO6,131_133
Cotegories L2-J., t23, 147 For/Since 1oo_101
Childhood 17, 1.L9,Llg Furniture
'J..3-1.4, 7,142_l4g
Clothes 47, 96, 124_.1,25 Future 16_17,7g,gO_g1,g3, 97
Collocations 6 6 , ' ] , . 4 0t 4, 3 , ' 1 . 5 L Futurecontinuous L7,g7
Colours 125_126 Future perfect St
Comporatives 69_72, L37 Geogrophy 17,6g,72,96, lOS,l^g3_134, Lg7
Comploining 4647, LL3, 1L4, LL7 Gerunds gLgZ, lgs
Compoundnouns L4O,143 Gettingto know you gg, 54,7'1.,gZ, gg, IO7,
ts Computers 33,126_127 1L-J.,t'1,2,1,L5,L3L, L48
Conditionols - first 72_74 Going to
Conditionols- second 74_75 Hobits L5,22, 34,66, LO3,1,49
Conditionols - third 76 Have
Confusing words t27 Have/Get something done
Conjunctions 42, 77_79 Heolth 18-19, 43, 44,135_136
Copular verbs 50,7g-79, g'1.,g7 Heolth ond sofety 43,60
Countqble ond uncountoble lo5, 1.L7 Heroes ond heroines
(My) Country L7,20,29,64,69, g6, Lg3,137 History lg_20, 45, L17, 74g
Crime ond punishment 8-'1.0,17,49 Hobbies 2 2 , 3 4 ,4 2
Criticising 47, 1.17 Holidoys 27-22, 62, 97, too, LI3, 196_137
Culfure LO-'[-L, L6, 3r, 36, 69, 134 Hotels 62
Customsand troditions L0, L4g Houses ond rooms 7, 52, 96, 1.L6,Lzg, 742
Dotes t47_148 Idioms g , 1 3 , 9 6 ,7 3 9
Debates g , L 2 ,1 . 9 L
, g , 2 9 , 3 0 ,4 L Indirect questions 108

lndex 153
Infinitives 84-85, 104 Punctuotion 6 7 ,1 2 7
Informotion technology 33, 1.26-1.27 Quontifiers lo5--to6, tl7
Instructions 55-56 Question forms 3 6 , 3 9 , 5 4 , 5 96,0 , 6 2 ,
Internet L27 105,L06-108,tL2, L18
Inventions 24, 32, 55, 59, L4g Question togs ro7, log
Interviews 9 , 1 3 , 4 r , 5 4 , 5 8t,O 7 Reflexivepronouns 704
I wish/ If only 75,76 Register 62
fobs 41, 56-58, 59,128-129, I4L Regret 45,76
Longuoges L34 Relotionships 7, 30-32, 43, !!3, 1,3O-I91., L41.
Leisure 22-23,'1.36,1.44 Relotiveclouses ll}-ll2
Like 85_87 Reportedspeech 112-113
Likes ond dislikes 5 2 , 5 4 ,6 9 , 7 1 . , 8 1 , Requests 61-63, g5
85, 86, 1.-1.-1, 146 Restouronts LS, IOg, IL4
Look like 87 Sayings 8 , 2 5 , 3 1 , 3 9 ,4 4 , 8 6
Love 3 1 ,3 2 , 9 9 , l l 3 , 1 , 3 L School L1,,lZ, LLg
Mime 5 1 ,6 5 ,9 3 , 9 6 , 1 4 01, 5 1 Science 16, IB,3Z-39
Money 2 1 , 2 4 - 2 5 , 2 94 ,6 Seqsons I49
Monologues 25-26 Senses 79
Much/Many L O s ,L 0 6 ,t t 7 Sequencing 5 5 , 7 8 , 9 1 , , 9 3 , 9 49,5
Music 23 Shopes 51
Necessity 57, 58*59 Shops 45,46,47, 53, L43-144
Neither/Either 115 so tr4
Newspopers 27, gg, gg So/Too 115-116
Numbers L33,137-138 Spelling 14+-146
Obligotion 60-61 Speculotion 48-50,76,80
Offers 61-63,gl., g5 Spontaneousdecisions 81
Opposites 152 Sport 33-94,72, I34, 146--1,47
Ports of the body 135, 1.38-1.40 Stiil/Yet/Already/lust 101
Possive 84, 87-88 Stories 9, 34-36,89,93,103,145,151
Postcontinuous 88_90 Studyskills 12
Postporticiples 9 7 , g g ,g t , g g Superlotives B, Zl-72, I2B, I3g
Postperfect 88,91-92 Superstitions 74
Postsimple 1.9,20, 8g-9O,92-95 Survivol 97, 76
Permission 63-64 Technology 16, t8, gZ-,33,56, !49
Personolpronouns ro4 Telephoning 46,57,64, L4l
Phrosolverbs 140-L4l Television 38-39
Plqns 79,93,97 Thereis/are 't
tOS, 16, L1.7 , I4Z
Politics 1,2-L3,1 8 ,2 8 - 3 0 ,4 1 , 7 2 , 7 5 , 9 3 ,I 1 , 7 Time 39,92,94, 147-t49
Possessive 79,95 Too ll7
Possessive 's
67,79,95,130 Trovel 2t-22, 40, 69, 9L,100,103, 136,L4l
Prediction 16,90, g3 Tronsport 40,'Lg6
Prepositions 51, 53, 82, t4O Usedto ZO, ll7-]jg
Presentcontinuous 65,96-9g, L3O Verb potterns 87, 82,85, 104,113
Presentperfect 88, 98-L02 Weother 't49-1.51
Presentsimple 102_103 Whatever/Whoever ... rt2
Prohibition 60-61 Word associotion 40, 125,'1.51-152
Pronouns 7g-go, 95, Io4 Work 41,56-58, rL4, t28-129,1.41
Proverbs 8 , 2 5 , 3 L ,3 9 ,4 4 Would like 85

154 700 Classroom


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