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Therapist: ______________________

Child Name: ___________________ Date: ______________

Age: _______

Gender: _____________

Date of birth: _____________

No of siblings: _______ brothers ______ Sisters _______ Order: __________

Contact Number: ___________________ Email: ____________________ Postal add:


Father Name: __________________ Occupation: _______________ ____ Age____ Income: _______

Mother Name: __________________ Occupation: _______________ ____ Age____ Income: __________

Age at time of Marriage

Type of Marriage
Father: ___________
Cousin: Out of family
Mother: ___________
Relatives Others

Any disability / Disorder

Family system
Father: _________________________
Joint: Divorced
Mother: _________________________

Family: __________________________ Nuclear Foreigner

Sibling’s details

1st born: Name _______________ Age: _____ any problem: ________________________

2nd born: Name _______________ Age: _____ any problem: ________________________

3rd born: Name _______________ Age: _____ any problem: ________________________

4th born: Name _______________ Age: _____ any problem: ________________________

Presenting Problem (Symptoms)
Symptoms Tick Symptoms Tick Symptoms Tick

Poor interaction (Ambiguous

Irritable mood Weak hygiene Management
speech, multiple meaning speech)
Slow learning or poor Deficit in emotional and social
Language problem
academics domain
Illogical or no Unable to describe a
Deficit in non-verbal communication
Reasoning topic or series of event

Poor judgment Reduced Vocabulary Poor or weak eye contact

Difficulty in sound
Poor communication Repetitive words
Poor social Disturbed or Poor social
Imaginative play (Alone)
participation Participation

Dependent living Stuttering or stammering Repetitive motor movements

Unusual interest in sensory aspect

Fixative interest Hyper activity / impulsive
of environment
Excessive smelling or Visual fascination with Fails to give close attention to
touching of objects lights or movements details
Avoid /Difficulty in organizing task
Careless mistakes Attention deficit
and activities
Easily distracted by Forgetful in daily Poor or weak self-management /
extraneous stimuli activities self-care / leisure and play
Inaccurate or slow
Difficulty with spelling Difficulty with written expression
effortful word reading
Difficulty mastering Clumsiness as well as slowness and
Difficulty with
numbers sense number inaccuracy of performance in motor
mathematics reasoning
facts and calculations skills
Purposeless motor
behavior (Hand Repetitive motor
Non rhythmic motor movement or
shaking, waving, self- behavior (May result in
vocalization (Tic)
biting, hitting own self injury)
Separates easily from
Overly talkative Nightmares

Cries easily Temper tantrums Nervous and sensitive

Presenting Problem (Details)

1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________

Onset of a Problem


Q) - Does child has any preferences in food


Sleep difficulty?


Q) - Is child sensitive to touch / sound/ pain


Languages Spoken at Home With whom child spend most time

Primary others

How child tell his/her needs Does child understand when spoken?
Pointing / Gestures Clearly Need Assistant

Sound Confused

Single word Short phrases Little understanding

Age of playmates Age and procedure of toilet training

Older than him/her Strict

Younger than him/her Lenient

Same age Proper

Siblings Age _____________

Describe play of child


Does child give response to strangers?


Does child aware of his/her problems? If yes than how


Other family members living with child and their behavior towards him/her (Name/Age/relation)


At what age were you first concerned about your child problem?


How do you feed? How do you appreciate? How do you punish?

Strict No appreciation No punishment

Careless Avoiding Avoiding

Over caring Over appreciation Over Punishing

Over feeing proper Proper Proper

With whom child sleep (if separate then at what age he started sleeping separate)
Developmental History Time Duration Statement Tick

1 Pregnancy duration: 280 days or 40

Natural birth on time
2 Pregnancy duration: 37 weeks Preterm or premature baby

3 Pregnancy duration: 34-37 weeks Moderately Preterm

4 Pregnancy duration: 23-28 weeks Extremely preterm

5 Pregnancy duration: over 42 weeks Overdue

Birth Procedure

Normal At home

Cesarean Dai

Hard Under Doctor

If birth is before time: 37 weeksAny Trauma
Breach any other _______________ Time Duration Tick Tick

1 Breathing problem Yes No

2 Low blood sugar Yes No

3 NICU Yes No

4 Feeding problem: sucking & swallowing Yes No

5 More often readmitted to hospital Yes No

6 First Cry of baby On Time Late

Post-Partum depression: ____________________ Birth weight: ___________

Any illness during pregnancy

Any miscarriages

Any medication during pregnancy

Any stress or trauma during pregnancy

Post Natal History

Medical history (Provide ages at which child suffered any of following illness)

Jaundice ____________ Allergies_______________ Infection _____________

Hemorrhage _________ Asthma ________________ Bronchitis ___________

Chicken Pox _________ Colds _________________ Convulsions __________

Dizziness ____________ Ear Infections __________ Headaches ____________

High fever ___________ Measles _______________ Mumps ______________

Pneumonia ____________ seizures _______________ Sinusitis _____________

Tinnitus _______________ Tonsillitis _____________ Constipation _________

Epilepsy ____________ any hearing problem_______ Medication_________

Any medication

1. _____________________________________ Reason ______________________________

2. _____________________________________ Reason ______________________________
3. _____________________________________ Reason ______________________________
4. _____________________________________ Reason ______________________________
5. _____________________________________ Reason ______________________________

Miles stones: On time Delay still late

General Observation of a child

 Eye contact: ___________________________________________________________________

 Alertness: _____________________________________________________________________

 Sitting span: ___________________________________________________________________

 Socialization: __________________________________________________________________

 Cleanliness: ____________________________________________________________________

 Dressing: _____________________________________________________________________

 Postures: _____________________________________________________________________

 Behavior : _____________________________________________________________________

Any schooling

Batteries to apply

Indication of disorder / tentative diagnosis








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