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Name: Sabarre, Paulyn L.


Strand and Section: GAS11A-EMERALD Subject: Physical Science

1. What is Physical Science? Physical science is the study of the inorganic word.Physical science is
ordinarily thought of as consisting of four broad areas, astronomy, physics, chemistry, and the
earth science.

2. What are your expectations in the subject Physical Science? I will expect to study about non-
living things.

3. What are your expectations to your teacher in Physical Science class? I expect my teacher to
provide me the opportunity to learn and grasp the topics in this subject in a way that I can
understand, as well as providing enough feedback on my abilities, so that I can use what I’ve
learned and reach my objective.

4. Pick one specific topic about Physical Science which you find more interesting and explain why. I
pick Physics because it studies the nature. Because physics is somehow related to philosophy
and i love philosophy It’s nature knowledge that study everything in our surrounding.

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