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I. Read the following text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (10 x1p =

Dear John,
I have a little problem, to say the least and would be grateful for your advice. Things have
gone really bad this week at work. On Thursday I missed this really important meeting. I
supposed, as (1) (DO) ________ we all, that the meeting would be cancelled as my boss, Mr.
DW had the flu. Little (2) (KNOW) _______ that Mike Tranter himself, DW’s boss, was
there in the meeting room, (3) (WAIT) ________ for us all and nobody turned up!
Apparently, Mike (4) (SEND) _________ me an e-mail that morning, (5) (ASK) __________
me to tell everyone the meeting was still on, but that (6) (BE) _________ the day I was too
busy to check my e-mails, wouldn’t it! Mike was livid and accused me of (7) (HAVE)
____________ no common sense whatsoever. I tried (8) (APOLOGIZE) ________ and
suggested we (9) (REARRANGE) _________ the meeting, but he wasn’t in the least bit
interested. From his point of view, not only had I failed to attend a meeting, but I had also
failed to communicate a vital message which he’d entrusted me with. No sooner had I
emerged from Mike’s office after a dressing-down that (10) (LAST) ________ a good 15
minutes than who should phone me but DW wanting to know exactly what had happened at
the meeting. He must have arranged for Mike to chair the meeting in his place. Well, I feel
like I might as well go and hand in my resignation now! Any advice more than gratefully
received by a desperate friend,

II. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in each sentence (10 x 1p = 10

Three or four cups of coffee a day may not sound (1) _______ (EXCESS), yet some of the
minor symptoms many of us experience (like headaches, indigestion or high blood (2)
______(PRESS) may be related to caffeine (3) ______ (TAKE). A cup of real coffee contains
about 100 mg of caffeine. It stimulates the (4) ______ (NERVE) system, heart and kidneys.
Heavy caffeine (5)______ (CONSUME) is likely to produce a general feeling of anxiety. The
effects that caffeine has on the human body depends to some extent on personality and (6)
______ (PSYCHOLOGY) factors. People, for example, who take tranquillizers are often (7)
______ (SENSE) to caffeine. Drinking more coffee only makes their symptoms worse.
Although there is no clear evidence of any long-term dangers of caffeine, it might be
worthwhile trying to find out if it is responsible for minor (8) _______ (ILL) by gradually
reducing the amount we drink. Switching to tea or (9) _____ (CAFFEINE) coffee is not the
answer either because it tends to have a greater effect on your stomach, causing (10) _______

III. Read the texts below and decide which variant (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Sudden fame
The small (1)…… we were performing at around the country were all beginning to sell (2)
…… and extra bouncers were having to be called in to hold back the growing legion of
screaming girls. We found ourselves having to use secret entrances to the village halls and


ballrooms we were playing to prevent ourselves being mobbed by fans. On the few nights a
week when we were not working, we found it difficult to leave the house without being
pursued through the streets by adoring followers. In a (3)…… of days, we had been
transformed into celebrities. Our moves were monitored by our admirers and all of our needs
(4)…… for by our management and other interested parties. Even though the shyness that had
always accompanied me never quite went away, it was replaced by a strange naïve over-
confidence that only naturally shy people who have been thrust into similar situations can (5)
….. to. In short, I was emotionally totally out of my…… (6).

1. A sites B venues C scenes D abodes

2. A out B up C off D on
3. A course B question C spell D matter
4. A answered B catered C afforded D granted
5. A identify B relate C ally D connect
6. A depth B extent C level D reach

Tuning in

Some experiences (7)…... themselves so sharply on our memory that they form islands of
clarity in our recollection. For me, such a momentous (8)……. took place one night in
California many years ago, when I lay awake listening to the rapturous strains of a
mockingbird singing from an invisible (9)….. in one of the tall trees that were (10)……
around the suburban neighbourhood. I don’t suffer from insomnia- it was the exquisite artistry
of the singer that kept me awake.

7. A etch B scratch C trace D cut

8. A proceeding B circumstance C development D occasion
9. A venue B location C situation D area
10. A spotted B dabbed C dotted D flecked

IV. Fill the gaps in the text below with ONE suitable word.(1x15=15p)

The London Congestion Charge is a system designed to collect a daily payment from all
vehicles (1) ……  use of public roads in the central area of London which first (2) ……  into
operation on the 17th February 2003. The (3) …… of its two main objectives was to
discourage some of the many drivers that had previously (4) …… London’s streets to a
standstill (5) …… entering the zone. The other was to raise capital from those drivers that
persisted (6) …… using these roads and which could then be invested in London’s (7) ……
transport system.
(8) …… the terms of the scheme, a payment of eight pounds is required for any vehicle
entering the Congestion Charging Zone or moving (9) ……  inside it. People living (10) …… 
the zone’s boundaries are eligible for a ninety percent refund and taxis, emergency vehicles
and any vehicles such as bicycles which are deemed to be non-polluting are totally (11) …… 
from all charges. These concessions have helped to alleviate some of the initial objections to
the scheme but it is still controversial.
Payment can be (12) ...... out via a special website, by telephone or in one of a large number
of shops that are equipped (13) ...... a pay-point. Payment can also be made the day after a
visit to London (14) ...... an increased cost of eighteen pounds. The charge is enforced by a


number of fixed cameras dotted around the London area, which make use of state of the (15)
...... software for recognising the numbers and letters on car registration plates. Any drivers
caught driving inside the zone without paying are liable to a sixty-pound fine.

V. (20 points) Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning stays the same and
using the word in capitals. You must not change the word in capitals.
1.’Is cleaning the room now really necessary? HAVE
‘Does this room __________________________ ?
2. We will never forget that experience. AN
That was_______________________________ experience
3. ‘If I were you, I would think of a surprise party’. THAT
Tom suggested ______________________ of a surprise party.
4. ‘I’m in a bit of a hurry, but I’ll ring you tomorrow’, he said. WAS
He said____________________________________ .
5. It’s a pity I did not notice she had problems. NOTICED
I wish _________________________she had problems
6.’Have you got news about Jim?’ Tom asked his sister. WHETHER
Tom asked his sister _______________________________about Jim.
7. After his retirement he started playing golf. TOOK
After his retirement______________________ golf.
8. He told me at least three times how to do it, and I still did not understand! DID
Not even after________________________ how to do it.
9. His boss will not tolerate his attitude. PUT
His boss _________________________________ attitude.
10. I expect you were completely exhausted by the end of the week! MUST
By the end of the week _______________________exhausted!

VI. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D (1 x 10 p = 10 p)

1) If Steve wants to go to university, he will need to work hard to make the … .

a) degree
b) category
c) point
d) grade

2) The two political candidates were at … over the new education act.
a) loggerheads
b) odd
c) dispute
d) conflict

3) Dacă n-ar fi locuit în Franţa, nu ar avea un accent atât de bun.

a) If she wouldn't live in France, she wouldn't have such a good French accent.
b) Unless she had lived in France, she wouldn't have had such a good French accent.
c) If she hadn't lived in France, she wouldn't have such a good French accent.
d) If she wouldn't have lived in France, she wouldn't have such a good French accent.


4) His parents wished he … about leaving the country yet, but his wife would rather he …
a) decided / would make up his mind
b) wouldn't decided / would make up his mind
c) didn't decided / were making up his mind
d) hadn't decided / made up his mind

5) Food additives _______ less in the _____ future across the globe.
a) might use/distant
b) might be used/distant
c) could be used/remotely
d) oughtn't be used/far

6) ______ the good pay, I wouldn't stay in this demanding job.

a) But for
b) If it wouldn't be for
c) Unless it wasn't for
d) If it hasn't been for

7) If you happen to see a lion on your safari trip, run for your life!
a) Should you have seen a lion on your safari trip, run for your life!
b) If you were to have seen a lion on your safari trip, run for your life!
c) Should you see a lion on your safari trip, run for your life!
d) Had you seen a lion on your safari trip, run for your life!

8) Not only … being told what to do, but he also resents … things imposed by others.
a) does he hate / doing
b) he hates / doing
c) does he hate / to do
d) he hates / to do

9) If he _______ the meeting place in ______ time, he risks ______ the ______.
a) won't arrive to/high/to be shown/door
b) doesn't arrive at/due/to be given/box
c) doesn't get to/due/being given/sack
d) doesn't come to/spare/getting/purse

10) În timp ce vi se va pregăti prânzul, masa va fi fost pusă în sufragerie.

a) As your lunch is prepared, the table will have been laid in the dining room.
b) As your lunch will be prepared, the table will be lain in the dining room.
c) As your lunch has been prepared, the table will be laid in the dining room.
d) As your lunch is going to be prepared, the table will have been lain in the dining room.

VII. Read the text again and write an opinion essay discussing improvements in education
over the last 100 years.(200-250 words) (25p)


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