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Morality – is the practice or effort to become
ever more truly and fully human by living
peacefully with others or by co-existence
with others. According to Fr. Marc Oraison,
“it is the science of what man ought to be by
reason of what he is.”
The 5 Approaches Expounded

■ Morality as Law
■ Morality as Inner Conviction
■ Morality as Personal Growth
■ Morality as Love
■ Morality as Social Transformation
Morality as Law
“Morality not only comes outside us but also
outside authority figures. It is founded on the
nature of things.”
■ There is a moral order of the universe.
■ Authority figures just interpret it.
Morality as Inner Conviction
This way is not something that we just make for ourselves but rather
morality has been internalized.
The Vatican 2 document the Church in the Modern World teaches
“Deep within our conscience we discover a law that we have not laid
upon ourselves, but which we must obey.”

Own Role: Listen to Conscience, Integrity

Outcome: Inner Peace versus Inner Disquiet
Morality as Personal Growth
What is happening to the person as a result of the
Are you becoming virtuous or vicious?
Ex. Telling of lies
-Physical growth
-moral growth
-mental growth
- spiritual growth
Morality as Personal Growth

Own Role: Value myself and others, Conversion

Outcome: Wholeness versus
Morality as Social Transformation
To be moral, in this perspective, means that we allow ourselves to
be personally affected by suffering and injustice and being
motivated to do what one can in response.

“Real change starts with us!”

Own Role: Justice, Solidarity

Outcome: Social Peace versus Division
Morality as Love
In this way, the other is as important as the I. The primary moral
experience is an experience of the I with the other. It is an invitation
and response type of morality.
It focuses on a loving relationship, becoming alive to that fact, and being
responsive to the demands that it entails.
“Love should be responded”

■ Own Role: Faithfulness, Response

■ Outcome: Communion versus Isolation

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