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Energy audit and conservation opportunities for pyroprocessing unit of a

typical dry process cement plant

Article  in  Energy · March 2010

DOI: 10.1016/


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3 authors, including:

Kabir Garba Usman A. El-Nafaty

Universiti Sains Malaysia Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University


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Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243

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Energy audit and conservation opportunities for pyroprocessing unit of a typical

dry process cement plant
G. Kabir*, A.I. Abubakar, U.A. El-Nafaty
Chemical Engineering Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P. M. B. 0248, Bauchi, Nigeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Cement production process has been highly energy and cost intensive. The cement plant requires 8784 h
Received 18 June 2009 per year of the total operating hours to produce 640,809 tonnes of clinker. To achieve effective and
Received in revised form efficient energy management scheme, thermal energy audit analysis was employed on the pyropro-
2 November 2009
cessing unit of the cement plant. Fuel combustion generates the bulk of the thermal energy for the
Accepted 4 November 2009
process, amounting to 95.48% (4164.02 kJ/kgcl) of the total thermal energy input. Thermal efficiency of
Available online 26 November 2009
the unit stands at 41%, below 50–54% achieved in modern plants. The exhaust gases and kiln shell heat
energy losses are in significant quantity, amounting to 27.9% and 11.97% of the total heat input respec-
Cement plant tively. To enhance the energy performance of the unit, heat losses conservation systems are considered.
Clinker Waste heat recovery steam generator (WHRSG) and Secondary kiln shell were studied. Power and
Energy audit thermal energy savings of 42.88 MWh/year and 5.30 MW can be achieved respectively. Financial benefits
Pyroprocessing for use of the conservation methods are substantial. Environmental benefit of 14.10% reduction in
Rotary kiln Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions could be achieved.
Thermal energy Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Lafarge [11] have demonstrated energy audit to be an effective

energy management programme. Moreover, is a key to a systematic
Cement production processes are highly energy and cost approach for decision making in the management of the energy
intensive operations. Energy accounts for 40–60% of the total requirement of a cement plant. The technique attempts to balance
production cost [1–6]. Modern cement plants with state-of-the-art total energy input with its output, and to quantify the usage for the
technology require 2.9 GJ per tonne of cement produced. Plants individual operations. The energy balance is always performed
with inferior technology, energy consumption could exceed 5.5 GJ around a system boundary, evaluated on good understanding of the
per tonne of cement produced [7–13]. Normal Portland cement is thermodynamic behaviour of the individual processes [14].
produced from a ground mixture of clinker, gypsum and pozzolans However, the energy audit is employed to calculate and assess the
materials in appropriate proportions to meet the expected stan- possibility of reducing the energy demand of each individual units
dards [5,6]. The clinker is produced from pyroprocessing of the raw of the process. The demand can be reduce through low cost energy
materials in a sequence of processes. These include the following conservation measures [10,13]. Recent developments in energy
operations: preheating the raw materials; precalcination, burning conservation measures for pyroprocessing unit, led to incorpora-
inside the kiln; and clinker cooling [7,9]. Typical of cement plants, tion of the following technologies: installation of multistage
pyroprocessing unit is thermal energy intensive, accounts for about preheaters with high efficiency low pressure cyclones; low air
90% of the thermal energy used in cements production process [13]. primary burners; modern kiln seals with low leakage and main-
Increasing competition, higher costs of raw material and fuel, and tenance cost; improved refractory systems; and use of alternative
general reduction in profit margins are hard felt by cement indus- fuels [1,14]. In addition, it can provide information towards energy
tries [12]. The need of the time is to optimise the operations to conservation and opportunities other than the later. For example,
overcome these challenges. Plant operational energy audit and waste heat recovery from kiln exhaust gases, and cooler, preheater
optimisation are regularly carried out to reduce specific energy and kiln surfaces hold the potential for improving the unit thermal
consumption and optimise the output [4]. Engin and Ari [10] and efficiency [10,14].
Detailed thermal energy audit of pyroprocessing unit of a typical
cement plant is presented in this report. The objectives are to
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ234 8039596023; fax: þ234 8023635213. evaluate the thermal energy consumption of the individual
E-mail address: (G. Kabir). equipments; to determine the overall energy performance of the

0360-5442/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

1238 G. Kabir et al. / Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243

unit. Also, to reveal the potential energy saving opportunities in the Table 1
unit and to propose low cost energy efficient recovery and Kiln feed and clinker composition.

conservation measures. Component Kiln feed (wt %) Clinker (wt %)

SiO2 13.29 19.22
Al2O3 3.83 6.16
1.1. Process description of the plant production line
Fe2O3 1.95 2.79
CaO 43.61 66.53
A Portland cement production plant in the North-east of Nigeria MgO 0.50 0.78
was considered as a case study for the thermal energy audit anal- SO3 0.23 0.23
ysis. The cement plant operates a dry cement process line with K2O 0.79 1.0
Na2O 0.06 –
a total annual installed capacity of 800,000 metric tonne per year. P2O5 – 0.24
The processes consist of limestone quarrying, crushing and mixing Mn2O3 – 0.23
with small proportion of iron ore and siliceous material (River Moisture 0.20 –
sand); stored in stock piles. The mixtures are blended by Loss on ignition 35.45 0.33
a mechanical stocker reclaimer; fed into two identical production Total 100 100
lines, each with 3000 hp raw mills. The raw materials are ground at Total carbonate 77.80 –
the mill into fine powder, blended and stored in silos, prior to
preheating in five staged cyclone preheaters. Then, the raw meals
are cascaded down the preheaters into rotary kiln furnaces (each
instruments required were identified. The kiln systems data were
with installed capacity of 350,000 tonnes per year) to undergo
documented accordingly for twelve months within 2007–2008;
clinkerisation reactions. Low pour fuel oil (LPFO) is burnt in the
used for the audit analysis. The compositions of the kiln feed,
kilns’ combustion chamber to maintain the reactions temperatures
clinker, and fuel were determined using standard procedures; the
at between 800  C and 1450  C. The reactions product leaving the
results are presented in Tables 1 and 2. Energy and material
kilns is rapidly cooled in planetary coolers into a nodular material
balances were carried out on the system, over a control volume
called clinker. The clinker is inter-ground with gypsum and other
shown in Fig. 1. All relevant data used for the analysis were
pozzolans materials to produced cement; packaged into 50 kg
obtained either from the plant control panel or by on site
measurement using the relevant instruments. Readings were taken
repeatedly to minimise errors. Average value of each set of data is
2. Methodology used throughout the study. In order to represent normal operating
conditions for a stabilised operation.
2.1. Energy audit methodology

The cement plant has two identical production lines with dry 3. Discussion of results
process kiln systems (pyroprocessing unit). Initial study on the
plant was conducted by the authors through several plant visits and 3.1. Energy audit analysis
induction training on the production processes. Energy consump-
tion data of the pyroprocessing unit (Fig. 1) were obtained In cement industries, pyroprocessing unit has been used to
from plant records and analysed. Major areas of heat losses and facilitate clinkerisation reactions for the formation of cement

Exit gases, Raw material,

97.73tph, 480°C 72.58tph, 50°C

Preheater group

Control volume

Rotary Kiln
Fuel (LFPO),
Hot clinker

Combustion air, Secondary

air Dust
68.36tph, 30°C
Planetary Cooler Clinker, 41.96tph,117°C

Cooling air

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of pyroprocessing system.

Author's personal copy

G. Kabir et al. / Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243 1239

Table 2 Table 4
Fuel data and component composition. Energy balance of the pyroprocessing unit.

Data type Value Component (wt %) Value Equation description Amount (kJ/kgcl) %
Calorific value, (kJ/kg) 40,667 C 88.8 Heat inputs
Entering temperature, ( C) 100 H 11.9 Combustion of fuel (Q1) 4164.02 95.48
Specific heat,(kJ/kg) 1.6736 S 0.32 Sensible heat in fuel (Q2) 17.14 0.39
Flow rate, (litre/hr) 4700 N 0.24 Sensible in raw material (Q3) 74.39 1.71
Density, (kg/m3) 914 – – Organic carbon in the feed (Q4) 56.66 1.30
Sensible heat in entering air (Q5) 49.13 1.13

Total 4361.34 100

clinker. Combustion of low pour fuel oil (LPFO) provides the heat Heat outputs
required for the reactions in the rotary kilns. Desirably, should be Moisture associated with air 35.64 0.82
Moisture in the raw material 8.24 0.19
operated on low fuel consumption, without affecting the quality of
Heat of formation of clinker (Q6) 1788.42 41.00
clinker produced. This could be achieved through an understanding Sensible heat in clinker (Q7) 86.00 1.98
on how the fuel is burnt and how efficient is utilised during Sensible heat from exit gases (Q8) 1216.75 27.90
burning. However, energy audit is the technique used to evaluate Radiation from kiln surface (Q9) 317.27 7.27
the thermal energy performance of the pyroprocessing unit (kiln Convection from kiln surface (Q10) 204.65 4.69
Radiation from preheater surface (Q11) 51.93 1.19
systems). The kiln systems energy performance can be determined
Natural convection from preheater surface (Q12) 116.05 2.66
from energy balance over the control volume shown in Fig. 1. Heat Radiation from cooler surface (Q13) 147.00 3.37
energy to and fro the control volume are equated using simple Convection from cooler surface (Q14) 94.82 2.17
steady state assumption. Therefore, relative distributions of Heat lost in making dust (Q15) 63.80 1.46
outgoing materials and thermal energy can be computed accord- Heat unaccounted for 230.77 5.29

ingly, when internal heat transfer is neglected. Total 4361.34 100

Material and heat balances around the control volume are per-
formed on a basis of 1 kgcl. Datum temperatures of 0  C is taken, the the total heat input to the unit. Therefore, total heat input of
quantity of energy and sensible heat of the different streams into 4361.34 kJ/kgcl is required to maintain clinkerisation reactions
and from the control volume are calculated. For the balances, the temperatures for the clinker formation. The total heat input is
following streams data are required: Feed rate of raw material; Fuel generated from combustion heat and total sensible heat with the
and air entering the system; Clinker discharge rate; and Kiln exit
gases leaving the system. The data can be obtained from the plant
records, while other relevant data for the analysis can be evaluated. Table 5
Energy balance equations, operation data and parameters.
The following are assumed for carrying out the energy audit
analysis: Descriptiona Operation data and
- The operating conditions are at steady state; _ C
Q1 ¼ M (1) M_ ¼ 0:102393ðkg=kg Þ,
f vf f cl

- The plant is under equilibrium conditions during the study Cvf ¼ 40,667 (kJ/kg)
_ C q
Q2 ¼ M (2) M_ ¼ 0:102393ðkg=kg Þ,
f pf f cl
period; Cpf ¼ 1.6736 kJ/kg  C,
- The ambient temperature is constant throughout the period q ¼ 100  C
of the study; _ rm hrm
Q3 ¼ M (3) M_ rm ¼ 1:73 kg=kg ,
- The air leakage is negligible; hrm ¼ Cq, CPrm ¼ 0.86 kJ/kg
 C, q ¼ 50  C
- The raw material, fuel and clinker compositions are constant; _ ogc Cvogc _ ogc ¼ 0:004613ðkg=kg Þ,
Q4 ¼ M (4) M cl
and Cvogc ¼ 32,752 (kJ/kg)
- The kilns, preheaters, and clinker coolers average surface _ Cp q
Q5 ¼ M air air
(5) M_
air ¼ 1:629451ðkg=kgcl Þ,
temperatures are constant. Cpair ¼ 1.005 kJ/kg  C,
" # q ¼ 30  C
2:22 A þ 6:48 M
Q6 ¼ þ7:646 Cc  4:184ðkJ=kgcl Þ (6) A ¼ 6.19, C ¼ 66.53, F ¼ 2.79,
The results of the material and energy balance for the pyro- 5:116 Ss  0:59 F MS ¼ 19.22, M ¼ 0.78
processing unit are presented in Tables 3 and 4 respectively. The _
Q7 ¼ M cl hcl (7) M_ ¼ 1:0ðkJ=kg Þ,
cl cl
pertinent equations used in evaluating the different heat transfer hcl ¼ 86 kJ/kg
_ eg Cpeg qeg
Q8 ¼ M (8) M_ eg ¼ 2:329473ðkg=kg Þ,
components of the systems energy balance are shown in Table 5. cl
Cpeg ¼ 1.088 kJ/kg  C,
The relevant data and constants are obtained from on site 
q ¼ 480 C
measurements, plant records, Perry et al. [15], and Peray [16]. The 4 4
Q9 ¼ sSkiln 3kiln ðqsh  qamb Þ=1000 m
_ cl (9) 3 ¼ 0.9, Skiln ¼ 995 m2,
results presented in Table 4, shows that fuel combustion generate s ¼ 5.67  108W/m2 K4,
95.48% (4164.02 kJ/kgcl) of the total heat input to the unit. The m_ cl ¼ 11:654 kg=s
sensible heats with the raw materials, fuel, air entering the coolers, Q10 ¼ hconv Skiln ðqsh  qamb Þ (10) h conv ¼ 0.0.0102 kJ/S.m2. C,
qsh ¼ 260  C ¼ 533K,
and organic carbon (feed component) heat content are relatively qamb ¼ 30  C (303K)
small. The total sensible heats with the streams are about 4.52% of 4 4
Q11 ¼ sSprh 3prh ðqprs  qamb Þ (11) Sprh ¼ 1566 m2,
qprs ¼ 110  C ¼ 383K,
3prh ¼ 0.5
Q12 ¼ hconv Sprh ðqcs  qamb Þ (12) hconv ¼ 0.01016 kJ/S.m2. C
Table 3 4 4
Q13 ¼ sScs 3cs ðqcs  qamb Þ=1000 m
_ cl (13) 3cs ¼ 0.9, Scs ¼ 461 m2,
Material balance of the pyroprocessing unit.
qcs ¼ 533K
Mass input (kg/kgcl) Mass output (kg/kgcl) Q14 ¼ hconc Scs ðqcs  qamb Þ=1000 m
_ cl (14)
Q15 ¼ M_ Cp q (15) q ¼ 480  C,
Kiln feed 1.73 Clinker 1.00 ds
ds ¼ 0:13273 kg=kgcl ,
Fuel (LPFO) 0.10 Exit gases 2.33
Cpcl ¼ 1.00416 kJ/kg  C
Total air entering 1.63 Dust 0.13
Total 3.46 Total 3.46 a
Q1–Q15 are defined in Table 4.
Author's personal copy

1240 G. Kabir et al. / Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243

material streams. During clinker formation, 1758 kJ/kgcl of heat of could be conserved. Consider unit cost of energy as 0.05 USD/kWh,
heat is released, about 41% of the total heat input. This percentage 1,536,020.56 USD/year would be saved.
gives a measure of the thermal efficiency of the kiln systems. The Fraction of the useful heat energy with the exit gases is lost by
systems efficiency turns out to be less than 50%–58% that of modern radiation, convection, and as sensible heat at the conditioning
cement plants in USA, India and China, reported by Sattari and tower. However, contributes to the low energy performance of the
Avami [9]. The unit efficiency revealed the extent of heat losses to plant.
the surrounding, which can lead to environmental degradation, if The amount of useful heat energy lost can be determined from
not conserved. Thermal energy recovery and saving technologies equation (18):
reported by Worell and Galistky [1], and Engin and Ari [10],
demonstrates how the heat losses can be recovered. The effec- Quseful ¼ Meg CPeg ðqin  qout Þmcl (18)
tiveness of the conservation measures are has been demonstrated 4
Thus, the useful heat energy of 1.25  10 kW can be recovered,
elsewhere [12]. That is, toward improving thermal efficiency and
which could improve the thermal efficiency of the unit.
environmental worthiness of kiln systems.
When the mills are down, raw materials stored in the silos are
used for the clinker production. Raw materials conditioning ceases
3.2. Energy saving opportunities for pyroprocessing unit of dry kiln
for the period the mills are out of operation. For this case, the
cement plant
amount of useful heat energy with the exit gases can be defined
using equation (19):
The low energy efficiency establishes the potential energy
saving opportunities in the unit. Relevant thermal energy recovery
Quseful ¼ Meg CPeg qeg mcl (19)
and conservation concepts for the kilns system are proposed and
studied. Successes for using the concepts are expressed in terms of Therefore, useful heat of 3.88  104 kW could be lost to the
financial and environmental benefits. The following recovery and surroundings. The useful heat lost is substantial, higher than when
conservation measures are considered: Raw material drying at the the mills are in operation. These two scenarios have indicated that
raw mills; Waste heat recovery from kilns exit gases using steam the conservation technique at the raw mills cannot be effectively
generator; and Kiln shell heat losses reduction. These topical practiced. Additional process modifications should be used to
energy recovery and conservation measures are discussed and augment the existing conservation method practiced. To achieve
analysed under: this, the following conservation techniques are considered and
3.2.1. Grinding mills heat conservation technique
Preheating raw materials at the raw mills with exit gases has
been the effective waste heat conservation concept practiced in the 3.2.2. Waste heat recovery for electricity generation
plant. The benefits are to vapourise water content of the raw Electricity can be generated from the useful waste heat recov-
materials to effect drying and enhance grinding efficiency of the ered from kiln exit gases and clinker cooler exit gas [10,14]. The
mills. The mills heat conservation scheme is shown in Fig. 2. The performance of the cogeneration plant could be evaluated using the
kiln exit gases are conditioned in the gas conditioning tower to procedures presented by Kanoglu and Dincer [17]. The use of
leaves at 250  C, to preheat and dry the feeds to the raw mills. The coolers exit gas is restricted, because planetary coolers recirculated
water content in the feed vapourises at 100  C, and estimated to the hot secondary air into the kilns to aid combustion. The gases
leave the mills at 8.07 kg/s flow rate. The quantity of heat energy enter the conditioning tower at 480  C, exchanges heat with water
lost or gained at the raw mills are related using steady state energy to produce high pressure steam. Sensible heat with the steam
balance, defined as: generated is mostly lost to the surroundings, but can be recovered
using waste heat recovery technique. The useful heat energy to be
Qegin þ Qmoistrm ¼ Qwater þ Qegout þ Qdryrm (16) recovered is 7.64  104 kW when the mills are in operation.
Otherwise, 2.62  104 kW useful heat with the kiln exit gases would
The amount of heat energy conserved from the exit gases at the be recovered when the mills are down. The total heat energy losses
mills are estimated using equation (17) below: with the exit gases is enormous for the two scenarios. The heat
energy lost can be recovered to generate electricity on site to
Qconserved ¼ Meg CPeg ðqin  qout Þmcl (17)
improve the energy performance of the plant. Waste Heat Recovery
Using the relevant data, a total of 7.70  104 kW is estimated to Steam Generator (WHRSG) reported and studied by Engin and Ari
be conserved at the mills of the identical production lines. [10] and Shaleen et al. [14] (shown in Fig. 3) is considered. The
Given that the kiln systems and mills are operated simulta- waste heat can be recovered as steam at the high pressure boiler
neously for 4229 h/annum, a total power of 3.07  107 kWh/year (HPB); used in replace of the gas conditioning tower.

Water (30°C) Kiln feed

FWater = 16000tph (30°C)
Exit gases,
Exit gases Gas Exhaust gases: out = 120°C
conditioning Grinding mills
in = 480°C tower (To dust control devices):

Kiln feed (To raw mills

Steam or silos), (100°C)

Fig. 2. Flow and operating conditions of grinding mills and Gas conditioning tower.
Author's personal copy

G. Kabir et al. / Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243 1241

Prh Kiln Col

EP Mill Esp Atmosphere

CO – Condenser

Col – Clinker Cooler

TK EP- Expander
Esp – Dust control device
FP – Feed pump
G – Power generator
HPB – High pressure boiler
Kiln – Rotary kiln
Mill – Raw material mill
Prh – Preheater
TK– Tank

Fig. 3. Waste heat recovery steam generator (WHRSG) system for power generation.

The steam generated can drive the steam turbine to generate The heat transfer by radiation (Qrad) across the gap (b) can be
electricity at the required output. To determine the quantity of determined using equation (22) (Richard and David [18]) below.
electricity generated and effective cost saving, an efficiency of 91%  
4 4
is assumed. The temperature of the exit gases streams leaving the Skiln s qkiln  qsh
HPB is specified as 250  C, to avoid capital intensive modifications Qrad ¼   (22)
1 Rkiln 1
on the existing plant. þ 1
Therefore, energy transferred to WHRSG in the form of work is
31 Rsh 32
defined as: Valid for kiln systems as Rki ln/Lki ln approaches zero.
Light oxide stainless steel is considered as the secondary shell
QWHRSG ¼ Quseful  h (20) material. The material is selected for its low relative emissivity and
A total of 1.20  10 kW can be transferred to the WHRSG. thermal conductivity.
Assuming 40% of the QWHRSG could be converted to electricity at Substituting the following data (Peray [16]) in equation (22):
suitable turbine and condenser pressures. s ¼ 5.67  108 W/m2 K4, q1 ¼ 533 K, q2 ¼ 575 K, 31 ¼ 0.9(Kiln
Thus, electric energy generated is 5.0  106 kW, determined Surface), and 32 ¼ 0.35(Light oxide stainless steel). Then, heat lost
from equation (20). by radiation from the kiln shell surface (Qrad) to the surroundings is
Given that the plant annual operating hours is 8784 h, 217 kW. Using an insulating material layer on the secondary shell,
4.3  107 kWh/year of power can be generated. Total cost savings of Qrad can be conserved. Glass wool insulation material with 0.05
2,143,843.60 USD/year would be achieved. W/m.K thermal conductivity (Kins) Peray [16] is considered.
To ascertain the insulating layer effectiveness to conserve Qrad
3.2.3. Kiln shell energy losses reduction from the shell surface, critical insulating radius (Rcr) is estimated
Heat losses from the kiln surface are due to convection and using equation (23) (Holman [19]).
radiation heat transfer. Local burning on the kiln surface caused by
kiln’s refractory lining cut is another source of heat losses. The kilns Rcr ¼ (23)
surface heat losses to the surroundings is 11.81% of the total heat
input. This indicates that substantial quantity heat is being lost to
Kiln Surface
the surrounding from the kiln surface. This waste heats should be
conserved to improve the thermal efficiency of the pyroprocessing
unit to save cost. Secondary shell and insulation layer heat lost Observation
conservation concept is considered [10]. The arrangement is shown Window
in Fig. 4. The gap (b) between the kiln surface and secondary shell is ins
assumed to be air tight. The convective heat transferred across the Rsh
gab would be negligible, but radiation heat transfer remains note-
worthy. Given that the kiln radius is 2.20 m, and b is taken as
sh R kiln
4.0  103 m for a shell radius of 2.60 m [10]. Temperature gradient
(4grad) across the gap is evaluated to be 45  C/cm. Hence, temper- kiln

ature of the secondary shell surface (qsh) can be estimated from: Secondary
qsh ¼ qkiln  b  fgrad (21) Insulation

For a mean kiln surface temperature (qkiln) of 260  C, qsh is

determined to be 242  C from equation (21). Fig. 4. Kiln secondary shell and insulation layer heat conservation concept.
Author's personal copy

1242 G. Kabir et al. / Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243

A critical radius (Rcr) of 0.68m would be required. Given that the Thus, it can be seen that the conservation concept can improve the
kiln radius (Rkiln) is 2.0m however, Rcr is many folds less than Rkiln. environmental performance of the kiln systems.
This indicates that resistance to heat flow by conduction increases
across the thickness of the insulating layer. Therefore, heat lost by
3.3. Cost savings on reduction of fuel consumption
radiation from the kiln surface, transferred by conduction across the
insulation layer would be negligible. This resulted from the high
From the energy balance, heat realised during fuel combustion
resistance to heat flow by conduction across the insulating material.
is 4164.08 kJ/kgcl, which is required to produce 640,809 tonne
Hence, the heat transfer by conduction across the insulating
clinker. At fuel to clinker ratio of 0.1024 kg/kgcl (Table 1), fuel
layer can be defined using equation (24) Rohsenow et al. [20]:
savings on consumption is estimated as follows:
2pLkiln ðqsh  qins Þ Fuel saving ¼ ð0:1024 kg=kgcl Þ  640 809  103 kgcl =year
Qcond ¼   (24)
In RRins
¼ 65:60  106 kgLPFO =year:
In terms of volume, the fuel saving would be 71.79  106 L LPFO/
The insulating layer thickness (d) on the secondary shell is
Taken average market value of fuel oil to be 0.13 USD/litreLPFO,
estimated using equation (24) as follows:
cost saving on fuel consumption would be:
The insulating layer outer surface temperature (qins) is taken to
be 77  C, 40  C higher than the surrounding temperature (qN) of Cost saving ¼ 94; 508; 607:59 USD=year:
37  C.
Then, (qsh  qins) ¼ 183  C. The use of the conservation measures highlighted, an annual
Steady state condition for heat transfer from the secondary shell cost saving of 4,053,165.20 USD on energy use would be achieved.
surface across the insulating layer is assumed. This implies that Additional cost saving could be realised at optimised cost of labour
Qcond ¼ Qrad ¼ 217 kW. Substituting for the relevant parameters and maintenance.
into equation (24) and that Rins ¼ Rsh þ d, thickness (d) is estimated
to be 0.05 m. This is the thickness of the insulating layer required on 3.4. Operational approach for thermal energy saving opportunities
the secondary shell to conserve Qrad.
Furthermore, radiation and convective heat losses conserved Potential opportunities for improving energy efficiency of the
using secondary shell are estimated as follows: pyroprocessing unit could be achieved from the following opera-
tional approach:
Radiation heat conserved ¼ ð330 kJ=kgcl  11:654 kg=sÞ
217 kW ¼ 3628 kW; andConvective heat conserved - Upgrading existing equipments in the pyroprocessing unit;
- Combustion system improvement;
¼ ð142:20 kJ=kgcl  11:654 kg=sÞ ¼ 1657 kW:
- Adding multistage preheater with pre-calciner;
- Complete tightening of the pyroprocessing unit equipments to
Total heat energy of 5.30 MW is conserved, amounting to 10.4%
prevent air leakages;
of the total heat input to the kiln systems. Consequently, the fuel
- Adopting new pyroprocessing technologies;
consumption and cost of clinker production would be reduced, but
- Utilizing alternative fuel such as harvesting energy from
thermal efficiency of the unit would increase by 5%.
biomass and waste fuel for kiln firing;
The kiln is fired with 4700 L/hr (4295.8 kg/h) of LPFO without
- Replacing high carbon fuel with low carbon fuel (i.e. swiching
the secondary shell. The major component of the exit gases is CO2
from coal to natural gas); and
produced from combustion and decarbonation reactions. SO2 is in
- Applying a low clinker to final cement mixture ratio (i.e.
trace concentration, produced from combustion of sulphur in the
increasing the ratio of cement additives that do not require
fuel. Total yield of the products can be evaluated from reactions
stoichiometric. Complete combustion of carbon and sulphur, and
complete decarbonation reaction are assumed. Then, the reactions
Evidences on the efficacy and effectiveness of these measures on
stoichiometric are written as follows:
energy saving potential are reported by Worell and Galistky [1],
C þ O2 /CO2 (25) Dumas [2] and Worell et al. [5]. Financial and environmental
benefits for reducing the total energy demand are revealed to be
feasible, should the measures be implemented appropriately.
S þ O2 /SO2 (26)

4. Conclusion
CaCO3 þ O2 /CaO þ CO2 (27)
Total yield of CO2 and SO2 can be determined using the basis of A detailed thermal energy audit analysis of a pyroprocessing
1 kg clinker, 0.1024 kgLPFO/kgcl,1.73 kgf/kgcl, and stoichiometric mass unit for dry process kiln systems is studied in this report. The
ratio. The total yield of 0.93 kgCO2/kgcl and 0.66  103 kgSO2/kgcl results revealed that fuel combustion provides 95.48% (4164.02 kJ/
would be determined. kgcl) of the total energy input to the unit. Fuel consumption and
In this report, it was determined that fuel consumption energy cost are crucial for the clinker production energy manage-
decreases by 10.4% for using secondary shell. Also, CO2 and SO2 ment. The kiln exist gases and kiln shell are the major sources of
with the exit gases would be reduced by the same proportion. To thermal energy losses, amounting to 27.9% (1216.75 kg/kgcl) and
ascertain the percentage reduction, a new fuel to clinker ratio of 10.84% (472.56 kg/kgcl) respectively. The thermal efficiency of the
0.092 kgLPFO/kgcl is used. Total yields of CO2 and SO2 decreases by unit is 41%, low enough to consider implementing thermal energy
3.7% and 10.4% respectively. The decrease in fuel consumption and conservations measures. Therefore, the energy audit is emphasised
GHG emission are the major advantages for using the technique. to be a medium for identifying areas of energy saving opportunities.
Author's personal copy

G. Kabir et al. / Energy 35 (2010) 1237–1243 1243

These are areas of serious energy losses, which led to drop in d or b Gap (separating surfaces), cm or m
thermal performance of the kiln systems. The different component 4 Temperature gradient,  C/cm
of energy losses are realistic and consistent with the findings in the
report of Worell et al. [5]. The arduous approach to balance energy Subscripts
and environmental problems as an effective mechanism for energy amb Ambient conditions
management is used. Conservation techniques for improving cl Clinker
specific energy utilisation efficiency and reducing GHG emissions cond Conduction
are proposed. WHRSG and secondary shell energy conservation conv Convection
measures are studied. WHRSG can generate up to 4.4 MW of cs Cooler surface
electricity, which could lead to annual power savings of eg Exhaust gases
42.88 MWh/year. The secondary shell concept, can save up to f Feed
5.30 MW of thermal energy, which is equivalent to 10.4% of the total in Inlet
input energy. Fuel consumption is reduced by an equivalent ins Insulation
percentage margin and energy efficiency of the unit increases by ogc Organic content
5%. Total cost saved for the use of WHRSG and secondary shell out Outlet
concept is 2318.18 USD/year, and 14.10% reduction in GHG emission pr Preheater
is achieved. The economic and environmental benefits agree with prs Preheater surface
the conclusions made in the work of Fang and Zang [21] and Li et al. rad Radiation
[22]. Renovating the kiln systems using the conservation tech- rm Raw material
niques owns the capacity to improve the energy performance of the sh Shell
cement plant. It was shown that fuel consumption falls by
a substantial proportion. The proportion agrees with that reported References
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