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Post Graduate Diploma in Pre and Primary Teachers Training

Phase - 19

Language Lesson Plans

The language lesson compilation includes story- telling, grammar and vocabulary
lessons that work well in a varied age group. The lessons are divided in micro
steps so to help in the easy implementation.

Lesson plan – 1

The lesson is for young learners (4-5 years old), who learn a lot better while they are
socializing and having fun. The focus is on listening and speaking and the subject
chosen is language.

The lesson incorporates storytelling, games and a sing along in order to cater to the
student‟s short attention span, none of the activities will exceed more than 10
minutes and over all the lesson will be roughly 35 minutes if all goes to plan. Please
see below for the breakdown of steps and time.

When going through the colors of the rainbow using the flash cards and checking for
understanding by asking questions- 10 minutes.

Reading through story book and assisting with understanding of the activity- 10

“Simon says” -for more practice of context- 10 minutes

Sing along Nursery Rhyme on the different colors of the rainbow- 5 minutes.

Name of Teacher: Self Date:

Age Group: 4-5 year olds

Number of Students: Maximum of 30 students.

Materials: Story book on the colors of the rainbow
and flash cards with one of the colors of the rainbow
on them.
Name of the activity:
Storytelling, Simon says and References: :

How is it going to benefit the child:

 My students will be able to practice their listening skills.

 New Vocabulary will be introduced to them.

 My students will be able to have fun while learning.


Before I begin with the reading of Duckie‟s Rainbow, I

would like to go through the different colors of the
rainbow with my students using the flash cards, as
well as get them talking by checking understanding and asking questions, then I would
like to hand the flash cards out, of course enough will be made so that all students have
one color each. While I read Duckie‟s Rainbow when we get through each page with a
different color, the student with the same color flash card in their hands will be asked
to stand so that we are practicing and learning not just the vocabulary but the context,
at the end of the book I‟ll ask that all students with a color of a rainbow stand and at
that stage they should all stand.


Level – grade 5 ( 8-10 years)

For the recapitulation I would like to play a game of Simon says, of course still using the
flash cards but also other fun movements to keep things interesting and fun, Examples:
Simon says we all should wiggle, wiggle, wiggle (I will of course do the movement as
well, so that we are all on the same page). Simon says all with the blue cards need to
jump, jump,jump. Simon says all with the violet cards need to twist, twist,twist. Simon
says we all need to take a bow etc. Once the understanding of context is in check, I
would like to practice their speaking skills by learning, dancing and singing along to a

Lesson Plan - 2

Time: 40 minutes

Teaching aids : Word flash cards, pictures: Happy-thinking-sad face, PPT, mini white
boards, markers, stick on notes, white board, work sheet

Aims of the lesson:-

(a) Main focus /Target to be achieved:

1. Ss will use the vocabulary in meaningful sentences.

2. Ss will identify and name the characters and main ideas in a story.
3. Ss will respond and write answers to questions about details after reading a

(b) General aim:

1. To read stories by predicting gist, describing main characters, understand

main ideas, details and dialogues.
2. To form and express view and opinion about the text.

Concepts introduced:
1. To get maximum meaning from print by the process of decoding and language

2. Identify relevant and non-relevant information.

Vocabulary/ New words introduced: ( 5 minutes)

Crawl, dawn, seagull, swoop, turtle, frightened, claw, pointed, proud

Individual and whole class activity:
(Words I know -activity) - Teacher will
draw three eccentric circles on the board.
Place a happy face , a thinking face
and a sad face in each circle.
Display the new vocabulary on word flash
Ask Ss to draw these circles along with happy face, thinking face and sad face in their
NB. Tell Ss to write words they know in the circle with happy face (innermost circle),
write the words they are not sure of in the middle circle with a thinking face and the
words they don‟t know in the outer most circle with a sad face. Now pick a new
vocabulary word ask the whole class to raise their hands if they know the word.

If the entire class raises their hands place the word card in the circle with the happy
face, if there are a few Ss who don‟t know the meaning of the word, place the word
card in the circle with thinking face, and if the whole class doesn‟t know the meaning
place the word card in the circle with the sad face.

Now start with the words in the circle with happy face, ask a few Ss to share the
meaning and make sentences with the class. Ask Ss if they have the word in the circle
with happy face in their NB.

Then move on to words in the circle with thinking face. Ask Ss who know the meaning
of the word to share and to a make a sentence. (Teacher provides more information
and clarifications if required). Ask Ss to take notes on new vocabulary they have
learnt. When the word meaning is clear to the entire class, move the word to the inner
circle with the happy face.

Lastly move on to the words in the circle with the sad face. Teacher explains the word
meaning by showing pictures and demonstrating and modelling the use of the new
vocabulary in sentences. Encourage students to use the new vocabulary in sentences.
When the word meaning is clear to the entire class, move the word to the inner circle
with the happy face.

(In the end all the new vocabulary will be in the circle with the happy face).

Time Activity Teacher’s activity Student’s Anticipated

Allotted Planned activity/ Problems

Response (These should be all
the problems that
may crop up from
the teacher’s point
of view)
Pre Whole class activity: Show the Ss will make
reading first three PPT slide to Students. prediction
5 Technical problems
Ask Students to read the opening about the title,
minutes (Predictin sentence and make prediction related to showing
the text and
g from the PPT on data
about the title, if the text will write a question
words show.
be factual or fictional and then they want to
/key write a question they want to know about the
illustratio know about the text on stick on text. Students
n notes provided. Discuss Students paste their
Predictions and questions about questions on
the story. the board.

10 During Individual / Group work ‘Expert’ group

minutes reading Divide Ss into groups of 5, discusses the
forming ‘Home’ groups. Assign a The group division
text and
(Jigsaw number to each member of the brainstorm ways has not been done
Strategy) properly.
group. Students leave their in which to
‘Home’ groups and meet with present their
members from other groups who understanding
are assigned the same number, of the text to
to form the ‘Expert’ group. the other
Provide the ‘Expert’ group with members of
a portion of the reading text. their ‘Home’
After mastering the material, group. Students
each member returns to the take notes/
‘Home’ group and present their record
understanding of the text. information in
some way
related to their
assigned text.

Students return
to their ‘Home’
group and takes
turn teaching
their team
members the
reading text
assigned to
Shadow them.
Teacher reads aloud the story.
Students read
aloud along
with the
5 teacher copying
minutes intonation,
stress, pauses,

10 After Provide each „Home’ group with A member from

minutes Reading a blank story board. Ask the the ‘Home’
group to complete the story group presents
Story Map the story with
board with a title, pictures and
the story board
main details of the story. Ask a in front of the
member from each „Home’ class.
group to present it in front of
the class.

5 Closure Conduct the ‘Hot seat’ game. A student in the

minutes Student in the ‘Hot seat’ should ‘Hot Seat’
(Hot Seat- be encouraged to invest some represents a
Game) information about the character character from
without straying too far away the story. Other
from the original story. students ask
questions to
find out more
about the
character‟s life.

Lesson Plan – 3

Final objective of the lesson :

Student will-

Listen to the story for main idea and detail

Categorize items from the story to the correct character
Categorize a personal item (monkey) into a graph

2. Age : 6 – 7 yrs

3. Language level :


4. Materials used ( A copy of the material sent as attachment ):

story book of The cap sellers and the monkeys . Stick puppet of a cap seller, strips of
construction paper, head gear cut out of the monkey, crayons, sticky tape.

5. The actual lesson should have :

(a) A warmer : (5 minutes)

the teacher helps the children sing a song

The Hat Song

green hat, green hat, brother's got a green hat,

red hat, red hat , sister's got a red hat,

purple hat, purple hat , I have got a purple hat,

we've all got different colored hats!

Black hat, black hat mommy’s got a black hat,

blue hat blue hat , daddy’s got a blue hat,

pink hat pink hat the baby has a pink hat ,

we've all got different colored hats!

(b) Context setting stage ( pre-listening /pre-reading ): (5mins)

Have students bring in one cap from home prior to lesson. The teacher makes the
children play a game. She asks them to imitate what she does.

The teacher wears the cap and so does the students do, the same way the teachers
removes the cap and throws it on the floor so does the students and so on. The
teacher asks few questions ( related to the activity ) to set the context for the lesson.

(c) While listening / While reading stage :( 15 mins)

Teacher asks the children did you‟ll enjoy the game?(children say yes) alright do you
want to know who played this game? (children say yes)Do you want to meet
him?(children say yes)alright his name is Ratan, but to call him here you need to shout
his name loudly.(children shout his name). The teacher introduces Ratan with the use
of the puppet.

-Boys and girls say hello to Ratan!

Ratan is a cap seller, he has many caps and he sells them and do you know with whom
did he play the game we played? We played it with the monkeys. Do you want to

listen to his story? The name of the Story is 'The Cap Seller and the Monkeys' . Then
the teacher reads out the story to the children.

 After reading the story she asks them questions relating the story as to -

 what is the name of the story?(the cap seller and the monkeys)

 who was Ratan? (he is a cap seller)

 What did he sell?(he sells caps)

 Who took away his caps?(the monkeys took away his caps)

 What did he do to get his caps back? (he threw down the cap he was wearing)

(d) Post listening / Post reading stage . :(15 mins)

After the reading activity the teacher gives the kids the cutouts of a monkey face and
asks them to colour it. Then she helps them to make a head gear of a monkey by
pasting the monkey face on to a strip of construction paper and help them wear it on
their heads by securing it with a sticky tape.

The mask cut-out :

The puppet of the hat seller

Lesson Plan – 4

LESSON: A visit to the circus

AGE: 8-9 year olds

LANGUAGE LEVEL: Intermediate for EFL

DURATION: 45 minutes

AIDS USED: Song, flash cards, picture

OBJECTIVE: Students will be taught new vocabulary, will understand the meaning and
function of the words and will be able to use those words to frame sentences in
correct context.

VOCABULARY TAUGHT: Tent, clown, juggler, acrobats, popcorn, soda, hoops, aerial
acts, tightrope walking, trapeze artist, mime, magic, unicycle etc.


Aids used: Flash cards, actions of the song

Type of activity: Group activity

Duration: 5 minutes

Objective: To set the tone of the class and to make the children relaxed and
energised to begin a new topic by catching their interest.

Presentation: Sing a song on the circus called “Walking through the circus” by showing
flashcards and doing actions. Make sure the song is lively, entertaining and has actions
that can be imitated by the children.

Repeat the song two times making the children participate by singing after you and
doing the actions. Ask simple questions relating to the song like where were we
walking? Who was laughing? Etc.


Aids used: Audio/Video clip of circus

Type of activity: Group activity

Duration: 5 to 7 minutes

Objective: To provide the children with some prior knowledge about the topic and to
build their confidence.

Presentation: Show the children a real audio/video clip of the circus, making sure all
possible activities which occur in the circus are shown to them. The clip should be
funny and entertaining, and which captures the child‟s attention. Make the children
watch it twice. Let the children get a feel about what occurs in a circus. This clip will
make the children realize what topic we are about to cover making them familiarize
with the topic. After showing them the video clip ask them simple questions like what
was the clip about? What did you see? Etc.


Aids used: A big descriptive and detailed picture about the circus in a tent and craft.

Type of activity: Group activity

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Objective: To make the children aware of new words, its function and how to frame
those words in a sentence.

Presentation: Put up the big descriptive and detailed picture about the circus on the
board. Ask the children what the picture is about. Ask if they recognize anything.
Some children will be able to answer a few of the questions as we have shown them
flashcards and the audio and video clip. After this ask the children to see the picture
carefully. Give the children a few minutes to observe the picture. Now, talk in detail
about the picture explaining each activity taking place and also give the vocabulary,
language and function of it. Try and relate the picture to the audio/video clip which
they have seen.

After talking in detail, now ask the children question about what you spoke
about. First make sure the questions are simple and you revise all the meanings and
the functions of the words you spoke about.

As a fun activity, tell the children we are going to make an entry ticket to the circus.
Provide the materials like paper, glue, scissors, crayons, coloured pens and a few
embellishments to the children and tell them that 2 minutes is allotted to them to
make their own entry ticket. The most creative, colourful and quick ticket will
deserve a point.


Aids used: Worksheet and art

Type of activity: Individual activity

Duration: 15 minutes

Objective: To revise and reinforce the topic covered by using the new vocabulary in
framing sentences.

Presentation: Give the children worksheets. The first worksheet should be simple
having basic questions. The second worksheet should be a little difficult, like having
pictures of the things they saw in the circus and they have to write the word for it.
Example- A picture of a juggler and the child has to choose from 4 options the correct
answer. After this give them another worksheet, increasing the difficulty. Ask the
children to write five lines about what they liked about the circus and why and ask
them to incorporate the new words which they have learnt.

Now as a fun activity ask the children to draw and colour about what they have
written in the third worksheet.


 Too much vocabulary – Introduction of too many new words may overwhelm the

 Audio/video clip do not work properly, so the students were unable to perform.

Lesson Plan – 5

Name of the institute: _______________________________________ Grade:


Teacher‟s name: ________________________Date: ____________

Subject: English Grammar

1. Topic Kinds of Adjectives: Descriptive & Quantitative.

2. Language Level Beginners.

3. Age 11 to 12

4. Aim At the end students will be able to use it extensively in

English language and will allow students to create
simple sentences with the vocabulary they have
learned to date.

5. Materials required Video, Whiteboard, markers, handout listing all the

adjectives (known as well as unknown) Few pictures,
Paper, pen, Illustration worksheets and Story

6. Teaching Method Brainstorming, Inductive, Deductive, Group Discussion.

7. Time 40 minutes.

8. Teaching skills Writing, Listening, Reading, Speaking.




1. Warm Up Students will be For e.g.: Teacher will ask Students
motivated to students to think will fail to
develop interest in Ice-cream of their three follow
the new topic to be favorite things teacher‟s
studied today. It is cold, sweet, and write it down instructions
colorful, soft, on a paper then because
sponge, ask them to he/she
yummy…etc. Brainstorm by speaks very
themselves and fast.
describe it.

2. Context Students will be able Adjective: The Activity 1 The quality

setting to identify the topic: word which of the
Adjective through describes Noun or a Teacher will show pictures is
pictures Pronoun picture of Apples, not good.
Trees, Flowers So the
and ask few students
questions based may not be
on size, color, able to give
taste, look, correct
smell…etc. answer.

Activity 2

Worksheet: Circle
one adjective that
describes each
picture below.

Target Students will be able Descriptive Teacher will

3. Structure to learn and Adjective: explain with help The teacher
Presentation understand kinds of Adjectives of of Inductive does not
adjectives. quality and certain method, using explain the
other adjectives worksheets. demand of
describing human the
character or worksheet

condition can be Worksheet 1 properly.
preceded by „the‟
and used as nouns. Circle the
adjective given in
the paragraph.

Students will be able Quantitative

to classify between adjectives are Worksheet 2
countable and used to talk about
uncountable nouns quantity. They are Fill in the gaps
and learn the use of used as pronouns with correct
adjectives. and adjectives. adjectives.
Some, any, no and
none: these are
used as pronouns
and adjectives
and they mean „a
certain number or
(quantity)‟. They
are used before
plural or

4. Vocabulary Students will learn Handout Teacher will give

Expansion many new adjectives a Handout and ask
and will be able to List of Descriptive students to make
create simple and Quantitative few simple
sentences. Adjectives. sentences with
the help of given
list of adjectives.

5. Revision Students will be able Qualitative vs Teacher will play Students

to revise the content Quantitative a video. will see and
and distinguish Adjectives. listen to the
between the two. After watching it video and
teacher will ask take part in
students related group

questions. discussion.

Materials required:





Adjective Search

Directions: Read the paragraph. Circle all of the adjectives. Write the adjectives
on the

lines below.

It was a sunny day and my little puppy jumped onto our red couch ad played with his
new toy. I liked to watch him play and it made me feel happy Soon, my playful puppy
yawned. He was a tired puppy. I picked him up and laid him on his soft, rounded bed.
Soon, my sleepy puppy was snoring away.

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


Fill in the gaps:

1. _______hundred people were killed.

2. ________ of tourists visited our city.

3. I need _______books. (some/few)

4. Have you got _______money? (any/much)

5. She has _______of money but I haven‟t much. (lot/enough)

6. I do lots of exercises but Karim doesn‟t do_______. (many/more)

7. We have _______exercises to do.

8. I haven‟t got _______money on me.



Fill in the blanks story- Tiger

A _____tiger feels so _____ because he/she has been invited to the annual jungle
party. The

party is in a _____part of the jungle, so he starts his trek _____. As he ventures

deeper into

the _____jungle, he sees many _____trees with _____leaves and _____flowers. The
air is

_____ and smells _____. The tiger walks _____, singing a _____ tune when all of a

he hears a _____sound. It sounds like _____.

Tiger stops _____. Through the _____leaves, he spies two _____eyes looking back at
him. He

feels _____. He steps forward _____and suddenly a _____jaguar jumps out onto the
path in

front of the tiger. In a _____ voice, the jaguar says, “________”.



One _______ morning, a _______ elf is preparing a _______ potion. The elf has ______

______eyes, and wears a _____ hat. It makes him look like ______. The elf adds
_____ goo,

_______leaves, and a pinch of powder that smells _____, to his potion. As he prepares
to add

the final ingredient, he ______ says, “Oh no! I have run out of _______berries. I can‟t

finish my potion without them.” So the elf packs a _____satchel and heads off into
the ______

woods around his _____ home. The woods are full of ____ sounds, making the elf feel

The elf knows that the ______berries only grow in a _______ area that is just beyond
a dragon

cave. The _____dragons are a _____clan, so the elf feels very _____ to meet them. As
the elf

gets closer and closer to the dragon cave, he feels more and more _______. Soon he
sees the

edge of the ______ cave, with its _____ opening. He moves forward _____, getting
closer and

closer, when a _____dragon pokes its ____head outside the cave. The ____ elf says,


List of Adjectives.

Fast Trying Ghastly

Dreadful Challenging Filthy

Hasty Terrible Repulsive

Zippy Bad Awful

Rapid Swift Quick

Demanding Difficult Speedy

Qualitative vs Quantitative Adjectives.

Topic :Language skill conversation Subject: English

Lesson Plan – 6

Level/ class : class 1 No of students:35


Teaching aids :

Chart, Blackboard, Poems, worksheet, Story, CD or DVD player.

Aims of the lesson:-

(c) Main focus /Target to be achieved: students will be able to listen the language
and end of lesson they can able to write down the things properly. Hope the
students will learn or get better at as a result of the lesson

(d) General aim: to improve their listening skill through strengthen their

Concepts introduced:

Language skill conversation,

Vocabulary expansion,

Recognition of phonics,

Recognition of grammatical rules.

At the end of the lesson they can able to identify color of different fruits.

Guided to listening with the help of pictures and words.

Learn to use this/that/those/these in sentence.

Time Activity Teacher’s activity Student’s Anticipated Problems

Allotted activity/
Planned (These should be all the
problems that may crop
up from the teacher’s
point of view)

Activity 1

15 min Rhyme 1. Play a rhyme in Student can If CD player does not

related to CD. Then give them feel the fun and work then we can use
topic some time listen it. got the idea projector
about fruits.
(fruits) 2.Explain it what the They can
rhymes saying engage them to
3. Encourage the learn new
students to listen a vocabulary
second time and
pronounce it exactly
as they hear.

4.Encourage them to
give the answer what
the teacher going to
ask them

Activity 2
10 min

Fruit chart Student love to

see the chart
Introduce fruit chart, The chart was not very
and show them which clear, so the students
kind of fruit it is. who were sitting at the
end could not see it
Encourage them to
listen and speak it

Activity 3

Student love to

20min Story telling give the answer
Introduce the

And tell them story

Encourage them to
listen it carefully

Introduce the new

words, and

Introduce some
Question related to The questions were very
the topic difficult and were not
suitable for the chosen
Tell them to listen a age group.
second time say 2-3
sentences about it

Give students
practice in sub skill
of prediction,
Activity 4 listening for gist and
for specific reason
5 min
Student love
the colorful
thing it is fun
feeling for them

Introduce the
pictorial worksheet.

Encourage to point
out which fruit it is

Activity 5 and write down the

10 min Matching

In black board in two

column write down
the fruit name in one
column and another
column write down
their color.

Activity 6
5 min

Encourage the
Students enjoy
students to match to
to do it
column Encourage
the students what
type of they can get
from Hypermarket.

Ask them to listing

thins found there.


We are the colorful fruit,
You should eat us every day.

We are as good as people say,

We are really that good every day.

I am an apple red and round,

It‟s good to have one of me every day.
I am an orange full of vitamin c,

I am sweet and juicy.

I am a lemon yellow in color,

I am not at all sweet because I‟m sour.

I am a mango I‟m very juicy,

You can have me in a

Milkshake I‟m very sweet.

I am a peach with seed inside,

I‟m juicy within and hairy outside.
I am a watermelon green on the outside,

I have many seed and red inside.

I am a strawberry with many small seeds,

Bright red in color like rose flower.

I am a tiny red cherry,

I m soft and you can eat me whole.

I am papaya an orange in color,

In some countries I‟m called a popo.

We are the colorful fruits,

You should eat us every day.

We are as good as people say,

We are really that good every day.


---------------------------------- ------------------------- -------------

-------- ---------------------

---------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------


------------------- ---------------------------------- ------------------------

It is a summer morning. Anu and her mother is in the fruit market. Anu looks around
the shop.

The fruits have such lovely colors.

Anu‟s mother puts a bunch of grapes into her basket. The grapes are dark purple in

“Can I have this apple, Mother?”asks Anu. “It‟s nice and red.”

“Yes,” says her mother. “You can also take some a few oranges and a watermelon
from that box.”

Anu puts four oranges and one watermelon into the basket.

“Can we have those bananas?”Anu‟s mother asks the shopkeeper.

“Yes, of course, “says the shopkeeper. “Here you are.”

He gives Anu six yellow bananas to put into her basket.

Anu says,”Please make a salad with these fruits, Mother .I love fruit salad. I will help
you and peel the fruits.”

“Thank you, dear,”says Mother. She gives the shopkeeper some money.

Anu and her mother walk back home.

Give the answer of this following:

1. What kind of morning it is?

 Summer
 Winter
 Spring

2. Who is shopping at the fruit market?

 Anu
 Anu and her mother
 Anu‟s mother

3. Which fruit Anu want to buy?

 Apple
 Grapes
 Oranges

4. Is Anu a helpful child?

 Yes
 No

5. Does Anu like fruits?

 Yes
 No

6. How many oranges Anu‟s mother buy?

 Six
 Eight
 Two

7. What are the color of grapes they buy?

 Dark purple
 Red

 Green

Lesson Plan - 7

Topic: Colors

Final Objective:

1.) Students should be able to say their colors (Speaking)

2.) Students should be able to hear each color as the teacher says the color and point
to the correct colors (listening)

3.) Students should be able to read each color word (red, blue, green) when
presented to them on a piece of paper (reading)

4.) Students should be able to write each color word (red, blue, green) (writing)

Qualifying Objectives: What will they be able to do during or at the end of each
stage of the lesson.
1.) Introduction: Greetings/Warm up

In this stage I will greet the students and then review some of the materials
from the last class period. For example, if we learned about farm animals in the
previous class period I could ask my students simple questions like “What kind of
animals live on a farm?” then my students can answer stating the animals learned in
the previous lesson. To make it more fun, the students can include the noise the
animal makes.

The purpose of this stage is to try and get the students thinking in English and
to review the previous lesson to try and retain their previously obtained knowledge in
a fun way with less pressure and stress.

2.) Context Setting:

During the context setting, I will show the students different colors and ask
them if anybody can name them before we go over the new vocabulary in the lesson

This will help the students determine what the new lesson will focus on.

3). Development/Structure Presentation:

This is the stage where students will be taught the new vocabulary on colors.
Each student will be given a worksheet that has ten smiley faces on it and some
crayons to color with. As I teach the students each new piece of vocabulary (in this
case colors) the students will color each smiley face a different color based on the
color written underneath each smiley. This will allow the students to have a guide of
reference to study from. When they finish coloring each smiley face I will ask them to
repeat after me and then point to each color on their piece of paper. For example,
one vocabulary word is green, so when I show my students the flashcard for green
they will color the smiley face that is labeled “green” with the green crayon. After
completing that task they will then listen to my pronunciation of the word “green”
and repeat the word while pointing to the green smiley on their worksheets. We will
go through this step until all ten of the color vocabulary words are taught.

By the end of this portion of the lesson, the students should be able to point to
and say each color they just finished learning.

4.) Activity:

The color chant is a video online that goes through the ten basic colors learned
earlier in the lesson. We will go through the chant once and then repeat it one more

By the end of this activity students should be able to list the basic colors by
their English names. This activity is a good way to get the kids out of their seats and
burn some energy in a fun way as they chant their new vocabulary words! This activity
helps the students practice their listening and speaking skills.

5.) Wrap up/review:

As a review for this lesson the students will then get another worksheet with
ten squares filled in with different colors. The names of each color will be listed on

the sheet for students to read and reference. The students will have to read each
color word and then write it on the line next to the color pictured. For example, next
to the green box the students should write the word “green” on the line given and
next to the blue box, the students should write the word “blue” on the line and so on
until all ten color words are written to show they understand the names of each
picture. They may use their smiley face worksheet as reference for help.

The students should be able to complete this wrap up review of the lesson. This
review of the lesson helps focus on reading the color words as well as writing them.

Aids or materials used:

1.) Flashcards

2.) Crayons

3.) Worksheets for students to color

4.) Worksheets for students to write color names

5.) The color chant online (computer for playing it)

Vocabulary taught:

1.) Red 6.) Orange

2.) White 7.) Green

3.) Blue 8.) Pink

4.) Purple 9.) Brown

5.) Black10.) Yellow

Time Taken Teachers’ Students’ Anticipated

Activity Activity Difficulties

Teach each color by They will say the 1.) I worry the
Warm Up: showing the students color chant while lesson plan
- 5 minutes pictures of colors. they dance to have will be too
Context Setting: The students will fun. We will repeat difficult for
- 5 minutes then color each the chant a few times my
Structure smiley face a specific until the children students.
Presentation: color based on which have an 2.) I worry that
- 20 minutes color the smiley face understanding of some
Activity: is labeled as. The some of the colors. students
- 10 minutes students will listen may be too
Wrap up activity: to my pronunciation The students will also shy to
- 10 minutes and we will say each have a wrap-up participate
word three times activity where they in the
each time repeated will be able to read activity.
after me and then the color words and
the students will then match those
point to that color on words up with the
their sheet of paper. pictures of each color
by practicing their
writing skills by
writing the color
words next to the
colors pictured.

Color the smiley face worksheet!

Blue Pink Orange

Green Black Red

Purple Yellow Brown

Word and color match!

Red Green Yellow Brown Purple Blue Pink Black Orange



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