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Choose the correct answer.

1. A group of different populations Living together in the same area or environment is called ....
A. Individual
B. Ecosystem
C. Population
D. Community

2. Ecosystem consists of biotic components and abiotic components. The examples of abiotic components
in an ecosystem are....
A. Bee, butterfly, bird
B. Air, sun, temperature
C. Lion, elephant, water
D. Elephant, sky, giraffe

3. Look at the picture below.

The secondary consumer in this food chain is ....

A. Fox
B. Bird
C. Tiger
D. Snail

4. Look at the diagram below.

Decayed plants -> worms -> birds -> eagles

The worm in the food chain is a ....
A. Producer
B. Primary consumer
C. Secondary consumer
D. Tertiary consumer

5. A symbiotic relationship where two different living organisms or species benefit each other from the
relationship is called .... symbiosis.
A. Mutualism
B. Parasitism
C. Amensalism
D. Commensalism

6. Read the following organism below.

1. Frog
2. Eagle
3. Plants
4. Grasshopper
5. Snake
6. Decomposer

The correct food chain is ....

A. 3-1-4-2-5-6
B. 3-1-4-5-2-6
C. 3-4-1-5-2-6
D. 3-4-5-1-2-6

7. Look at the picture below.

What happens to the ecosystem if the birds are continuously hunted by human?
A. The population of evt increases
B. The population of anake increases
C. The population of plants increase
D. The population of grasshopper increases

8. Look of the picture below.

The correct food chain from the food web is ....

A. Berries -> titmouse -> snake -> Frog -> mouse
B. Berries -> butterflly -> ladybird -> dragonfly -> frog
C. Plantain -> grasshopper -> frog -> snake -> buzzard
D. Plaintain -> grasshopper -> frog -> dragonfly -> ladybird

9. Look at the picture below.

Those animals can be found in....

A. Desert ecosystem
B. Tundra ecosystem
C. Marine ecosystem
D. Grassland ecosystem

10. Read the table below.

The correct matches between the symbiosis and the examples are shown in number....
A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

11. Look at the picture below.

The correct picture that shows the same type of symbiosis based on the picture above is....

12. The relationship between sharks and remora fish is an example of .... symbiotic.
A. Parasitism
B. Mutualism
C. Amensalism
D. Commensalism

13. Look at the picture below.

The suitable organism to complete the food chain is ....

A. Fox
B. Bird
C. Snall
D. Snake
14. Look at the picture below.

According to the picture, the living things that act as second consumers are...
A. Rrat, frog, and dragonfly
B. Dragonfly, fox, and snake
C. Grasshopper, dragonfly, and rat
D. Fruit fly, butterfly, and grasshopper

15. Read the table below.

The examples of parasitism symbiosis are shown in number ....
A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

16. Deforestation means removing trees from forests done by human. Wood is being cut and used to make
papers, build houses and furniture. The effect of human activities above to the balance of ecosystem is....
A. Loss of habitats for other living things
B. More oxygen is produced by the forest
C. Reduction of carbon dioxide in the air
D. Prevention the soil erosion

17. Read the table below.

The examples of natural ecosystem is shown in number ....

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
18. Look at the food pyramid below.

The examples of suntable organism on letter B are ....

A. tiga fox, and hawk
B. elephant, rabbit, and giraffe
C. seaweed, alg, and oak tree
D. fungi, mushroom, and seaweed

19. Read the statements below.

1. inforestation
2. illegal logging
3. water conservation
4. illegal hunting
5. planting trees after cutting down
6. using bomb to fish

Examples of human activity that give positive impact to the balance of ecosystem are shown in number
A. 1,2 and 4
B. 1,3 and 5
C. 2,4 and 6
D. 3,5 and 6

20. Look at the picture below.

The best way to prevent an unbalanced ecosystem related to the picture is by ....
A. using less pesticides
B. using too much plastic
C. throwing the trash on the trash bin
D. throwing the garbage on the ocea

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